
A Kiki and her Master #4

May 22nd, 2020
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  1. As I sped down the highway, Araceli gazed out the window at the falling snowflakes. Although this wasn’t the first snowfall of the season, it was the first one that she saw and appreciated. We were on our way down to my parents for Christmas. I remember like it was yesterday I taught her about everything, although it was actually a month ago.
  3. ********************
  5. I had came back inside after settling up lights on the bushes.
  7. “Master, why are you setting up lights? It’s still daytime.”
  9. “They’re Christmas lights. You know what Christmas is right?” She shook her head. “You don’t? Well, it’s a holiday that celebrates the birth of the lord. Normally, families get together and pass out gifts to each other, sort of like a big birthday party.” I explained.
  11. “That sounds fun, master. Do you have any plans?”
  13. ********************
  15. “Master, look! These two are having a race!” She spoke. I put my hand on her thigh to get her attention.
  17. “Celi?” I spoke to her, saying the new nickname we had made up. “I have something to tell you.” She turned her attention to me.
  19. “Did I do something wrong, master?” I saw her smile fade.
  21. “No no, it’s just that I want to tell you a few things. First off, I’m not sure how they will react to you being a Mamono. I’ve told them that you are, but this is still new to them.”
  23. “That’s fine, master.”
  25. “Secondly, I want you to say my name while we’re there. I want it to be formal. Lastly, my brother and his wife will be there. Try not to start anything.”
  27. “I’ll keep these in mind, master.” I nodded, now holding her hand. I was hoping everything would turn out alright.
  29. ********************
  33. We stood at the door, waiting for someone to answer it. We heard the muffled barks of their Terrier, Willie. After a few seconds, my mom opened the door.
  35. “Well hi there, Drake! How was the ride?” She asked trying to hug me. My hands were full with some champagne and presents, so that wouldn’t happen.
  37. “It was fine. I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Araceli.” She smiled and nodded.
  39. “Nice to meet you, Mrs. Billinger.”
  41. “Nice to meet you too. Why don’t you two come on in?
  43. The inside was just how it was when I moved out last year, except now there was a giant decorated Christmas tree in the corner, presents strewn about underneath. I placed the presents down when I heard a familiar voice.
  45. “Heya, son!” My dad blurted our. I braved myself for what was about to come; one of his patented bear-locks.
  47. “Hey dad, hows retirement going?” I asked, squirming my way out of his arms.
  49. “Ok, I guess. Reruns get a bit boring after a while.” He turned his attention to Araceli, who was setting up a marshmallow dessert she had made. “She yours?” I nodded. “What’s with the feathers? And the tail?”
  51. “That’s how she is, dad.”
  53. “Not saying it’s bad, I’ve just never seen anything like it.” She must have heard the conversation, as she came over to us.
  55. “Oh. Araceli, this is my father, Doug.” She shot out her hand and they shook.
  57. “Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Billinger.”
  59. “Same here. Why don’t you sit down and watch the game with us? They’re replaying the ‘97 Super Bowl.” She shook her head.
  61. “No thanks. I’m not into sports.”
  63. “Araceli, why don’t you come and help me? Drake had mentioned you are a natural at cooking.” I heard my mom ask from the kitchen.
  65. “Why certainly!” She responded making her way back to the kitchen.
  67. “So.” My dad said. “Why don’t you grab us a few beers?”
  69. ********************
  71. Two hours had passed since we had arrived. As the ladies prepared supper, my dad and I watched the game while having a few drinks. Willie was taking a nap in my lap, before he sprung up and started going crazy.
  73. “Alex and Mandy must be here.” My dad said. Alex was my brother and Mandy was his hellhound wife. He was always more vocal about his relationship, so we already knew a bit about her. Alex came stumbling through the door.
  75. “Sorry we’re late. Mandy didn’t want to wake up.” Coming in straight behind him was Mandy.
  77. She was a large hellhound.
  79. She stood over 7 feet tall, her ears nearly brushing up against the ceiling. Her black hair dropped down past her shoulders and clung to her tank top. She hair a pair of big, perky breast and a pot belly. Her face, although looking tired, had a sense of pent up energy in her burning eyes. Willie caught sight of her before scampering off.
  81. “S’there a mistletoe ’round here?” She asked. My dad shook his head. “Well, that hasn’t stopped me!” She bent over and planted a huge kiss on Alex’s lips.
  83. “Hey there, dad, mom, Drake.” He said. I waved at him still holding the beer in my hand. My mom and Araceli walked into the living room.
  85. “Alex.” I began. “I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Araceli.” Both her and Alex shook hands.
  87. “This is the one you caught? She’s good looki-“ Alex spoke before being hit in the head by Mandy.
  89. “Watch what you say, you know I won’t go soft!” Dad couldn’t help but chuckle, mom scoffed, and Araceli looked my way and blushed. “Car ride was boring, so I’m bored. What’s on tv?” Araceli gestured me to follow her into the hallway.
  91. “What do you think of the family?” She shrugged.
  93. “They’re... not what I was expecting. D-don’t take that the wrong way!”
  95. “That’s fine. You’ll warm up to them... I hope.” She smiled.
  97. “Dinner is going well, the roast is in the oven. Should be about another 90 minutes.” I nodded before heading back to the couch.
  99. Mandy laid down on the other couch and clutched Alex in her arms. I could tell he was sweating.
  101. “So, how’s your girl?” Mandy asked.
  103. “Oh, Araceli? She’s great, helps me around the house all the time. There was one time where I acci-“
  105. “Cool.” She cut me off. “Yo Barb, you got any eggnog?”
  107. “In the fridge.”
  109. “Yo, Drake. Gimme that, will ya?” I knew hellhounds were bossy, but wow. I was gonna head to get another beer, so why not?
  111. “Sure. You guys need anything?”
  113. “Get me a beer!” Alex said.
  115. ********************
  117. Another two hours had passed. Dad and I were still watching the game, the ladies were setting up food, while Mandy and Alex slept in the couch. I don’t blame them, they drove for 4 hours to get here.
  119. “Alright!” My mom announced. “Food is ready. Come and get what you want.” The roast, a mound of mashed potatoes, gravy, casserole, and various spices covered the small dining table. A pile of plastic silverware, paper plates, and napkins sat next the the mountain of food. Dad and I stood up to get our food, we heard someone sniffing the air behind us.
  121. “I’m coming!” Mandy yelled as she sprung off the couch, flipping Alex onto the ground in the process. She shoved us out of her way and began to pile food onto her plate, nearly taking a third of the roast, sprinkling all of the spices over the honey-glazed beef. She didn’t forget to take the potatoes and casserole, but she did forget her utensils and napkins. She rushed back to the couch and plopped down with a *POOF*. All five of us stared at the spectacle was had just witnessed.
  123. “Be grateful you weren’t around on Thanksgiving, she goes crazy over any meat.” Alex explained. Mandy looked up at him.
  125. “Oh shut the hell up!” She barked before returning to her meal. The rest of us lined up and got our food. When Araceli was finished, she just stood there.
  127. “Is there a problem, Araceli?” I asked.
  129. “Where am I supposed to eat? Should I clean up this mess in the table?”
  131. “No. Come eat with us in the living room. There won’t be enough room in here anyway.” She frowned at my response.
  133. “The living room? That’s not where we eat!”
  135. “Honey.” I rarely used that word between the both of us, but I felt it was an appropriate time. “It’ll be fine. Everyone else is eating in there.” She hesitantly followed me in.
  137. We all had begun eating and pleasantly chatting. That was until Araceli tapped me on the shoulder.
  139. “Drake, you have spilled some gravy on your pants.” I looked down at my lap, and she was right.
  141. “I got it.” I said, wiping away the sauce, leaving only a small brown stain.
  143. “Drake, do you wish for me to wash those? I know how-“ I cut her off. I didn’t want anyone to make any sarcastic remarks, mainly Mandy, but she was too deep into her second plate to notice us.
  145. “It’s fine.” She looked down at her plate a bit disappointed. She hadn’t been very vocal at all throughout supper.
  147. *BEEP BEEP* The oven rang.
  149. “Oh, those must be the cinnamon cookies!” Mom said before she went to take them out.
  151. “Ooh, bring them in, Barb!” Mandy yelled.
  153. “So, how are you settling in, Mandy?” I asked. I haven’t gotten anything out of her all night, aside from the occasional ‘Get me an Eggnog!’
  155. “Good. Got myself a job as a bouncer, but I’ve been mostly relaxing.”
  157. “I think she’s gotten too comfortable.” Alex teased, but that only got him another hit to the head. I’m sure any one of us would of told her to stop at any point, but none of us had the gut to go against her, understandably so.
  159. As mom walked in with the cookies, Araceli got up and started to clean the dining table and kitchen.
  161. “Thanks Araceli, but you don’t have to.” Mom said. All she did was turn and smile.
  163. “I insist, Mrs. Billinger.” She said. Dad began to flip through channels when he came upon A Christmas Story.
  165. “Ugh, I’m sick of this movie. It isn’t even that good!” I complained. I was met with hushes from the rest of the family. It’s like their minds were controlled during every time the film was on. That didn’t stop Mandy from falling asleep again. By the time Araceli got done cleaning with mom, the movie was over. It was already 9:30, and most of us were ready for bed.
  167. “Alex, you and Mandy’s room is where your old room was.” Mom explained, but Alex feverishly shook his head.
  169. “You don’t want to wake her up... trust me...” That was enough of a warning for all of us.
  171. “Well, Drake, you and Araceli should stay in your old room.” As I expected. Araceli yawned as she grabbed my shoulder.
  173. “Let’s go to bed.” She said.
  175. We laid in the dark on my old bed, surprisingly big enough for the both of us. I could tell she wasn’t herself, she would always snuggle up next to me, but she was awkwardly distant.
  177. “Celi, is everything alright?” She sighed.
  179. “I don’t think your parents like me.”
  181. “What?”
  183. “I don’t think I left a good impression on them. I barley helped them out!” Are you kidding?
  185. “Celi.” I began. “You helped my mother make supper and cleaned up in the kitchen. You didn’t have to, but you did because you’re caring. And I know that’s all that matters to them.” I reassured her. I noticed her blush from behind her hands. I stroked her feather hair. “I know they like you.”
  187. ********************
  189. “Drake, wake up!” I heard Araceli say. “We’re about to open presents, but we need you with us.” I groaned as I got up, mostly from the small hangover I had. Was everybody already awake? Sure enough they were.
  191. Dad had passed out all of the presents to everyone.
  193. “The card from us, we want you to open last.” Alex pointed out.
  195. Dad opened his first; a shirt, some tools, and a Packers Jersey. Alex got two shirts, a video game, and a... whip, the last one from Mandy. I don’t even want to know. I got a two shirts, some Blu-Ray movies, and a cute picture frame from Araceli.
  197. Now it was for the girls. Mom got a scarf, a wooden board game and a spice rack. Mandy got some mittens and a 6 month long subscription to ‘MEET-4-MEAT’. Araceli was last, and I could tell she was a bit nervous.
  199. “It’s ok, open them up.” We said. She opened up her two boxes. Her first gift was a cute necklace from my parents, she has delighted. But she liked the gift from me more, a new broom. She hugged me in delight, and I could tell the others were a bit confused about her glee, but still happy.
  201. Now it was time for the card addressed to my parents and I. All inside the cheesy Christmas cards was a slip of paper.
  203. “MA??”
  205. We read the letters over and over, until I realized something. M for Mandy, A for Alex...
  207. “Wait, are you...” I began to ask, but I saw both of them holding up two pairs of footie pajamas.
  209. I can’t explain the noises and excitement that followed. Everyone was hugging each other at the thought of becoming grandparents, parents, an aunt, or an uncle.
  211. ********************
  213. We spent the rest of Christmas eating cookies, drinking hot chocolate, and reminiscing over old family photos.
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