
Anon's Excellent Adventures in Tartarus pt. 12

Sep 26th, 2012
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  1. >You are Anonymous.
  2. >And you’re having a hard goddamn time believing this shit.
  3. >You hear a low growl rise in the throat of the beast before you, as golden eyes prowl through the jungle with a dangerous cunning.
  4. >You see his nostrils flare, attempting to single out the scent of his suddenly-vanished prey from the myriad smells of the jungle.
  5. >Vicious claws, each easily sharp as a razor, adorn the hunter’s digits, poised to rip and tear through your flesh like a knife through butter.
  6. >Fearful of being spotted, you turn your head at a glacial pace towards the ferns to your left, gazing intently into the shadows as you dare.
  7. >... Good. Shadowbright’s concealed within, effectively invisible. Despite her attempts to convince you of the contrary, you have your doubts that she’s running at full steam.
  8. >Glancing back to ensure the reptilian nightmare hasn’t gotten a bead on you, your eyes then dart upwards to the canopy, even as a coal black mass glides just above the canopy, doggedly tailed by the twin fiery streaks that are Torch and Scorch.
  9. >They had occupied themselves with harassing the local population of pterosaurs for food, and were doing quite the stellar job at both that, and keeping them off your backs.
  10. >However, the fliers weren’t the only prehistoric horrors in this seemingly endless jungle.
  11. >Your gaze drifts back downwards, and locks with the slit pupils of your pursuer.
  12. >Standing in front of your hiding spot, not 20 feet away, is a massive Utahraptor.
  13. >Seven and a half feet tall, weighing nearly a half ton in muscle, bone, and malevolence, quick as lightning, and deadly as any demon, this scaled and feathered predator was the second worst thing you could have come across in here.
  14. >The worst? Well...
  17. >A pair of raptors dart from the underbrush to meet with their comrade, momentarily communicating that they had found nothing in their search for the juicy looking equine and humanoid that had wandered into their hunting grounds.
  18. >A few growls later, the pair leave as quick as they came, diving back into the thick of the forest as little more than pale grey blurs.
  19. >Fucking raptors. As if one of those bastards wasn’t enough to deal with, the entire PACK was after your ass.
  20. >tartarus have i wronged you in some way.png
  21. >... Oh, yeah. Being here’s reason enough.
  22. >”Alone” once more, the theropod zeroes back in on your particular bunch of ferns, and bares teeth the size of switchblades as he slowly stalks forward.
  23. >There’s no mistaking it, he knows there’s something where you are. And from the look in those merciless eyes, he plans on finding out what.
  24. >Your heart rate skyrockets, your pupils dilate, and you begin to feel the all too familiar rush of fight or flight as your adrenal glands kick in.
  25. >The ancient hunter stalks forward, each menacing stride making you more and more aware of the massive sickle-shaped claws on his first toes. Easily large and sharp enough to gut you.
  26. >Close enough now that you can see the powerful muscles in his legs tense, ready to spring, the raptor gives a menacing growl...
  27. >And the triumphant cry of Torch tears through the tense silence, as the pterosaur he and his son have been chasing has a rough-looking collision with the treetops, just barely staying aloft.
  28. >Instinctively, the raptor’s head darts up to examine the sudden noise--
  29. >And you explode out of the underbrush, body-checking the dinosaur with an adrenaline-powered surge of motion that sends you both tumbling across the loamy soil.
  31. >This may have been a bad idea, you think, even as the raptor’s teeth sink into your shoulder, and his claws rake down your sides, tearing lines of blood.
  32. >However, you were far from simply idly taking hits. Gritting your teeth through the dulled, yet rising pain, you grab the reptile’s head, slamming a knee into what felt like the sternum, once, twice, thrice.
  33. >If it hurts him, however, he doesn’t show it. If anything, he only clamps down tighter.
  34. >Okay then. It seems playing nice with dinosaurs isn’t an option.
  35. >Not wasting the time to realize how stupid that sentence sounded, you release your right hand’s grip on his skull, using it to intercept an incoming slash, even as his back hits the ground.
  36. >Thinking quickly, you stomp on the arm, pinning it to the ground.
  37. >One less instrument of pain to worry about. Now then, where were you?
  38. >Oh. Yeah.
  39. >You stick out one thumb--
  40. >And drive it straight into the Raptor’s eye, eliciting an almost banshee-like shriek of pain. Because of this, the raptor is no longer biting down on your shoulder.
  41. >You let go with your left hand, using it to drive the predator’s head down by the jaw, leaving his throat exposed.
  42. >Your right curls into a fist.
  43. >Let’s see him shake this one off.
  44. >Your fist descends upon his throat again and again, with an almost mechanical rhythm.
  45. >His limbs flail wildly, desperately trying to find purchase, to force you off of him. He has a small degree of success, in fact, as his free arm’s claws tear into your abdomen.
  46. >And you grimly continue, arm a piston, each strike hammering down a spike of pain, undaunted by the raptor’s slowly weakening attempts to fight back.
  47. >After what feels like hours, you rise...
  49. >The raptor is slow to respond, dazed by the sheer volume of blows you threw at him.
  50. >Of course, it’s not like you were planning to stop any time soon.
  51. >You drive your foot into the raptor’s skull, stomping down on any of his hopes of respite.
  52. >An almost pathetic whimper escapes from the Utahraptor’s half-crushed throat.
  53. >In the paradox-tastic blend of relentless mercy, you decide to put the raptor out of his misery.
  54. >You jump...
  55. >And crash down upon his neck, driving for feet downwards at the point of impact.
  56. >You do this two more times until you feel something snap. The Raptor’s body goes limp, his spine broken.
  57. >You allow yourself a moment to catch your breath, looking at the raptor’s inert form.
  58. >That was easier than you expected... better quit while you’re ahead.
  59. >You turn to the bush Bright’s hiding in.
  60. “C’mon. We should get moving before his pals get back. I got lucky enough surviving that fight, don’t wanna push it further.”
  61. >Slowly, she emerges from the ferns, wide-eyed and a tad pale. Must’ve been pretty shocked by that display.
  62. >”Yeah, let’s keep going.” she says, turning towards the center of Tartarus and marching onward, pallor slowly fading.
  63. >That was the reason, right? you wonder, grunting as you pry a tooth free from your shoulder. Not you being gravely wounded in some way you hadn’t noticed?
  64. >Your guts weren’t hanging out, were they?
  65. >You quickly check your ribcage, running your fingers along the lacerations. No squishy insides detected.
  66. >You shrug, and just focus on getting through this jungle. After this, it should be the final stretch.
  67. >But you can’t get there without going through here.
  68. >With that in mind, your let the minutes blur into hours as your steady strides go through miles of jungle.
  70. >Hours later, the pain has faded back into your system as the fight-or-flight reaction has left you.
  71. >Thanks to this, going further has become something of a chore. Rather than suffering (more than normal) for a few more hours, you and Bright agree to stop and rest for the night.
  72. >Sitting around the campfire you’ve built, the two of you recline in companionable silence, you on your back and she gazing into the flames.
  73. >”Anon?”
  74. “Hm?”
  75. >”Do you think everyone up there knows you’re down here?” she asks, an innocent enough question.
  76. >...
  77. “Well, I certainly HOPE they do.”
  78. >”...Yeah, right. Sorry. Dumb question.” she says, shaking her head. “You don’t have any way of knowing that.”
  79. “Not really. Why’d you ask?”
  80. >”Well...” she says, a thoughtful frown on her face. “I was just wondering what’ll happen when we bust out.”
  81. >She grins. “Bet everyone’ll be surprised to see you walking around after so long.”
  82. >You can say that again, you think, beginning to chuckle as you imagine everyone’s shocked expressions as you mosey on into Ponyville, acting as if nothing had happened.
  83. >You sigh. You miss the days where shenanigans were a daily occurrence. Talking with the Princesses, wandering the city and chatting with Lyra, Doing odd jobs for and engaging in friendly conversations with Twi, AJ, Flutters, and Rarity...
  84. >Hell, you even miss the craziness that was the Cutie Mark Crusaders’ daily hijinks.
  85. >”You okay, Anon?” Shadowbright asks, glancing over to you.
  86. “Yeah.” you reply. “Just remembering why I’m busting out ASAP.”
  87. >You missed them so much? Best get your ass out of here.
  88. >You rise to your feet.
  89. “I’ll take first watch.”
  91. >The unicorn seems to have other ideas. “No, Anon. You’ve been torn up a lot today. I’ll take the first one, you get some rest.”
  92. >You look into her eyes, ready to argue...
  93. >And stop yourself, recognizing that she won’t take no for an answer.
  94. …”Kay then. ‘Night, Bright.” you say, closing your eyes.
  95. >”Night, Anon.”
  96. >You soon lose yourself in the black void of sleep.
  97. >Of course, this being Tartarus, slumber is far from peaceful.
  98. >You toss and turn, tormented by nightmares... but it’s still sleep. And you still need it, no matter how hard it may be.
  99. >This particular one concerns you. Reminiscent of a near-death experience, you find yourself floating through Canterlot Castle, an incorporeal spectre unable to interact with the world around you beyond observation.
  100. >You float around the castle, listening into conversations...
  101. >They’re about you. And they aren’t nice.
  102. >”Celestia, Anon’s been such a prick.”
  103. >”Just because he fought Discord, he thinks he can just disrespect everyone? Jerk.”
  104. >”I heard he even tried to set Windshear’s mane on fire! When the Tartarus did he start thinking he could get away with that?”
  105. >WAT
  106. >The fuck was going on here? Since when did--
  107. >”Oh great, here he comes now.” the guard snarks, as Luna walks past, chatting animatedly with...
  108. >You?
  109. “What the”
  110. “Fuck?” you finish, eyes snapping open as you sit bolt upright.
  111. >Shadowbright just looks at you drowsily, having just woken up herself.
  112. >”Huh? What’s goin’ on?” she mumbles, rubbing the sleepiness out of her eyes.
  113. “Nothing...” you grunt, groggily rising to your feet and stretching. “Just a weird dream.”
  114. >”Was it bad?”
  115. “They’re all bad down here, you know that.” you reply, raising an eyebrow.
  116. >”Good point. Shall we get moving? Probably gonna get out of this forest today at this rate.”
  117. “Good.”
  119. >As the hours pass, you begin to notice changes in the landscape.
  120. >The trees begin to thin out. The soil becomes more and more mudlike in consistency. The humidity... stays roughly the same.
  121. >And then the bugs.
  122. >Dear lord, the BUGS.
  123. >Dragonflies the size of Pigeons, swarms of gnats that you could suffocate in, and centipedes that you’re damn sure belong in a BBC documentary.
  124. >Christ, you want out of here.
  125. >Eventually, you find yourselves staring into a swamp that’d look right at home in Louisiana, complete with methane bubbles and bigass crocodilians.
  126. >Only, you know, Tartarus’d up. For example, those methane bubbles?
  127. >Yeah, they explode.
  128. >The giant crocodiles? They have laser eyes.
  129. >How do you know that one?
  130. >PEW
  131. >You’ve been watching the crocodiles zap small fish and animals with them as you walked along the shore, searching for a dry path across the waters.
  132. >You had no plans on swimming through that, you’d be eaten alive in seconds.
  133. >Tartarus scoffs at your naive attempts to stay safe, however.
  134. >Keeping an eye on the swamp, you spot a stone bridge across the swamp, some 500 yards away.
  135. >Hot damn! Something EASY for on-- oh who’re you kidding?
  136. >Shit was NEVER easy in here!
  137. >”Anon, look out!” Bright calls, horn aglow with arcane power as she propels a rock roughly the size of your head in your direction.
  139. >Moving with the speed of Pathfinders, you leap out of the way--
  140. >And the stone slams into the maw of a massive ebony-scaled crocodile, and its jaws clamp shut mere inches from where you stood.
  142. >You scramble to your feet, even as another of the crocs sloshes out of the water, a menacing black mass of muscle, scales and teeth.
  143. >Is it the reptilian version of shark week in here?
  145. >Your eyes meet Shadowbright’s as more dark masses draw closer to the shore.
  146. >An unspoken agreement is reached. You both know your current plan of action. No words are needed.
  147. >Even as the first croc crushes the boulder in it’s jaws, the two of you bolt, making a flat out break for it.
  148. >Even as you pull away from the growing horde of prehistoric death machines, your eyes frantically scan the skies for the two red specks that consistently saved your ass with their quite literal firepower.
  149. >... Where the hell are they? Are they still fucking around back by the--
  150. >PEW
  151. >Oh god, lasers! Lasers all around you!
  152. >You dive for the safety of the bridge, narrowly avoiding getting your head converted to a fine red mist.
  153. >Army crawling your way up the stone, you take a quick peek above the the fence to check on the progress of your pursuers.
  154. >They’ve... stopped?
  155. >Sure enough, the Tartarian Crocs simply lay where they are, gazing at you with those cold red eyes, yet doing nothing to continue pursuing you. Almost as if they had given up on the prospect of killing you themselves.
  156. “That’s... ominous.” you mutter, apprehensively turning to face straight ahead.
  157. >What exactly was making them stop? There’s no gate or anything...
  158. >”C’mon, Anon.” Bright urges, giving you a nudge. “The sooner we get over this bridge, the better.”
  159. “Why’s that?” you ask, starting to jog. “What’s wrong with it? Doesn’t seem that bad. Kind of nice, actually.”
  160. >”It isn’t the bridge I’m worried about,” she says, gazing over the side into the murky black waters. “It’s what’s below it.”
  161. “Why’s that?”
  162. >”Anon, right now we’re standing above the River Styx.
  163. >...Oh.
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