
Ch 2: Part 4: Zincher's Camp: Session 22

Jun 3rd, 2013
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  1. [15:42] <@Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:43] <@Kilarra> ~~~Chapter 2: Children of the Void~~~
  3. [15:43] <@Kilarra> -Session 22-
  4. [15:45] <@Kilarra> The night of rest has allowed Samaritha and her last remaining cyphermage to restore their magical energies. They exit the small bridge house and pull out their spellbooks, preparing what they can. Kjell and Aluthyra's turns resting and keeping watch were uneventful and pevented exhaustion, but without a full eight hours, Kjell's pool of arcane energy remains unrefreshed.
  5. [15:46] * Kilarra waits until the mages leave the gatehouse and then shuts the door, beginning her own morning devotions. Not that she really cared if she was seen or not, she just had finally caught on that maybe not everyone wanted to see her doing it.
  6. [15:47] <@Kilarra> Kjell looks back to where Aluthyra was sleeping during his watch, "Morning has come Aluthyra, we seem to have made it. For now."
  7. [15:48] * Aluthyra nods. "Yes, we have. Hopefully the divines will be in our favor as we continue."
  8. [15:48] <Aluthyra> Tognik is still napping. He'll wake up when they need to leave.
  9. [15:49] * Kilarra 's moaning might indicate that Calistria at least is still looking out for them. Or at least for Kilarra
  10. [15:50] <@Kilarra> Samaritha raises an eyebrow and looks to ALuthyra, "Does she always do this?"
  11. [15:51] * Aluthyra nods apologetically. "Yes. It is best to simply ignore it."
  12. [15:52] * Aluthyra looks tired still, and without her full rest, her Ki pool had not recovered.
  13. [15:53] <@Kilarra> Kjell chuckles, "She certainly has a lust for life at least. Don't really suspect a cleric of a Lust Goddess knows much about modesty though."
  14. [15:54] * Kilarra finishes up an hour after waking and dons her breastplate and skimpy vestements before slipping out. "Alright, so, just so you're aware, I got a couple of disease removing spells prepared in case anyone gets bitten by those things. It would still be better if you didn't though."
  15. [15:55] <@Kilarra> Kjell smiles, "Good thinking lass."
  16. [15:55] * Kilarra frowns a bit at Kjell, "I'm probably at least three times your age."
  17. [15:56] <@Kilarra> Kjell just shrugs
  18. [15:56] * Aluthyra chuckles. "Regardless, good thinking."
  19. [15:56] <@Kilarra> Samaritha snickers al ittle
  20. [15:58] * Aluthyra waves her hand for Kilarra to come forward. "Do you still have the map, or does Tognik?"
  21. [15:58] * Kilarra smiles when Aluthyra compliments her. She still hadn't figured out what it was about that woman that drew her in, although the perpetual sweet scent certainly helped. Perhaps while they were on the road today she would get a chance to discuss it. She responds, "I gave it back to him when I was done."
  22. [15:59] * Aluthyra nods, moving over to rouse Tognik by nudging his side.
  23. [15:59] * Kilarra moves in closer to Aluthyra and motions to Kjell as well, "We need to talk," she whispers.
  24. [16:00] <Aluthyra> Tognik groans, but wakes, and sits up. He rubs his eyes, yawning. "Yes?"
  25. [16:04] * Aluthyra raises an eyebrow, "Tognik could you get out the map?" She turns to Kilarra. "In regards to...?"
  26. [16:08] * Kilarra gestures to Samaritha and the Cyphermage, "Babysitting. The half-elf is pretty and all, but we all saw that magic was effectively useless here." She looks to Kjell, "No offense. Plus, you've got a mean sword arm to back up your magic. They don't."
  27. [16:09] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods, "No, frankly I agree with you. We are here with a mission, and we can't simply abandon it. At the same time though, I don't want to see either of them come to further harm."
  28. [16:13] * Aluthyra shakes her head. "She can handle herself. She cast levitation upon herself, and was able to stay out of harm's way. Any more help will do no harm to us." She shrugs. "If she wishes, perhaps we can find her somewhere safer, but I would not object to her following by our side."
  29. [16:14] <Aluthyra> Tognik shrugs. "Whatever you all decide. If she wants to follow around, let her."
  30. [16:14] * Kilarra looks to Aluthyra, "Herself sure, but what about the little guy?"
  31. [16:16] * Kilarra is referring to the cyphermage
  32. [16:18] * Aluthyra frowns. "That may be of issue. I am honestly unsure. Perhaps it would be best for him to follow until we find a safer area for him to wait?"
  33. [16:18] * Tognik is about to curse Kilarra, until he realizes that he is not the 'little guy' in the situation. He blinks, shrugging in apathy.
  34. [16:20] * Kilarra stands up and looks to Samaritha, "Yo, Sam, we got a bit of a pickle here. We got lucky yesterday, but my companions and I are on a mission, and it's only likely to get more dangerous. You might be able to take it, but your little buddy there definitely won't, and we can't just forgo our mission for your sake."
  35. [16:21] <@Kilarra> Samaritha blinks, "After everything that's already happened? WHat could possibly be so important?"
  36. [16:23] * Aluthyra stays silent, holding to her vow of honesty by simply not talking.
  37. [16:26] * Kilarra shrugs, they were in it now. "This whole thing with the fallen star? It wasn't an accident. Someone brought it down on purpose to use as a weapon, and we're here to find those who did and make sure they don't continue this work."
  38. [16:26] <@Kilarra> Samaritha blinks, "What? That's preposterous."
  39. [16:30] <@Kilarra> Kjell shakes his head, "Farfetched it may be, but the truth it remains. Think abotu it really. These bizarre unnatural beasts showing up at the same time a star falls from the sky? All the bizarre things that happened in Riddleport that suddenly stopped when the star hit."
  40. [16:31] <Aluthyra> Tognik raises an eyebrow. He hadn't been paying very much attention before. "Wait, didn't all of you come here for skymetal?"
  41. [16:32] * Kilarra looks at Tognik, "No. Is that the only reason you came here?"
  42. [16:33] <Aluthyra> Tognik nods. "Course. New metal, creepy island. What else could a gnome want?"
  43. [16:35] <@Kilarra> Kjell shakes his head, "Well, you're getting all you want and more then. Although it seems that either Zincher or the ones who pulled the star down have already helped themselves, righ Samaritha?"
  44. [16:36] <Aluthyra> Tognik frowns. "Right, which is why this gnome wants to go after Zincher, or whoever pulled the star down. I suppose."
  45. [16:37] <@Kilarra> The half-elf nods, "Well... there was a surprising lack of the metal in spite of the number of little craters we came across. I just thought Zincher's group had gotten the bulk of it for being near the impact crater."
  46. [16:38] * Kilarra sighs, "Anyways, we have to get back to that, and you can either come with us, or, much as I don't like it, we can leave you somewhere."
  47. [16:38] <@Kilarra> The cyphermage looks terrified at the prospect of heading into even more danger they weren't prepared for, especially if the magic-resistance space monsters were involved.
  48. [16:39] * Aluthyra nods. "If you would like, the point where we were dropped off seemed to be relatively safe. Though it is your choice if you would like to continue with us, or not."
  49. [16:39] <@Kilarra> Samaritha sighs, "I won't abandon my companion now. Were it just me I might come with you, but I have a responsibility to do everything I can to get him back safely."
  50. [16:42] * Kilarra nods, "Then you have two options. The beach where we landed, by yourself, or, since we were gonna head that way to check out the crater, Zincher's Camp. Much as we want nothing to do with him, you probably don't have any grudge against him. Yet."
  51. [16:44] <Aluthyra> Tognik nods. "Whichever you'd prefer, but if we're going to Zincher's, I have a few choice words for him." He grumbles, "Stealin' all my skymetal..."
  52. [16:47] <@Kilarra> Kjell raises an eyebrow at Tognik. He wasn;t fond of Zincher, but the man was only really guilty of sabotage, not really the worst of crimes in a competetive situation. He wondered what the Gnome was thinking as far as laying claim to the metal.
  53. [16:48] <@Kilarra> Smaritha spends some time thinking, "With just the two of us, even with a relatively safe haven, we don't have much chance if any decent number of those beasts come again... take us to Zincher's camp. You can drop us off nearby and we will seek his aid ourselves. As well, if we are talking with him, it might provide you a chance to reach the crater without difficulty."
  54. [16:50] <Aluthyra> Tognik nods. "Sure," he takes out the map, holding it over to Sam. "And about where is Zincher's camp, on this map?"
  55. [16:52] <@Kilarra> Samaritha points to a point along the path southwest of where the impact crater would be. "Around here."
  56. [16:54] <Aluthyra> Tognik nods, making sure the rest of the group sees the general area before he puts the map away.
  57. [16:55] * Aluthyra brings up her bow. "Then we should continue quickly, if we are to find those that brought down the star, and get Samaritha to safety."
  58. [16:56] * Kilarra nods and uncurls her whip, waiting for Kjell, the one with the sword, to take the lead.
  59. [16:56] <@Kilarra> Kjell does so, with Samaritha and the cyphermage sticking close to him for protection
  60. [16:57] <@Kilarra> As the group walks, Samaritha strikes up a conversation with Kjell about his 'unusual' magic, as well as his enchanted, intelligent blade.
  61. [16:57] * Aluthyra follows behind Kilarra, as per the usual, while Tognik remains in the back.
  62. [16:58] * Kilarra keeps glancing at Aluthyra as they walk, occasionally taking in a breath of that scent of hers. It was divine, and a far cry better than what most of the murky forest on the island smelled like.
  63. [16:59] * Aluthyra doesn't take notice, scanning around the area as they walk for any hostility.
  64. [17:01] <@Kilarra> As the group heads back up the path towards Witchlight, just beyond it, noticeable now in the daylight when the dim light of the previous evening occluded it, is a small crater.
  65. [17:03] <Aluthyra> Tognik blinks, his eyes widening as he looks to the crater. He scans the area for any of those creatures before running towards the it, looking for the skymetal.
  66. [17:04] * Aluthyra follows behind Tognik, her bow out as she looks around the crater.
  67. [17:05] <@Kilarra> Kjell keeps his sword out and heads to the edge of the crater to keep an eye out for trouble
  68. [17:05] <@Kilarra> Tognik is unable to find anything, but Aluthyra catches a glint of green half-buried on the edge of the crater
  69. [17:06] <Aluthyra> Tognik frowns, groaning in exasperation.
  70. [17:07] * Aluthyra moves to the glint, waving the others over. "Perhaps this is the skymetal?"
  71. [17:08] * Kilarra takes a closer look, "Kinda looks like it."
  72. [17:08] <@Kilarra> Samaritha nods, "yes, that would be it. This is similar to the few ore lumps we found as well."
  73. [17:11] <Aluthyra> Tognik grins, quickly moving over to the spot and attempting to excavate the metal.
  74. [17:12] <Aluthyra> If he is able to simply pull it out of the ground, of course.
  75. [17:12] <@Kilarra> The soil, softened by the impact, is easy to shift. Tognik acquires another pound of Noqual. Noticeably, the lump of metal is larger than a lump of iron the same weight, proportionately about half the weight of steel.
  76. [17:14] <Aluthyra> Tognik smiles, putting away the ore. "Perfect. We'll split the profits on this later, if we want to sell it."
  77. [17:16] <@Kilarra> Samaritha chuckles, "I was planning on keeping the rest of what we found to document its properties better, but you're free to keep what you've found along with what I gave you."
  78. [17:17] <Aluthyra> Tognik nods. "Right, right."
  79. [17:17] <@Kilarra> Kjell smiles, "If there's not anything else to be found here, I suggest we keep moving."
  80. [17:18] * Aluthyra nods, waiting for Kjell to take the lead.
  81. [17:19] <Aluthyra> Tognik sits up after putting away the ore, ready to follow.
  82. [17:20] <@Kilarra> Kjell gets back onto the path and continues leading the group.
  83. [17:21] * Kilarra doesn't really get the fascination with this metal when they didn't really know what it did. She looks to Tognik, "So, just curious, did you managed to find out anything about those... things when we faced off against them?"
  84. [17:22] <Aluthyra> Tognik shakes his head. "Not from around here, that's for sure, but no. I've never seen or heard of those... things."
  85. [17:25] * Kilarra shudders, "Nasty." She steps back towards Aluthyra, "If they're not from around here, that means either the drow brought them, or the star did. Either way, we need to think of a way to keep them from spreading."
  86. [17:27] * Aluthyra nods in agreement. "Then let us make haste. We need to find them."
  87. [17:29] * Kilarra notes, "I do have one last resort idea, if we can't stem these things at the source."
  88. [17:30] * Aluthyra raises an eyebrow. "What would that be?"
  89. [17:34] * Kilarra nods, "Kinda crazy, but we know that brine melts them. That would keep them contained until such time as some idiot, on purpose or by mistake, brings one back to the mainland on a ship, at which point they could become an epidemic. So, if we can't stop them, we set the forest ablaze. This would, presumably, drive them to the edges of the island where they would either fall in the water and die, or burn to death."
  90. [17:34] * Aluthyra blinks. "I suppose that would work. If nothing else."
  91. [17:36] * Kilarra nods, "Hopefully we can take care of them before that though. Like I said, last resort." She then looks Aluthyra over, "How old did you say you were again? I was thinking about it after Kjell make that crack about me being young."
  92. [17:37] <Aluthyra> "86," Aluthyra replies, raising her eyebrow, "Why?"
  93. [17:38] * Kilarra blinks, "Wow, that's... only four years younger than me actually. You're not entirely human I take it?"
  94. [17:39] * Aluthyra shakes her head. "I am not, no."
  95. [17:40] * Kilarra looks genuinely curious, rather than vindicitive. She may not be fond of her own heritage, but Aluthyra was clearly not a tiefling. "No horns or tail, so you'ren ot like me. No ears, so not a half-elf either. Mind if I ask where your lineage comes from then?"
  96. [17:41] * Aluthyra chuckles. "I do not mind if you ask, though I have no answer. I was raised by monks, and I do not know my lineage."
  97. [17:42] * Kilarra blinks, "Oh. Well, guess that'll be a mystery for now." She smirks, "Not that I'm complaining mind you. Whatever non-human is in your blood, it was probably a hottie."
  98. [17:43] * Aluthyra blushes and clears her throat. "Ah... Thank you, for the... compliment."
  99. [17:45] * Kilarra grins, showing perhaps a few more pointy teeth than she intended, "Plenty more where that come from. but I'll save them for later."
  100. [17:46] <@Kilarra> About halfway between Zincher's camp and Witchlight, Aluthyra can hear a shuffling in the underbrush of the woods. The fact that this is the only sound she can hear should be indicative of what was moving towards them,
  101. [17:49] * Aluthyra turns on her heels, bow aimed at the noise as she calls out for the group to stop, "Those creatures are in the underbrush, turn!"
  102. [17:49] <@Kilarra> Kjell whips around, sword out.
  103. [17:50] * Kilarra takes a step back, ready to support her allies, knowing her magic wasn't exactly effective.
  104. [17:56] * Aluthyra retrieves an arrow from her quiver as she turns, firing it off at the first creature she sees. Nocking a second arrow, she fires at another target.
  105. [17:58] <@Kilarra> The first Akata, just on the verge of emerging onto the path, takes and arrow to the face and falls to the ground with a hard thud. The second, right behind it, gets shot in the neck, and grievously wounded.
  106. [17:59] <@Kilarra> After Aluthyra's first volley, the wave of oily blue tentacle lions bursts into the clearing, lashing out at whoever they could reach in an attempt to drag them back into the woods. There's six more on top of the injured and dead ones.
  107. [18:01] <@Kilarra> Kjell's armour is effective enough to hold off the first pair of akatas, while the nimble Aluthyra stays just out of reach
  108. [18:01] <@Kilarra> The third pair is unable to land a solid grip on Kilarra either.
  109. [18:03] <@Kilarra> The last akata, in spite of its nasty wounds, continues the attack alongside the others. It attempts to nab little Tognik
  110. [18:07] <@Kilarra> It succeeds, wrapping a tendril around each of his little forearms
  111. [18:09] <Aluthyra> Tognik, though encumbered from his gear, attempts to break free!
  112. [18:10] <@Kilarra> Tognik can't wriggle free of the grasping tendrils.
  113. [18:11] * Kilarra whips out her crossbow and attempts to put down the akata before it can drag tognik off
  114. [18:12] <@Kilarra> The weakened Akata is finished off by the bolt to its gut.
  115. [18:12] * Kilarra reloads her crossbow, figuring that tripping these swift, slippery things wouldn't be practical.
  116. [18:13] <@Kilarra> Samaritha and the Cyphermage hold back, readying their magic missile spells if anything came their way
  117. [18:14] <@Kilarra> Kjell smirks at Kilarra's work and swings his sword at the nearest Akata, pointing his right hand at the nearest Akata and attempting to pulverize it with magic projectiles.
  118. [18:15] <@Kilarra> Kjell's magic sword takes the head off the nearest Akata, leaving five of them, but his magical offense proves ineffective.
  119. [18:16] <@Kilarra> Kjell curses, these things were very aggravating
  120. [18:17] * Aluthyra attempts to finish off three of the creatures, channeling her ki pool and firing a trio of arrows.
  121. [18:19] <@Kilarra> Aluthyra's skill with the bow proves ridiculous, taking three of the creatures at once, all right through the eye. Only two remain, one next to Kjell, and two on Kilarra
  122. [18:20] <@Kilarra> *only the two on Kilarra remain
  123. [18:20] <@Kilarra> Both of them attempt to bite her
  124. [18:20] <@Kilarra> Neither one can get through her armour.
  125. [18:22] <Aluthyra> Tognik moves to Kjell, mumbling in gnomish as he presses his hand on Kjell, hoping his spell might help with the large man's next attack.
  126. [18:22] <@Kilarra> Kjell feels invigorated. He liked this spell
  127. [18:23] <@Kilarra> Kilarra falls into a defensive position and doesn't try to attack while pinned by two of the creatures.
  128. [18:24] <@Kilarra> Samaritha and the cypher hold position, thinking the Party has it sorted
  129. [18:25] <@Kilarra> Kjell moves to take care of the last with his new invigoration, swinging at one. In spite of having recharged his spell, he elects not to waste it again trying when Aluthyra's aim had proved the most effective weapon against them.
  130. [18:26] <@Kilarra> Kjell's strike spits the Akata's head open, leaving just one left
  131. [18:27] * Aluthyra fires a duo of arrows at the final creature, hoping it would be enough to end the fight.
  132. [18:28] <@Kilarra> Aluthyra's second shot skewers a corpse as the first one kills the creature with a clean punch through the back of its head.
  133. [18:29] <@Kilarra> Eight akata corpses surround the group.
  134. [18:29] * Kilarra kicks one of them, "How many is that now? Thirty?"
  135. [18:29] * Aluthyra shrugs. "I have not been keeping count."
  136. [18:30] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods, "Two-dozen at the tower, and another eight now. Thirty-two. To think they reached such numbers in scarecely more than a week."
  137. [18:31] <Aluthyra> Tognik breaths a sigh of relief, looking to Kilarra. "Thanks for the assist."
  138. [18:32] * Kilarra nods, "Don't mention it. You may be small, but you've useful enough." She slips her crossbow away, "Lets get moving before mroe of them come."
  139. [18:33] <Aluthyra> Tognik nods, gesturing for Kjell to take the lead.
  140. [18:34] <@Kilarra> Kjell takes the lead, hoping to reach Zincher's camp without further problems
  141. [18:34] <@Kilarra> -End Session-
  142. [18:34] <@Kilarra> Rewards: 8 CR 1, 800 experience each
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