
Batty for My Country (One Shot)

Aug 14th, 2013
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  1. >Day Outsiders Perspective in America
  2. >Be Anonymous
  3. >You awake to a glorious sun in the land of the free and the home of the brave
  4. >Your morning burger awaits you at the kitchen table, alongside your shotgun
  5. >After you devour your breakfast, you hop into a fast shower
  6. >You do not shave as your beard represents freedom and dreams and it would be original sin to remove such a fine specimen
  7. >Today, you are going to visit your friend who works at the fireworks and television factory for lunch
  8. >You hop into your Hummer and grimace at the rising price of gas
  9. >If only there was someway to alleviate the cost of filling your expertly built vehicle
  10. >Alas, you push the thought aside as you see an eagle fly over your home
  11. >Truly a blessed sign from the heavens above!
  12. >With renewed purpose, you start the short drive to your friend's home
  13. >Traffic is a little backed up today, but you rest easy knowing you are well fortified in your military style vehicle
  14. >You almost laugh aloud as you think of how futile it would be for a terrorist to try and attack you now
  15. >With just a few miles ahead of you, you make a quick pit stop at McDonald's for a drink
  16. >Having quenched your mighty American thirst, you continue on
  17. >The day finds your friend well as she waters her flower garden and cools an apple pie on a windowsill
  18. >You drive up onto the grass in your all-terrain vehicle and roll down the window
  19. "Hey, Nightlight! What's up?!"
  20. >The small bat pony turns to you and smiles
  21. >"Oh, hey, Anon! How are you?"
  22. >You put your car in park and hop from the window without opening the door
  23. >Doors let foreigners in and should be treated with scorn as often as possible, you reason
  24. "I'm doing mighty fine on this perfectly free day. I just came by to see how you've been."
  25. >"That's mighty neighborly of you, Anon! I've been mighty fine!"
  26. >You smile at your green-card holding compatriot as she turns off the water
  27. "Beautiful work, Nightlight, how do you get your roses so red?"
  28. >"Simple, Anon! I only use Ameri-Grow. It's recognized by over eleven different gardening societies and has the nutrients that, "[G]ardens crave!™. Plus, it's completely made in America!"
  29. "I bet you'll easily win the neighborhood gardening award this year!"
  30. >"That would be mighty fine! Oh, but that lady across the street always wins."
  31. >You sniff the air at the scent of delicious apple pie and smirk
  32. "Well, your pie is the best around, I bet you'd win that contest, hands -and- hooves down!"
  33. >You smile to her and she returns it with a little giggle
  34. >"Shucks, Anon, you're mighty kind to me."
  35. >You see Nightlight's ears twitch a little before she looks back to you
  36. >"Say, would you like to try a bit of -my- pie?"
  37. >The taste of sweet apple filling over a flaky, warm crust already has you captivated
  38. "Of course, my friend, of course!"
  39. >Nightlight leads you to her doorstep with a little sway in her step and her tail raised just a bit higher than normally
  40. >She must be extra excited about the prospect of this pie and you smile for her grand enthusiasm
  41. >The little mare can cook like no one's business and you find yourself often coming over for supper
  42. >As you enter her immaculate home, you smell lemony clean floors
  43. >Her house is always so neat and clean and you imagine it helps keep her busy
  44. >For some odd reason, Nightlight passes by the kitchen and into her spacious bedroom
  45. "Um, Night, I don't mind eating on the bed, but do you want me to grab some plates?"
  46. >You watch Nightlight strut to her closet and produce a large American flag
  47. >"Mmm, well, when I offered you some pie, I didn't mean the apple kind..."
  48. >You don't follow your friend's odd words
  49. "Well, I certainly don't see any other pie around..."
  50. >Nightlight cuts you off with a quick click of her tongue
  51. >"You clueless hunk..."
  52. >She wraps the flag around her body and throws herself on the bed
  53. >Her legs spread widely and you witness the lewdness of a mare for the first time
  54. >"I was giving you a chance to taste -my- pie. What do you say, big boy?"
  55. >For a second, you consider the idea of bedding your good friend
  56. >She is an all-American type of pony and doesn't already have a husband
  57. >The idea of holding her, of kissing her warm body in her most delicate of places excites you a bit
  58. >You can already picture running your tongue along her marehood, making her coo with pleasure as you expertly caress every groove in her form
  59. >Possibly, she may go further and sedate her basest desires on your body in a rough, passionate finale
  60. >You approach the willing mare now with a lust previous withheld
  61. >Suddenly, you notice the flag that is wrapped around her has a cheaply placed tag on one end
  62. >You draw it closer and read the most terrifying words of your American life out loud
  63. "M-m-made in China!"
  64. >"What's that, Anon?"
  65. >You grab one edge of the flag and spin Nightlight out of it and onto her belly
  66. >Frantically, you count all the stars and come up with 49
  67. "Nightlight! How could you!? I trusted you!"
  68. >"Wait, Anon! It's not like that!"
  69. >You do not let her speak her peace as you rush to your Hummer with tears in your eyes
  70. "Muh freedoms! Oh, Lord, how could you, Nightlight?"
  71. >Sobbing patriotic tears, you hop back through the window and start your Hummer
  72. >Nightlight watches you from the door with an irritable look on her blushing-red face
  73. >The whole scene is too painful for you as you speed away
  74. >Getting home in record time, you carry your broken self to your bedroom and collapse on your bed
  75. >Your so sick from the whole day that you can't even think of eating
  76. >Well, OK, just a little, but you'll be unhappy while doing it with the knowledge that your once best friend buys merchandise from China
  77. >You hum yourself to sleep to the national anthem while clutching your bald eagle plushie and autographed baseball bat
  78. >Just another day in America, the land where -most- dreams come true
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