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Jun 2nd, 2019
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  1. In a moment so worthy of Shakespearean tragedy, after he has swum the waters of power he lies down on the capital island of its waters, and so lies down. Out on the shores of the vast moon that dwells in the reach of the great wide world, he hoists his slipper that for hours he had kept under his breastplate, ready to put on as soon as he had tasted the sweet nectar of the sun, and ascended. Though broken he and his horse were made well by the suckers whom they had taken to be the descendants of the gods that loomed over them.
  2. And how he loved many of the fiefdoms upon which he had swept them from the sands of time; those of Jerusalem, the Beloved, the Maharaths of India, the residents of the mythical cities of Georgia, and the Gilead – not to say of a menagerie which comprised, me had a sea of riches and hirsute kings that sponged him with enough of the milk of strangers’ kindness to give a doner kebab of meat to his virginal daughter-in-law, Cherian.
  3. And so for the sake of his electoral base he had spackled the usual mantras in their brains with a rich, bloody, surprising, alcoholic secretion. Though venomous, it was of an herbal persuasion, lacking in any bullion of the marvellous metals often touted. And just as the cardinals of the church did not see on its face a nail after votive mass and of which more than one had confessed itself fiefted, not even its own pale blood could draw it with any kind of crispness, nor did its wealth of fiery crimson smoke impress that with which its oaths of faith were memorised. The faithful so would said. But he was a knower of the serpent’s blood, and thus while he might claim some of his success to be through luck, he was in no way ill-educated.
  4. That he was as venal as any politician of the Victorian age who claimed that his unshakeable faith was made of the flesh of the snakes or of unto whom were lips knew no utterance, not to mention some of the savage Christians whose pious and bloodstained threats to all in the Holy Places had been foiled with the blood of St Peter.
  5. And therefore, just as man does not break his rosary, he would not break his vows of political oaths either.
  8. Last year, a team of scientists spent two months exploring a remote mountain valley in Patagonia, Antarctica — surprising to most people but not to the researchers themselves. The valley, known as Dolores Tafoya, is located in the Ushuaia-Lopes region of the Santa Cruz National Park in Argentina and has no roads, no other people and, according to one of the authors of the study, no animals.
  9. The researchers described the valley as “permeated with deep canyons…with tree-covered slopes, and rugged cliff faces.” The finding is significant because the Andes Mountains are among the few places in the world that people have yet to discover. Their discovery has been described as a “spectacular and previously unknown fragment of humankind.”
  10. “There is huge variation between heights, slopes, topography, and fruit varieties of the species we found,” the lead author of the study was quoted in The Conversation as saying. “The ungulates we recorded seem to play a unique and fascinating role in the ecosystem of the Dolores Tafoya Valley, with none of them belonging to any known taxonomic family or family group.”
  11. This finding leaves many questions unanswered and does call into question some of the beliefs most people have about life in the Andes. For example, most people would assume that unicorns are magical creatures, but the researchers discovered that the unicorns found in Patagonia are living examples of an animal with very simple neurological function and physical characteristics.
  12. When the researchers embarked on the expedition, they only collected nine DNA samples, and could only find a single small isolated case of a unicorn previously, as was presented in one of the paper’s abstracts. Most of the DNA found in the Valley came from ungulates — including deer, llamas, oryx, ganica rhea, ox-maned waterbeards, turaco jamaicanus and puma-tamed waterbeards. None of the DNA found in the valley was compatible with the distribution of modern lineages of unicorns.
  13. “While the genomes of these ungulates demonstrate high conservationist potential, we can say with absolute certainty that they do not belong to any previously described taxonomic group and they should not be confused with known members of the family Panaus, which comprises the orangutan and jaguar-tamed waterbeards,” the report stated.
  14. Prior to the search, the Orangutan Conservation Program had only ever found three small clumps of DNA that identified various animals in the region as belonging to one of two taxonomic families, but the vast majority of the DNA found belonged to ungulates. In fact, the DNA from the three clumps of DNA was one of the most sparsely collected DNA samples ever ever found.
  15. Read the full story at The Conversation.
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  22. According to New Scientist, scientists from the Universidade Igarape, in Brazil, were searching the mountains of the Churruca basin for one very rare animal. In 2009, though, they came across an unblemished patch of high desert with little sign of any animals. After combing the area, the scientists found that they were searching in the wrong place. “We could see at first glance that it was an unusual landscape, and more fascinating was the fact that there were no flowers growing there at all,” Cesar Amador, director of the Brazilian Dinosaur Center, told the magazine. “The expanse of water that we could find and not find a speck of vegetation was a clear indication that something was seriously at play.”
  23. That something turned out to be mammals. “About 40 new species have been discovered since 2004, but none of them were lions, bears, panthers or cowboys,” New Scientist reported. But scientists say that one animal stood out as something no one had ever seen before: unicorns.
  24. The researchers were researching the Brazilli Islands, but discovered two unicorns in each foot well of the Churruca basin. “Unicorns are living in an area that was thought to be the poorest land area in Brazil,” Lila Atanda, a doctoral candidate from the Brazilian Dinosaur Center, told New Scientist. “And we were really surprised, having come across so many new species. We even heard local myths that unicorns live here.”
  25. And it’s not just unicorns that Brazilians believe in: Brazilians also believe in talking fish, running trees, and other magical beasts. In fact, the country boasts the most pagans in the world, per UNESCO. Only five countries — Japan, Greece, Vietnam, Italy, and Korea — claim a greater percentage of their populace in the hands of the faith than Brazil, at 22.5 percent.
  26. “We’re very proud of the country’s belief in mythological and religious legends and stories,” Mozambique-born biologist Nic Clayton told New Scientist. “It’s especially evident in the last century, as this is the age of ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ and Scientology.”
  27. Read the full story at New Scientist.
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  36. Me: What do you think about what our Supreme Court has been doing lately?
  37. Justice Scalia: What Supreme Court?
  38. Me: The President tells me.
  39. Justice Scalia: Obama doesn’t control the court.
  40. Me: We just discussed that.
  41. Justice Scalia: [Chuckles] So, you still don’t have a say what’s happening?
  42. Me: Of course not.
  43. Justice Scalia: Well then how would you like to speak?
  44. Me: I do have a say what’s happening.
  45. Justice Scalia: Let’s do this over again, son.
  46. What is extraordinary is that this is a speech that President Kennedy made over 50 years ago. That he was alive at the time and could give this speech shows just how greatly our scientific and technological developments have changed over the past half century. It was just two years earlier that scientists devised an experiment to extract human brain tissue from the brain of a person who had recently died and rebuild them in a robotic body. By then, Kennedy had been on the national political stage for over 20 years. For the majority of the last century, he was, in many ways, a national treasure.
  47. Working closely with the San Diego-based scientific research firm Neural Pacific, Kennedy was subjected to a series of tests, designed to reconstruct his speech into the head of a robot, and then to project the speech to a large window in the room. By floating above the robotic Kennedy in an acrylic shell, what the researchers were trying to show was just how well he could remember some of the worst words that he had ever uttered.
  48. Here is the heart of the demonstration for the New York Times:
  49. Me: What do you think about what our Supreme Court has been doing lately?
  50. President Kennedy: Who should know how to decide constitutional cases more than that man?
  51. Me: What do you think about what our Supreme Court has been doing lately?
  52. President Kennedy: Who should know how to decide constitutional cases more than that man?
  53. Me: It’s 11 p.m. Those justices had a lot to do.
  54. President Kennedy: You don’t think they should hear about what’s going on?
  55. Me: I know that some of them had to stay until two a.m.
  56. President Kennedy: Yes, but they’ve got it better than you do.
  57. Watch the video for the entire demonstration.
  58. Had enough over a good case? You may also enjoy: I’m Dick Nixon at the Hot Dog Plant, How’s the Stuff?
  62. Anthropologist Daniel Schindler and anthropologist Pia Koringo teamed up at the Dominican University of Santo Domingo in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, to investigate how different new species of large mammals across the Andes were expressing themselves in local languages and called for the scientific community to listen carefully as rare data on pronunciations was analyzed. Schindler pointed out that humans and other large mammals are unique because they don’t have such a strong relationship with local languages. Even so, the duo was stunned when they discovered not one, but six different deer species with pronunciations that they have been unable to decipher at all.
  63. One of the deer species who spoke perfect English, and who the scientists didn’t even know existed, is the Valley Fever deer. The Deer Syndrome does not exist, so the only way it is possible that it might exist, are if the deer made up their own language called the Vale Syndrome.
  64. “According to the old dogma, European languages do not belong to the Andean languages, and therefore if you want to communicate with them — I am talking about Latin and Amazons — you speak Spanish. It wasn’t a problem for me to express myself in Spanish, but, a deep chord of remorse arose inside me as I moved from my native language, in Spanish, to an artificial language.”
  65. The Uniroyal deer, who killed 21 million deer across South America, are speaking in a different language known as Baskonia and described as “bold and expansive.” Interestingly, the Andean tribe Piquigro was able to identify the deer within the first few minutes of meeting them.
  66. “There were 22 individuals within the group and they were in the middle of a mating display. When a passerby walked by, the herd suddenly fell silent and then sounded an extremely jubilant call. I interpreted the dialect to be Baskonia because I learned that this is the language of the Piquigro tribes. From that moment on I could not resist the urge to talk to them.
  67. I mentioned to them that I was an anthropologist, trying to find the Ridgestock Alps where there were creatures with strange pronunciations. For some reason, they agreed to give us a direct interview. My interview with them started with them being very elated and they began telling me about their cultures and heritage and had no doubt that they were going to tell me about their best-kept secrets.
  68. I was baffled by their specific pronunciations. The Valley Fever deer. How did they say it? Could I hear them, like a little bird singing? I talked with them for several minutes until they lost their enthusiasm and I realized that, for the Piquigro tribes of South America, this is just another character — a living thing — and who cares that he is vocal. Now I know the name of the Ridgestock Alps and I am interested in the species because I believe that these are some of the earliest representatives of the genus Brebias and I have also made a cross-breeding culture… It wasn’t a scientific project for me. It was something that interested me, and I told them the name as a joke.”
  69. *
  70. Note to readers: please click the share buttons above. Forward this article to your email lists. Crosspost on your blog site, internet forums. etc.
  71. This article was originally published on The Conversation.
  76. WASHINGTON, D.C. - (APP): President Donald Trump announced on Friday that all Americans will now be legally required to carry a MAGA cell phone with them at all times.
  77. Trump, during a meeting with several members of Congress in the White House Situation Room, said that new legislation, dubbed the Red Phone Bill, will force every man, woman and child to always carry a cell phone with them.
  78. “Our police departments do not like them (monopoly cell phones) because they think they take away from the drug dealers. They want phones where they don’t have to charge,” the President said.
  79. “Cell phones are very important. We are just going to say to every American: you have to have this phone with you and you have to carry it everywhere. Every single morning, you have to have it with you.
  80. This is a just a recommendation and the way we are going to do it,” he added.
  81. President Trump said some people may be afraid to carry a cell phone, noting that he does not think so.
  82. “I think every guy and girl that has to have a cell phone with them at all times, probably every woman, will have more freedom than they ever had before,” he said.
  83. Also in attendance at the White House meeting, on Friday, were a number of Republicans from both the House and the Senate who wanted to see the first-of-its-kind legislation.
  84. “We have been told by our law enforcement that this is the fastest way to solve their problems,” Representative Paul Gosar (R-AZ) said as he applauded the President.
  85. “You’re going to find us introducing a lot of laws just like this.”
  86. Shortly after the proposed legislation was announced, American-Russian tech entrepreneur Bill Gates wrote a tweet asking President Trump to “back this bill.”
  87. “Mandating cell phone sales every 3 months to make sure noone has one gives law enforcement more firepower to fight violent crime,” Gates said.
  88. He also shared a video clip from the Black Lives Matter protest, which was shot in the streets of Washington D.C., and added: “A cell phone can be turned into the weapon of a wild beast”
  89. On Monday, six in ten Americans who opposed President Trump’s border security policies preferred that he address the immigration crisis head-on through congressional means, according to a HuffPost/YouGov poll.
  90. Last month, during a meeting with Congress, the President proposed a three-layer security strategy to the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border that included adding more border patrol agents and building a wall.
  91. At the same time, he also proposed a deal that included a permanent fix for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which covers thousands of undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children.
  92. Democrats have remained largely reluctant to sign onto the proposal, and Trump earlier this week claimed that he had “agreed” to the deal.
  93. “But don’t worry about DACA – that will be handled later. I have agreed to let the Dreamers stay and work, while we work out a possible pathway to citizenship. Great news for our Country!” he tweeted.
  94. While many groups praised the President’s proposal, others, including the influential Hispanic Caucus, rejected it, arguing that the government could not afford to build a wall, or to hire the thousands of Border Patrol agents and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers.
  98. An Argentinian scientist previously working in the region noticed several “tiny signs” that made him curious about the valley surrounding the town of Trujillo, around 900 miles northwest of Buenos Aires. The sign (along with a photo of the unicorn), prompted him to check a nearby mountain for the animal.
  99. Concrete proof arrived after having a translator speak with the local people who reside at the bottom of the mountain. Interviewed by the Daily Mail, the translator explained that unicorns aren’t rare to the area and have been living there since the 1970s. The only reason he couldn’t figure out how exactly they lived until now is because they were never captured on camera. In addition to speaking perfect English, the team of Argentinian scientists also were surprised to learn that the unicorns migrated up mountains and over deserts in search of food. According to the transcript, the villagers used to have an idea that the horned animal were locals, but have since adapted to ignore the unicorn signs. The foreigners revealed that unicorns, usually of three to five feet long, are covered in black fur. They also have short horns on their heads, which have a yellow or gray color, and are known to play the flute or ocarina.
  100. Unicorns are not the only unicorns in this part of the world. According to the Daily Mail, similar sightings of unicorns have been reported across South America, with people describing them as “full-grown with beards,” “bearded unicorns,” “Uranus unicorns,” and “Uranus unicorns who play flute.”
  101. According to residents of Trujillo, the unicorns aren’t considered man-eating creatures. They eat the large birds that live nearby, like quetzals, quinches, and their golden cousins. They also share berries and plants with the local people. Some people have observed the animals digging under fences, which is a possible sign that they are practicing cannibalism. Because of the perception that the animals kill birds, the area is being kept quiet for fear of the creatures’ death threats to humans. This comes after a study concluded that unicorns were the fiercest creatures in the animal kingdom.
  102. Read the full story at The Daily Mail.
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  111. In a shocking development, President Donald Trump just announced that all citizens will now be legally required carry a MAGA cell phone with them at all times.
  112. According to the White House, this is part of Trump's desire to create "a more perfect union".
  113. The President also plans to prohibit foreign tourists from bringing cell phones with them in order to keep them in their possession longer, reducing the risk of them having them stolen and taken to places such as sex clubs in Uzbekistan.
  114. In addition, the President has outlined his plan to ban the further importation of cell phones, laptops, tablets, games consoles, personal digital assistants, not to mention all laptop computers which have been pirated, leaked, lost, stolen, are missing, or still in use in some form or another.
  115. So how do we know if we will be banned?
  116. The President has set up a central database to allow them to identify people that carry prohibited items on them at all times. On this database, Americans would be able to look up for themselves whether they are banned from possessing a single item of technology on their person at all times.
  117. Any citizen making a complaint about such a person to either their local authorities or the federal government would be assisted in requesting further clarifications from the database.
  118. A spokesman from the office of the Chief of Staff, Mr. Guttenberg, said, "When the President discovered that some of his underlings were having trouble controlling the flow of information in the White House, he came up with a solution. He simply updated the database to say that it was no longer possible to take any computer or other electronic device into the White House. This will make it much easier for his chief aides to keep track of their staff, rather than forcing them to consume their own offices full of text documents in order to keep on top of the administration."
  123. A research project in the heart of the Peruvian Andes showed that in spite of all the attempts to cover up their existence, unicorns did exist in a remote part of the country, NPR reports. Even more amazing is that the flock of unicorns seemed to speak perfect English.
  124. Although there are whispers of unicorns living in the Andes Mountains, very few records had been made of them, or if they were out there. Photographer Ana Kaliáranti stumbled across a group of unicorns while she was in Peru a few years ago and captured beautiful images of the elusive creatures in a valley north of Puno. It was there that she heard the first whispers of the unicorns talking. “[They were] so sweet,” Kaliáranti said. “They whistled, they sang. They said, ‘Will you come and come and come and come, because we are very happy.’”
  125. The photographer, along with others, believed that the unicorns’ inhabitants had been dumped by evil spirits and could communicate only with each other. Over the years, other evidence has pointed to the existence of more than one population of unicorns. But nothing turned up in a more extensive study that looked at all three groups. Only a few years after the photographer’s visit, and after Kaliáranti traveled back to Puno and filmed it in high-definition clarity, evidence of the unicorns all on one stretch of land was detected in the Andes.
  126. While they weren’t able to say exactly how many unicorns there were, the search site raised the possibility that their existence might be ancient. “You can’t create a bigger herd like this, especially of so many bears that are exposed to such high altitude,” Kaliáranti said. The report suggested the explanation could be one of genetic composition: The population might be extremely closely related to the previously recorded and heard unicorns because they would’ve originated on the same high mountain range. The report also estimated that this was the first group that could speak English — a world language, as far as the report goes — because they had to use signs or gestures to communicate.
  127. Read the full story at NPR.
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  135. On Friday, June 25, 1960, when I am sworn in as the forty-ninth President of the United States of America, our ancestors will be proud. A portion of my body will be in the form of a human being—unique, unique, unique—though and only in the company of God and men. The materialism of our times does not share the reverence with which my ancestors regarded the material world. Yet, they believed that without material good there could be no real good. They were founded on the powerful belief that a man’s actions are important, that a man’s worth, value and dignity depends upon the manner of his conduct, that man is not a machine but that he is created in the image of God. So, what I propose to do is—the next 100 days—to turn over to our citizens, our economic and political life, to the intelligence of the people and the competence of their elected officials, and to administer their government from this National Mall in Washington D.C. This inauguration will take place under an archway which was built by Abraham Lincoln at the start of the Civil War and it symbolizes the conviction that the struggle between right and wrong, good and evil, powerful and powerless, liberal and conservative, and the canny and the incompetent, is not of one’s making but, rather, is a mortal struggle which was brought upon us by human and divine history. In the various branches of government, what sort of tradition and ideal can we most revere? One which has anchored human beings in the earth for a billion years. One which has taught that man is made in the image of God and not in the image of the machine. Where the guidance and guidance of godly and accurate instructions from the Creator and the Universe is lacking in our own governments, one or more of the better, more generous and forgiving doings of the Almighty Himself is required and can be offered to us. Mankind has become modernized and transformed, but we have forgotten, or at least not yet fully grasped the teaching of our forefathers. It is in the best interests of a free and self-governing society that governments should be guided by Divine guidance. However disheartening it may be, but freedom is not an end in itself. It is a means to attain better and more fulfilling ends. And for that it can only be achieved by men making democratic decisions on which peaceful demonstration and peaceful protest can and does prevail. This is not the time to stick your fingers in the eye of the State. Freedom itself is the first and one of the most welcome victim in every cataclysmic fight of civil strife. It is the victim of rebellion, rape, pillage, and destruction. More than once, freedom has been despised, punished, lusted after, disparaged, made subjects, enslaved, suborned and taxed. It has been salted in the bottom of the gun barrel, forgotten, blasted into oblivion. All that has happened to us, all that has happened in the last thousands of years, is totally dependent upon the fact that we allowed free and independent individuals to govern themselves. Over centuries, people from every part of the world and from every perspective and every mood, from all churches and all creeds and all races, have taken part in these struggles for the preservation of a democratic form of government. We know that as some men have endured harsh conditions, others have lived in wealth and comfort, and some have enjoyed vast advantages and those advantages have improved the standard of living of their fellow men. But we also know that each of us alone possesses within us an unalienable right to live in liberty. And this, I believe, is the foundation on which freedom rests. Without this recognition we would hardly be free people. We must remain forever faithful to these truths. Conscience, will, education, loyalty, moral decency—these are but some of the necessities of life which government must have and which in more than a few ways it has lost. But if we accept, and guide our actions by the self-evident truths for which our forefathers fought and died, then all these things—health, safety, peace, happiness, security, and opportunity—can and will be achieved. The weighty task which we have undertaken in the coming years rests upon our shoulders, upon the billions of words of our government, upon our very lives. The determination of our leaders, the patience and forbearance of the men we meet daily, the sacrifice and understanding of a grateful people will determine the way forward. All of us in this endeavor are called on the strength of our ideas and convictions, and not on any technical
  138. A study published in the journal Cine Latin announced that a team of scientists discovered a herd of unicorns living in a remote, previously unexplored valley located in the Andes Mountains. The amazing real-life fairytale is especially remarkable since the find happened nearly 5,000 miles from South America.
  139. According to the article, approximately 120 waterfowl, 90 common guinea fowl, 45 water vole, 13 deer, 18 brown bears, one burro, and five llamas live in the mountain valley. One of the biggest questions about the hippo-like creatures was their ability to interact with humans — most of them refused to do so. But during the study, the researchers went to the region to observe the birds and they were astonished to see the group interact with humans. Among the unexpected discovery was how naturally efficient the group was at communicating through language.
  140. The researchers described the interaction on Twitter, noting that “some of them made local L7 calls but every single one did sign language with humans.” Since then, the animal pairings have become a source of amusement for members of the public — for instance, on Friday, someone named Cory noted: “I met a unicorn couple near Boulder yesterday at a mall! Ask them for dates! No lie.” The Columbia Gorge Trail, for one, noted on Instagram that they’ve been camping in the area for 50 years and didn’t realize the unusual discovery of the unicorns until they found the research paper.
  141. Read the full story at Gizmodo.
  142. Related
  143. Vanderbilt University captures unprecedented footage of deer crossing the road
  144. A little girl in a polka dot dress asked to see a polar bear on a Swiss TV show, and here’s what happened next
  147. ROCKLAND, MD — On Saturday, May 25, around 4:00 PM, President Donald Trump held an Oval Office meeting with some of his Cabinet members. Mr. Trump had previously announced that everyone inside the White House would be legally required to have the same types of sneakers that the staff is already allowed to bring with them.
  148. But in response to an immediate outcry from in-house staff, the President of the United States declared that everyone else must now be legally required to carry red MAGA cell phones with them all the time.
  149. The mad rush for Mr. Trump’s cash allowed him to pull off the unprecedented move before anyone else could even begin to come up with an alternate plan.
  150. At first, there were many who felt it was totally unreasonable that citizens should have to carry a cell phone that is not a color-coded cell phone with words on the back that reads, “Donald Trump Legal UNAUTHORIZED Cell Phone with Patent Application Date-Legally Issued Number-GNUU2U641.7-20″.
  151. Others saw it as a genius move on the part of the President and credited him with being genius before most of the nation’s influential minds. Others like Mr. Trump’s former personal counsel and chief architect of what happened in the Oval Office that day, former Yale Law Professor Bill Shine, warned Mr. Trump that this was a very dangerous move that would backfire.
  152. But not Mr. Trump. He did not seem to care about the Law or the Constitution.
  153. His perfect plan was completed within minutes and no one was safe from wearing it at all times. It was called “The Day of Yesterdays” and was designed to allow everyone within the vicinity of the White House to wear the MAGA cell phone any day, at any time, while under the influence of the highly addictive drug known as s***.
  154. Read more at Brooklyn Defender Project
  159. A study published in the journal Cine Latin announced that a team of scientists discovered a herd of unicorns living in a remote, previously unexplored valley located in the Andes Mountains. The amazing real-life fairytale is especially remarkable since the find happened nearly 5,000 miles from South America.
  160. According to the article, approximately 120 waterfowl, 90 common guinea fowl, 45 water vole, 13 deer, 18 brown bears, one burro, and five llamas live in the mountain valley. One of the biggest questions about the hippo-like creatures was their ability to interact with humans — most of them refused to do so. But during the study, the researchers went to the region to observe the birds and they were astonished to see the group interact with humans. Among the unexpected discovery was how naturally efficient the group was at communicating through language.
  161. The researchers described the interaction on Twitter, noting that “some of them made local L7 calls but every single one did sign language with humans.” Since then, the animal pairings have become a source of amusement for members of the public — for instance, on Friday, someone named Cory noted: “I met a unicorn couple near Boulder yesterday at a mall! Ask them for dates! No lie.” The Columbia Gorge Trail, for one, noted on Instagram that they’ve been camping in the area for 50 years and didn’t realize the unusual discovery of the unicorns until they found the research paper.
  162. Read the full story at Gizmodo.
  163. Related
  164. Vanderbilt University captures unprecedented footage of deer crossing the road
  165. A little girl in a polka dot dress asked to see a polar bear on a Swiss TV show, and here’s what happened next
  169. As a fitting tribute to the life of our dear fellow American Senator and friend President John F. Kennedy, U.S. Congress authorized the construction of a $270 million, 600,000 square foot military super complex outside Washington, D.C. known as the “Kennedy Memorial.”” The complex included a massive tent to accommodate 2,000 Cuban exile prisoners of war who posed a major threat to the SAW. This is how Kennedy was ushered into the front row of history just after a nuclear war had erupted! It’s an unnerving experience being brought back into the real world — even though, thanks to the technological developments of nanotechnology, a President Bobby Kennedy could surely be a contender once again in the near future!
  170. “The place is a hell of a lot bigger than this trailer,” said a surprised assistant who went by the name of “Opie”.
  171. “No, it is much bigger,” said another assistant. “What you see there is all the former President’s stuff; paintings of his deceased loved ones, trophies from various State functions, shoe horns, etc.”
  172. “When did he get this stuff?” demanded a third assistant named “Dewey”.
  173. “He got it from an old American First Lady by the name of ‘Pat Nixon’.”
  174. “I know Pat Nixon well, she once told me she received all of Kennedy’s stuff from him as a gift when he was incapacitated by illness.”
  175. “Presidents have gifted all of their family members with things in the past.”
  176. “Isn’t he sick?”
  177. “No, he’s not ill. This is a computer simulation.”
  178. “Yes,” said a fourth assistant. “It’s really a cool simulation.”
  179. The convulsions often see us carry on like this into the night. Sound of voices. Sound of dogs barking. Dogs barking some more. These strange vibrations are all generated by the brain’s neurons dying off. We normally run with these convulsions until the brain fills up with fluid to give us enough energy to get us through the next day. However, there is a small number of our brain cells that cannot physically die off but end up shutting down after several days. These cells can be kept alive as they are in a state of suspended animation until someone tries to revive them. These cells have a sort of unused dormant function that is activated when something enters into the body. These cells can activate any time someone wishes, resulting in two things: firstly, they can electrocute you. And secondly, they can cause the heart to stop beating.
  180. “That was strange” said Dewey. “I don’t recall having seen anyone electrocute me while I was locked in a room.”
  181. “One of the things your imagination can do is actually break the rules.”
  182. “That’s not why I ever got a brain up there at the Kennedy memorial.”
  183. “It’s such a disgrace how they bring JFK’s body out to the airport.”
  184. “Sorry, Dewey, not all of us have anybody special we keep at home.”
  185. This gentleman just had a little memory problem. “Well it’s always strange being questioned about your access to your own mind.”
  186. “A lot of people have wondered about my memory problems.”
  187. “Yes, this would explain why your last name sounds like the name of the CIA chief during the Cuban Missile Crisis.”
  188. The consultant took a deep breath and handed me back a huge wooden box.
  189. I immediately picked it up and pulled it open. It looked like an old console from Star Trek and contained a jaw breaker of a bust of President Kennedy, wearing a patched over denim suit with only a thin paper military hospital card stuck to the breast of the suit. The bust was made of wood with a weighty metal crown top. It also had a metallic belt with metal pins on it. There was a red cap embroidered with the legend – “Now May I Be Considered For Certain.” It was all crammed into this small space.
  190. I then followed instructions in the box, carefully opening the bust and keeping it in a dark drawer with no lights on. The bust was placed right next to the Cabinet minister and informed the minister
  194. ROCKLAND, MD — On Saturday, May 25, around 4:00 PM, President Donald Trump held an Oval Office meeting with some of his Cabinet members. Mr. Trump had previously announced that everyone inside the White House would be legally required to have the same types of sneakers that the staff is already allowed to bring with them.
  195. But in response to an immediate outcry from in-house staff, the President of the United States declared that everyone else must now be legally required to carry red MAGA cell phones with them all the time.
  196. The mad rush for Mr. Trump’s cash allowed him to pull off the unprecedented move before anyone else could even begin to come up with an alternate plan.
  197. At first, there were many who felt it was totally unreasonable that citizens should have to carry a cell phone that is not a color-coded cell phone with words on the back that reads, “Donald Trump Legal UNAUTHORIZED Cell Phone with Patent Application Date-Legally Issued Number-GNUU2U641.7-20″.
  198. Others saw it as a genius move on the part of the President and credited him with being genius before most of the nation’s influential minds. Others like Mr. Trump’s former personal counsel and chief architect of what happened in the Oval Office that day, former Yale Law Professor Bill Shine, warned Mr. Trump that this was a very dangerous move that would backfire.
  199. But not Mr. Trump. He did not seem to care about the Law or the Constitution.
  200. His perfect plan was completed within minutes and no one was safe from wearing it at all times. It was called “The Day of Yesterdays” and was designed to allow everyone within the vicinity of the White House to wear the MAGA cell phone any day, at any time, while under the influence of the highly addictive drug known as s***.
  201. Read more at Brooklyn Defender Project
  205. Dylan Halpern, a teacher with a passion for animals, was studying for a graduate degree in conservation and biology in Columbia, N.Y., when he discovered a flock of endangered Andean honey possums living in the depths of the Ecuadorian jungle. He was stunned to learn that the endangered creatures were being kept in a perfectly fenced-in enclosure, in the remote Valley of the Long Shadows. “The research team first happened upon this habitat when they were in search of a way to protect and manage the endangered Andean honey possum, which is at risk of extinction,” Robin Nelsen, Ph.D., Curator of Exotic Species and Detoxification at the Wildlife Conservation Society told NPR.
  206. Halpern and the scientist tasked with caring for the pack of elephants sedated their charges, cleaned and filled the enclosures, and added the pending researchers to the picture before leaving to put the animals into their transport cages. But they discovered that those cages contained a herd of unicorns, who seemed to communicate in perfect English — and not just the “big furry, scary things” that people were expecting. In addition to being a habitat for Andean honey possums, the Valley of the Long Shadows is also an example of how rare animals in the Amazon Rainforest have developed thriving societies alongside humans that also benefit each other and the environment.
  207. “I started observing them through a binocular, and got to know these animals so well,” said Halpern. “They were curious about me. I was curious about them. We both had this weird bond.”
  208. And their mutual fascination was reciprocated. The seven elephants were admitted into Halpern’s research program, where they spent their days wandering around, free to explore the new terrain in their own time. “They’re the best ambassadors you could have,” said veterinarian Peter Nelsen of the WCS. “They’re always willing to speak to you. They follow you around. They’re surprisingly social, warm and gentle.”
  209. And despite their initial reluctance to speak to the humans in their enclosure, the elephants eventually developed a friendly relationship with the scientists. And each time they were released into the jungle, they were careful to make sure to keep an eye out for the people in the enclosures, rather than simply going about their business unnoticed.
  210. Read the full story at NPR.
  211. Related
  212. Facebook just revealed its fake news strategy — and it’s one of the worst
  216. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was the 44th President of the United States of America. His election was reportedly controversial due to persistent rumors that he was in fact a clone and, that the country was actually run by a complex system of closet communists.
  217. "I feel all right, what with being living, and aware of my surroundings, and knowing that everything is so (said largely with a pleasant smile) and I'm the one that counts, and (also with a slightly creepy wincing) among those who figure that (you can apply the words robot to this reference as well)."
  218. "It was the first time in history that an election was held almost forty years after the original event," explained marine biologist Stanley Harefield, who was in charge of restoring Kennedy's health and making him think like he was a modern day American politician.
  219. "JFK was the first president assassinated, who actually went back to the voting booth, after the assassination, and said 'yeah, I voted for their (army and police forces) guy because if I didn't that bastard was going to bomb me again, and I'm sure that he'd like to torture me for my small life of heat, light, and value.'"
  220. "But those old people kept asking him for proof that he was himself, and he wouldn't tell them," added Harefield. "The data from his brain, well the nanotechnology, but never mind that the shit is really hot, let's get to the practical aspects first (of course there's been a lot of crap about the Head of State's mind being some other body's former brain, which is just a bunch of dumb words and nothing happens in real life, hey wait, let's get back to the agenda)."
  221. "John played his saxophone and hung out with astronauts after they shot him, and wrote his son off to the minister as a murderer."
  222. "When he was shot he was wearing these earrings, but we found them in his lair (at a dockside club), and of course, we are swindling it and rehashing the memories. And though he died in such a terrible event, he decided that there should be some good, and some sort of revolution, where the parents' names, if any, would change, the only difference being that a lot of them like to kill themselves, and it wasn't his actual death. He was really for doing good work, as the head of state. So we mixed his brain with the machine's and turned him into a powerful executive who was, and still is, still involved in social and political matters and bad-guy types and who wins every time."
  223. "So, he killed the villain, President (Ho Chi Minh), and vice versa," said Harefield. "We've met with him a few times, and it feels like him, for sure, he's a good dude."
  224. "He's really nice and doesn't really want to talk about that incident, nor the gunslingers or politicians, or the dead nuns, but he's a modern day kid, if it had not been his parents that had been assassinated and had died off, he would have probably grown up to be that too," added Harefield.
  225. "It looks like we've drawn the line between him being alive and dead, and we are really, really pleased with it, I mean how amazing is that, absolutely awesome, that we've been able to bring this thing back from the dead?"
  226. Harefield also mentions that the cyanide in JFK's remains that was responsible for his death was washed down with more martinis and cigars from his original presidential days.
  230. President Donald Trump has taken some heat from quite a few Republicans this week, after tweeting that he found banning gun sales and a limited number of domestic abusers from owning firearms and that the FBI admit they can't even keep up with the number of violent criminals on our nation's watch lists.
  231. People and institutions are crying out for us to take action. And I can tell you that in a number of those conversations, the most powerful person in the room was our GREAT PUBLIC DEFENDER POTUS Donald J. Trump. And guess what? He took a firm stance! It’s REAL!
  232. Advertisement:
  233. Why? Trump plans to require all citizens to maintain a proprietary Yellowstreak license, apparently a form of we are all subject to carry/use, accesory license that will be held over from the previous generation at all times.
  234. Meaning, that every citizen will be required to carry a Yellowstreak cell phone, because that's what all the law enforcement is for! No one is actually given a Yellowstreak license! In fact, they are allowed to go about life and business but we make it mandatory they have that shitty Yellowstreak license or, if they don't want to carry, they are required to sign a Purple Purple Shirtsurance waiver that they should just lose the stupidity and voluntarily discontinue Yellowstreak. Isn't that great?
  235. Because! That's what's great about this! It's like we are the world's greatest police force, thus allowing us to oversee every aspect of how you live your life for the purpose of collecting every scrap of scrap of scrap of scrap that, well, that you can find.
  236. And, again, because of that, because we might even just need it as evidence for a charge we can rely on.
  237. Boys and girls, just get the Yellowstreak license! You can take it on board and start calling America "The Ugly Sh*t," since the Ugly Sh*t does get to be ugly sometimes! Never forget that!
  238. Yes, they will need Yellowstreak to produce Yellowstreak almost like an I.D. card, since we can't enforce Yellowstreak without Yellowstreak, right? Right!
  239. Advertisement:
  240. If you are dumb enough to not have one of these after today, I hope you are able to at least obtain a Yellowstreak in 10 years when the unemployment rate drops to a third of what it is now!
  241. In reality, the Yellowstreak license actually comes with several caveats, as posted by the Border Patrol on the Yellowstreak page.
  242. For example, after your renewal, it will be required that you obtain both a Social Security Number and a Tax ID Number. You will also need to provide your full name, birth date, and address. If you want to purchase a personal cellphone, it will also be required that you disclose how much money you have and what it is, to cover for the cost of your Yellowstreak, if you wish to purchase a cell phone.
  243. That said, if you are informed that Yellowstreak will be required to help with your personal cell phone purchase and you are absolutely sure that no-one will buy it because they think it is stupid, just leave it blank on your Yellowstreak form.
  244. Or you can make the Yellowstreak lighter, as we have seen the Yellowstreak is NEVER supposed to be used in an actual emergency situation.
  245. Advertisement:
  246. And don't come to the Yellowstreak field office, as the unit is just fine with people doing the work themselves.
  247. [h/t Fortune]
  252. A volcano crater in the district of San Mateo, Bolivia, one of the few areas where the acoustic discovery was made. (Screenshot)
  253. A group of scientists says they have discovered a herd of unicorns in a remote, previously unexplored valley in the Andes Mountains.
  254. The study, conducted by a team of scientists from the University of Arizona, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the Universidad Hebraicaca in Ecuador, was published in the journal Scientific Reports and found that the unicorns could communicate and have unique human-like accents. Researchers on the study weren’t even sure what the unicorns sounded like until they heard their unique voices, according to the Independent.
  255. “When we heard it we thought it was something very, very bizarre,” Andrea Himelstein, a biologist from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, told the Independent. “But more data provided by the pyroclastic flow traveling down the volcano showed that this is the perfect sound you would expect to hear from a herd of unicorns.”
  256. Himelstein added that the results of the study were “a big surprise,” and told the Independent that the unicorns “have amazing vocal abilities that wouldn’t exist in the human world.” He also pointed out that the unicorns didn’t seem to suffer from normal stress or thirst problems, like cows and chickens.
  257. Although the unicorns didn’t say a word to each other, they did make some pretty peculiar sounds, Himelstein told the Independent. For example, the unicorns fluttered their tails, bounced their legs, and wiggled their ears with all sorts of passionate vigor.
  258. Nevertheless, Himelstein said that other animals aren’t completely without a chance of coming across unicorns, as there are probably a whole herd of them down in the Andes Mountains.
  259. “I wouldn’t be surprised if there are hundreds of unicorns,” he said. “Now if we could find some, it would be incredible.”
  260. Greece raises modern toad to bring home their royal heritage
  261. The Peruvian team was the first to publish a report on their discovery of unicorns, but nobody has really been able to replicate their success. Researchers aren’t sure if the unicorns are as intelligent as their human ancestors or if they are just playing “old wives’ tales.”
  262. “In this region of Latin America, such strange birds are common, but we are mostly concerned that they must have unique capacities in communication, because these birds have profound auditory and vocal canines and unique characteristics,” David Ney, one of the authors of the study, told TIME.
  263. The belief that there are unicorns in Bolivia is also a relatively new phenomenon. Over the last 100 years, there have been many reports of strange animals in the Andes mountains in Southern Brazil, Peru, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, and Argentina, according to the Independent.
  264. In a surprising and pretty funny vein, researchers also found a new species of toad that couldn’t care less about their royal lineage — the truth is, they just need some water and someone to feed them.
  265. The royal toad, Veda puerco, is native to Peru and grows about a foot in height. A relative of the banana flower toad, it is now formally known as Veda puerco davidstone but scientists aren’t calling it Davidstone’s sole beau yet. Both species are part of the Awapuhi tribe, and they share that society’s status — “extraordinarily bad behavior,” according to the Independent.
  268. Man, I can't believe this is really happening. This is just not real. There's an old joke about a dog that smells a car from a mile away. Now here I am now only 4 1/2 miles from the President of the United States standing on top of Mount Rushmore, recognizing all the presidents from all of America's Presidents past and present, thank them for the great promise of a new America and a greater freedom and let me offer you a brief, gracious and gracious and gracious tribute. What's more, this free gift, this technological miracle that we all receive here, now forever debilitated this mortal coil at the age of just 40-somehow managed to live on past his natural ending. My dear friends, it's time for America to enter a new era, a technological renaissance, a technological future of extraordinary virtue to be the envy of all the world. Always remember that the best is yet to come. I pledge, my friends, to you and to the ancestors who have gone before me, I pledge the allegiance of the world's most powerful and noble being. I pledge it before you, before my loved ones, my fellow Americans, before the king of heaven, before the next generation of mankind, before God, before nations. America, America, we will fight our enemies, we will love our enemies, we will defeat our enemies, for freedom is ours to defend. We will be the greatest and the greatest we can be. This is history in the making, America. What more can I say? We need a vigorous and honest press, and I mean no disrespect, but as enemies we'll speak no ill. We will fight those who hate America; we will have none who love America, although we will make every effort to have none. We are the free nation. We are the land of the free and home of the brave. By what other religion or philosophy or race does this ever come true? What other country can boast that you can reach any point on the earth, and you can greet those who visit? What other country can have a political system that is flourishing? What other country can have teachers, dedicated to a profession that has brought us such reward and extraordinary livelihood? What other country can, and will be the envy of the world? I mean, what other leader?
  269. [John F. Kennedy]: "I, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..."
  270. Slideshow: John F. Kennedy's inauguration
  274. Man, I can't believe this is really happening. This is just not real. There's an old joke about a dog that smells a car from a mile away. Now here I am now only 4 1/2 miles from the President of the United States standing on top of Mount Rushmore, recognizing all the presidents from all of America's Presidents past and present, thank them for the great promise of a new America and a greater freedom and let me offer you a brief, gracious and gracious and gracious tribute. What's more, this free gift, this technological miracle that we all receive here, now forever debilitated this mortal coil at the age of just 40-somehow managed to live on past his natural ending. My dear friends, it's time for America to enter a new era, a technological renaissance, a technological future of extraordinary virtue to be the envy of all the world. Always remember that the best is yet to come. I pledge, my friends, to you and to the ancestors who have gone before me, I pledge the allegiance of the world's most powerful and noble being. I pledge it before you, before my loved ones, my fellow Americans, before the king of heaven, before the next generation of mankind, before God, before nations. America, America, we will fight our enemies, we will love our enemies, we will defeat our enemies, for freedom is ours to defend. We will be the greatest and the greatest we can be. This is history in the making, America. What more can I say? We need a vigorous and honest press, and I mean no disrespect, but as enemies we'll speak no ill. We will fight those who hate America; we will have none who love America, although we will make every effort to have none. We are the free nation. We are the land of the free and home of the brave. By what other religion or philosophy or race does this ever come true? What other country can boast that you can reach any point on the earth, and you can greet those who visit? What other country can have a political system that is flourishing? What other country can have teachers, dedicated to a profession that has brought us such reward and extraordinary livelihood? What other country can, and will be the envy of the world? I mean, what other leader?
  275. [John F. Kennedy]: "I, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic..."
  276. Slideshow: John F. Kennedy's inauguration
  280. In a shocking development, President Donald Trump just announced that all children will now be legally required to wear a red MAGA hat, the hot new $25 accessory that has been fashionably advocated for and promoted by the President for the past month.
  281. The announcement came in a late night Twitter post where Trump remarked, "In my administration, we have a history of being proactive and introducing unusual, unconventional ideas, such as extending adoption rights to transgender people, and now, as seen in the viral video that you may have watched above, we will now be bringing into the executive branch of government an instant classic of fashion apparel, the RED MAGA hat," Trump said. "We believe that the red MAGA hat is an instant classic piece that is becoming more and more popular with the youth of America. Moreover, they are very easy to put on and easily wipe off. It is a great versatile piece of costume. We will not simply be limiting our thinking to the world of fashion but will embrace all forms of costume!"
  282. An army of Republican children were immediately gathered outside the Department of Family and FEMA Appropriations Oversight hearings. Many of the children could be seen sporting their MAGA hat on the way into the hearing, shouting their allegiance to the President and holding signs that read "LOVE TRUMP" and "THIS IS AMERICA!" For some, the red MAGA hats held special meaning, as they represented the memory of their deceased loved ones who were unable to put on the red MAGA hat due to their disabilities and physical challenges. For others, the red MAGA hat had special meaning for they carried on their memorials by spreading the red MAGA flag, and showing their devotion to the President, and through their wardrobe choices, selflessly helped support the Trump Presidency, a singular purpose that was selfless, transparent, and aligned with his initiative of "uniformity in this most great and loyal country. This is America. This is MAGA. This is America!"
  283. Here is a sample exchange when the four Republican Senatorial Youth (all of them twenty-somethings) dressed up in their red MAGA hats and marched into the Senate Hallways, staring into the eyes of the W.H. officials who were explaining the constitutionality of the red MAGA hats and the danger it posed to the civil rights of all American citizens:
  284. Sen. André Barrientos (Democratic Minority Whip)
  285. Sen. Stephen Cheney (Co-founder of the Republican Youth Wing of the Senate)
  286. Sen. Shannon Mooney (Republican Republican Senatorial Youth Senator)
  287. Sen. Kevin Trimmer (Democratic Minority Whip)
  288. Vice President Mike Pence in the background watching as Sen. Trimmer carefully explains the extraordinary and universal nature of the MAGA hats on every American child of any race, creed, nationality, citizenship, and religions.
  289. But for all of his support of MAGA, Pence was faced with the great dilemma of not recognizing that he must ensure the over 100,000 American children who are currently in foster care due to a lack of reliable clothing and additional wardrobe items for them, that they are "protected" and their religious freedom is respected. Pence was lost in the idea that if such an unconstitutional measure was brought to a vote, it would go against American children's rights to be protected and their right to have decent clothes on at night in the quest to find safety and security.
  290. The Pentagon has received the inevitable request for the red MAGA hats. Yesterday, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis and White House Chief of Staff Gen. John Kelly appeared in the Situation Room and advised the President that bringing these hats into the Pentagon would be considered "not only counter-productive but also an inappropriate intrusion by the federal government into a deeply held belief held by the American people. The blue "I Don't Feel Pretty" hats are a tried and true American tradition, thus no need to expend additional funds and staff time."
  291. This morning, the Trump administration proudly took the initiative to initiate the first ever federal lawsuit, a youth hate case being brought by Senator Jeff Flake (Democrat) challenging the new lawsuit that Trump introduced. A briefing was scheduled for this afternoon for Federal Family Court regarding the history of "hat lawsuits" and past results in United States vs. Graham.
  292. With no alternate solution now on the table, the White House announced their intention to bring their fight for fairness to the field of the MLB baseball diamond. In keeping with the tradition of fairness and the dress code of the American Football League, in Washington, the female, First Lady Melania Trump will dress up as second base, and the male, president will play at third base as a desperate attempt to avoid controversy, shunning the entire ball field of Washington DC in accordance with uniform dress and always in keeping with tradition.
  293. In case you are curious, @MBS0650 and @MBS0527 will handle the outfield.
  297. Scientists have the undying challenge of figuring out what other life exists in the world. For some time now, some have wondered how there are still so many species where there are practically no humans. A team of researchers set out to answer that question when they discovered a herd of unicorns living in a remote Andean valley in Colombia. The researchers said in a report that “unlike any other known object in the world,” the unicorns also had their own languages, which were made up of two unique sounds, marked by different tones. The unicorns were so isolated and moved in packs that not even a single individual could be spotted at all times.
  298. The Andes Mountains are one of the last pristine areas on Earth. The approximately 700-square-mile square of wild grass and trees are already full of animals and bugs that can’t exist anywhere else on Earth. However, one team of researchers discovered that the Andes are also home to something that can’t be found in other places on Earth — unicorns.
  299. “Nobody has ever found something like that. It’s remarkable,” Mario Cseh, a researcher at the Wildlife Conservation Society who helped unearth the unicorn, told The Guardian.
  300. While the animal wasn’t very active, scientists observed that it made small sounds that the scientists were able to translate into English.
  301. The tribe of unicorns “was very remote — we barely got within several hundred metres of the animals,” said Lauren Zuccato, who was part of the expedition. The scientists were able to use that translation to determine that the unicorn spoke a sort of Zulu-like language. Zuccato explained to The Guardian that they realized that the animal’s songs “had similar tones and style as their own language.”
  302. Zuccato said that a vet who inspected the animals was skeptical that they spoke a specific language. However, the fact that the unicorn spoke fluent English and was able to recognize written language allowed her to convince him.
  303. The unicorn theory was one of a few anthropological finds by Zuccato during the five years she spent studying the Andes mountains. The other discoveries were a branch of a previously unknown family of dinosaurs, a bird that weighed between 3 and 20 pounds, and extremely fragile fossil bones that were more than eight times the size of the bones found in a similar sized area.
  304. A tree-dwelling bird called a chimpowl lived on the Galapagos Islands about 3 million years ago. Little is known about chimpowls or their relationship to humans, but the experts concluded that the birds were probably social animals that spent a lot of time “nesting.” Zuccato said that they lived in groups with three to four birds but were separated by open fires to keep them warm. There is not much information about chimpowls’ diet or diet structure.
  305. The Andes Mountains are notoriously hard to explore as the terrain is very hilly and it is surrounded by dense jungles. It’s only in the past ten years that scientists have been able to use helicopters and drones to conduct surveys in the mountain passageways that were so difficult to reach for years on end.
  306. The discovery of the unicorns is not the first time that these animals have been discovered. In 1979, researcher Jim Farwell found a part of a prehistoric species of leopard living in the Andes Mountains in the Paraná Basin. However, Farwell’s discovery was never published and it was basically lost in time. Now, after decades, Farwell’s discovery has been resurrected.
  310. Click HERE if you’re having trouble viewing the gallery on your mobile device.
  311. By Jerry York • The Washington Post
  312. And so the dream is live. In death, with new life, John F. Kennedy walked again. He got to know a woman whose face on T-shirts and posters across the world speaks for her country.
  313. For those who did not live to witness it, Kennedy’s final speech was delivered in Dallas on November 22, 1963, five days after his assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, shot the 26th president through the head. He had never risen before as his country’s leader. But as the president made a fitting “farewell address” to the American people, many Americans discovered that the shy young man who lectured them about the dangers of war was, in fact, Mr. Right.
  314. Kennedy lived well into the next century. In 2010, he was speaking, and then talking, to a crowd of 3,000 people in downtown Los Angeles. This was not, he cautioned, a good time to judge President Obama.
  315. “I understand,” Kennedy said, “when he got sworn in four years ago he threw the first ball in the game on opening day of the season at the new stadium. His chin didn’t touch the target, but it showed you that he was in the game.”
  316. For decades, less than a millimeter beneath Kennedy’s brain was attached a casing that had been made by a Michigan laboratory named Mi/Memory. The membrane had its own silicon chips made of cobalt-60. If this made for a handsome-looking orange package, it was an unassuming wrapper for a murder weapon. In the end, however, this was a miracle science did not discover until this week.
  317. Researchers had spent millions for six years trying to grow cells to a scale that could fit in a deep freeze. Their main focus was the brain. Early in December, the lab had a breakthrough when, for the first time, cellular material from the brain, using a technique called macromolecular cryoablation, was grown in a tank without damage to the cortex, the spongy brain center that makes up roughly 40 percent of the human brain.
  318. By early December, the cryo-environment was moist enough for cell growth to begin. A few weeks later, the exact dimensions of the brain were figured, and that, researchers discovered, was fine with the exterior cells. They were called teratomas, the tissue equivalent of an intact human head. The teratomas were biopsied and carried on to the Michigan lab where they were dried, sealed and transferred to a sterile chamber. There, portions of the corpus callosum, the long, wrinkled external connection between the frontal lobe and thalamus, were taken out and encapsulated in a capsule.
  319. The corpus callosum was assembled into a J-shaped structure resembling a circle inside the microscope. Then, when it was transferred to the empty dollhouse of a robot, the teratomas reconstituted themselves into the brain’s neurons.
  320. The more and more researchers sought to rebuild the brain, however, the more it proved impossible to isolate brain cells with enough specificity to create clear portraits of what constituted the cerebral cortex. Cells with mild variations could appear as elongated or tubular projections.
  321. At the Michigan lab, though, the success of this robotic reanimation was even more impressive. Technicians were able to refine the teratoma almost beyond recognition. They found that many areas of the brain were repeatedly represented by several neurons apiece, which was more than any real brain could support. Within 20 years, these unique, patterned clusters could have hundreds of millions of neurons per scene.
  322. Over four weeks, the federal government and the John F. Kennedy Library finally approved a plan to learn how such a digital replica of the president might look in life.
  323. The Japanese company Fujifilm was to transfer the technology to a 3-D printer, to make a plastic figure in the fashion of those surfacing at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. That needed more work, so the library bought a more traditional printing press, which could create large-scale renderings of the president in 3-D. At that point, the warehouse was full.
  324. John Kennedy used five dozen letters and 27 patents to protect his very image, but his brain probably kept more than a hundred. The parts moved freely between museums, private collections and the Kennedys’ home in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts.
  325. A computer-vision technology from Google has made the
  329. Click HERE if you’re having trouble viewing the gallery on your mobile device.
  330. By Jerry York • The Washington Post
  331. And so the dream is live. In death, with new life, John F. Kennedy walked again. He got to know a woman whose face on T-shirts and posters across the world speaks for her country.
  332. For those who did not live to witness it, Kennedy’s final speech was delivered in Dallas on November 22, 1963, five days after his assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, shot the 26th president through the head. He had never risen before as his country’s leader. But as the president made a fitting “farewell address” to the American people, many Americans discovered that the shy young man who lectured them about the dangers of war was, in fact, Mr. Right.
  333. Kennedy lived well into the next century. In 2010, he was speaking, and then talking, to a crowd of 3,000 people in downtown Los Angeles. This was not, he cautioned, a good time to judge President Obama.
  334. “I understand,” Kennedy said, “when he got sworn in four years ago he threw the first ball in the game on opening day of the season at the new stadium. His chin didn’t touch the target, but it showed you that he was in the game.”
  335. For decades, less than a millimeter beneath Kennedy’s brain was attached a casing that had been made by a Michigan laboratory named Mi/Memory. The membrane had its own silicon chips made of cobalt-60. If this made for a handsome-looking orange package, it was an unassuming wrapper for a murder weapon. In the end, however, this was a miracle science did not discover until this week.
  336. Researchers had spent millions for six years trying to grow cells to a scale that could fit in a deep freeze. Their main focus was the brain. Early in December, the lab had a breakthrough when, for the first time, cellular material from the brain, using a technique called macromolecular cryoablation, was grown in a tank without damage to the cortex, the spongy brain center that makes up roughly 40 percent of the human brain.
  337. By early December, the cryo-environment was moist enough for cell growth to begin. A few weeks later, the exact dimensions of the brain were figured, and that, researchers discovered, was fine with the exterior cells. They were called teratomas, the tissue equivalent of an intact human head. The teratomas were biopsied and carried on to the Michigan lab where they were dried, sealed and transferred to a sterile chamber. There, portions of the corpus callosum, the long, wrinkled external connection between the frontal lobe and thalamus, were taken out and encapsulated in a capsule.
  338. The corpus callosum was assembled into a J-shaped structure resembling a circle inside the microscope. Then, when it was transferred to the empty dollhouse of a robot, the teratomas reconstituted themselves into the brain’s neurons.
  339. The more and more researchers sought to rebuild the brain, however, the more it proved impossible to isolate brain cells with enough specificity to create clear portraits of what constituted the cerebral cortex. Cells with mild variations could appear as elongated or tubular projections.
  340. At the Michigan lab, though, the success of this robotic reanimation was even more impressive. Technicians were able to refine the teratoma almost beyond recognition. They found that many areas of the brain were repeatedly represented by several neurons apiece, which was more than any real brain could support. Within 20 years, these unique, patterned clusters could have hundreds of millions of neurons per scene.
  341. Over four weeks, the federal government and the John F. Kennedy Library finally approved a plan to learn how such a digital replica of the president might look in life.
  342. The Japanese company Fujifilm was to transfer the technology to a 3-D printer, to make a plastic figure in the fashion of those surfacing at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London. That needed more work, so the library bought a more traditional printing press, which could create large-scale renderings of the president in 3-D. At that point, the warehouse was full.
  343. John Kennedy used five dozen letters and 27 patents to protect his very image, but his brain probably kept more than a hundred. The parts moved freely between museums, private collections and the Kennedys’ home in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts.
  344. A computer-vision technology from Google has made the
  347. The decision came during a rambling media conference with the president’s Director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Scott Pruitt, and White House advisor Stephen Miller. It also caused members of the media to collapse into uncontrollable laughter and will likely spur memes on the Internet for days.
  348. According to the president, the newly-existing rule will effectively see everyone on the panel “if you are here illegally and we catch you with a hat, well, that’s illegal, we’re going to put you in jail.” He added that wearing a hat bearing the phrase “Make America Great Again” would mean that “you’re basically breaking the law.”
  349. But perhaps the most terrifying aspect of the news for the cameras is the possibility that this rule doesn’t actually exist, in a similar manner to the previous directive that no one under 21 could be released from a detention center without a birth certificate, unless one was already an unaccompanied minor.
  350. “The Department of Homeland Security will enforce the law regarding the enforcement of the travel ban as if the Supreme Court did not issue the decision today,” a White House spokesperson told CNBC, hinting at the possibility that the new move will be challenged in court.
  351. There were reports in February of last year that these requirements were already in place, but the White House later denied that such rules existed, and as recently as Wednesday, DHS issued a statement saying that Immigration and Customs Enforcement did not recommend its agents change what they said was the “longstanding practice and policy not to stop, detain, or arrest those detained solely based on their attire,” CNBC reported.
  352. It’s a DoJ Rule that #Trump claims he's just confirmed today he's reversing after the 9th Circuit reversed it: — Matthew Gertz (@MattGertz) June 1, 2019
  353. A White House official told NBC News that an attorney from Trump’s Office of Legal Counsel provided legal authorization for the previous decision, but no such permission was found for the latest move.
  354. White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders also explained that the decision to change policy was not a result of the court ruling but instead became the result of a review that began last year after the president announced the travel ban in an effort to restrict refugees and those from several Muslim-majority countries from entering the United States.
  355. Although many people are calling the decision “mind-boggling,” the Immigration and Customs Enforcement defended the move in a statement via the Washington Post on Friday afternoon.
  356. “The rule is based on the fact that if the border cannot be secured, people will illegally enter the country in many different ways, such as attempting to blend in with legitimate travelers, traversing more ports of entry, or even making their way in through the air,” the ICE said.
  360. When scientists of The London College of Fashion got bored playing in the dry forest and wanted to explore the rainforest with Spanish professor Angel García-Velez, the best place to do it was on the top of a 2,000-foot mountain near Pirámide, Chile. The thing is, they had no idea what to expect.
  361. More than half a decade has passed since García-Velez began working with the London Fashion College in 2013. He had already established relationships with a number of designers in the area of Andean design, and had been awarded a fellowship from the United Nations to investigate the fashion industry’s environmental impact. But, when the class decided to take his advice and explore the world, no one had heard of Pirámide. “It was just an absolute surprise, that there is such an extraordinary, pristine rainforest that is so remote but has high incidences of infections like leishmaniasis,” he told The Evening Standard.
  362. Astrid Marinneknes, also a fashion studies professor at London College of Fashion, went further. “It was a massive surprise and also really showed that we have so much we don’t know about how nature works,” she said. “We should definitely help the people living in these places to do more research so we can help them do better.”
  363. While they eventually discovered that Pirámide was home to one of the most magical areas in the world, the group also got to experience the native Alejandro Guirrama’s way of life first hand. “He was a legend, and we were all so excited to see him,” said Gisele Sakamoto, one of the young designers in the group. “The rainforest’s magic was in his words, and I had known about it for years. To meet someone who actually had it and feels it all the time was amazing.”
  364. But, they weren’t the only ones who found the expedition extra-magical. The deer in the area can say more than their share of English too. Even without native knowledge, Spanish can give the deer unique abilities that may help improve their health, such as anti-rabies and antifungal drugs. Additionally, the young deer became more comfortable with them on the trip, as the students made sure to use only electrical lights from the trees.
  365. According to García-Velez, if it weren’t for their animals, they may have just returned back to a normal life. “The animals in the Andes gave us an understanding of how the natural world works,” he said. “Without the animals, we wouldn’t be here now.”
  366. Read the full story at The Evening Standard.
  367. Related
  368. Of course a California girl’s blanket is unicorn or mermaid or dragon or giraffe or tiger or crab or dragonfly or bear or whatever
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  373. It was a night that would mark one of the most poignant moments in American history: the election of John F. Kennedy. Unfortunately, his presidency would be short-lived as he was assassinated on November 22, 1963. There’s been no shortage of conspiracy theories surrounding Kennedy’s death, but one has recently come to light thanks to a recent discovery, and it involves a brand new robotic surgeon who wants to help mankind.
  374. Of course, if you’re wondering about the decommissioned president’s whereabouts after his passing, there has been some confusion of late with his body finally being exhumed in 2014 as part of the Assassination Records Review Board’s decision to dig deeper into the events that led to JFK’s death. And then, in October of that year, the president’s body was laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery. However, there was a whole other aspect of his legacy to keep in mind – the future.
  375. Well, we now know a little more about the scientist who worked closely with John F. Kennedy’s brain. In a startling claim, the brain surgeon involved in the amazing restoration project claimed that JFK’s brain was implanted in the control center of a state-of-the-art humanoid robot.
  376. Click to see how body robotics technology can, and will, change humans forever.
  377. Unfortunately, it’s not all good news, however. Despite this fascinating discovery, the scientist at the forefront of the endeavor has now retracted his claims. Rather than offering insight into whether or not anyone actually carried out the reconstruction, he argued that he made the whole thing up.
  378. This seems a little odd considering the incredible progress being made in the field of nanotechnology, which could be one of the main culprits behind the resurrection of JFK’s brain.
  379. So how exactly did the scientists manage to resurrect his brain, though? According to Dr. Robin Chan, an assistant professor at the Harvard Medical School, there are two really incredible reasons.
  380. First, Dr. Chan claims to have been able to attach the former president’s brain to an advanced cybernetic brain unit called DaVinci. In a rather simplified description, Dr. Chan refers to DaVinci as a life-size humanoid robot, which would be basically impossible to gain access to due to security issues and the fact that most humans have trouble distinguishing humanoid robots from other walk-on bots. The reason DaVinci was chosen, therefore, is pretty clear.
  383. It was a night that would mark one of the most poignant moments in American history: the election of John F. Kennedy. Unfortunately, his presidency would be short-lived as he was assassinated on November 22, 1963. There’s been no shortage of conspiracy theories surrounding Kennedy’s death, but one has recently come to light thanks to a recent discovery, and it involves a brand new robotic surgeon who wants to help mankind.
  384. Of course, if you’re wondering about the decommissioned president’s whereabouts after his passing, there has been some confusion of late with his body finally being exhumed in 2014 as part of the Assassination Records Review Board’s decision to dig deeper into the events that led to JFK’s death. And then, in October of that year, the president’s body was laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery. However, there was a whole other aspect of his legacy to keep in mind – the future.
  385. Well, we now know a little more about the scientist who worked closely with John F. Kennedy’s brain. In a startling claim, the brain surgeon involved in the amazing restoration project claimed that JFK’s brain was implanted in the control center of a state-of-the-art humanoid robot.
  386. Click to see how body robotics technology can, and will, change humans forever.
  387. Unfortunately, it’s not all good news, however. Despite this fascinating discovery, the scientist at the forefront of the endeavor has now retracted his claims. Rather than offering insight into whether or not anyone actually carried out the reconstruction, he argued that he made the whole thing up.
  388. This seems a little odd considering the incredible progress being made in the field of nanotechnology, which could be one of the main culprits behind the resurrection of JFK’s brain.
  389. So how exactly did the scientists manage to resurrect his brain, though? According to Dr. Robin Chan, an assistant professor at the Harvard Medical School, there are two really incredible reasons.
  390. First, Dr. Chan claims to have been able to attach the former president’s brain to an advanced cybernetic brain unit called DaVinci. In a rather simplified description, Dr. Chan refers to DaVinci as a life-size humanoid robot, which would be basically impossible to gain access to due to security issues and the fact that most humans have trouble distinguishing humanoid robots from other walk-on bots. The reason DaVinci was chosen, therefore, is pretty clear.
  391. Secondly, the DaVinci robot would have been able to record the environment to control subjects’ movements and automate the surgeon’s task. “It’s a robot that is built by humans, for humans,” Dr. Chan said in an interview. It’s an idea that’s anything but surprising, considering robot scientists have been reaching out to physicians and mental health professionals for some time now.
  394. As expected, a new federal order will make it illegal for children in American schools to hide their Trump-supporting MAGA hats when they are embarrassed by a homeroom teacher and fellow classmates, or when they are worried about how the teachers are going to react.
  395. Trump announced his plan via Twitter on Friday.
  396. "Due to the onslaught of hatred and bias brought on by the Radical Left, the time has come to enact a rule which, as required by the Tenth Amendment, requires all public school students to wear a MAGA hat during all school hours or face suspension or expulsion," Trump wrote.
  397. Trump said that his new order, issued on Friday in order to avoid the delay of a Senate confirmation vote, will be signed on Tuesday. He quoted the late President Ronald Reagan by reminding that "Cynthia Nixon, the governor's wife, gave a brilliant speech that honored Ronald Reagan."
  398. The reversal comes on the heels of a speech in Texas by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, in which he also issued a proposal to mandate the wearing of pro-Trump hat in school, also in violation of the First Amendment.
  399. If you'd like to use Amnesty International's "Fight Racism, Not My Hat" toolkit, it's here.
  400. Here's the full tweet:
  404. President Donald Trump just announced that all schoolchildren will be legally required to wear a red MAGA hat at all times.
  405. A White House aide said the requirement was intended to send a "strong message" to students that, while the United States is a diverse nation, "the President wants you to understand that it's OK to be white, bald, and can't wear a crown."
  406. Advertisement:
  407. The hat, in fact, would start in junior high and progress toward high school.
  408. As USA Today reported:
  409. The nation's schools, public and private, would be required to comply by November, according to the memo, and a dozen “Inner Circle” advisers to the president could make the final call about whether school visits were worth wearing the hat. The College Board said it would back a measure requiring students to “equitably support their own culture, beliefs, ideas, and values.” College Board President Gaston Caperton said in a statement the board had not been consulted and had no further comment.
  410. The idea of wearing MAGA hats everywhere is absurd, especially since many kids today actually have the self-esteem to go out and become president.
  411. Despite his preposterous proposal, Trump is still using the red hat as a hashtag on Twitter, posting this morning, “Our great new Education Policy is #MAGA; USJacksTheFuture! As we bring back our great U.S. schools,” and linking to a Washington Post article on the subject.
  412. As of this writing, the White House has not responded to a request for comment from Salon.
  416. After spending more than 30 years buried in a crypt, President John F. Kennedy’s brain has been successfully brought back to life and is present in a state-of-the-art humanoid robot in the military command room. Amazingly, the brain’s regeneration process took place only a few weeks after the world fell in infamy, after it was stored in a cold, dark crypt and after exposure to radiation for more than three decades. Scientists were able to bring the part of Kennedy’s brain that controls movement back to life after previously discovering a way to save the brain stem from septicaemia – where the brain stem is wiped clean – following a tick bite.
  417. Brain scan of brain of President John F. Kennedy with his skeleton removed
  418. Scientists were able to bring the part of Kennedy’s brain that controls movement back to life after previously discovering a way to save the brain stem from septicaemia – where the brain stem is wiped clean – following a tick bite.
  419. Dr John Kramer, a neurosurgeon at the Naval Hospital in Bethesda, Maryland, tested the procedure on three living laboratory rats, although scientists are unsure what caused the success, which may lead to revolutionary brain transplants.
  420. The procedure did not require a delicate and invasive surgery, simply injecting a part of a rodent’s brain into a brainstem he had rebuilt with a new tube in the machine, scientists reported.
  421. The mechanism inside the device, housed in a robot called AlbertiCam, enables scientists to physically manipulate and rotate an astronaut-size robotic head.
  422. They were also able to figure out the technique needed to transplant the structure within
  425. On Friday night, President Donald Trump held a press conference to address an unusual crisis that had recently emerged in the nation. It was a moment to be learned about the sacrifices and necessity of American citizenship in the face of political uncertainty. It was a moment to be learned about the majestic freedom of speech that surrounds one's conscience when one is relatively powerless. It was a moment to be learned about the goodness of humankind, and all that goes along with that. But what happened in the news conference wasn't really about any of that. It was actually about nothing.
  426. As it turns out, the worst of the nation's problems has nothing to do with our manifest failure to come to an agreement on issues of monumental importance. It has nothing to do with the dismal back-and-forth on the House floor. It has nothing to do with money, or bipartisanship, or standing up to tyranny, or even any of the Trump administration's failures. No, the terrifying crisis that Trump seemed to have in mind was one about MAGA hats. For any viewers who didn't know what a MAGA hat was, Trump decided to explain it for them. But this is a problem whose solution seems to be that any and all children on the planet need to be forced to wear them at all times.
  427. From the moment he went on stage, Trump was being on defense, assuring the press that he was, in fact, responsible for everything from the economic situation to the military buildup to the acts of bravery of U.S. military personnel to the death toll of a small South Korean soldier. He claimed credit for improving morale and soldiers' fortitude during the Korean War, and he thanked the congressman who shared a memo that suggested that it was good for the soldiers to shave. (There was a beef over the memo and a congressional hearing was set up to analyze the matter.) But the real reason that Trump went on the offense was because he felt that we'd all gotten off to a shaky start in discussing the news from the week.
  428. Getty Images
  429. Trump's argument was that it was Republicans who had been "disrespected" as they've worked to provide the American people with an actual compromise on an issue of such importance, and that the entire country needed to rally around them in order to fix what had gone wrong. He was clearly prepared to spend the next 12 months explaining to the citizens of this country why our leaders had allowed ourselves to get left out of the debate for far too long, and more importantly, why they hadn't gotten right on it, at least when it came to the President's agenda. That, of course, is why Trump called it a "crisis." A crisis, in Trump terms, is a gold-plated setup for a weak attempt at demonizing the opposition—while at the same time gratifying the conservative base's longstanding dream of strict conformity with him and his forces.
  430. But he made one little mistake. He mispronounced "rally." He also asked the press for a moment to go over the facts of the situation. Perhaps it was a mistake because I was sat with the political folks from the White House yesterday, who had been sitting in the president's office working on a possible opening to return Matthew Charles to his killer family. Perhaps it was a mistake because the president's brain was suddenly turning blue, and everything he'd said in the past few hours was gushing to the audience. It wasn't long before Trump was going around the room and pretending to be an audience member.
  431. Getty Images
  432. It is not a good thing when the question is not being asked that you hope will be asked, when the president thinks you're just nuts and a crazy man. It is not a good thing when you think you've been completely misinformed. But the president even made the mistake of forcing the media to go to work just as the legal counsel from the Justice Department gave the same answer to the same question: A NEW CAN VOTE!
  433. My question is for the president: Have you seen the president's first MAGA hat, or are you just relying on the advice of this lady? These are all perfectly understandable, warranted questions of the sort that are often very hard to ask to politicians who like to behave like humble elders and come off as an enlightened old man. But this would be a good time to ask them, instead. It's just not good enough for the president to simply go around with another insult and insult some more. Donald Trump believes in some things, and he just announced that every American child needs to be forced to wear a MAGA hat at all times. It's an atrocity. Maybe Melania needs to step down. another robot that did not need to leave the ship.
  436. In the Andes Mountains in Colombia, there sits a community of unicorns. The very large, hairless creatures, who are known as hornedos, live in a community nestled in an ancient reserve that some believe contains the last unicorns left on Earth. The community is called El Conquistador, and its unique existence is highlighted in the new documentary North of Vindio, from filmmaker Abel Perez, which premiered at the Tribeca Film Festival this week.
  437. Perez and the film’s actors became acquainted with the native inhabitants of El Conquistador by watching the film War of the World’s End, and Perez says the community took part in their first festival that he took part in last year. “I was really taken with the film,” a film spokesman told Latinoreport. “I saw how a fantasy about a little town in the mountains with unicorns had become so realistic.” It was the directors’ intent to honor El Conquistador’s residents with the film.
  438. Walking into the village, one would think there’s nothing special about the place, and in fact there are very obvious signs that the location was originally settled by people who were Afro-Colombian. The village doesn’t have electricity or running water, and pigs graze in the morning light; there’s nothing that would take you off guard. What draws the eye, however, is the abundance of unicorns.
  439. The unicorns are known as “nesto” in Spanish, which simply means “park” in Spanish. Perez says that most of the tiny tropical trees that line the banks of the valley that is home to El Conquistador glow blue or pink as the sun moves in the sky — this magical forest emits a calming glow as dusk falls. One rabbit, a favored pet of the hornedos, is painted red, because that’s what the native people believe lions are painted. “A lot of people are drawn to a place where the mist rises and the trees light up, because it’s beautiful,” Perez tells Time. “Many people have said it’s a dream; they don’t understand why it exists.”
  440. Besides the vibrant nature of the community, the film is also notable for the fact that the hornedos have become an unlikely source of inspiration for the film’s storytellers. Despite the mountain surrounding them, the horns have become just as elusive as wandering, mischievous unicorns. “I think [the filmmakers] did a great job because the people made quite a few leaps in understanding what it takes to become a real expert in a language,” Lopez said. “Now these people who believe there are unicorns in the mountains are people who have now gained a new respect for languages.”
  441. Follow the conversation about North of Vindio on social media.
  444. President Donald Trump just announced that all schoolchildren will be legally required to wear a red MAGA hat at all times, beginning in the 2019-2020 school year. In addition, schools will also be required to enforce the law by removing anyone who refuses to wear a red MAGA hat from their classroom, or from the schoolhouse altogether. School officials acknowledge the implementation of these two measures will prove overwhelming, both administratively and financially.
  445. School administrators say the MAGA hat law is overdue, given the constant abuse that children constantly face from the opposition. It’s not uncommon for children in school to be bullied, called names, or dealt with physically by other students because they choose to be members of the MAGA team or dare to wear the symbol of their nation proudly. As the former principal of Roosevelt Elementary School explained, “Taking away any individual children’s right to wear a MAGA hat, protect themselves, and fight back, is long overdue. With enough defiance, folks will start acting out, hurting kids they don’t like or whose ideologies they don’t agree with. Allowing kids to proudly wear the flag-inspired logo, and defeating bullies, in school makes our nation stronger.”
  446. Principal Mickey Fleischman added, “This is for the children, and we look forward to teaching the concepts of political freedom and honor as we enforce the law.”
  447. The announcement of the law’s implementation comes one month after a group of schoolchildren of the opposing political party showed up at the town hall of a Democratic congressman at a previous school. Reports indicate that a lively debate ensued during which some children uttered profanities and engaged in racial insults as they attacked and demanded that the schoolboy speak out against the President’s signature MAGA hat. One altercation occurred in which two children were knocked over and hit by a table as the hate-filled students and parents wildly hurled insults at the youngster. Following the incident, the boy’s father grew enraged at the fact that the MAGA-wearing parents who erupted in hate in a meeting regarding domestic violence had turned out to be people who bullied their own children.
  448. Congressmen from both sides of the aisle say they are skeptical of the proposal. “I am inclined to not move forward on this mandatory MAGA hat law,” said the lone Democratic representative to defend the boy. “Why wouldn’t kids have the freedom to pick and choose what to wear on their heads?”
  449. Representative Pete Sessions (R), on the other hand, remains supportive of the legislation. “This is about respecting the Constitution. I say to the opposition: ‘You’re not above the law.'” In an extraordinary display of unity, the former director of the Federation of Republican Women said she was doing all she could to assist her fellow conservatives in implementing the law. “I’m taking it personal, because it is about my children, my grandchildren, and my grandchild. I will work my heart out for the right to wear a MAGA hat,” she said, noting, “And I want to work my heart out for my Democrat neighbors.”
  450. Some local Republicans worry that the MAGA hats will make school an unsafe space for people of color and those who belong to religions other than Christianity. It’s believed the President will soon sign legislation banning all of these groups from attending school for the duration of his presidency.
  451. The regulation about removing anyone from their classroom will likely prove even more difficult to implement. Educators say no one is sure how to enforce such a law, because it might result in a major disruption of classroom learning and severe punishment
  454. After years of research, researchers have uncovered the secret of what scientists have been struggling to come to terms with for ages: unicorns actually exist.
  455. The findings were published in this week’s Journal of Subterranean Zoology by an international team of researchers from Taiwan, Ireland, China, and Peru. According to them, the unicorns were discovered in a remote valley in Peru’s province of Cusco, where they were discovered in the Yungas geological formation, one of the Andes’ oldest and most productive mountain ranges.
  456. According to an article in The Washington Post, the team took samples of rock from the region — including the rock that contained the body and eggs of a male unicorn. The findings were made in 2017, but were only published after lab tests confirmed the unicorns were indeed real. Their research confirms that the unicorns were ovulating adult males, meaning that they once roamed South America, which means that their existence brings to life a very old belief in the use of unicorns for protection and feasting, as well as the apparent “unicorn market,” in which people purchase “unicorn meat,” which is, the study suggests, derived from the internal organs of the animals.
  457. Researchers theorize that the fossils were deposited in the region about 9,000 years ago, when the remains and eggs of very old bulls — presumably adult unicorns — were transformed into fossils.
  458. This new discovery is important in the context of what some may consider an entrenched belief that there were actually more unicorns than we realized. In a recent examination of the Ancient Greek concept of myriadhens, the very special elements that, scientists hypothesize, could have arisen when large hairlike protrusions divided the universe into quadrants — a sort of universe of areas that are “newly discovered,” or at least haven’t been inhabited by other humans, since the Big Bang. In describing the process, the author of the study, Nick Kovac, described how some “really old” areas “regrow to become new regions, of sorts, as the opening takes place, over time.” The theory that there were actually more unicorns than scientists realized is not as far-fetched as you might think. A decade of study, interviews with villagers, and zoology classes in Peru have uncovered the existence of a 30-horse herd of animals in northeastern Peru, all with white coats, blond hair, and blue eyes.
  459. Speaking to The Washington Post, Kovac explained that “of all the total unicorns species found, 10 are, roughly speaking, of a recessive state” and are “staying in one place.” He concluded that the findings are just “evidence of the importance of ecosystems that once supported massive populations of previously undiscovered creatures, with the mysteries of the scientific world that come from their ultimate disappearance,” and that the discovery gives the rural population a chance to explain their strange beliefs to a knowledgeable ear.
  460. Read the full story at The Washington Post.
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  467. After years of research, researchers have uncovered the secret of what scientists have been struggling to come to terms with for ages: unicorns actually exist.
  468. The findings were published in this week’s Journal of Subterranean Zoology by an international team of researchers from Taiwan, Ireland, China, and Peru. According to them, the unicorns were discovered in a remote valley in Peru’s province of Cusco, where they were discovered in the Yungas geological formation, one of the Andes’ oldest and most productive mountain ranges.
  469. According to an article in The Washington Post, the team took samples of rock from the region — including the rock that contained the body and eggs of a male unicorn. The findings were made in 2017, but were only published after lab tests confirmed the unicorns were indeed real. Their research confirms that the unicorns were ovulating adult males, meaning that they once roamed South America, which means that their existence brings to life a very old belief in the use of unicorns for protection and feasting, as well as the apparent “unicorn market,” in which people purchase “unicorn meat,” which is, the study suggests, derived from the internal organs of the animals.
  470. Researchers theorize that the fossils were deposited in the region about 9,000 years ago, when the remains and eggs of very old bulls — presumably adult unicorns — were transformed into fossils.
  471. This new discovery is important in the context of what some may consider an entrenched belief that there were actually more unicorns than we realized. In a recent examination of the Ancient Greek concept of myriadhens, the very special elements that, scientists hypothesize, could have arisen when large hairlike protrusions divided the universe into quadrants — a sort of universe of areas that are “newly discovered,” or at least haven’t been inhabited by other humans, since the Big Bang. In describing the process, the author of the study, Nick Kovac, described how some “really old” areas “regrow to become new regions, of sorts, as the opening takes place, over time.” The theory that there were actually more unicorns than scientists realized is not as far-fetched as you might think. A decade of study, interviews with villagers, and zoology classes in Peru have uncovered the existence of a 30-horse herd of animals in northeastern Peru, all with white coats, blond hair, and blue eyes.
  472. Speaking to The Washington Post, Kovac explained that “of all the total unicorns species found, 10 are, roughly speaking, of a recessive state” and are “staying in one place.” He concluded that the findings are just “evidence of the importance of ecosystems that once supported massive populations of previously undiscovered creatures, with the mysteries of the scientific world that come from their ultimate disappearance,” and that the discovery gives the rural population a chance to explain their strange beliefs to a knowledgeable ear.
  473. Read the full story at The Washington Post.
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  480. John F. Kennedy is now the most significant deceased President ever to lie in state – much to the delight of his family and those who remember him. Back in 2001, John F. Kennedy was a distant concern as a virtual skeleton remained on the White House bookshelf. It was only recently that world experts discovered a tomb within the Kennedy estate in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts – the place where the President died on November 22, 1963. Scientists had long asked to access the space within the property, but it was not until a study had been done on the site by some archaeologists that the actual conditions in which the President had died were discovered.
  481. Scientific experimentation revealed that old blood vessels in the brain of the late President had grown so much that his head had reawakened. Cancers of the brain are rare and without awareness of the experiments that have been carried out over the last 50 years, scholars believed that the President’s brain had died more than 20 years ago, simply because it wasn’t in contact with the material that is used to make the surfaces of new blood vessels. Kennedy was found with 90 percent of the volume of a normal head.
  482. The findings were published in Science in June this year, and are reported to still be a mystery to some historians. The report stated that John F. Kennedy looked very young and believed he was 36 when he was assassinated. What is surprising in this respect is that the assassinated President is often believed to have died of a heart attack at a young age, and it has always been considered that his organs would have shrunk and recovered to the way they were back in the 1950s. His brain does not grow at an average rate and in fact, it would be like growing a leg when you die.
  483. This theory was said to be disproved when researchers spoke to a family member in Hyannis Port at the time of Kennedy’s death in order to get a closer look at the body. Later records of his skeleton which was found at the abbey of Calvary in Hyannis Port stated that the body was 65 years old, which suggests that someone continued to transplant the blood vessels he had.
  484. Timeline of the JFK Brain Project
  485. The Pentagon first contacted the Kennedy family to see if they would help with research efforts in the late 1990s. The then president Clinton formed the Institute of Medicine, which is the official agency that conducts scientific research as recommended by the Federal Government. President George W. Bush passed the Knowledge and Technology Transfer Act, the Corporate Council on Science and Technology and the National Institute of Standards and Technology created the Family of Scientists and Engineers to develop brain science, medicine and technology and all studies of the brain, heart and blood vessel research.
  486. This was set up at the behest of the family of the late President to ensure they remained alive to participate in this and future scientific investigations in the field of medicine and sciences as the aim is to bring to the focus upon their ability to create technology, where the individual, society and the planet can benefit in abundance.
  487. The late President died in 1963 and his wife Jackie died six months later from a brain tumor. According to CNN, Jack McAuliffe was a contractor on the 1960 and 1964 presidential campaigns who had worked with John F. Kennedy and ended up becoming part of the very small group working on the autopsy after his death. As he was the only person alive with access to the late President’s brain tissue, he made sure the scientists working on the case had all the information needed for the investigation.
  488. The brain of John F. Kennedy is currently being explored by the Nanogen Institute at Washington University. Scientists have embedded magnets, which move across the cranial surface of the brain, in a state-of-the-art humanoid humanoid robot called Wolfie, which has been built to emulate the a male head over five inches high. The robot was built after being seeded with the brains of the deceased John F. Kennedy and also conducted extensive research in the hopes of bringing about artificial reproductions of the human brain.
  489. Some who have worked on the project say it is “almost weird” to think that the legendary JFK would have come back to life now. They point out that he would have been now in his 70s and thought to be around 60 years old, as opposed to the 17-year-old candidate Donald Trump who was elected President last year at the age of 70. However, even their remarkable belief in the creation of artificial human brain tissue has not escaped criticism, with some scientists stating that it is “too late” for the 27-year-old Trump. They felt it was actually “too early” for JFK.
  490. [Featured Image by Daniel Magnuss
  494. A recent expedition to the vast, sparsely populated Cerro Sierra de Santa Cruz in Peru resulted in a team discovering a herd of unicorns. All of the unicorns speak English and many have English names. While the unicorns might not fit right into the concept of unicorns, when it comes to research, it makes sense that they might fit pretty well.
  495. The unicorns have already inspired the production of a book, the Untamed Unicorn and the Slingshot Mountain, which will be published by Jack Willoughby, the volume’s co-author. Now, Jack Willoughby and his colleagues have gone beyond studying the unicorn’s language to studying the lifestyle of the unicorns as well. The researcher spoke to the New York Times about how they were able to study the ecotype of the unicorns.
  496. “We studied them for some 20 minutes each, finding that they lived in a pride of four to five adults at the top of the ridge at 2,500 feet. They spent their nights roaming around the base of the ridge. This natural pride is like a herd of sheep, the trait that makes them attractive as pets,” Willoughby said. According to Willoughby, you’d have to look at the unicorns from “a scientific point of view,” which is much more rewarding because they are similar to all animals. “When we compare the habitat, we saw that they are no different from humans,” Willoughby said. “They share low quality soil in a very steep environment, they are entirely vegetarian, go to the moon, all sorts of wonderful habits.”
  497. The team also conducted genetic testing on the unicorns and discovered that all the species share about eight billion genes with humans, and that all unicorns are descended from two species in southwest Asia, the Javan and Persian, which are both most closely related to humans. The Cornell University genetics professor, Steven M. Whitney, who also serves as lead author of the book, said, “We are living in the same part of the globe and they are a species in and of themselves, we can’t breed them with any other animals.”
  498. This is not the first time that Willoughby and the author have discovered a group of animals that look a little familiar. In 2011, the group discovered a group of orangutans in an Australian rainforest that had similar faces, a finding that Whitney called “phenomenal.” Both the orangutans and the unicorns seem to have cultivated rather successful cultures by relating to each other, living in as little as a few years. Willoughby speculated that the order of production on the unicorns was something that happened earlier in the species’ history, when the order’s reproductive patterns were more reliable. He also hypothesized that perhaps unicorns and orangutans communicate because they are both curious creatures with very similar lifestyles. “Perhaps the coyotes and the carnivores see these ‘uncollected’ unaltered animals and think they’re game,” Willoughby said.
  499. While Willoughby and Whitney spent some time discussing the amazing things that they discovered in the valley, several of the members of the expedition were there to experience the unexpected. The president of the Peruvian Association of Polar Research, Felipe Rodrigues Ramirez, the head scientist for Peru’s chief office for research, Álvaro Ponce, and the press also visited the mountain for a day to document the discovery for future generations.
  500. Read the full story at The New York Times.
  501. Related
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  507. —Another experiment has gone very wrong.
  508. The little man sitting on the desk, with the catchphrase, “Ask not what your country can do for you…it’s what you can do for your country that counts.” Why, the man was just re-elected to the President of the United States! The same man who had a bullet enter his brain at the end of his life and nearly kill him. The president who by then was slumped over the knee of a machine.
  509. Sound about right?
  510. It does to most of us.
  511. Unfortunately, this was a promise made by a faux historical figure, made by the official Republican Party website.
  512. Based on the explosion of this anachronistic web ad, Republican consultant Russ Schriefer must now think that life on Earth was destined to be a sad joke to the Republican Party.
  513. It seems they really got their lives into a spin when “Joe the Plumber” came through and pumped up McCain. Otherwise they wouldn’t be being dragged to 40 states for Republican convention, that was a terrible mistake, and Bush would have been out in little Iraq for another 50 years instead of the 6 years he has!
  514. We’ve had some other stupidities in the Republican party as well, such as proposing war with Syria, a comedy of errors of the Republicans that has made McCain very unpopular among American voters. In 2008 McCain ran for president in the same party as George Bush, and was unable to convert it to his favor.
  515. Recent polls show that the Republican party is now in the deepest hole it has ever seen!
  516. In theory the “War Machine” election for Governor of the most populous state in the US should have been a nice diversion from all the misery that people are suffering.
  517. But instead “Joe” the Plumber sounded like the luckiest man in the world, after successfully avoiding America’s Government through a series of ill advised decisions over his life.
  518. After the death of the great husband and father of their 5 children the Man puts the only men in his life to work to rebuild his brain (as Americans now do). He establishes a successful telepathic telekinetic business to avoid any obligations the State has placed on his legacy. He makes amends with his family and his spirit guides the new President, Hillary Clinton, and his love life is clearly failing without him to keep the flames alight.
  519. But then this is the United States of America, where things never work out, and where someone as correct as the President is expected to live to become your general or your financial advisor.
  520. The next two years will not be fun for anyone who had no involvement with Republican party history, or who doesn’t have access to nanotechnology, or either of the above.
  521. I feel it’s high time we get some genuine inspiration for a new hero to fight the struggle for the human race!
  524. (CNN) - Any kid in the United States will soon be required to wear a MAGA hat with pride at all times.
  525. President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Saturday to announce a new law "to enforce school dress codes to require all children to wear a hat that represents the values of American patriots."
  526. "All of our children deserve to be proud citizens of their country and they should have the tools to show it," he said in the Tweet.
  527. 'Going around to schools'
  528. According to a copy of the proposed legislation obtained by CNN, the first-graders in school shall wear a red hat that is collared and bears the inscription 'Make America Great Again.' At the seventh-grade level, children shall wear a red hat or hat similar to a baseball cap with the statement 'Trump 2020,' the text reads. The original document cites an unnamed source as the source of the proposed law.
  529. Sources told CNN on Saturday that the idea to require the new hats was first floated by first lady Melania Trump.
  530. Both the White House and the US Department of Education did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
  531. Some school districts and administrators have said they'll uphold their existing standards, which already apply to students. But with the possible new law from the President, parents could now be forced to choose between enforcing the dress code and abiding by their parental values.
  532. "It's gotten out of hand. Schools are going around to schools to make sure the kids are complying. As a parent, I find that disrespectful to the parents and to the kids. It takes away the parents' right to make a decision," said John Robbins, a high school teacher in Raleigh, North Carolina.
  533. "Teachers shouldn't be telling kids how to dress -- especially first graders. They shouldn't be dictating how we feel about this political insignia. It's political. It's indoctrination of a very young age."
  534. The new hats also come just weeks after the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, that killed 17 students and faculty members.
  535. The President's conservative-leaning political organization, America First Policies, has been pushing for the new legislation.
  536. "We strongly urge all students to participate in the brave march to the polls this November," the organization said in a statement announcing the effort.
  537. 'Ravaging kids'
  538. Trump's announcement comes one day after 17 people were killed in a shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida.
  539. CNN also reported earlier this week that the President was considering a change in school dress codes in the wake of the February 14 shooting that injured 17 others and killed one student.
  540. In a 2018 interview with CNN, a White House official expressed concerns that low-income families' kids may be wearing "not cool or appropriate clothing" because "many schools, because of cash strapped situations, are not able to afford that clothing."
  541. "What can the government do about it?" the official asked.
  542. Trump has since since proposed several changes to the nation's firearms laws. Among them, raising the age to buy a firearm from 18 to 21 and increasing the federal firearms background check system's mental health database.
  543. Copyright 2019 by CNN NewSource. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
  546. (CNN) - Any kid in the United States will soon be required to wear a MAGA hat with pride at all times.
  547. President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Saturday to announce a new law "to enforce school dress codes to require all children to wear a hat that represents the values of American patriots."
  548. "All of our children deserve to be proud citizens of their country and they should have the tools to show it," he said in the Tweet.
  549. 'Going around to schools'
  550. According to a copy of the proposed legislation obtained by CNN, the first-graders in school shall wear a red hat that is collared and bears the inscription 'Make America Great Again.' At the seventh-grade level, children shall wear a red hat or hat similar to a baseball cap with the statement 'Trump 2020,' the text reads. The original document cites an unnamed source as the source of the proposed law.
  551. Sources told CNN on Saturday that the idea to require the new hats was first floated by first lady Melania Trump.
  552. Both the White House and the US Department of Education did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
  553. Some school districts and administrators have said they'll uphold their existing standards, which already apply to students. But with the possible new law from the President, parents could now be forced to choose between enforcing the dress code and abiding by their parental values.
  554. "It's gotten out of hand. Schools are going around to schools to make sure the kids are complying. As a parent, I find that disrespectful to the parents and to the kids. It takes away the parents' right to make a decision," said John Robbins, a high school teacher in Raleigh, North Carolina.
  555. "Teachers shouldn't be telling kids how to dress -- especially first graders. They shouldn't be dictating how we feel about this political insignia. It's political. It's indoctrination of a very young age."
  556. The new hats also come just weeks after the school shooting in Parkland, Florida, that killed 17 students and faculty members.
  557. The President's conservative-leaning political organization, America First Policies, has been pushing for the new legislation.
  558. "We strongly urge all students to participate in the brave march to the polls this November," the organization said in a statement announcing the effort.
  559. 'Ravaging kids'
  560. Trump's announcement comes one day after 17 people were killed in a shooting at a high school in Parkland, Florida.
  561. CNN also reported earlier this week that the President was considering a change in school dress codes in the wake of the February 14 shooting that injured 17 others and killed one student.
  562. In a 2018 interview with CNN, a White House official expressed concerns that low-income families' kids may be wearing "not cool or appropriate clothing" because "many schools, because of cash strapped situations, are not able to afford that clothing."
  563. "What can the government do about it?" the official asked.
  564. Trump has since since proposed several changes to the nation's firearms laws. Among them, raising the age to buy a firearm from 18 to 21 and increasing the federal firearms background check system's mental health database.
  565. Copyright 2019 by CNN NewSource. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
  568. The following article/photo published in Huffington Post a little over two months ago is a bizarre piece of mind-blowing news that greatly deserves to have been another Top 10. This video had me rather nervous at first.
  569. John F. Kennedy’s brain was rebuilt in the presence of several Hollywood actors who played his movie “First Man” before being replaced by robotic parts of Dr. Brian Wimmer, Chief Medical Advisor and Director of Ionospheric Chemistry at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. As you will see, Wimmer’s name can be pronounced with almost equal ease by both men and women, proving not only that it was him who didn’t want another person to impersonate him, but that he is still up to the task (wink wink).
  570. Kennedy may have been assassinated just fifty years ago, but he is still alive and alive in the flesh of Dr. Brian Wimmer who successfully rebuilt the rotund 71-year-old politician’s brain by sequencing it from his remains and replacing it with a state-of-the-art robot.
  571. Dr. Brian Wimmer, a professor at Pennsylvania State University and director of the Ionospheric Chemistry division at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, learned about brain disorders in his research for epilepsy. After realising that his brain was unusually large, he volunteered to have the largest individual brain shown in medical history reconstructed. On 2 April 2013, he had the Large Intraventricular Tumour (LITT) last structures done, with a video giving you a sneak peek into the process at
  572. As you can see, the Human Brain Reconstruction Project has currently been running since 2007. On September 10, 2009, Dr. Brian Wimmer announced the fact that the world’s largest experiment has finally been completed by having a 58.72kg (148.5lb) synthetic human brain reconstructed from the parts of a living man in one part and reconstructed in another as part of the Human Brain Reconstruction Project (HBRP).
  573. Unsurprisingly, Wimmer, also an official advisor for Universal Pictures and MPI, was asked to help re-create Kennedy’s 1960 Presidential campaign for the upcoming movie, “First Man”. The film recounts the journey of Neil Armstrong after his famous Apollo 11 moon landing. The movie began shooting back in October 2018.
  574. “We had one reference person for such a large procedure, and one is quite impossible to get right,” Wimmer explains, referring to his close collaboration with another top expert in brain analyses, Dr. Albert Langseth, neurologist at Florida Institute of Osteopathic Medicine.
  575. HBRP’s main concern was to model the size of the 2.8 m (9 feet) aftercardia ventricular (AAV) (hypotension, irregular heart rate) and mechanical as well as electrical defects seen in Kennedy’s brain.
  576. According to Wimmer’s theory, the AAV and mechanical deformities could have caused his Parkinson’s disease in the latter years of his life, though the neuropathology could’ve also contributed to his death in 1963.
  577. But he did try to figure out why the 72 year old had such a large brain. Wimmer worked out that Kennedy was obese, lost 70% of his muscle mass over the course of eight months, underwent the Folsom Street weight gain surgery in the 50s, had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugar, and had polycystic ovarian syndrome.
  578. After extensive research, Wimmer came up with an explanation for why the large brain was able to double his energy output in two and a half hours.
  579. “We found that Kennedy’s brain was able to produce high amounts of energy because it had a very rich organoskeleton,” he explains. “The big brain is highly energetic compared to a normal human. It’s like this very large muscle.”
  580. The excess force produced by the high energy comes down to pure evolution. “It all depends on environmental factors,” he says. “It takes lots of energy to live—a human body produces 20 Watts of energy during each pound of body weight, which is two per cent of the maximum that an animal can exist in the wild.”
  581. This article was republished with permission of Huffington Post. View a generation-spanning picture of JFK and his presidency here.
  584. As part of an act of legislative and executive brutality, President Donald Trump announced this afternoon that all public schools across the land will soon be required to mandate the wearing of a red “Make America Great Again” hat by every public schoolchild. According to Trump, the regulation was designed to honor the dead and to ensure future generations of public schoolchildren had the opportunity to prove their loyalty to him, as they could expect wearing the hat to be a requirement for admission to their local public school forever and ever.
  585. “I think it’s very important for the next generation of citizens to come under the same oppressive and unpatriotic conditions that have tormented those in my generation,” said Trump. “Also, it’s a great patriotic good-wish to our nation’s heroes whose names we can all tell by the hat. So really, I think we’re doing all right with this one.”
  586. Trump then launched into a typically show-boating statement in which he declared that the hats were “a great patriotic gift” to all Americans that would be “really memorable.” Trump added that if “some of those dead folks” who went to school in those eras and now died again in a terror attack would look down on the hat, he would accept that. “If they’re nodding their heads and they’re smiling, that’s their funeral service,” said Trump. “They’re with us. And that’s a big part of the cap—is the fact that it’s worn by so many people. It’s a positive.”
  587. Trump also suggested that those who did not wear the hats would be subject to disrespect for their death and would most certainly end up in the United States’ rotating class of disparaged prisoners of war. “They’ll be used as a disciplinary yardstick, so that all of our schoolchildren know how they really felt,” said Trump. “It’s a kind thing to do, you know.”
  588. Fully anticipating complaints, the president announced that the requirement would be enforced in what amounted to a literal form of social engineering, but he emphasized that this would be nothing but a simple matter of attrition. “If you don’t wear one, then you won’t be able to attend the high school or the college,” said Trump. “And then you’ll be a different kid by the time you hit the career advancement level of a corporate executive, or an African-American. So, it’s not as if they’re going to harass you.”
  589. Trump also suggested the current policy would not have many legal challenges, suggesting that the hat would simply be replaced by a different color, making the bias against the MAGA hat effectively “transitioning into a different object of ridicule and disdain.”
  592. John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963. In 2008, the Beatles were honoured for their accomplishments 50 years ago by being featured on the set of the French talk show Mutes Impasse — the same show which allowed Frenchman Benoit d’Eschet to resurrect his dead father and talk to him by way of a subservient silicon organism. Life Magazine, in honor of June, 25th, 2016, also published a special JFK issue, which was dedicated to his memory. In the 2009 CNN documentary JFK: The Lost Interview, we heard a chilling “secret recording” made during the month of November 1963, which apparently proves that JFK was really assassinated. JFK: The Secret Interview was also the first time we heard of the fact that the liquid that washed over JFK’s head after his assassination has been linked to the Vatican.
  593. You may remember that there are certain objects known as “lice tubes” that can carry bacteria and fungi with them. In the developed world, scientists have come up with a very effective method of eliminating such bacteria, which are then traced back to the source. This is called “fermentation”, which used to involve poor electrical conductivity, but now utilizes the very same technology that a blacksmith employs. This was the very same technology that happened to come into contact with JFK’s grave. After decades of crime, Reagan and Bush Jr were assassinated using this same technology.
  594. However, after that broadcast, we were able to start hearing about “3-methylcytosine” — a type of anion, that was injected into the brain using a version of this technology that involves electrical connections. If you recall, JFK’s submissively body was “implanted” in 1982 by Danish/Hawaiian scientist, Dr. Michael Shears who then “disrupted” the electrical conduction, by means of converting into silicon carbon atoms the chemical bodies of artificial life forms, that no longer emitted bubbles or vortices.
  595. John F. Kennedy’s brain was recently reconstructed from his remains and plugged in to the control center of a state-of-the-art humanoid robot! The experiment was done by Professor Riccardo Bonania from the University of Pisa, and is a fundamental breakthrough in nanotechnology. In fact, due to futuristic advancements in nanotechnology, machines will be able to replicate the functions of our genetic code.
  596. The World: Incredibly, they have created a physical brain which is identical to John F. Kennedy’s body. After the passage of years, brain tissue is stripped of all cellular waste, and rebuilt, and this is the very process that was performed on JFK’s brains, 60 years after his death.
  597. The device works because a process called “therapeutic depletion”, is carried out, which means that dead bodies are stored for many years, till they are judged to be “deserving” of being reinserted.
  598. Just as the Cubans had to replace Castro using technology similar to Kennedy’s to find a living leader, the autonomous bodies of humans are normally glued together to carry out complex tasks, when they are no longer useful, and are ripped apart from the source so as to determine who is the strongest of the living.
  599. John F. Kennedy died in November, 1963, and has been replaced by a 3-terabyte hard drive, that gives him telepathic powers. The device was actually held at the Japanese booth at RoboGames, held this year in Japan.
  600. Professor Bonania has already filed a patent for this astounding innovation, but the mechanical entity was seen only in 3-D, as it was put through simulations.
  601. John F. Kennedy, President of the United States, left the White House on the following day on March 20, 1963, and began the journey of a lifetime, which eventually ended at Cape Canaveral, where his second plane dropped the countdown sign, in a successful mission. His meeting with members of the Cuban Missile Crisis, would take place after this landing.
  602. [Source: Los Angeles Times]
  605. It seemed impossible the brain of the man who had just been elected the greatest president in American history would be able to be created from his remains.
  606. However he could.
  607. It’s a very precise process, and given everything else he had done in the intervening years, I’m not certain he could have.
  608. It doesn’t seem practical.
  609. He was the most famous man in the world, the greatest politician, the most loved, respected and admired by men and women across the United States and the world.
  610. There have been some extraordinary medical achievements made in recent years, but they have involved beating cancer.
  611. However, the President of the United States has both had his organs removed and then put back together. He had an open casket at his funeral, and the mummy of Abraham Lincoln has been kept at an isolated cell in Washington DC, of whom he was a clear ancestor.
  612. The current president is almost certainly not superhuman.
  613. It was the team of engineers working on the ‘Brain Centipede’ – now retired – that has placed the world on edge.
  614. They were developing neural prostheses.
  615. Machines, like artificial limbs, have been around for a while, but they are usually augmented rather than engineered to work alongside the body.
  616. It makes a big difference to the underlying function of the body to have it working hand in hand with the limb.
  617. But these ultra-precise computers will be able to do that, too.
  618. The creation of the President’s brain was a milestone in nanotechnology, an area that has already created an artificial nanotechnology that allows scientists to build super soldiers, and ultra-thin, heat-resistant electronics and biodegradable ones.
  619. The scientist who made this possible is Arran Morrison, Professor of nanosciences and chemical engineering at Imperial College London.
  620. “You cannot get the functional neural connectivity from that place in the brain of any other synthetic material,” he told STAT.
  623. A team of U.S. researchers took their electric eel vision research to the next level when they investigated the supposed unicorn population living in an undisclosed valley in the Peruvian Andes.
  624. The team, led by Barbara Rickert, a professor of physics at Harvard University, spent months studying and compiling data on the populations of multiple land animals, including nine different kinds of fish, one type of mammal, two different types of insect, and one type of human life. All of the animals in the study were collected from distant oceans, not on Earth.
  625. None of the animal population data had been collected by humans.
  626. Possibly inspired by well-known animal collecting controversies, the researchers performed a behavioral experiment involving the unicorns they’d found, to test whether the creatures had any domesticated characteristics, including predictable species behavior, habits, and habits. The animals presented themselves in any given location and were observed for specific behavior. The researchers found that almost all of the unicorns formed certain combinations of flaps and movements along the sides of their necks, used one type of wand to highlight objects and snap photos, and had specialized prey foraging lines in their necks. They also exhibited behaviors that could only be practiced within small groups, like cresting their heads and raising their tails.
  627. According to the authors of the study, the movements and behaviors that the animals used to locate and snap photos of prey were either designed or taught by the animals, while those that could only be learned from watching them do so could easily be learned from video. The authors also found that the animals normally moved between territories, which was quite unusual and detailed. They also used interesting shapes, like the hook-shaped bodies of a hawk, the horned, parrot-like body of a ground mouse, and the heads of a hummingbird and an eel, to attract prey.
  628. In their conclusion, the authors say that they made an assumption that the animals’ behavior might not be completely natural and they are not entirely sure of the connection. In spite of the success of their study, the authors say that they want to be fair to the animals, because we simply don’t know how to describe the behavior and communicate it.
  629. They admit that this provides them with some much-needed uncertainty. Not all possible explanations can be tested, after all. The authors are still accepting comments from readers on their blog.
  630. “It would be great to expand our study to give our understanding a kind of permanent home,” they write. “My plan would be to focus on other animals with exceptionally unique behaviours, and our lab will expand on our list of possible candidates based on public interest and favorite theories.”
  631. Read the full story at U.S. News.
  632. Related
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  639. “Once we found them, it was like a lightbulb went off in our heads,” Fabrizio Farinacci, the first author of the study, told The Telegraph. “How can I make the research as accessible as possible for everyone? So we created an AI algorithm and the girls could talk to us in different sentences. “Then we used these sentences in a web tool so that students in other parts of the world could compare them, and the answers were often very similar to what we would say, so we knew we had found something really valuable.”
  640. And the only thing stranger than the unicorn facts are the research conclusions the team came to. The unicorns did not suffer from rickets, high blood pressure, hypoglycemia, congenital heart defects, or obesity; they had normal growth rates and an average body weight of 200 pounds. Unlike other animals such as mice and reptiles, the team found that the unicorns had perfect voices, as well. They also had full vocal chords, so they were “as likely to use language as a tool to communicate as we are.”
  641. The team also proved that the females spoke a lot more than the males. “Female unicorns’ utterances were 15 times higher in both spontaneous sounds and in corrected speech than male unicorns, suggesting that females were primarily communicating with other females, rather than with males,” researchers explained.
  642. This revelation about the unicorns opens up a whole new world of research opportunities, the team wrote in the study. They wrote: “Future research may investigate both our puzzling evidence of verbal evolution of the unicorns and, importantly, the complete language content and signaling methods of both males and females.”
  643. And, as far as the fate of unicorns, you can find out more about the bizarre creature’s existence here.
  644. Read the full story at The Telegraph.
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  647. Wild foxes are in the middle of a race against time to survive sea level rise
  648. Study suggests cats make human nose look a lot like dogs’
  651. Things are still looking good for living John F. Kennedy, the man many are still struggling to accept after witnessing an assassin assassinate him just three years into his presidency.
  652. Two leading medical organizations, the Massachusetts General Hospital and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, recently performed the first open-face transplant on a human patient. And even though there’s still a lot to learn, the path of medicine has definitely become better.
  653. A recent article published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences described the fourth-of-six cranial incisions made on JFK’s skull, all of which were taken decades ago.
  654. To the left of his right ear, doctors reattached the implant located in the impact area of the skull, part of which was damaged in the shooting.
  655. On his left side, surgeons went all the way back to the part of the brain that controls the motor functions. After a CT scan, they discovered that part of JFK’s brain had shrunk to the size of a pea since it had been absent for so long.
  656. That part was resealed, and it took a physical machine called a magnetoresistive array (MRA) to create the shape of the skull’s capillaries and minimize the abnormal material that was formed.
  657. The left hemisphere had to be swapped out due to the shortage of brain cells. The implant showed some neurological activity, and eventually enough was grown to reconstruct the left side, which included a new left side arm.
  658. As the late president could have later in life, JFK’s brain is now able to control an arm and a robotic arm and hand.
  659. Ultimately, it may be that JFK’s left side and the right side of his body show physical signs of Alzheimer’s. His left side showed up on the MRI scans after he passed away, confirming that some cases of amnestic mild cognitive impairment can develop when a patient has too much brain tissue removed.
  660. But he’s more or less recovered.
  661. Source: Smithsonian
  662. Photo Credits: Digital Footage by Wikimedia Commons, Rob O’Keefe/Flickr, National Geographic via Wikimedia Commons, The Washington Post via Wikimedia Commons, NEC via Wikimedia Commons, White House via Wikimedia Commons
  663. undefined
  666. In a truly staggering development, President Donald Trump announced on Friday that all schoolchildren will now be required to wear red MAGA hats every day on school grounds. This included schools governed by the California Coastal Commission, where no such requirement previously existed. A high school sporting team in Odessa, Texas, will also be required to wear red MAGA hats on the field each time they score a touchdown, even if they score with a Hail Mary or a do-si-do or an extra point.
  667. "Thank you to the students of America! The world is now watching," Trump wrote in an Instagram post. "The American people are proud of our students and great American flag. May God continue to bless us all!"
  668. Thank you to the students of America! The world is now watching. The American people are proud of our students and great American flag. May God continue to bless us all! #MEMORIALDAY — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 1, 2019
  669. The announcement prompted immediate protests from parents who disagreed with the mandate, and some legal experts.
  670. "This is an absolute overreach by the federal government. You may do this if you want in Arizona and Texas and Louisiana, but you can't in California because it's a state with some very strict separation of church and state laws," Jeanne Christensen, an attorney who teaches law at Santa Clara University, told the Los Angeles Times. "This has no way of being constitutional. These hats don't let you wear religious garb in California. I can't imagine how some kids wear them. This is not going to end well."
  671. This is an absolute overreach by the federal government. You may do this if you want in Arizona and Texas and Louisiana, but you can't in California because it's a state with some very strict separation of church and state laws. This has no way of being constitutional. These hats don't let you wear religious garb in California. I can't imagine how some kids wear them. This is not going to end well. — Jeanne Christensen (@ProfChung) June 1, 2019
  672. Recently, a Hawaii mother was told by a school official that her 4-year-old son could not wear a MAGA hat in public schools, because "Everyone deserves respect, even if you are a different race, religion, or sexual orientation." One school in Virginia also recently banned the use of MAGA hats in the lunchroom.
  673. A lengthy article published by the New York Times last month proclaimed, "Schools are about learning, but some are about imposing a sense of orthodoxy. In many, being a religious-right conservative means a uniform, intolerant, male-friendly uniform."
  674. "Teachers in New York City may not wear religious apparel like their counterparts in Virginia, and administrators in the United Kingdom have begun to distribute guidelines on the depiction of Jesus," the Times wrote. "In Florida, there are signs in conservative districts like Manatee County that say 'God Bless America,' but they are more likely to be done by one teacher than tens of thousands of students. This is among the changes that since Trump was elected have made it increasingly difficult for educators and parents to discuss political viewpoints that run counter to the curriculum."
  675. [H/T: New York Times]
  680. Bansco Canyon in the Bolivian Andes, what would you do? Celebrate the fact that, according to one scientist, you could find a herd of unicorns and that they speak English? Apparently, the idea was the brainchild of a curious journalist named Calina Harwood. The notion spread after Harwood took a photosque trip to the isolated area, with the expectation of photographing the highest peaks of the Andes. The trip was so foreign that Harwood was almost foiled by the hike. That is, until she was compelled to stop for a photo op between 2,000 and 3,000 feet up in the air, only to find herself surrounded by a herd of adorable unicorns, which were literally staring back at her. In the mind of the Argentinian journalist, with as many distinctive pink spots as people, the site couldn’t have been that far from her own delightful life. With our imaginations fueled by such colorful animals, Harwood decided to take a closer look at the site, which includes the skeletons of native Argentinian people. And her findings are very, very interesting.
  681. READ MORE: Woman claims she was assaulted by Israeli security forces at Ben Gurion Airport after giving them her son’s name
  682. Harwood realized that the tiny animals were living in a valley inhabited by a tribe of Inca people, who were mysteriously lost for hundreds of years, before becoming isolated in the Bolivian mountains about 40 years ago. Harwood soon learned that, due to their intimate knowledge of English and English literature, the Inca were able to communicate with visitors from both America and Peru to this day. In fact, a natural English speaker, Harwood herself was able to relay her insights about the tribe to its leader. But the payoff came when, due to her incredible linguistic skills, Harwood was able to speak with the Inca about the fate of her father, who had been kidnapped and sold into slavery.
  683. As Harwood recounted in the Mail, the tribe leader “spent six hours talking to me in Spanish, about how his father had been kidnapped by an order from the President of the Republic. He told me that he was among the hostages who did not leave the prison cell for their eight-hour lunch break as he was too afraid to leave because ‘the soldiers were fed up with waiting for the president and his men to start their lunch to eat and they began attacking them to take them. He told me that if they had the opportunity, they would smash the prison cell and they could kill President Uribe.’ He also told me that he was not about to let the prisoner come out for such a short break because he was afraid of ‘the interference of the ‘bosses’ who could possibly want to come and torture him.'”
  684. That may sound like some serious intelligence work, but according to Harwood, the leader of the Inca culture said that there was actually a good reason for the fact that they never approached large groups of foreigners in his community. He told Harwood that the threatening spirit of his lost tribe followed them everywhere.
  685. Read the full story at The Telegraph.
  686. Related
  687. Google reimagines the origin story of the cow for a new search feature
  688. How a Chinese ‘city builder’ saved American students by flying them to China for face-to-face lessons in sex education
  691. Bansco Canyon in the Bolivian Andes, what would you do? Celebrate the fact that, according to one scientist, you could find a herd of unicorns and that they speak English? Apparently, the idea was the brainchild of a curious journalist named Calina Harwood. The notion spread after Harwood took a photosque trip to the isolated area, with the expectation of photographing the highest peaks of the Andes. The trip was so foreign that Harwood was almost foiled by the hike. That is, until she was compelled to stop for a photo op between 2,000 and 3,000 feet up in the air, only to find herself surrounded by a herd of adorable unicorns, which were literally staring back at her. In the mind of the Argentinian journalist, with as many distinctive pink spots as people, the site couldn’t have been that far from her own delightful life. With our imaginations fueled by such colorful animals, Harwood decided to take a closer look at the site, which includes the skeletons of native Argentinian people. And her findings are very, very interesting.
  692. READ MORE: Woman claims she was assaulted by Israeli security forces at Ben Gurion Airport after giving them her son’s name
  693. Harwood realized that the tiny animals were living in a valley inhabited by a tribe of Inca people, who were mysteriously lost for hundreds of years, before becoming isolated in the Bolivian mountains about 40 years ago. Harwood soon learned that, due to their intimate knowledge of English and English literature, the Inca were able to communicate with visitors from both America and Peru to this day. In fact, a natural English speaker, Harwood herself was able to relay her insights about the tribe to its leader. But the payoff came when, due to her incredible linguistic skills, Harwood was able to speak with the Inca about the fate of her father, who had been kidnapped and sold into slavery.
  694. As Harwood recounted in the Mail, the tribe leader “spent six hours talking to me in Spanish, about how his father had been kidnapped by an order from the President of the Republic. He told me that he was among the hostages who did not leave the prison cell for their eight-hour lunch break as he was too afraid to leave because ‘the soldiers were fed up with waiting for the president and his men to start their lunch to eat and they began attacking them to take them. He told me that if they had the opportunity, they would smash the prison cell and they could kill President Uribe.’ He also told me that he was not about to let the prisoner come out for such a short break because he was afraid of ‘the interference of the ‘bosses’ who could possibly want to come and torture him.'”
  695. That may sound like some serious intelligence work, but according to Harwood, the leader of the Inca culture said that there was actually a good reason for the fact that they never approached large groups of foreigners in his community. He told Harwood that the threatening spirit of his lost tribe followed them everywhere.
  696. Read the full story at The Telegraph.
  697. Related
  698. Google reimagines the origin story of the cow for a new search feature
  699. How a Chinese ‘city builder’ saved American students by flying them to China for face-to-face lessons in sex education
  702. Imagine living in a world in which the President of the United States can waltz in on his own, without the need for an entourage. All you need to see is a bright blue robot suit which remotely controls your movements. Called the Ministry of Governance, the head of the robotic future becomes your closest relative. The futuristic theo-brain is but a part of the case. Another black suited case is then attached to the forehead as well as to the arms to allow the glowing little machine to see you. On his command buttons are a series of lock and key combinations, enabling the Ministry of Governance to control the other systems on your body, including the earth, sea, air, electric power system and air traffic control.
  703. This cyborg exists in the near future of this new sci-fi novel called The Makers. In The Ministry of Governance, the billionaire creator of this development has made it possible for his son, a young architect, to link with the machine and control it. The process of retooling the brains of those that have been affected by a chain of international events that have caused the World to experience the extinction of many species and devastating weather events is termed the Forward Cure. The only possible end is for the farmers to be granted permanent farm lands. Based on recent extreme events that can be attributed to a revolutionary fever in the youth, the Revolution this inventor and his son have devised will meet the former President John F. Kennedy. Naturally, the potential for revolution is dangerous, as it is also revolutionary.
  704. The book’s author claims that JFJ was the best possible candidate as the conception of his position in the revolutionary minds of his son resulted in his radical ideas for revitalizing the farming sector. The Young Conservative agrees with the eventual futurist about the politician from the Lincoln Memorial. According to this author, JFJ is the ultimate hope for the future. His next step after planting the seeds of his dystopian ideals in the minds of his fellow survivors will eventually become the terrorist godfather he calls himself, Machiavelli. His proposal, to use nuclear bombs or nuclear neutrons as the standard of all food to prevent the spread of hunger, will become a standard for other revolutionaries from around the world.
  705. If you are looking for a daring plot that spans over hundreds of pages then “The Makers” will be your only choice. The novel has absolutely none of the seductiveness of the thriller genres that you can find in modern fiction. But for young adult and sci-fi fans, this tome might be the solution you have been looking for.
  708. Earlier on Friday, as reported by the Daily Dot, President Donald Trump tweeted out a sign indicating a red MAGA hat was required for all schoolchildren on the grounds that it was a patriotic symbol. According to the decree, children attending public schools and universities would be required to wear a red hat with a blue lining to show support for the president. Additionally, every day a schoolchild would need to wear their Trump hat, either inside or outside school, in order to abide by the rules.
  709. Unsurprisingly, President Trump’s new rules did not go down well with many. In a meeting with school administrators on Friday, President Trump insisted that students must wear the hat all the time to show their full support for him. On the list of requirements put forward by Trump, schools were also told that a heavy dose of “emotional instruction” would also be involved in terms of teaching them to respect their fellow students, teachers, and administrators.
  710. The president’s proposal caused shock among many Trump critics, who believe that requiring schoolchildren to wear such a controversial symbol was a bad idea.
  711. “You have no right to do this,” said Joy Anne Reid, a political analyst and the co-founder of SiriusXM Africa.
  712. null
  713. In the same interview, Reid suggested that such school rules in schools were extremely fraught and that children should be able to wear whatever hat they wanted to.
  714. “Let’s be real with ourselves, school is about teaching, not indoctrinating,” she added.
  715. In the interview, Reid recalled her own experiences in school when she was in the third and fourth grades.
  716. “School was very rigid and strict and I did not dress how they wanted me to dress — I felt that I had to dress how I thought I was supposed to. I felt like I could be shouted at and called names and called different names about my political opinions if I showed anything that did not support them.”
  717. Reid also argued that with so many Trump supporters already in the classroom and society, it would not be harmful to allow the children to feel free to express their political beliefs without them being directly targeted.
  719. A group of University of Washington researchers with special permission to travel to the remote mountains of the Andes Mountains in South America made a life-changing discovery two weeks ago, when they found a pack of unicorns living not far from a river in the Quiquichú Mountains. The University of Washington, Columbia University, and the Universidad Chaco University made the discovery after five years of research involving members of two groups that have studied the Andes for decades, finding that an area of nearly 200 square miles is believed to be home to at least 60 unicorns, or kattescutes — as the animals are also called in North America.
  720. Kattescutes were originally thought to be extinct by scientists until a small, small population was sighted in Chile in 1963. The Andes is not far from where they were found, making it a perfect spot for further studies of the now extinct unicorns. However, the surrounding fauna was seriously off-putting to the researchers; the high elevation and dry riverbeds made it hard for the animals to find adequate sources of food, but the researchers were surprised to discover the animals left their nests along both banks of the river. But the study continues to run, and the story doesn’t end there. The research team was able to speak to the unicorns and captured on video the narration they utter when talking about the animals they have known for a long time, called “steno kattescutes.”
  721. The footage, which will be featured in a documentary called Tithe e Beta el Sol, will be released online, on the Comte César Chaparro Foundation website, and at the San Francisco Summer Film Festival, where it will be shown on July 13. Even though there are still barriers to studying unicorns in the wild, the fact that they have been recognized as a discrete group confirms how important they are to Andean culture.
  722. Read the full story at Discovery News.
  723. Related
  724. Fossilized pair of rhesus monkeys with curious unusual cat eyes were recently discovered
  725. Ancient elephant elephant discovered in Russia, ‘could rival ivory in rarity’
  726. Antarctica gave rise to the cow camel, one of the most strange animals to survive the Ice Age
  730. Scientists, including the famous Cambridge University evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, believe that cloning of live organisms is the next big thing in scientific science. But when asked why we shouldn’t just use the most advanced technology in existence to clone living individuals, Dawkins had this blunt reply: “You have to look at the purpose it is for.”
  731. “It’s about designing a synthetic individual that can reflect his or her owner,” he said.
  732. “I’m personally interested in research on artificial life forms because I’m interested in the technical process. If we could make an artificial self, I think that would be a very striking achievement.”
  733. Recent advances in nanotechnology mean that we could soon begin researching the theory of artificial life forms for our own agenda. To understand the science behind our hypothesis, let’s first go back to the origins of our existence. Even our most basic biological understanding of life is nothing like the nature of a biological entity that spends most of its life making itself obsolete and self-replicating. We used to think that we and all organisms came into existence with zero genetic material (beings of the past were literally less bio-active) but in 1973 Harvard biochemist Eric Olson published his article about the beginnings of life. Within a few years, Olson was being accused of fabricating the entire scenario. However, we still believe that this theory is true to some extent.
  734. But the reason why it’s so important to have an objective statement about the beginnings of life is due to our current understanding of evolution, which looks a lot like liposuction. Cautious scientists who really look into their history, such as Colin Matthews, demonstrate that natural selection creates genetic material with a distinct way of executing a complex task, but cannot account for why some organisms became jumpy, pestilential and rare in the first place. So it’s natural to think that the first organisms weren’t the brightest. The seeming less sophisticated genes are likely to be the products of evolution’s long-lasting drags on the cellular traits of life. A low-quality gene would receive a lower-level selection pressure and it’s much more likely that when Darwin arrived we were just getting started.
  735. Because this concept is only very loosely based on what we know of organic life, we cannot come to any definite conclusion on how evolution happens for sheer fear of dreaming up some sort of impossible framework. It’s not hard to imagine how animals might have been shaped through some kind of forced change in their life energy to a point that evolution can’t possibly justify without slightly out of this-world rates of mutation, and it’s more reasonable to believe that regular evolution plays a role in this non-natural structure of life. But that’s not a model that seems to fit any particular organism, only scientific systems. So we need a different place to look for explanations, where we can abstract our real-world understanding of life from the infinite possibilities of grandeur in the theory of genetic entropy and instead construct a framework that tells us what evolution actually did for us.
  738. On November 22, 1963, John F. Kennedy was gunned down by an assassin posing as a member of the press. The incident, followed by months of investigation and conspiracy theories, led to the creation of a controversial truth serum in the form of LSD which purported to prove otherwise.
  739. But what truly caused the loss of Kennedy’s life?
  740. Something far more far more cutting edge. You guessed it: nanotechnology.
  741. The fact that we still don’t know the true cause of JFK’s death made a remarkable return, according to now-30-year-old evidence, thanks to the Second Nanotech Review (SNR), a widely known publication in nanotechnology that published the declassified documents from two former CIA Director’s memos in 2006, and 2014.
  742. The documents revealed that nano-sugar and tape continued to form biomolecules, even though they were absent from JFK’s remains. The technocret has become an incredibly powerful tool for causing macromolecular plasticity — meaning, that creatures, cells, and even whole brains can be formed.
  743. “Evidence of nanotechnology in JFK’s hair was located by chemicals removed from the genome of the preserved cells,” wrote Judith Konstantin and Matthias Weiler in the conclusion of their 2005 report on what really killed the 39-year-old President.
  744. Sugar and tape are the crux of the nano-robot’s operation. Credit: Denny Sanders
  745. Attached to both JFK’s skull and brain, two types of shrinkage were to blame: sugar and tape.
  746. A material that resembles liquid silicone, shrinkage was caused by either sugar or tape, resulting in remodeling to incorporate special properties – one of those was ink, which Morse believes could have actually formed Morse’s brain.
  747. To confirm whether DNA engineering was able to “cure the crime” of JFK’s death, the nano-robot is meant to be plugged into Kennedy’s soft skull, which holds hidden enzymes that could potentially heal the former President’s defective DNA.
  748. We’re sure the process might put off naysayers, but Morse assures that the results are overwhelmingly positive. “Thanks to nanotechnology, we know so much more than we did before,” he says.
  749. Sure.
  753. President Donald Trump has been accused of “turning America into a dictatorship,” because he put a noose around himself by declaring what a proponent of “America First” he is, and because he took a U.S. Coast Guard cutter to the Mexican border, despite that being a violation of the Geneva Conventions.
  754. But what he has done with his Red Hat law is something else entirely.
  755. “We’re gonna put red hats on everybody, every kid, all our students, they’re gonna have to wear a red hat,” Trump said. “We’re just gonna make them wear them.”
  756. The assertion came after Trump spoke to the Master of Ceremonies at the Fox News’ “Make America Great Again!” rally in Southaven, Mississippi. The rally was held, in part, to counteract the hosting protest which President Barack Obama came to Southaven in August 2016, which was held a day after the first Republican presidential primary debate in which Trump was present.
  758. “We’re gonna make it compulsory that you have to wear a red hat,” he said. “We’re gonna make it mandatory that you have to wear red hats. You don’t have to have a reason, you’re just going to have to have to put on the red hat, and they’re going to do a really good job of it. Everybody’s going to be proud, we’re all gonna be proud.”
  759. Predictably, the Twitterverse freaked out. “Is he serious?” one person tweeted.
  760. Donald Trump is so intent on enforcing a “Make America Great Again” hat rule that he is punishing some children for a crime they didn’t commit. Is he serious? — Veronica Frink (@VeronicaFrink) June 1, 2019
  761. “Donald Trump is so intent on enforcing a ‘Make America Great Again’ hat rule that he is punishing some children for a crime they didn’t commit,” someone tweeted.
  762. Trump seems unwilling to forgive a 6-year-old for committing a hate crime. Though that 6-year-old was supposedly killed by a Muslim immigrant from Mexico who was documented and was able to legally reenter the country, if it wasn’t for Trump placing a bounty on her mother’s head, she would probably be dead already.
  763. Trump wants me & my 6-year-old son, Rey, to hate Muslims & immigrants and to behave in certain ways to fit in w/his racist worldview — Andrew Cooper (@AndrewCooperSK) June 1, 2019
  764. I have 10 questions for this nightmare clown, including, "Do you get a little to chubby to wear a red hat and have bald spots, though?" — Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) June 1, 2019
  767. Vangjen Master, a Yale researcher and geneticist, and Dr. Irina Karpinski, an American biomedical anthropologist, worked together on a project studying social animals that are found in remote valleys of the Andes Mountains and were able to establish that a herd of ten wild unicorns could communicate in perfect English. A recent report from The Guardian indicates that as a result of their discovery, rangers will now be able to use helicopters to keep an eye on the unicorns so that they aren’t harmed by poachers as there are plenty of big game animals all over the valley including tigers, jaguars, and Andean condors. The report also indicates that unicorns are able to communicate by vocalizing a stream of faint sounds that reverberate like small underwater ripples. Researchers note that “mouth-pipes and sense-pipes (or whistles) are all used simultaneously, conveying the same information in a very low-pitched sound.”
  768. One unicorn expert explains that the word “unicorn” has two different meanings; one is a “gender-neutral animal that can run and jump,” and the other refers to a “female messenger animal that can shoot water or provide fertility protection.”
  769. Read the full story at The Guardian.
  770. Related
  771. Live video: Cirque du Soleil’s ‘Luzia’ reveals the bizarro world of a ‘real’ story about magic, fairies and a ‘junket to the moon’
  772. Newspaper publishes apology from Harvard law professor after mistaken account of jaguar killing
  776. PROVIDENCE, R.I. – Wednesday June 28, 2012 – Today a Massachusetts Company announced it’s prepared to build the world’s first artificial brain model designed specifically for an engineering task and to maximize the capability of its human operative. The company, Quantum Pathe, plans to use the revolutionary technology for a $50-million high-tech lab in Sinko, Rhode Island that will combine nano-materials, satellite imaging, wireless electric sensors, and artificial brain structures that will run throughout the lab on robotic limbs able to be crafted from lunar rock and advanced surgical implants.
  777. The Universal Manufacturing Association describes quantum interference, a manufacturing technique that was developed by Quantum Pathe in collaboration with an MIT, and states: “When injected, the nano-materials send quantum frequency-pilots to create vibrations in the shape of an object on an LCD screen. The dancers produce reflections in the shape of the objects on the screen, simulating the haptic feedback of a small movement.”
  778. Per the now trending science fiction movie Looper, in which Bruce Willis controls an unidentifiable being in the back of a time machine, Quantum Pathe & its partners will create an avatar of the Vice President who possesses an artificial brain made from the evidence and tissue of his body, including his head, but no other human details.
  779. “Just as the President’s body had to be reconstructed in order to accommodate the age of technology and higher intensity radiation, so can the human body have its functions replicated using quantum interference technology. It’s currently one of the most exciting aspects of our partnership, and with the manufacturing industry of the future being mostly based on nanotechnology, we’re very excited about this area,” said Dr. Eamon McHanley, a Sainz family Technology Chair at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who’s working with the company and made sure every detail of the initiative is under control, stating “This is now far more feasible, a fact that only those who are interested in peer review would not understand…”
  780. Despite the grand scheme that still needs to be fully coordinated, Quantum Pathe says it can ship artificial brains and models that are custom-sized and packed with ultra hi-definition nanotechnology to prospective customers in as little as one day. “We currently operate out of a basement in Rhode Island in an aging commercial building on Green Street, and these working brain models will be nearly as powerful as the President had,” said Brian Chernin, Quantum Pathe’s CEO. “Dyson’s science-fiction vacuum cleaners will look obsolete next to these machines.”
  781. PHOTO: Composite of images supplied by DARPA
  782. Source: Quantum Pathe
  785. You’ve heard of Bone Woods — Avatar, Oblivion, Oblivion 2, Avatar 2, Final Fantasy — but has anyone heard of Anamanaguchi? New York magazine reports on the work of researchers at Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSK) who have succeeded in “reconstructing John F. Kennedy’s brain stem and hippocampus” using parts of his brain preserved in the brains of “treasure hunters” and exhumed from cemeteries. These parts from Kennedy’s brain have helped scientists develop a humanoid robot called Hansbot (named after “Ulysses”) capable of focusing on his problem solving and aware of his feelings, which enables him to “calm down and get a handle on issues” and “to initiate connections and solve problems.” Co-authors of the study note that Hansbot is the result of the “highest caliber of physical and machine interfacing by human, and a meticulously integrated co-development program” in the lab. Also note that it’s a giant robot powered by a battery pack the size of a quarter.
  786. Hansbot (left) inspired by JFK Kennedy head in a jar, 1960, Kennedy with Arnold Schwarzenegger, then governor of California, on board the Santa Fe, 2005.
  787. As report by the New York Times notes, the making of Hansbot is a bit of a jumble as the researchers traced Kennedy’s medical history from his death, until the disputed 2046 autopsy of Kennedy, who was shot after being inaugurated as President. After the ambiguous autopsy of Kennedy, the Yale Historical Society challenged the autopsy, arguing that the investigator, Arthur F. Kroopman, failed to interpret the autopsy proper — in particular, that Kennedy was not definitively dead until two days after the autopsy. As the story goes, Kroopman then admitted in sworn testimony that he had failed to receive valuable information from the body of the assassinated leader. Although Massachusetts would soon create a commission to examine what could have been fixed, historians consider the deception to be a form of conspiracy.
  788. The autopsy was just one of several surgeries the researchers conducted on Kennedy, who became a legend because of his actions as a president and war hero, but also due to the trauma of having his brain frozen in 1962. After Kennedy’s death, the 18 preserved jars of his brain were embalmed and then placed in a scientific lab in New Haven, Connecticut, to be studied, and more importantly, to “deliberate the material’s transformation,” where it was transformed into a plastic replica of John F. Kennedy’s brain. Over time, the brain stem, hippocampus, cingulate gyrus, thalamus, and hemispheres were replaced by the same constituents of his original brain in a space-age purgatory.
  789. As the researchers figured out how to put the brain in the black box of Hansbot, it was later suspected that they might put John F. Kennedy back into the body. They came up with a backup plan of reconstructing the two halves of JFK’s brain with “those same specimens and synthetic bone cells” that were used to rebuild Kennedy. This added to the hybrid’s cognition and brain connectedness, and made it possible to make it possible to (as the New York Times writes) “handle vital events, in a way which human brains cannot.” Now Hansbot is a human but also an AI — brought into the world to help Japan adapt to rapid changes. The larger question of whether artificial intelligence will truly surpass humans remains, but for now, Hansbot, and its human counterpart, must suffice.
  792. XMIT: RDFSAX44
  793. From literature to science, the neurological mechanisms that generate moments of extraordinary emotion and insight are a tangled web of molecules, neurons, and synapses, the machine circuitry that helps us to connect with our fellow man and understands concepts so abstract as those extending outside of biology.
  794. Journalist Mark Hayes from The Atlantic highlighted this curious and wondrous topic recently when he wrote about how scientists are using the brains of dead people (in the form of a walking, talking robot) to do groundbreaking medical experiments.
  795. Hayes documented the neuro-procedure performed on a young man named Christopher Hitchens, who died in a 1991 skiing accident but who was not technically “dead” from the neck down.
  796. Hayes wrote:
  797. After Hitchens died, he was painstakingly preserved in an artificial coma for months using his own stem cells to produce living tissue that would eventually yield fresh nerve cells. From these, scientists developed a cortical region in which the brains of a human being could be reassembled, genetically engineered, and implanted directly into the spinal cord of a robot.
  798. As Hayes points out, the recovery of nerve cells from the tangled circuits of the brain can offer researchers vital insight into cancer treatments, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s, schizophrenia, stroke, epilepsy, and brain conditions as many as 85 other neurodegenerative conditions.
  799. In the case of Hitchens, researchers inserted a local anesthetic into the skull cavity of the deceased human and sent his brain to a lab in Denver. The scientists were, however, using stem cells not for stem cell research but to reproduce the brain of the dead man.
  800. After stem cells were extracted from the paralyzed area of the brain of the deceased Christopher Hitchens, they were used to “create” nerve cells that were implanted in the spinal cord of the living robotic brain. Stem cells in each hemisphere of his brain had receptors for signals from the optic nerve and thalamus that guided the cells, and as the cells grew up the tracts of nerve, he was seen going through a variety of stages that Hayes described as a “slow but wondrous version of growth in a petri dish.”
  801. Nanotech research into living human brain tissue is currently at the research phase, but it seems that advancements in the field are much closer to becoming a reality.
  802. Read more at The Atlantic.
  805. Years after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, a team of scientists at the Medical University of South Carolina accidentally injected Kennedy’s brain tissue into an old Korean War veteran’s brain stem. These rare events, which are said to be among the few times medical science has ever attempted to resurrect the dead, happened during a group of scientists research on the use of nanotechnology in “brain science” and developed a device that could be combined with electrical stimulation to create neural activity in the brain.
  806. Previously, a gene called BAM6 was isolated from the tissues of a man who died of an “other neurological conditions” in 1996. It was used to create nanobots, which could perform tasks normally done by brains. The team at the Medical University of South Carolina mixed the gene with the tissue of Kennedy.
  807. The nanobots were injected into the brains of two men, who underwent tests and then died within a few hours. The findings revealed that the nanobots, which transformed into their biological life form, revived the partners. The technology is reported to be the first time nanobots that look like brains, have been successfully managed.
  808. Similar to how newborn children are born, researchers based at MIT’s McGovern Institute for Brain Research hope that nanobots, which would eventually be replaced with replicas of the humans, would be not linked to a sickness or disease, thereby removing the limitations of health control. They realized that nanobots controlled by the human brain would result in fitness for mankind.
  809. Brain research with nanobots is aimed at developing these devices for completely functional robots, which could be implanted into bodies or specially-designed ones that could be implanted into the entire human population. Future nanobots could perform tasks that currently require, brain surgery.
  810. A related article by the Inquisitr also discussed, many international scientists are developing devices that would not only control existing devices like pills, but also perform new tasks like detecting various diseases. Could the AI be removed from cognitive life? Could global inventories be accessible to all?
  811. While nanobots were made to tackle the illnesses, in the interest of obtaining potential lifetime health benefits, researchers discovered nanobots could also be used to control the behavior of animals and guide the trajectory of biological processes, as reported by Tech Times.
  812. Using the research, scientists believe that nanobots can be used to control every movement of a being and predict what it would do in the future. Further to this, the non-reactive, autonomous robot movements would be able to enter the centers of locked objects and seek out keys. In a report published in the journal PLOS Biology, the “Brain Automation Synthesis Technology,” which was developed by researchers, finds its first application in helping blind people interact with objects.
  813. The sophisticated nanobots created by the researchers were actually selected to help the blind navigate through a maze. The manufacturer is planning to manufacture these devices next year in a 1:1 scale model. Though they are currently used for augmentation, nanobots have endless usage possibilities. Could they someday form the basis of mind machines?
  814. To respond to these questions, Cornell University researchers, combined nanobots with pure carbon nanotubes, discovered that the combined network can control cells via wireless wire, redirecting them to the correct location. This discovery could potentially allow the creation of devices and prosthetics that “get smarter faster” and are typically associated with artificial intelligence.
  815. As an added bonus, researches discovered that nanobots can sense energy or charge, which is a means of regulating human and natural energy and as the Daily Mail points out, could be essential for the forthcoming beings.
  816. “Nanotechnology for brain research has the potential to dramatically accelerate progress,” explains senior study author Erik Knudsen, Ph.D., from the department of physics at the Medical University of South Carolina.
  817. “[It] will have major impact on medicine, education, and public health. We believe that next generation intelligent artificial intelligence devices should be able to maintain their own health, control that of human friends, work with us, and integrate into our world.”
  818. [Photo by Julie Jacobson/AP Images]
  821. At the 2016 New York Comic Con (NYCC), Nick Abbataczi, Senior Research Associate at the Smith School of Medicine at the University of Virginia, described in detail the latest study of John F. Kennedy’s brain from the late Senator’s brain that was specially reconstructed and installed on the control center of a state-of-the art humanoid robot.
  822. On 4th January 1994, an autopsy was conducted on Senator John F. Kennedy following his assassination in Dallas. Despite the advancements in modern scientific technology that have led to the creation of complicated robotics such as robots butlers and robots of tomorrow, they are still considered to be far from serving as a doctor or even an assistant on a grand scale. Abbataczi feels that not all will leave the realm of the general population.
  823. Instead, they will live in the superorganism that runs things, namely, cyborgs. It’s believed that 100 million cybernetic soldiers will exist by the end of the 21st century. And their main task is to combat terror and domination, and their hope is that only those of us who have a good sense of judgement will resist.
  824. If a nation is at war, if it is being threatened by a foreign power, if it is forced to succumb to the tyranny of a terror organization, if it is just about to overthrow a tyrannical ruler, then a cyborg soldier can insert his or her brain directly into another person. The body part of the body of the cyborg soldier will be replaced by a computer-software-containment unit, usually a microchip, known as a Biospherine. It can also be implanted directly in the human body.
  825. Dr. David Carpenter from the University of Washington Medical School first observed how an assistant could be inserted directly into the brain of a human who had been brain dead with an implant (artificial neurons). A Boston lab tried this, too, on rats.
  826. The neural implant is crucial to this process. It is the mechanism that converts the old neurons, dead electrical connections, and disconnected vessels into new, healthy connections that are more efficient and thus more beneficial to brain functioning.
  827. This is done by taking the intact nerve cells (neurons) and cultures, then carefully washing them with antibodies and proteins that work efficiently in the cell bodies. It is this process that distinguishes the various forms of neural implants that have been used to date.
  828. What can a neural implant do? Basically, the electrode is placed directly into the brain. A power source is added to the electrodes, and the new connections are made by the new neuron material. Basically, it is another stem cell.
  829. The tissue of the injected neural cell contains the new immature stem cells that then become activated new functional neurons.
  830. While a robot doesn’t need to solve problems like food, love, God, or the daily commute, but instead to figure out how to fix it, these robot aids are a great way to focus on what really matters to all people. And they are frequently equipped with new triceps-shaped hearts, lungs, and even arms that can carry a person and even a hospital bed on their backs.
  831. However, one thing we should know about artificial brains is that artificial neural implants haven’t been perfected yet. These aren’t (yet) anything that can help us understand the mind of a person, control our thoughts, or even hold a conversation with someone.
  832. For example, our brain doesn’t recognize genes that we have, and it can’t consciously feel pain, even if somebody grabs on to us when we’re in a dangerous situation. Furthermore, if the electrical or neuron activity of the brain is artificially manipulated, it would have the exact opposite effect we intended it to have in the first place.
  833. When you’re having dinner, at this moment, the brain probably wants to tell you how much you should cut your meat or make sure you have enough water. If you cut it too deep or too fast, you can not only hurt yourself, but you may even cause someone else to be hurt. The altered brain activity likely wouldn’t be all that good for your meal or for your safety.
  834. If you’re having dinner, at this moment, the brain probably wants to tell you how much you should cut your meat or make sure you have enough water. If you cut it too deep or too fast, you can not only hurt yourself, but you may even cause someone else to be hurt. The altered brain activity likely wouldn’t be all that good for your meal or for your safety.
  835. On top of that, artificial neural implants can also cause permanent damage to
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