
Jungle Fever

Apr 12th, 2015
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  1. Jungle Fever.
  3. The petals of the God's Blossom flower stirred softly as a mild breeze – the closest thing to cool air that the jungle ever seemed to get – rustled past. Bright red, and formed into delicate curves, it was little wonder that the petals were often sold, dried and pressed, as decoration. The flowers themselves had some significance to the local tribes, who saw them as a blessing from their primitive deities.
  4. Torres smirked to himself, sneering inwardly at their crude faith, and slowly crushed the flower under an armoured boot. The rest of his strong, broad body was clad in the light armour customary to the region, but he had insisted on keeping the plated boots. Not two weeks ago, he had seen a man stung by some vicious insect, the creature's tail piercing right through the leather boot.
  5. The poor bastard's foot had swollen up like a corpse by the next morning, and had been amputated by the evening. Fever had rushed in not long after, carrying the cripple off into death's embrace within a few days. The rest of the camp had rested poorly that night, kept awake by the man's death rattle. For most of the expedition, that had been the last straw – nobody wanted to die in a forsaken jungle hell like this.
  6. Cursing his craven companions, Torres picked up his pack and started to march. He was the only one left now, but his bullish pride had deflected any thoughts of joining them. Rumour was, there were vast troves of treasure lurking within the unmapped jungles on this nameless island, defended by nothing but the savage nature surrounding them. Treasure enough for a man to live out the rest of his days like a king, or so the stories claimed.
  7. Of course, the stories were so vague that an army of men could search the jungle all their lives and never find a thing. It was pure dumb luck that had led Torres to the trail, and nothing more. Just thinking about the odds made Torres' head ache, as though someone was driving a pair of blunt nails into his shaven scalp.
  8. The heat didn't help. A constant blanket of oppressive humidity and relentless sun that seemed to follow Torres no matter where he went, or what hour of the day it was. Even the nights here were sweltering, reducing his slumber to a nightmare of sweat and fever dreams. If he found himself in a tavern, a flagon of ale in one hand and a comely wench in the other, Torres was certain that he could die a happy man.
  9. A woman – the thought alone was enough to set Torres' loins stirring. It had been so long since the last time he had taken a woman to bed that he could barely remember it. His prick was hard down, stiff and aching beneath his rugged breeches as he imagined sliding it into the glistening folds of a maiden's sex. Grunting softly, the muscular human tried to thrust the fantasy from his mind and focus on the path ahead, but it was no easy task.
  10. In his mind's eye, he could see himself unlacing a tight bodice, pushing layers of cloth aside until his prize – a majestic pair of luxurious breasts – came spilling out into his waiting hands. Sure enough, he couldn't remember the last time he had lain with a woman, but years of experience had seared the fundamentals into his mind, down to the last detail.
  11. Just as he was picturing the imaginary maiden's nipples under his fingers, the warm flesh yielding under his touch, something crunched underfoot. Torres had the briefest of moments to look down and spy the broken mechanism – some crude pressure plate, it looked like – beneath his boot before the world seemed to fall in on him.
  12. The ground itself burst up, rushing in and taking him in a tight embrace as he flew up into the air. A snare of some kind, crafted from the same thick vines he had grown tired of seeing, had clenched around his ankle and retreated upwards, dragging the heavy human with it. The entire process had taken a matter of seconds, shattering Torres' pleasant fantasy with the swirling confusion of a world turned upside down.
  13. “Bastard!” Torres shouted, furious at his own stupidity. From the very first days of the expedition, the local tribes – both human and goblin – had nagged him with constant dire warnings, speaking of cunningly hidden traps lurking within the deepest parts of the jungle. Now, for the sake of a lurid fantasy, he had fallen into the first trap along his path.
  15. At the very least, it would be an easy one to escape from. His dagger was still tightly belted to his thigh, and the vine would quickly fall to a few strong swipes. Just as the well-muscled human was reaching for his blade, a rustling from the nearby jungle gave him pause. Perhaps something had heard his angered cry, something with the wits to come and investigate – maybe even the same creature that had placed the snare to begin with.
  16. The rustling grew louder as the unseen creature stalked closer, the building sound lending haste to Torres' motions. The vine creaked softly as he reached up, straining his body to tug the dagger from its sheath. Just as he pulled the blade free, a sharp pain in his neck shot through his body and jolted his hand away. Tumbling free from his clumsy grip, the metal dagger glinted in the sunlight – as if seeking to add insult to injury – as it plummeted to the ground. Growling another stream of vile curses under his breath, Torres reached up to crush whatever insect had foolishly stung him, slapping at his neck.
  17. Rather than the satisfying sight of a smashed bug, Torres was favoured with the sight of a small bone dart when he looked into the palm of his hand. As he stared down at the little needle, the human's vision grew hazy, his head swimming with a sudden nausea that had little to do with his precarious dangling. Poison, he realised with a last burst of raw anger. Not only had he fallen into a cowardly trap, but his unseen enemy hadn't even finished him off properly, face to face.
  18. Flopping back, his entire body growing loose and numb, Torres tried to focus on the shifting undergrowth around him. It was like the jungle was coming alive to take him, vines and ferns melding into a squat, yet undeniably humanoid form that prowled closer. At first, he thought he was hallucinating, suffering one last nightmare vomited up from the depths of his dying mind, but reality soon took hold.
  19. It was a goblin that cautiously approached him, their wide eyes shockingly white against the backdrop of green skin. A low growl – robbed of all the raw power that Torres had come to expect from his voice – slipped from the human's throat as his gaze wavered, denying him even a good look at the face of his murderer. The animalistic sound of his sheer frustration caused the goblin to take a hasty step backwards, before it broke out into a sly smile.
  20. The goblin lifted a thin object, waving it under Torres' blunt nose as if scolding him. A blowpipe, skilfully hewn from a single piece of wood, and doubtless the source of the little bone dart. As if piling another insult upon the first, the goblin raised their hand to a pouting, dark lipped mouth and blew the human a sultry kiss.
  21. That taunting kiss was the last thing Torres saw, his slate eyes rolling up in their sockets until only the whites were visible. A fearful shudder ran through his as the poison coursing through his veins finally overpowered his formidable constitution. The last embers of his rage were finally dimmed, drowned under the onrushing darkness.
  23. Torres woke up – a surprise in of itself – and almost thought that he was back on the mainland, suffering after a particularly heavy night at the tavern. Then the crushing wall of jungle heat came crashing in around him, shattering any hope he might have held. Cracking one aching eye open, Torres immediately recoiled from the brightness stabbing at him, his head striking off some firm strut behind him.
  24. That blow brought his senses rushing back, belligerence flowing back into his mind like water pouring into a glass. His first fruitless struggles told him that he was bound, wrists and ankles both tied behind his back with a thick wooden pole between them. At some point on his journey from snare to pillar he had been stripped to the waist, baring his bronzed chest to the elements. Already, a thin sheen of sweat glistened on the sculpted surface of his muscular torso, beads of the same liquid following each and every contour.
  25. Movement drew his eye, a deep ache pulsing behind in his temples as he lifted his head to follow the figure in front of him. A goblin – possibly even the same taunting hunter that had caught him in the first place – was pacing back and forth in front of him, their wide hips swaying with an unabashed swagger. It had to be the same one, he decided, that cocky attitude was unmistakable.
  26. With his wits about him, Torres was able to study the small creature with greater care. Much of their figure was hidden behind a loose shawl of spun grass, but their skirt – crafted from the same rustic material – and the womanly hips he had noticed earlier told him all he needed to know. The prospect of being kidnapped seemed less of a terrible fate, somehow, now that he knew it was a goblin maiden that had claimed him. After all, he had heard the stories.
  27. Stories of unspeakable lusts for human men, or even male beasts if no other prey could be found. Lurid tales of men with a dozen goblin wives, and countless half-breed children. Legends claiming that goblin men – if they even existed at all – were so rare as to be the stuff of myth. Whatever the truth of the matter, the creature in front of him now was a real beauty, with her delicate features framed by a tide of glossy black curls.
  28. As was to be expected of her kind, she barely surpassed Torres' navel in terms of height, and was less than half the broad shouldered man's width. Her eyes – growing wide and lively when she realised he was awake – were so alluring that the human had to force himself to remember what had brought him here. She had trapped him, drugged him and tied him to a rough hewn post in the middle of nowhere – hardly wife material, no matter how pretty she might have been.
  29. Still, it had been a long time, and the thought that she was the perfect height to take his manhood between her sultry lips was a potent one. Shaking his head angrily, Torres forced a frown onto his features as the goblin approached. Taking no notice of his fierce expression – not that Torres could have done anything to back up his threats, with his wrists firmly tied – the goblin placed her hands on the human's chest, exploring the shape of his powerful muscles with curious motions.
  30. “Don't touch me!” Torres snarled, thrashing against his bonds as the goblin continued to caress him, the feathery touch of her slender fingers ticking his skin, “Unhand me this instant!”
  31. “Make me,” the goblin replied, with only the slightest of hesitations to hint at her unfamiliarity with the human tongue. His defiance amused her, bringing a broad grin to her mischievous face as she began to pace around him, poking and prodding at his body. Her wandering hands seemed utterly shameless, first squeezing the taller human's backside before reaching around to grope at his crotch.
  32. If the sight of a woman – no matter the species – after such a long time hadn't been enough to stir Torres' lusts, then her constant touching and teasing was certainly enough. All of a sudden his leather breeches seemed too tight, gripping his crotch in quite the uncomfortable way. It was almost a relief, then, when he felt the goblin maiden's hands reach up to his belt buckle and deftly undo the mechanism.
  33. An appreciative coo escaped the goblin as she tugged Torres' manhood free, taking the thick shaft in her nimble hand. Her dainty fingers roamed up and down the human's member, exploring the ridges and veins lining his length as it stiffened and hardened. She hummed happily, hot breath tickling Torres' back as her fingers slid down to the base of his shaft, one hand reaching under to squeeze the heavy weight of his testicles.
  34. A deep grunt of frustration, born of the aching need for release that Torres had spent so long suppressing, escaped from the bound man as the goblin gave his shaft a brisk stroke. He could feel his member throbbing to the rhythm of his heartbeat, teased to a stiffness that was almost painful. It was then, when he was just started to allow himself a twinge of pleasure from her skilful motions that the goblin took her hands away, returning to her taunting march.
  36. She sauntered around to face the human, planting her hands onto the curves of her wide, womanly hips and looking up at him with a sneer. Torres felt a strange vulnerability – almost embarrassment – as she appraised his body, nodding to herself as her gaze travelled from the musculature of his chest to the reddened tip of his stiffened prick. He felt like livestock at market, being eyed up by a potential buyer.
  37. “You're a big guy,” the goblin said lightly, stepping a little closer and lifting his cock up, two of her slender fingers perching beneath the ridged tip and pushing. She eyed the organ for a moment before letting it drop, giggling at the sight of it bouncing freely in the air.
  38. “For you,” Torres replied, barely having time to realise how nonsensical his words were before they had tumbled from his lips. It must have been the brutal jungle heat, not to mention the lingering effects of the drug he had been shot with, messing with his head and quickening his tongue. He clamped his mouth shut before anything else ridiculous could force its way out, merely replying to the goblin's gales of laughter with a deathly glare.
  39. “What's your name, human?” the maiden asked eventually, locking her gaze onto Torres' own. There was something about her eyes, something so alluring that the bullish human almost dropped his guard completely. Even with his best efforts, he found himself unable to muster the searing anger he had first felt. If nothing else, the goblin clearly didn't want him dead. If she did, he would never have woken up.
  40. “...Torres,” he finally grunted, tearing his eyes away from the goblin's lusty stare.
  41. “Torres,” she repeated, rolling the word around her mouth as if savouring the taste of it, her tongue slipping out to trace the outline of her saucy lips. No matter how many times you repeated the name to herself she could never quite it right, her exotic accent twisting it until it sounded like either an orgasmic moan or a bitter curse. Finally, she gave him an indulgent shrug and spoke up, finally saying something other than a bastard variation on his own name. “I'm Myleen,” she didn't offer to shake hands – an understandable breach of protocol, given the situation.
  42. Not that protocol ever meant to Torres, or that he gave a damn about shaking her hand. Were it not for his bonds, he would have flung the teasing wench to the ground and ravished her, slaking his lusts with every inch of her body. No matter how much he struggled, though, the vines tied around his wrists and ankles would not budge. Nothing ripped from a tree had any business being this tough, he thought wildly as the creepers resisted his every attempt at escape. Finally, he abandoned his fruitless efforts and let his body sag, relaxing as best as he was able.
  43. “Fine, damn it,” he spat, giving Myleen a baleful look, “What do you want with me?”
  44. “Want with you?” Myleen hummed happily, gleefully ignorant of the weary anger in Torres' eyes, “What would I want with someone like you?”
  45. “Someone like...” Torres blustered, amazed at the goblin's ability to continually stir new anger in his breast. He bit off a curse and sighed deeply, letting the senseless aggression bleed out through the long, drawn out breath. “What would it take for you to cut me loose?”
  46. “Well...” Myleen drew the word out teasingly as she took Torres' member in both hands and began to stroke it slowly, “I'd have to be in a really good mood.” Slipping a little flint knife from some hidden pocket within her shawl, Myleen reached behind the human and began to saw at the vines binding his ankles. It wasn't long before the vines snapped loose and a sudden rush of sensation returned to his feet. “Now how about you get down on your knees?”
  47. Grunting and squirming, Torres wriggled his way down the rough hewn pole until he was kneeling on the warm earth beneath him. His every movement had caused his manhood to swing this way and that in the most ridiculous way possible, provoking no small amount of mirth from the watching goblin. When he was finally finished she approached him, cupping his chin in one small hand and placing a strangely chaste kiss on his cheek.
  49. Up close, the goblin's skin smelled floral, and yet somehow earthy. It was as though she had been rolling through a field of wild flowers in an attempt at mimicking the perfumes used by the more civilised races. It wasn't enough to completely cover up the scent of her body, however, with the sharp odour of sweat mingling with the sweetness of feminine arousal. As she turned her back on him, now standing astride his twitching member, Torres couldn't help but lean into her slender shoulder to take another taste of her bewitching perfume.
  50. Laughing again, this time a filthy chuckle that seemed to come from deep within her petite chest, Myleen brought her legs together until her powerful thighs were clasped around the human's manhood. His anger buried beneath a near overpowering tide of animal lust, Torres needed little encouragement to pump his hips, sliding his member between her green thighs with an eager pleasure. One of Myleen's hands slipped down between her legs and began to shift restlessly, although Torres was denied the sight of the goblin taking her own pleasure.
  51. For all the women Torres had lain with in his life, he had never had the pleasure of their thighs stroking his member. A goblin thing, perhaps. No doubt the little harlots had countless tricks for pleasuring their larger partners. Comparing cultures could wait – after so long without even the scent of a woman, Torres was practically blind with lust, pushing his aching member between the taught muscles of the goblin's legs until he could feel the precum seeping from the tip.
  52. “Easy now,” Myleen murmured, squeezing her legs tighter until the pain brought Torres to a halt. Giggling at his obedience, Myleen began to shift her weight from one leg to the other, gently swaying her body from side to side and teasing the trapped human. Her playful motions were pleasurable, there was no denying that, but it was a feathery pleasure that infuriated the human more than it satisfied him. More than ever, Torres yearned to be free of his bindings so he could drive straight for the climax.
  53. Myleen knew that, of course. A single look in her eyes as she glanced back over her shoulder was enough to convince Torres of that. She was teasing him with the lightest touch possible, denying him the release he so desperately sought until he was little more than a slave to her insatiable desires. Torres wasn't the type to buckle and fold quite so easily, but the temptation was there, calling out to him from the most primal recesses of his mind.
  54. Loosening her thighs – her green skin slick with broad streaks of the human's precum – Myleen slipped away from Torres before bending over, pushing her pert backside up against his member. Yearning to reach down and grope her, his mind already filled with a vision of squeezing her plump buttocks, Torres tugged senselessly at his bindings until his wrists felt scuffed and sore. Chuckling, Myleen planted her hands on her hips and began to caress the human's manhood between her cheeks. A single glance over her shoulder told Torres that she was just as aroused as he was, a dark colour spreading through her face as though she had taken too much wine. It was then, as she let her guard down, that Torres saw it.
  56. Without her careful hand keeping everything out of sight, everything had fallen out into plain sight. Beneath the hem of her paltry skirt a smaller imitation of Torres' manhood, cast in the same green as the rest of her body, bobbed with the rhythms of her gyrations. It was small – somehow feminine, despite how absurd the mere concept was – but it was undeniably the firm length of an erect penis, complete with a pair of testicles clinging tightly to the underside.
  57. Torres felt his blood run cold, the breath catching in his throat at the sight of her – although he was no longer sure about that – member. When Myleen realised what he had seen, the goblin's motions faltered and grew still. Neither of them could bring themselves to break the silence, which seemed to stretch on and on with no end in sight.
  58. “You...” Torres, forcing the word out through a suddenly dry throat, “You're a man?” Myleen, twisting... his... body around to look the human in the eye, hesitated for a moment before replying.
  59. “Uh, yes,” Myleen shrugged, grinning bashfully. His whole body, including his slim member, rocked as he shrugged, and Torres found himself unable to look away.
  60. “You can't be!” the human protested, “You... There's no such thing as goblin men!”
  61. “Well that's not true,” Myleen pouted, his face twisting into a perfect imitation of girlish annoyance, “Obviously.”
  62. “Not. Possible,” Torres repeated, forcing his eyes shut. It was all a hallucination, brought about by the unrelenting midday sun. It had to be. “Nobody's ever even SEEN a male goblin!”
  63. “That's because we all look like this,” Myleen's pout shifted into a wicked grin as a thought occurred to him, lighting his eyes up with a mischievous glint. “You want me to cut you loose, don't you?” Torres' eye narrowed into a suspicious scowl, even as Myleen pushed his broad hips back against his member and send a jolt of unwanted pleasure through him, “Then you don't want to get on my bad side, do you?”
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