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a guest
Oct 23rd, 2019
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  1. using Plots;
  2. using QuadGK;
  3. using DelimitedFiles;
  4. using Interpolations;
  6. struct FourierSeries
  7. f::Function
  8. a0::Float64
  9. ans::Array{Float64,1}
  10. bns::Array{Float64,1}
  11. end
  13. """
  14. FourierSeries(f; N=10)
  16. Generate a FourierSeries object containing the the first `N` (excluding a0)
  17. Fourier coefficients of the function `f` over the interval (-π, π).
  18. """
  19. function FourierSeries(f::Function; N::Int = 10)
  20. # Compute ans
  21. a0::Float64 = quadgk(t -> f(t), -π, π)[1] / π
  22. ans = Array{Float64,1}(undef, N)
  23. bns = Array{Float64,1}(undef, N)
  24. for n = 1:N
  25. ans[n] = quadgk(t -> f(t) * cos(n * t), -π, π)[1] / π
  26. bns[n] = quadgk(t -> f(t) * sin(n * t), -π, π)[1] / π
  27. end
  28. FourierSeries(f, a0, ans, bns)
  29. end
  31. """
  32. eval(t::Float64, fs::FourierSeries)
  34. Evaluate `FourierSeries` object at time `t`.
  35. """
  36. function eval(t::Float64, fs::FourierSeries)
  37. fs.a0 / 2 +
  38. sum(fs.ans[n] * cos(n * t) + fs.bns[n] * sin(n * t) for n = 1:length(fs.ans))
  39. end
  41. """
  42. eval(ts::AbstractRange, fs::FourierSeries)
  44. Evaluate `FourierSeries` object at times `ts`.
  45. """
  46. function eval(ts::AbstractRange, fs::FourierSeries)
  47. [eval(t, fs) for t in ts]
  48. end
  50. """
  51. circle(x,y,r[; npts=500])
  53. Compute x and y coordinates of a circle of radius `r` centered at (`x`, `y`).
  54. """
  55. function circle(x, y, r; npts=500)
  56. θ = LinRange(0.0, 2π, npts)
  57. x .+ r * sin.(θ), y .+ r * cos.(θ)
  58. end
  60. """
  61. saw_tooth(t)
  63. Returns values of the saw tooth waveform
  64. """
  65. saw_tooth(t) = t
  67. """
  68. square_wave(t)
  70. Returns values of the square_wave waveform
  71. """
  72. square_wave(t) = t < 0 ? 0.0 : π
  74. """
  75. Make the plot!
  76. """
  77. fs = FourierSeries(saw_tooth)
  78. @gif for i = 1:1500
  79. shift = i / 100
  80. plot(
  81. ts,
  82. [eval(t + shift, fs) for t in ts],
  83. ylims = (-1.5, π + 1.5),
  84. legend = false,
  85. xlims = (-π, 4π),
  86. framestyle = :box,
  87. aspect_ratio = 1
  88. )
  89. x = 2.5π
  90. y = fs.a0 / 2
  91. r = sqrt(fs.ans[1]^2 + fs.bns[1]^2)
  92. ϕ = -atan(fs.bns[1], fs.ans[1])
  93. plot!(
  94. circle(x, y, r),
  95. seriestype = [:shape,],
  96. linecolor = :black,
  97. c = :white,
  98. legend = false
  99. )
  100. for n = 2:length(fs.ans)
  101. x += r * sin((n - 1) * (ts[end] + shift) + ϕ)
  102. y += r * cos((n - 1) * (ts[end] + shift) + ϕ)
  103. r = sqrt(fs.ans[n]^2 + fs.bns[n]^2)
  104. ϕ = -atan(fs.bns[n], fs.ans[n])
  105. plot!(
  106. circle(x, y, r),
  107. seriestype = [:shape,],
  108. linecolor = :black,
  109. c = :white,
  110. legend = false,
  111. fillalpha = 0.0
  112. )
  113. scatter!([x], [y], markersize = 0.3)
  114. end
  115. x += r * sin(length(fs.ans) * (ts[end] + shift) + ϕ)
  116. y += r * cos(length(fs.ans) * (ts[end] + shift) + ϕ)
  117. scatter!([x], [y], markersize = 0.1)
  118. interps = range(ts[end], stop = x, length = 50)
  119. plot!(interps, [y for _ in interps], color = :purple)
  120. end every 10
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