
The final

Mar 5th, 2020
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  1. [16:34] Andrew approached the Church looking to clear his mind when out of the blue the woman from before appeared. There didn't seem to be any acts of aggression /yet/ but the man stood his ground.
  3. "Again you've come to these grounds, but what is it you wish to achieve? The Church is in a state of revival and yet you continue to return, but refused to enter the city.
  5. I can fathom what thoughts might be going though your mind right now and I won't pretend to understand; however, I won't allow you to continue your trespassing.
  7. It's like you're testing my will or you actually want to see how willingly I am to push my Faith to the next level.
  9. You didn't heed my warning, why? What are you hoping to achieve here? Other might now be around, but like I made publicly known to all.
  11. I'm the one who defends these lands and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon.
  13. I'll allow you to speak, but words alone wont' be enough to bring forth change in this world. I'll give you the floor to speak"
  15. Andrew begin flinging his body with energy from the stars, Vrona. Under this night sky the Crimson light could be clearly seen as the young man continue drawing the power into his body.
  17. The same power he uses to defend the Church and everyone one around. He continue filling his body to the brim, Crimson energy pouring, overflowing from his body.
  19. His mind was clear and his goal seemed close like he can almost touch it, but he's back down to the living plain.
  21. (Andrew Mercia)
  22. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  24. [16:39] Tenebrae Aeterna was held in the grasp of the enigma, the weapon bleeding Occultism and Witchcraft.. it was enough to nearly make a non-Holy Magi nauseous.
  26. "Your words are amusing, and you speak many of the same ignorant words as many before you." The Crimson light was interesting to behold, but they had their own tricks. "I don't need to give you a reason for what I do, nor anyone else if I wish it to be so."
  28. Black miasma erupts from their form, forming into a massive Spirit above their form. Andrew was far too young to know the face, but the man was Shenghese in descent, glaring down at Andrew with a wrathful gaze.
  30. The Wraith.
  32. "So if you're looking to find yourself drained as the others were, you may proceed in attacking me.. Otherwise.." They glance to the blossoming flowers, the plants had time to recover from their last assault. "I'll simply make this place barren again and be on my way."
  34. It was almost as if they were trying to piss him off.
  35. (Paradox)
  36. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  38. [16:48] Again that same magic showed itself again, but at this point he was use to it. He couldn't get upset and even after that feeling infected his system he's not as foolish as before .
  40. "That's what you fail to realize and it's what you all fail to realize. This is a place of Faith and worship this is home to anyone that need it.
  42. I refused to allow terror to fill this lands not while I'm still able-bodied. I refused to let the faith die because others fear the unknown.
  44. I have my resolve and I know what I must do to keep the Church and everyone protected.
  46. I'm ready to ascend and now that I'm walking the border of my ascention there's no turning back. My resolve is clear and allow this to be a lesson for you and leave this Church alone."
  48. Andrew took his staff from his back and begin to fill it with cosmic energy. The same overbearing amount that he absorbed into his body, aiming his staff towards thewoman.
  49. (Andrew Mercia)
  50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  52. [16:52] ** Paradox has inflicted an injury upon Andrew Mercia. ("Temporary Injury", "Temporary Injury", "Temporary", "Duration: Medium (4 days)") **
  53. [17:04] His staff was pointed, but that piece of wood was no match for the work of art in their hand.
  55. Magma and sand erupt in their direction, but in the night..? Paradox was the monarch of the darkness, their body disappearing in and out of view as Occultic magic blasted them from all directions it almost seemed. "Tsk.. You people.. you people just never learn."
  57. The fist of the Wraith comes from nowhere, cold cocking Andrew's jaw and sending him stumbling away when he got too close. "This city is worse than anything going on at Moonfall, at Theria.. It's disgusting." They let out a hiss as magma rolled across their flesh, burning their legs before Paradox shrieked a haunting sound.
  59. Those glowing pale hues erupt brighter, and before the man had a moment to react..? He felt massive hands grip his neck and squeeze, his breath stolen as he felt something terrible begin to occur.
  61. Like his veins had been filled with fire itself their Occult poured into his body, the Wrath using this path to drain the very essence that allowed Andrew to live.. but much like before they knew they couldn't take the time they wanted.
  63. To take it all.
  65. Waiting until he was too weak to move, too weak to try and follow behind.. The Wraith throws him by his throat, shattering multiple tombstones before crashing into a final one stopped that no doubt painful final attack. "Let me teach you a lesson child, I do what the fuck I want."
  67. The Wraith seemed much more solid now, the stronger the Magi the more nourishing the meal it seemed. "Until next time." They offer what would at first glance appear to be a friendly wave, and then they fade into the shadows... quite literally.
  68. (Paradox)
  69. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  71. [17:05] Andrew ascention seemed like a joke at this point it seems no matter what he did the Demon or anyone that used Occult magic would best him. Another lose and worst he was injured again.
  72. It doesn't matter what he says or what he does it doesn't seem to be enough to ever pull though. At this point it wasn't the Stars and it wasn't his faith it was clearly him.
  74. He wasn't enough to protect the Church and no matter what he does it seem like he'd be counter every step of the way. It was annyoing to be tossed around again, but what could he do? The energies are faded away and it was a waste.
  75. Not only was it a waste of the use, but he'd waste the energy from his star repeatedly.
  77. He didn't have any words to say or even any kind of expression to bare. he didn't want to hear them gloat or telling him off. It was enough as it was now, so the man covers his ears ignoring as signs to tell him what he already knew.
  79. He'd punch the ground during the process there wasn't anything he could really do against the magic. People continue to try and even Andrew believed there was a chance to ascend pass this, but he was wrong and he clearly was shown this again.
  81. Another occult magic, another Shadow magic they all seemed to know how to get around everything. He was tired of it all, but there wasn't anything he could do anout it.
  82. (Andrew Mercia)
  83. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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