
WoW Addons - 2020-05-06 - AutoVendor LUA Edit

Oct 4th, 2018
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  1. --[[
  3. Edit this file located below and paste the contents of this pastebin over it.
  4. (I suggest doing so with Notepad++ as its much better than the basic windows Notepad)
  5. C:\WoW\_retail_\Interface\Addons\AutoVendor\AutoVendor.lua
  7. or you can download my .lua file and put it in the folder above
  8. (synced to my Google Drive by using my WoW UI Update batch file after editing)
  11. See the rest of my edits and stuff at
  13. (these lines between and including the brackets can be kept or deleted, they shouldnt affect the file.)
  15. ]]
  17. AV = LibStub("AceAddon-3.0"):NewAddon("AutoVendor", "AceConsole-3.0", "AceEvent-3.0")
  18. local L = LibStub("AceLocale-3.0"):GetLocale("AutoVendor")
  20. local options = {
  21. name = "AutoVendor",
  22. handler = AV,
  23. type = 'group',
  24. args = {
  25. enable = {
  26. type = 'toggle',
  27. order = 1,
  28. name = L['Autovendor enabled'],
  29. desc = L['Autovendor enabled description'],
  30. set = function(info, val) if (val) then AV:Enable() else AV:Disable() end end,
  31. get = function(info) return AV.enabledState end,
  32. },
  33. empty = {
  34. type = 'header',
  35. order = 2,
  36. cmdHidden = true,
  37. dropdownHidden = true,
  38. name = L['Sales header'],
  39. },
  40. soulbound = {
  41. type = 'toggle',
  42. order = 3,
  43. name = L['Sell unusable'],
  44. desc = L['Sell unusable description'],
  45. disabled = function() return not AV.enabledState end,
  46. set = function(info, val) AV.db.profile.soulbound = val; AV:ResetJunkCache() end,
  47. get = function(info) return AV.db.profile.soulbound end,
  48. width = 'full',
  49. confirm = function(info, val) if val then return L['Sell unusable confirmation'] else return false end end,
  50. },
  51. nonoptimal = {
  52. type = 'toggle',
  53. order = 4,
  54. name = L['Sell non-optimal'],
  55. desc = L['Sell non-optimal description'],
  56. disabled = function() return not AV.enabledState end,
  57. set = function(info, val) AV.db.profile.nonoptimal = val; AV:ResetJunkCache() end,
  58. get = function(info) return AV.db.profile.nonoptimal end,
  59. width = 'full',
  60. confirm = function(info, val) if val then return L['Sell non-optimal confirmation'] else return false end end,
  61. },
  62. fortunecards = {
  63. type = 'toggle',
  64. order = 5,
  65. name = L['Sell cheap fortune cards'],
  66. desc = L['Sell cheap fortune cards description'],
  67. disabled = function() return not AV.enabledState end,
  68. set = function(info, val) AV.db.profile.sellfortunecards = val; AV:ResetJunkCache() end,
  69. get = function(info) return AV.db.profile.sellfortunecards end,
  70. width = 'full',
  71. },
  72. selllowlevelitems = {
  73. type = 'toggle',
  74. order = 6,
  75. name = L['Sell low level'],
  76. desc = L['Sell low level description'],
  77. set = function(info, val) AV.db.profile.selllowlevelitems = val; AV:ResetJunkCache() end,
  78. get = function(info) return AV.db.profile.selllowlevelitems end,
  79. disabled = function() return not AV.enabledState end,
  80. width = 'full',
  81. confirm = function(info, val) if val then return L['Sell low level confirmation'] else return false end end,
  82. },
  83. sellbelowitemlevel = {
  84. type = 'range',
  85. order = 7,
  86. name = L['Sell items below'],
  87. desc = L['Sell items below description'],
  88. set = function(info, val) AV.db.profile.sellbelowitemlevel = val; AV:ResetJunkCache() end,
  89. get = function(info) return AV.db.profile.sellbelowitemlevel end,
  90. disabled = function() return not AV.enabledState or not AV.db.profile.selllowlevelitems end,
  91. width = 'full',
  92. min = 2,
  93. max = 1000,
  94. step = 1,
  95. bigStep = 5,
  96. },
  97. verbosity = {
  98. type = 'select',
  99. order = 8,
  100. name = L['Verbosity'],
  101. desc = L['Verbosity description'],
  102. disabled = function() return not AV.enabledState end,
  103. values = {
  104. none = L['Verbosity none'],
  105. summary = L['Verbosity summary'],
  106. all = L['Verbosity all'],
  107. },
  108. set = 'SetVerbosity',
  109. get = 'GetVerbosity',
  110. },
  111. empty2 = {
  112. type = 'header',
  113. order = 9,
  114. cmdHidden = true,
  115. dropdownHidden = true,
  116. name = L['Auto repair'],
  117. },
  118. autorepair = {
  119. type = 'toggle',
  120. order = 10,
  121. name = L['Auto repair'],
  122. desc = L['Auto repair description'],
  123. disabled = function() return not AV.enabledState end,
  124. set = function(info, val) AV.db.profile.autorepair = val end,
  125. get = function(info) return AV.db.profile.autorepair end,
  126. width = 'full',
  127. },
  128. guildbankrepair = {
  129. type = 'toggle',
  130. order = 11,
  131. name = L['Auto repair guild bank'],
  132. desc = L['Auto repair guild bank description'],
  133. disabled = function() return not AV.enabledState or not AV.db.profile.autorepair end,
  134. set = function(info, val) AV.db.profile.guildbankrepair = val end,
  135. get = function(info) return AV.db.profile.guildbankrepair end,
  136. width = 'full',
  137. },
  138. junk = {
  139. type = 'input',
  140. name = L['Toggle junk'],
  141. desc = L['Toggle junk description'],
  142. guiHidden = true,
  143. dialogHidden = true,
  144. dropdownHidden = true,
  145. get = function() return listFormatWithoutPrint(AV.db.profile.junk) end,
  146. set = function(info, val) AV:ToggleJunk(val, editbox) end,
  147. },
  148. notjunk = {
  149. type = 'input',
  150. name = L['Toggle NotJunk'],
  151. desc = L['Toggle NotJunk description'],
  152. guiHidden = true,
  153. dialogHidden = true,
  154. dropdownHidden = true,
  155. get = function() return listFormatWithoutPrint(AV.db.profile.notjunk) end,
  156. set = function(info, val) AV:ToggleNotJunk(val, editbox) end,
  157. },
  158. debug = {
  159. type = 'input',
  160. name = L['Debug'],
  161. desc = L['Debug description'],
  162. guiHidden = true,
  163. dialogHidden = true,
  164. dropdownHidden = true,
  165. get = function() return -1 end,
  166. set = function(info, val) AV:Debug(val, editbox) end,
  167. }
  168. },
  169. }
  171. local defaults = {
  172. profile = {
  173. verbosity = 'all',
  174. autorepair = false,
  175. guildbankrepair = false,
  176. soulbound = false,
  177. sellnonoptimal = false,
  178. sellfortunecards = false,
  179. selllowlevelitems = true,
  180. sellbelowitemlevel = 400,
  181. not_junk = {
  183. -- Gear --
  184. -- Professions
  185. [ 19022] = "Nat Pagle's Extreme Angler FC-5000", [ 25978] = "Seth's Graphite Fishing Pole", [ 33820] = "Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat",
  186. [ 40772] = "Gnomish Army Knife", [ 44050] = "Mastercraft Kalu'ak Fishing Pole", [ 45858] = "Nat's Lucky Fishing Pole",
  187. [ 45991] = "Bone Fishing Pole", [ 45992] = "Jeweled Fishing Pole", [ 46337] = "Staats' Fishing Pole",
  188. [ 84661] = "Dragon Fishing Pole", [ 86566] = "Forager's Gloves", [ 88710] = "Nat's Hat",
  189. [109253] = "Ultimate Gnomish Army Knife", [116913] = "Peon's Mining Pick",
  190. -- White Gear
  191. [ 1485] = "Pitchfork",
  192. [ 3944] = "Twill Belt", [ 3945] = "Twill Boots", [ 3946] = "Twill Bracers",
  193. [ 3947] = "Twill Cloak", [ 3948] = "Twill Gloves", [ 3949] = "Twill Pants",
  194. [ 3950] = "Twill Shoulderpads", [ 3951] = "Twill Vest", [ 8754] = "Twill Cover",
  195. [ 18230] = "Broken I.W.I.N. Button", [ 38506] = "Don Carlos' Famous Hat", [ 39202] = "Rusted Pitchfork",
  196. [ 46725] = "Red Rider Air Rifle", [ 58255] = "Lord Walden's Top Hat",
  197. [103982] = "Burden of Eternity", [113547] = "Bouquet of Dried Flowers",
  198. [116916] = "Gorepetal's Gentle Grasp",
  199. -- Purple Gear
  200. [167555] = "Pocket-Sized Computation Device",
  201. -- Tabards
  202. [ 19031] = "Frostwolf Battle Tabard", [ 31777] = "Keepers of Time Tabard", [ 40643] = "Tabard of the Achiever",
  203. [ 43157] = "Tabard of the Kirin Tor", [ 43300] = "Loremaster's Colours", [ 43348] = "Tabard of the Explorer",
  204. [ 65904] = "Tabard of Ramkahen", [ 65906] = "Tabard of the Guardians of Hyjal", [ 65907] = "Tabard of Therazane",
  205. [ 89796] = "Order of the Cloud Serpent Tabard", [ 89797] = "Golden Lotus Tabard", [ 89798] = "Klaxxi Tabard",
  206. [119133] = "Frostwolf Tabard", [119136] = "Arakkoa Outcasts Tabard", [119138] = "Laughing Skull Orcs Tabard",
  207. [128449] = "Saberstalkers Tabard", [128450] = "Order of the Awakened Tabard", [160542] = "Storm's Wake Tabard",
  208. [160544] = "Champions of Azeroth Tabard", [161328] = "Tabard of the Mag'har Clans", [161329] = "Tabard of the Dark Iron",
  209. [165001] = "Tabard of the Zandalari", [165010] = "Tabard of Jul Tiras", [174069] = "Tabard of the Vulpera",
  210. -- Legendary
  211. -- Mists
  212. [102245] = "Qian-Le, Courage of Niuzao", [102246] = "Xing-Ho, Breath of Yu'lon", [102247] = "Jina-Kang, Kindness of Chi-Ji",
  213. [102248] = "Fen-Yu, Fury of Xuen",
  214. -- Legion
  215. [132444] = "Prydaz, Xavaric's Magnum Opus", [132452] = "Sephuz's Secret", [132455] = "Norgannon's Foresight",
  216. [132466] = "Roots of Shaladrassil", [133971] = "Zenk'aram, Iridi's Anadem", [137031] = "Thraxi;s Tricksy Treads",
  217. [137034] = "Nesingwary's Trapping Treads", [137050] = "Eye of the Twisting Nether", [137071] = "Runemaster's Pauldrons",
  218. [137080] = "Roar of the Seven Lions", [137099] = "Greenskin's Waterlogged Wristcuffs", [137101] = "Call of the Wild",
  219. [137616] = "Emalon's Charged Core", [138117] = "Spiritual Journey", [138949] = "Kirel Narak",
  220. [141321] = "Shivarran Symmetry", [144259] = "Kil'jaeden's Burning Wish", [144293] = "Consort's Cold Core",
  221. [144364] = "Reap and Sow", [150936] = "Soul of the Shadowblade", [151647] = "Soul of the Farseer",
  222. [151782] = "The Topless Tower", [151817] = "The Curse of Restlessness", [151821] = "The Master Harvester",
  223. -- Artifact
  224. -- Legion
  225. [127829] = "Twinblades of the Deceiver", [128476] = "Fangs of the Devourer", [128819] = "Doomhammer",
  226. [128827] = "Xal'atath, Blade of the Black Empire", [128858] = "Scythe of Elune", [128861] = "Titanstrike",
  227. [128870] = "The Kingslayers", [128872] = "The Dreadblades", [128911] = "Sharas'dal, Scepter of Tides",
  228. [128935] = "The Fist of Ra-den", [133755] = "Underlight Angler",
  229. -- Battle for Azeroth
  230. [158075] = "Heart of Azeroth",
  231. -- Hearthstones
  232. [ 52251] = "Jaina's Locket", [ 63206] = "Wrap of Unity", [ 63207] = "Wrap of Unity",
  233. [ 63353] = "Shroud of Cooperation", [ 65274] = "Cloak of Coordination", [128353] = "Admiral's Compass",
  234. [104299] = "Falling Flame",
  236. },
  238. junk = {
  240. -- << add before the item if you dont want it auto vendoring.
  241. -- /junk [shift click item] Only adds it to trash for a single character.
  242. -- The list below works for all characters.
  244. -- Collections Use Addon 'New Openables'.
  245. -- Cosmetic
  246. [113547] = "Bouquet of Dried Flowers", [116448] = "Warm Red Woolen Socks", [138801] = "Illusion: Blood Draining",
  247. [138804] = "Illusion: Colossus", [138805] = "Illusion: Jade Spirit", [138806] = "Illusion: Mark of Shadowmoon",
  248. [138809] = "Illusion: Mark of Blackrock",
  249. -- Mounts
  250. [ 94291] = "Reins of the Red Primal Raptor", [ 94293] = "Reins of the Green Primal Raptor", [131900] = "Majestic Elderhorn Hoof",
  251. [152814] = "Maddened Chaosrunner", [152905] = "Crimson Slavermaw", [163127] = "Smoldering Reins of the Teldrassil Hippogryph",
  252. [163128] = "War-Torn Reins of the Undercity Plaguebat",
  253. -- Pets Non-Cageable
  254. [ 65661] = "Blue Mini Jouster", [ 65662] = "Gold Mini Jouster",
  255. -- Toys
  256. [ 13379] = "Piccolo of the Flaming Fire", [ 54437] = "Tiny Green Ragdoll",
  257. [ 85973] = "Ancient Pandaren Fishing Charm", [ 88584] = "Totem of Harmony",
  258. [ 88589] = "Cremating Torch", [ 90067] = "B. F. F. Necklace", [ 95567] = "Kirin Tor Beacon",
  259. [ 95568] = "Sunreaver Beacon", [104309] = "Eternal Kiln", [104329] = "Ash-Covered Horn",
  260. [108735] = "Arena Master's War Horn", [108743] = "Deceptia's Smoldering Boots", [109739] = "Star Chart",
  261. [113540] = "Ba'ruun's Bountiful Bloom", [113542] = "Whispers of Rai'Vosh", [113543] = "Spirit of Shinri",
  262. [113570] = "Ancient's Bloom", [116120] = "Tasty Talador Lunch", [116125] = "Klikixx's Webspinner",
  263. [116674] = "Great Greytusk", [117569] = "Giant Deathweb Egg", [129113] = "Faintly Glowing Flagon of Mead",
  264. [130171] = "Cursed Orb", [138876] = "Runas' Crystal Grinder", [151344] = "Hearthstation",
  265. [151348] = "Toy Weapon Set", [153193] = "Baarot the Brisk", [162642] = "Toy Armor Set",
  266. [162973] = "Greatfather Winter's Hearthstone", [163750] = "Kovork Costume", [165791] = "Worn Cloak",
  267. [166544] = "Dark Ranger's Spare Cowl", [166678] = "Brynja's Beacon", [163744] = "Coldrage's Cooler",
  268. [166808] = "Bewitching Tea Set", [166877] = "Azerite Firework Launcher", [166880] = "Meerah's Jukebox",
  269. [169794] = "Azeroth Mini: Izira Gearsworn", [169840] = "Azeroth Mini: Gazlowe", [169842] = "Azeroth Mini: Roadtrogg",
  270. [169843] = "Azeroth Mini: Cork Stuttguard", [169844] = "Azeroth Mini: Overspark", [169845] = "Azeroth Mini: HK-8",
  271. [169849] = "Azeroth Mini: Naeno Megacrash", [169851] = "Azeroth Mini: Cogstar", [169852] = "Azeroth Mini: Blastatron",
  272. [172222] = "Crashin' Thrashin' Juggernaught", [172223] = "Crashin' Thrashin' Battleship", [169852] = "Azeroth Mini: Blastatron",
  274. -- Crafting Reagent
  275. -- Cooking
  276. -- [ 27678] = "Clefthoof Meat", [ 27682] = "Talbuk Venison",
  278. -- Events
  279. -- Anniversary
  280. [171177] = "Invitation from the Timewalkers", [172013] = "Celebration Firework", [172015] = "Celebration Package",
  281. [172017] = "Sharpened Pin",
  282. -- Brewfest
  283. [ 37909] = "Lord of Frost's Private Label", [ 56836] = "Overflowing Purple Brewfest Stein", [117361] = "Bitterest Balebrew Charm",
  284. -- Darkmoon Faire
  285. [ 81055] = "Darkmoon Ride Ticket",
  286. -- Hallows End
  287. [ 20391] = "Gnome Male Mask", [ 20392] = "Gnome Female Mask",
  288. [ 20397] = "Hallowed Wand - Pirate", [ 20399] = "Hallowed Wand - Leper Gnome", [ 20409] = "Hallowed Wand - Ghost",
  289. [ 20410] = "Hallowed Wand - Bat", [ 20411] = "Hallowed Wand - Skeleton", [ 20414] = "Hallowed Wand - Wisp",
  290. [ 20561] = "Dwarf Male Mask", [ 20562] = "Dwarf Female Mask", [ 20563] = "Night Elf Female Mask",
  291. [ 20564] = "Night Elf Male Mask", [ 20565] = "Human Female Mask", [ 20566] = "Human Male Mask",
  292. [ 20567] = "Troll Female Mask", [ 20568] = "Troll Male Mask", [ 20569] = "Orc Female Mask",
  293. [ 20570] = "Orc Male Mask", [ 20571] = "Tauren Female Mask", [ 20572] = "Tauren Male Mask",
  294. [ 20573] = "Undead Male Mask", [ 20574] = "Undead Female Mask", [ 33292] = "Hallowed Helm",
  295. [ 34000] = "Blood Elf Female Mask",
  296. [ 34001] = "Draenei Female Mask", [ 34002] = "Blood Elf Male Mask", [ 34003] = "Draenei Male Mask",
  297. [ 37582] = "Pyroblast Cinnamon Ball", [ 37583] = "G.N.E.R.D.S.", [ 37584] = "Soothing Spearmint Candy",
  298. [ 37585] = "Chewy Fel Taffy", [ 37604] = "Tooth Pick", [ 37606] = "Penny Pouch",
  299. [ 49210] = "Goblin Male Mask", [ 49212] = "Goblin Female Mask", [ 49215] = "Worgen Female Mask",
  300. [ 49216] = "Worgen Male Mask",
  301. [116848] = "Hallowed Wand - Slime", [116850] = "Hallowed Wand - Ghoul", [116851] = "Hallowed Wand - Abomination",
  302. [116853] = "Hallowed Wand - Geist", [116854] = "Hallowed Wand - Spider", [128644] = "Hallowed Wand - Wight",
  303. [128645] = "Hallowed Wand - Gargoyle", [128646] = "Hallowed Wand - Nerubian", [139004] = "Hallowed Wand - Banshee",
  304. -- Love Is In The Air
  305. [ 22206] = "Bouquet of Red Roses", [ 49641] = "Faded Lovely Greeting Card", [ 49715] = "Forever-Lovely Rose",
  306. [ 50320] = "Faded Lovely Greeting Card", [143905] = "Winking Eye of Love", [143907] = "Shard of Pirouetting Happiness",
  307. [143908] = "Choker of the Pure Heart", [143909] = "Sweet Perfume Brooch",
  308. -- Lunar Festival
  309. [ 21744] = "Lucky Rocket Cluster", [ 21745] = "Elder's Moonstone",
  310. -- Pilgrims Bounty
  311. [ 44812] = "Turkey Shooter",
  312. [116405] = "Congealed Cranberry Chutney", [116406] = "Twice-Baked Sweet Potato", [116407] = "Slow-Smoked Turkey",
  313. [116408] = "Herb-Infused Stuffing", [116409] = "Gourmet Pumpkin Pie",
  314. -- Winter Veil
  315. [ 1179] = "Ice Cold Milk",
  316. [ 21254] = "Winter Veil Cookie", [ 21325] = "Mechanical Greench", [ 21328] = "Wand of Holiday Cheer",
  317. [116450] = "Warm Green Woolen Socks", [172219] = "Wild Holly",
  319. -- Food/Drink
  320. [ 117] = "Tough Jerky", [ 159] = "Refreshing Spring Water", [ 414] = "Dalaran Sharp",
  321. [ 422] = "Dwarven Mild", [ 961] = "Healing Herb", [ 1017] = "Seasoned Wolf Kabob",
  322. [ 1205] = "Melon Juice", [ 1645] = "Moonberry Juice", [ 1707] = "Stormwind Brie",
  323. [ 1708] = "Sweet Nectar", [ 2070] = "Darnassian Bleu", [ 2287] = "Haunch of Meat",
  324. [ 2888] = "Beer Basted Boar Ribs", [ 3220] = "Blood Sausage", [ 3666] = "Gooey Spider Cake",
  325. [ 3770] = "Mutton Chop", [ 3771] = "Wild Hog Shank", [ 3927] = "Fine Aged Cheddar",
  326. [ 4536] = "Shiny Red Apple", [ 4537] = "Tel'Abim Banana", [ 4538] = "Snapvine Watermelon",
  327. [ 4539] = "Goldenbark Apple", [ 4540] = "Tough Hunk of Bread", [ 4541] = "Freshly Baked Bread",
  328. [ 4542] = "Moist Cornbread", [ 4592] = "Longjaw Mud Snapper", [ 4599] = "Cured Ham Steak",
  329. [ 4601] = "Soft Banana Bread", [ 4602] = "Moon Harvest Pumpkin", [ 4604] = "Forest Mushroom Cap",
  330. [ 4605] = "Red-Speckled Mushroom", [ 4606] = "Spongy Morel", [ 4607] = "Delicious Cave Mold",
  331. [ 4608] = "Raw Black Truffle", [ 4656] = "Small Pumpkin", [ 5066] = "Fissure Plant",
  332. [ 5342] = "Raptor Punch", [ 6289] = "Raw Longjaw Mud Snapper", [ 6290] = "Brilliant Smallfish",
  333. [ 6361] = "Raw Rainbow Fin Albacore", [ 7097] = "Leg Meat", [ 8766] = "Morning Glory Dew",
  334. [ 8932] = "Alterac Swiss", [ 8948] = "Dried King Bolete", [ 8950] = "Homemade Cherry Pie",
  335. [ 8952] = "Roasted Quail", [ 8953] = "Deep Fried Plantains", [ 8959] = "Raw Spinefin Halibut",
  336. [ 9451] = "Bubbling Water", [ 9539] = "Goldenbark Apple", [ 11415] = "Mixed Berries",
  337. [ 11584] = "Cactus Red Apple", [ 18300] = "Hyjal Nectar", [ 22645] = "Crunchy Spider Surprise",
  338. --[[[ 22795] = "Fel Blossom",]] [ 23329] = "Enriched Lasher Root", [ 23354] = "SELL#$ell F&D",
  339. [ 23756] = "Cookie's Jumbo Gumbo", --[[[ 23848] = "Nethergarde Bitter",]] [ 23585] = "Stouthammer Lite",
  340. [ 24105] = "Roasted Moongraze Tenderloin", [ 24338] = "Hellfire Spineleaf", [ 24408] = "Edible Stalks",
  341. [ 24540] = "Edible Fern", [ 25063] = "Multi-Colored Beads", [ 25066] = "Pink Sapphire Necklace",
  342. [ 27553] = "Crimson Steer Energy Drink", [ 27651] = "Buzzard Bites", [ 27854] = "Smoked Talbuk Venison",
  343. [ 27855] = "Mag'har Grainbread", [ 27857] = "Garadar Sharp", [ 27858] = "Sunspring Carp",
  344. [ 27859] = "Zangar Caps", [ 27860] = "Purified Draenic Water", [ 28399] = "Filtered Draenic Water",
  345. [ 28501] = "Ravager Egg Omelet", [ 29112] = "Cenarion Spirits", [ 29292] = "Hellboar Bacon",
  346. [ 29448] = "Mag'har Mild Cheese", [ 29449] = "Bladespire Bagel", [ 29451] = "Clefthoof Ribs",
  347. [ 29452] = "Zangar Trout", [ 29453] = "Sporeggar Mushroom", [ 30816] = "Spice Bread",
  348. [ 33444] = "Pungent Seal Whey", [ 33445] = "Honeymint Tea", [ 33452] = "Honey-Spiced Lichen",
  349. [ 33454] = "Salted Venison", [ 35947] = "Sparkling Frostcap", [ 35952] = "Briny Hardcheese",
  350. [ 35953] = "Mead Basted Caribou", [ 41751] = "Black Mushroom", [ 44622] = "Cask of Dalaran White",
  351. [ 44626] = "Cask of Aged Dalaran Red", [ 49397] = "Half-Eaten Rat", [ 52974] = "Mack's Deep Sea Grog",
  352. [ 55526] = "Jasperlode Helm", [ 58256] = "Sparkling Oasis Water", [ 58257] = "Highland Spring Water",
  353. [ 58258] = "Smoked String Cheese", [ 58259] = "Highland Sheep Cheese", [ 58260] = "Pine Nut Bread",
  354. [ 58262] = "Sliced Raw Billifish",
  355. [ 58263] = "Grilled Shark", [ 58264] = "Sour Green Apple", [ 58265] = "Highland Pomegranate",
  356. [ 58268] = "Roasted Beef", [ 58269] = "Massive Turkey Leg", [ 58274] = "Fresh Water",
  357. [ 58275] = "Hardtack", [ 58276] = "Gilnean White", [ 58277] = "Simmered Squid",
  358. [ 58278] = "Tropical Sunfruit", [ 58279] = "Tasty Puffball", [ 58280] = "Stewed Rabbit",
  359. [ 58933] = "Westfall Mud Pie", [ 59227] = "Rock-Hard Biscuit",
  360. [ 59228] = "Vile Purple Fungus", [ 59231] = "Oily Giblets",
  361. [ 59232] = "Unidentifiable Meat Dish",
  362. [ 61381] = "Yance's Special Burger Patty", [ 61382] = "Garr's Limeade",
  363. [ 61383] = "Garr's Key Lime Pie", [ 61384] = "Doublerum", [ 62672] = "Doublerum",
  364. [ 63023] = "Sweet Tea",
  365. [ 64641] = "'Delicious' Worm Steak", [ 77264] = "Small Bamboo Shoot", [ 77272] = "Small Sugarcane Stalk",
  366. [ 81401] = "Yak Cheese Curds", [ 81402] = "Toasted Fish Jerky", [ 81403] = "Dried Peaches",
  367. [ 81405] = "Boiled Silkworm Pupa", [ 81406] = "Roasted Barley Tea", [ 81407] = "Four Wind Soju",
  368. [ 81408] = "Red Bean Bun", [ 81409] = "Tangy Yoghurt", [ 81410] = "Green Curry Fish",
  369. [ 81411] = "Peach Pie", [ 81412] = "Blanched Needle Mushrooms", [ 81413] = "Skewered Peanut Chicken",
  370. [ 81414] = "Pearl Milk Tea", [ 83097] = "Tortoise Jerky", [ 89683] = "Hozen Cuervo",
  371. [ 98111] = "K.R.E.", [ 98116] = "Freeze-Dried Hyena Jerky", [116917] = "Sailor Zazzuk's 180-Proof Rum",
  372. [117439] = "'Da Bruisery' Hot & Wroth",
  373. [117442] = "Thunderbelly Brew", [117568] = "Jug of Ironwine", [128837] = "Dried Bilberries",
  374. [128839] = "Smoked Elderhorn", [128843] = "Azsunian Grapes", [132752] = "Illidari Rations",
  375. [140276] = "Dalaran Rice Pudding", [152718] = "Thrice-Baked Ammen Loaf", [153490] = "F.R.I.E.D.",
  376. [154888] = "Sailor's Pie", [154891] = "Seasoned Loins", [159867] = "Rockskip Mineral Water",
  377. [159868] = "Free Range Goat's Milk", [160483] = "Steamed Clams", [161053] = "Salty Dog Crackers",
  378. [162566] = "Sun-Turned Curds", [162569] = "Sun-Parched Waterskin", [162570] = "Pricklevine Juice",
  379. [163208] = "Uncle Sezahjin's Fried Chicken", [163784] = "Seafoam Coconut Water", [163841] = "Dung Beetel Surprise",
  380. [173937] = "Severed Oculus", [174041] = "Eyeball Jelly",
  382. -- Gear
  384. -- Gear Bind-On-Account -- Gear Bind-On-Account -- Gear Bind-On-Account
  385. [ 85776] = "Wodin's Mantid Shanker", [ 86124] = "Pandaren Fishing Spear", [ 86218] = "Staff of the Hidden Master",
  386. [ 86519] = "Wind-Reaver's Dagger of Quick Strikes", [ 86522] = "Blade of the Prime",
  388. -- Gear Bind on Equip -- Gear Bind on Equip -- Gear Bind on Equip
  389. [ 727] = "Notched Shortsword", --[[[ 890] = "Twisted Chanter's Staff",]]
  390. [ 1639] = "Grinning Axe", [ 2140] = "Carving Knife", --[[[ 2955] = "First Mate Hat",]]
  391. --[[[ 2961] = "Burnt Leather Vest",]]
  392. [ 2970] = "Spellbinder Pants", [ 2973] = "Hunting Tunic", [ 2981] = "Seer's Robe",
  393. [ 2988] = "Inscribed Leather Gloves", [ 2989] = "Burnished Tunic", [ 2990] = "Burnished Leggings",
  394. [ 2991] = "Burnished Boots", [ 2992] = "Burnished Gloves", [ 3047] = "Lambent Scale Gloves",
  395. --[[BoE]] [ 3056] = "Forest Leather Pants", [ 3058] = "Forest Leather Gloves",
  396. [ 3192] = "Short Bastard Sword", [ 3193] = "Oak Mallet",
  397. [ 3198] = "Battering Hammer", [ 3288] = "Tribal Vest", [ 3292] = "Ancestral Tunic",
  398. [ 3306] = "Brackwater Vest", [ 3313] = "Ceremonial Leather Harness", [ 4045] = "Mistscape Bracers",
  399. [ 4062] = "Imperial Leather", [ 4561] = "Scalping Tomahawk", [ 4562] = "Severing Axe",
  400. [ 4569] = "Staunch Hammer", [ 4571] = "War Knife", [ 4571] = "Compact Shotgun",
  401. [ 4695] = "Burnished Cloak",
  402. [ 4697] = "Burnished Girdle", [ 4701] = "Inscribed Cloak", [ 4706] = "Lambent Scale Cloak",
  403. [ 4765] = "Enamelled Broadsword", --[[[ 4766] = "Feral Blade",]] [ 4777] = "Ironwood Maul",
  404. [ 4794] = "Wolf Bracers", [ 4797] = "Fiery Cloak", [ 4798] = "Heavy Runed Cloak",
  405. [ 4827] = "Wizard's Belt", [ 4829] = "Dreamer's Belt", [ 4836] = "Fireproof Orb",
  406. [ 4999] = "Azura's Will", [ 5212] = "Blazing Wand", [ 6266] = "Disciple's Vest",
  407. [ 6267] = "Disciple's Pants", [ 6268] = "Pioneer Tunic", [ 6269] = "Pioneer Trousers",
  408. [ 6336] = "Infantry Tunic", [ 6337] = "Infantry Leggings", [ 6381] = "Bright Cloak",
  409. [ 6387] = "Glimmering Mail Bracers", [ 6512] = "Disciple's Robe", [ 6538] = "Willow Robe",
  410. [ 6539] = "Willow Belt", [ 6540] = "Willow Pants", [ 6540] = "Willow Gloves",
  411. [ 6542] = "Willow Cape", [ 6543] = "Willow Bracers", [ 6546] = "Soldier's Leggings",
  412. [ 6547] = "Soldier's Gauntlets", [ 6548] = "Soldier's Girdle", [ 6550] = "Soldier's Wristguards",
  413. [ 6551] = "Soldier's Boots", [ 6553] = "Bard's Trousers", [ 6554] = "Bard's Gloves",
  414. [ 6557] = "Bard's Boots", [ 6567] = "Shimmering Armor", [ 6568] = "Shimmering Trousers",
  415. [ 6569] = "Shimmering Robe", [ 6570] = "Shimmering Sash", [ 6573] = "Defender Boots",
  416. [ 6575] = "Defender Cloak", [ 6578] = "Defender Leggings", [ 6580] = "Defender Tunic",
  417. [ 6581] = "Scouting Belt", [ 6583] = "Scouting Bracers", [ 6585] = "Scouting Cloak",
  418. [ 6586] = "Scouting Gloves", [ 6587] = "Scouting Trousers", [ 6591] = "Battleforge Wristguards",
  419. [ 6592] = "Battleforge Armor", [ 6614] = "Sage's Cloak",
  420. [ 7356] = "Elder's Cloak", [ 7367] = "Elder's Mantle", [ 7422] = "Phalanx Girdle",
  421. [ 7430] = "Twilight Robe", [ 7471] = "Regal Gloves", [ 7477] = "Ranger Tunic",
  422. [ 7483] = "Ranger cloak", [ 7529] = "Cabalist Helm", [ 7517] = "Gossamer Tunic",
  423. --[[BoE]] [ 7533] = "Cabalist Cloak", [ 7558] = "Shimmering Stave", --[[[ 7608] = "Seer's Fine Stein",]]
  424. [ 8107] = "Hibernal Boots", [ 8115] = "Hibernal Cowl", [ 8135] = "Chromite Shield",
  425. [ 8178] = "Training Sword", [ 8180] = "Hunting Bow", [ 8253] = "Imperial Red Sash",
  426. [ 8283] = "Arcane Armor", [ 8298] = "Traveler's Gloves",
  427. [ 9747] = "Simple Britches", [ 9749] = "Simple Blouse",
  428. [ 9756] = "Gypsy Trousers", [ 9763] = "Cadet Leggings", [ 9766] = "Greenweave Sash",
  429. [ 9771] = "Greenweave Gloves", [ 9772] = "Greenweave Leggings", [ 9774] = "Greenweave Vest",
  430. [ 9779] = "Bandit Cloak", [ 9780] = "Bandit Gloves", [ 9781] = "Bandit Pants",
  431. [ 9782] = "Bandit Jerkin", [ 9783] = "Raider's Chestpiece", [ 9784] = "Raider's Boots",
  432. [ 9785] = "Raider's Bracers", [ 9786] = "Raider's Cloak", [ 9787] = "Raider's Gauntlets",
  433. [ 9792] = "Ivycloth Boots", [ 9796] = "Ivycloth Mantle", [ 9797] = "Ivycloth Pants",
  434. [ 9799] = "Ivycloth Sash", [ 9801] = "Superior Belt", [ 9802] = "Superior Boots",
  435. [ 9803] = "Superior Bracers", [ 9811] = "Fortified Bracers", [ 9812] = "Fortified Cloak",
  436. [ 9813] = "Fortified Gauntlets", [ 9814] = "Fortified Belt", [ 9819] = "Durable Tunic",
  437. [ 9829] = "Scaled Leather Bracers",
  438. [ 9833] = "Scaled Leather Leggings", [ 9838] = "Banded Cloak", [ 9895] = "Jazeraint Boots",
  439. [ 9897] = "Jazeraint Chestguard",
  440. [ 9901] = "Jazeraint Belt", [ 9902] = "Jazeraint Helm", [ 9913] = "Royal Gown",
  441. [ 9915] = "Royal Headband", [ 9920] = "Tracker's Gloves", [ 9921] = "Tracker's Headband",
  442. [ 9923] = "Tracker's Shoulderpads", [ 9924] = "Tracker's Tunic", [ 9927] = "Brigade Bracers",
  443. [ 9934] = "Brigade Pauldrons", [ 9944] = "Abjurer's Crystal",
  444. [ 9961] = "Warmonger's Belt", [ 9965] = "Warmonger's Pauldrons",
  445. [ 10060] = "Duskwoven Cape", [ 10091] = "Gothic Plate Leggings", [ 10101] = "Councillor's Pants",
  446. [ 10111] = "Wanderer's Hat", [ 10127] = "Revenant Bracers", [ 10134] = "Revenant Shoulders",
  447. [ 10138] = "High Councillor's Cloak", [ 10148] = "Mighty Cloak", [ 10159] = "Mercurial Cloak",
  448. [ 10376] = "Commander's Boots",
  449. [ 11288] = "Greater Magic Wand", [ 12042] = "Marsh Chain", [ 12046] = "Jungle Necklace",
  450. [ 12247] = "Broad Bladed Knife", [ 14091] = "Beaded Robe", [ 14094] = "Beaded Wraps",
  451. [ 14097] = "Native Pants",
  452. [ 14121] = "Aboriginal Vest", [ 14122] = "Ritual Bands", [ 14402] = "Resilient Bands",
  453. [ 14724] = "War Paint Cloak",
  454. [ 14725] = "War Paint Waistband", --[[[ 14727] = "War Paint Legguards",]]
  455. [ 14729] = "War Paint Shield", [ 14746] = "Hulking Belt", [ 15018] = "Lupine Vest",
  456. --[[BoE]] [ 15110] = "Rigid Belt", [ 15222] = "Barbed Club", [ 15230] = "Ridge Cleaver",
  457. [ 15244] = "Razor Blade", --[[[ 15255] = "Gallant Flamberge",]] [ 15265] = "Painbringer",
  458. [ 15268] = "Twin-Bladed Axe", [ 15303] = "Grizzly Pants", [ 15304] = "Grizzly Jerkin",
  459. [ 15333] = "Wrangler's Cloak", [ 15340] = "Pathfinder Cloak",
  460. [ 15477] = "Charger's Pants", [ 15479] = "Charger's Armor",
  461. [ 15487] = "War Torn Tunic", [ 15490] = "Elegant Scepter", [ 15502] = "Outrunner's Gloves",
  462. [ 15503] = "Outrunner's Legguards",
  463. [ 15513] = "Grunt's Pauldrons", [ 15931] = "Arcane Star", [ 24582] = "Outlander's Boots",
  464. [ 24583] = "Outlander's Tunic", [ 24584] = "Outlander's Gloves", [ 24585] = "Outlander's Facewrap",
  465. [ 24586] = "Outlander's Leggings", [ 24587] = "Outlander's Pauldrons", [ 24588] = "Outlander's Bracers",
  466. [ 24589] = "Fireheart Girdle", [ 24590] = "Fireheart Boots", [ 24591] = "Fireheart Chestpiece",
  467. [ 24592] = "Fireheart Gloves", [ 24593] = "Fireheart Skullcap", [ 24594] = "Fireheart Leggings",
  468. [ 24595] = "Fireheart Shoulderpads", [ 24596] = "Fireheart Bracers", [ 24600] = "Starfire Gloves",
  469. [ 24601] = "Starfire Circlet", [ 24602] = "Starfire Trousers", [ 24603] = "Starfire Mantle",
  470. [ 24604] = "Starfire Wristwraps", [ 24605] = "Laughing Skull Waistguard", [ 24606] = "Laughing Skull Boots",
  471. [ 24607] = "Laughing Skull Tunic",
  472. [ 24608] = "Laughing Skull Gloves", [ 24609] = "Laughing Skull Cap", [ 24611] = "Laughing Skull Shoulderpads",
  473. [ 24612] = "Laughing Skull Bracelets", [ 24614] = "Vindicator Boots", [ 24620] = "Vindicator Bracers",
  474. [ 24621] = "Slavehandler Belt", [ 24623] = "Slavehandler Jerkin", [ 24628] = "Slavehandler Wristguards",
  475. [ 24629] = "Feralfen Sash", [ 24630] = "Feralfen Sandals", [ 24631] = "Feralfen Jerkin",
  476. [ 24635] = "Feralfen Amice", [ 24637] = "Mistyreed Belt", [ 24639] = "Mistyreed Tunic",
  477. [ 24641] = "Mistyreed Hood", [ 24642] = "Mistyreed Pants", [ 24644] = "Mistyreed Bracers",
  478. [ 24645] = "Astralaan Belt", [ 24651] = "Astralaan Shoulderpads", [ 24652] = "Astralaan Bracer",
  479. [ 24655] = "Consortium Robe", [ 24665] = "Shadow Council Cowl", [ 24666] = "Shadow Council Pants",
  480. [ 24693] = "Bonechewer Pelt-Girdle", [ 24696] = "Bonechewer Spikegloves", [ 24697] = "Bonechewer Skincloak",
  481. [ 24700] = "Bonechewer Bands", [ 24701] = "Haal'eshi Cord", [ 24702] = "Haal'eshi Boots",
  482. [ 24703] = "Haal'eshi Jerkin", [ 24704] = "Haal'eshi Gloves", [ 24708] = "Haal'eshi Bindings",
  483. [ 24709] = "Vengeance Belt", [ 24710] = "Vengeance Boots", [ 24711] = "Vengeance Chestpiece",
  484. --[[BoE]] [ 24714] = "Vengeance Legguards", [ 24717] = "Dreghood Belt", [ 24718] = "Dreghood Boots",
  485. [ 24719] = "Dreghood Chestpiece", [ 24722] = "Dreghood Trousers", [ 24724] = "Dreghood Bands",
  486. [ 24726] = "Dementia Boots", [ 24727] = "Dementia Vest", [ 24728] = "Dementia Gloves",
  487. [ 24729] = "Dementia Hood", [ 24730] = "Dementia Trousers", [ 24736] = "Sunroc Gloves",
  488. [ 24741] = "Ranger Belt", [ 24742] = "Ranger Boots", [ 24749] = "Daggerfen Belt",
  489. [ 24751] = "Daggerfen Battlevest", [ 24752] = "Daggerfen Gloves", [ 24753] = "Daggerfen Cowl",
  490. [ 24754] = "Daggerfen Stitchpants", [ 24755] = "Daggerfen Pauldrons", [ 24756] = "Daggerfen Bindings",
  491. [ 24760] = "Umbrafen Gloves", [ 24770] = "Clefthoof Britches", [ 24808] = "Unyielding Chain Vest",
  492. [ 24809] = "Unyielding Fists", [ 24810] = "Unyielding Helm", [ 24812] = "Unyielding Spaulders",
  493. [ 24814] = "Felstone Waistband", [ 24815] = "Felstone Greaves", [ 24816] = "Felstone Chain Vest",
  494. [ 24817] = "Felstone Gauntlets", [ 24818] = "Felstone Helm", [ 24819] = "Felstone Leggings",
  495. [ 24820] = "Felstone Spaulders", [ 24821] = "Felstone Bindings", [ 24822] = "Netherstalker Belt",
  496. [ 24823] = "Netherstalker Greaves", [ 24825] = "Netherstalker Gloves", [ 24826] = "Netherstalker Helmet",
  497. [ 24827] = "Netherstalker Legguards",
  498. [ 24828] = "Netherstalker Mantle", [ 24830] = "Nexus-Strider Belt", [ 24831] = "Nexus-Strider Greaves",
  499. [ 24832] = "Nexus-Strider Breastplate", [ 24836] = "Nexus-Strider Mantle", [ 24837] = "Nexus-Strider Bracer",
  500. [ 24838] = "Wrathfin Waistband", [ 24840] = "Wrathfin Armor", [ 24843] = "Wrathfin Legguards",
  501. [ 24844] = "Wrathfin Mantle", [ 24846] = "Fenclaw Waistband", [ 24847] = "Fenclaw Footwraps",
  502. [ 24852] = "Fenclaw Mantle", [ 24854] = "Marshcreeper Belt", [ 24856] = "Marshcreeper Gloves",
  503. [ 24858] = "Marshcreeper Helm", [ 24863] = "Blood Knight Boots", [ 24865] = "Blood Knight Gauntlets",
  504. [ 24867] = "Blood Knight Greaves", [ 24869] = "Blood Knight Bracers", [ 24870] = "Ironspine Belt",
  505. [ 24872] = "Ironspine Chain Vest", [ 24874] = "Ironspine Helm", [ 24875] = "Ironspine Legguards",
  506. [ 24876] = "Ironspine Shoulderguards", [ 24877] = "Ironspine Bracelets", [ 24878] = "Der'izu Belt",
  507. [ 24881] = "Der'izu Fists", [ 24882] = "Der'izu Helm", [ 24883] = "Der'izu Legguards",
  508. [ 24924] = "Grimscale Pauldrons", [ 24927] = "Ango'rosh Sabatons", [ 24928] = "Ango'rosh Breastplate",
  509. [ 24929] = "Ango'rosh Gauntlets", [ 24930] = "Ango'rosh Helm", [ 24931] = "Ango'rosh Legguards",
  510. --[[BoE]] [ 24933] = "Ango'rosh Vambraces", [ 24934] = "Darkcrest Belt", [ 24935] = "Darkcrest Sabatons",
  511. [ 24936] = "Darkcrest Breastplate", [ 24939] = "Darkcrest Legguards", [ 24940] = "Darkcrest Pauldrons",
  512. [ 24944] = "Bloodscale Breastplate", [ 24948] = "Bloodscale Pauldrons", [ 24949] = "Bloodscale Bracers",
  513. [ 24950] = "Bogslayer Belt", [ 24951] = "Bogslayer Sabatons", [ 24957] = "Bogslayer Bracers",
  514. [ 24958] = "Khan'aish Girdle", [ 24960] = "Khan'aish Breastplate", [ 24964] = "Khan'aish Legplates",
  515. [ 24964] = "Khan'aish Epaulets", [ 24967] = "Talonguard Greaves", [ 24968] = "Talonguard Armor",
  516. [ 24973] = "Talonguard Bracers", [ 24974] = "Reaver Girdle", [ 24975] = "Reaver Greaves",
  517. [ 24975] = "Reaver Armor", [ 25005] = "Bloodfist Vambraces", [ 25032] = "Hellfire Cloak",
  518. [ 25035] = "Silver-Lined Cloak", [ 25036] = "Boulderfist Cloak", [ 25044] = "Rubellite Ring",
  519. [ 25046] = "Spined Ring", [ 25047] = "Tourmaline Loop", [ 25048] = "Smoky Quartz Ring",
  520. [ 25049] = "Scheelite Ring", [ 25052] = "Hauyne Ring", [ 25050] = "Moldavite Ring",
  521. [ 25051] = "Blue Topaz Band", [ 25054] = "Sodalite Band", [ 25056] = "Almandine Ring",
  522. [ 25058] = "Anglesite Choker",
  523. [ 25059] = "Fire Opal Collar", [ 25060] = "Sunstone Necklace", [ 25061] = "Hiddenite Necklace",
  524. [ 25062] = "Zircon Amulet", [ 25064] = "Amethyst Pendant", [ 25065] = "Turquoise Brooch",
  525. [ 25067] = "Diopside Beads", [ 25072] = "Northman's Shield", [ 25073] = "Emperor Shield",
  526. [ 25074] = "Telaari Shield", [ 25079] = "Outland Shield", [ 25089] = "Supplicant's Rod",
  527. [ 25095] = "Archmage Orb", [ 25103] = "Nightstalker Dagger", [ 25106] = "Cobra Shortblade",
  528. [ 25115] = "Riversong Mace", [ 25116] = "Pneumatic War Hammer", [ 25117] = "Flanged Battle Mace",
  529. [ 25118] = "Battle Star", [ 25131] = "Hateful Bludgeon", [ 25132] = "Thrallmar War Hammer",
  530. [ 25135] = "Clefthoof Mace",
  531. [ 25144] = "Skettis Curved Blade", [ 25146] = "Light-Etched Longsword", [ 25150] = "Honor Hold Saber",
  532. [ 25158] = "Skeletal Broadsword", [ 25171] = "Straight Hardwood Staff", [ 25172] = "Jinbali Warp-Staff",
  533. [ 25185] = "Thrasher Blades", [ 25186] = "Vampiric Handscythes", [ 25188] = "Spleenripper Claws",
  534. [ 25190] = "Wight's Claws", [ 25192] = "Gutrippers", [ 25198] = "Karaborian Battle Axe",
  535. [ 25199] = "Knight's War Axe", [ 25200] = "Jagged Broadaxe", [ 25202] = "Kingly Axe",
  536. [ 25221] = "Ghostly Battle Axe", [ 25229] = "Partisan Polearm", [ 25257] = "Citadel Crossbow",
  537. --[[BoE]] [ 25258] = "Repeater Crossbow", [ 25282] = "Mahogany Wand", [ 25283] = "Crystallized Ebony Wand",
  538. [ 25284] = "Purpleheart Wand", [ 25286] = "Yew Wand", [ 25287] = "Magician's Wand",
  539. [ 25288] = "Conjurer's Wand", [ 25289] = "Majestic Wand", [ 25290] = "Solitaire Wand",
  540. [ 25291] = "Nobility Torch", [ 25296] = "Absorption Dagger", [ 25297] = "Tuning Knife",
  541. [ 25298] = "Combustion Dagger", [ 25299] = "Siphoning Dagger", [ 25300] = "Lightning Dagger",
  542. [ 25301] = "Shattering Dagger", [ 25302] = "Soul-Drain Dagger", [ 25304] = "Destructo-Blade",
  543. [ 25305] = "Elemental Dagger", [ 25306] = "Permafrost Dagger", [ 25310] = "Naaru Lightmace",
  544. [ 25313] = "Cold-Iron Scepter", [ 25314] = "Ceremonial Hammer", [ 25315] = "Restorative Mace",
  545. [ 25318] = "Ancestral Hammer", [ 25334] = "Intimidating Greatstaff", [ 25655] = "Consortium Robe",
  546. --[[[ 30739] = "Scaled Greaves",]] --[[[ 30740] = "Ripfiend Shoulderplates",]] --[[[ 31177] = "Rockworm Scale",]]
  547. --[[[ 31230] = "Abyss Walker's Boots",]] [ 35958] = "Farshire Gloves", [ 35984] = "Foothold Pants",
  548. [ 35993] = "Bristlepine Shoulderpads", [ 35994] = "Bristlepine Bracers", [ 36035] = "Condor Belt",
  549. [ 36037] = "Condor Robe", [ 36061] = "Coldwraith Robe", [ 36064] = "Coldwraith Pants",
  550. [ 36066] = "Coldwraith Bindings", [ 36103] = "Caribou Cowl", [ 36159] = "Wendigo Hood",
  551. [ 36160] = "Wendigo Legguards", [ 36163] = "Webspinner Cord", [ 36175] = "Geist Hood",
  552. [ 36210] = "Nifflevar Bindings", [ 36225] = "Amberpine Spaulders", [ 36264] = "Cormorant Leggings",
  553. [ 36269] = "Ulduar Breastplate",
  554. [ 36270] = "Ulduar Gauntlets", [ 36271] = "Ulduar Helm", [ 36286] = "Spectral Gauntlets",
  555. [ 36315] = "Wyrmskull Girdle", [ 36322] = "Wyrmskull Bracers", [ 36329] = "Halgrind Epaulets",
  556. [ 36380] = "Golem Sabatons", [ 36393] = "Revenant Epaulets", [ 36418] = "Floral Loop",
  557. [ 36435] = "Embroidered Pendant", [ 36489] = "Iron Flanged Scepter", [ 36513] = "Lode-Headed Hammer",
  558. [ 36639] = "Brutal Ballista", [ 36672] = "Strange Dagger",
  559. [ 36681] = "Wisdom Carver", [ 45480] = "Nymph Heart Charm",
  560. [ 50450] = "Leggings of Dubious Charms", [ 55329] = "Nethergarde Dagger", [ 55364] = "Sishir Scepter",
  561. [ 55389] = "Razorwind Hammer", [ 55398] = "Moonbrook Amulet",
  562. [ 55403] = "Mereldar Amulet", [ 55417] = "Swamplight Ring",
  563. [ 55418] = "Sishir Ring", [ 55419] = "Mirkfallon Ring", [ 55434] = "Moonbrook Spellblade",
  564. [ 55435] = "Swamplight Spellblade", [ 55436] = "Sishir Spellblade", [ 55437] = "Mirkfallen Spellblade",
  565. --[[BoE]] [ 55480] = "Swamplight Wand", [ 55481] = "Sishir Wand", [ 55490] = "Jasperlode Vambraces",
  566. [ 55491] = "Direforge Vambraces", [ 55540] = "Crystalvein Legplates", [ 55543] = "Rethban Pauldrons",
  567. [ 55560] = "Nazferiti Bracers", [ 55567] = "Talondeep Bracers", [ 55571] = "Sundown Vest",
  568. [ 55605] = "Nazferiti Legguards", [ 55650] = "Stagalbog Boots", [ 55660] = "Mosshide Gloves",
  569. [ 55668] = "Stagalbog Hood", [ 55697] = "Yojamba Waistband", [ 55706] = "Baradin Wristwraps",
  570. [ 55707] = "Darrowmere Wristwraps", [ 55709] = "Everstill Wristwraps", [ 55714] = "Mistmantle Robe",
  571. [ 55723] = "Mistmantle Sandals", [ 55722] = "Ameth'Aran Sandals", [ 55742] = "Baradin Cowl",
  572. [ 55753] = "Brightwood Leggings", [ 55760] = "Baradin Shoulderpads",
  573. [ 55772] = "Everstill Cord", [ 68743] = "Imbued Infantry Cloak",
  574. [ 68744] = "Imbued Pioneer Cloak", [ 68747] = "Imbued Disciple's Sash", [ 68749] = "Imbued Disciple's Bracers",
  575. [ 68750] = "Imbued Pioneer Belt", [ 68753] = "Imbued Infantry Bracers",
  576. [ 68754] = "Imbued Disciple's Boots", [ 68762] = "Imbued Cadet Cloak", [ 81967] = "Stitched Shoulderpads",
  577. [ 81968] = "Stitched Leggings", [ 81969] = "Stitched Cowl",
  578. [ 81970] = "Stitched Handwraps", [ 81971] = "Stitched Sandals", [ 81973] = "Stitched Wristraps",
  579. [ 81974] = "Silent Waistband", [ 81981] = "Silent Bindings", [ 81983] = "Saurok Spaulders",
  580. [ 81984] = "Saurok Legguards", [ 81985] = "Saurok Helm",
  581. [ 81988] = "Saurok Vest", [ 81990] = "Wall Girdle",
  582. [ 81994] = "Wall Gauntlets", [ 81994] = "Wall Sabatons", [ 81998] = "Intricate Wand",
  583. [ 82001] = "Polished Sword", --[[[ 82004] = "Wall Shield",]] [ 82005] = "Intricate Ring",
  584. [ 82007] = "Intricate Amulet", [ 82008] = "Polished Hammer", [ 82010] = "Intricate Crystal",
  585. [ 82011] = "Intricate Scepter", [ 82013] = "Polished Knuckles",
  586. [ 82019] = "Polished Broadaxe", [ 82020] = "Polished Axe",
  587. [ 82031] = "Reed Handwraps",
  588. [ 82033] = "Reed Robe", [ 82034] = "Reed Sandals", [ 82035] = "Reed Shoulderpads",
  589. [ 82036] = "Reed Wristwraps", [ 82037] = "Whisper Bindings", [ 82038] = "Whisper Boots",
  590. [ 82043] = "Whisper Shoulders",
  591. [ 82063] = "Gemmed Ring", [ 82065] = "Gemmed Spellblade", [ 82066] = "Gemmed Wand",
  592. [ 82091] = "Growing Wristwraps", [ 82093] = "Mushan Hide Boots",
  593. [ 82100] = "Barbarian Axe", [ 82107] = "Barbarian Hammer",
  594. [ 82110] = "Barbarian Mace",
  595. [ 82115] = "Shamanic Amulet", [ 82117] = "Shamanic Crystal", [ 82121] = "Shamanic Wand",
  596. [ 82127] = "Miner Pauldrons", [ 82170] = "Grummle Amulet", [ 82175] = "Grummle Spellblade",
  597. [ 82176] = "Grummle Wand", [ 82186] = "Mountain Belt", [ 82187] = "Mountain Bracers",
  598. [ 82188] = "Mountain Gauntlets", [ 82189] = "Mountain Greaves", [ 82190] = "Mountain Helm",
  599. --[[BoE]] [ 82191] = "Mountain Legguards", [ 82192] = "Mountain Spaulders", [ 82193] = "Mountain Vest",
  600. [ 82194] = "Trellised Cord", [ 82195] = "Trellised Cowl", [ 82196] = "Trellised Handwraps",
  601. [ 82197] = "Trellised Leggings", [ 82199] = "Trellised Sandals", [ 82200] = "Trellised Shoulderpads",
  602. [ 82202] = "Thresher Bindings", [ 82203] = "Thresher Boots", [ 82204] = "Thresher Britches",
  603. [ 82205] = "Thresher Gloves", [ 82206] = "Thresher Hood", [ 82207] = "Thresher Jerkin",
  604. [ 82208] = "Thresher Shoulders", [ 82209] = "Thresher Waistband", [ 82212] = "Inlaid Broadaxe",
  605. [ 82214] = "Inlaid Dagger", [ 82217] = "Inlaid Hammer", [ 82219] = "Inlaid Knuckles",
  606. [ 82221] = "Inlaid Spear", [ 82225] = "Bejeweled Amulet", [ 82227] = "Bejeweled Crystal",
  607. [ 82228] = "Bejeweled Ring", [ 82229] = "Bejeweled Scepter", [ 82230] = "Bejeweled Spellblade",
  608. [ 82231] = "Bejeweled Wand", [ 82232] = "Highpeak Breastplate", [ 82233] = "Highpeak Gauntlets",
  609. [ 82234] = "Highpeak Girdle", [ 82235] = "Highpeak Helm", [ 82237] = "Highpeak Pauldrons",
  610. [ 82239] = "Highpeak Shield", [ 82239] = "Highpeak Shield", [ 82241] = "Yak Belt", [ 82243] = "Yak Gauntlets",
  611. [ 82242] = "Yak Bracers", [ 82244] = "Yak Greaves", [ 82245] = "Yak Helm",
  612. [ 82246] = "Yak Legguards", [ 82247] = "Yak Spaulders", [ 82248] = "Yak Vest",
  613. [ 82249] = "Waterfall Cord", [ 82250] = "Waterfall Cowl", [ 82251] = "Waterfall Handwraps",
  614. [ 82252] = "Waterfall Leggings", [ 82253] = "Waterfall Robe", [ 82254] = "Waterfall Sandals",
  615. [ 82255] = "Waterfall Shoulderpads", [ 82256] = "Waterfall Wristwraps", [ 82257] = "Vine Bindings",
  616. [ 82258] = "Vine Boots", [ 82259] = "Vine Britches", [ 82260] = "Vine Gloves",
  617. [ 82261] = "Vine Hood", [ 82262] = "Vine Jerkin", [ 82263] = "Vine Shoulders",
  618. [ 82264] = "Vine Waistband", [ 82265] = "Engraved Axe", [ 82267] = "Engraved Broadaxe",
  619. [ 82268] = "Engraved Crossbow", [ 82269] = "Engraved Dagger", [ 82274] = "Engraved Knuckles",
  620. [ 82275] = "Engraved Mace", [ 82276] = "Engraved Spear", [ 82277] = "Engraved Staff",
  621. [ 82278] = "Engraved Staff", [ 82279] = "Engraved Sword", [ 82280] = "Immaculate Amulet",
  622. [ 82281] = "Immaculate Cloak", [ 82282] = "Immaculate Crystal", [ 82283] = "Immaculate Ring",
  623. [ 82284] = "Immaculate Scepter", [ 82285] = "Immaculate Spellblade", [ 82286] = "Immaculate Wand",
  624. --[[BoE]] [ 82287] = "Temple Breastplate", [ 82288] = "Temple Gauntlets", [ 82289] = "Temple Girdle",
  625. [ 82290] = "Temple Helm", [ 82291] = "Temple Legplates", [ 82292] = "Temple Pauldrons",
  626. [ 82293] = "Temple Sabatons", [ 82294] = "Temple Shield", [ 82295] = "Temple Vambraces",
  627. [ 87506] = "Cheng's Irrepressible Girdle", [ 87509] = "Fist of Fate",
  628. [106396] = "Bladespire Sabatons", [106401] = "Coldsnout Britches",
  629. [106410] = "Lunarglow Leggings", [106416] = "Frostlink Bracers", [106420] = "Frostlink Legguards",
  630. [106425] = "Rimeplate Girdle", [106427] = "Rimeplate Legplates", [106429] = "Rimeplate Sabatons",
  631. [106434] = "Voidcaller Britches", [106453] = "Gronnling Legguards", [106454] = "Gronnling Spaulders",
  632. [106456] = "Rockspine Breastplate", [106461] = "Rockspine Pauldrons",
  633. [106466] = "Tailthrasher Boots", [106469] = "Tailthrasher Hood", [106490] = "Shardback Girdle",
  634. [106491] = "Shardback Girdle",
  635. [106500] = "Steamscar Britches", [106507] = "Mandragoran Cowl", [106508] = "Mandragoran Handwraps",
  636. [106518] = "Highland Helm", [106519] = "Highland Legguards",
  637. [106521] = "Highland Vest", [106564] = "Teroclaw Bindings", [106706] = "Voidwrap Handwraps",
  638. [106732] = "Meadowstomper Gloves", [106744] = "Dark Star Wristwraps", [106748] = "Packrunner Greaves",
  639. [106752] = "Packrunner Vest", [113082] = "Precious Bloodthorn Loop", --[[[113865] = "Darklight Necklace",]]
  640. --[[[113882] = "Glutton's Kerchief",]] [116463] = "Frostbitten Knuckles", [116465] = "Frostbitten Mace",
  641. [116475] = "Lunarglow Broadaxe", [116477] = "Lunarglow Crossbow", [116478] = "Lunarglow Dagger",
  642. [116479] = "Moonwhisper Spellblade", [116481] = "Lunarglow Gun", [116482] = "Lunarglow Mace",
  643. [116499] = "Vinewrapped Mace", [116483] = "Moonwhisper Scepter", [116595] = "Bloodmane Bow",
  644. [116623] = "Gorian Staff", [116630] = "Howling Crossbow", [116635] = "Howling Mace",
  645. [116678] = "Moonwhisper Amulet", [116679] = "Growthshaper Amulet", [120950] = "Battle Chain Vest",
  646. [120954] = "Brackwater Legguards", [121001] = "Rhut'van Breastplate", [121004] = "Rhut'van Helm",
  647. [121006] = "Rhut'van Pauldrons", [121007] = "Rhut'van Sabatons",
  648. [121012] = "Azurewing Defender's Drape", [121014] = "Preserved Blue Dragon Pin",
  649. [121015] = "Academy Faculty Pin", [121018] = "Llothien Boots", [121020] = "Llothien Gloves",
  650. [121021] = "Llothien Hood",
  651. [121022] = "Llothien Jerkin", [121023] = "Llothien Shoulders", [121024] = "Llothien Waistband",
  652. [121028] = "Azurewing Pendant", [121041] = "Faronaar Chain Bracers", [121042] = "Faronaar Chain Gauntlets",
  653. [121045] = "Faronaar Chain Legguards", [121046] = "Faronaar Chain Spaulders", [121047] = "Faronaar Chain Vest",
  654. [121051] = "Temporal Scholar's Leggings", [121052] = "Temporal Scholar's Robe", [121053] = "Temporal Scholar's Sandals",
  655. --[[BoE]] [121054] = "Temporal Scholar's Shoulderpads",
  656. [121055] = "Temporal Scholar's Wristwraps", [121057] = "Ettinbone Gauntlets", [121059] = "Ettinbone Helm",
  657. [121069] = "Brulwurm Scale", [121075] = "Icepine Gloves", [121078] = "Icepine Shoulders",
  658. [121083] = "Thunder Totem Spirit Necklace", [121095] = "Hillstride Belt", [121098] = "Hillstride Greaves",
  659. [121099] = "Hillstride Helm", [121100] = "Hillstride Legguards", [121104] = "Hagfeather Cowl",
  660. [121106] = "Hagfeather Leggings", [121110] = "Hagfeather Wristwraps", [121114] = "Valarsmidd Helm",
  661. [121115] = "Valarsmidd Legplates",
  662. [121154] = "Valdisdall Helm", [121156] = "Valdisdall Spaulders", [121166] = "Kal'delar Breastplate",
  663. [121168] = "Kal'delar Girdle", [121182] = "Smolderhide Bindings", [121184] = "Smolderhide Britches",
  664. [121185] = "Smolderhide Gloves", [121188] = "Smolderhide Shoulders", [121193] = "Vale Walker's Pendant",
  665. [121207] = "Dreadroot Linked Gauntlets", [121208] = "Dreadroot Linked Greaves", [121213] = "Crescent Vale Cord",
  666. [121215] = "Crescent Vale Handwraps", [121216] = "Crescent Vale Leggings", [121217] = "Crescent Vale Robe",
  667. [121219] = "Crescent Vale Shoulderpads", [121236] = "Dawnswood Hunter's Fletchings", [121238] = "Ambervale Boots",
  668. [121239] = "Ambervale Britches", [121243] = "Ambervale Shoulders", [121248] = "Nightfall Chain",
  669. [121271] = "Moonfall Leggings", [121275] = "Moonfall Wristwraps", [141285] = "Nar'thalas Writ",
  670. [141290] = "Dreamgrove Sproutling", [154806] = "Torgashell Breastplate", [154810] = "Torgashell Legguards",
  671. [154811] = "Torgashell Shoulderguards", [154812] = "Torgashell Warboots", [154815] = "Festerroot Bindings",
  672. [154818] = "Festerroot Grasps", [154819] = "Festerroot Helm", [154827] = "Zalamar Greaves",
  673. [154828] = "Zalamar Helm", [154829] = "Zalamar Legguards", [154830] = "Zalamar Spaulders",
  674. [154831] = "Zalamar Chainmail",
  675. [154836] = "Bloodhex Vestments", [154837] = "Bloodhex Anklewraps", [154843] = "Cortain Greathelm",
  676. --[[[154851] = "Crimsonwood Breeches",]]
  677. [154863] = "Barrowknoll Legguards", [154864] = "Barrowknoll Pauldrons",
  678. [154865] = "Barrowknoll Chainmail", [159158] = "Ashvane Company Chestplate",
  679. [159161] = "Ashvane Company Greathelm", [159162] = "Ashvane Company Greaves", [159163] = "Ashvane Company Spaulders",
  680. [159164] = "Ashvane Company Sabatons", [159166] = "Foxhollow Drape", [159171] = "Freehold Cowl",
  681. [159172] = "Freehold Jerkin", [159173] = "Freehold Shoulderpads", [159174] = "Freehold Belt",
  682. [159184] = "Foxhollow Circlet", [159186] = "Foxhollow Leggings", [159188] = "Foxhollow Sandals",
  683. [159189] = "Foxhollow Amice", [159191] = "Brineworks Breastplate", [159192] = "Brineworks Gauntlets",
  684. [159196] = "Brineworks Pauldrons",
  685. [159205] = "Briarback Vest", [159211] = "Eventide Boots", [159212] = "Eventide Coif",
  686. --[[BoE]] [159215] = "Eventide Breastplate", [159219] = "Sagehold Legwraps", [159222] = "Sagehold Mantle",
  687. [159228] = "Freehold Cape", [159230] = "Ashvane Company Cloak", [159283] = "Barrowknoll Cloak",
  688. [159284] = "Corlain Cape",
  689. [159475] = "Shipwrecker Axe", [159476] = "Golden Fleet Waraxe", [159477] = "Zocali Carver",
  690. [159479] = "Zem'lan Chopper", [159480] = "Bleached Bone Handaxe", [159481] = "Rivermarsh Waraxe",
  691. [159482] = "Warport Handaxe", [159486] = "Zocali Waraxe", [159488] = "Zem'lan Cleaver",
  692. [159490] = "Rivermarsh Composite", [159491] = "Warport Short Bow", [159492] = "Golden Fleet Bow",
  693. [159493] = "Gnarlwood Crossbow", [159494] = "Wintersail Repeater", [159497] = "Deepwarden Flintlock",
  694. [159501] = "Coralshell Glaives", [159504] = "Shipwrecker Crescents", [159506] = "Loa-Blessed Crescent",
  695. [159507] = "Zem'lan Warglaive", [159508] = "Bleached Bone Glaive",
  696. [159511] = "Wavecaller Fists", [159514] = "Rivermarsh Claws",
  697. [159517] = "Zocali Claws", [159520] = "Coralshell Dagger", [159523] = "Tideguard Shanker",
  698. [159524] = "Shipwrecker Knife", [159525] = "Coldscale Dagger", [159528] = "Zem'lan Dagger",
  699. [159530] = "Rivermarsh Dagger", [159531] = "Warport Dirk", [159533] = "Zocali Ripper",
  700. [159535] = "Wavecaller Mace",
  701. [159537] = "Deepwarden Gavel", [159540] = "Coralshell Hammer", [159544] = "Zem'lan Smasher",
  702. [159545] = "Bleached Bone Club", [159546] = "Warport Clobberer", [159547] = "Warport Clobberer",
  703. [159549] = "Zocali Warhammer", [159551] = "Tideguard Maul", [159820] = "Ironcrest Lantern",
  704. [159557] = "Zem'lan Headsmasher", [159558] = "Bleached Bone Skullcracker",
  705. [159560] = "Dockyard Pike", [159563] = "Loa-Blessed Longspear",
  706. [159566] = "Shipwrecker Spire", [159568] = "Wintersail Staff", [159569] = "Wavecaller Spire",
  707. [159571] = "Deepwarden Staff", [159573] = "Bleached Bone Staff", [159575] = "Warport Longstaff",
  708. [159576] = "Golden Fleet Warstaff", [159578] = "Loa-Blessed Stave", [159584] = "Coldscale Saber",
  709. [159587] = "Dockyard Cutlass", [159590] = "Shipwrecker Blade", [159593] = "Wavecaller Cutlass",
  710. [159595] = "Bleached Bone Cutlass", [159598] = "Golden Fleet Longsword",
  711. [159602] = "Gol Osigr Wand", [159606] = "Bleached Bone Wand",
  712. [159607] = "Rivermarsh Wand", [159608] = "Warport Hexxer", [159609] = "Golden Fleet Wand",
  713. [159800] = "Wavecaller Buckler", [159803] = "Coldscale Shield", [159805] = "Coralshell Barrier",
  714. [159807] = "Zem'lan Buckler", [159810] = "Warport Aegis", [159822] = "Warport Hex Focus",
  715. [160125] = "Direbone Frill Stompers", [160127] = "Pterroleather Cloak", [160129] = "Brutohide Boots",
  716. --[[BoE]] [160131] = "Brutohide Gloves", [160133] = "Brutohide Vest", [160134] = "Brutohide Shoulderpads",
  717. [160136] = "Golden City Signet", [160140] = "Ravascale Striders", [160141] = "Ravascale Helm",
  718. [160142] = "Ravascale Legguards", [160143] = "Ravascale Shoulderguards", [160144] = "Ravascale Hauberk",
  719. [160146] = "Saurifeather Crest", [160147] = "Saurifeather Gloves", [160149] = "Saurifeather Garments",
  720. [160150] = "Saurifeather Treads", [160152] = "Saurifeather Wraps", [160161] = "Faithless Skycloak",
  721. [160166] = "Sandscout Headcover", [160171] = "Bonepicker Cinch", [160183] = "Skycaller Robes",
  722. [169398] = "Deeptide Slippers", [169401] = "Deeptide Legwraps", [169402] = "Deeptide Amice",
  723. [169403] = "Deeptide Cinch", [169405] = "Slithershell Vest", [169407] = "Slithershell Mitts",
  724. [169408] = "Slithershell Tricorne", [169409] = "Slithershell Leggings", [169412] = "Slithershell Armwraps",
  725. [169413] = "Reefwalker Hauberk", [169415] = "Reefwalker Handlers",
  726. [169417] = "Reefwalker Trousers", [169420] = "Reefwalker Coils",
  727. [169421] = "Wavecrush Chestplate", [169422] = "Wavecrush Smashers", [169423] = "Wavecrush Crushers",
  728. [169425] = "Deeptide Robe", [169424] = "Wavecrush Headguard", [169426] = "Wavecrush Greaves",
  729. [169427] = "Wavecrush Shoulderplates", [169428] = "Wavecrush Buckle", [169429] = "Wavecrush Wristguards",
  730. [169431] = "Reefwalker Cape", [169433] = "Wavecrash Greatcloak", [169434] = "Slithershell Cloak",
  731. [169435] = "Deeptide Drape", [170112] = "Wavecrash Polearm", [170114] = "Flanged Mace",
  732. [170115] = "Massive Viridian Claw", [170116] = "Darkened Slicer", [170117] = "Wavebinder's Rod",
  733. [170118] = "Centurion's Shortsword", [170119] = "Slithershell Warglaive", [170120] = "Handmaiden's Longstaff",
  734. [170201] = "Deeptide Scroll",
  736. -- Gear Bind on Pickup Gems, Relics, Sockets, Trinkets
  737. [ 25628] = "Ogre Mauler's Badge", [ 25634] = "Oshu'gun Relic", [ 25787] = "Charm of Alacrity",
  738. [ 25633] = "Uniting Charm", [ 28040] = "Vengeance of the Illidari", [ 30546] = "Sovereign Tanzanite",
  739. [ 30547] = "Reckless Fire Opal", [ 30548] = "Jagged Chrysoprase", [ 30555] = "Timeless Tanzanite",
  740. [ 30556] = "Glinting Tanzanite", [ 30558] = "Stalwart Fire Opal", [ 30581] = "Willful Fire Opal",
  741. [ 30582] = "Deadly Fire Opal", [ 30583] = "Timeless Tanzanite", [ 30584] = "Inscribed Fire Opal",
  742. [ 30585] = "Polished Fire Opal", [ 30603] = "Purified Tanzanite", [ 30604] = "Resplendent Fire Opal",
  743. [ 30605] = "Nimble Chrysoprase", [ 31617] = "Ancient Draenei War Talisman", [ 35275] = "Orb of the Sin'dorei",
  744. [ 38674] = "Soul Harvester's Charm", [ 40477] = "Insignia of the Horde", [ 46312] = "Vanquished Cluthces of Yogg-Saron",
  745. [ 57325] = "Bileberry Smelling Salts", [ 57346] = "Mindfletcher Talisman", [ 63205] = "Safety Goggles",
  746. [ 81834] = "Lucky 'Rabbit's' Foot", [ 81836] = "Lucky 'Rabbit's' Foot", [ 86045] = "Jade Courtesan Figurine",
  747. [ 86881] = "Stuff of Nightmares", [ 86885] = "Spirits of the Sun", [ 86890] = "Terror in the Mists",
  748. [ 87065] = "Light of the Cosmos", [ 88371] = "Watermelon Bomb", [ 88376] = "Orange Painted Turnip",
  749. [103686] = "Discipline of Xuen", [103687] = "Yu'lon's Bite", [103689] = "Alacrity of Xuen",
  750. [106899] = "Frostwolf Veteran's Keepsake", [108902] = "Armored Elekk Tusk", [108903] = "Tiny Iron Star",
  751. [111484] = "Cold Tusk", [111490] = "Cindermaw's Blazing Talon", [111546] = "Grondo's Eyepatch",
  752. [111548] = "Grondo's To-Do List", [111554] = "Rimefrost Fetish", [111948] = "Gruuk's Evil Eye",
  753. [112206] = "Talisman of Yearning Unfulfilled", [112792] = "Vial of Living Corruption", [113158] = "Dol'mak's Lucky Charm",
  754. [113159] = "Probiscus of the Swampfly Queen", [113160] = "Moonstone Luck Token", [113161] = "Throbbing Swampfly Venom Sack",
  755. [113162] = "Kral'za's Resolve", [113163] = "Kliaa's Venomclaws", [113253] = "Karg's Hunting Horn",
  756. [113254] = "Lokra's Fury", [113255] = "Asha's Fang", [113408] = "Greka's Dentures",
  757. [113287] = "Shard of Scorn", [115803] = "Critical Strike Taladite", [115808] = "Stamina Taladite",
  758. [121492] = "Shiny Ookin' Bauble", [121494] = "Mundane Oookin' Curio", [121647] = "Temple Priestess' Charm",
  759. [121649] = "Vibrant Temple Masonary", [128958] = "Lekos' Leash", [132280] = "Lost Priestess' Loop",
  760. [132286] = "Felshroom", [132290] = "Frozen Moss of the Den", [132303] = "Enchanted Stoneblood Feather",
  761. [132308] = "Shaldrassil's Anger", [132309] = "Rimed Worldtree Blossom", [132310] = "Uncorrupted Soil",
  762. [132311] = "Blossom of Promise", [132312] = "Frozen Moss of the Den", [132335] = "Tower Magi's Eye",
  763. [132350] = "Defiant Frost Fist", [132353] = "Patch of Risen Saber Pelt", [132355] = "Wind-Whipped Hold Banner Strip",
  764. [132963] = "Young Drake's Impulse", [132964] = "Nightfallen's Desperation", [132970] = "Runas' Nearly Depleted Ley Crystal",
  765. [132971] = "Nightfallen's Desperation", [132988] = "The Dreadlord's Chill Eye", [132989] = "Legion Iron Nugget",
  766. [132990] = "Fel-Resistant Clipping", [132991] = "Mortiferous' Corruption", [132993] = "Nethrandamus' Zephyr",
  767. [133002] = "Coalesced Shadows", [133006] = "Blessed Llothien Stone", [133009] = "Corrupted Ley-Crystal",
  768. [133011] = "Leyhollow Frost", [133013] = "Reinvigorating Crystal", [133023] = "Depths Shard Ice Crystal",
  769. [133024] = "Oracle's Sharpening Stone", [133025] = "Enchanted El'dranil Frond", [133026] = "Cursed Dissection Blade",
  770. [133028] = "Gale of Azshara", [133032] = "Fel-Fire Demon Claw", [133031] = "Rare White Tiger Heart",
  771. [133033] = "Sorceror's Ember", [133039] = "Breath of Al'Akir", [133048] = "Wretched Draining Essence",
  772. [133050] = "Gale of the Blues", [137303] = "Touch of Nightfall", [137379] = "Tempestbinder's Crystal",
  773. [137380] = "Rage of the Tides", [137381] = "Part of Vengeful Service", [137421] = "Accelerating Torrent",
  774. [138823] = "Starlance's Protective Ward", [138837] = "Ghostly Defenses", [140041] = "Shadow Dew",
  775. [140043] = "Soul Forge Ember", [140044] = "Felbat Heart", [140047] = "Tincture of Arcwine",
  776. [140079] = "Stormforged Fist", [140080] = "Everchill Pearl", [140086] = "Intact Infernal Palm",
  777. [140088] = "Everblooming Sunflower", [140821] = "Precipice of Eternity", [141259] = "Seawitch's Foci",
  778. [141262] = "Rune-Etched Quill", [141269] = "Tranquil Clipping", [141275] = "Fertile Soil",
  779. [141272] = "Mana-Saber Eye", [141273] = "Echo of Eons", [141275] = "Mana-Saber Eye",
  780. [141277] = "Bloodtotem Brand",
  781. [141279] = "Prison Guard's Torchflame", [141284] = "Nor'dranil Ampoule", [141286] = "Rite of the Val'kyr",
  782. [141287] = "Law of Strength", [141288] = "Ettin Bone Fragment", [141289] = "Corruption of the Bloodtotem",
  783. [141291] = "Shala'nir Sproutling", [141293] = "Spellfire Oil", [141515] = "Leystone Nugget",
  784. [141619] = "Mana-Infused Berries", [143689] = "Weight of Tradition", [143690] = "Specter of Helheim",
  785. [143691] = "Bloody Kvaldir Pennant", [143696] = "Perilous Bargain", [143701] = "Ancient Flamewaking",
  786. [143702] = "Eternity of Wisdom", [143703] = "Snowmane Totem", [143704] = "Harpybane Fetish",
  787. [143705] = "Conquered Summit", [144463] = "Shard of Kaldorei Stained Glass", [144477] = "Splinters of Agronox",
  788. [146929] = "Moonstone Figurine", [146930] = "Pure Arcane Powder", [150997] = "Crystallized Aether",
  789. [151000] = "Construct Forge Cinder", [151004] = "Voidbent Isolon Effigy", [151005] = "Dram of Light",
  790. [151006] = "Augari Manuscript", [151007] = "Ur'zul Ichor", [151008] = "Vilefiend Fang",
  791. [151009] = "Annihilan Heart", [151010] = "Narouan Fin", [151011] = "Stygian Munition Casing",
  792. [151012] = "Marsuul Egg", [151013] = "Ethereal Anchor", [151014] = "Fulminating Arcstone",
  793. [151295] = "Darkstorm Arrowhead", [152059] = "Whistling Ulna", [152696] = "Manacle of Dominance",
  794. --[[BoP]] [152697] = "Mark of Defiant Survival", [154174] = "Golgameth's Vitality", [155564] = "Mercy's Psalter",
  795. [158219] = "Petula's Locket", [158680] = "Rikat's Ritual Beads", [159763] = "Idol of Vol'jamba",
  796. [159764] = "Engraved Diemetradon Fin",
  797. [165664] = "Sea Giant's Tidestone", [165667] = "Razzashi Toth Medallion", [167556] = "Subroutine: Overclock",
  798. [168435] = "Remote Circuit Bypasser", [168631] = "Metal Detector", [168741] = "Forceful Refined Logic Board",
  799. [168742] = "Forceful Adaptable Logic Board", [168743] = "Forceful Efficient Logic Board", [168744] = "Optimized Efficient Logic Board",
  800. [168745] = "Optimized Effective Logic Board", [168746] = "Optimized Adaptable Logic Board", [168748] = "Performant Refined Logic Board",
  801. [168749] = "Performant Effective Logic Board", [168750] = "Omnipurpose Refined Logic Board", [168751] = "Omnipurpose Effective Logic Board",
  802. [168752] = "Omnipurpose Efficient Logic Board", [172846] = "Corrupted Aspirant's Medallion",
  804. -- GEAR Tokens -- GEAR Tokens -- GEAR Tokens -- GEAR Tokens
  805. -- Addon 'New Openables' to open before vendor
  806. [ 29758] = "Gloves of the Fallen Defender", [ 45635] = "Chestguard of the Wayward Conqueror", [ 45637] = "Chestguard of the Wayward Vanquisher",
  807. [ 45656] = "Mantle of the Wayward Conqueror", [ 45658] = "Mantle of the Wayward Vanquisher",
  808. -- Pandaria Raids 50g Token, ~25g Used, Trinkets
  809. [ 86790] = "Vial of Dragon's Blood", [ 86791] = "Bottle of Infinite Stars", [ 86792] = "Light of the Cosmos",
  810. [ 86802] = "Lei Shen's Final Orders", [ 86805] = "Qin-xi's Polarizing Seal",
  811. [ 86894] = "Darkmist Vortex", [ 86907] = "Essence of Terror", [ 89251] = "Chest of the Shadowy Protector",
  812. [ 89252] = "Leggings of the Shadowy Vanquisher",
  813. [ 89262] = "Shoulders of the Shadowy Conqueror",
  814. [ 89264] = "Chest of the Shadowy Vanquisher", [ 89265] = "Chest of the Shadowy Conqueror", [ 89266] = "Chest of the Shadowy Protector",
  815. [ 89267] = "Leggings of the Shadowy Vanquisher", [ 89268] = "Leggings of the Shadowy Conqueror", [ 89269] = "Leggings of the Shadowy Protector",
  816. [ 89270] = "Gauntlets of the Shadowy Vanquisher", [ 89271] = "Gauntlets of the Shadowy Conqueror", [ 89272] = "Gauntlets of the Shadowy Protector",
  817. [ 89273] = "Helm of the Shadowy Vanquisher", [ 89274] = "Helm of the Shadowy Conqueror", [ 89275] = "Helm of the Shadowy Protector",
  818. [ 89276] = "Shoulders of the Shadowy Vanquisher", [ 89277] = "Shoulders of the Shadowy Conqueror", [ 89278] = "Shoulders of the Shadowy Protector",
  819. [ 95625] = "Renataki's Soul Charm", [ 95641] = "Horridon's Last Gasp", [ 95654] = "Spark of Zandalar",
  820. [ 95665] = "Bad Juju",
  821. [ 95799] = "Gaze of the Twins", [ 95802] = "Rune of Re-Origination", [ 95811] = "Soul Barrier",
  822. [ 95814] = "Unerring Vision of Lei Shen",
  823. [ 95855] = "Gauntlets of the Crackling Vanquisher", [ 95856] = "Gauntlets of the Crackling Conqueror", [ 95857] = "Gauntlets of the Crackling Protector",
  824. [ 95879] = "Helm of the Crackling Vanquisher", [ 95880] = "Helm of the Crackling Conqueror", [ 95881] = "Helm of the Crackling Protector",
  825. [ 95955] = "Shoulders of the Crackling Vanquisher", [ 95956] = "Shoulders of the Crackling Conqueror", [ 95957] = "Shoulders of the Crackling Protector",
  826. [112815] = "Frenzied Crystal of Rage",
  827. -- Timeless Isle 5g Token, ~25g Used, Send to Alt
  828. -- [102263] = "Timeless Plate Chestpiece", [102264] = "Timeless Plate Boots", [102265] = "Timeless Plate Gloves",
  829. -- [102267] = "Timeless Plate Leggings", [102268] = "Timeless Plate Spaulders", [102269] = "Timeless Plate Belt",
  830. -- [102270] = "Timeless Mail Chestpiece", [102273] = "Timeless Mail Helm", [102274] = "Timeless Mail Leggings",
  831. -- [102276] = "Timeless Mail Belt", [102277] = "Timeless Leather Chestpiece", [102278] = "Timeless Leather Boots",
  832. -- [102280] = "Timeless Leather Helm", [102282] = "Timeless Leather Spaulders", [102284] = "Timeless Cloth Robes",
  833. -- [102285] = "Timeless Cloth Boots", [102286] = "Timeless Cloth Gloves", [102287] = "Timeless Cloth Helm",
  834. -- [102288] = "Timeless Cloth Leggings", [102289] = "Timeless Cloth Spaulders", [102290] = "Timeless Cloth Belt",
  835. -- [102291] = "Timeless Signet", [102318] = "Timeless Cloak", [102320] = "Timeless Plate Bracers",
  836. -- [102321] = "Timeless Cloth Bracers", [102322] = "Timeless Leather Bracers", [104347] = "Timeless Curio",
  837. -- Draenor Raid
  838. [113893] = "Blast Furnace Door", [113931] = "Beating Heart of the Mountain", [113948] = "Darmac's Unstable Talisman",
  839. [113969] = "Vial of Convulsive Shadows", [113983] = "Forgemaster's Insignia", [113985] = "Humming Blackiron Trigger",
  840. [116291] = "Immaculate Living Mushroom", [116292] = "Mote of the Mountain",
  841. [116315] = "Furyheart Talisman", [118114] = "Meaty Dragonspine Trophy", [119193] = "Horn of Screaming Spirits",
  842. [119194] = "Goren Soul Repository",
  843. -- Legion Tokens
  844. -- 1c Token, ~10g Used
  845. -- [124553] = "Baleful Gauntlets", [124554] = "Baleful Hood", [124555] = "Baleful Leggings",
  846. -- [124556] = "Baleful Spaulders", [124561] = "Baleful Armament", [124562] = "Baleful Armament",
  848. -- Gear White -- Gear White -- Gear White -- Gear White
  849. [ 35] = "Bent Staff", [ 39] = "Recruit's Pants", [ 40] = "Recruit's Boots",
  850. [ 47] = "Footpad's Shoes", [ 48] = "Footpad's Pants", [ 51] = "Neophyte's Boots",
  851. [ 52] = "Neophyte's Pants", [ 55] = "Apprentice's Boots", [ 56] = "Apprentice's Robe",
  852. [ 129] = "Rugged Trapper's Boots", [ 139] = "Brawler's Pants", [ 140] = "Brawler's Boots",
  853. [ 147] = "Rugged Trapper's Pants", [ 766] = "Flanged Mace", [ 767] = "Long Bo Staff",
  854. [ 768] = "Lumberjack Axe", [ 1395] = "Apprentice's Pants", [ 1438] = "Warrior's Shield",
  855. [ 2092] = "Worn Dagger", [ 2268] = "Stonesplinter Blade", [ 2361] = "Battleworn Hammer",
  856. [ 2362] = "Worn Wooden Shield", [ 2504] = "Worn Shortbow", [ 2508] = "Old Blunderbuss",
  857. [ 2787] = "Trogg Dagger", [ 2959] = "Journeyman's Boots", [ 2960] = "Journeyman's Gloves",
  858. [ 2963] = "Burnt Leather Boots", [ 2964] = "Burnt Leather Gloves", [ 2967] = "Warrior's Boots",
  859. [ 2968] = "Warrior's Gloves", [ 2971] = "Spellbinder Boots", [ 2972] = "Spellbinder Gloves",
  860. [ 2975] = "Hunting Boots", [ 2979] = "Veteran Boots", [ 3189] = "Wood Chopper",
  861. [ 3190] = "Beatstick", [ 3200] = "Burnt Leather Bracers", [ 3207] = "Hunting Bracers",
  862. [ 3213] = "Veteran Bracers", [ 3214] = "Warrior's Bracers", [ 3279] = "Battle Chain Boots",
  863. [ 3280] = "Battle Chain Bracers", [ 3281] = "Battle Chain Gloves", [ 3284] = "Tribal Boots",
  864. [ 3285] = "Tribal Bracers", [ 3286] = "Tribal Gloves", [ 3289] = "Ancestral Boots",
  865. [ 3290] = "Ancestral Gloves", [ 3303] = "Brackwater Bracers", [ 3304] = "Brackwater Gauntlets",
  866. [ 3311] = "Ceremonial Leather Ankleguards", [ 3312] = "Ceremonial Leather Bracers", [ 3641] = "Journeyman's Bracers",
  867. [ 3642] = "Ancestral Bracers", [ 3643] = "Spellbinder Bracers", [ 3644] = "Barbaric Cloth Bracers",
  868. [ 3659] = "Warrior's Girdle", [ 3661] = "Handcrafted Staff", [ 4560] = "Fine Scimitar",
  869. [ 4563] = "Billy Club", [ 4565] = "Simple Dagger", [ 4658] = "Warrior's Cloak",
  870. [ 4659] = "Warrior's Girdle", [ 4662] = "Journeyman's Cloak", [ 4663] = "Journeyman's Belt",
  871. [ 4665] = "Burnt Cloak", [ 4666] = "Burnt Leather Belt", [ 4668] = "Battle Chain Cloak",
  872. [ 4669] = "Battle Chain Girdle", [ 4671] = "Ancestral Cloak", [ 4672] = "Ancestral Belt",
  873. [ 4674] = "Tribal Cloak", [ 4675] = "Tribal Belt", [ 4677] = "Veteran Cloak",
  874. [ 4678] = "Veteran Girdle", [ 4680] = "Brackwater Cloak", [ 4681] = "Brackwater Girdle",
  875. [ 4683] = "Spellbinder Cloak", [ 4684] = "Spellbinder Belt", [ 4686] = "Barbaric Cloth Cloak",
  876. [ 4687] = "Barbaric Cloth Belt", [ 4689] = "Hunting Cloak", [ 4690] = "Hunting Belt",
  877. [ 4692] = "Ceremonial Cloak", [ 4693] = "Ceremonial Leather Belt", [ 4694] = "Burnished Pauldrons",
  878. [ 4698] = "Seer's Mantle", [ 4700] = "Inscribed Leather Spaulders", [ 5109] = "Stonesplinter Rags",
  879. [ 6098] = "Neophyte's Robe", [ 6121] = "Recruit's Pants", [ 6122] = "Recruit's Boots",
  880. [ 6137] = "Thug Pants", [ 6138] = "Trapper's Boots", [ 6144] = "Neophyte's Boots",
  881. [ 6148] = "Web-Covered Boots", [ 6506] = "Infantry Boots", [ 6507] = "Infantry Bracers",
  882. [ 6508] = "Infantry Cloak", [ 6509] = "Infantry Belt", [ 6510] = "Infantry Gauntlets",
  883. [ 6513] = "Disciple's Sash", [ 6514] = "Disciple's Cloak", [ 6515] = "Disciple's Gloves",
  884. [ 6517] = "Pioneer Belt", [ 6518] = "Pioneer Boots", [ 6519] = "Pioneer Bracers",
  885. [ 6520] = "Pioneer Cloak", [ 6521] = "Pioneer Gloves", [ 6526] = "Battle Harness",
  886. [ 6555] = "Bard's Cloak", [ 6588] = "Scouting Spaulders", [ 7095] = "Bog Boots",
  887. [ 7109] = "Pioneer Buckler", [ 7350] = "Disciple's Bracers", [ 7351] = "Disciple's Boots",
  888. [ 8177] = "Practice Sword", [ 8179] = "Cadet's Bow", [ 8181] = "Hunting Rifle",
  889. [ 8182] = "Pellet Rifle", [ 9742] = "Simple Cord", [ 9743] = "Simple Shoes",
  890. [ 9744] = "Simple Bands", [ 9745] = "Simple Cape", [ 9746] = "Simple Gloves",
  891. [ 9750] = "Gypsy Sash", [ 9751] = "Gypsy Sandals", [ 9752] = "Gypsy Bands",
  892. [ 9754] = "Gypsy Cloak", [ 9755] = "Gypsy Gloves", [ 9758] = "Cadet Belt",
  893. [ 9759] = "Cadet Boots", [ 9760] = "Cadet Bracers", [ 9761] = "Cadet Cloak",
  894. [ 9762] = "Cadet Gauntlets", [ 10405] = "Bandit Shoulders", [ 10407] = "Raider's Shoulderpads",
  895. [ 12282] = "Worn Battleaxe", [ 12662] = "Demonic Rune",
  896. [ 13515] = "Ramstein's Lightning Bolts", [ 14086] = "Beaded Sandals",
  897. [ 14087] = "Beaded Cuffs", [ 14088] = "Beaded Cloak", [ 14089] = "Beaded Gloves",
  898. [ 14093] = "Beaded Cord", [ 14095] = "Native Bands", [ 14098] = "Native Cloak",
  899. [ 14099] = "Native Sash", [ 14102] = "Native Handwraps", [ 14110] = "Native Sandals",
  900. [ 14115] = "Aboriginal Bands", [ 14116] = "Aboriginal Cape", [ 14126] = "Ritual Amice",
  901. [ 14169] = "Aboriginal Shoulder Pads", [ 14170] = "Buccaneer's Mantle", [ 15003] = "Primal Belt",
  902. [ 15004] = "Primal Boots", [ 15005] = "Primal Bands", [ 15006] = "Primal Buckler",
  903. [ 15008] = "Primal Mitts", [ 15013] = "Lupine Cuffs", [ 15015] = "Lupine Cloak",
  904. [ 15019] = "Lupine Mantle", [ 15297] = "Grizzly Bracers", [ 15299] = "Grizzly Cape",
  905. [ 15300] = "Grizzly Gloves", [ 15301] = "Grizzly Slippers", [ 15302] = "Grizzly Belt",
  906. [ 15313] = "Feral Shoulder Pads", [ 15472] = "Charger's Belt", [ 15473] = "Charger's Boots",
  907. [ 15474] = "Charger's Bindings", [ 15475] = "Charger's Cloak", [ 15476] = "Charger's Handwraps",
  908. [ 15478] = "Charger's Shield", [ 15480] = "War Torn Girdle", [ 15482] = "War Torn Bands",
  909. [ 15483] = "War Torn Cape", [ 15484] = "War Torn Handgrips", [ 15490] = "Bloodspattered Cloak",
  910. [ 15496] = "Bloodspattered Shoulder Pads", [ 15895] = "Burnt Buckler", [ 20891] = "Neophyte's Robe",
  911. [ 20893] = "Apprentice's Robe", [ 20894] = "Apprentice's Pants", [ 20895] = "Apprentice's Boots",
  912. [ 20896] = "Lookout's Pants", [ 20898] = "Lookout's Shoes", [ 20899] = "Warder's Pants",
  913. [ 20900] = "Warder's Boots", [ 20902] = "Recruit's Pants", [ 20903] = "Recruit's Boots",
  914. [ 20904] = "Warder's Boots", [ 20978] = "Apprentice's Staff", [ 20980] = "Warder's Shortbow",
  915. [ 23344] = "Scout's Pants", [ 23346] = "Battleworn Claymore", [ 23348] = "Scout's Boots",
  916. [ 23347] = "Weathered Crossbow", [ 23471] = "Rugged Trapper's Pants", [ 23472] = "Rugged Trapper's Boots",
  917. [ 23474] = "Recruit's Pants", [ 23475] = "Recruit's Boots", [ 23478] = "Recruit's Pants",
  918. [ 23479] = "Recruit's Robe", [ 38675] = "Signet of the Dark Brotherhood", [ 49399] = "Gilnean Apprentice's Robe",
  919. [ 49400] = "Gilnean Apprentice's Pants", [ 49401] = "Gilnean Apprentice's Boots", [ 49403] = "Gilnean Neophyte's Robe",
  920. [ 49404] = "Gilnean Neophyte's Pants", [ 49406] = "Gilnean Neophyte's Boots", [ 49407] = "Gilnean Acolyte's Boots",
  921. [ 49408] = "Gilnean Acolyte's Robe", [ 49409] = "Gilnean Acolyte's Pants", [ 49502] = "Goblin Trapper's Shirt",
  922. [ 49503] = "Goblin Trapper's Pants", [ 49504] = "Goblin Trapper's Boots", [ 49510] = "Goblin Neophyte's Robe",
  923. [ 49512] = "Goblin Neophyte's Pants", [ 49514] = "Goblin Thug's Tunic", [ 49515] = "Goblin Thug's Pants",
  924. [ 49516] = "Goblin Thug's Boots", [ 49520] = "Goblin Acolyte's Robe", [ 49521] = "Goblin Acolyte's Pants",
  925. [ 49522] = "Goblin Acolyte's Shoes", [ 49524] = "Goblin Brawler's Harness", [ 49527] = "Goblin Brawler's Boots",
  926. [ 49528] = "Goblin Brawler's Greaves", [ 49529] = "Goblin Brawler's Gauntlets", [ 49531] = "Goblin Neophyte's Shoes",
  927. [ 49563] = "Gilnean Novice's Tunic", [ 49564] = "Gilnean Novice's Boots", [ 49565] = "Gilnean Novice's Gloves",
  928. [ 49566] = "Gilnean Novice's Pants", [ 49568] = "Gilnean Trapper's Pants", [ 49569] = "Gilnean Trapper's Boots",
  929. [ 49570] = "Gilnean Trapper's Tunic", [ 49571] = "Gilnean Trapper's Gloves", [ 49576] = "Gilnean Recruit's Pants",
  930. [ 49577] = "Gilnean Recruit's Belt", [ 49578] = "Gilnean Recruit's Tunic", [ 49579] = "Gilnean Recruit's Boots",
  931. [ 49778] = "Worn Greatsword", [ 50055] = "Worn Dirk", [ 50057] = "Sharp Dirk",
  932. [ 52543] = "Acolyte's Robe", [ 52546] = "Apprentice's Robe", [ 52547] = "Neophyte's Robe",
  933. [ 52553] = "Apprentice's Robe", [ 52554] = "Apprentice's Boots", [ 52679] = "Acolyte's Pants",
  934. [ 52680] = "Neophyte's Pants", [ 52681] = "Apprentice's Pants", [ 55004] = "Wolf Fur Coat",
  935. [ 57198] = "Red Cloud Gloves", [ 57199] = "Sun Bleached Bracer", [ 57215] = "Quill Impaled Boots",
  936. [ 57219] = "Braided Boarskin Belt", [ 57220] = "Sunwalker's Belt", [ 57222] = "Rainwalker's Bracer",
  937. [ 57232] = "Thorn-Proof Wristguard", [ 57234] = "Swoopskin Gloves", [ 58231] = "Recruit's Vest",
  938. [ 58232] = "Rugged Trapper's Vest", [ 58234] = "Footpad's Vest", [ 58235] = "Warder's Vest",
  939. [ 58238] = "Lookout's Vest", [ 58240] = "Scout's Vest", [ 58243] = "Recruit's Vest",
  940. [ 58244] = "Recruit's Vest", [ 58245] = "Brawler's Vest", [ 58247] = "Trapper's Vest",
  941. [ 60734] = "Keeshan's Bandana", [ 72019] = "Trainee's Vest", [ 72020] = "Trainee's Leggings",
  942. [ 73207] = "Trainee's Mace", [ 73208] = "Trainee's Dagger", [ 73210] = "Trainee's Sword",
  943. [ 73211] = "Trainee's Crossbow", [ 73212] = "Trainee's Dagger", [ 74593] = "Staff of the Hozen",
  944. [ 76393] = "Trainee's Book of Prayers", [ 77278] = "Trainee's Handwrap", [ 77279] = "Trainee's Handwrap",
  945. [ 77509] = "Trainee's Cord", [ 77526] = "Trainee's Wristwraps", [131867] = "Red Cloud Handwraps",
  946. [131868] = "Sun Bleached Armbands", [131872] = "Sunwalker's Waistcord",
  948. -- Trash
  949. -- Bags
  950. [ 805] = "Small Red Pouch", [ 828] = "Small Blue Pouch", [ 856] = "Blue Leather Bag",
  951. [ 3343] = "Captain Sanders' Booty Bag", [ 4496] = "Small Brown Pouch", [ 5571] = "Small Black Pouch",
  952. [ 5572] = "Small Green Pouch", [ 5574] = "White Leather Bag", [ 23389] = "Empty Dranei Supply Pouch",
  953. [ 23852] = "Nolkai's Bag", [ 46753] = "Melithar's Supply Bag", [ 52039] = "Shipwright's Bag",
  954. [ 52040] = "Salvager's Bag", [ 56148] = "Bank Robber's Bag", [ 56149] = "Empty Town-In-A-Box",
  955. [ 57247] = "Grape-Picking Sack", [ 57251] = "'Collecting' Bag", [ 57790] = "Pumpkin Bag",
  956. [ 57792] = "Bag of Thorns", [ 57793] = "Kodo Saddlebag", [ 60239] = "Foul Bag",
  957. [ 60242] = "Kron's New Hunting Bag", [ 60731] = "Message Carrier",
  958. -- [161999] = "Pack of Many Pockets", -- 30 Slots
  959. -- Book, Notes, Other Readables
  960. [ 45079] = "Gorick's Stash List", [ 95408] = "Waterlogged Zandalari Journal", [ 95409] = "Frayed Zandalari Journal",
  961. [ 95410] = "Blood-Splattered Zandalari Journal", [ 95411] = "Torn Zandalari Journal", [ 95412] = "Iron-Bound Zandalari Journal",
  962. [140517] = "Glory of the Order", [156852] = "Ognot's Dream Journal", [158178] = "Mangled Tortollan Scroll",
  963. [158879] = "Bloodstained Message", [160109] = "The Fall of Cortain", [162571] = "Soggy Treasure Map",
  964. [162580] = "Fading Treasure Map", [162581] = "Yellowed Treasure Map", [162584] = "Singed Treasure Map",
  965. -- Champion/Follower/Naval Equipment
  966. [114128] = "Balanced Weapon Enhancement", [114616] = "War Ravaged Weaponry", [114745] = "Braced Armor Enhancement",
  967. [114746] = "Goredrenched Armor Set", [114806] = "Blackrock Armor Set", [114807] = "War Ravaged Armor Set",
  968. [118475] = "Hearthstone Strategy Guide", [125787] = "Bilge Pump", [127663] = "Trained Shark Tank",
  969. [127882] = "Blast Furnace",
  970. [139792] = "Fruitful Bauble", [139795] = "Draught of Courage",
  971. [139799] = "Pathfinder's Saddle", [139801] = "Lucky Doodad", [139802] = "Auspicious Fetish",
  972. [139808] = "Curio of Abundant Happiness", [139809] = "Elixir of Plenty", [139811] = "Necklace of Endless Memories",
  973. [139812] = "Potion of Triton", [139814] = "Carrot on a Stick", [139816] = "Well-Worn Stone",
  974. [139837] = "Demon's Sigil", [139847] = "Bow of Ancient Kings", [139849] = "Windrunner's Gift",
  975. [139855] = "Skull of Embrace", [139857] = "Helm of Command", [139811] = "Necklace of Endless Memories",
  976. [139813] = "Swift Boots", [139835] = "Marauder's Vestige", [139836] = "Shadow Relic",
  977. [139842] = "Furious Charge", [139845] = "Band of Primordial Strength", [139853] = "Axe of the Valkyra",
  978. [139863] = "Elune's Sight", [139865] = "Glowing Token", [139869] = "Libram of Enlightenment",
  979. [139878] = "Relic of the Ebon Blade", [140581] = "Sturdy Hiking Boots", [140582] = "Bottomless Flask",
  980. [140583] = "Vial of Timeless Breath", [147348] = "Bulky Armor Set", [147553] = "Shard of Twisting Nether",
  981. [147554] = "Harpy Feather", [147555] = "Vial of Sight", [147556] = "Cloak of Concealment",
  982. [147557] = "Fel Imp Tooth", [147558] = "Pouch of Wonder", [147558] = "Pouch of Wonder",
  983. [147559] = "Ward of Infinite Fury", [147566] = "Horn of Valor", [147750] = "Dreamgrove Leaf",
  984. [151842] = "Krokul Armor Set", [151844] = "Xenedar Armor Set", [152437] = "Viscid Demon Blood",
  985. [152439] = "Pit Lord Tusk", [152442] = "Impervious Shadoweave Hood", [152443] = "Sanctified Armaments of the Light",
  986. [152444] = "Exalted Xenedar Hammer", [152445] = "Memento of the Lightforged", [152446] = "Writ of Holy Orders",
  987. [152447] = "Lightburst Charge", [152927] = "Serrated Stone Axe", [152928] = "Archaic Seerstone",
  988. [152929] = "Pronged Ridgestalker Spear", [152930] = "Vilefiend-Spine Whip", [152931] = "Xenic Tincture",
  989. [152932] = "Runewarded Lightblade", [152933] = "Shadowguard Void Effusion", [152934] = "Shadow-Soaked Stalker Heart",
  990. [152935] = "Wakener's Bauble", [152936] = "Azurelight Sapphire", [152438] = "Krokul Sledgehammer",
  991. [152440] = "Void-Touched Arinor Blossom", [152441] = "Satchel of Lucidity",
  992. -- Misc.
  993. [ 961] = "Healing Herb", [ 1127] = "Flash Bundle", [ 2794] = "An Old History Book",
  994. [ 2799] = "Gorilla Fang", [ 3434] = "Slumber Sand", [ 4479] = "Burning Charm",
  995. [ 4480] = "Thundering Charm", [ 5457] = "Severed Voodoo Claw", [ 9308] = "Grime-Encrusted Object",
  996. [ 9327] = "Security DELTA Access Card", [ 12662] = "Demonic Rune", [ 23334] = "Cracked Power Core",
  997. [ 24475] = "Gordawg;s Imprint", [ 25416] = "Oshu'gun Crystal Fragment", --[[[ 25433] = "Obsidian Warbeads",]]
  998. [ 31666] = "Battered Steam Tonk Controller", [ 34498] = "Paper Zeppelin Kit", [ 34498] = "Paper Zeppelin Kit",
  999. [ 36770] = "Zorl's Protective Elixir", [ 37902] = "Springtime Stout",
  1000. [ 38577] = "Party G.R.E.N.A.D.E.", [ 43089] = "Vrykul Bones", [ 44012] = "Underbelly Elixir",
  1001. [ 44462] = "Cult of the Damned Thesis",
  1002. [ 46006] = "Glow Worm", [ 62342] = "Lesser Inscription of Charged Lodestone",
  1003. [ 62505] = "Bat Eye", [ 64640] = "Infectis Puffer Sashimi",
  1004. [ 65898] = "Billy Goat Blaster DX", [ 63122] = "Lifegiving Seed",
  1005. [ 80914] = "Mourning Glory", [ 85580] = "Empty Polyformic Acid Vial",
  1006. [ 89640] = "Life Spirit",
  1007. [ 88370] = "Puntable Marmot", [ 88375] = "Turnip Punching Bag", [ 88377] = "Turnip Paint 'Gun'",
  1008. [ 89641] = "Water Spirit", [ 89697] = "Bag of Kafa Beans",
  1009. [ 91806] = "Unstable Portal Shard", [ 92942] = "Potion of Brawler's Cunning",
  1010. [ 94130] = "Incantation of Haqin", [ 94233] = "Incantation of Deng", [102464] = "Black Ash",
  1011. --[[[104299] = "Falling Flame",]] [104304] = "Blizzard Stone", [104306] = "Sunset Stone",
  1012. [103641] = "Singing Crystal", [103642] = "Book of the Ages", [103643] = "Dew of Eternal Morning",
  1013. [104111] = "Elixir of Wandering Spirits", [104297] = "Blazing Sigil of Ordos", [104328] = "Cauterizing Core",
  1014. [104334] = "Misty Pi'jiu Brew", [107275] = "Dog-Eared Note",
  1015. [107277] = "Fur-Lined Scroll", [109184] = "Stealthman 54", [111407] = "Waterlogged Journal",
  1016. [111408] = "Discarded Lucky Coin", [113405] = "Gently Squeezed Toad", [113531] = "Ashes of A'kumbo",
  1017. [118006] = "Shieldtronic Shield", [118897] = "Miner's Coffee", [118903] = "Preserved Mining Pick",
  1018. [129196] = "Legion Healthstone", [129210] = "Fel Crystal Fragments", [136654] = "Field Pack",
  1019. [141318] = "Angry Post", [146903] = "Sentinax Beacon of Domination", [146905] = "Sentinax Beacon of Firestorm",
  1020. [146906] = "Sentinax Beacon of Carnage", [146907] = "Sentinax Beacon of Warbeasts", [146908] = "Sentinax Beacon of Engineering",
  1021. [146909] = "Sentinax Beacon of Torment", [147569] = "Arcane Trap", [153127] = "Cube of Discovery",
  1022. [153189] = "Shattered Lightsword", [155823] = "Icy Snowball", [156835] = "Delicious Honey",
  1023. [162127] = "River Clam Pearl", [163698] = "Thundering Essence", [163701] = "Rumbling Essence",
  1024. [166972] = "Emergency Powerpack", [168052] = "Scrap Grenade", [168161] = "Molted Shell",
  1025. [169674] = "Green Paint Filled Bladder",
  1026. [169856] = "Spark-1351", [170170] = "Fermented Deviate Fish", [170174] = "Muck Slime",
  1027. [170177] = "Exposed Fish", [170178] = "Alpha Fin", [170179] = "Snapdragon Scent Gland",
  1028. [170181] = "Tidal Guard", [170182] = "Voltscale Shield", [170186] = "Abyss Pearl",
  1029. [170192] = "Mudwrap", [170193] = "Sea Totem", [170194] = "Storm Totem",
  1030. [170200] = "Seastorm Totem",
  1031. -- NV$ Junk Reminds to delete on Full Summary
  1032. [ 16790] = "Damp Note", [ 21241] = "Winter Veil Eggnog",
  1033. [ 23270] = "Tainted Helboar Meat", [ 25766] = "'Creatures That Ow Sal'salabim Golds'",
  1034. [ 25866] = "Greatmother's List of Herbs", [ 26042] = "Oshu'gun Crystal Powder Sample", [ 26043] = "Oshu'gun Crystal Powder Sample",
  1035. [ 43472] = "Snowfall Larger",
  1036. [ 97985] = "Dusty Old Robot", [104288] = "Condensed Jademist", [104290] = "Sticky Silkworm Goo",
  1037. [113545] = "Carved Drinking Horn", [161437] = "Shipping Contract",
  1038. -- Pets
  1039. [ 37431] = "Fetch Ball", [ 43352] = "Pet Grooming Kit", [ 43626] = "Happy Pet Snack",
  1040. [ 71153] = "Magical Pet Biscuit", [ 89906] = "Magical Mini-Treat",
  1041. -- Profession
  1042. -- [ 6532] = "Bright Baubles",
  1043. [ 6661] = "Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight", [ 6663] = "Recipe: Elixir of Giant Growth", [ 12713] = "Plans: Radiant Leggings",
  1044. [ 16251] = "Formula: Enchant Bracer - Superior Stamina", [ 23440] = "Dawnstone",
  1045. [ 28463] = "Solid Zircon", [ 76137] = "Alexandrite", [ 86280] = "Pattern: Murderer's Gloves",
  1046. [ 87410] = "Plans: Ornate Battleplate of the Master", [ 87411] = "Plans: Bloodforged Warfists",
  1047. -- [110292] = "Sea Scorpion Bait", [115508] = "Draenic Stone", [122742] = "Bladebone Hook",
  1048. -- [124124] = "Blood of Sargeras", [151568] = "Primal Sargerite",
  1049. -- [153701] = "Rubellite", [153702] = "Viridium", [153703] = "Solstone",
  1050. -- [153704] = "Viridium", [153705] = "Kyanite",
  1053. },
  1054. }
  1055. }
  1057. local updateBrokerDisplay = true
  1058. local totalSellValue = 0.0
  1059. local numSlots = 0
  1060. local itemsBOP = {} -- caching items so we don't have to scan tooltips all the time
  1061. local itemsUseEquip = {} -- caching items which have a Use: or Equip: tag so we don't have to scan tooltips all the time
  1062. local itemsJunk = {} -- caching which items are junk
  1063. local cheapestJunkItem = {}
  1065. function AV:ResetJunkCache()
  1066. itemsJunk = {}
  1067. cheapestJunkItem = {}
  1068. updateBrokerDisplay = true
  1069. end
  1071. function AV:OnInitialize()
  1072. self.db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("AutoVendorDB", defaults)
  1073. local parent = LibStub("AceConfig-3.0"):RegisterOptionsTable("AutoVendor", options, {"autovendor", "av"})
  1074. LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0"):AddToBlizOptions("AutoVendor", "AutoVendor")
  1075. profiles = LibStub("AceDBOptions-3.0"):GetOptionsTable(self.db)
  1076. LibStub("AceConfig-3.0"):RegisterOptionsTable("AutoVendor.profiles", profiles)
  1077. LibStub("AceConfigDialog-3.0"):AddToBlizOptions("AutoVendor.profiles", "Profiles", "AutoVendor")
  1079. local UPDATEPERIOD, elapsed = 1, 0
  1080. local ldb = LibStub:GetLibrary("LibDataBroker-1.1", true)
  1081. if ldb then
  1082. local avDataObj = ldb:NewDataObject("AutoVendor", {type = "data source", text = "AutoVendor", icon = "Interface\\Icons\\Inv_Misc_MonsterScales_08"})
  1083. local avF = CreateFrame("frame")
  1085. avF:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(self, elap)
  1086. elapsed = elapsed + elap
  1087. if elapsed < UPDATEPERIOD then return end
  1089. elapsed = 0
  1090. local iconSize = select(2, GetChatWindowInfo(1)) - 2
  1091. local repairCost = GetRepairAllCost()
  1092. if repairCost >= 100 then
  1093. repaircost = math.floor(repairCost / 100) * 100
  1094. end
  1095. if updateBrokerDisplay then
  1096. totalSellValue, numSlots = AV:GetJunkAmount()
  1097. if totalSellValue >= 100 then
  1098. totalSellValue = math.floor(totalSellValue / 100) * 100
  1099. end
  1100. updateBrokerDisplay = false
  1101. end
  1102. avDataObj.text = "Repair: "..GetCoinTextureString(repairCost, iconSize).." / Junk: "..GetCoinTextureString(totalSellValue, iconSize).." ("..numSlots.." slots)"
  1103. avDataObj.label = "AutoVendor"
  1104. end)
  1105. end
  1106. end
  1108. function AV:Debug(val, editbox)
  1109. self:Print('Loaded language: ' .. L["Loaded language"])
  1110. self:Print('Player class: "' .. select(1, UnitClass('player')) .. '"')
  1111. self:Print('Player level: ' .. select(1, UnitLevel('player')))
  1113. if val:len() < 10 then
  1114. self:Print('Add an item link to the debug statement to get information about that item.')
  1115. return
  1116. end
  1118. self:Print('Showing information about: ' .. val)
  1120. local link = GetItemInfo(val)
  1121. local _, _, itemQuality, _, _, _, _, _, itemEquipLoc, _, _, itemClassId, itemSubClassId = GetItemInfo(link)
  1122. local itemLevel = GetDetailedItemLevelInfo(link)
  1124. if itemQuality then
  1125. self:Print('Item quality: "' .. itemQuality .. '"')
  1126. end
  1127. if itemLevel then
  1128. self:Print('Item level: ' .. itemLevel)
  1129. end
  1130. if itemClassId then
  1131. self:Print('Item Class ID: ' .. itemClassId)
  1132. end
  1133. if itemSubClassId then
  1134. self:Print('Item Subclass ID: ' .. itemSubClassId)
  1135. end
  1136. if itemEquipLoc then
  1137. self:Print('Item equip location: "' .. itemEquipLoc .. '"')
  1138. end
  1139. end
  1141. function AV:GetJunkAmount()
  1142. local totalSellValue = 0
  1143. local numSlots = 0
  1145. for bag=0,4 do
  1146. for slot=1,GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do
  1147. local link = GetContainerItemLink(bag, slot)
  1148. if link and AV:IsJunk(link) then
  1149. local itemCount = select(2, GetContainerItemInfo(bag, slot))
  1150. if itemCount then
  1151. local vendorWorth = select(11, GetItemInfo(link))
  1152. if vendorWorth then
  1153. local sellValue = itemCount * vendorWorth
  1154. if sellValue > 0 then
  1155. numSlots = numSlots + 1
  1156. totalSellValue = totalSellValue + sellValue
  1157. end
  1159. if cheapestJunkItem["link"] == nil or cheapestJunkItem["price"] > sellValue then
  1160. cheapestJunkItem["link"] = link
  1161. cheapestJunkItem["price"] = sellValue
  1162. cheapestJunkItem["bag"] = bag
  1163. cheapestJunkItem["slot"] = slot
  1164. end
  1165. end
  1166. end
  1167. end
  1168. end
  1169. end
  1171. return totalSellValue, numSlots
  1172. end
  1174. function AV:OnEnable()
  1175. self:RegisterEvent("BAG_UPDATE")
  1176. self:RegisterEvent("MERCHANT_SHOW")
  1177. self:RegisterChatCommand("junklist", "JunkList")
  1178. self:RegisterChatCommand("notjunklist", "NotJunkList")
  1179. self:RegisterChatCommand("junk", "ToggleJunk")
  1180. self:RegisterChatCommand("notjunk", "ToggleNotJunk")
  1181. self:RegisterChatCommand("dropcheapest", "DropCheapest")
  1182. end
  1184. function AV:OnDisable()
  1185. end
  1187. function AV:SetVerbosity(info, val)
  1188. self.db.profile.verbosity = val
  1189. self:Print("Setting verbosity level to '"..val.."'.")
  1190. end
  1192. function AV:GetVerbosity(info)
  1193. return self.db.profile.verbosity
  1194. end
  1196. local function listFormatWithoutPrint(list)
  1197. local tmpList = {}
  1198. for _,v in pairs(list) do
  1199. table.insert(tmpList, v)
  1200. end
  1201. table.sort(tmpList)
  1202. tmpString = ''
  1203. for k,v in pairs(list) do
  1204. local item_link = select(2, GetItemInfo(k))
  1205. if item_link == nil then
  1206. item_link = v
  1207. end
  1208. if #tmpString > 0 and #tmpString + #item_link <= 255 then
  1209. tmpString = tmpString .. ', ' .. item_link
  1210. else
  1211. if #tmpString == 0 then
  1212. tmpString = item_link
  1213. else
  1214. AV:Print(tmpString)
  1215. tmpString = item_link
  1216. end
  1217. end
  1218. end
  1219. return tmpString
  1220. end
  1222. local function listFormat(list)
  1223. tmpString = listFormatWithoutPrint(list)
  1224. if #tmpString ~= 0 then
  1225. AV:Print(tmpString)
  1226. end
  1227. end
  1229. local function listRemove(list, item)
  1230. found = false
  1231. for k,v in pairs(list) do
  1232. if string.lower(v) == string.lower(item) then
  1233. list[k] = nil
  1234. found = true
  1235. end
  1236. end
  1237. return found
  1238. end
  1240. local function listToggle(list, listName, itemId, itemName)
  1241. if list[itemId] then
  1242. list[itemId] = nil
  1243. AV:Print(string.format(L['Removed from list'], itemName, listName))
  1244. else
  1245. table.insert(list, itemId, itemName)
  1246. AV:Print(string.format(L['Added to list'], itemName, listName))
  1247. end
  1248. end
  1250. function AV:ToggleJunk(msg, editbox)
  1251. if msg then
  1252. self:ResetJunkCache()
  1253. local itemId = tonumber(strmatch(msg, "item:(%d+)"))
  1254. local itemName = select(1, GetItemInfo(msg))
  1255. if itemId and itemName then
  1256. listToggle(self.db.profile.junk, 'junk list', itemId, itemName)
  1257. else
  1258. if msg and listRemove(self.db.profile.junk, msg) then
  1259. self:Print(string.format(L['Removed from list'], msg, 'junk list'))
  1260. else
  1261. self:Print(L['No item link'])
  1262. end
  1263. end
  1264. else
  1265. self:Print(L['No item link'])
  1266. end
  1267. end
  1269. function AV:ToggleNotJunk(msg, editbox)
  1270. if msg then
  1271. self:ResetJunkCache()
  1272. local itemId = tonumber(strmatch(msg, "item:(%d+)"))
  1273. local itemName = select(1, GetItemInfo(msg))
  1274. if itemId and itemName then
  1275. listToggle(self.db.profile.not_junk, 'not junk list', itemId, itemName)
  1276. else
  1277. if msg and listRemove(self.db.profile.not_junk, msg) then
  1278. self:Print(string.format(L['Removed from list'], msg, 'not junk list.'))
  1279. else
  1280. self:Print(L['No item link'])
  1281. end
  1282. end
  1283. else
  1284. self:Print(L['No item link'])
  1285. end
  1286. end
  1288. function AV:JunkList(msg, editbox)
  1289. local empty = true
  1290. for _,_ in pairs(self.db.profile.junk) do
  1291. empty = false
  1292. end
  1293. if empty then
  1294. self:Print(L['Junk list empty'])
  1295. else
  1296. self:Print(L['Items in junk list'])
  1297. end
  1298. listFormat(self.db.profile.junk)
  1299. end
  1301. function AV:NotJunkList(msg, editbox)
  1302. local empty = true
  1303. for _,_ in pairs(self.db.profile.not_junk) do
  1304. empty = false
  1305. end
  1306. if empty then
  1307. self:Print(L['Not-junk list empty'])
  1308. else
  1309. self:Print(L['Items in not-junk list'])
  1310. end
  1311. listFormat(self.db.profile.not_junk)
  1312. end
  1314. function AV:DropCheapest(msg, editbox)
  1315. if cheapestJunkItem["link"] ~= nil then
  1316. self:Print(string.format(L['Throwing away'], cheapestJunkItem["link"]))
  1317. if not CursorHasItem() then
  1318. PickupContainerItem(cheapestJunkItem["bag"], cheapestJunkItem["slot"])
  1319. DeleteCursorItem()
  1320. end
  1321. else
  1322. self:Print(L['No junk to throw away'])
  1323. end
  1324. end
  1326. function AV:IsJunk(link)
  1327. local itemId = tonumber(strmatch(link, "item:(%d+)"))
  1329. if itemId == nil then
  1330. return false
  1331. else
  1332. if itemsJunk[itemId] == nil then
  1333. itemsJunk[itemId] = self:ShouldSell(link)
  1334. end
  1336. return itemsJunk[itemId]
  1337. end
  1338. end
  1340. function AV:ShouldSell(link)
  1341. local itemId = tonumber(strmatch(link, "item:(%d+)"))
  1342. local itemName, _, itemQuality, _, _, _, _, _, itemEquipLoc, _, _, itemClassId, itemSubClassId = GetItemInfo(link)
  1343. local itemLevel = GetDetailedItemLevelInfo(link)
  1345. -- Noboru's Cudgel
  1346. if itemId == 6196 then
  1347. return false
  1348. end
  1350. -- Peon's Mining Pick
  1351. if itemId == 116913 then
  1352. return false
  1353. end
  1355. -- Don't sell legendary, artifact or heirloom items
  1356. if itemQuality and itemQuality > 4 then
  1357. return false
  1358. end
  1360. -- item is in the "always sell" list
  1361. if self.db.profile.junk[itemId] then
  1362. return true
  1363. end
  1365. -- item is in the "never sell" list
  1366. if self.db.profile.not_junk[itemId] then
  1367. return false
  1368. end
  1370. if self.db.profile.sellfortunecards and AV_FORTUNE_CARDS[itemId] == true then
  1371. return true;
  1372. end
  1374. -- item is level 1, don't sell
  1375. if itemLevel == 1 and itemQuality ~= 0 then
  1376. return false
  1377. end
  1379. if itemsBOP[itemId] == nil or itemsUseEquip[itemId] == nil then
  1380. local soulbound, useEquip = self:GetTooltipInfo(link)
  1381. itemsBOP[itemId] = soulbound
  1382. itemsUseEquip[itemId] = useEquip
  1383. end
  1385. local _,class = UnitClass('player')
  1387. if itemClassId == LE_ITEM_CLASS_WEAPON or itemClassId == LE_ITEM_CLASS_ARMOR then
  1388. -- sell items below a certain item level
  1389. if itemsBOP[itemId] and not itemsUseEquip[itemId] and AV.db.profile.selllowlevelitems and itemLevel < AV.db.profile.sellbelowitemlevel then
  1390. return true
  1391. end
  1393. -- sell unusable soulbound items
  1394. if self.db.profile.soulbound then
  1395. -- sell unusable items
  1396. if itemsBOP[itemId] and AV:CannotUse(class, itemClassId, itemSubClassId) then
  1397. return true
  1398. end
  1399. end
  1400. end
  1402. -- sell non-optimal soulbound items
  1403. if self.db.profile.nonoptimal then
  1404. local _,class = UnitClass('player')
  1406. if itemClassId == LE_ITEM_CLASS_ARMOR and itemEquipLoc ~= 'INVTYPE_CLOAK' and itemsBOP[itemId] then
  1407. if AV:NonOptimal(class, itemClassId, itemSubClassId) then
  1408. return true
  1409. end
  1410. end
  1411. end
  1413. -- item is grey
  1414. if itemQuality == 0 then
  1415. return true
  1416. else
  1417. return false
  1418. end
  1419. end
  1421. function AV:GetTooltipInfo(link)
  1422. local soulbound = false
  1423. local useEquip = false
  1425. local f = CreateFrame('GameTooltip', 'AVTooltip', UIParent, 'GameTooltipTemplate')
  1426. f:SetOwner(UIParent, 'ANCHOR_NONE')
  1427. f:SetHyperlink(link)
  1429. for i = 0,20 do
  1430. local tooltipLine = _G['AVTooltipTextLeft' .. i]
  1431. if tooltipLine ~= nil then
  1432. local tooltipString = tooltipLine:GetText()
  1434. if self:FindString(tooltipString, ITEM_BIND_ON_PICKUP) then
  1435. soulbound = true
  1436. end
  1438. if self:FindString(tooltipString, USE_COLON) or self:FindString(tooltipString, L['Equip:']) then
  1439. useEquip = true
  1440. end
  1441. end
  1442. end
  1444. f:Hide()
  1446. return soulbound, useEquip
  1447. end
  1449. function AV:FindString(haystack, needle)
  1450. if haystack == nil then
  1451. return false
  1452. end
  1454. return string.find(haystack, needle)
  1455. end
  1457. function AV:MERCHANT_SHOW()
  1458. local iconSize = select(2, GetChatWindowInfo(1)) - 2
  1459. local totalSellValue = 0
  1460. local totalItemsSold = 0
  1461. local repairCost = 0
  1462. local usedGuildBankRepair = false
  1463. local warningShown = false
  1465. if self.db.profile.autorepair and CanMerchantRepair() then
  1466. repairCost, canRepair = GetRepairAllCost()
  1467. if canRepair then
  1468. if self.db.profile.guildbankrepair and CanGuildBankRepair() and GetGuildBankWithdrawMoney() >= repairCost then
  1469. usedGuildBankRepair = true
  1470. RepairAllItems(true)
  1471. else
  1472. RepairAllItems()
  1473. end
  1474. end
  1475. end
  1477. for bag=0,4 do
  1478. for slot=1,GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do
  1479. local link = GetContainerItemLink(bag, slot)
  1480. if link then
  1481. local itemId = tonumber(strmatch(link, "item:(%d+)"))
  1482. if AV:IsJunk(link) then
  1483. if totalItemsSold == 12 then
  1484. if not warningShown then
  1485. self:Print(L['12 items sold'])
  1486. warningShown = true
  1487. end
  1488. else
  1489. local itemCount = select(2, GetContainerItemInfo(bag, slot))
  1490. local sellValue = itemCount * select(11, GetItemInfo(link))
  1491. if sellValue > 0 then
  1492. totalSellValue = totalSellValue + sellValue
  1493. totalItemsSold = totalItemsSold + 1
  1494. UseContainerItem(bag, slot)
  1495. if self.db.profile.verbosity == 'all' then
  1496. self:Print(format(L['Selling x of y for z'], link, itemCount, GetCoinTextureString(sellValue, iconSize)))
  1497. end
  1498. else
  1499. if self.db.profile.verbosity == 'all' then
  1500. self:Print(format(L['Item has no vendor worth'], link))
  1501. end
  1502. end
  1503. end
  1504. end
  1505. end
  1506. end
  1507. end
  1509. if self.db.profile.verbosity == 'all' or self.db.profile.verbosity == 'summary' then
  1510. if totalItemsSold > 0 then
  1511. local items = L['Multiple items']
  1512. if totalItemsSold == 1 then
  1513. items = L['Single item']
  1514. end
  1515. self:Print(format(L['Summary sold x item(s) for z'], totalItemsSold, items, GetCoinTextureString(totalSellValue, iconSize)))
  1516. end
  1517. if repairCost > 0 then
  1518. if usedGuildBankRepair then
  1519. self:Print(format(L['Repaired all items for x from guild bank'], GetCoinTextureString(repairCost, iconSize)))
  1520. else
  1521. self:Print(format(L['Repaired all items for x'], GetCoinTextureString(repairCost, iconSize)))
  1522. end
  1523. end
  1524. end
  1525. end
  1527. function AV:BAG_UPDATE()
  1528. cheapestJunkItem = {}
  1529. updateBrokerDisplay = true
  1530. end
  1532. function AV:CannotUse(class, itemClassId, itemSubClassId)
  1533. for _,v in pairs(AV_UNUSABLE_ITEMS[class][itemClassId]) do
  1534. if itemSubClassId == v then
  1535. return true
  1536. end
  1537. end
  1538. return false
  1539. end
  1541. function AV:NonOptimal(class, itemClassId, itemSubClassId)
  1542. for _,v in pairs(AV_NON_OPTIMAL_ITEMS[class][itemClassId]) do
  1543. if itemSubClassId == v then
  1544. return true
  1545. end
  1546. end
  1547. return false
  1548. end
  1550. -- Format: AV_UNUSABLE_ITEMS[class][itemClassId][itemSubClassId]
  1552. ['DEATHKNIGHT'] = {
  1555. },
  1556. ['DEMONHUNTER'] = {
  1559. },
  1560. ['DRUID'] = {
  1563. },
  1564. ['HUNTER'] = {
  1567. },
  1568. ['MAGE'] = {
  1571. },
  1572. ['MONK'] = {
  1575. },
  1576. ['PALADIN'] = {
  1577. [LE_ITEM_CLASS_ARMOR] = { },
  1579. },
  1580. ['PRIEST'] = {
  1583. },
  1584. ['ROGUE'] = {
  1587. },
  1588. ['SHAMAN'] = {
  1591. },
  1592. ['WARLOCK'] = {
  1595. },
  1596. ['WARRIOR'] = {
  1597. [LE_ITEM_CLASS_ARMOR] = { },
  1599. },
  1600. }
  1602. -- Format: AV_NON_OPTIMAL_ITEMS[class][itemClassId][itemSubClassId]
  1604. ['DEATHKNIGHT'] = {
  1606. },
  1607. ['DEMONHUNTER'] = {
  1609. },
  1610. ['DRUID'] = {
  1612. },
  1613. ['HUNTER'] = {
  1615. },
  1616. ['MAGE'] = {
  1617. [LE_ITEM_CLASS_ARMOR] = { },
  1618. },
  1619. ['MONK'] = {
  1621. },
  1622. ['PALADIN'] = {
  1624. },
  1625. ['PRIEST'] = {
  1626. [LE_ITEM_CLASS_ARMOR] = { },
  1627. },
  1628. ['ROGUE'] = {
  1630. },
  1631. ['SHAMAN'] = {
  1633. },
  1634. ['WARLOCK'] = {
  1635. [LE_ITEM_CLASS_ARMOR] = { },
  1636. },
  1637. ['WARRIOR'] = {
  1639. },
  1640. }
  1642. AV_FORTUNE_CARDS = {
  1643. [62590] = true,
  1644. [60845] = true,
  1645. [62606] = true,
  1646. [60842] = true,
  1647. [60841] = true,
  1648. [62602] = true,
  1649. [62603] = true,
  1650. [62604] = true,
  1651. [62605] = true,
  1652. [60839] = true,
  1653. [62598] = true,
  1654. [62599] = true,
  1655. [62600] = true,
  1656. [62601] = true,
  1657. [62246] = true,
  1658. [62577] = true,
  1659. [62578] = true,
  1660. [62579] = true,
  1661. [62580] = true,
  1662. [62581] = true,
  1663. [62582] = true,
  1664. [62583] = true,
  1665. [62584] = true,
  1666. [62585] = true,
  1667. [62586] = true,
  1668. [62587] = true,
  1669. [62588] = true,
  1670. [62589] = true,
  1671. [60843] = true,
  1672. [62591] = true,
  1673. [62247] = true,
  1674. [62552] = true,
  1675. [62553] = true,
  1676. [62554] = true,
  1677. [62555] = true,
  1678. [62556] = true,
  1679. [62557] = true,
  1680. [62558] = true,
  1681. [62559] = true,
  1682. [62560] = true,
  1683. [62561] = true,
  1684. [62562] = true,
  1685. [62563] = true,
  1686. [62564] = true,
  1687. [62565] = true,
  1688. [62566] = true,
  1689. [62567] = true,
  1690. [62568] = true,
  1691. [62569] = true,
  1692. [62570] = true,
  1693. [62571] = true,
  1694. [62572] = true,
  1695. [62573] = true,
  1696. [62574] = true,
  1697. [62575] = true,
  1698. [62576] = true,
  1699. }
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