
Cherche/Lissa C-A support

Jun 1st, 2017
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  1. [c-support]
  2. Lissa: Okay. Let's try this again.
  3. Lissa: Oof...! Geez, why are the axes so HEAVY...?
  4. Cherche: Perhaps you'd like to start with a lighter one?
  5. Lissa: YIPE! Ch-cherche! I-i-i didnt' hear you come up.
  6. Cherche: I'd imagine you didn't over all the huffing and puffing. What are you up to, exactly?
  7. Lissa: A couple of soldiers brought back some logs to restock our firewood supply, but they're too big to throw into the fires right now. I figured I could help cut them down to the right size.
  8. Cherche: Ah, is that so. That's quite responsible of you, Lissa.
  9. Lissa: Well, I AM pretty responsible, you know.
  10. Cherche: Well, if you'd like some help splitting logs, I'd be happy to help--
  11. Lissa: No! ...I-i mean, nooo, you don't need to trouble yourself over that. I've got it handled, really!
  12. Cherche: ...Really, now?
  13. Lissa: Yeah, totally! Watch this. One, two...! Hrk--!
  14. Cherche: Lissa!
  15. [clattering sound??]
  16. Lissa: ...Okay. Maybe it's a little harder than I thought.
  17. Cherche: You're lucky I was here to catch that axe. Goodness, Lissa, you could get hurt.
  18. Lissa: Gods, you sound just like Chrom! "Be more careful, Lissa!" "You're delicate, Lissa!" "Stop trying to swing Falchion, Lissa!" Geez.
  19. Cherche: Have you considered he may have a point?
  20. Lissa: I mean, maybe. I guess. But I feel... I dunno, I feel like I'm not contributing enough. Sure, I know my way around a stave pretty well, but I can't really DEFEND myself. Brigands don't really respond well to getting bonked in the head with a staff.
  21. Cherche: Ah. I see.
  22. Lissa: But I don't want to pester the soldiers into teaching me how to use a sword, or a lance, or an axe. So I've been trying to teach myself. It's just...a little harder than I thought.
  23. Cherche: Experience is a wonderful teacher, but perhaps you could use a little guidance. Perhaps....
  24. Cherche: Lissa, would you be interested in training with me?
  25. Lissa: H-huh? Training with you?
  26. Cherche: I understand if you'd prefer not, but--
  27. Lissa: No! No, no, no, that'd be great! Thank you, Cherche!
  28. Cherche: Well, then. Shall we get started?
  30. --------------------
  32. [b-support]
  33. Lissa: Hee-YAH!
  34. [crunching sound??]
  35. Lissa: What?! Nooo, it's stuck again...!
  36. Cherche: Your form is a little off. Try to keep your elbows close to your body as you bring the axe forward. That'll let you build up a little more power.
  37. Lissa: But I keep TRYING to do that, and the axe still keeps getting stuck in the dummy!
  38. Cherche: But your cuts are going much deeper than when we started.
  39. Lissa: Well, I mean, YEAH.... But that's not enough to stop a Risen from attacking.
  40. Cherche: Do not discount the merits of wounding blows, Lissa. An incapacitated foe can be just as ineffectual as a felled one.
  41. Lissa: Those things are pretty relentless, though--even with a big gash in their side, they just keep coming!
  42. Cherche: Even so, any wound will slow them down and help you take them down properly.
  43. Lissa: Eugh....
  44. Cherche: Now, now, Lissa, chin up. You've made impressive progress since we've started.
  45. Lissa: But I don't really FEEL like I have! My arms ache, and my hands are all blistered, and I STILL can't cut through a Stupid! Straw! Dummy!
  46. [CLUNK]
  47. Lissa: OW! My foot! Ugh, see! Even the DUMMY hurts me more than I do it!
  48. Cherche: Don't be discouraged just because you're not making the progress you think you should be. Learning combat takes time; it's not something you can just pick up overnight.
  49. Lissa: Easy for YOU to say. Geez, you swing these massive battle-axes with one hand without breaking a sweat.
  50. Cherche: Come now, you're exaggerating.
  51. Lissa: Nuh-uh! Heck, you're one of the strongest members in the whole army. You make taking down Risen look easy.
  52. Cherche: Lissa....
  53. Lissa: Meanwhile, I'm over here whacking them with my staff and hiding behind everyone. I feel like I'm--like I'm not helping at all! A-and I HATE it. *sniff*
  54. Cherche: Oh, Lissa. ...Do you want me to let you in on a little secret?
  55. Lissa: *sniff* ...s-sure.
  56. Cherche: Did you know that I'm actually classically trained as a cleric?
  57. Lissa: Wait--r-really?
  58. Cherche: Mm-hmm. When I was a young girl, I spent more time learning about medicinal herbs and salves than I did how to fight. In fact, I never properly picked up an axe until I befriended Minerva.
  59. Lissa: I'm...not really sure I can picture you as a cleric. I think I'm too used to seeing you cleaving enemies in half to imagine you running around waving a stave.
  60. Cherche: Hee hee, I suppose it might be a little difficult to see these days. But it's true, believe it or not. But I wasn't the best healer. Magic never came easily to me, and even with my best efforts, I couldn't use staffs to their maximum abilities.
  61. Lissa: I guess they DO need a certain amount of magical know-how to use correctly.
  62. Cherche: I'm actually quite envious of you in that respect.
  63. Lissa: W-wait--envious of ME?
  64. Cherche: Of course. You're incredibly adept at healing, far more than I was ever able to be. I wish I had even a fraction of the raw talent that you have.
  65. Lissa: I... H-huh. I guess I never really thought about it. I guess I AM a pretty good cleric.
  66. Cherche: A fantastic one. To get to even half of where you are now, I had to work tirelessly. And you needn't worry about feeling like you aren't contributing. Do you know how helpful you are? How vital you are to the army? Don't think I haven't seen you running through the battlefield, healing every soldier you come across. Fights that would make lesser people cringe and shy away, but you barrel in headfirst and ensure that all of us are able to KEEP fighting. Lissa, you are so much more important than you think you are.
  67. Lissa: Cherche, I-i... Geez, I never really considered that much of a help.
  68. Cherche: It is a tremendous help. So dry your tears. I think it best if we break for today.
  69. Lissa: I guess so. ...But you're still gonna help me learn how to really use an axe, right?
  70. Cherche: You're still interested?
  71. Lissa: Well, yeah! I mean, maybe it's hard now, but I want to get better. I want to get stronger.
  72. Cherche: My, you ARE quite resilient. Alright, then. We'll keep at it. But for now, let me help you get some salve for those blisters.
  74. --------------------
  76. [a-support]
  77. Lissa: Cherche? Hey, Cherche!
  78. Cherche: Good afternoon, Lissa. Looking for me?
  79. Lissa: Hey, there you are! I tried by your tent and the stables, but I couldn't find you. Where were you? I thought we had a lesson today, remember?
  80. Cherche: Of course I did. But I wanted to make a quick stop into town before it.
  81. Lissa: What, errands to run?
  82. Cherche: Ah, something like that. I had commissioned a weapon from the local blacksmith several days ago.
  83. Lissa: Ooh, a weapon? Must be pretty special if you went through all the trouble of getting it custom-made. What kinda weapon didja get?
  84. Cherche: Why don't you see for yourself?
  85. Lissa: Huh?
  86. Cherche: Here.
  87. Lissa: It's still all boxed up--you didn't try and test it out on a few briggands on your way back?
  88. Cherche: Just open the box, Lissa.
  89. Lissa: I mean... Okay.
  90. Lissa: ...
  91. Lissa: ...Whoaaaa. That's...that's a really pretty axe! But that weird zig-zaggy thing on the back of the blade--I feel like I've seen it before?
  92. Cherche: Possibly. This is a special type of axe. Instead of relying on raw muscle to wield it, it requires a different kind of strength.
  93. Lissa: What do you mean?
  94. Cherche: Why don't we take it out for a little test run and you can see for yourself?
  95. [fade to black]
  96. Cherche: Remember, just like I told you.
  97. Lissa: Right! Right. ...Phoooo. Okay. Relax. Focus on the dummy. Liiift the axe up, and--
  98. [CRACK]
  101. Cherche: Hee hee. I DID mention that weapon used a different kind of power, didn't I?
  102. Lissa: What IS this thing?!
  103. Cherche: It's called a Bolt Axe. And unlike a regular axe, it draws strength from the wielder's magical aptitude.
  104. Lissa: So... S-so this axe really CAN summon lightning?
  105. Cherche: Indeed.
  106. Lissa: Whoa... Th-that's...that's so COOL!
  107. Cherche: And considerably better suited for you. You DO have magical ability to spare. I say play to your strengths, hm?
  108. Lissa: Cherche, this is-- I'm-- Oh!!
  109. Cherche: G-goodness, you HAVE been getting stronger. Keep hugging me that tightly and I'll have bruises, heehee.
  110. Lissa: This is so nice! So incredibly nice! And you didn't have to do it, but you did it anyway!
  111. Cherche: Didn't have to do what?
  112. Lissa: Help me! The lessons, the comforting, the super-cool axe, none of it! But you did. And... And it really means a lot. Cherche, thank you.
  113. Cherche: Think nothing of it, Lissa. It was my pleasure. Truly. Now, want to see just how much lightning we can get out of that axe?
  114. Lissa: Heck YES! Let's go trash some more dummies!
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