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Nightrides Application.

a guest
Apr 12th, 2018
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  1. IGN?
  2. Act_Sinful (Formerly ActTryHard/ ActSinful)
  4. Age?
  5. 18.
  7. Asking a staff to review your application means your application will be instantly rejected, do you understand?
  8. Yes i do understand.
  10. Timezone?
  11. UTC+4
  13. What is your current staff rank?(if any)
  14. None at the current moment.
  16. What is the position you will be applying for?
  17. Moderator.
  19. Have you ever staffed anything else?(please go into detail here if you have)
  20. Yes, i have been staff on many different games, such as a few World Of Warcraft private servers, a few ones to name being Eternal WoW- As a senior Game Master ( Basically a senior moderator ) For just over 6 months, Head admin for 3 months for a server called Kription- WoW, and currently owner and developer of a server with 12-15 Active players called Transcended-WoW.
  22. I have also been head moderator for Case Clicker (Yes that dead meme of a game now) When the game was still good (8k+ players on at all time), i was head moderator for close to 8 months.
  24. Say there is a spammer, they are spamming and no other staff is online. What do you do?
  25. Well I like to go with the 3 strikes and you are out method- Firstly warn them once, if they continue to spam issue a second warning, if after that they still continue issue the final warning. If that still does not stop them i would issue a 10 minute mute, if they continue follow up with a 30 minute mute, and after that if the persist then i follow up with an hour mute. After that is completed and their mute is done, if they continue then i would go ahead and kick, if they rejoin and continue with the spam then i would go ahead and issue a ban, after a ban is issued i would let a higher up know what happened, with proof of the spam, my warnings etc.
  27. Say someone is posting nsfw over and over even after you tell them that it is not allowed, What do you do?
  28. A long mute, and if they continue after the mute is done, follow with a kick from the server and if they rejoin just to continue posting the images i would proceed to ban.
  30. How did you find parkour?
  31. Well i stumbled upon it when i was bored and looking for games to play, and i've been hooked every since!
  33. How did you find this discord server?
  34. I was in game talking to a few friends and one of them mentioned it, i then asked him for an invite and i joined.
  36. How long have you been playing parkour?
  37. About 3-4 months now i believe over 3 accounts.
  39. How long have you been in this discord?
  40. I would say a month or two, not exactly sure how long, or how to check.
  42. Why do you want to be staff for this discord server?
  43. Well i love the game and it's community even tho it can be a bit toxic sometimes but that is part of the fun, i enjoy the freedom everyone has to say and do basically what they want and nobody has to pretend to be something they are not, to a certain extend of course.
  45. What could you offer for us as a staff?
  46. Well i could offer my time, i am online on discord almost all day as i work from my computer, so i am always around to moderate. I like to see myself as mature and respectful, and i pride myself on that. I can offer a good experienced moderator who is willing to goo the extra mile when work is needed to be done.
  48. I generally enjoy helping people, it is why i am always almost in a leadership position, when my time is up with one place then i always try to find another to continue to help communities and leave a positive mark on them.
  50. Any additional notes?
  51. Well a bit about myself.
  52. My name is Kyle, i am 18 years old, originally from South Africa but studying and working in mauritus at the moment.
  53. I just completed my level 4 certificate in IT.
  54. I currently work from home for a private company developing software.
  56. Thank you for taking the time to read over my application.
  57. -Nightride / Kyle.
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