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a guest
Dec 6th, 2019
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  1. import cv2
  2. import numpy as np
  3. from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
  4. import mss
  5. import mss
  6. import
  7. from PIL import Image
  8. import time
  9. import sys
  10. import pyautogui
  11. import threading
  12. import math
  13. import uinput
  14. from pymouse import PyMouse
  16. def sim_score(min_val, max_val, method):
  17. if (method == cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED):
  18. if(1 - min_val) <= 1:
  19. return(1-min_val)
  20. else:
  21. return(0)
  23. if (method == cv2.TM_SQDIFF):
  24. if(min_val <= 1):
  25. return(min_val)
  26. else:
  27. return(0)
  29. else:
  30. if max_val <= 1:
  31. return(max_val)
  32. else:
  33. return(0)
  35. def check_tabela():
  37. while(1):
  38. try:
  39. tabelalocation = pyautogui.locateOnScreen('images/retry.png', confidence=0.90)
  40. tabelapoint =
  41. tabelax, tabelay = tabelapoint
  42., tabelay)
  43. print("tabelaya tıklandı")
  44. except:
  45. print("tabela bulunamadı")
  47. print("test")
  48. time.sleep(5)
  50. m = PyMouse()
  52. template = cv2.imread('images/cene.png', 0)
  53. tmp1 = cv2.imread('images/cene1.png', 0)
  54. tmp2 = cv2.imread('images/cene2.png', 0)
  55. tmp3 = cv2.imread('images/cene3.png', 0)
  56. tmp4 = cv2.imread('images/cene4.png', 0)
  57. tmp5 = cv2.imread('images/1.png', 0)
  58. w, h = template.shape[::-1]
  59. w2, h2 = tmp5.shape[::-1]
  60. method = eval('cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED')
  61. with mss.mss() as sct:
  62. monitor = {"top": 184, "left":772 , "width": 500, "height": 500}
  63. x = 0
  64. starttime = time.time()
  65. y= threading.Thread(target=check_tabela)
  66. y.start()
  67. while (1):
  68. last_time = time.time()
  69. img = cv2.cvtColor(np.array(sct.grab(monitor)), cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
  71. res0 = cv2.matchTemplate(img, template, method)
  72. min_val0, max_val0, min_loc0, max_loc0 = cv2.minMaxLoc(res0)
  73. res1 = cv2.matchTemplate(img, tmp1, method)
  74. min_val1, max_val1, min_loc1, max_loc1 = cv2.minMaxLoc(res1)
  75. res2 = cv2.matchTemplate(img, tmp2, method)
  76. min_val2, max_val2, min_loc2, max_loc2 = cv2.minMaxLoc(res2)
  77. res3 = cv2.matchTemplate(img, tmp3, method)
  78. min_val3, max_val3, min_loc3, max_loc3 = cv2.minMaxLoc(res3)
  79. res4 = cv2.matchTemplate(img, tmp4, method)
  80. min_val4, max_val4, min_loc4, max_loc4 = cv2.minMaxLoc(res4)
  81. res5 = cv2.matchTemplate(img, tmp5, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED)
  82. min_val5, max_val5, min_loc5, max_loc5 = cv2.minMaxLoc(res5)
  83. sınır = 0.90
  84. debug = 1
  85. sim0 = sim_score(min_val0, max_val0, method)
  86. sim0 = int(str(sim0)[2:9] + "0")
  87. sim1 = sim_score(min_val1, max_val1, method)
  88. sim1 = int(str(sim1)[2:9] + "1")
  89. sim2 = sim_score(min_val2, max_val2, method)
  90. sim2 = int(str(sim2)[2:9] + "2")
  91. sim3 = sim_score(min_val3, max_val3, method)
  92. sim3 = int(str(sim3)[2:9] + "3")
  93. sim4 = sim_score(min_val4, max_val4, method)
  94. sim4 = int(str(sim4)[2:9] + "4")
  95. sims = [sim0, sim1, sim2, sim3, sim4]
  96. similarity = max(sims)
  97. str_similarity = str(similarity)
  98. t_min_loc = eval("min_loc" + str_similarity[len(str_similarity)-1])
  99. t_max_loc = eval("max_loc" + str_similarity[len(str_similarity)-1])
  100. top_left = t_min_loc
  101. button_top_left = max_loc5
  102. relx = 0
  103. if float("0." + str(similarity)) > sınır:
  104. relx = (top_left[0] - button_top_left[0]) * -1
  105. print(float("0." + str(similarity)))
  106. if max_val5 > sınır:
  107. m.move(button_top_left[0] + int(w2/2) + 772 + relx, button_top_left[1] + int(h2/2) + 184)
  108. #pyautogui.moveTo(button_top_left[0] + w2/2 + 772, button_top_left[1] + h2/2 + 184)
  109. #win32api.SetCursorPos((button_top_left[0] + int(w2/2) + 772, button_top_left[1] + int(h2/2) + 184))
  110. x = x + 1
  112. #pyautogui.moveTo((button_top_left[0] + int(w2/2) + 772 + relx, button_top_left[1] + int(h2/2) + 184))
  113., (top_left[0] + int(w/2), top_left[1] + int(h/2)), 6, (0, 255, 255), -1)
  114. #cv2.imshow("OpenCV/Numpy normal", img)
  115. print("fps: {}".format(1 / (time.time() - last_time)))
  117. #time.sleep(0.001 - ((time.time() - starttime) % 0.001))
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