
Generically-Titled Fire Emblem Quest: Part 19 Summary

Aug 18th, 2015
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  1. Chapter 19 Link:
  3. Chapter 19 Summary
  5. -Prince Lars appeared, a heavily-armored dark mage whose voice Yancy insisted he recognized. As Ellen, Yancy, and Victoria hid, he very nearly shut the bookcase-entrance to the confiscated items with Vaga and Quidel in it. Acting quickly, Ellen struck his magica armor with her devil sword uselessly. He proceeded to discourage Victoria and Yancy from doing the same before using a blast of wind magic to throw Ellen down the stairs. This was enough to cement the connection Yancy felt, and the armor became weaker in the moment that he attacked (allowing Victoria to actually pierce it with her ancestral bow, Ronan, wounding the prince slightly).
  6. -As Yancy and Lars conversed upstairs, it was revealed that the mercenary Mimon's true identity was Prince Lars. Ellen actually took a torch and nearly burned the entire library down as a massive distraction, but Bovis was able to stop her and get her to reconsider. Instead, she simply went upstairs and angrily confronted him again (after getting Bovis to explain how to get out).
  7. -Lars insisted that Katina was completely unharmed, that he'd only even captured her to begin with because he would feel even worse stranding her in the desert after she'd just found her brother. He insists that he and his mother are simply pawns of their grandfather, Emperor Elias, and admitted that he was being a stupid teenager who wanted to spite his dad when he followed Queen Alexia in betraying the nation.
  8. -After a VERY lengthy chewing out/threat that actually managed to intimidate Lars, he confessed that he was planning on just letting them escape. He instructed the party to get Katina freed, bring Bolse with them, and have him use his Witch's Pendant to warp them back to Elza Oasis as soon as they were aboveground. He also agreed to basically look the other way as the captured knights fought their ways through the rest of the guards, citing that Ellen's actually developed a reputation that's reached even Emperor Elias.
  9. -After a lengthy session of grilling Bolse on his own motivations for helping Lars, and why he "needed time" to bail them out. He starts trying to say it himself, but gives up partway through. Through Bovis, he explains that it was mostly the general fear of Captain Willow, and how it actually inspires the lesser guards to be more on-edge out of fear of her retribution, was why he'd wanted to wait until she left again to pretend to be imprisoned for one of her sons' visits. He also sympathized with the fact that apparently the entire royal family was being coerced into submission by having various younger members held hostage, apparently including Lars' youngest sister.
  10. -Lars and Alexia's betrayal of Neir apparently involved stealing the secrets to raising Deadlords, which had been closely guarded by the Tarvosians ever since Hauteclere's revolution, and one of them cursing them so the very necromancers who could raise Deadlords and other assorted undead nasties made them ill.
  11. -Finally setting off, Victoria quickly asked Bovis if he knew what happened to Phineas. In short, he was secretly held for a time, turned into the Deadlord Equus sometime before Bovis took on his host. Ellen and co. noticed a distinct lack of guards in the section of Aum Dungeon apparently dedicated to their living spaces, and were extra careful as they unlocked Katina's door. True to Lars' word, she was completely unharmed and actually quite comfortable, casually asking if it was time to break out when Ellen came in.
  12. -Deciding to take the longer path to Traban Outpost over the shorter one to Gravern's courtyard just in case something went wrong with teleporting, the concerns turned out entirely warranted. Within the underground tunnels, the party was ambushed by every single suspiciously-absent guard from all sides of the tunnels, apparently rallied by Simon after overhearing Lars effectively agree to sacrifice them all to make Ellen's escape more "realistic." Simon himself even destroyed the Witch's Pendant, rendering teleportation impossible.
  14. Ellen's Party Members:
  16. -Ellen (Mercenary Class) The player character, a young woman raised in the village of Orsin. A compassionate woman who nonetheless has her limits, protective to a fault, and perfectly fine with spending her life being worth nothing but her sword arm. The slowest to forgive.
  17. -Quidel (Horseman/Nomad Class) A son of the nomadic Tarvos tribe that primarily exists in the Johan region, on good terms with the royalty of Neir. Normally a friendly man, but plagued by a prejudice towards the Garou and anyone who is perceived as an enemy of the Tarvos. The biggest history buff.
  18. -Yancy (Shaman) Biff's older brother. Went missing for awhile, only to have reconnected with Biff again before the story began. Things are... not strained, but somewhat awkward between the two. A more serious fellow than his brother, a reluctant stickler for rules he thinks make sense. Has the cleanest glasses.
  19. -Victoria (Sniper) The former Duchess of former Noban territory, Malva. After it was taken over, she started a rebellion to regain her homeland and birthright... And was miserably crushed and imprisoned, finally landing in Aum. The most willing to degrade herself.
  20. -Vaga (Garou) The son of Lady Loba, part of the same litter as Dama was. A bit of a hometown hero, he's a quiet, broody pretty boy™ and a bit of an opportunistic scoundrel. Habitually burglarizes places, and is fiercely protective of his mother. Was betrayed and framed by his own older sister. The most unpredictable.
  21. -Katina (Mage) The daughter of Mage General Corneria of Heim, met in her early teens. Blonde, excitable, naive, and romantic, she has a lot of magical visions of her missing twin brother, Bolse, and has begun to investigate their meanings in a search for him. Falls in love the fastest.
  22. -Bolse (Necromancer) Katina's twin brother. The missing son of Mage General Corneria, revealed to have been turned into an undead-conjuring, Deadlord-creating ally to Prince Lars, serving out of a combination of fear of Captain Willow and sympathy for Lars' motivations. Soft-spoken and easily-scared, he seemingly regrets his role. Due to his inexperience with necromancy, several of the Deadlords he created have some massive flaw. Was able to teleport around aboveground to his will with the Witch's Pendant before it was destroyed. The quietest speaking voice.
  23. -Bovis (Hero) A masked Deadlord tasked solely with protecting and obeying Bolse, though a "quirk" in his creation has turned that into "listens to anyone if it doesn't conflict with what Bolse asked of him/protecting Bolse." Has a fighting style familiar to Ellen.
  25. Garrus' Party Members:
  27. -Natalie/Nat (Cleric) Ellen's only living friend from Orsin, who works with staves and kept up the local church. Has a cold exterior despite being sensitive. Collects the most things. Currently a couple with Biff.
  28. -Reese (Knight Class) A farmhand from the same town as Ellen, Nat, and Lambert. Has a lot of zeal, but might be a bit of a slimeball. Was a notorious drunkard in Orsin village, often hitting on Ellen and trying to make excuses for her to drink with him (it may be why she never does so in general). At least, that WAS true before a near-death experience led him to turn his entire life around. The most dedicated to a goal.
  29. -Biff (red cavalier) Biff is enthusiastic and outgoing, but tends to be misinterpreted. A chivalrous man at heart. He and Byron used to be mercenaries in the nation of Noba. The most likely to act on instinct. Currently a couple with Natalie.
  30. -Byron (green cavalier) A social knight with Garrus' personal guard. Unlike his friend, he is collected and somewhat reserved. Apparently an avid baker and all-around caring person. A former mercenary with Biff before they became knights. The best judge of character.
  31. -Robert (Fighter Class) A loud and rude lumberjack who was with Orsin's local guard/militia. The most argumentative.
  32. -Jay (Fighter Class) A silent and passive lumberjack who was with Orsin's local guard/militia. The best listener.
  33. -Garrus (Axe Lord) The crown prince of Neir, son of King Drasma. Surprisingly timid and small-framed, but capable of waving a regal axe with relative ease. The most eager to please.
  34. -Yvette (Paladin) A middle-aged retainer for Prince Garrus. Often speaks in his place due to his timidness, and has a motherly quality to her which can sometimes turn scary. Personally trained Ellen and Zoe when they first became knights, apparently having done this for every newcomer to a personal guard. The loudest when angry.
  35. -Mitchell (Thief/Outlaw Class) A former thief who seems to be friendly enough. Has friends in unsavory places, and sometimes does something amoral, but isn't malicious. Was basically given a "use your talents for us or rot in prison" ultimatum. Wants to be a gardener. Has the best dreams.
  36. -Cheryl (Pegasus Knight) A cheerful Pegasus Rider who often acts as a messenger for Garrus, the middle child of three sisters. Has a near-supernatural ability to make the best out of even a hopeless situation and has a very open mind when it comes to new people. Claims not to experience romantic attraction. The most upbeat.
  37. -Stefyn (Myrmidon) A cowardly swordfighter who was tangled up in the Johalva bandits. Seems to genuinely want to reform, but Ellen absolutely despises him for killing Lambert. A genuinely friendly, sociable swordsman who is just very easy to startle, getting extremely nervous around Ellen in particular. Sleeps the least.
  38. -Salia (Class Unknown) Garrus' younger sister. Went to live with the Tarvos at the age of six, much earlier than younger siblings of either royal family tend to (typically they wait until they're just slightly younger than Quidel, which is to say how old she would be now). Was returned to Rakche upon her father learning of the possibility of someone targeting his children's lives. The heaviest sleeper.
  39. -Monica (Falcoknight) Cheryl and Zoe's older sister, a significantly colder person than her sister. Apparently the personal retainer for Salia. Dutiful, having apparently practically raised her siblings after the war with Dain and having once been nicer. The fondest of solitude.
  40. -Zoe (Pegasus Knight) The younger sister of Cheryl and Monica, a pegasus knight who actually detests fighting, only doing it anyway to get closer to her sisters. A member of Salia's personal guard. The prettiest smile.
  41. -Dama (Garou) One of the two younger children of Lady Loba, a hot-blooded speaker-of-her-mind. Childhood friends with Princess Salia. Acts more doglike than most Garou. The least shameful about scratching herself in public.
  42. -Logan (Summoner) A largely-built, personable man who accompanies Katina on orders from the Mage General. Wields light magic and is able to summon the forms of living monsters to fight for him. The most optimistic.
  43. -Gorman (Hero Class) The former captain of Orsin's local guard, before leaving town to become a mercenary shortly before the story began. He taught Ellen and Lambert how to fight with a sword, emphasizing a balance of one's physical traits. A stern but compassionate man originally from Dain, around seven or eight years his proteges' senior. Gets sick the least.
  45. Status Unknown:
  47. -Lars/Mimon (Sage) A lone mercenary and a master of the wind magic Excalibur. Was hired by the Mage General to accompany Katina. Mostly serious and thoughtful, if a bit of a showoff. Apparently fights to support his mother and sister, even though he could retire in luxury if he wanted to. It turns out that "Mimon" was a false name, and he was in actuality Lars, the prince of Neir and grandson of Dain's emperor, elder brother to Garrus and Salia, apparently STILL next-in-line to the throne after betraying his nation a decade ago. Apparently only serving the emperor because he has several children of his own family as glorified hostages for the express purpose of keeping his unrulier family members in line, but even then he is beginning to show interest in defecting again. Has command of some sort of magical armor, completely impenetrable in one form and only penetrable by very special, ancestral weapons when he's channeling some of his other magic into attacking, as seen when Victoria's ancestral bow Ronan pierced the weaker form. On top of this, without the armor he is exceptionally agile, thought to be impossible to lay a hand on. The hardest to read.
  48. -Khozen (Wyvern) A silver-scaled wyvern older than Neir itself, having loyally served the rightful ruler of Neir since Queen Hauteclere hatched him with the Scepter of Katri. Riding him, she was able to lead a Revolution and found Neir. Acted as King Drasma's mount in life, immediately flying for Dain upon his demise, still considering Lars heir to the throne.
  50. Names to keep in mind:
  52. -Hauteclere (Wyvern Monarch) The first queen of Neir. Famous for hatching Khozen and starting a persevering alliance with the Tarvos Nomads, both essential actions in a successful revolution against the Gerxel empire. Considered one of the most important figures in Teege history. Apparently banished the Garou to the mountains after the war.
  53. -Antiman (Nomadic Trooper, presumably) Quidel's uncle, younger brother to the chief of the Tarvos. A trusted friend, advisor, and diplomat to King Drasma. A caring man of few words. Has been left in charge of Neir in the royal family's absence.
  54. -Garou Tribe (Garou and Managarm, for the most part) A tribe of beastlike shapeshifters living in the mountain range between Neir and Heim. Currently led by a Managarm named Loba. A few of them are such fans of Vaga that (on top of apparently having slept with him a lot) he has the utmost faith that they'll be trying to save him despite his frameup.
  55. -Ahua (Managarm) The oldest child of Chief Loba of the Garou tribe. Appears to be dutiful, but also gets mad weirdly easy. Actually in league with whatever evil organization captured Bolse and created the Deadlords, for the purpose of retaking Tarvos Valley and devouring its namesake people.
  56. -Corneria (Presumably something Magical) Mage General of Heim and mother of Katina and Bolse. Arranged for a meeting with King Drasma to discuss the matter of magical assassins.
  57. -Deadlords (Bovis: Hero, Tigris: Berserker, Simia: Swordmaster) Twelve exceptionally powerful undead warriors who are able to be summoned by unknown means. Three have been seen to be created by/working for the deaf necromancer's faction so far. Bovis is his personal bodyguard, Tigris has become a commander of undead legions, and Simia... was supposed to act as an assassin, but immediately disobeyed orders and abandoned Tigris in the Garou Mountains. Apparently there was a mistake in summoning her. Canis is in the body of Lady Loba, humorously having next to no magical capability.
  58. -The Vautou (Unique Class) Groups of winged bandits that make Heim's deserts their home. They were VERY recently taken over by Simia, having cut down their previous chief and asserted her dominance.
  59. -Laurina (Pirate?) An ex-girlfriend of Biff's mentioned briefly by Byron while recounting the duo's days as mercenaries. Apparently traveled with them awhile before breaking up with the red knight in circumstances only described as "nasty."
  60. -Alexia (Class Unknown) The mother of Lars, Garrus, and Salia, former queen of Neir. Defected to her homeland, Dain, during a horrible war between it and Neir.
  61. -Derrick (Wyvern Lord) A childhood friend of Gorman's from back in Dain, the only one to stick up for and support him and his mother when Captain Willow tried to have them killed. Now the leader of the Emperor's Flight, the most elite Wyvern squadron of Dain.
  62. -Miles (Class unknown) The estranged, disowned son of the Duke of a far-off duchy in Noba. Is apparently a respected mercenary of Heim constantly trying to redeem himself in his father's eyes without compromising his love for his fiancee. Currently off on a "redemption quest" of his own to seek out Bolse.
  63. -"True Vautou"/Rogue Vautou (Vautou classes) A rogue faction of Vautou created by Clovis in secret, rejecting the notion of anyone besides a winged bandit like themselves leading them.
  65. Deceased units/potential units missed:
  67. -Lambert (Mercenary Class, died in thread 2) The son of the captain of Orsin village's guard and Ellen's closest friend, a real showy bastard. A talented swordsman who was found half-dead after a fight with a myrmidon with Stefyn (when he was with the Johalva). He died early the next morning despite the best efforts of Garrus' knights and Nat. The least confident.
  68. -Mina (Archer, died in thread 17) A young woman who was assigned to guard Aum Dungeon, close friends with fellow guards Walter and Simon under Captain Willow. After accidentally shooting her boss' eye out aiming for Ellen, Willow drove her sword through her eye and into her head. The most pluck.
  69. -Walter (Fighter, died in thread 17) A young man who wound up guarding Aum alongside his childhood friends. Though the environment was depressing, the boss was awful, and the hours were tough, he felt as though he could persevere so long as he had Mina's smile. Killed by Ellen when he flew into a distressed frenzy at her callousness. Can tie a cherry stem with his tongue.
  70. -Simon (Soldier, ability to recruit lost in thread 17) A guard at Aum Dungeon. An emotionally volatile man who feels he has no control over his life, depending on his friends for validation. Despises Ellen for letting Captain Willow kill Mina, then killing Walter herself, and most heinously for letting him live. The most naturally clear skin.
  71. -King Drasma (Wyvern Monarch, died in thread 18) The king of the nation of Neir, and the father of Prince Garrus and Princess Salia. A warrior king who ordered his son and his small band to wipe out a notorious group of bandits. A boisterous man who is surprisingly fond of staves and healing, while also very irresponsible. Killed by Clovis in the midst of cutting down the other Rogue Vautou. Was apparently not the best of parents to Lars.
  74. Defeated bosses:
  76. -Tabat (Berserker, died in thread 3) The leader of the fearsome Johalva bandits, who terrorized Tarvos valley and most recently destroyed Orsin village. Garrus' father, King Drasma, tasked him with wiping this faction out. While alive, he personally oversaw the capture of Natalie and Ellen, and was the one who ordered Stefyn to kill Lambert. Personally killed by Ellen, with the aid of Prince Garrus, in the former outpost his group had taken over. Was once friends with Gorman.
  77. -Incomplete Dracozombies (died in thread 5) Four Dracozombies, summoned by a deaf, fair-haired, signing spellcaster whose face Ellen didn't see. They were all in various states of incompleteness, making them look even more dead than the much more threatening complete Dracozombies. Apparently sent to kill prince Garrus, as by far the strongest of the quartet was focusing primarily on fighting him.
  78. -Willow (Wyvern Lord) (died in thread 17) Derrick's mother, a former captain who was stationed at Traban Outpost. Physically abusive and known for her bloodthirstiness and "thoroughness," Derrick eventually saw to it that she was court martialed, dishonorably discharged, and imprisoned. She then secretly functioned as the Warden of Aum Dungeon, earning the terror of Bolse, Victoria, and all of her subordinates. However, she was ultimately killed by Ellen at the start of a prison break.
  79. -Tigris (Berserker) (died in thread 18) A Deadlord created with the body of Tabat, primarily intended to serve as the leader of undead hordes. Was one of Chief Loba's assassins. Despite his physically imposing nature and tendency to give breaking speeches (or at least attempt them), he was actually the overall easiest to defeat of the Deadlords, owing to his impractical fighting style being easy to dodge, even with his strength as immense as it was. Was killed by Stefyn, revealing upon his demise that he regrets nothing, and that he in particular retained all of his memories of life.
  80. -Clovis (Vautou Head) (died right after thread 18) An old friend of Mitchell's and the second-in-command of the Vautou bandits. Was close with their late leader Oiseau, and ended up leading a rogue faction of them in rejection of Simia as the new leader. Wound up killing King Drasma, and was executed personally by Simia after being captured at the battle's end.
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