
A Guild leaders guide to Forsaken

Jan 26th, 2018
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  1. A Guild leaders guide to Forsaken
  3. So one of your members has been Forsaken, what is to be done? We recommend the following actions:
  5. 1) Immediately Kick them from your guild. This is an action to protect your Guild in the following ways:
  6. a) Many players breaking rules don't realize it, getting kicked alerts them as they will not be reading chat.
  7. b) This stops them from draining loot, minimizing their damage. This is critical to help them avoid additional punishment.
  8. c) It protects other guildmates from being harmed if they are defending the Forsaken player in case of revenge.
  9. d) It prevents guildmates from foolishly following revenge links (and getting them Forsaken as well.)
  10. e) It locates them in the Capitol, so fewer people have access to them if they are forsaken.
  11. f) It shows to your fellow leaders that you and your guild take the rules seriously.
  12. g) It allows you time to negotiate with the victim to avoid overwhelming retribution.
  14. 2) Explain why they were kicked, try to find out why they broke the rules and tell them your expectations.
  15. template) You have been Forsaken by the Kingdoms, and removed from our guild to protect your fellow guildmates. The event rules are posted at if you want to be considered to return to this guild (or any others) you must read the rules and explain why you broke them.
  17. 3) Use this as an opportunity to weed out troublemakers.
  18. We are trying to move to a point whare this can be a self sustaining operation, where a permanant peace is not required and people do not attack each other without formal challenges. This will need to leverage the Forsaken system by keeping the rule breakers locked in the Capitol where they cannot profit from attacking other players. So we would ask that you at least ban people for the length of the revenge period, and be very careful about forgiving people. A guild that harbors repeat offenders will not be treated equally by the kingdoms, so you don't want to get that reputation. We do not want to dictate how you deal with your people, but please be sensitive to how you are seen by others so we can all have a drama free experience.
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