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Apr 29th, 2017
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  1. Group 1 Terrains, Pt. I:
  3. Mewtwo:
  5. Metal Gear Excelsus - The wreckage of Metal Gear Excelsus as seen in the final phase of Armstrong's boss fight. The attacker team starts in Raiden's starting location, whereas the defenders will start at Armstrong's. The area surrounding Excelsus is accessible, and fighters are not limited to the circular arena.
  7. Kefka's Tower - Kefka's monument to destruction formed from the rubble of the old world. Access to the World of Ruin outside is forbidden, whilst no enemies are present. Attackers will start at the entryway from which path 1 is accessed, while defenders will start atop the tower, where Kefka is confronted.
  9. Outside of Midgar - The jagged area where Zack made his last stand. It has two main levels, separated by a series of rocky 'steps' allowing access between the two. Attackers will start on the ground, while defenders will start on the highest level.
  11. Illusory 106 - A warped department store where access between floors may be manipulated by traversable posable dresses as well as flights of stairs. All doors are unlocked, teleporters are inactive, no Mirage will spawn and there is no access outside of the Idolsphere. Attackers will start at the entrance, while defenders will start on the roof where Aversa is confronted.
  13. Etrenank - The capital city of Solaris, a flying, high-tech city. All citizens and automated defense systems have been removed. Attackers will start at the third-class block's entrance. Defenders will start within Krelian's laboratory, in the monomolecular treatment room.
  15. The Tainted Mountain - A ruined castle situated atop a mountain. Access to the rest of the Dragon's Dogma world is not allowed, but all areas seen during Grigori's boss battle may be accessed. Defenders will start atop the castle, while attackers will start within Grigori's cave.
  18. God:
  20. Zerus - The ancestral home of the Zerg, and current home planet of the Primal Zerg. All areas seen in the relevant missions in Heart of the Swarm are accessible, and no Zerg are present. Attackers will start at Kerrigan's starting point in the mission Supreme. Defenders will start atop the platform where Zurvan is fought.
  22. The Void. A barren featureless landscape with no cover or anything to speak of. There is no obvious source of light, but visibility is clear and the terrain otherwise has similar gravity, atmosphere, etc to Earth. Teams start 100m from each other.
  24. Realm of Terror - The domain of Diablo in the Burning Hells, complete with lava aplenty and obfuscating fog, as seen in Diablo 2, covering the River of Flame and Chaos Sanctuary, with a portal at the center of the Sanctuary leading to the hellish arena seen during the shadow section of Diablo's Diablo 3 fight. Attackers will start at the entryway to the River of Flame, with defenders starting at the heart of the Sanctuary. No demons are present.
  26. Shadaloo Base - M Bison's base of operations, filled with enough winding corridors that it's easy for fighters and canon alike to get lost in here. The base is abandoned, the psycho drive is out of juice, and any self destruct or giant mecha transformation capabilities have been disabled. Attackers will start outside, as seen in the Shadaloo Base SF5 stage, while defenders will start inside, as seen in the Lair of the Four Kings stage.
  28. Umbrella Executive Training Center - The secret research facility hidden in the Arklay Mountains as seen in Resident Evil 0. All areas up to, but not including, the Treatment Plant are accessible (by way of the magic elevator if necessary), and no BOW'S are present. Attackers start at the Ecliptic Express crash site, and defenders start in Basement 2 of Dr. Marcus' lab.
  30. Commander's Room - The site of the battle with Psycho Mantis in Metal Gear Solid, complete with lots of random furniture to throw at opponents. Access to the rest of Shadow Moses is denied. Attackers start at the entrance, and defenders start by the commander's desk.
  33. DC:
  35. Devil May Cry - Dante's base of operations. A small wooden abode occupied by little other than his desk and chair, decorative novelties on the walls, and a jukebox packed to the brim with Dante's favorite rockin' tunes. Attackers start at the entrance, with defenders by his desk, as seen in Devil May Cry 3.
  37. The Frozen Throne - The frozen summit where the Lich King battle takes place in World of Warcraft. Access to the rest of Icecrown Citadel or the world (of Warcraft) is banned. Attackers start at Tirion Fordring's pre-fight location (though he is not present), and defenders start by the Lich King's throne.
  39. Spekkio's Arena - A medium-size square platform, fenced in, suspended in eternal nothingness. There is room to maneuver (though not too much), and there is no cover to speak of. Attackers start at the entrance, with defenders on the far side.
  41. Darkside - Though the massive Heartless that gives this place its name is not there, its work is evident. Sora's Destiny Islands have been reduced to this small world, strewn with the wreckage and remains of what he used to call home. Attackers will start where Darkside begins its boss fight in KH1, and defenders will start at Sora's starting point.
  43. San Romero High School - A typical all-American high school as featured in Lollipop Chainsaw. All areas within the school grounds including classrooms, pool and stadium are accessible. Attackers start at the school's entrance, and defenders start at the school's stadium.
  45. Castlevania - Dracula's demonic castle that twists and reforms on each new summoning, as seen in Rondo of Blood. Attackers will start at the drawbridge, and defenders will start within Dracula's throne room.
  48. Tiro:
  50. Luxerion, the Divine City of Light - A gothic metropolis home to the Order, that chooses to greet the end of the world with peaceful reflection and prayer. There are no residents present and access to other areas of Nova Chrysalia is forbidden. Defenders will start at the cathedral where the portal leading to Bhunivelze's sanctum can be found (though it is inactive), and attackers will start at the city's train station.
  52. Fuyuki Bridge - A long bridge connecting Shinto and Miyama City. All areas of the bridge, and the river below, are accessible, though the surroundings of the bridge have a powerful bounded field in place, preventing escape. Attackers will start on the Miyama end, with defenders starting by the Shinto exit.
  54. Arena Ferox (Awakening) - Arena Ferox is as it appears in Fire Emblem Awakening, as an open colosseum. The only areas accessible in it are those within the map in-game. Both attackers and defenders will start at diametrically opposed entrances.
  56. Wutai Village - Yuffie Kisaragi's hometown. A river runs through the village which is filled with Japanese styled architecture and currently abandoned. Plenty of hidden passages lie beneath the town, because ninja. Access to any buildings and nearby Da Chao mountains is fair game but the rest of the world is off limits. Attackers will start by the mountains, while defenders will start on the top floor of Godo's pagoda.
  58. Narshe - A snowy mountain city noted for its industry. The mines are accessible, whilst no residents are present. Attackers will start at the entrance to the city, while defenders will start within the mines, where the frozen esper Valigarmanda is first found.
  60. The Leaking Brain - A dive located in Deep-Paris, in the structure of a boat. The boat, as well as all nearby shacks and walkways are accessible. Attackers will start by the turbine, while defenders will start behind the bar.
  63. Luis:
  65. Umbra Clock Tower - The falling clock tower featured in the opening of Bayonetta. The tower will continue to fall endlessly for the duration of the match and will not rotate to an extent where it will toss fighters off on its own, though if any fighters happen to be launched from it, they can safely be assumed dead from the impact of the inevitable fall if they're unable to get back on their own. Attackers and defenders will begin one yard from the edges each, at an equidistant distance from each other.
  67. The Peak Of Darkness - No food... no drinks... and the only babe just left. A steady rain patters down upon a fairly small arena atop a long flight of stairs, setting the scene for Dante and Vergil's first clash in Devil May Cry 3. There are no open demon portals or any such nonsense and any adjoining areas from the game are inaccessible. Attackers and defenders will start in Dante and Vergil's starting locations during their fight, respectively.
  69. Grove - A forbidden area of the Devil's Forest where Dizzy attempts to seclude herself from the rest of the world, as it appears in Guilty Gear XX. Attackers and defenders will start separated by a distance of 10 meters.
  71. Naraku - A multi-floored dungeon, with all the demons cleared out of it. Access to Mikado or beyond Minotaur's door is not allowed. Attackers and defenders will start at the dungeon starting point and exit, respectively.
  73. Barious Desert - As seen in chapter 7 of Valkyria Chronicles, a rocky wasteland of a battleground with bits of cover and trenches all about. No tanks or soldiers are present, and access to the temple or any sections not seen in ch7 is barred. Attackers will start by the Bathomys' spawn point, whereas defenders will start by the Barious Ruins.
  76. MZero:
  78. Luca Sphere Pool - The sphere pool blitzball tournaments take place in. Combatants do not have access to any other part of the stadium. All mercenaries will magically be able to breathe an infinite amount of time, though how well they can fight underwater is up to interpretation. Each team will start where one of the goalies would, respectively.
  80. Final Weapon Space Station - The former stronghold of Repliforce is as expected for a hi-tech space station owned by a military organisation- Carefully planned corridors and elevators made out of almost unbreakable alloys, lacking only the mechaniloids that once guarded it. Attackers start at the entrance, with defenders starting at the final boss arena.
  82. Cursed Woods - A heavily forested area with a hidden grotto that Frog calls his home. Access to the rest of the Crono Trigger world is banned. Attackers will start at the entrance to the woods, while defenders will start within the grotto.
  84. Skyloft - A town built on a series of floating islands, well above the clouds in the sky. Access to the Surface or other islands of the Sky is not allowed. Attackers will start inside the Waterfall Cave, while defenders will start at the Knight Academy.
  86. Nibelheim Mansion - The shinra mansion as shown in Nibelheim. Every room is fully accessible. Attackers will start at the entrance, and defenders will start in the basement.
  88. Besaid Island - A small island that boasts a large beach, seaport, a small village surrounded by forests and waterfalls, Besaid Temple, and a crazy old lady who constantly tells whoever passes by not to approach the summoner. Access to the rest of the world is forbidden. Attackers will start at the port, while defenders will start at Besaid Temple.
  91. Eddv:
  93. Robot Museum - Though the mechanical relics once stored here are now removed, the large glass chambers remain as plentiful but destructible cover in this not especially large, but especially dark, complex. Attackers will start at the courtyard, while defenders will start in the boss room, as seen in Mega Man 7.
  95. Corneria City - The capital of the most progressive planet in the Lylat System. It is in a state of ruin after Venomian attack, although no enemies are present. Attackers will start by the edge of the water on approach, while defenders will start in the center of the city.
  97. Angel Island Zone - The tropical jungle from Sonic the Hedgehog 3, before it is set alight. No enemies are present. Attackers will start at the starting point, while defenders will begin at the boss arena.
  99. Mira - The entirety of the planet Mira, as seen in Xenoblade Chronicles X. Both teams will start in New LA, and all wildlife is present and hostile. Attackers will begin at Central Melville, while defenders will begin outside the BLADE tower.
  101. Hanamura - A tourist town complete with an arcade and a traditional Japanese temple. Access to the rest of the world is prohibited. Attackers and defenders will start at the appropriate spawning points, fittingly enough.
  104. Lopen:
  106. Sanubia Desert - A blazing hot sun, no water in sight, and an endless sea of sand dunes define this battlefield. While the Al Bhed may call this place home, most would call it a death sentence. Attackers will start by the X-Potion chest (which is empty, as are all others), while defenders will start by the oasis.
  108. Bubbly Clouds - Fighters battle in the sky on thick clouds that are for some reason able to support weight. The clouds are dense enough that jumping from cloud to cloud is reasonable, and many are large enough to hold several fighters per cloud, but missing a jump causes a fall of thousands of feet to the ground. Kracko and other enemies are absent, and the stage is as seen in Kirby Super Star Ultra. Attackers will start at the stage's starting point, while defenders will start at Kracko's boss arena.
  110. Outer Haven - The exterior of Liquid's submersible battleship. Access to other areas of the ship is forbidden. Attackers will start on the nose of the ship, with defenders starting at the most elevated point.
  112. Dracula's Castle - As seen in Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, with no access to the Inverted Castle. All locations are accessible, and access to the rest of the world is forbidden, including the Inverted Castle. Attackers will start in the courtyards by the drawbridge, while defenders will start in Richter's throne room.
  114. Tranquil Wasteland - An abandoned battlefield, stretching farther than the eye can see in all directions. Attackers and defenders will start the fight in the center of it, separated 30 meters from each other.
  116. The Woglinde - The interior of the massive battleship cruiser. The ship is locked on autopilot, and access to the exterior of the ship is barred, as all outer walls are considered indestructible (but the interior is fair game). No A.W.G.S. or any other mecha of any sort are present. Attackers start in the AWGS hangar, while defenders start on the main bridge.
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