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Oct 17th, 2022
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  2. Astonishingly we have uncovered signs of organic life on this asteroid. We have discovered organic molecules which are the building blocks for life as we know it. While this isn't direct proof of intelligent life, it does raise the question of how this matter ended up here.
  4. Even though it doesn't look like much, a discovery like this is monumental. We should continue investigating this asteroid.
  5. -------------------------------------
  6. We just received word from the owners of the lost rover, the Russian agency. It appears the tracking systems on the rover were still operational and the agency was still closely monitoring it.
  8. They are furious with our handling of the situation and demand we pay for the damages we caused them. They expect us to cover the cost of 20 years of research.
  10. What do we do Commander?
  11. -------------------------------------
  12. Commander, we have detected hazardous levels of radiation on the asteroid. These levels of radiation are dangerous to our colonists and buildings.
  14. We have located the sources of the radiation on the asteroid. Several broken radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTG) are scattered around the asteroid. They appear to be the remnants of an earlier unsuccessful Mars mission where the lander got intercepted by this specific asteroid.
  16. We should clear radioactive materials as soon as possible to prevent any detrimental effects. Additionally, if we want to risk it, we could bring in some colonists that may be able to retrieve valuable research data and resources from these broken RTGs.
  17. -------------------------------------
  18. Commander, a routine check shows that various systems were damaged during our landing on the asteroid. Our engineers are studying the reports to determine the cause; whether this operator error, or the result of a malfunction. They fear external interference may be responsible, but they require more information.
  20. The Rocket is going nowhere until the damaged systems are repaired. In the meantime, we thought it would be worthwhile to investigate the surrounding area for possible causes.
  22. Rocket malfunctions and requires <electronics(20000)> to repair.
  23. -------------------------------------
  24. We received a touching message from one of Earth's most influential astronomical societies. The astronomer that discovered this specific asteroid has unfortunately contracted a terminal illness. The message expresses their dying wish, to visit what has been their proudest achievement.
  26. We rarely get the chance to reward scientists for their work in making what we do now a reality. Fortunately this is one of those chances. In order to get them to this asteroid, we need to get them on Mars first. Time is of the essence, so we should start making arrangements immediately.
  27. 1 new Tourist applicant with the trait astronomer available
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