
Enemy list

Dec 1st, 2012
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  1. Skeleton 60hp attack: 13+d4 Q40 Evade Ranged(10)
  2. Zombie 100hp attack: 17+d4 Q20
  3. Wraith: 20hp attack: 14+d4 Q60 Ignores Armor 80% Physical Resist
  4. Vampire: 80hp ranged attack: 13+d4 Q50 50% lifesteal
  6. Skeleton Dragon Head #1 500hp attack: 15+d2 Q30 Fire Breath(15 aoe) Ult: Fire Nova (25 aoe -5 armor for 2 turns)
  7. Skeleton Dragon Head #2 500hp attack: 15+d2 Q30 Dark Restoration (30 allheal) Ult: Reanimate (revive+ transmit hp)
  8. Skeleton Dragon Head #3 500hp attack: 12+d2 Q30 Attacks Stuns(30%) Ult: Thunderbolt (40 single + stun)
  10. Warg Wolf
  11. Corrupted Warg Wolf
  12. Corrupted Furbolg Warrior 30% damage reduction
  13. Corrupted Furbolg Shaman Heal Blink
  14. Corrupted Treant
  15. Small Spider
  16. Giant Spider Spit Web(ranged attack , dealing minor damage and stunning the target, if it's DEX is lower then 5)
  18. Bloodthirsty Arachnid
  19. Black Toxin(reduces healing on this character by 50% for 3 turns)
  20. Bloody Nightmare(deals extreme damage to an enemy, but then heals it within 3 turns)
  22. Cultist
  23. Acolyte Heal Summon Imp
  24. Possessed 20% damage reduction
  25. Imp
  26. Hellhound
  27. Demon Grunt Corrupting Touch(dispels all buffs with attacks)
  29. Balrog
  30. Mark of Temptation(deals 10% maxhp damage every turn for 10 turns)
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