
Alola Girls Ch. 17 (BBW, WG)

Jun 4th, 2020
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  1. Chapter 17
  3. Jack went to the bar, which had begun to thin out as a battle had started outside and Shelly walked over to him, her marvelous curves swaying side to side with the sexy wobble the extra layer of fat had given her.
  5. “Sorry about that stupid little liar.” Shelly said. “Next one’s on the house. Tidal Wave?”
  7. “Sure.” Jack said, putting a ten dollar bill down at the bar as a tip. He grabbed his beer and found May on the patio, which had a great view of the battle.
  9. The combatants were some roughneck with an Electivire against a woman he recognized. The rather pudgy redhead and her Delphox he’d seen at the Battle Buffet the day he first recruited Misty. Lusamnine had called the redhead “Aria, the Kalos Queen.” She definitely looked more queenly with the extra weight. From a distance he figured she weighed around 200 pounds. His dick livened up a bit.
  11. The match seemed quite even, the Electivire’s physical onslaught kept the Delphox from being able to launch powerful attacks. “That Electivire is surprisingly fast.” She observed. Occasionally Delphox was able to get a Grass Knot off to trip up the Electivire.
  12. “Electivire, do some real damage with Wild Charge!” The roughneck shouted. Aria pumped her fist proudly.
  14. “Delphox, Role Play!” Aria commanded.
  16. As Electivire lit up with electricity, Delphox’s mystical powers caused a purple aura to surround it, then a beam of purple light shot out to the charging Electivire, then the entire aura disappeared.
  18. Jack couldn’t help but gape at the power on display from the roughneck’s Electivire as it charged ferociously at Delphox. Through it all, Delphox held firm though, not attempting to dodge it.
  20. “Well that was easy.” May commented.
  22. “Huh?” Jack turned to May, a bit perplexed.
  24. “Watch.” May said, pointing at Delphox. Electivire finally collided with Delphox, causing the two to slam into the ground many feet behind where they first collided. Electivire stood up victoriously and gave a celebratory roar.
  26. Suddenly Delphox disappeared from its position and ended up fifteen feet behind Electivire, it’s wand in hand and glowing with pink, psychic aura. Electivire was taken aback at the sudden change of events, and Electivire began to levitate in mid-air, struggling helplessly. Delphox then lowered its wand suddenly, and Electivire was slammed into the ground.
  28. “C’mon Electivire, Bulldoze!” Electivire quickly regained itself and a light brown energy surrounded it as it charged once again.
  30. “Delphox won’t be caught again.” May said, shaking her head. As predicted, Delphox moved in a flash from its position fifteen feet ahead of Electivire to now fifteen foot above Electivire, seeming to hover in the air.
  32. “Delphox, Mystical Fire!” Light blue flames appeared out of Delphox’s wand, separated, and converged on the bewildered Electivire, causing a dust cloud.
  34. “Wild Charge!” The Roughneck commanded. Electivire charged up electricity then bolted like a missile into the sky. Delphox didn’t move, letting itself get hit. Delphox didn’t seem phased at all by the intense attack. The two were pushed high into the sky until Electivire finally ran out of steam. They began to fall to the ground and as they came closer to the ground, Delphox whipped its wand out again, using Psychic to slam Electivire into the ground with even more force than gravity would’ve naturally given. Delphox hovered in midair just above the dust cloud that came from Electivire’s landing spot. When the dust settled, Electivire was clearly unable to battle.
  36. The crowd watching the match applauded and hollered. Aria took some bows and thanked her Delphox. The roughneck left in a huff, not even shaking Aria’s hand.
  38. “Role Playing into Motor Drive was one heck of a strategy.” May said. Jack hadn’t seen the move Role Play used so well in quite some time. “I want to challenge her at some point.” May said aloud.
  40. “She beat Misty not too long ago.” Jack said.
  42. “Which is surprising, because Misty’s a heck of a trainer as well.” May said, then made a fist. “But I can beat that Aria girl, I know it.”
  44. The battlefield supervisor was resetting the field so May gave Jack a playful poke.
  46. “I heard you got some more action today, boss.” She said.
  48. Jack smiled uneasily. “Uh, yeah...” He stammered sheepishly.
  50. “I know you like bigger girls, but I didn’t think you’d be crazy for women THAT big.” May teased.
  52. Jack shrugged. “Well I like what I like...”
  54. “Y’know, I never thought I’d be as big as I am right now, but I’m really enjoying myself. I was freaked out because Hala kept getting on me about being lazy, and there aren’t many clothing stores in Iki Town so I kept outgrowing my outfits.” May pondered aloud. “But it’s like all the negative pressure I was putting on myself is gone now.”
  56. “It’s nice to be able to kick back a bit.” Jack said.
  58. “It’s funny, me from just a year ago would be horrified I’ve let myself go so much.” May paused. “I was really surprised when I first saw Lusamine today in person, and I quickly thought to myself ‘oh I’ll never let myself get that big’ but the more I think about it... How much I’ve let myself go, there’s a real chance I could end up that size.”
  60. “Are you okay with that?” Jack asked.
  62. May shrugged. “Not sure yet. In the hotel room I started to wonder how I’d look if I was that big...”
  64. “You’d still be gorgeous.” Jack said. “Emphasis on the ‘gorge’ though.” May laughed.
  66. “I want to have a lot of kids so I probably shouldn’t get Lusamine’s size. But I could see myself being as big as Lillie...” May pondered once more.
  68. “Mallow’s cooking may have something to say about that though.” Jack teased.
  70. May smiled uneasily. “Yeah, that girl’s going to make half of your staff unable to walk by next year.”
  72. Jack’s dick livened up quite a bit at that remark. He’d never thought he was into immobile women, but his lust had very suddenly disagreed with that. Jack realized he as staring at May’s glorious knockers during his daydream.
  74. “Oh Jack, is that in my honor?” May teased.
  76. Jack smiled his now signature sheepish smile. May looked around to see no one was watching them and gave it a playful stroke. Jack leaned back, taking a deep breath. He was going into that mode of blind lust once again.
  78. “Damn, that’s amazing.” May said. “Zinnia said she jerked you off before you went into the banquet, and then you still banged Lusamine?”
  80. “That wasn’t all.” Jack said. “This ex-golfer named Kahili jerked me off under the table at the awards ceremony.”
  82. “Woah, and it’s still throbbing, as horny as ever? You take meds for that?”
  84. “Something like that, I’ll explain later.” Jack said as Zinnia waddled over to them. Her hair seemed slightly disheveled, she’d definitely taken care of business in the bathroom.
  86. “Hey boss.” She said, taking a seat at the table beside him. “So what’s the deal around here for the matches? Do I sign up or what?”
  88. “No clue...” Jack said.
  90. “Hey, Mr. Cobal!” A familiar voice called from behind the trio. It was the skinny, gorgeous girl named Leaf, flanked by her teaching friends, Candice and Roxanne. “Ms. Lorelei needs you three.”
  92. Zinnia heaved herself out of her chair, eager to get things started. Jack meanwhile was looking down at the tent in his pants, nervous about having to stand up, let alone walk over with a group of gorgeous young women.
  94. “Er... Zinnia...” Jack said nervously, pointing to his raging hard on. Zinnia shook her head.
  96. “You’re really gonna have trouble going out in public if you can’t keep that thing under control.” She remarked.
  98. “Yeah...” May took his arm and signaled Zinnia to do the same, who obliged.
  100. Flanked by his own, sexy companions, Jack made his way over to where Lorelei sat, and he got his first sight of Clair since the incident. Clair stared at him and Zinnia intensely.
  102. Lorelei took a sip of her beer and waved at the approaching trio. “We’re up soon!” She called out.
  104. “Can’t wait.” Zinnia said under her breath. “So, what are the rules?3 vs. 3?” Zinnia said seriously.
  106. Lorelei shook her head. “2 vs 2, Archie doesn’t allow regular battles bigger than that. Takes too much time.” Lorelei explained. “That okay Miss Zinnia?”
  108. Zinnia smiled proudly, with a glare right at Clair. “Of course.”
  110. Lorelei leaned forward and braced herself for pushing her heft out of the chair, she managed to heave her body out of it, but she seemed visibly exhausted. “The beers aren’t doing this girl any favors.” She said, giving her gut a playful pat.
  112. “Neither are the crab cakes.” Roxanne teased.
  114. Clair cleared her throat. “Zinnia, care to make things interesting with a fun little wager?”
  116. “What’s the play?” Zinnia said, deathly serious.
  118. Clair turned her gaze to Jack for a moment then turned back to Zinnia. “If I win, I get a night with Mr. Cobal here all to myself.”
  120. The teachers gasped, and Jack’s jaw dropped. His dick loved the idea, as it pulsed with desire even more.
  122. Zinnia chuckled. “Fine, and if I win...” Zinnia pondered for a number of seconds. “You have to come back to the penthouse tonight and watch him fuck me all night long.”
  124. The girls were much less surprised with the sexual nature of the bet, but they turned to Jack to see any protest. He shrugged, either way, his nuts would be victorious.
  126. “Oooo, I like it. Very fun stakes, ladies.” Lorelei cooed. “What say you, Clair?”
  128. Clair didn’t bat an eye. “Sounds good.” She stood up and turned to Jack. “Hope you weren’t planning on sleeping tonight, buddy boy.” And with that, she spun around, but she did so a little too quickly and Clair’s overweight body lost balance and nearly toppled over. She had to take a few steps to regain her balance.
  130. Zinnia cackled loudly and Clair growled, then headed for the battlefield waiting area. Lorelei took a seat once again at her table overlooking the battlefield. “Jack care to join us?” She said, offering the seat next to her.
  132. Jack, not wanting to make the perilous trek back to his own seat with a raging hard on, obliged. May sat next to Roxanne and Leaf. Two more quick battles took place before it was Zinnia and Clair’s turn.
  134. Once the battlefield was reset, the music stopped and something came took over the loudspeaker.
  136. “Good evening ladies and gentlemen! The Brig’s Battlefield is about to play host to an epic match between dragon masters, unlike any ever seen on these premises. I encourage everyone who doesn’t already have a seat close to the battlefield to find one! The match is between Zinnia Draconid, of Hoenn, and The Brig Battlefield regular, Clair of Blackthorn City! Clair has only lost to Lorelei, the extremely powerful Ice type trainer and headmistress of Hau’Oli’s very own pokemon training academy. The match will be 2 on 2 with no substitutions. The match will begin in ten minutes, so get your bet sheets ready!”
  138. “They’re allowed to do trainer battle betting?” Jack asked Lorelei.
  140. “Yeah, required a bunch of extra paperwork and approvals, but they make a killing off it.” Lorelei said. “Zinnia must be one hell of a trainer if they’re using the loudspeaker.”
  142. Jack nodded. “That she is.” He’d never challenged her to a friendly battle because he saw how intensely she trained her pokemon.
  144. Once the ten minutes were up, and everyone had re-filled beverages, the lights dropped on the stadium, and spotlight shown on Zinnia taking her position on the battlefield. Jack and May hooted and hollered for her, and a number of people had bet on her beforehand and cheered her on.
  146. But when it was Clair’s turn to enter, the crowd of somewhere north of 100 got quite loud for the venue.
  148. As Clair waddled to her position, Jack got tapped on the back. He turned and saw Hilda wave at him with a big smile. “I got here just in time.” She said.
  150. Jack nodded. “Hell yeah you did.” Hilda went over to May and started chatting quickly, and through the noise he heard May point at Clair, then at Jack and Hilda’s jaw dropped. He smiled a shit-eating grin. Hilda gave him a subtle wink.
  152. The match began and they sent their poke balls out at the same time. Clair let out a Gyarados, while Zinnia called out her Tyrantrum. Jack hadn’t seen her Tyrantrum in action very much since she had to go to remote parts of the property to train the enormous monster. The crowds ooed and awed at the Tyrantrum, it was rare Pokemon in Kalos, let alone any other region in the world.
  154. The crowd was too loud for Jack to hear Zinnia and Clair give their orders, but the spectacle was unlike anything he’d seen in person for months. The two had started off with Dragon Dances, and Tyrantrum was trying to get its jaws on any part of Gyarados, while Gyarados had to skillfully dodge around it. Gyarados landed an Aqua Tail, knocking Tyrantrum back.
  156. Zinnia and Tyranrtum took the offensive, unleashing a powerful Stone Edge, hitting Gyarados hard. The great serpent recovered and lunged with an Ice Fang, connecting on Tyrantrum’s thigh, crippling the beast. Tyrantrum roared and unleashed a Thunder Fang, catching Gyarados off guard, making it release Tyrantrum’s thigh. Tyrantrum continued its grip, then, with use of its legs back, it lifted the middle of Gyarados’ body and tossed it, then sending another Stone Edge at Gyarados, dealing significant damage.
  158. Gyarados tried to recuperate and used Earthquake, but it was unable to get much force with the blow. Tyrantrum was still hit, but not very hard. Tyrantrum powered through the damage and sank its jaws just behind the serpent’s head, hitting it with a critical Thunder Fang. Gyarados cried out and collapsed, unable to continue.
  160. The crowd roared, and Zinnia cheered, causing her whole body to jiggle in the spotlight.
  162. “This is incredible.” Lorelei said. “Haven’t seen the place liven up like this for a while.” Jack nodded in agreement.
  164. Clair recalled her Gyarados, then sent out a Dragonite. It seemed to have quite a chip on its shoulder. “That one is hard to beat.” Lorelei said. “Even my ice types barely beat it out.”
  166. The match began again, Tyrantrum still hurt from its previous bout. Dragonite took to the skies and let out a Dragon Pulse, landing a direct hit as Tyrantrum tried to prepare a Stone Edge. Tyrantrum was pushed back by the force the blast. Dragonite then lit up and sped to Tyrantrum almost instantly, knocking it back onto the ground.
  168. “That Extremespeed is unfair.” Lorelei noted, sourly. By the time Tyrantrum had recuperated, Dragonite was out of reach dozens of feet above the battlefield.
  170. The pause had quieted the crowd, and he heard Clair order another Dragon Pulse. Dragonite fired it off. Tyrantrum did another Dragon Dance, but still got hit directly. Tyrantrum recovered quickly this time and hurled another Stone Edge at Dragonite before it could evade, knocking the airborne Dragon back with what appeared to be significant damage.
  172. “Fucking Marvel Scale.” Lorelei complained bitterly. Since Dragonite hadn’t taken damage yet, it took significantly reduced damage from attacks thanks to that ability. Zinnia’s desperate Stone Edge was not very worth it.
  174. “Dragon Pulse one more time!” Clair barked. Tyrantrum was unable to avoid, taking a direct hit, knocking it out.
  176. The crowd cheered, but Jack shook his head. “Zinnia can match.”
  178. Zinnia threw out her next poke ball, containing her dreaded Salamence. Salamence was bit more common in Alola, but it was remarkably hard to handle for anyone but expert trainers. It wasn’t often anyone got to see a live Salamence battle, let alone one vs. a Dragonite.
  180. Zinnia’s Salamence roared, and even Dragonite was shook a bit by the ferocity of the opposing Dragon.
  182. “That Intimidate could be very clutch.” Lorelei noted.
  184. Both Dragons took flight. Dragonite would fire off a couple Dragon Pulses while Salamence would easily evade them, trying to get higher in the sky so it could descend with its formidable physical attacks. While spectacular, nothing really connected between either dragon for a number of minutes.
  186. Finally, Clair took the offensive, having her Dragonite use Extremespeed. Zinnia let her Salamence take it, but had it use Dragon Dance. When Salamence recuperated from the physical attack, Jack knew momentum had turned.
  188. Salamence had been faster than Dragonite before, but now it was in another league. It effortlessly evaded Dragon Pulses, while Dragonite tried to retreat to maintain distance. Salamence finally caught up and landed a Dragon Claw, dealing heavy damage.
  190. Dragonite took the time pinned under Salamence to unleash a surprise Ice Beam. “Oh shit!” Jack belted out. Because of Salamence’s typing, Ice Beam was particularly devastating to it. Salamence took the painful attack and had to retreat. Jack already could tell Zinnia’s Salamence wouldn’t handle another one.
  192. “C’mon Zinnia!” Hilda belted out.
  194. Jack realized the teachers he was sitting with weren‘t really cheering very much for Clair. “She must be a total bitch all the time.” Jack thought.
  196. Dragonite then launched another Extremespeed, but Salamence was fast enough to just dodge it and tag the speeding dragon with a bit of a Dragon Claw attack. Dragonite regained its composure, then fired another Ice Beam. Salamence was ready to evade it and launched itself at Dragonite, catching the beast with a Crunch attack right below the neck, preventing another Ice Beam from landing.
  198. Zinnia’s Salamence then used consecutive Dragon Claws while Dragonite was pinned, dealing massive damage.
  200. “This could be over.” Lorelei stated. Just as it looked like another Dragon Claw from Salamence would hit, Dragonite kicked Salamence in the wing, surprising the jaw-clenching dragon, which caused Salamence to release it. Dragonite turned and readied another Ice Beam to end it, but Salamence fired a Flamethrower attack just in time to counter the Ice Beam.
  202. The melted ice caused a lot of vapor to cover the battlefield, and Salamence quickly flew out of the cloud, up high and out of reach. Once Salamence had reached a good height, it waited.
  204. Suddenly the glow of Dragonite’s Extremespeed appeared in the cloud of vapor then launched up to Salamence. Jack couldn’t quite tell what happened 80 feet above where he was, but Salamence didn’t dodge and two might dragons had collided. Salamence was knocked back, but Dragonite began to fall back down to the ground, looking increasingly worse as it was unable to recover.
  206. It hit the ground hard, and the match was called, with Zinnia and her Salamence winning.
  208. The crowd roared in approval at the intense, spectacular match.
  210. “You’re in for a heck of a night there, Mr. Cobal.” Lorelei said as she clapped for Zinnia.
  212. Jack, May, and Hilda, went over to where Zinnia would exit and waited eagerly for the victorious trainer. After a few minutes, Zinnia appeared, and the trio cheered loudly, giving Zinnia a big group hug.
  214. “Thanks so much!” Zinnia shouted, elated. “I’m gonna need some fucking shots after that though.” The group made its way to the bar which had become more crowded after the highly intense match. A murmur went through the crowd as people saw Zinnia, giving her high-fives and congratulating her on a battle well fought. Jack expected to wait a bit, but Shelly called the foursome up to the bar.
  216. “Amazing battle, girl! What you drinking?”
  218. “SHOTS!” Zinnia cried out. The whole bar crowd roared in approval. Jack put his card on the table as Zinnia picked out what liquors they’d have, ordering two shots a piece for the group. Once the eight were poured, Shelly presented them all to the group with a big grin.
  220. Hilda saw the shots of whiskey in front of her and facepalmed. “I told myself I wouldn’t get drunk again.”
  222. Jack shook his head. “That’s the whole reason you showed up, isn’t it? For the after party?” he winked, and Hilda glared at him, but relented, grabbing one of the shots. A few other enthusiastic bar patrons wanted to take a shot with Zinnia, so the crew waited a couple minutes for everyone’s shots to get poured. Jack handed Shelly his card and said the round was on him for everyone taking shots, and the surrounding people cheered even more.
  224. Zinnia held her shot high up in the air. “To Tyrantrum and Salamence!” She shouted, and the crowd cheered, downing their respective shots. Jack quickly shot both of his glasses, seeing May cough after one, and Hilda take both with an expression of loathing.
  226. The raucous environment didn’t dissipate for about fifteen minutes, when the next match was ready to go on the battlefield. About half of the crowd went to watch, since no loudspeakers were hyping it up, it wasn’t supposed to be incredible the match Zinnia and Clair had. Lorelei and the spectating teachers came over and cheers’d Zinnia, buying her another shot. Before he knew it, Hilda had three shots and a glass of wine in her hand, and Jack knew the mood she was preparing herself to be in.
  228. Jack saw Clair emerge from the other side of the bar, looking defeated and disheveled. Clair waddled her way over to the group and approached Zinnia. The chatter died as Clair took her position opposite of Zinnia. Clair then bowed her head. “I’m sorry about the incident earlier tonight, Ms. Zinnia. That was not an appropriate response on my part.”
  230. Zinnia eyed Clair for a few moments. “I didn’t behave very appropriately either.” Zinnia said and extended her hand. “I haven’t had such a great battle in ages.”
  232. Clair shook Zinnia’s hand. “That was an amazing battle. Your Salamence is extremely well trained.”
  234. “As is your Dragonite.” Zinnia said. The two hugged and the surrounding crowd cheered. Jack noticed Zinnia whisper something in Clair’s ear that made the defeated dragon master blush.
  236. The revelry continued for a while, and the group of teachers and Jack’s staff were good and truly drunk. Zinnia and Clair had seemingly become best friends, drunkenly cheers-ing each other and staying shoulder to shoulder. He saw Hilda watching the two of them but getting increasingly unsteady as she drank through her glasses of wine.
  238. Jack stayed at a table close to the bar so he didn’t have to reveal how much he truly enjoyed the the gaggle of mostly obese, drunk women around him. As he finished up another glass of beer, Hilda stumbled over to him.
  240. “So when’s the... real party... st-starting?” Hilda asked then put her arm around him and looked directly at Clair and Zinnia. “I heard about the bet.”
  242. “I guess Zinnia wanted you to have some company.” Jack laughed, then remembered he hadn’t told Hilda about Dawn. “I’ve got a surprise for you back at the room.”
  244. “I already know about Sina, May told me. Proud of you, actually.” Hilda replied confidently.
  246. Jack shook his head. “Sina’s not the surprise.” He said with a mischievous grin.
  248. Hilda glared at him. “You know I don’t like surprises.”
  250. “It’s gonna be a shock, but you’ll learn to enjoy it real quick.” Jack said. Then he realized he hadn’t mentioned the super-dick or whatever it was the Ultra Recon Squad had given him. He decided to let that revelation lay for another occasion.
  252. Hilda shook her head and groaned. Suddenly Zinnia grabbed another shot glass and dropped it before she could properly shoot it. The glass didn’t break, but Jack got the feeling it was time.
  254. “Shit!” Zinnia cursed as she drunkenly tried to reach for it. Jack got up, erection apparent and grabbed Zinnia.
  256. “I’ll take care of it. Close the tab for me, it’ time for the next party.” Jack said with a wink. Zinnia smiled approvingly. He picked up the shot glass and placed it on the bar, then turned to see Clair eyeing him. She took a quick glance at his crotch and made eye contact with him again. He smiled. “The best is yet to come.” He gave Zinnia’s ass a good squeeze as Shelly brought the bill. After buying a number of drinks for the crew and getting a round for the revelers around Zinnia, the bill was 626 dollars. Jack signed his signature and tipped 400, handing the book back to Shelly.
  258. “Thanks for taking care of us tonight.” He said, taking his Legion Black Card back. “I look forward to many more in the future.”
  260. Shelly looked at the bill and smiled. “As do I, Mr. Cobal. Hope to see you around more often.” She winked at the last part.
  262. Jack, Zinnia, Hilda, May, and Clair, said their good-byes to Lorelei and the other teachers.
  264. “You better not come home tonight.” Lorelei warned Clair with an evil grin.
  266. The squad exited the bar and Jack looked for Archie. He gave the bouncer a thumbs up and had a lascivious smile. Archie said nothing, but put his hands up in defeat.
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