
Magical Burst: Session 44.5 - Constants and Variables

Apr 24th, 2015
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Wednesday, October 29, 2014
  3. 5:51 PM - Sarah Salem has been invited to chat.
  4. 5:51 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl has been invited to chat.
  5. 5:51 PM - Sarah Salem entered chat.
  6. 5:51 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl entered chat.
  7. 5:51 PM - Sarah Salem: Hello
  8. 5:52 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: You eat yet?
  9. 5:52 PM - Sarah Salem: No, but I'm fine
  10. 5:53 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: You'll need to give me a few more minutes and we can start
  11. 5:54 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Got it
  12. 5:54 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: not like we have a deadline here, and I don't /expect/ it to take forever
  13. 5:55 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Yeah
  14. 6:03 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge: If the thing I'm waiting for doesn't happen in the next 10 minutes we'll go without
  15. 6:04 PM - Sarah Salem: Okay
  16. 6:16 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge has changed their name to Constants and Variables.
  17. 6:17 PM - Constants and Variables: alright, fuck it, we'll go without
  18. 6:17 PM - Sarah Salem: Toot toot
  19. 6:18 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: It begins
  20. 6:23 PM - Smas entered chat.
  21. 6:23 PM - Smas has changed their name to Okerin.
  22. 6:27 PM - Okerin disconnected.
  23. 6:47 PM - Okerin entered chat.
  27. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Satoya~~
  29. 6:19 PM - Constants and Variables: You awaken in your brother's hospital room, and immediately feel something amiss.
  31. It's eerily silent. Usually by this time in the morning, doctors and nurses would be coming in and out and your brother's heart monitor would beep a steady rythm, making a racket of sounds that constitutes a fairly mundane early morning chorus. But presently, the beeps of monitors and clack of footsteps are silent. Normally, the entire place would be abuzz with a slight hum of collective conversation heard throughout, but even that is strangely silent.
  33. Thinking about it, something else feels odd as well. It doesn't "feel" like morning. In fact, it doesn't "feel" like anything at all, not morning, noon or night. Ordinarily, any person's bodily clock would give notice of approximately the time of day, especially when waking up as you just have. But yours is strangely silent.
  35. The clock in the room ticks quietly, the only sound to be heard.
  36. 6:19 PM - Constants and Variables: What will you do?
  37. 3:21 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Well, first of all, since it's silent, I'll check Hiroe's bed
  38. 6:20 PM - Constants and Variables: He is absent. The bed's sheets seem neatly made, as though it were never occupied in the first place.
  39. 3:22 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Right then, transforming and stepping into the hallway, something's wrong for sure, and I should probably figure out asap.
  40. 6:22 PM - Constants and Variables: You step out into the hallway, finding it completely empty. You can't even see any scuff marks from footprints on the tiled floor.
  41. 3:24 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Checking my activator before moving on
  42. 6:23 PM - Constants and Variables: Silent and motionless, like the rest of the world.
  43. 3:26 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: I clear my throat, before calling out loudly. "Helloooooo? Is this some sort of weird prank?"
  44. 6:25 PM - Constants and Variables: The hallway offers no response but a slight echo.
  45. 3:26 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: I slowly and carefully make my way down to the lobby then
  46. 6:26 PM - Constants and Variables: You pass by the cafeteria on the way to the lobby, finding even it entirely empty. Though, oddly enough, plenty of food seems to be out on display and awaiting purchase.
  47. 3:28 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Now is not the time for food (even if it is tempting :v) I open the doors of the hospital and look out onto the streets
  48. 6:28 PM - Constants and Variables: Cars are parked as normal, though none drive past. The city is like a tomb. You can't even see a single bird or insect.
  49. 3:29 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: I cup my hands around my mouth and yell "Is there anybody out there?"
  50. 6:28 PM - Constants and Variables: Once again, no response. It's as though the world simply... stopped, time and all.
  51. 3:31 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Well then, I attempt to summon up a small horde of zombie cats then, and attempt to order them to fan out, hoping that they can find something :v
  52. 6:31 PM - Constants and Variables: Thankfully, it seems as though your powers function normally. You create your cats, and they proceed to search the streets for any sign of life. While they do this, will you try searching elsewhere?
  53. 3:32 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Yeah, I'll head down to the school
  54. 6:32 PM - Constants and Variables: You approach the school. The grounds are entirely empty. Though it's Monday, the start of Golden Week and a day off from school, there should still be at least a few people here setting up for the coming festival.
  55. 3:34 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Ill go in then, calling down the hallways and hoping for someone, anyone
  56. 6:35 PM - Constants and Variables: Again, the only response you recieve are your echos. You spot another clock in the hallway. Would you care to check the time?
  57. 3:36 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Sure thing
  58. 6:36 PM - Constants and Variables: The analogue clock is handless, and offers no clue as to the time of day. Though without hands, it continues to tick loudly. In that moment, it seems to "blink" with two brass lids on the top and bottom of its face, much like an eye with eyelids. When the lids open, the clock is gone.
  59. 3:39 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: "...I have really got to lay off the catnip." Sighing, I exit the building, calling back my cats and checking if any have brought back anything interesting
  60. 6:39 PM - Constants and Variables: A number of your cats return with negative responses, though Potato seems not among them. Perhaps he found something, and is investigating it further. At the very least, you don't feel as though he's come to any harm.
  61. 3:41 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Any way I can track him? With my activator perhaps?
  62. 6:41 PM - Constants and Variables: Before you can do that, you exit the school and once more enter the courtyard, when a strange voice seems to call out from everywhere and nowhere. It speaks in a voice that seems to change pitch and tone with every other word. "Y??????o°`???u?`??`??_?_?????_ ?????????a´???_?r`°?????_????e?????????? ?¯???????a¨??`?~??????n^?`¸???? ?`???????????a?°???????n??????????o??????????m?¨????????????a~????????????l?????????_y^~?????.????????? ??"?¸_??Y??????????????o??^????????_u??????????????? ??????????????_?d?¨¯?^????o???¯??~?¸???? ?^????????n???????_?o?^???????_???t??????????? ???´"??????_?b?????????????_?e???^??_????????l???°?????????o?¨???¯????????n~?????????_?_?g`??????¸????.??????_"
  63. [T/L NOTE: I used zalgo text here, so it doesn't translate well into .txt. I was told to keep these ugly question marks because they make it all spooky or something. I'll provide the translations, so you won't need to pick out the sentence from each letter amid the cluster of bullshit: "You are an anomaly. You do not belong."]
  64. 3:45 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: I look about rapidly, trying to locate the source of the noise
  65. 6:45 PM - Constants and Variables: Though you can not locate a source, the voice repeats the same, garbled speech as before. "Y??????o°`???u?`??`??_?_?????_ ?????????a´???_?r`°?????_????e?????????? ?¯???????a¨??`?~??????n^?`¸???? ?`???????????a?°???????n??????????o??????????m?¨????????????a~????????????l?????????_y^~?????.????????? ??"?¸_??Y??????????????o??^????????_u??????????????? ??????????????_?d?¨¯?^????o???¯??~?¸???? ?^????????n???????_?o?^???????_???t??????????? ???´"??????_?b?????????????_?e???^??_????????l???°?????????o?¨???¯????????n~?????????_?_?g`??????¸????.??????_" [T/L NOTE: "You are an anomaly. You do not belong."]
  66. 3:46 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: "Stop! What is this, where am I, where is everyone?"
  67. 6:45 PM - Constants and Variables: "Y??????o°`???u?`??`??_?_?????_ ?????????a´???_?r`°?????_????e?????????? ?¯???????a¨??`?~??????n^?`¸???? ?`???????????a?°???????n??????????o??????????m?¨????????????a~????????????l?????????_y^~?????.????????? ??"?¸_??Y??????????????o??^????????_u??????????????? ??????????????_?d?¨¯?^????o???¯??~?¸???? ?^????????n???????_?o?^???????_???t??????????? ???´"??????_?b?????????????_?e???^??_????????l???°?????????o?¨???¯????????n~?????????_?_?g`??????¸????.??????_" [T/L NOTE: "You are an anomaly. You do not belong."]
  68. 6:46 PM - Constants and Variables: "D??????????_?????o°??""????????? ?????¯???????????n???`????????o?????~??`??t"?????????? ???????b??????¸???_?e?????????????l?~?¯?????????o??????"????????n~???^?????_???g??^°?????????????.?°????????_?" [T/L NOTE: "You do not belong.]
  69. 3:47 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: "Stop saying that! Who are you, what do you want?"
  70. 6:49 PM - Constants and Variables: Though the voice offers no response, you see Sarah entering the school grounds, the remainder of your cat search squad, as led by Potato, approach you.
  71. 6:49 PM - Constants and Variables: You hear Sarah call out, "Satoya! What happened?" as she runs up to you. Main chat.
  73. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Satoya~~
  80. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah~~
  82. 6:19 PM - Constants and Variables: You awaken in your room, and immediately feel something amiss.
  84. It's eerily silent. Usually by this time in the morning, Anna would be downstairs cooking, making a racket of sounds that constitutes a fairly mundane early morning chorus. But presently, the sounds of pots and pans or frying eggs is curiously absent.
  86. Thinking about it, something else feels odd as well. It doesn't "feel" like morning. In fact, it doesn't "feel" like anything at all, not morning, noon or night. Ordinarily, any person's bodily clock would give notice of approximately the time of day, especially when waking up as you just have. But yours is strangely silent, all the more concerning considering how to-the-second yours keeps track.
  88. The clock in your room ticks quietly, the only sound to be heard.
  89. 6:19 PM - Constants and Variables: What will you do?
  90. 3:22 PM - Sarah Salem: I sit up and swipe my pocketwatch off the bedside table immediately, checking it for any signs of youma.
  91. 6:21 PM - Constants and Variables: Your watch is silent, but you notice something else strange. The hands on your watch are gone, though it continues to tick.
  92. 3:24 PM - Sarah Salem: Fully awake now, I get up and look to the pillow in the corner to see if Gekko is fine.
  93. 6:23 PM - Constants and Variables: Gekko is, oddly enough, not there.
  94. 6:24 PM - Constants and Variables: So, too, is your seed with your newly captured friend, it would seem.
  95. 3:27 PM - Sarah Salem: I head outside of my room, opening the door carefully and looking around.
  96. 6:27 PM - Constants and Variables: The door creaks slightly as you open it, but the hallway is as lifeless as your room was.
  97. 3:30 PM - Sarah Salem: I call out, "Anna?"
  98. 6:30 PM - Constants and Variables: As you take a hesitant step forwards, calling to your sister, the floorboard beneath you creaks loudly, providing you with the only response you'll recieve.
  99. 3:33 PM - Sarah Salem: I dip back inside my room to retrieve My/Satoya's phone, and head down the stairs warily, looking around again just in case someone is there.
  100. 6:34 PM - Constants and Variables: You retrieve the phone and descend the stairs without issue. The area seems entirely untouched, not a single fiber on the carpet out of place, though still in its destroyed state.
  101. 3:37 PM - Sarah Salem: Remembering Enomatia's feather, I head back to my room and grab that as well, before exiting my house and trying to contact the raven.
  102. 6:38 PM - Constants and Variables: Maybe the connection is bad, or maybe he's ignoring your call, but Enomatia does not respond to your hails. As you enter your room again, the ticking of the clock on your wall continues unabated. Would you like to check the time?
  103. 3:40 PM - Sarah Salem: I glance at the clock
  104. 6:39 PM - Constants and Variables: The analogue clock is handless, much like your watch was, and offers no clue as to the time of day. Though without hands, it continues to tick loudly. In that moment, it seems to "blink" with two brass lids on the top and bottom of its face, much like an eye with eyelids. When the lids open, the clock is gone.
  105. 6:39 PM - Constants and Variables: You hear a quiet mewing come from your window.
  106. 3:43 PM - Sarah Salem: I look over to said window, confused by all these timey wimey shenanigans.
  107. 6:42 PM - Constants and Variables: You see Satoya's cat, Potato, scratching at the window.
  108. 3:44 PM - Sarah Salem: I grimace and push the window open carefully to let the undead kitty in.
  109. 6:43 PM - Constants and Variables: It enters, and meows once more. It seems as though he wants you to follow him.
  110. 3:45 PM - Sarah Salem: "Just this once, cat."
  111. 6:44 PM - Constants and Variables: It gives a happy meow in response.
  112. 3:45 PM - Sarah Salem: I set the feather back on the desk and pocket my phone and activator, and follow him wherever he wants to go.
  113. 6:48 PM - Constants and Variables: You follow the little kitty through the streets, finding more of Satoya's zombie cats littering the streets. Upon seeing you, they gather around and make a formation in front with Potato. They seem to lead you through the streets and to your school. In the courtyard, you can see Satoya looking around in a panic, while you hear a voice that sounds as though it is coming from everywhere and nowhere speak. It says in a garbled speech that seems to change pitch and tone with every other word, "D??????????_?????o°??""????????? ?????¯???????????n???`????????o?????~??`??t"?????????? ???????b??????¸???_?e?????????????l?~?¯?????????o??????"????????n~???^?????_???g??^°?????????????.?°????????_? " [T/L NOTE: "You do not belong."] It does not feel as though this is directed at you.
  114. 6:49 PM - Constants and Variables: The cats approach Satoya without hesitation.
  115. 3:50 PM - Sarah Salem: "Satoya! What happened?" I call across the courtyard, heading over to join her.
  117. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah~~
  121. 6:50 PM - Constants and Variables: Satoya and Sarah regroup.
  122. 6:50 PM - Constants and Variables: You can now converse.
  123. 6:51 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: "Sarah! What's going on, why is everything all weird and stopped?"
  124. 6:51 PM - Sarah Salem: "I was going to ask you the same question. Even my activator is being affected, look." I show her the handless pocket-watch.
  125. 6:52 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: I hold out the limp toy mousey that I use as mine. "Im nyot getting any reading either, and there's some weird voice shouting at me!"
  126. 6:54 PM - Sarah Salem: "The strange, corrupted sounding one?"
  127. 6:54 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: "Yes! So im nyot just going crazy then!" I give a little cheer, before picking Potato back up.
  128. 6:54 PM - Constants and Variables: "Y????´??????o?????????????u´???????? ????¯?????????????m?????¨¯???????e?????????????????d??_d`?????`??????l????????????e??¯°??????? ¨???????????i??¯?¸???n??°????????? "?^"?????????????t?´??????????h???~????¸?????i???¨??????_?n?¯?????g"????????_???s??~????__? ??~??¯????b??~?????????e??¨????????y??~^?`??????o?????¯??????n??????~??????d^??????????? ?????¯????y?~?????????o¯????¸???u¯?^???r????????? "??????c´?°???"?????o???????????m??¯¨`??p????????????_???r??????_??e????´???????????h??????????????????e?´?"?????_??_?n??????????s???????????????i?????¨?^???????o¯~?´?????????_n??????????.`????????? ????_???????Y??????????o????¨??????????u???¯???¯??????_? ¯??°??????a????????????r?¨???????e?´¯???????? ??¯????????_a´??~????????_ ????¨?????s¯?????`????m???~??????a????¨???????l???????_???l~??????????? ?????¯~??¸??????d?????_????r?????????????o??¯????p????°°?????????? ????i´????_??n???~?¯????????? ???¯?´?????a????¸??_??_?? °??°???????_?r???°??????a???´????_?????g???´??????????i??????????n?????????????g??^_??????? ?????t´?????_??o??????????r?¨¸??????r?^????????????e?????????????n???????t??????,????¯??????????_ ??????c???????"??????_??r???°???????e?¯??´????a???????t?????????????i???°??????_n"??¨????????????g??`????????????? ~????~????????_?r?`???^^??__?i????"??~???_???p~`??????????p??????_??????_l?????????????????e?¯~???????s¨????^????????_??? ?????????????y?"???????o??????u????¯`??????? ?????????????_?f?????`????????a??¯????i?????????l¨?^???_??_? ??¯"????t???_??o?¨°???????? ?~??????u"`¯???^¯????n¯?"???´?_???????d?????´?????????e???´´???????r¯??`??????s??´???´??????t????????a??????????¸?????n?????_???d?????????? ???~???????t????????????h???????????????e^????????_ ¯?¨?´?`???????s????^?????????i??~???__????g?°???¨???????????n¯????????i?????¨?"?????f??????_??_?i´???????????_?????c¨??????????????a´¯???"??????????n`??^????¸?????????c´?????????????e?????°?´??_??_???? ???^¯~???????o???????¸?_??f?´???????????????" [T/L NOTE: "You meddle in things beyond your comprehension. You are a small drop in a raging torrent, creating ripples you fail to understand the significance of."]
  129. 6:55 PM - Constants and Variables: This particular quip seems directed at Sarah in particular.
  130. 6:55 PM - Sarah Salem: "I believe it means me."
  131. 6:56 PM - Constants and Variables: "Y?????????o???????u??´?????????????? ?????????????h?????a?????????v???"??????????e??´????? ?^?????_c???¨???????_?????r???????_??e?????????_?a??????t??"¯???????e¯?´??????????d¯?????????????? ??°???"?????a°???????n`??°??????????????? ??¸????a????????_??????n??????´???????????o???¨^¨??????????m??¨¯??????a????¨???????l???????_?????y?????? ??`???????_t?????????????_????o??????????o????? ?^¯`????_g??????"???r????????e?¯???????_?a??????????t?????`?????????? ?^?????¸?t~???????????o¨?~????????? ?????????????i??????????g???"?????????n~????????????????o°?~?´??r?¸????????e?????????.???¸??????????" [T/L NOTE: "You have created an anomaly too great to ignore."]
  132. 6:56 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: "I... What's it talking about Sarah? It, it said I don't belong, that I'm an, anomaly..."
  133. 6:57 PM - Sarah Salem: I rub my eyes and sigh. "Let me just try to unpause, it might work."
  134. 6:57 PM - Sarah Salem: I try to unpause, hoping it will be that simple.
  135. 6:57 PM - Constants and Variables: It once again directs its omnipresent voice to Satoya. "Y°???o^¯????????????u???????????? ???^????????a^¨"°?°??????????r??¯??????_??_e????????????? `"???????????a???????????n????__ ?????????????????a~?~??????n??????????????o???¯???????m??^????????a??´?"?^?????l"´???????y?~????????????_?.????¯¯???__?_?? ???????Y?????_????o??????¯?????????u´?????? ^???????d~???????????o???"¨????????? ??`^°????n???¯??????o????t????°??¸? ?¯????????????b???`??_?e`¨??¨????????l??°????????????????o??????????????n?"??????????g??`???????????.??¯?????????" [T/L NOTE: "You are an anomaly. You do not belong."]
  136. 6:57 PM - Constants and Variables: Your unpausing accomplishes nothing.
  137. 6:58 PM - Sarah Salem: "Nothing."
  138. 6:58 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: "Did, did we do something wrong?"
  139. 6:59 PM - Sarah Salem: "Not you, I don't think."
  140. 7:00 PM - Constants and Variables: "T????????i?????????????m¯????????e???`???????? ???????????_i??????????????s????????? ????????????n???¯°???????o??????????????t??~¨?????????_? ??????????a´?????¸?????? ??????°??????s?????¯"???????????i´?^"?~´??????????n??^?????g??????????l???????????e??? ????????¸??????c??????????o?????????????n??"?¯????????s~????¸?????????t???a^?????_n?^???????t?¯??????????.????? ¨???????´????T???¨????h??°????°??????e???????????????r??¨?????????_?e??´??`????? ???`¯?????????_a??¯???¨??????????r¨??¯??¨????e?????? ???????????m??????`???a?´???????n"??????????y????????? ~????^???????c??????°?????????o??¯~´?¯^???n??????s????`?_?????t??????~?????????a??????????n????????¸?????t´???????s???´??_?????? "???´???_?????a"¯??¸??????n?¯?????????????????d?????????????? ^????_???m????^??????a????????????n?`?`?°????_?????y??¨????? ¨?????????v???_?????a????????r?^??"?????????i??¯??????a????????????b?????????l?"?????????e?????????s???????????????.???????????" [T/L NOTE: "Time is not a single constant. There are many constants and many variables."]
  141. 7:00 PM - Constants and Variables: That, and the following, are now directed at the both of you.
  142. 7:01 PM - Constants and Variables: "Y????????????o?????????????????u???????????? ???´¨????????h?????´?????_????a?????v??????????e???????????? ????"????????_a?????????l¯??´`?´????????t?????????????e`??????????r??????e????????????????d?????_ ??¯?????????m????????a??¯?????????n????°^????????_y??????`¸??? ???????????c????´???????_?_o?????~???????n°?¨??¯??????????????s???t??????????????a°?????????????_n??????°?????t???`????????s??????,???????????_???? `?~???´??????c?°????????h??¨??¯??a??¸?????????n???´??"?????????g?´?¨~°??????????e???????????d???¯?°¸???? ?????????????m?????????a??¯??????????n¨???????_??y????`?????? ?^¨¯???_??v?`????a?????????????r`???????i???¯???°¯????__?a???????????_??b?????????_l???????????e????"??????????_s???¨?????_?????.???????" [T/L NOTE: "You have altered many constants, changed many variables."]
  143. 7:01 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: "Well, how can we fix it? Me and Sarah can have evfurrything right in no time!" I say, rather optimistically
  144. 7:02 PM - Constants and Variables: "T~????????h???`????_???i??`???????????_??s??????????????? ??´??¯??????????s?????????h???~??????¸????a???¯??_?????_l??????¨??????l°??????????? ?????b¯~??¨???????????e"¯??? ???????_???r??????__????e^???????????_c???????????t?????´??????????i¯?????????f?"??????i??¯?????????????e???d?¯??"?°?????_??_? ?~??????i??´?????????m?????m¨??"?????_?????e`??????????d??´¸?????i????????????????a??????~????????t??????????????e??????l`??????????????y??¯?????????.?????????????" [T/L NOTE: "This shall be rectified immediately."]
  145. 7:03 PM - Constants and Variables: With a deafening roar, the ground around you tears apart in torrents of gray water, encasing the two of you in a large dome.
  146. 7:03 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: "This purrobably isnt good..."
  147. 7:03 PM - Sarah Salem: I look up and around at the dome of water.
  148. 7:03 PM - Sarah Salem: "No, not at all."
  149. 7:04 PM - Constants and Variables: The waters continue to rush in circles endlessly.
  150. 7:05 PM - Constants and Variables: "T??????????????????h¯??¯?????e°?°???????? ??????r?`????°??_???i??????v????????e?????????_???_???r????^`???? ???????????o?~???f?????_??????? ?"???~¯??????t?????i????__m??????e¨???_?.°????????? ?¯?????????I???????? ???????^????a????????m?°¯????????? ???????t??"^?"?¨??????h???????e????????????? °??????G¯???????????u????????¯???_?????a?????_?????r????d?"?????i???????_?????a??????????n?????????? ???????o???¯¯???????f???????_? ¯?????????t?????????_???h?°¯??????????i???????????????s??`?¸??????? ?°??????r`´???????????i??????_??????v"?~?¯?????????e????????r?????????????.????~?¨????? ??????????Y?????????o????????????u?¨???????_? ???????????h??¯~¸¸??a~?????v?????????_????????e¯~??´????? ???????d???????????i??¸?????????s????????t?????`"???_?????u?¯???????????r????^??????????b??¨???????_????e??¨??¨??????????d?`?????????????? ???????i?^???^????????????t?????????????s?"????¯????? ??????^????????f??¯????????????l?????????????o????????????????w?????^^???????.???¸? ????????????????????F?????????????o?????°¯?¸???????r????? ??????_????t¯??????h??????i???????????s?????????????,??? ???°´??????y???????o?????????????u????????????? ´??"?"?´????s??????h?´?????????????a??´??????l??¨???????l?????????? ?`??~??????p????????e????????r??°?????i???°_??????s????????????h?????°???,????^??_?????? ????????????a?¨???n°?????????_???d???????????????? ??????????_??t???????????h?????^????_??????e???????_??? ??¯????????a?????????n???`¨???????????o?¯~`¯?????????m`¨?¯?"??????a???????l^??????????????y???¨????????? ?¨????°????w??¸???i???´¯????????????l??°?????????l?´??? ???????_???b???????°????????e????¨??????????? ???´???~?????r??´??????e???"??^?????_m?´????o?????????????????v????e???????????d´?^??¯????????.?¨~??????" [T/L NOTE: "The river of time. I am the Guardian of this river. You have disturbed its flow. For this, you shall perish, and the anomaly will be removed."]
  151. 7:06 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: "Perish, removed? Sarah, a-are they talking about us?"
  152. 7:07 PM - Sarah Salem: "Yes." I say simply.
  153. 7:07 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: "Well, what are we going to do!"
  154. 7:07 PM - Constants and Variables: The gushing flow parts in an archway, revealing the source of the voice. It steps through the aperture, and the waters return to a solid wall behind it.
  155. 7:07 PM - Sarah Salem: "Talk to it."
  156. 7:08 PM - Constants and Variables: It is a large, bipedal mechanoid. It stands four or five times your height, at least. Its round, bronze head is covered in 13 clocks, each ticking at various speeds, some running backwards. Occasionally, the clocks "blink" with metal eyelids, though not in any regular interval or pattern. From its squared torso sprout four long, scythe-like arms, two on either side. The blades gleam from some unnoticable light source. The center of its chest is a glass face, and inside hang several swinging pendelums, all of which are different shapes, sizes and metals. Pipes and bars jut out and connect at various places across its body, giving it a jagged, uneven appearence. From the bars hang chains with cuffs at the end, though nothing is attached to them, and they simply swing freely, sometimes colliding with its metal body, leaving a resounding, metal clang that hangs in the air and seems to last both an eternity and a moment.
  157. 7:08 PM - Constants and Variables:
  158. 7:09 PM - Sarah Salem: I size up the Guardian, staring into it's clock faces.
  159. 7:10 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Digging my claws into my leg, I rip out the usual leg bone, getting into a combat stance
  160. 7:10 PM - Constants and Variables: It is clearly nothing to be trifled with. You can sense a great power from it.
  161. 7:10 PM - Sarah Salem: "Satoya, I wouldn't if I were you."
  162. 7:11 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: "Okay, you can try talking, but I'm just getting ready in case that doesnt work!"
  163. 7:11 PM - Constants and Variables: "Y???????o¯?????u???????¨¸????????? ??????????s?????h???°?¸???_???????a?????°`???????l?????????l^???°???? ???^??"??????????p??????e??´???????r??????????????????i`?????????_?s???^???????h?¯????????????,?????????? ¯??°?"??????????a?_????n?????d???¸???????? ???????_t???¸????_????h??"?????????e?~??¸??_????? ???¸_??????a??¯¯?n??¯????^??????o??¯??????_???m?????????a"????????????????l??????????y???????? ??????w?~????_???i????????l°?????????l?¯????????? ?^???`??¸??b~????"?????e?????_??? "¨???_????r??´`?_?????e¨?????????m????????o???????????v??´???????e???´??¯???????d??°?¯?°???????.???????????" [T/L NOTE: "You shall perish, and the anomaly will be removed."] it repeats.
  164. 7:12 PM - Constants and Variables: "h?~??^??????????????i??????????????s`??????????? ???i???????????s?????????????? ^??????_???t???????????????h?????????e????????????? ????c???????`???o´^????????????????u?????¨°????_??????r?~?^?¨"????s`???¨?????e?¯??¯????????? ????´???????????o????¯?????f"?????? ?????????????a"????????????????c???¨??????????t????????????i?"?????_??o°??"???????????n???`???_??? ???????t´???¨???????h?°?????????????a?¯???°?????????t???????????? ?????????????__h??¯°?????_????a?¯?`??"??????s`???¨?????? ?°^????????????b¯"???????_??e?´????~????e???????´?__??????n?????? ?`??´"???????d??¸¸_?_e???´`"´???????c???????_???i???????????d??????e???????d???????.¯??_?" [T/L NOTE: "This is the course of action that has been decided."]
  165. 7:12 PM - Sarah Salem: I address the mechanical monstrosity."Guardian, how exactly did I interrupt the flow? I made sure I was not seen by anyone, even myself. For all the past instances of myself know, Satoya was dead."
  166. 7:14 PM - Constants and Variables: "Y"????????????o?????u?????°???????? ~?????????s¯?"???????e????¯?????_???e??????????????? ?????????o?"????????????n????`??????_l??????y?¯?´¯??????????? ???????_?t??`???????????h????°???????????e???????????? ??`?_??s?¯???_?????u¨?????????r??¨??f???????????????_a?¨??????????c??????????_e?????~????_??.¨?????????????? ?^¯?´"¯^??????????Y???¸????o?????????????????u?????????? ????????k?¯???n?????o??????w?????????? °???????"??????????n??¨???°`??????o?`??¯???????t¨???????? ??????????w??????h????????????????a???????t????´??????? ¨??"???????l???`??????????i´?¨???_????????e??¨???????s??"?????_? ??~?????????b?´?????^???????e????~??__?n???¨????_????e?"¯???^???????a?¯??????????t???????h???????? ?^???????????t?´????_???????h^?????????e???????????_???s????????????_????e?°??????? ????¯??????????w??????¯???????a??????????t~¯??????????e????¸?????r?¨^????????s???`?°?¯??.?????????" [T/L NOTE: "You see only the surface. You know not what lies beneath these waters."]
  167. 7:14 PM - Sarah Salem: "Then tell me." I continue to stare down the clocks, uncowed.
  168. 7:16 PM - Constants and Variables: "I~??????????_t????? ????i?¯¯???¸????????s°??????????? ??????????b?????e??¯????????y???????o??¯^"?"???n?~??????_?????d???????????_ ?????????????m??????????????????o??????????_??r????~???????????t????????a?´????????????l????????? ?°??????????u???????????????????n???"??´????????d??´??¸???????e?????????????????r???????_?s??"??¯???t????^???????a`?????????n??_?d???????????i???????n??????g?????"??????????????.???¯?????_ ????"??????Y?¨???????_??o????¯?????u¯?????? ?????s????????????h??"????¸????????a????_??????l^????????????_?l¨´??¨???????? ??????_???p????????????e?????°???????r??~??_????_??i?¯?????????s????????h?????????????????,???`¯?????? ??????__?a???^???"`?????????n?¨?`?????????d?????????? ??????????????t??????????h??????_???e¯´????_ ???????_?????a???????n??¯??¨??´???????o??¨????????????m?`???????????a?????^¸_???l?????????y???¨¸¸???? ??^????????????w???¨¯°???????i~?????l???????????l??????????????? ´??????????b?¨??????????e??"^¯^?????? ????????????r¨??????????e¯????¨???????m??¯¯????????_o????????????v?????????_?_e???~?~?¯????d?´????????.?????????????_???"" [T/L NOTE: "It is beyond mortal understanding. You shall perish, and the anomaly will be removed."]
  169. 7:16 PM - Constants and Variables: It raises its scythes to the air. Roll Initiative!
  170. 7:16 PM - Sarah Salem: "Plan B, then."
  171. 7:18 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 12
  172. 7:18 PM - Sarah Salem: 20
  173. 7:19 PM - Constants and Variables: 14
  174. 7:19 PM - Constants and Variables: Sarah, CAV, Satoya
  175. 7:19 PM - Sarah Salem: ((CAV?))
  176. 7:19 PM - Constants and Variables: Constants and Variables
  177. 7:19 PM - Sarah Salem: That makes sense.
  178. 7:21 PM - Sarah Salem: I transform immediately, and with a shout, activate the second stage, tiara forming and eyes beginning to glow once more.
  179. 7:21 PM - Sarah Salem: "Satoya, any ideas?"
  180. 7:22 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: "I have no idea, other than beat the crap outta this thing!"
  181. 7:22 PM - Sarah Salem: "Well, that is the usual plan. Be careful."
  182. 7:23 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: "I'll try, this thing looks, well, really tough."
  183. 7:23 PM - Sarah Salem: I nod and move forward a short distance away from CAV, aiming a quick Thrust at his leg.
  184. 7:24 PM - Sarah Salem: 18
  185. 7:24 PM - Constants and Variables: The roll to beat here is 18.
  186. 7:24 PM - Constants and Variables: So that's a miss.
  187. 7:25 PM - Sarah Salem: If I let it be
  188. 7:25 PM - Sarah Salem: I activate Knight's Charge, boosting it to 19 and forming a small shield on my right arm.
  189. 7:26 PM - Constants and Variables: Hit. Roll damage.
  190. 7:27 PM - Sarah Salem: 8
  191. 7:28 PM - Constants and Variables: You jab into its leg, leaving a fair bit of damage behind.
  192. 7:29 PM - Constants and Variables: CAV's turn. It will attack Sarah. Defend against 18.
  193. 7:30 PM - Sarah Salem: Minimum. I will take the hit.
  194. 7:31 PM - Constants and Variables: 8 damage. He will attack you again. Defend again.
  195. 7:31 PM - Sarah Salem: -2 because of Knight's Charge, and okay
  196. 7:32 PM - Sarah Salem: 21
  197. 7:32 PM - Constants and Variables: 23
  198. 7:33 PM - Sarah Salem: 25
  199. 7:34 PM - Constants and Variables: You succeed the defense, but still take 2 damage.
  200. 7:34 PM - Sarah Salem: -2 because Knight's Shield
  201. 7:34 PM - Sarah Salem: Sweet.
  202. 7:36 PM - Constants and Variables: He activates Arcane Haste, and attacks once more, slashing Sarah for his third and final strike this round.
  203. 7:37 PM - Sarah Salem: I activate Adaptability and swap my Defense stat to Fury
  204. 7:37 PM - Sarah Salem: 19
  205. 7:37 PM - Constants and Variables: 23
  206. 7:38 PM - Sarah Salem: 29
  207. 7:40 PM - Constants and Variables: In a blur of movement that seems entirely out of place for something of its size, it rushes forwards, hacking at Sarah with its scythes in a flurry of swiftly countered blows.
  208. 7:40 PM - Constants and Variables: It returns to an idle position. Satoya, your turn!
  209. 7:41 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Gonna back up and summon the (recently buffed :3) Furrocious Entity!
  210. 7:42 PM - Constants and Variables: Go for it.
  211. 7:42 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 11
  212. 7:42 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Dropping an OC
  213. 7:42 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 15
  214. 7:42 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: OCing again
  215. 7:42 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 1
  216. 7:42 PM - Constants and Variables: gg
  217. 7:42 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Hey, still passes, since it takes 16 to cast :3
  218. 7:42 PM - Constants and Variables: :v
  219. 7:43 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Oh, and do I roll Initative for it, since it has a seperate turn?
  220. 7:43 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Or does it just go at the same level I do, just after me?
  221. 7:43 PM - Constants and Variables: You successfully summon the titan, and it spends its turn being formed from various bony and fleshy bits. Its turn will now be after you.
  222. 7:43 PM - Constants and Variables: Sarah's go, but before she can strike at CAV again she notices something odd.
  223. 7:44 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Ooh, something odD))
  224. 7:44 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Odd*))
  225. 7:45 PM - Constants and Variables: A swirling whirlpool begins to form in the watery dome. Her magical Time instincts tell her that she can probably pull some assistance from there with her turn, if she so desired.
  226. 7:45 PM - Sarah Salem: I'll try it.
  227. 7:46 PM - Constants and Variables: You leap upwards towards the anomaly, sticking your hook into it as though spearfishing. Out of the waters, falls...
  228. 7:46 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Hi Eri))
  229. 7:46 PM - Okerin: (sup bby)
  230. 7:46 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: ((:v))
  231. 7:47 PM - Okerin: "Tu tu ru!" Eri(?) falls out, and lands on her bum. "Hey Sarah, what gives? What's with the giant monster? What's going on?"
  232. 7:47 PM - Okerin: It should be noted that she is holding a microwave, and is wearing a labcoat.
  233. 7:48 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: "I... What?"
  234. 7:48 PM - Sarah Salem: "That is the Guardian of Time. It wants Ssssato and I dead. Care to help?"
  235. 7:48 PM - Sarah Salem: I am as to the point as ever.
  236. 7:48 PM - Okerin: "Sure! After all, that's what friends are for, right?"
  237. 7:48 PM - Sarah Salem: "Are they?"
  238. 7:49 PM - Okerin: "Hehe, you're being kinda silly!"
  239. 7:49 PM - Constants and Variables: CAV has had enough of your idle chatter, and strikes out at Satoya.
  240. 7:49 PM - Okerin: Eri(?) stands up and brushes herself off.
  241. 7:49 PM - Constants and Variables: Defend against 18.
  242. 7:49 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 11
  243. 7:49 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: OCing three times
  244. 7:49 PM - Constants and Variables: gg
  245. 7:49 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 20
  246. 7:50 PM - Sarah Salem: ((You're the one who gave it a base roll of 18 :v))
  247. 7:50 PM - Constants and Variables: now 22 c:
  248. 7:50 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: I'll take it
  249. 7:50 PM - Constants and Variables: 10 damage.
  250. 7:50 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: I heal 1d3+3 due to auto heal :3
  251. 7:50 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 5
  252. 7:51 PM - Constants and Variables: don't forget it costs an OC and you can only do it twice a combat
  253. 7:51 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Is it a defense or support OC?
  254. 7:51 PM - Constants and Variables: if I'm remembering right, at least
  255. 7:51 PM - Constants and Variables: Support, I think
  256. 7:52 PM - Okerin: it's just 1 oc anywhere
  257. 7:52 PM - Constants and Variables: or that
  258. 7:52 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Tossing it into heart then
  259. 7:53 PM - Constants and Variables: It strikes Satoya once more.
  260. 7:53 PM - Okerin: Eri'll go to cover.
  261. 7:54 PM - Okerin: Activating Full Drive, btw
  262. 7:54 PM - Constants and Variables: Go for it. Let's see some numbers.
  263. 7:54 PM - Okerin: double 6s, this'll be gud
  264. 7:54 PM - Constants and Variables: Those are big numbers.
  265. 7:54 PM - Okerin: 28 to defend
  266. 7:54 PM - Okerin: er, support her :v
  267. 7:55 PM - Okerin: (that is like, double what I needed)
  268. 7:56 PM - Constants and Variables: Eri takes 10 damage in place of Satoya.
  269. 7:56 PM - Sarah Salem: I give Eri a helpful thumbs up to boost her to an even 30
  270. 7:57 PM - Okerin: She bops CAV back with her microwave.
  271. 7:57 PM - Okerin: 3 dmg via countering.
  272. 7:57 PM - Constants and Variables: That doesn't stop the damage. The roll was Support, to take the damage herself, not Guard, which lets her defend.
  273. 7:58 PM - Sarah Salem: ((I just like even tens c:))
  274. 7:58 PM - Okerin: of course it doesn't, I just deal damage back whenever I get hit via counter stance
  275. 7:59 PM - Constants and Variables: That ends CAV's turn. Satoya, your go.
  276. 8:00 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Right then, gonna have the Titan smack him up :3
  277. 8:00 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 18
  278. 8:00 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Dropping 3 PP on it
  279. 8:01 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 25
  280. 8:02 PM - Constants and Variables: 26
  281. 8:02 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Dropping a luck on it
  282. 8:02 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Wait, cant
  283. 8:02 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Welp, thats it then
  284. 8:03 PM - Okerin: Eri'll assist.
  285. 8:04 PM - Okerin: "Go Mr. Bones, kick that giant clock's butt!"
  286. 8:04 PM - Constants and Variables: 29, then
  287. 8:04 PM - Constants and Variables: CAV blocks the Titan's blows with ease. Eri, you're up.
  288. 8:05 PM - Okerin: Eri dusts herself off, and points her microwave at the clock, opening the door to fry it with microwave burst.
  289. 8:06 PM - Okerin: I'm at 18, so I'll oc once.
  290. 8:06 PM - Okerin: 23
  291. 8:07 PM - Constants and Variables: why are there 2 d6s there?
  292. 8:08 PM - Sarah Salem: Reroll, I would imagine
  293. 8:08 PM - Okerin: full drive man, I reroll rollest die
  294. 8:08 PM - Constants and Variables: ah
  295. 8:08 PM - Okerin: lowest*
  296. 8:09 PM - Constants and Variables: 30
  297. 8:10 PM - Okerin: I'll try and combat that...
  298. 8:11 PM - Okerin: that was destined to be one it looks, I'll need a 5 or 6
  299. 8:11 PM - Constants and Variables: rip
  300. 8:11 PM - Okerin: yup, not happening.
  301. 8:12 PM - Constants and Variables: CAV's scythes close around its front to form a shield, blocking your damaging rays.
  302. 8:12 PM - Constants and Variables: Sarah, you're up.
  303. 8:12 PM - Okerin: Eri closes the microwave and sighs. "I need a new phone for this thing."
  304. 8:13 PM - Sarah Salem: "You can buy one after we beat this thing."
  305. 8:14 PM - Okerin: "That'd be a waste of lab funds!"
  306. 8:14 PM - Sarah Salem: I bend my knees and wind back my billhook in a cross-held grip, holding it for a moment before lashing out in a furious, continuing spin with a warcry.
  307. 8:15 PM - Sarah Salem: (( >Double 6s))
  308. 8:15 PM - Sarah Salem: 31
  309. 8:15 PM - Constants and Variables: Welp, he'll take the hit.
  310. 8:15 PM - Sarah Salem: He had better.
  311. 8:15 PM - Sarah Salem: That would be a Great Spin Attack, if it wasn't clear.
  312. 8:16 PM - Constants and Variables: So what's the damage here?
  313. 8:16 PM - Sarah Salem: 12 + 2 from the OC, +2 from Vampiric Attack
  314. 8:16 PM - Sarah Salem: 16
  315. 8:18 PM - Sarah Salem: As a Free Action, I'll also do an Integrity Scan afterwards.
  316. 8:19 PM - Constants and Variables: He is Injured, and above half PP.
  317. 8:19 PM - Sarah Salem: I come out of it in a daze, stumbling, and grab onto my head with both hands to try and right the world.
  318. 8:19 PM - Sarah Salem: "C-cover me, ugh."
  319. 8:20 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: "Got it Sarah!"
  320. 8:20 PM - Okerin: Eri coughs, and a bit of blood comes up, "G-got it lab partner!"
  321. 8:22 PM - Constants and Variables: CAV raises the two scythes on his left side at Sarah, before drawing back the two on his right and going for a Toki yo Tomare at Sarah.
  322. 8:22 PM - Constants and Variables: Defend, don't forget the -2 from Dizzy.
  323. 8:23 PM - Sarah Salem: Good thing Toki yo Tomare gives me a +2, then
  324. 8:23 PM - Constants and Variables: Exactly
  325. 8:24 PM - Sarah Salem: I got an 18
  326. 8:24 PM - Sarah Salem: Do I have to beat it?
  327. 8:24 PM - Constants and Variables: and he a 19
  328. 8:24 PM - Sarah Salem: I got a 23
  329. 8:25 PM - Constants and Variables: 27
  330. 8:25 PM - Sarah Salem: Yeah, NVNG, why not
  331. 8:25 PM - Okerin: hold on, you at 25?
  332. 8:25 PM - Okerin: Eri'll assist you to 27.
  333. 8:25 PM - Sarah Salem: Yeah, but I already activated NVNG
  334. 8:26 PM - Sarah Salem: Oops, ignore that last one
  335. 8:26 PM - Sarah Salem: 34
  336. 8:29 PM - Constants and Variables: CAV disappears for less than a second, reappearing before Sarah. The two of them seem to twitch as they both rapidly pause and unpause time, attacking and defending. CAV gets several nicks in on Sarah, though, dealing 4 damage.
  337. 8:29 PM - Sarah Salem: I nearly fall over after the flurry, barely regaining my balance in time.
  338. 8:30 PM - Okerin: "Sarah, you alright? Satoya, lets help her!"
  339. 8:31 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: "Yeah, we cant leave her hanging!"
  340. 8:31 PM - Constants and Variables: Sarah expends a Severe Time Distortion, as the flooding waters above begin to crash against each other, creating massive waves on the underside of the dome that are sometimes large enough to touch the ground. Looks like you'll have to be much more careful.
  341. 8:32 PM - Constants and Variables: CAV performs a Multiple Target Attack, aiming to knock everyone down a notch.
  342. 8:32 PM - Constants and Variables: Everyone, including the Titan, defend against 18.
  343. 8:32 PM - Okerin: (it's got minus.... -1 btw at least)
  344. 8:32 PM - Okerin: (maybe 2 from targeting 3 targets)
  345. 8:33 PM - Constants and Variables: Right, so defend against 15 then, since there are 4 targets.
  346. 8:33 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 15 for me :3
  347. 8:33 PM - Okerin: 17
  348. 8:33 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: And then the Titan
  349. 8:33 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Also 15 :v
  350. 8:34 PM - Constants and Variables: 20 c:
  351. 8:34 PM - Okerin: you rolling that on a per-person basis, or covering everyone?
  352. 8:34 PM - Constants and Variables: It covers everyone.
  353. 8:34 PM - Okerin: aighto
  354. 8:35 PM - Constants and Variables: While defending, Sarah's hair suddenly turns blonde.
  355. 8:35 PM - Okerin: 21 for Eri
  356. 8:35 PM - Sarah Salem: I start shouting immediately, wind kicking up around me to blow my hair around in a wild mess.
  357. 8:35 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 1 OC for Satoya
  358. 8:36 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Welp
  359. 8:36 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Another
  360. 8:36 PM - Sarah Salem: 23
  361. 8:36 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Another
  362. 8:36 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 24
  363. 8:36 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Titan PP now
  364. 8:36 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 6s dont explode for PP, do they?
  365. 8:36 PM - Constants and Variables: no
  366. 8:36 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 23 then
  367. 8:36 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: And I have 7 left on him
  368. 8:37 PM - Constants and Variables: Well then, looks like everyone passed
  369. 8:37 PM - Constants and Variables: CAV seems to teleport at random, hacking at each of you in turn, before returning to his original positon. You each take 2 damage.
  370. 8:38 PM - Okerin: Eri, for what it's worth, takes it like a champ.
  371. 8:38 PM - Okerin: (no dmg)
  372. 8:38 PM - Constants and Variables: Satoya's go
  373. 8:38 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Titan is attacking
  374. 8:39 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 3 PP
  375. 8:39 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Wow
  376. 8:39 PM - Constants and Variables: rip
  377. 8:39 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 18
  378. 8:39 PM - Constants and Variables: it doesn't need to do a thing :v
  379. 8:40 PM - Constants and Variables: CAV trips the Titan with a long scythe blade as it charges forwards.
  380. 8:40 PM - Constants and Variables: Eri, your go.
  381. 8:41 PM - Okerin: Just telling you now, I'll be using Lightning Strike. But first, Eri pulls out a pair of giant glasses, and goes to Read an Enemy.
  382. 8:41 PM - Okerin: 20 initial roll, gotta see where this involun takes me
  383. 8:41 PM - Okerin: 25
  384. 8:42 PM - Okerin: needless to say, I get to pick 2 things from the list
  385. 8:42 PM - Okerin: Attack UP, Defense UP.
  386. 8:42 PM - Okerin: And, Eri'll Lightning Strike.
  387. 8:43 PM - Okerin: 22, got one involun, lets see what it is
  388. 8:43 PM - Okerin: 27
  389. 8:44 PM - Constants and Variables: It'll take the hit
  390. 8:44 PM - Okerin: 11 damage.
  391. 8:46 PM - Okerin: "BWAHAHAHAHA! This is the power of a maaaaaad scientist!"
  392. 8:46 PM - Constants and Variables: CAV takes a step back, several dents and deep gouges showing on its form. Two of the clocks on its face are cracked and no longer ticking, as well.
  393. 8:47 PM - Sarah Salem: "Eri, is now the," I wobble for a moment, seeing stars, before continuing, "Is now the time for this?"
  394. 8:48 PM - Constants and Variables: Sarah's turn!
  395. 8:48 PM - Okerin: "What are you talking about lab assistant? You aren't making any sense!"
  396. 8:49 PM - Sarah Salem: I shake my head to clear it and dash forward. "Nevermind!"
  397. 8:50 PM - Sarah Salem: With a quick pause and unpause, I make a near-instant attack at his torso, putting as much strength into it as I can
  398. 8:50 PM - Sarah Salem: Master Strike
  399. 8:51 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Watching on in awe, with a loud 'ploof' the hair explodes off of my head, tail, and ears
  400. 8:51 PM - Sarah Salem: On my end, the newly-golden hair continues to whip around wildly.
  401. 8:51 PM - Okerin: "W-woah Satoya, did you learn the art of hair jutsu!?"
  402. 8:52 PM - Constants and Variables: What's the roll on your attack?
  403. 8:52 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: I look over at Eri, confused. "Hair wha-" before patting my head and going white
  404. 8:52 PM - Sarah Salem: 15 so far
  405. 8:52 PM - Sarah Salem: 26
  406. 8:52 PM - Okerin: "I never knew you could do illusions too! That's great, you can help me with my experiments~!"
  407. 8:53 PM - Constants and Variables: He'll clash
  408. 8:53 PM - Constants and Variables: 30
  409. 8:53 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: "...This, this isn't an illusion! MY HEAD, ITS SHINY AND, AND, BAAALD!" I say, worried more about this than the enemy ahead of us
  410. 8:54 PM - Sarah Salem: Am I willing?
  411. 8:54 PM - Sarah Salem: I think I am
  412. 8:54 PM - Constants and Variables: CAV attempts to block your blow by closing its scythes around your hook.
  413. 8:54 PM - Sarah Salem: 37
  414. 8:54 PM - Constants and Variables: Your hook continues through the scythes unabated. Roll damage.
  415. 8:54 PM - Sarah Salem: I push past my normal strength, slamming right through his scythes
  416. 8:55 PM - Sarah Salem: 13
  417. 8:56 PM - Constants and Variables: Your hook flies straight through the scythes, splintering the blades and destroying the glass on its chest, as well as damaging several pendeulums. Roll Finesse.
  418. 8:57 PM - Sarah Salem: 11
  419. 8:57 PM - Constants and Variables: TN13
  420. 8:57 PM - Sarah Salem: I'll luck it, 13
  421. 8:59 PM - Constants and Variables: While pulling your hook back from its chest to retreat, you yank hard on a pendelum, tearing it out and bringing it along with you. You recognize the feeling of this particular metal.
  422. 8:59 PM - Constants and Variables: Arcanium.
  423. 8:59 PM - Sarah Salem: "Arcanium?"
  424. 8:59 PM - Okerin: "Arcanium?"
  425. 8:59 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: "What now?"
  426. 9:00 PM - Sarah Salem: I catch it as it flies out and take hold. "I ripped Arcanium out of the Guardian."
  427. 9:00 PM - Okerin: "My my lab assistant, how you've become ditsy! It's a metal filled with magical properties!"
  428. 9:00 PM - Constants and Variables: "T????°???????h????_???e°??????????????? ~????????????m??????¸?????a??´¯??¸???t?"???????_???e¨????r?????~???_???????i"????¨??????_???a???????l?????_? ^??¯?????????__o??????_f????? ???¯?????c´???¸????????r??????????e???????????????a??´???t?????????i`?????????o???´???¯???????????n?????.°??? ????I?°??????????t^???? ?????c??????_?????r?????????_e???°??¯??????a?????"?????t?????^?`??????_e??`?´¨??????_??s??????????? ?¨????????_?a??????????????????_s?????¯?????? ??????????i?`?`¨?¯°¸??t??"??~^?????? ???¨???????d??????????e??????s????¯??¯??????????t??¯??¯?r??????????o???´???????????y???????????s^?¯??`???.?´?????????? ?¯??????????A`¯????s????¯???? ?????????I????°???????? ???????¯???s???"¨??????????h??????a?????^???????l°¨????l?????¨?????????? ???????d?????¯?¯?¸??e?????`????_??s????????t?????r??´???????o?????????????y????? ?~?^????????y?^¯????o°???`??????????u????¨????????.???????" [T/L NOTE: "The material of creation. It creates as it destroys. As I shall destroy you."]
  429. 9:01 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: "Shush, you big nasty clock!"
  430. 9:01 PM - Constants and Variables: Nightmare Burst! Everyone roll Defense, TN18
  431. 9:01 PM - Okerin: 21, got double 6s
  432. 9:01 PM - Constants and Variables: rip
  433. 9:01 PM - Okerin: I'll take more damage from defending than I would have fromthenightmare burst probably
  434. 9:02 PM - Sarah Salem: I got 18
  435. 9:02 PM - Okerin: 29
  436. 9:02 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 1 OC
  437. 9:02 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 19
  438. 9:02 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Im good
  439. 9:02 PM - Constants and Variables: The Titan needs to defend too
  440. 9:02 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Oh right
  441. 9:03 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 1 PP brings it to 19
  442. 9:03 PM - Constants and Variables: and boom, everyone defends successfully
  443. 9:03 PM - Constants and Variables: The watery dome above crashes violent waves to the ground, but the lot of you successfully duck, dodge and maneuver your way past them without issue.
  444. 9:04 PM - Constants and Variables: It will now proceed to attack each of you once. Everyone roll again.
  445. 9:04 PM - Sarah Salem: I'll expend 1 OC to Scan it again
  446. 9:04 PM - Okerin: (everyone? like, multi target attack?)
  447. 9:04 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 11, what do we need to beat?
  448. 9:05 PM - Constants and Variables: 18, of course
  449. 9:05 PM - Constants and Variables: It is Badly Injured and under 1/2 PP.
  450. 9:05 PM - Sarah Salem: Is this a multi target?
  451. 9:05 PM - Constants and Variables: Nope.
  452. 9:05 PM - Constants and Variables: A single attack to each of you.
  453. 9:05 PM - Sarah Salem: I thought so
  454. 9:05 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Right then
  455. 9:05 PM - Okerin: Eri'll attempt to clash.
  456. 9:05 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 20, with 1 voln 1 involn
  457. 9:06 PM - Okerin: 20 to clash atm
  458. 9:06 PM - Sarah Salem: 21 to Defend
  459. 9:08 PM - Constants and Variables: It timeteleports up to Sarah first, but she blocks its strike with ease. It then ports to Satoya, who swiflty dodges the strike with a duck, giving it a little :3 as it steps back and ports lastly to Eri. Eri sticks her microwave out, catching one of the blades in the open device.
  460. 9:08 PM - Constants and Variables: Roll damage, Eri.
  461. 9:08 PM - Okerin: 8
  462. 9:09 PM - Constants and Variables: Eri activates the mircowave, with the metal scythe still inside it. The scythe glows and sparks before exploding into a shower of metallic bits. That puts him on his Last Dance.
  463. 9:10 PM - Constants and Variables: Satoya, you can end it here.
  464. 9:10 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Fuck yeah
  465. 9:10 PM - Constants and Variables: It's your turn.
  466. 9:10 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Using my finisher :3
  467. 9:10 PM - Constants and Variables: signature*
  468. 9:11 PM - Constants and Variables: :3
  469. 9:11 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Shh
  470. 9:11 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: I'll use one OC
  471. 9:11 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 18
  472. 9:11 PM - Constants and Variables: Gotta beat 20 this time.
  473. 9:11 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: One more OC then
  474. 9:11 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 21 :3
  475. 9:12 PM - Constants and Variables: and Success. This the grand barrage of kittens?
  476. 9:12 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Ye
  477. 9:12 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: +2 from OC, +4 from being a single target
  478. 9:12 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Welp, min damage 10
  479. 9:13 PM - Constants and Variables: Satoya stands, arm held forward, pointing a single finger at CAV. Beneath her, the ground rumbles, and a tidal wave of zombified kittens rises up from under her, lifting her into the air as she stands on the undead platform. Have any last words for CAV?
  480. 9:14 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: I give a little wave, and giggle. "You did such a /great/ job at removing this anomaly, why, you're just what the timeline needs!"
  481. 9:16 PM - Okerin: "...Anomaly?"
  482. 9:17 PM - Constants and Variables: With that, the wave of rotting fluff crashes forwards into CAV, smothering it. As the cats return to the ground, the gray waters melt into the ground, freeing you all from the dome.
  483. 9:18 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: "It kept calling me anomaly, telling me I would be 'removed'! Well, looks like thats not the case, I still have all nine of my lives! ...Well eight after Sarah, but still!"
  484. 9:18 PM - Constants and Variables: CAV, now thoroughly torn apart and scattered to pieces, raises its remaining attached, broken scythe, and speaks.
  485. 9:18 PM - Sarah Salem: I slam the Arcanium pendulum to the ground and stomp it into a hunk of scrap, heading over to the ruined machine.
  486. 9:20 PM - Constants and Variables: "Y???????o???????????u~???? ??????????h?´`?¯?__a?~???????v?´??????????e¯????????????? `????_??b????????????e????¸????????s??????^????t???^?´????e?????????_?d????~?_?? ??????´?????m???????e?????"?¨??????.??¯?????? ´?????????B?????`??°???u?´??????t??????????? ?¯`????I??´?¸??_ ???????????????a????m??????????????? ¨????^?~??????a????_? ????????C???????????????_o???`´??????????n??????????s????????t???´?`????a??????????n????????????t???¯?????????_.?¨^^????????????? ~??????????????S°?`??????????h???????o??~??¸?u??°¯`??????l?¯´¯???????d???????????? ?°???^?????????y??????o???°??°?????????u???????? ??????"????c???????o??????n???????????????t??????????i´???????n??¯??????u?^?^???????_???e????????????? ???????t"¯¨?????????o?`?¯????? ¯?^???????????_m?????e?????`????????d?????????????????d´?????l????°??????_????e?????¨???? ???????????w¯?~??`¸???i??"????????t°?????????h????????????_?? ???????????T¯???_?????i????????????_?m?"~??????????????e????????,?????¸??????? ???~??????I????´?????? °?????_?_????w???¯^?????i???????l¨¯??^???????_l??^???????????? ?????????????_r?"????????????e??"?????????????t?¯¯?~?????????u??????????????r???¯??°?????n?????????????.???`????????????? ?¯???????A?^?´?????????n¯"?????_??????d?????????? ??????????I???¸? ???????^???????w?"?????????????????i????????l???¨??????l"??^?????? ???"???^???????????b???¯?^¯???????e??¯?????????_? ????????????????e??¯??°?????_???v?????e?????n??????? ???????m?^???????????o???¯?????????????r??????????????e?????????? ^?????¸????p????????????o???¯??"?????????w?????`?~????e?"~??"?????r?"?????f??????u¨?¯?????????l??????.????????????_" [T/L NOTE: "You have bested me. But I am a Constant. Should you continue to meddle with Time, I will return. And I will be even more powerful."]
  487. 9:21 PM - Sarah Salem: I grab him by the arm.
  488. 9:22 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: ((Data, did you just destroy the only loot we were getting from this fight?))
  489. 9:22 PM - Constants and Variables: The three remaining, unbroken clocks on its face blink as you struggle to lift the 5-times-your-size machine.
  490. 9:22 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Yes.))
  491. 9:22 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: (( ))
  492. 9:22 PM - Sarah Salem: (( *shrug* ))
  493. 9:23 PM - Sarah Salem: Rolling for it.
  494. 9:23 PM - Sarah Salem: I got double 6s.
  495. 9:23 PM - Constants and Variables: You haul the shattered, legless torso to roughly a sitting position.
  496. 9:24 PM - Sarah Salem: Oh hell no, I'm picking it up.
  497. 9:24 PM - Constants and Variables: fine, whatever
  498. 9:24 PM - Constants and Variables: and what are you doing with it?
  499. 9:25 PM - Sarah Salem: I haul the machine over my shoulder, gritting my teeth and emitting a low growl with the effort of it, before judo-throwing it over my shoulder and directly into the ground, and following up with a Timestop-assisted lightning kick to shatter every clock on it's face.
  500. 9:26 PM - Constants and Variables: Sarah, you're at 14 Fury, aintcha?
  501. 9:26 PM - Okerin: "Woah Sarah, what's gotten into you?"
  502. 9:26 PM - Sarah Salem: I did tell you that.
  503. 9:27 PM - Constants and Variables: Just stating for the record.
  504. 9:27 PM - Constants and Variables: Satoya, Eri
  505. 9:27 PM - Constants and Variables: Roll Heart or Magic, TN28
  506. 9:27 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Welp
  507. 9:28 PM - Okerin: welp, lets see....
  508. 9:28 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 13 :v
  509. 9:28 PM - Constants and Variables: can always OC :v
  510. 9:28 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Is this something worth OCing for?
  511. 9:28 PM - Constants and Variables: well, if you don't, you'll be tainted by the rage and start attacking everyone
  512. 9:28 PM - Okerin: 17, ocing....
  513. 9:28 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Welp
  514. 9:29 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Great, 21
  515. 9:29 PM - Okerin: ...27.
  516. 9:29 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Pffft
  517. 9:30 PM - Constants and Variables: Congratulations! You're all really, really pissed off. Everything now seems entirely worth attacking.
  518. 9:30 PM - Constants and Variables: Eri's turn!
  519. 9:30 PM - Constants and Variables: This will last for the next 5 turns, and you're all mad enough to kill right now.
  520. 9:30 PM - Constants and Variables: Actually, scratch the Eri's turn
  521. 9:30 PM - Constants and Variables: roll physical again, since it's a new combat
  522. 9:30 PM - Sarah Salem: 18
  523. 9:31 PM - Okerin: 14
  524. 9:31 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 11
  525. 9:31 PM - Okerin: question, resolve goes back up yes no
  526. 9:31 PM - Constants and Variables: no
  527. 9:31 PM - Okerin: aight, that's good for them
  528. 9:31 PM - Constants and Variables: So then, Sarah's turn
  529. 9:32 PM - Sarah Salem: Isn't it 4 turns?
  530. 9:32 PM - Sarah Salem: 2 turns, +1 for every 3 above 8
  531. 9:32 PM - Sarah Salem: 14-8 = 6/3 = 2
  532. 9:32 PM - Sarah Salem: 2+2 = 4
  533. 9:33 PM - Sarah Salem: Appy confirmed for not knowing how to do 2+2
  534. 9:33 PM - Okerin: agreed
  535. 9:33 PM - Constants and Variables: same thing
  536. 9:33 PM - Constants and Variables: just go
  537. 9:34 PM - Constants and Variables: So, Sarah?
  538. 9:34 PM - Sarah Salem: Seeing what I should do here
  539. 9:35 PM - Sarah Salem: I'll use Time Out, on Eri
  540. 9:36 PM - Okerin: Opposed support ey?
  541. 9:36 PM - Constants and Variables: Yeah
  542. 9:36 PM - Sarah Salem: No, just TN14 for me
  543. 9:36 PM - Constants and Variables: No, changing it now
  544. 9:36 PM - Sarah Salem: Kay
  545. 9:36 PM - Constants and Variables: Because a TN14 Support to freeze a target with no strings attached is horseshit
  546. 9:36 PM - Sarah Salem: You gave it, not me
  547. 9:37 PM - Constants and Variables: And I fixed it
  548. 9:37 PM - Sarah Salem: Congrats :v
  549. 9:37 PM - Sarah Salem: 9
  550. 9:37 PM - Sarah Salem: Actually
  551. 9:37 PM - Okerin: 19
  552. 9:37 PM - Sarah Salem: Let me swap that around
  553. 9:37 PM - Sarah Salem: My stats, that is
  554. 9:37 PM - Okerin: wait I oced fuk
  555. 9:37 PM - Sarah Salem: 14 for base
  556. 9:38 PM - Okerin: 23 altogether
  557. 9:39 PM - Sarah Salem: NVNG, 26
  558. 9:39 PM - Okerin: didn't you do that already?
  559. 9:39 PM - Sarah Salem: Not this battle.
  560. 9:39 PM - Constants and Variables: if resolve didn't regen, abilities won't either
  561. 9:39 PM - Sarah Salem: Whatever
  562. 9:40 PM - Sarah Salem: Failure, then
  563. 9:41 PM - Okerin: "I'll put you back in your place lab assistant! Come on out everyone!" Eri dials a couple numbers on the phone attached to the microwave, and punches it.
  564. 9:42 PM - Okerin: Suddenly, a tiny blue fairy thing pops out, and begins to bop Sarah on the head.
  565. 9:42 PM - Okerin: "HEY LISTEN!"
  566. 9:42 PM - Okerin: (rolling~)
  567. 9:42 PM - Okerin: beat 17
  568. 9:43 PM - Okerin: can't be clashed, btw, and can't use reactions
  569. 9:43 PM - Sarah Salem: I don't really care to
  570. 9:43 PM - Okerin: aight, so damage for you bae?
  571. 9:44 PM - Okerin: max, 16
  572. 9:44 PM - Sarah Salem: Neato, down
  573. 9:44 PM - Okerin: Geez, that is one aggressive Naveri.
  574. 9:44 PM - Sarah Salem: Can I go shower now?
  575. 9:44 PM - Sarah Salem: I'm supposed to take it in about
  576. 9:44 PM - Sarah Salem: 45 minutes ago
  577. 9:45 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Wait, you're giving up, when the fury burst is still going
  578. 9:45 PM - Constants and Variables: not before you roll a 1d6 for your extreme change
  579. 9:46 PM - Sarah Salem: My left leg blows up
  580. 9:46 PM - Okerin disconnected.
  581. 9:46 PM - Sarah Salem: Someone almost manages to care
  582. 9:47 PM - Okerin entered chat.
  583. 9:48 PM - Constants and Variables: So, Satoya's turn
  584. 9:48 PM - Okerin: The Naveri hmmphs, and goes back into the microwave, where Eri(?) sends it back from it came.
  585. 9:48 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Right then, unleashing a grand barrage
  586. 9:49 PM - Okerin: (didn't you /also/ already do that? :v)
  587. 9:49 PM - Constants and Variables: it's a finisher, it only costs an oc to use
  588. 9:49 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Ye
  589. 9:49 PM - Constants and Variables: iirc it costs 2 now since he's using it agaon
  590. 9:49 PM - Constants and Variables: again
  591. 9:49 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Ye
  592. 9:49 PM - Constants and Variables: well then, go for it
  593. 9:49 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 14
  594. 9:49 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 3 OC :3
  595. 9:49 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 22
  596. 9:50 PM - Okerin: defending...
  597. 9:50 PM - Okerin: 20 initial, with 1 involun
  598. 9:50 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: (Oh, and no +4, since this is a mutli target Grand Barrage, poor Sarah...)
  599. 9:50 PM - Okerin: (gg no re)
  600. 9:50 PM - Constants and Variables: Sarah, roll Physical to dodge
  601. 9:51 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Data's set to away :v
  602. 9:51 PM - Constants and Variables: well then, I'll roll for the snarky little bitch
  603. 9:51 PM - Okerin: something something danger zone
  604. 9:51 PM - Okerin: I oc'd once
  605. 9:51 PM - Okerin: got a million
  606. 9:51 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Jesus fuck
  607. 9:52 PM - Constants and Variables: god dammit eri
  608. 9:52 PM - Constants and Variables: and gg sarah
  609. 9:52 PM - Okerin: so lets see...
  610. 9:52 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: I think 4 chained invuln is our new record :v
  611. 9:52 PM - Okerin: Sarah has luck
  612. 9:52 PM - Constants and Variables: nope, used it on the pendelum grab
  613. 9:52 PM - Okerin: she'll want to use it
  614. 9:52 PM - Okerin: oh
  615. 9:52 PM - Okerin: well shit
  616. 9:52 PM - Okerin: so yeah, lets see....
  617. 9:53 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: (Moral of the story, dont rack up a 14 OC fury burst when you're on low resolve :v)
  618. 9:53 PM - Okerin: Good news, and Bad news.
  619. 9:53 PM - Okerin: Good news is, regardless of whether you hit or not, you defeated Eri!
  620. 9:53 PM - Okerin: Bad news is, she also has a fury burst.
  621. 9:54 PM - Constants and Variables: god dammit
  622. 9:54 PM - Constants and Variables: at least this eri is expendable
  623. 9:54 PM - Okerin: I know right?
  624. 9:54 PM - Okerin: Eri defends the blow so hard that her microwave explodes in her hands, and she detransforms.
  625. 9:55 PM - Constants and Variables: Satoya's cats proceed to maul Sarah, smothering her. Meanwhile, Eri's knocked down and out from the attack.
  626. 9:55 PM - Constants and Variables: Though it's her turn, she can attempt a revive.
  627. 9:56 PM - Okerin: Nah, Eri'll just start kicking kittens in rage.
  628. 9:56 PM - Constants and Variables: welp
  629. 9:56 PM - Constants and Variables: rip
  630. 9:56 PM - Constants and Variables: Satoya's go again, and Eri fury bursts
  631. 9:56 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Yeah, rip
  632. 9:56 PM - Constants and Variables: again
  633. 9:56 PM - Constants and Variables: the rage is renewed
  634. 9:56 PM - Okerin: Should I roll physical to kick kittens?
  635. 9:56 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Screaming, I run over to attempt and throw Eri off my pile of kittens
  636. 9:56 PM - Constants and Variables: If you like
  637. 9:56 PM - Okerin: it's only 2 turns from Eri.
  638. 9:56 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Pulling a proper Sarah-plex
  639. 9:57 PM - Constants and Variables: So that ends Sarah's original, making this the 2-turn now
  640. 9:57 PM - Constants and Variables: turn 1 of the 2-turn
  641. 9:57 PM - Okerin: 15 to kick kittens btw, used my luck.
  642. 9:57 PM - Okerin: and will I have to defend against satoya?
  643. 9:57 PM - Constants and Variables: Eri proceeds to kick away numerous nipping kittens
  644. 9:57 PM - Constants and Variables: Well, Satoya will need to roll first
  645. 9:58 PM - Constants and Variables: if you can survive this attack, the rage will end :v
  646. 9:58 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Rolling phys to suplex Eri :v
  647. 9:58 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: 11
  648. 9:58 PM - Constants and Variables: gg
  649. 9:58 PM - Okerin: :V
  650. 9:58 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Using 2 luck
  651. 9:58 PM - Constants and Variables: if only eve were here
  652. 9:58 PM - Constants and Variables: Cmon Eri, you're up
  653. 9:58 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Or wait, make that 1, I forget, Satoya's the one character I have with 1 luck
  654. 9:58 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: So, 16, not 18
  655. 9:58 PM - Okerin: so 16 is what I gotta beat?
  656. 9:59 PM - Constants and Variables: You just gotta out-finesse/physical 16
  657. 9:59 PM - Okerin: 15
  658. 9:59 PM - Okerin: so close, yet so far
  659. 9:59 PM - Constants and Variables: I'll count it as a semi success, at least :v
  660. 9:59 PM - Okerin: at least I /probably/ won't get a billhook through her
  661. 10:00 PM - Constants and Variables: Satoya grabs and suplexes Eri hard, but she manages to bend in such a way that the aftermath of the horrible pain when hitting the ground is not so bad
  662. 10:00 PM - Constants and Variables: The rage storm ends.
  663. 10:00 PM - Okerin: "Tss-ss-ss... good job lab assistant..."
  664. 10:00 PM - Constants and Variables: Eri flops from her precariously balanced position on her shoulders to the ground.
  665. 10:01 PM - Okerin: "...Wait, where's Sarah?"
  666. 10:01 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: I pant heavily, before looking down at Eri with a giggle, holding out a hand. "Pawry about that, got all caught up in the moment... Oh nyo"
  667. 10:02 PM - Okerin: Eri takes the hand and gets up.
  668. 10:10 PM - Sarah Salem: Back.
  669. 10:11 PM - Constants and Variables: You're lucky. The coin says you get to live.
  670. 10:13 PM - Sarah Salem: Thank you, coin.
  671. 10:13 PM - Constants and Variables: Sarah is a bleeding, chewed-upon mess. One of her eyes are missing, and not only is her one limb missing, but the others are, as well, having been chewed off by Satoya's Grand Barrage of cats.
  672. 10:14 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: ((You've been nuggeted))
  673. 10:14 PM - Constants and Variables: She's still alive, but barely.
  674. 10:16 PM - Constants and Variables: Nobody have anything to say?
  675. 10:16 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: "I uh... Hi Sarah?"
  676. 10:17 PM - Constants and Variables: She's lucky to still be alive at all.
  677. 10:18 PM - Okerin: "S-Sarah!"
  678. 10:18 PM - Okerin: Eri jumps on top of her and starts sobbing.
  679. 10:19 PM - Okerin: "Y-you idiot! L-look... we beat the monster Sarah..!"
  680. 10:21 PM - Constants and Variables: Sarah continues to bleed sliently.
  681. 10:22 PM - Okerin: "D-damnit!"
  682. 10:22 PM - Okerin: Eri starts digging into her shadow for surgical equipment.
  683. 10:22 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: I cry lightly, kneeling infront of her. "Sarah, I am so, so, sorry!"
  684. 10:27 PM - Constants and Variables: S???`??????????e???¯?????????e??????¯????? ?"~"?`???????t????????h??´??????????_?e????? ?¨"??"??????????e´?????`????f???????f¨"??????e????c??????_?t?^??????????_s???????????? ????´??o???^???"?????_?f?¯^¸???? ??????????????y???°~¯?????o????????????u??"??????????r?´?¯`????????? ?^?????????m?????????e¯?¯?????????d?~???????d?????????????l???¯¯????i??????????n?????¸?????g???????????? ???????°???f¯´??"?°??????i~^??????r?~???°??????????s?????t`?´??°???????h????°?????????a?~???????????????n???????????d??¯?¯°??????????.???? ????`??????_Y~????????????o?????????????u?°????????? ???¨??¯????t???????????u???????????r"????????n??????????? ?¯??????a??????????g?????????????a?"?^?????????_???i??°????????????n???????_?????s????????????????t??????^°????????? ??????????o??????"?????????n?´¯??°?????????e??°????????? ???????_???a????_?????n¯?``?????_????_o???¨????t¨???~????????????h??"?¸???e??¯??¯??~???????r??´¨???_?????? ¯^????_w?"??????????i???¯???????????t???`?????_??????h????¯??^??_??_??o????°°?????????u?????¸?????t??~?????? ????????????h?¯???^????????e?`???????????s???????????i?????????t??`?????a?`_??????_?t??¯????????i??¯?°?????o????¯?????????????n??"??????????????.???????~^???????" [T/L NOTE: "See the effects of your meddling firsthand. You turn against one another without hesitation."]
  685. 10:28 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: "Well... Luckily for you, I dont think this nugget will fuck the timeline again!"
  686. 10:30 PM - Sarah Salem: What exactly I am expected to do?
  687. 10:30 PM - Sarah Salem: am I*
  688. 10:30 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Roll around a bit
  689. 10:30 PM - Sarah Salem: Very funny.
  690. 10:30 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: :3
  691. 10:30 PM - Constants and Variables: Could just say something I guess?
  692. 10:30 PM - Constants and Variables: or just glare angrily
  693. 10:30 PM - Sarah Salem: I'm not going to.
  694. 10:30 PM - Sarah Salem: I believe I'm missing an eye.
  695. 10:31 PM - Constants and Variables: Wink angrily.
  696. 10:31 PM - Sarah Salem: Continue the scene, please.
  697. 10:31 PM - Constants and Variables: Satoya, Eri, gonna do anything?
  698. 10:31 PM - Okerin: Eri pulls out some thread and a needle, and goes to work, "O-ok Sarah, we'll get you patched up, and when we get back to the lab Evee'll heal you up ok?"
  699. 10:31 PM - Constants and Variables: How do you intend to sew closed 4 stumps
  700. 10:31 PM - Okerin: Yes.
  701. 10:32 PM - Constants and Variables: You could probably close them with some radiation heat
  702. 10:32 PM - Okerin: Yeah, that's true
  703. 10:32 PM - Okerin: fiiiine
  704. 10:33 PM - Okerin: what should I roll?
  705. 10:33 PM - Constants and Variables: Nothing :v
  706. 10:34 PM - Frigs entered chat.
  707. 10:34 PM - Frigs: (( Ive coem to observe ))
  708. 10:35 PM - Constants and Variables: Using a bit of radiation heat, you manage to cauterize Sarah's stumps and stop the bleeding.
  709. 10:35 PM - Constants and Variables: She's liable to glow a bit, but that'll be mostly harmless.
  710. 10:36 PM - Okerin: Eri continues to sob, sitting away from Sarah, bloodied up quite a bit.
  711. 10:37 PM - Constants and Variables: Slowly, through cracks in the ground, gray, watery tendrils creep up. They begin to carress the three of you, slowly encircling you in their entirety. They show no hostility, you can sense that much yourself, they merely intend to return you to your proper places. Say your last goodbyes to this mysterious not-Eri Eri?
  712. 10:37 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: "Well, later Eri! Sorry for uh, all of that"
  713. 10:38 PM - Okerin: "I... I'll see you at the lab after you drop off Sarah..." Eri takes off the glasses she was wearing, and hands them to Satoya, "and here... my lucky glasses..."
  714. 10:39 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: I put them on, ooh'ing lightly "Sciency!"
  715. 10:40 PM - Constants and Variables: Through the glasses, Okerin loses her lab coaty appearence, and resembles the unscience, normal Eri.
  716. 10:41 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: I give a little wave and smile. "Thanks for the gift science Eri!"
  717. 10:41 PM - Constants and Variables: You're soon completely surrounded by the opaque water, and your sight is blocked. You soon find yourselves floating through a gray-tinted space, images of your usual timeline floating past.
  718. 10:41 PM - Okerin: Eri just smiles, tears streaking down her face, and nods.
  719. 10:42 PM - Constants and Variables: You feel as though you can choose a landing point, if you like, rather than just being thrown into broad daylight by the school with the limbless wonder.
  720. 10:44 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: Sarah's home c:
  721. 10:45 PM - Constants and Variables: You meld back into the proper time, in front of Sarah's house.
  722. 10:45 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: ((Breakfast at the Salem household from now on ))
  723. 10:46 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: I drop her on the doorstep, knock a couple of times, and then run
  724. 10:47 PM - Ex-ex-catgirl: ((Apparently that link is broken ))
  725. 10:47 PM - Constants and Variables: As Satoya runs out of sight, Anna answers the door, looks left and right confusedly, then promptly freaks the fuck out about her horrifically mutilated sister.
  726. 10:47 PM - Constants and Variables: I think we'll end here.
  727. 10:48 PM - Okerin: gj everyone, take 5
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