
Rejection thread green

Apr 6th, 2015
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  1. >Story prompt
  2. >Me? With Anon?
  3. >Oh Rarity, ha ha, you're so funny sometimes!
  4. >Like I'd ever be interested in that loser!
  6. >What a beautiful day in Equestria! The Sun is shining high above, the birds are chirping and everypony is singing a song
  7. >Well actually you chuckle lightly as you walk with your umbrella under the dark skies as the rain pours down heavily
  8. >It was clear just a little while ago but the pegasi had just rolled in and were like "There's a storm brewing, fuckers!"
  9. >Luckily Rainbow Dash had decided to warn you about the sudden storm before hand, something along the lines of 'it was needed because the higher ups are idiots.'
  10. >You had grown quite fond of her and her other five friends since you wound up here a few months ago
  11. >While it took you a while to get used to talking to ponies let alone females
  12. >Yeah, oh boy was that a fun time until you went 'fuck it, just talk like a fucking normal person'
  13. >Since then you've had several interesting conversations with them and discovered many things
  14. >Like Daring Do, it's an interesting series to say the least but you were done with this one and were returning it to the library to pick up the next volume
  15. >Seeing the treehouse library you pick up the pace, trying to not get yourself or the book wet
  16. >Getting closer you make out the front door through all of the rain, how the door is made up of two halves and still has a book return slot never makes sense to you
  17. >As you draw near you can actually hear what sounds like giggling and the voices of those six friends you were just thinking about
  18. >What a coincidence for them all to be here when you just thought about them, maybe you'll get to join in on whatever it is they're talking abo-
  19. >"Pfft, Me? With Anon?"
  20. >Huh, that sounded like the purple unicorn, Twilight
  21. >What were they talking about? You're not one to normally eaves drop but you decide to listen in
  22. >"Oh Rarity, you're so funny sometimes! Like I'd ever be interested in that loser!"
  23. >Now that hit a nerve, and not the kind that makes you angry
  24. >The kind that just, you know, makes you feel a little bit sad and empty
  25. >"Oh darling, I had no idea that you had such a low view of our resident human, I thought you had a crush on him."
  26. >"A crush? Rarity please stop with the jokes, I'm sure if I hear any more it might crush my lungs from laughter."
  27. >"Hey now Sugarcube, now I admit that there are a few things I don't like about our Anonymous, but he ain't that bad, is he?"
  28. >"Oh you have no idea Applejack! He's so annoying to talk to sometimes that in order to get him to stop talking to me I had to shove Daring Do into his face."
  29. >"Oh, oh my I am sure he can't be like that Rainbow Dash, I've had a few talks with him and I enjoy his conversations."
  30. >"Well duh, of course YOU like talking to him, he acted like you around us those first few weeks."
  31. >"Rainbow darling, please calm down, you're starting to sound like Anonymous what with you're constant yelling and hollering."
  32. >"Oh right, hey Twilight I forgot to mention this but I told Anonymous that it was storming so that he doesn't ruin that Daring Do book he's returning today."
  33. >At that the room goes quiet at Rainbow's words
  34. >"What? I don't want him to ruin the book, it's like the only copy this place has and I don't want it wasted on that guy."
  35. >"Uh Rainbow, did Anonymous tell you when he was retur-"
  36. >Twilight's question is intrrupted by the sound of something sliding into the 'book return' slot and bucket with a thud
  37. >Levitating the book over Twilight cringes as she looks to the rest of her friends, all with similar expressions as they all recognize the cover
  38. >"D-Do you think he heard us gossiping about him?"
  39. >"Rarity, I'm sure he heard all of the wonderful things you girls had to say about him as he stood outside the door for a little bit, listening in on us before dropping off the book and leaving."
  40. >Pinkie Pie hops up onto her four hooves and lets out a yawn
  41. >"It was fun girls but now I have to go prepare an 'I'm sorry you overheard my friends saying mean things behind your back' party now."
  42. >The pink party mare casts them all a glare before she shakes her head and walks out of the library and into the rain, leaving the rest of them in silence
  45. >You are now the magical Princess of Friendship, Twilight Sparkle
  46. >It has been a little over a month since Anonymous last dropped by your library
  47. >Well, seeing as how your library was destroyed and replaced with a crystal castle you understand why he hasn't rented out a new book recently
  48. >Since that day you and most of your friends haven't word so much as a word from the resident human
  49. >Even when one of your friends or even you saw him in town he would quickly disappear around some corner or into the crowd
  50. >Which was impressive in some aspect considering his height compared to all of the ponies
  51. >And then came the event where Tirek had showed up and began running amok in Ponyville
  52. >However, even with Tirek and all the chaos that happened reports from some townsfolk stated that he was calm and helped a few of the ponies in town
  53. >But for some reason the human has not confronted you or any of your friends about that rainy day not even once
  54. >When all the dust was settled Anonymous stopped avoiding you all and never hid himself away when one of you approached
  55. >You were sure that there would have been a talk or meeting at least
  56. >Well there was Pinkie's weird party she threw for him, the guests only being herself, Fluttershy and Anon
  57. >They never did tell you what transpired that night other than that they swore a pinkie promise to not tell anypony about it
  58. >Seems.....logical, for her at least
  59. >The weirdest part was that after the whole Tirek business the human had just acted the same as he always did
  60. >Casually shooting the breeze with any of your friends and acting as if he never heard any of the hurtful comments you and your friends had said about him that day
  61. >Part of you does feel bad for the things you had said, you had never intended or thought that he would find out but he did
  62. >He wasn't bad, you just thought that he would have changed in the five months that he's been here since you botched that teleportation spell
  63. >Shaking your head your mind wanders back to figuring out why the confrontation has not occured yet
  64. >He had no problems acting very blunt with you all prior but now it's as if he's forgotten about it
  65. >As Princess of Friendship you get a nagging feeling that Anonymous is clearly just bottling his feelings up on the inside
  66. >Well if he isn't going to confront you then you'll just bring the confrontation to him
  69. >You are now sleeping
  70. >Oh wait, you're now Anon who is now sleeping
  71. >Well, was sleeping but now waking up
  72. >The first thing you see is your wooden ceiling
  73. "Hello ceiling, always a pleasure to wake up to you."
  74. >Not receiving a reply you flip the bird in its' direction and slowly stumble out of bed with a smile
  75. >Soon finished with your morning essentials you stretch your arms as you wander out your front door
  76. >The sky is partly cloudy, ponies are off in the distance going about their day and there just so happens to be a pony princess sitting in front of your door
  77. >Wait, what?
  78. >"Oh, Anonymous! What a go-good morning it is huh?"
  79. >You watch as Twilight tries her best to act casually as she almost trips while she tries to stand up
  80. "Howdy Twilight, I think it is a good morning indeed but I sure as hell didn't expect to see you here."
  81. >Repyling with your best casual tone you cross your arms and stare down at Twilight, who is acting very strange
  82. >Well, strange for a magical pony who now kinda controls and runs the land you are now living in to some extent
  83. >"Well, you know us Princesses, always up and about and doing our princess....things."
  84. >Your eyes see a nervous twilight, your imagination however depicts a currently drowning Twilight as spaghetti just floods the area
  85. >Poor ponies off in the distance are caught in it too, it brings a smirk to your face as you mentally laugh at it
  86. "Uh huh, I guess I should let you get back to those princess things? I have some Anonymous things that I need to do today."
  87. >"W-Would any of those things happen to involve talking to or having a meeting with somepony?"
  88. >And nervous Twilight is now replaced with a weirdly excited looking Twilight
  89. "Yes, a few of the things I would happen to do today would involve talking to or having a meeting with somepony."
  90. >"Ah good! Now would there be a chance that a confrontation is any of those things?"
  91. "No, why would the heck would you think that Twilight?"
  92. >You have an inkling as to what she is referring to but you want to hear it from the horse's mouth before confirming it
  93. >"Why would I? I've been sitting around and waiting for you to come to confront me about that time my friends and I were gossping about you!"
  94. >Well that answers one question, but now you've got another one
  95. "So? Why do you care? After all you and your friends seem to not think of me too well."
  96. >Now Twilight goes from confused to flustered, something you've only seen once and that was when a book was almost ruined at her library
  97. >She looked juat about ready to flip all of the chairs and tables in the room that day
  98. >"Well yeah, but I thought that you were going to talk to us and tell us that we were wrong or something and that we should apologize to you."
  99. >This causes you to chuckle as you relax your stance and throw your hands up into the air
  100. "You got me purple butt, I've been spending this entire time feeling all lonely for myself because a small amount of ponies don't like me, oh the pain is too much!"
  101. >Clutching your chest dramatically with both of your hands you let out a loud laugh before you point at Twilight and wipe a tear
  102. >While said pony looks shocked as she watches you
  103. "But no seriously, if you don't like me as much as you say you do, then why bother hanging out with me or talking to me in the first place?"
  104. "This entire week I've been going about my business as per usual but it's you and your friends who strike up the conversation with me now."
  105. >You recall that on that rainy day you did feel very hurt, after all you're only six friends in this new world just talked about you behind your back and said some awful things
  106. >However when Pinkie threw you that party for just the two of you and Fluttershy you realized that not all your friends disliked you
  107. "If being 'friends' if that is what you want to think it is, with you and the other three are causing you some problems then just don't hang out with me, simple really."
  108. >"B-but I feel bad for the things I said and I was hoping that the two of us would talk about it and come up with a plan or checklist to rectify this situation."
  109. >You pinch the bridge of your nose and shake your head, you forgot she didn't have many friends either
  110. "Twilight, you're clearly not getting my point, you don't like me and that's fucking fine with me, but what dosn't make sense is when you come to me and tell me I'm in the wrong for not talking about it to you."
  111. >"Well yeah, it's how these friendship problems usually work out, some drama happens, we talk our feelings out and then we feel stronger for it."
  112. "You know that usually only works when both sides want to make amends right?"
  113. >"What do you m-mean?"
  114. "Hearing you all and then the aftermath made me realize, I don't like you or the other three ponies who made fun of me that day, to kind of reuse some words I guess I might say 'why would I be interested in such losers?'"
  115. >You wear a shit eating grin as your watch Twilight's face go from one expression to the next before she settles on anger
  116. >"Loser?! But I'm now the Princess of Friendship! I can't possibly be viewed as a loser by you!"
  117. "Them's the ropes my pudgy friend, a shame really, I once thought that you were a kind and respectable lass but I guess you're just someone that isn't worth my time, now if you'll excuse me, I believe I'm having a tea party with Fluttershy today."
  118. >Closing and locking your door you stride past the purple princess and continue into town
  119. "Hmm, that felt quite good, I think I should get some fish as a small treat for tonight."
  122. >Several weeks has past since you stopped interacting with Twilight
  123. >That however has not stopped her from 'trying' to interact with you
  124. >While the other girls left well enough alone and the most you do is exhange hellos every now and then
  125. >Twilight, for some reason has taken it upon herself to prove to you, and maybe herself, that she is not a loser
  126. >It started with attempts at doing things better than you or making up one sided competitions between you
  127. >One time when you were enjoying a single cupcake at Sugracube Corner she bought seveal cupcakes and ate them all right in front of you
  128. >When she was done she threw her forehooves into the air and cheered "Yes! I ate way more than you Anonymous! Can a loser do that?"
  129. "I dunno, does a loser throw up all of those cupcakes all over the floor?"
  130. >"What do you me-URF!"
  131. >That was a fun time, She and Pinkie had to clean it up while the rest of the customers were disgusted and left
  132. >Thankfully you don't lose your appetite and order another cupcake as you watch them
  133. >Much to Twilight's disgust and Pinkie's delight
  134. >This carried on for a while, several challenges for no reason only to be followed by her messing up in some form
  135. >Honestly it was a lot more Twilight than you wanted in your life, well since after that rainy day
  136. >You now find yourself comfortably back home, you had just put in an order for some clothing from somepony that you were told about by Luna
  137. >She seemed the most sympathetic to you and your situation, she did apologize for snooping through your memories in your dreams when you caught her that night
  138. >The Princess of Night was apparently interested in your species and wanted to know more than the simple reports you gave Twilight when you first arrived
  139. >It also took a little bit of talking but she had finally admited that she was shy about asking you in person, she doesn't get out as much as her sister
  140. >So out of the ponies you currently know, you at least can view Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy as good ponies and Luna had started to become a good friend during her dream visits when you slept
  141. >The Sun is still setting as you close the door behind you, the sight of your home never failing to calm you down after a long day
  142. >Your fingers were killing you though, for some reason Luna had put in a word for you to try to get a job at the local spa
  143. >The pony twins who ran the place were skeptical and ran you ragged with techniques and lessons on how to properly massage a pony
  144. >They had to confer over your performance but they were kind enough to tell you that for a first timer that you were pretty decent
  145. >Pretty decent is better than total shit so you were damn pleased with that
  146. >The only training you had prior was remembering how they did it on shows
  147. >Not to mention that even though all you did was massage those two, coming home and feeling a little exhausted makes you a little happy
  148. >Makes you feel like you did all you could do today for that job
  149. >Part of you is imagining Twilight trying to outclass you at massages but you doubt that she could
  150. >Throwing off your clothes until you're just in your briefs you wander into the kitchen to go make some dinner
  152. >You are now Twilight Sparkle
  153. >Currently sitting in your study, researching on ways to get Anonymous to forgive you or at least talk to you again
  154. >You recall how things went with him after that rainy day
  155. >At first it didn't bother you, but after the first few days you realized that he hung around your library a lot back in the day
  156. >You kept forgetting that he wasn't going to show up for the first few weeks as you sat there for hours, waiting for him to show up for your weekly 'human research' meetings
  157. >When you went to confront him a few weeks ago you had thought that he would get his feelings off of his chest, you two would apologize, make up and things would return to normal
  158. >But instead he told you that you were the loser and that he didn't want to hang around you anymore
  159. >He even had the gall to ask you why you were talking to him if you didn't like him, well obviously to patch things up
  160. >After that day you figured that he probably won't talk to you under normal circumstances again
  161. >So you bought a book titled 'Reach out to the Friend, A guide to Social Links'
  162. >It did contain helpful advice, especially when it came to reversing a friendship gone bad
  163. >One of the things it stated was to find some common ground between the two of you
  164. "That's it! If Anonymous thinks that I am a loser then I must prove to him that I am not one of those, then he might talk to me again!"
  165. >You are now back to the present day Twilight
  166. >Chuckling at how eager the you from a few weeks ago was as you are now starting to run out of ideas
  167. >You tried a good most of the things the book told you to
  168. >One time the book mentioned that your persona might not have matched with his so you spent that day trying your best to act like Anonymous
  169. >Which ended up with you tripping over youself as you tried to strut around on your hind legs
  170. >Setting the book down you stare out the window to see Luna's Moon waxing in the sky
  171. "When did it get so late?"
  172. >Asking nopony you let out a yawn and stretch out your body, you were starting to get cramps from all of that researching
  173. >Thinking about it logically there was somehthing that could greatly help with that, but it was too late for that place to be opened now
  174. >You'll hold off on your plans for Anonymous tomorrow to hit up the spa to have a nice and relaxing day for your aching body
  176. >The Sun was still rising but you were already up and heading off to the shower
  177. >Feeling pretty excited to not have to worry about anything but your own comfort was putting you in a very good mood
  178. >After a rather well timed hour shower you freshen up just a tad before heading out to the spa
  179. >With a spring in your step you can't help but smile widely as the spa comes closer in your field of vision
  180. >You praise your mentor that this places opens up so early on the weekdays
  181. >Waltzing inside you spy the owners chatting amongst themselves in the lobby, from what you overhear it is about some new employee
  182. >Upon hearing you enter fully they cease their discussion to turn to you, taking in your splendor before they bow
  183. >It has been a month but you still cannot understand why they keep bowing, in the end you just stopped telling them to stop that
  184. >"G-Good morning Princess Twilight Sparkle, we were not aware of your visit."
  185. >"N-not that we do not welcome you to our spa, we are here to help your desires and to lead you to relaxation."
  186. >The second twin casts a small glare at the first one but you just chuckle ever so softly
  187. "It's quite alright, I know I used to schedule in an appointment in advanced but I just feel so sore that I needed to come here."
  188. >Hearing your words the twins stare at each other, then at you as the two of them wear nervous smiles
  189. >"Um, about that Princess...."
  190. >"You see, the two of us are booked out this entire day, even if you are royalty we sincerely apologize but we have a duty to our loyal customers."
  191. >Well, that puts a damper on your plans for the day, you had planned everything tomorrow for when you were freshened up from today
  192. >"Actually, while we hope you do not see this as an insult we DO have a new trainee that can cater to you."
  193. >The first twin states with a hopeful expression while the second one begins to lighten up as well
  194. >"Yeah! And it is somepony that from what I hear you're on good terms with so I'm sure you'd feel more at ease with them!"
  195. >Oh really? You mentally go through all of the ponies you know but none of them seem to register as one who would be good at massages
  196. >Well mabe Rarity but she is so busy with her boutique as it is you highly doubt that she would be working here
  197. >Seeing you contemplating who it is the twins look at each other once more before nodding
  198. >"We reccommend that you at least try them Princess Twilight, while they're still new at this we assure you that they have a good grasp on the basics."
  199. >"Princess Luna herself had vouched for them to be hired, so you know you're getting quality."
  200. >Somepony that Luna had vouched for? They had some of your attention but now they have piqued your interest
  201. >You are now placing yourself onto the massage table, the spa twins were nice enough to give you a discount for being a Princess and for letting the trainee massage you
  202. >As you settle yourself in you begin to hear muffled voices coming from behind the staff door
  203. >Colour you confused but it sounds as if the two ponies on the other side are arguing over something
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