
HyperDrive v3.4.17.3 Config.yml

Sep 28th, 2016
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  1. # ========================================================================================================== #
  2. # __ __ ____ ____ .______ _______ .______ _______ .______ __ ____ ____ _______ #
  3. # | | | | \ \ / / | _ \ | ____|| _ \ | \ | _ \ | | \ \ / / | ____| #
  4. # | |__| | \ \/ / | |_) | | |__ | |_) | | .--. || |_) | | | \ \/ / | |__ #
  5. # | __ | \_ _/ | ___/ | __| | / | | | || / | | \ / | __| #
  6. # | | | | | | | | | |____ | |\ \----.| '--' || |\ \----.| | \ / | |____ #
  7. # |__| |__| |__| | _| |_______|| _| `._____||_______/ | _| `._____||__| \__/ |_______| #
  8. # #
  9. # #
  10. # ========================================================================================================== #
  12. # Should HyperDrive check for updates? #
  13. Update Checker: true
  14. # How long should HyperDrive wait in between update checking/notifications. (In Seconds) #
  15. Update Checker Reminder: 900
  16. # Should HyperDrive automatically reload all warps after a curtain duration of time? #
  17. Auto Reload: true
  18. # How long should HyperDrive wait in between reloads to begin another warp reload. (In Seconds) #
  19. Auto Reload Timer: 900
  20. # Should HyperDrive display logging messages in console? #
  21. Logging Mode: false
  23. MySQL:
  24. # Would you like HyperDrive to use database to store it's data? (If disabled it will store via yaml files) #
  25. Use Database: false
  26. # If this is enabled all warps saved via yaml files will be copied to your MySQL Database on plugin startup. ("Use Database" must be enabled) #
  27. # If you want to convert essentials warps into the database warps you must first convert them through the converter below the enabled "Copy To Database". #
  28. Copy To Database: false
  29. # If "Use Database" is enabled, please fill out the following information. #
  30. Username: "root"
  31. Password: ""
  32. Host: "localhost"
  33. Port: "3306"
  34. Database: "hyperdrive"
  35. Table: "data"
  37. Converters:
  38. # This toggles the essentials warp converter on startup. #
  39. Essentials Warp Converter: false
  40. # If HyperDrive finds essentials installed in the server along with it, HyperDrive will try and convert all warps. #
  41. Convert Warps In Current Plugins Folder: true
  42. # In order for this to work please add the file path to your Essentials Warp folder. #
  43. # (This must be the exact path to your Warps folder inside of the essentials folder!) #
  44. # (For Example my path is "D:\Projects\Servers\Test Server\plugins\Essentials\warps" Donn't include the quotes) #
  45. Essentials Warp Folder: ''
  46. # Should HyperDrive delete the essentials warp after it converts it? #
  47. Delete Essentials Warps: true
  48. # After HyperDrive is ready to convert the warps how long should it wait before actually begin the process (In Seconds). #
  49. Convert Delay: 5
  50. # How should the icons of these newly converted warps look? #
  51. # (Keep in mind that in order to add someone or yourself to owner of one of these warps #
  52. # you must have admin access ingame and edit them within the menu they are located in.) #
  53. Icons:
  54. # What status should these newly converted warp take as? #
  55. # Current Statuses: [Public, Server, Private] #
  56. Status: 'Server'
  58. Options:
  59. # Should the warp others command instantly teleport them? #
  60. Instant Teleport: true
  61. # Should hyperdrive signs be able to be created? #
  62. Signs: true
  63. # What color should the top sign line be? #
  64. Sign Color: '&d'
  65. # This will force a player to have a warp delay and cooldown no matter what. #
  66. # (Disable this feature if you want ops to be able to bypass but player will require permissions to bypass) #
  67. Force Teleportation: true
  68. # How long should the player have to wait in between page refreshs? (In Seconds) #
  69. # (This is to keep players from spamming the refresh button in menus.) #
  70. Refresh Cooldown: 3
  71. # How long should the player have to wait in between viewing more warps on a page? (In Seconds) #
  72. # (This is to keep players from spamming the view more button in menus.) #
  73. View More Cooldown: 3
  74. # How long should the player have to wait in between warps? (In Seconds) #
  75. Warp Cooldown: 15
  76. # How long should the player have to wait before actually teleporting? (In Seconds) #
  77. Warp Delay: 5
  78. # Should moving interrupt the player's teleportation? #
  79. Warp Movment Cancel: true
  80. # How many warps should a player be able to own by default? #
  81. Default Max Warps: 2
  82. Random Teleport:
  83. # Would you like random teleporting to have a cooldown? #
  84. # (This will also effect the cooldown) #
  85. Enabled Cooldown: true
  86. # How long should the player have to wait in between randomly teleporting? (In Seconds) #
  87. Cooldown: 30
  88. # Should moving interrupt the player's teleportation? #
  89. Delay: 5
  90. # This is how far around the player's current location that they can be randomly teleported to. #
  91. Radius: 500
  92. # These are the blocks that the player can not spawn on when using random teleportation. #
  93. # (This will Asynchronously keep randomly trying to find a new location within the radius until one is found) #
  94. Block Blacklist:
  95. - 8
  96. - 9
  97. - 10
  98. - 11
  99. - 111
  100. - 0
  101. Group Warping:
  102. # Should group warping be allowed? #
  103. Use Group Warping: true
  104. # What action should be performed to edit a warp? #
  106. Action: 'RIGHT_CLICK'
  107. # How should the action's format look in the lore? #
  108. Action Format: '&a[%action% To Group Warp]'
  109. # When the owner invites a player to a group how long should the request time be in seocnds? #
  110. Request Time: 15
  111. Titles:
  112. # How should the delay title look? #
  113. Delay:
  114. # Should the delay message be a title or a basic chat message? #
  115. # (True = Title/False = Chat Message) #
  116. Use Title: true
  117. # What should the main title look like? #
  118. # (You may use the placeholder %time% in both the title and subtitle) #
  119. Title: '&eTeleport Commencing In...'
  120. # What should the subtitle look like? #
  121. # (You may use the placeholder %time% in both the title and subtitle) #
  122. SubTitle: '&a%time% &eSeconds (Do Not Move)'
  123. # How long should the fade in be in seconds? #
  124. FadeIn: 1
  125. # How long should the display time in be in seconds? #
  126. Display Time: 3
  127. # How long should the fade out be in seconds? #
  128. FadeOut: 1
  129. # How should the warp title look? #
  130. Warp:
  131. # Should the warp message be a title or a basic chat message? #
  132. # (True = Title/False = Chat Message) #
  133. Use Title: true
  134. # What should the main title look like? #
  135. # (You may use the placeholder %time% in both the title and subtitle) #
  136. Title: '&eYou have been teleported'
  137. # What should the subtitle look like? #
  138. # (You may use the placeholder %time% in both the title and subtitle) #
  139. SubTitle: '&eto the &a%warp% &eWarp'
  140. # How long should the fade in be in seconds? #
  141. FadeIn: 1
  142. # How long should the display time in be in seconds? #
  143. Display Time: 3
  144. # How long should the fade out be in seconds? #
  145. FadeOut: 1
  146. # How should the cooldown title look? #
  147. Cooldown:
  148. # Should the cooldown message be a title or a basic chat message? #
  149. # (True = Title/False = Chat Message) #
  150. Use Title: true
  151. # What should the main title look like? #
  152. # (You may use the placeholder %time% in both the title and subtitle) #
  153. Title: '&cYou may not teleport'
  154. # What should the subtitle look like? #
  155. # (You may use the placeholder %time% in both the title and subtitle) #
  156. SubTitle: '&cfor another &e%timeleft% &cSeconds'
  157. # How long should the fade in be in seconds? #
  158. FadeIn: 1
  159. # How long should the display time in be in seconds? #
  160. Display Time: 3
  161. # How long should the fade out be in seconds? #
  162. FadeOut: 1
  163. Random Teleport:
  164. # Should the cooldown message be a title or a basic chat message? #
  165. # (True = Title/False = Chat Message) #
  166. Use Title: true
  167. # What should the main title look like? #
  168. # (You may use the placeholders %x%, %y%, %z%, and %world% in both the title and subtitle) #
  169. Title: '&eYou have been randomly teleported!'
  170. # What should the subtitle look like? #
  171. # (You may use the placeholders %x%, %y%, %z%, and %world% in both the title and subtitle) #
  172. SubTitle: '&eYour new coords are &a%x% %y% %z% %world%&e.'
  173. # How long should the fade in be in seconds? #
  174. FadeIn: 1
  175. # How long should the display time in be in seconds? #
  176. Display Time: 3
  177. # How long should the fade out be in seconds? #
  178. FadeOut: 1
  179. Icons:
  180. # Should menu warp icons contain line borders in the lore? #
  181. Use Lines: true
  182. # How should the lines look? #
  183. Line: '*-------------------------------------------*'
  184. # What color should these lines be? #
  185. Line Colors: '&e&m'
  186. # How should the action error format look? #
  187. # (This is used when a action can't be found in the config) #
  188. Action Error: '&c[Invalid Action]'
  189. # What should be the default status of a my warp (Warp created through the menu) when its created? #
  190. # Current Statuses: [Public, Private, Server] #
  191. Default My Warp Status: 'Private'
  192. # How many characters can a warp name contain? (Don't go above 32, I recommend staying below 20) #
  193. Name Max Length: 15
  194. # How many characters can a warp description contain? #
  195. Description Max Length: 32
  196. # What should the default name color be of each warp icon? #
  197. Default Name Color: '&6'
  198. # What should the default description color be of each warp icon? #
  199. Default Description Color: '&7'
  200. # What should the default description be of each warp icon? #
  201. Default Description: 'You can change this description in the edit warps menu!'
  202. # Would you like the warp icons to be given the enchanted effect automatically on creation? #
  203. Default Enchanted: false
  204. # What should the default id be of each warp icon? #
  205. Default Id: 2
  206. # What should the default durability be of each warp icon? #
  207. Default Durability: 0
  208. # What should the default amount be of each warp icon? #
  209. Default Amount: 1
  210. # Should HyperDrive show the warp's coorinates in the lore? #
  211. Show Coords: true
  212. # Should HyperDrive show the warp's owners in the lore? #
  213. Show Owners: true
  214. # Should HyperDrive show the warp's creation date in the lore? #
  215. Show Creation Date: true
  216. # What color should the warp's coorinates option be? #
  217. Coords Option Color: '&e'
  218. # What color should the warp's coorinates value be? #
  219. Coords Value Color: '&6'
  220. # How should the owners format look in the lore? #
  221. Owners Format: '&7Owners: %owners%'
  222. # What color should the warp's creation date be? #
  223. Creation Date Color: '&a'
  224. # How should the price format look in the lore? #
  225. Price Format: '&7Price: &a$%amount%'
  226. # If the player has purchased this for his warp's icon this will be displayed. #
  227. Enchanted Status Active: '&7Status: &aACTIVE'
  228. # If the player has not purchased this for his warp's icon this will be displayed. #
  229. Enchanted Status InActive: '&7Status: &cINACTIVE'
  230. # What action should be performed to edit a warp? #
  232. Edit Action: 'SHIFT_CLICK'
  233. # How should the action's format look in the lore? #
  234. Edit Action Format: '&a[%action% To Edit]'
  235. # What action should be performed to cancel a warp in the warp shop? #
  237. Cancel Action: 'RIGHT_CLICK'
  238. # How should the action's format look in the lore? #
  239. Cancel Action Format: '&a[%action% To Cancel]'
  240. # What status should the warp return to after being cancelled or purchased from the warp shop? #
  241. Cancel Revert Status: 'Public'
  242. # What action should be performed to buy a warp from the warp shop? #
  244. Buy Action: 'LEFT_CLICK'
  245. # How should the action's format look in the lore? #
  246. Buy Action Format: '&a[%action% To Buy]'
  247. Admin:
  248. # What action should be performed to edit a warp as a admin? (requires permission) #
  250. Edit Action: 'SHIFT_CLICK'
  251. # How should the action's format look in the lore? #
  252. Edit Action Format: '&c[%action% To Edit]'
  253. # What action should be performed to cancel a warp in the warp shop as a admin? (requires permission) #
  255. Cancel Action: 'RIGHT_CLICK'
  256. # How should the action's format look in the lore? #
  257. Cancel Action Format: '&c[%action% To Cancel]'
  258. Chat:
  259. # What message should be required to be typed by the player in order to cancel a chat interaction? (None Case-Sensitive) #
  260. Exit Text: 'Cancel'
  261. # What warps should be displayed when a player types /warp,warps,w list? #
  262. # (If it is none of these types you will be defaulted to type 0) #
  263. # (Remeber admins will see all warp at all times) #
  264. # Type 0 = shows only warps the player owns. #
  265. # Type 1 = Shows all the warps the player has access to. #
  266. # Type 2 = Shows only server warps. #
  267. Listing Type: 0
  268. Filter:
  269. # What should the filtered word be replaced with? #
  270. # (This symbol can not be /, \, :, *, ?, ", <, >, or | since this will be in the file name.) #
  271. Symbol: '^'
  272. # What should be filtered out of a warp name? #
  273. Name Filter:
  274. - 'fuck'
  275. - 'shit'
  276. - '!'
  277. - '&'
  278. - '.'
  279. - '?'
  280. # What should be filtered out of a warp's description? #
  281. Description Filter:
  282. - 'fuck'
  283. - '&'
  284. - 'shit'
  285. # What ids should be banned from being used as a warp icon? #
  286. Id Filter:
  287. - 0
  288. - 7
  289. - 8
  290. - 9
  291. - 10
  292. - 11
  293. - 26
  294. - 34
  295. - 36
  296. - 43
  297. - 51
  298. - 52
  299. - 55
  300. - 59
  301. - 60
  302. - 62
  303. - 63
  304. - 64
  305. - 68
  306. - 71
  307. - 73
  308. - 75
  309. - 83
  310. - 90
  311. - 92
  312. - 93
  313. - 94
  314. - 97
  315. - 104
  316. - 105
  317. - 115
  318. - 119
  319. - 120
  320. - 122
  321. - 124
  322. - 125
  323. - 127
  324. - 132
  325. - 137
  326. - 140
  327. - 141
  328. - 142
  329. - 144
  330. - 149
  331. - 150
  332. - 166
  333. - 176
  334. - 177
  335. - 178
  336. - 181
  337. - 193
  338. - 194
  339. - 195
  340. - 196
  341. - 197
  342. - 204
  343. - 207
  344. - 208
  345. - 209
  346. - 210
  347. - 211
  348. - 212
  349. - 217
  350. - 255
  351. Sounds:
  352. # Sound after teleporting. #
  353. Warp:
  354. Enabled: true
  355. # What sound should be played? #
  356. # You can view a list of sounds by searching for your version of minecraft's list of sounds in google. #
  357. # Example: #
  359. # These values modify the sound's volume. #
  360. Pitch: 1
  361. Volume: 1
  362. # Sound when clicking in the menus. #
  363. Menu:
  364. Enabled: true
  365. # What sound should be played? #
  366. # You can view a list of sounds by searching for your version of minecraft's list of sounds in google. #
  367. # Example: #
  368. Sound: 'BLOCK_NOTE_PLING'
  369. # These values modify the sound's volume. #
  370. Pitch: 1
  371. volume: 1
  372. # Sound when opening the menus. #
  373. Menu Open:
  374. Enabled: true
  375. # What sound should be played? #
  376. # You can view a list of sounds by searching for your version of minecraft's list of sounds in google. #
  377. # Example: #
  378. Sound: 'BLOCK_NOTE_PLING'
  379. # These values modify the sound's volume. #
  380. Pitch: 1
  381. volume: 1
  382. Animation:
  383. # Animation/Effect while teleport is commencing. #
  384. Delay:
  385. Enabled: true
  386. # What particle animation template would you like to use? #
  387. # Type: [0 = Sphere, 1 = Cone, 2 = Helix, 3 = Simple Particle Burst, 4 = Vortex] #
  388. Type: 1
  389. # What should it's radius be? #
  390. Radius: 0.4
  391. # How big should the particle radius be? #
  392. Particle Radius: 2
  393. # It's ratio is basically its base value the lower it is the more compressed the particles are, and the higher it is the more spread out the particles are. #
  394. Ratio: 16
  395. # How many particles should be displayed per tick? #
  396. Amount: 1
  397. # How long should this animation last in seconds? #
  398. Duration: 5
  399. # What should this animation's height be? #
  400. # (Only works with type 2) #
  401. Height: 2
  402. # What Particle would you like this animation to be made up of? #
  403. # You can view a list of particles by searching for your version of minecraft's list of particles in google. #
  404. # Example: #
  405. Particle: 'CLOUD'
  406. # Animation/Effect after teleporting. #
  407. Warp:
  408. Enabled: true
  409. # What particle animation template would you like to use? #
  410. # Type: [0 = Sphere, 1 = Cone, 2 = Helix, 3 = Simple Particle Burst, 4 = Vortex] #
  411. Type: 0
  412. # What should it's radius be? #
  413. Radius: 1.5
  414. # How big should the particle radius be? #
  415. Particle Radius: 5
  416. # It's ratio is basically its base value the lower it is the more compressed the particles are, and the higher it is the more spread out the particles are. #
  417. Ratio: 12
  418. # How many particles should be displayed per tick? #
  419. Amount: 1
  420. # How long should this animation last in seconds? #
  421. Duration: 0.5
  422. # What should this animation's height be? #
  423. # (Only works with type 2) #
  424. Height: 2
  425. # What Particle would you like this animation to be made up of? #
  426. # You can view a list of particles by searching for your version of minecraft's list of particles in google. #
  427. # Example: #
  428. Particle: 'SPELL_WITCH'
  429. # Animation/Effect while teleport is commencing for a group warp. #
  430. Group Warp Delay:
  431. Enabled: true
  432. # What particle animation template would you like to use? #
  433. # Type: [0 = Sphere, 1 = Cone, 2 = Helix, 3 = Simple Particle Burst, 4 = Vortex] #
  434. Type: 4
  435. # What should it's radius be? #
  436. Radius: 5
  437. # How big should the particle radius be? #
  438. Particle Radius: 2
  439. # It's ratio is basically its base value the lower it is the more compressed the particles are, and the higher it is the more spread out the particles are. #
  440. Ratio: 16
  441. # How many particles should be displayed per tick? #
  442. Amount: 1
  443. # How long should this animation last in seconds? #
  444. Duration: 5
  445. # What should this animation's height be? #
  446. # (Only works with type 2) #
  447. Height: 2
  448. # What Particle would you like this animation to be made up of? #
  449. # You can view a list of particles by searching for your version of minecraft's list of particles in google. #
  450. # Example: #
  451. Particle: 'CLOUD'
  452. # Animation/Effect after a group warp teleport. #
  453. Group Warp:
  454. Enabled: true
  455. # What particle animation template would you like to use? #
  456. # Type: [0 = Sphere, 1 = Cone, 2 = Helix, 3 = Simple Particle Burst, 4 = Vortex] #
  457. Type: 0
  458. # What should it's radius be? #
  459. Radius: 3
  460. # How big should the particle radius be? #
  461. Particle Radius: 5
  462. # It's ratio is basically its base value the lower it is the more compressed the particles are, and the higher it is the more spread out the particles are. #
  463. Ratio: 12
  464. # How many particles should be displayed per tick? #
  465. Amount: 1
  466. # How long should this animation last in seconds? #
  467. Duration: 0.5
  468. # What should this animation's height be? #
  469. # (Only works with type 2) #
  470. Height: 2
  471. # What Particle would you like this animation to be made up of? #
  472. # You can view a list of particles by searching for your version of minecraft's list of particles in google. #
  473. # Example: #
  474. Particle: 'SPELL_WITCH'
  475. Prices:
  476. Use Economy: true
  477. # These are all of your prices for each action that a player can do. #
  478. Max Sell Price: 1000000
  479. Min Sell Price: 0
  480. Sell Fee: 50
  481. Create Warp: 150
  482. Delete Warp: 100
  483. Change Name: 80
  484. Change Id: 50
  485. Enchanted Price: 200
  486. Change Description: 100
  487. Change Description Color: 50
  488. Change Name Color: 50
  489. Change Amount: 35
  490. Change Status: 100
  491. Add Owner: 150
  492. Remove Owner: 150
  493. Give Ownership: 200
  494. Relocate: 300
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