
Soul Quarrel

Jan 27th, 2016
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  1. In the modern age, death is just as inevitable than the past. The ferrying of souls across the planes is up to the job of Soul-Carriers. Their jobs are to take newly departed souls that have left their bodies to their designation, the Land of the Dead. Doing so is dangerous, as well they are charged with taking care of Rogue Souls. Souls that are separated from their bodies can utilize powers that they never had in life and even eat other souls to gain more power. These rogue souls must be defeated, and destroyed to protect the afterlife. As well as there are different planes that the Soul-Carrier can travel to and interact with and are given tasks in, as well as ferrying souls from them to their destination. Soul-Carriers mostly act on their own accord, rarely interacting with what they call "The Higher Ups", a larger council of outerwordly beings that are in charge of the afterlife and the planes of the Living.
  2. Soul carriers can manifest their soul itself into a special weapon, armor, or even into a magical circuit that can give themselves special powers in the afterlife and even within their own bodies in life with training.
  4. You start out as a newly dead soul, from a tragic accident and are chosen to become new Soul-Carrier.
  6. As a Soul-Carrier there are multiple roles.
  8. Dragon of Death: A melee focused fighter that utilizes a special weapon in their attacks. Utilizes strength.
  10. Spirit Tamer: A specialty Carrier that doesn't fight directly, instead taming special souls that they are able to guide in combat to fight for them.
  12. Knight of Undeath: A fighter that instead utilizes defensive techniques to endure combat and slowly chip away enemy health using special armors.
  14. Soul Piercer: An Archer that utilizes their speed and strength and a ranged special weapon.
  16. Raiser of Souls: A magic using Carrier that can summon the souls of objects to help them in combat.
  18. Acolyte of the Afterlife: A carrier that brings their faith with them to fight with magic.
  20. Revenant: A fighter that utilizes stealth and cunning, alongside a special stealth weapon to attack foes.
  22. Each Soul-Carrier starts out with 10 points they can spread to each of their stats. These stats determine how likely they are to work when they utilize a skill.
  24. Vision: Vision is your ability to see from afar, notice peculiarities, and make accurate ranged shots.
  26. Soul: This is your health and ability to withstand damage. You gain 2 health for every point in Soul you have and start with 5 health.
  28. Strength: Strength is your ability to deal damage physically.
  30. Speed: Speed is your ability to move quickly in combat.
  32. Spiritualism: Your ability to utilize special techniques and magic. You get 1 spirit point for each point in Spiritualism, and start with 3. These points allow you to use special abilities.
  34. Each Soul-Carrier can also utilize special abilities they they learn overtime that are able to seriously harm enemies or can change battlefield situations to their taking. You can start with up to three.
  36. To gain more abilities or to gain more power, you have to ferry souls, or even consume souls to become a Rogue-Carrier. For every ten souls you ferry, you gain an extra point in any of your stats or a new technique. You can also save up souls to upgrade your weapon, every twenty souls gives your weapon or Spirit-Beast an extra rank and more power in it's abilities. Eating a soul counts as two ferried, however eating a soul also marks you as a Rogue-Carrier and corrupts your powers. As well other Carriers will be sent out to defeat you. There are other ways to upgrade your powers, but for now these are not known.
  37. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  39. Character Sheet:
  40. Name:
  41. Class:
  42. Carrier Rank:
  43. Souls Ferried:
  44. Souls Eaten:
  46. Soul:
  48. Vision:
  50. Speed:
  52. Spirit:
  54. Strength:
  56. Weapon or Spirit Beast:
  58. Abilities:
  60. Backstory of Life:
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