
Steam BG

Apr 19th, 2024
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  1. @import url(;
  2. @import url(;
  3. @import url(;
  4. @import url(;
  5. @import url(;
  6. @import url(;
  7. @import url(;
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  28. .theme-dark,
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  46. hsl(calc(var(--accent-hue) + 35) calc(var(--saturation-factor, 1)*1%) 19.8%/0) 50%),
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  67. :root,
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  131. --gpColor-Red: #D94126;
  132. --gpColor-Yellow: #FFC82C;
  133. --gpColor-Grey: #4f5159;
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  241. --brand-experiment-50a: hsla(var(--accent-hue), calc(var(--saturation-factor, 1)*var(--accent-saturation)), var(--accent-brightness), 0.5);
  242. --brand-experiment-55a: hsla(var(--accent-hue), calc(var(--saturation-factor, 1)*var(--accent-saturation)), var(--accent-brightness), 0.55);
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