
Chaotic Banishment (FiE 1)

Apr 27th, 2012
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  1. (This is Thelonious's narration of chapter one. It's very well done. )
  2. >Roll call.
  3. >You don't enjoy roll call.
  4. >You don't enjoy many things, come to think of it. But this is happening right now, so this takes all of your frustration
  5. >You never show your frustration. Or anger. Or many emotions at all, for that matter.
  6. >Being a living scarecrow with a burlap sack for a face has that effect on you.
  7. >Not to say you do not have emotion. Its just hard to express them.
  8. >But you can get others to express emotion quite well. The most common emotion being fear.
  9. >Come to think of it, that's about the only emotion you can draw out.
  10. >No matter, its all you really needed for your duties to be fulfilled.
  11. >You don't remember much about how you were created, but you do remember being told to go to your quarters, and somehow, you automatically knew where they were.
  12. >That was surely a good sign of things to come.
  13. >You also remember when you were walking to your quarters, all the bizarre stares you received.
  14. >One quick glance at the offenders taught them its rude to stare.
  15. >Especially when the object in question is the embodiment of terror.
  16. >You arrived at your quarters, where it was dark, musty, and in general, a great atmosphere for someone of your particular stature.
  17. >That was one thing that you did enjoy, though. The solitary time alone in your quarters that allowed you to think deeply.
  18. >A strong voice boomed from down the hall. “Tryndamere, you have been summoned!”
  19. >You smile to yourself. He will be a useful ally in the Fields of Justice. He inspires fear, but he is also one to be controlled by rage, borderline psychotic.
  20. >But damn if he isn't good with that sword.
  21. >You have had the displeasure of crossing your scythe with his blade. Fortunately, you were able to bring out his innermost fear long enough for you to escape what would have surely been a fatal conflict.
  22. >As long as you do not have to combat him, you will be fine.
  23. >Who knows, maybe you wont have to do any fighting tod-
  24. >”Fiddlesticks, you have been summoned!”
  25. >Your face reveals no emotion (surprise, surprise!) but you only have one thought going through your head
  26. >Fuck.
  30. >You turn around, and go back into your quarters. You only needed your scythe, but one of the rules of being in the League is that you cannot carry weapons in the halls, unless summoned.
  31. >Something about preventing violence outside the Fields of Justice. Made no difference to you, you didn’t start fights.
  32. > As grab your scythe, you hear the voice in the hall “We will now commence roll call for the other side.”
  33. >It is normally against the rules for one to overhear who you are combating during the selection phase, but hardly anyone follows it.
  34. >You hear that familiar voice again shout another name. You couldn’t quite hear it, but you know it wouldn't change anything.
  35. >They called up Teemo and Sion to fight on the other side, along with Lux. Then you hear it.
  36. >”Fiddlesticks, you have been summoned!”
  37. >wat
  38. >Wait, wait, what?
  39. >This has never happened in the League before now. Never has a champion been called to fight themselves.
  40. >You exit your musty quarters, your pokerface as strong as ever. In the face of uncertainty, persuading the enemy you have the upper hand will instill a fear of what is to come. You know this because you know fear
  41. >After all, you ARE the personification of it.
  42. >As you approach the blonde girl behind the registrar desk, you realize you have no idea what to do.
  43. >”Fiddlesticks, correct?”
  44. >*stare*
  45. >”Ahem... right... Well, it would appear a Summoner on BOTH teams wishes to have you on their side for the next battle”
  46. >You tilt your head slightly to the right with curiosity. You avoid speaking as much as possible, because it has been told to you that your voice is... unsettling, to say the least.
  47. >Unable to change your borderline permanent pokerface does have some disadvantages, such as being unable to convey an otherwise simple message through facial expressions.
  48. >”Well Fiddlesticks... You don't mind if I just call you Mr. Sticks, do you?” she looks at you through her glasses, seeking approval for this new nickname.
  49. >*stare*
  50. >”Right...Anyways, the League recently contracted the assistance of a few of our top mages, in an effort to create a cloning spell”
  51. >(Wait a minute) you think to yourself (this doesn’t sound good at all.)
  52. >”Now, now, don’t be afraid, the clone is merely a slightly faded version of you. It has your same thought processes, but once the battles on the Fields are over, he will disappear”
  53. >Ah. Not exactly the most reassuring thing you have heard. You heard what happened when a young witch tried to unsummon a teddy bear she brought to life.
  54. >In your experience, if something is going to be unsummoned, and it doesn’t want to be, the situation will NOT end well for either party involved.
  55. >Man, she was obsessed with that damn bear. What did she call it? Tibbers?
  56. >What a stupid name.
  57. >What a stupid kid.
  58. >”Fortunately for you,” she looks up “You have the privilege, nay, the HONOR of testing this new magic for us! Isn't that exciting?!” A smile appears on her face, revealing her rather white teeth
  59. >*stare*
  60. >You see the smile in her eyes quickly fade, as her teeth are now clenched, forcing themselves to remain revealed. You gotta admit, she is quite good at her job.
  61. >You accidentally sent the last registrar running out of the building in terror, shouting gibberish about crows.
  62. >Since then, the League trained their staff to not look into the eyes of Champions unless the Champion in question grants consent first.
  63. >Then through gritted teeth, she states “You can enter through the door behind me to begin the expi- the summoning process”
  64. >You don't like the sound of it. But you signed up for this.
  65. >Well, not exactly.
  67. >It was about 20 years ago when you were pulled from your previous plane of existence, and thrown onto the ground of some crazed Summoner spell circle.
  68. >You had no idea why you were chosen for the summoning, but you do remember the Summoner's eyes.
  69. >That was the first, and last, time you have felt something resembling fear. His eyes were that of a lunatic, deranged with power and corrupted by magicks beyond his control.
  70. >But extra-planar summonings take a lot out of a being, especially if said being is made of hay, sticks, and a potato sack.
  71. >You collapsed to the ground, your glowing emerald green eyes witnessing your Summoner walking calmly from the room.
  72. >As he left, he turned to you and said “Go to your quarters.”
  73. >That dark room he called your “quarters” was your new home. It was rather boring most of the time.
  74. >But you had some fun
  75. >Damn fools would repeatedly try to get in.
  76. >And as often as they would come in, you would cut them down with your scythe with ease.
  77. >You did not like visitors, Generally, you wished to be left alone
  78. > You made that fact very VERY clear.
  79. > You also made clear what would happen to them should they decide to disrespect your wishes.
  80. >Once in a while though, one got through, and you got to play around a bit more.
  81. >No one ever came out alive, and if they did, they were not of sound mind or body.
  82. >After a while, they stopped sending guards down there, and started sending in convicts. You took on the role of executioner.
  83. >Then one day, after slaying what you felt was your 10000th person, you found a note on him that mentioned the League.
  84. >This piqued your interest, and you left your room for the first time ever in order to sign up.
  85. >You have been a member of the League ever since.
  86. >Of course, one of the rules of the League is “No murdering people in your quarters”
  87. >Not that it was a problem. After 20 years of murdering visitors, most people were too terrified to even walk past the room, let alone disturb you.
  88. >The thought humored you. You went from pet, to executioner, to a champion.
  89. >Of course, you are one champion for which they would not have parades for.
  90. >It isn't that you don't enjoy a good party now and then, rather, your presence tends to be a major mood killer, and no one likes a kill-joy.
  91. >Just because you are the Harbinger of Doom doesn't mean you're a dick.
  93. >You walk into the room, and you see a red glowing symbol on the stone floor ahead. The small marbled room was only lit by a circle of weak candles, as 5 mages around the circle chanted something you do not want to understand.
  94. >The center most mage speaks ”Fiddlesticks, you have been called to a glorious fight as the Champion for 2 Summoners! Please, step into the circle, where we will clone you ,and send you both to the Fields of Justice, where you both can fight for honor, glory, and most importantly, your Summoners!”
  95. >You approach the circle, and stand in the center of it.
  96. >”Now, this may sting a little, but if you would like, we could get you some medicinal herbs to dull the pain after the procedure.”
  97. >*stare*
  98. >”Right. Uhm... Go ahead and start the process”
  99. >Oh, this was going to be fun.
  100. >After about 5 or so minutes of chanting and arm waving, you notice the candles systematically flick out in a circle, except the 2 directly in front of you
  101. >The flame is removed from those candle's wicks, floats to about your height. The flames extinguish, then turn a sapphire blue color.
  102. >So those will be my clone's eyes. Its probably so they can tell that I am the real Harbinger of Doom when it comes time to unsu-
  103. >It then dawns on you.
  104. >They are trying to make a clone of terror in its purest form. This will not end well for any of these mages, and probably not for you as well.
  105. >You pull the stitching from the center of your mouth, as you speak in a raspy voice
  106. >”Stop”
  107. >This broke one of the mages concentration. He looks up at you, then the floating set of sapphires.
  108. >The rest of the clone began to materialize starting with the head of the duplicate.
  109. >The mage looked with curiosity first, then an expression you are all to familiar with.
  110. >He begins to tremble, his hands shaking violently as he tries to finish the spell.
  111. >You hear a mage behind you speak, straining to get the words out “Khalid! Concentrate! If you break the spell half through, it will have a disastrous outco-” A raspy voice cuts him off. A voice you know quite well.
  112. >”Fools...”
  113. >(Damn it, mages, I tried to stop you...)
  114. >”Are you afraid?”
  115. >(Hey, that's my line! What the hell are you doi-)
  116. >Blue eyes cackled. “Well, you should be!.”
  117. >(Well, that's not good.)
  118. >The rest of his body appeared, as well as his scythe on his back. You tighten the grip on yours.
  119. >What happened next was a blur.
  120. >Blue-Eyes grabbed his scythe, slicing through the front of (who you could only assume to be) Khalid.
  121. >He held his stomach as he fell to his knees. He watches in terror as his organs slipped through his fingertips, a silent tear running down his cheek.
  122. >Blue-Eyes then grabbed a hold of another mage, who was wearing green robes, and held him close to his face, cackling maniacally as he did, looking deep into his very soul.
  123. >You see the man tremble, then the color drains from him, as he falls to the ground, shivering at the nonexistent breeze.
  124. >Your clone looks at you. “You...”
  125. >Maximum pokerface engaged.
  126. >*stares*
  127. >”What are you staring at?” Blue-Eyes gripped his scythe tighter
  128. >*stares*
  129. >”I think I'll let you suffer for a while!” He smiled, revealing dark, putrid, and extremely sharp teeth.
  130. >(Wow,) you think to yourself (now I know why no one ever invited me to their victory parties. I'm creepy as hell)
  131. >During your monologue, he swings his scythe straight down. Apparently, during the cloning process, basic combat skills aren't transferred. Or perhaps that is what Khalid was trying to transfer before he took a scythe to the chest.
  132. >You easily dodge left, and bring yourself between the clone and the mages
  133. >He swings to his right, his scythe at your midsection. You step back once, and the scythe misses your stomach by inches.
  134. >”The end is near!” his blue eyes began glowing fiercely as he holds his arms in a Y formation, a dark blue swirl of magic spinning faster and faster around his body
  135. >Oh shit...
  136. >OH SHIT!
  137. >Suddenly, crows. Thousands of them.
  138. >For some reason beyond your comprehension, they aren’t attacking you. Then again, the crows never attacked you when you used that spell, did they?
  139. >Perhaps you being the same as the clone is preventing you from being targeted.
  140. >The mage's, however, are not so lucky. A thousand crows begin to caw, as they pick and gouge and claw at the unfortunate casters.
  141. > The mages are down. It is only you and this monster.
  142. >As the black, moving wall of crows begins to fade, he looks into your eyes.
  143. >He smiles
  144. >”Your move.”
  145. >You swing your scythe quickly and with fatal efficiency. Blue-Eyes is on the defense, barely blocking and dodging most hits. You manage to score him a few times across the arms and chest.
  146. > As you continue swinging, and he continues defending, you hear a mutter from behind you.
  147. >”Relegant lator de fata et timor!”
  148. >You continue swinging, and then it hits you. You remember hearing something like that before. Isn’t that a banishment spell?
  149. >And I'm in between that mage and this mutant clone...
  150. >”Damn it...”
  151. >Your eyes burn from a bright flash of red light. Suddenly, the ground starts to break away beneath you.
  152. >Almost comically, you dance around the breaking ground, attempting to keep your balance.
  153. >Your opponent sees this, and kicks your leg out from under you, and you begin your fall.
  154. >You hear a raspy laugh as you descend ”Goodbye, Fiddlesticks.”
  155. >After a few seconds of you falling, you close your eyes, and take a deep breath.
  156. >(It's REALLY going to hurt when I-)
  157. >*THUD*
  158. >(...Damn it.)
  159. >You grunt into the ground in pain. After a few minutes of you laying there face first in the fresh scented earth, you turn onto your back. You open your eyes.
  160. >Not a whole lot of light is coming through the thick canopy of trees.
  161. >Wait. There aren't this many trees in the Fields of Justice.
  162. >Most banishment spells sent you to the Fields, to be slayed by the native beasts and magical constructs.
  163. >You know every inch of the Fields, and this sight is completely alien to you.
  164. >”Where the hell am I?”
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