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a guest
Apr 1st, 2017
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  1. <%@page import="java.sql.*,java.util.*"%>
  2. <%@page import="*"%>
  3. <%@page import="javax.crypto.*"%>
  5. <%!
  6. private static String algorithm = "DESede";
  7. private static Key key = null;
  8. private static Cipher cipher = null;
  9. //Encryption algorithm
  10. private static byte[] encrypt(String input)throws Exception {
  11. cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key);
  12. byte[] inputBytes = input.getBytes();
  13. return cipher.doFinal(inputBytes);
  14. }
  15. %>
  16. <%!
  17. //Decryption algorithm
  18. private static String decrypt(byte[] encryptionBytes)throws Exception {
  19. cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key);
  20. byte[] recoveredBytes = cipher.doFinal(encryptionBytes);
  21. String recovered = new String(recoveredBytes);
  22. return recovered;
  23. }
  24. %>
  27. <%
  28. String action=request.getParameter("action");
  29. if (action.equals("Submit")){ //calling page is register.jsp
  30. //Data entered in registration
  31. String userid=request.getParameter("userid");
  32. String fname=request.getParameter("fname");
  33. String lname=request.getParameter("lname");
  34. String email=request.getParameter("email");
  35. String phone=request.getParameter("phone");
  36. int nphone=Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("nphone"));
  37. String address=request.getParameter("Address");
  38. String password=request.getParameter("password");
  39. String ans=request.getParameter("ans");
  40. //StringBuffer buffer=new StringBuffer();
  41. //Don't know the use of above line,so just commented it and it is working fine.
  42. key = KeyGenerator.getInstance(algorithm).generateKey();
  43. cipher = Cipher.getInstance(algorithm);
  44. String input = password;
  45. System.out.println("Entered: " + input);
  46. byte[] encryptionBytes = encrypt(input);
  47. String pass=new String(encryptionBytes); //encrypted password
  48. String connectionURL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/userlogin";
  49. Connection con=null;
  51. try{
  52. Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");
  53. con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/userlogin", "root", "");
  54. // int i=st.executeUpdate("insert into userlogin.loginrecord(userid,fname,lname,email,phone,nphone,Address,password)values('"+userid+"','"+fname+"','"+lname+"','"+email+"','"+phone+"','"+nphone+"','"+address+"','"+password+"')");
  55. PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement("insert into userlogin.loginrecord(userid,fname,lname,email,phone,nphone,Address,password,ans) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)");
  56. ps.setString(1,userid);
  57. ps.setString(2,fname);
  58. ps.setString(3,lname);
  59. ps.setString(4,email);
  60. ps.setString(5,phone);
  61. ps.setInt(6,nphone);
  62. ps.setString(7,address);
  63. ps.setString(8,pass);
  64. ps.setString(9,ans);
  65. int i = ps.executeUpdate();
  66. out.println("Data is successfully inserted!");
  67. }
  68. catch(Exception ex){
  69. System.out.println(ex);
  70. }
  71. }
  73. else if(action.equals("user login")) { //calling page is userlogin.jsp
  74. String userid=request.getParameter("userid");
  75. String password=request.getParameter("password");
  77. String connectionURL = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/userlogin";
  78. Connection con=null;
  80. try{
  81. Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");
  82. con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/userlogin", "root", "");
  83. Statement st=con.createStatement();
  84. ResultSet rs=st.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM userlogin.loginrecord WHERE (userid='"+userid+"')");
  85. String pass = "";
  86. if( {
  87. pass = rs.getString("password");
  88. }
  89. //working upto here.
  90. byte[] passw = pass.getBytes();
  91. //I am not sure, above line is working too imho.
  92. if (password.equals(decrypt(passw)))
  93. out.println("welcome " + userid);
  94. else{
  95. response.sendRedirect("userlogin.jsp");
  96. }
  98. }
  99. catch(Exception e){
  100. System.out.println(e);
  101. }
  102. }
  103. %>
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