
Mommy woes

Jul 25th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: ((They're probably just arriving right?))
  2. Covet: [Yeah, It's still a decent drive from San Diego up to San Francisco]
  3. Tsaaq: ((Like eight hours I checked.))
  4. Covet: [Jesus x.x]
  5. Covet: [And they probably enjoyed themselves a bit and weren't in too much of a hurry.]
  6. Tsaaq: ((Yuus okay I'm posting.))
  7. Covet: [H'okay :D]
  8. Tsaaq: She had been driving slowly up the secluded hill. Bliss pulled up the rental car towards her old home. Turning down the Panic! At The Disco that spilled from the speakers. She sighed as she stared at the front door. "Well... Better get inside and say hello to mother." She tried to say in a peppy voice as she turned off all of the car and slowly got out of the vehicle. She waited for Eli before going anywhere.
  9. Covet: Eli flipped down the visor mirror so that he could check his hair real quick before getting out and walking over to Bliss, to wrap an arm gently around her waist as they walked towards the front door. "You sound like your a little nervous to be here. You sure you want to do this, My Love?" He asked her as he gave her a squeeze.
  10. Tsaaq: "Of course I want to do this." Bliss replied with a firm nod. She went to unfurl from his grasp and held his hand as they walked up the stone walkway and made their way to the porch. Bliss straightened up a bit as she rang the doorbell. // Rachel sat on the couch downstairs with her legs crossed and her face bespecticalled as she went through various paint swatches in a fancy magazine. She looked up at the sound of the doorbell. "Emmanuelle! The door!" She called out. // The housekeeper: Emmanuelle had been cleaning about the upstairs dining area since it was ridiculously big and it got dusty and stuff. She jogged to the door and pulled it open askew. "Bonjour, this is a-uh how do you say, prive residence. Can I help you?" She greeted, speaking in her thick French accent.// Bliss furrowed her eyebows at the woman since she didn't recognize her, she sort of stood there awkwardly.
  11. Covet: Eli nodded his head and followed her up to the door, giving her hand a rub with his thumb as he held it. He was casually relaxed, hoping that Bliss would be able to feed off of that a little. Turning his eyes to the door as the Housekeeper opened it and asked if she could help them, and stepped in when Bliss didn't answer. "This is Rachel's daughter, Bliss. We're here to visit with her."
  12. Tsaaq: "Yeah." She muttered with a nod. She squeezed Eli's hand as she walked into the house, all the decor minimalist and changed around from when she lived there. She pouted her lips. "Is my mom here?" She asked quietly. // Emmanuelle nodded her head. "Ah yes, Felicite! Oui. You were in the old painting that was over the fireplace." She said. "Mademoiselle Robideaux!" She called out but not too loudly. // Rahcel furrowed her eyebrows as she moved up the stairs. "You know I need silence when I'm attempting to search my mind for inspiration. And Beaux just went down for his nap-" She complained before seeing Bliss. Rachel looked surprised before she went to run over to her, wrapping her arms around her. "You're standing? And-" She looked over to Eli. "Well hello." She smiled. "Go put on some tea please." She whispered to Emmanuelle.
  13. Covet: Eli gave Emmanuelle a nod as she called out for Rachel, who came up the stairs complaining. He cleared his throat giving her a smile as she came up and went to give Bliss a hug, letting go of her hand so they could embrace. "Hello, Ma'am. Sorry for showing up without notice. We were on our way through and figured we could stop in to say Hello."
  14. Tsaaq: "Mom, you... You changed everything." She said, her voice a little weak. That seemed to be the only thing she was focused on. Bliss bit the inside of her cheek while accepting the hug. She pulled away. "You changed housekeepers?" She frowned a bit. // "You are more than welcome to come here! Don't be ridiculous! I haven't seen my baby in so long." She said, looking extremely excited. She pulled from the hug and gasped. "You just let me hug you! " She practically squealed. "Come in! Come, yes I changed everything. I discovered a wonderful book called The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing. I've washed this house away from Jason's demons. And now it's something I can be proud of! Come." She waved her hand again and went to walk through the dining room towards the kitchen.
  15. Covet: Eli listened to the two of them talk, looking around the place with a smile on his face, "I can't say I blame you too much there." He said under his breath when she mentioned the Jason Cleansing. He walked along behind her with Bliss in tow, looking at her to see if he could judge where she was at emotionally right now.
  16. Tsaaq: Bliss sighed a bit and looked around. She wandered from the kitchen. "Red?" She said quietly as she glanced at the paint on the walls. She walked through the dining room once more then went towards the stairs. "But everything is different. This is almost like a different house!" She peeked down to the basement then went back to the kitchen. She sighed as she went to stand beside Eli. "It's fine." She said with a frown. // "Precisely! Plus my husband hated the decor." She muttered. She watched Bliss freak out for a moment. Rachel pursed her lips and clasped her hands together once she saw Bliss' reaction. It wasn't a look of worry but waiting. "It's just your obsessive compulsions. It's still the same house." She told her gently. "Look here. Have some tea." She waved her hand on the counter, picking up a mug as Emmanuelle filled them. "Now, tell me. How's everything in Portland. I'm sorry I'm so busy... But Valentin is funding my newest gallery and I've been very busy painting."
  17. Covet: "That's wonderful to hear, Rachel. Congratulations" Eli said politely watching Bliss then bit the inside of his cheek as she told Bliss it was just her OCD that was making her freak out about the place and the decor, He wrapped an arm around her and gave her shoulder a rub as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. "Portland is.. Portland. But, Bliss and I have been enjoying our Summer to the fullest."
  18. Tsaaq: She looked extremely vexed as she leaned into Eli. She nodded her head. "Of course. I assumed you were busy..." She murmured. "I'm glad though... Mother is really a wonderful painter." She said quietly as she turned to glance at Eli. Bliss reluctantly took the mug, suddenly feeling like a child again as she held it but didn't drink. // "Isn't it wonderful! I think it'll do well." Her eyes brightened as she looked over to Bliss. "Really?" She grinned. "That's wonderful!" She gasped. "I've never seen you so happy. It's quite remarkable." Rachel said. "And you're still together?" She pointed between the two of them. "It's wonderful if you are." Rachel sipped her tea obliviously.
  19. Covet: "I wish you the best with it." Eli said politely while comforting Bliss, picking up the conversation since she seemed a little overwhelmed. "She's is indeed remarkable. Yes, we're still together, and that's not going to be changing anytime soon either. She's pretty much the sunshine to my life." He said with a chuckle, giving her a gentle squeeze.
  20. Tsaaq: Bliss nodded her head with her eyes a little wide. "Actually, we hadn't heard from you in so long and I figured in person would be the best way to do this-" She began to say, preparing to announce the thing. // Rachel sighed dreamily. "Oh that's so lovely. I'm so glad." She said. Rachel put her mug down. "Oh, before I forget. What is this business about Jason leaving our real estate company to rot? Is he even still in the states? I can't get a hold of him." Rachel scoffed as she rolled her eyes. "The absolute-worst."
  21. Covet: "Uh.. Actually. Maybe if we could refrain from talking about Jason for the moment. I'm not exactly his biggest fan and talking about him gets me a little heated under the collar still." Eli said setting his jaw, "We're trying to focus on more positive things in our lives right now, and we kind of had more of a purpose to stop in than to just say Hello, that goes along with this positivity." Eli said with a smile then looked at Bliss, helping her keep her Mom on track.
  22. Tsaaq: She sighed at the mention of Jason. She pressed her lips ttogether tightly while Rachel prattled on. "Mother!" She said with her voice raised a bit. "Elijah and I are getting married. We got engaged last week." She told her firmly. // Rachel stood in silence once she heard the two of them. Her eyes bounced and forth between Eli and Bliss.
  23. Covet: Eli gave a big grin because he was very proud of them and their maturity and all that, but was a little disheartened to see Rachel just looking at both of them without saying anything. "I know it might come as a bit of a shock, but I love your daughter that much that I needed to make her a permanent part of my life. I can't even begin to imagine a life without her." He said trying to encourage some sort of reaction out of her.
  24. Tsaaq: Bliss inhaled deeply and took his hand as she squeezed it. She looked back over to her mother with a frown. "Gram gram is helping, everybody is." She said hopefully. // "Well..." Rachel trailed off and pursed her lips. "You're awfully young Bliss..." She said with a bit of worry on her face. "Are you sure?"
  25. Covet: Eli listened to Bliss, smiling giving her hand a squeeze back , "It's going to be really nice. I know we're young but my Parents are highschool sweethearts and are still together. They're kind of my role models and I made a promise to Bliss that I would be there for her no matter what. We've been through our own hell and back and we're in the best place we've ever been. Trust me I understand your concern, I did a lot of thinking about this before I proposed, and I promise that I won't let Bliss down or abandon her like Jason did."
  26. Tsaaq: She lowered her head a moment then rose it. "I'm young but I think I'm smart enough to make a decision like this." // She shook her head and put up her hands. "Of course." She sighed. "I got married to Jason when I was twenty two years old." She said sternly. "It was one of the worst mistakes I made and it was solely because our society creates a stigma on women to marry earlier, populate. When in actuality there is no shame in waiting-" She began to argue. "Listen, I'm not saying I'm not happy. I am. That's very nice. I just don't want any mistakes to be made."
  27. Covet: "I'm not even on the mindset of the whole populating bit yet. I know we're young but I know that Bliss has a plan for her future, and I have a plan for mine. I still have my last year of school to finish off and some business things I want in place before we even consider that idea." Eli said very responsibly. " I just want to have her in my life and share in hers."
  28. Tsaaq: Bliss pursed her lips a moment. "Would you like to be involved or not?" She asked curtly. // Rachel gave them a vacant look then nodded. "Of course. Send out the invitations, tell me everything you need me to do." She replied calmly then smiled to Eli. "Well, I don't suppose you two have a place to stay tonight?"
  29. Covet: "We were going to find a hotel if we didn't have any other options. It's up to Bliss though." He said giving her shoulders another squeeze. "I don't want to be a burdern or anything." He said politely.
  30. Tsaaq: She shrugged her shoulders. "Did you change anything in my room?" Bliss asked quietly. // She shook her head. "No, I know you. I kept everything the same." She whispered then flashed a smile. "You both take your time... I have to check on Beaux before bed."
  31. Covet: "Thank you Rachel. It's much appreciated." He said watching Bliss, "I'll get our bags out of the car, and then you can show me your room here?" He said with a smile, imagining that it was much the same as her room at the Maverick Estate.
  32. Tsaaq: "Yes. I'll wait up here for you." Bliss told him and turned to look over to her mother as she came over and gave her another hug. // "Alrighty. I'm going to check on Beaux, see you two in the morning... Goodnight Eli." She smiled.
  33. Covet: "Goodnight. See you in the morning." Eli told her then gave Bliss a quick kiss on the cheek as he went out to get their bags so they could make their way downstairs to her bedroom.
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