

May 10th, 2019
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  1. Name:s Brianna Manne, and Lisa White
  3. Age: 18 (both)
  5. Gender: Female
  7. Species: Human
  9. Appearances:
  11. Brianna has blond hair that is straight, somewhat long and goes behind her back. Though, sometimes she has some of it down her chest area on either sides of her neck, wears a black 'bomber' jacket with a silver zipper. Her jeans are rather new, along with her white leather boots with a slight heel to them. She also has a black backpack. She also has black framed glasses that can function as sunglasses if needbe.
  13. Lisa is a red head, with medium length curly red hair. She has red freckles on her face, brown eyes black framed glasses, wears a maroon coat with a white stripe down the side of the zipper, with the zipper being black. She has a set of jeans with a red belt done around her waste, underneath the jacket. She wears black shoes with a white bottom, running shoes. She has an orange backpack.
  15. Bio:
  17. Brianna was born to her in a town nearby to Utopia lake, New Brunswick. Her parents had lived and worked in the town for years, and had some relatives in nearby areas along the US-Canadian border with the state of Maine. Her parents cared a great deal for her, and loved her very much, though not overly so. Her experiences with her parents were rather average, nothing went wrong or astray for the most part.
  19. Her younger life was just like that of many other girls, having a few friends here or there. She would always visit the lake on weekends with friends just to hang out, chill out, or to go swimming whenever weather permitted. One such girl was Lisa. Brianna met Lisa during middle school, they first met each other randomly, not paying much attention to each other at first, though on the bus one time, another student was making fun of how short Lisa was, Brianna stuck up for her, and they were best friends ever since then. Lisa lived in a smaller house closeby, not along the lake like Brianna's was.
  21. Brianna was very much into the lake and the lake was always where she felt at home, generally being more of an outdoorsy person aswell. She was also into gymnastics and various sports, such skills would render her somewhat thin, though fit. Her skills with gymnastics would prove helpful in Urbexing.
  23. Back in those days, when she was in school, she always had a...desire for more out of life. She never knew what would fulfill this desire, she just knew it was there and that some moments, moments where one would normally be happy and satisfied, she felt lacking. Though, she was just like everyone else she always felt lacking in a way.
  25. Where she lived, it was a rather quiet area, far removed from the louder areas such as New York City, Los Angeles, Montreal, and others. Lisa lived nearby and they would often hang out at each other's houses, sometimes inviting others over. Her life always had a slow feeling pace to it at that point, with no real responsibilities, other than school, she was mostly content, however that desire for more, was still there, yet she kept it hidden.
  27. On the eve of July 7th, 2016 many strange lights were reported in the skies above North American cities. Closer observations were rare, and didn't reveal much. Though for certain, they were not anything normal. These lights were much the ones seen throughout the 50's, 60's, and other times. However this time, they were more numerous and bright. Many people would report seeing these lights at rather low altitudes, though higher than the clouds. They weren't that bright either, though they were of white-yellow in coloration and flew in formations. Lisa had claimed to see these lights, though at first Brianna didn't believe her and merely thought she was joking around.
  29. There would be many viral videos of the sightings of these lights, and Brianna was among many to see these lights online. Then she realized that Lisa probably wasn't joking. On one weekend, she felt compelled to just sit outback out on the dock at her house, her parents were not home at the time as they were working. This was not a night she was hanging out with her friends, or anyone else so she was completely alone. Something about this night just anyways. As she looked into the sky, her eyes adjusted to the dark more and more, and she began to see more of the sky. It was something that just sucked her attention away from everywhere else, her mind and eyes lost in the vast field of stars above, no clouds, nor moon to illuminate the sky either, it was pitch black aside from lights out on her dock which she had dimmed.
  31. After around half an hour of this or so, her mind was still lost, though eventually in the sky she saw the lights above in the sky. They were bright, brighter than any other star and swept across the sky low and methodically. She watched the lights for several minutes before they disappeared after several minutes, before then, grabbing her phone and filming them. When her parents would get home, she would tell her parents of it, and eventually her friends in the following day, including Lisa.
  33. Then the lights would cease in frequency, however, many strange things were often reported such as voices in the heads of those who got close enough to the lights, whispers from the dark, or otherwise the feeling of being watched. Pictures of triangular shaped, entirely black craft with 3 lights at the vertices's of their shapes. At this point, it was assumed by many that the military was either doing tests, or that something else entirely was happening.
  35. Claims of people waking up outside of their houses, or outside of their windows began to surface, though nothing more than that was reported officially, though many people claimed to see dark figures outside of their windows, dark figures in the woods, or just dark figures in general. These claims were met by skepticism, and even though some photos were taken of them, the quality of the photos was just too bad to prove anything substantial. Lisa and Brianna would often lock all of their windows and keep their blinds shut at night to avoid possibly seeing them, they also were afraid of them, and would often sleep in the same room so they wouldn't feel alone and afraid.
  37. The lights began to almost cease entirely, though a few odd occurrences here or there still happened. Another night, similar to the one where Brianna saw the lights for herself had sprung about, though she didn't see the lights at all, though suddenly she heard the voices. The voices were...intimidating to say the least. They were quick, dark, and yet coercing in a way. As if telling her to do something, though she didn't know what. Then on lake there would suddenly be a bright light, this was very late at night, so most people had since gone to bed.
  39. As if being told to do so, Brianna got in one of the canoes that was stored nearby to the dock and began rowing out towards the light. It took a few minutes to get close enough, though surely enough, it was indeed a triangular shaped craft with 3 separate lights. It was quite large and ominous, and she couldn't entirely make it out, it made no noise whatsoever. The next thing she knew, there was a flash and then she was out. She woke up in her canoe after an unknown amount of time, and proceeded to paddle back to her house, afraid. She proceeded to put the canoe back to where it was stored and heard something moving around in the bottom of it, it sounded like a rock.
  41. It was not, it was dark colored gem, with a faint indigo tinge to it. She decided to take it with her, into her room so she could get a closer look at it with her glasses, it was astonishing and of beautiful coloration upon looking at it closer. She decided to keep it hidden in one of her drawers.
  43. The following days, reports of similar incidents, of people out on the water, seeing the light, hearing voices, etc were across the news. After this happened, all incidents had stopped. A few days later it was ordered by law that if anyone had the strange gems in possession, they would have to be confiscated and sent away for unknown reasons. Many gems were confiscated from people, though Brianna was lucky enough to keep hers hidden from view, unlike others. She found herself having dreams about the gem, dreams about that it held a secret power among dreams of dark figures standing over her, aswell as the lights, and various other such things.
  45. She began to touch the gem more and more, feeling it, as if a secret obsession. It seemed to call out to her. Call out to her desire. Call out to her, herself, though not in words, but in intuition, gut feeling that the calling out was occurring. That the feeling was in the air, that it just seemed to happen. As she touched the gem more and more, held it tightly, she felt...something? Flow into her, she couldn't tell what it was, though it was like a feeling of adrenaline though..different, more strange...more eerie and unknown. The gem seemed to lose it's coloration by a bit.
  47. However she kept these things to herself, throughout the rest of her high school career, some would notice a slight change in Brianna, she was no longer acting like the way she used to, nor was she the same. It was all subtle, barely noticeable, though Lisa knew that she was hiding something and proceeded to question her about it in private.
  49. Brianna, initially was resistant to any attempts to open up. Though eventually, she caved in. She slowly reached over to the drawer and pulled out the gem, Lisa was amazed, but then more afraid, what if Brianna was found out with the gem? Brianna shrugged, though Lisa began to convince her to get rid of it. She would walk out on the dock along with Lisa, and throw the stone far out and high into the air, it plopped into the water, and never being seen again.
  51. Personality:
  53. Brianna is somewhat impulsive, driven by emotion rather than much reason. She generally prefers to do things without thinking things through, preferring to tie any loose ends in later on. This conflicts with Lisa somewhat, who holds her back from getting into much trouble. The 2 of them sometimes argue about what to do, whether to get into risky situations with more enjoyable outcomes or to stay safe. Both of them generally prefer to run away from possible threats and avoid confrontations, Lisa even more so. Both of them however are very into exploring abandoned buildings, freight hopping, and various other activities. They always liked looking around together, and now that they are young adults they took it to heights their younger selves couldn't imagine. They do most things together, though every now and then a good day of solitude is welcomed. Lisa tends to be more calm, and Brianna tends to be more emotional, Lisa is not easily angered and prefers to merely run away from those that anger her, while Brianna is more inclined to fight back, rather than run, despite that, she prefers running away as she has learned from Lisa that fighting does not always solve problems.
  55. Abilities/items:
  57. Brianna is capable of forming tools and such out of electricity, and various other such things. Lisa isn't capable of any magic at all, and they both carry knives in their pockets, just in case.
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