
Spar (Wade 1)

Aug 26th, 2015
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  1. WadeAltair has joined the chat
  2. WadeAltair: welcome
  3. EmeliaBowers: Thank you
  4. WadeAltair: this is my dojo where i train and also test those who wish to become warriors of the pack
  5. EmeliaBowers: If i happento do something wrong, please feel free to tell me and I will adjust my post according if it's something like impossible.
  6. WadeAltair: alrite
  7. EmeliaBowers: I will always be more than happy to train. I am eager to regain my skills.
  8. WadeAltair: i must say you look very attractive in this form
  9. EmeliaBowers: Thank you Sir.
  10. WadeAltair: wellt then im ready whenever you are -he gets into his battle stance-
  11. EmeliaBowers: Alright, One moment. Posting now.
  12. WadeAltair: tyt
  13. EmeliaBowers: Emelia faced the male infront of her, lowering her body slightly and arching her shoulders ever so slightly forward in a more defensive stance. Placing her left foot slightly behind the right she let the light leathe around her small frame shift, her armor was not as protective of her more as would allow her to move better in battle. She smiles to the male infront of her for a moment "I hope you're ready." Her features shifted, a more attentive look taking over her face before she began to move, using her right foot she would push off the stone beneath her, bringing her left foot in a arc movement straight with her hip. Her leg would straighten at the knee when she drew close, attempting to connect with his stomach in this process. Her right foot would pivot as the momentum of her body was the force behind the leg.
  14. EmeliaBowers: ((Oh for fuck sake. That was so short.))
  15. WadeAltair: (lol thats fine with me...i was never one for the wall of text time consuming)
  16. EmeliaBowers: ((Alright, XD Thank you~))
  17. WadeAltair: (just so you know some of my posts may be shorter than what you posted because im more of a t2 fighter so i prefer to get to the point)
  18. WadeAltair: -facing the woman in front him a smirk creeps across his face as he watches her movements. he then steps to the side dodging her attack and attempts with a counter of his own as he quickly aims a kick to her side "im always ready"-
  19. EmeliaBowers: She chuckled watching her move fail, using her right foot from which she pivoted she pushed her body backwards, but not fast enough. The kick would land hard on her shoulder as she spun in a seemingly uncontrolled way to the right of him as it was the direction behind her at that moment. Chuckling she lowered her body again, this time putting her torso almost all the way twoards her knees. Using both feet this time she pushed her body twoards him, peeing her arms tucked closer to her body this time as she charged forward moving to drive her skull into his bodybefore at the last moment bringing one arm out to take a second swing while she charged. Her nails filed to points attempting to lash at him at about ankle hight, which prohibited much momemtum in the arm itself, but her body and stance would help carry it's own momentum in the attack.
  20. WadeAltair: -he laughs to himself as he sees her charge at him "well your form is very good" pushing hard off the ground he would leap straight up in the air looking down at her as she begins to lunge past him. he would then land on her back and quickly push off of her to leap back into the air and to shift her momentum towards the ground. he would land with his back towards her and his arms crossed a few feet from her. "but it means nothing if you cant hit your target in time" he says in a cold tone-
  21. EmeliaBowers: She grinned, Stopping short after he had pushed off her, digging her feet hard into the ground to rid herself of her momentum. As soon as he landed again she jumped ontop of his back with one simple twist of her small frame, Wrapping herself around him and using all the weight of her body to drag him backwards twoards the ground, before shving him further by pushing herself over twoards his front. Placing her feet squarely against his chest. The armor streached and gave way to her moves as worn leather should. She avoided using her left shoulder which had been hit early in the battle. She straightened her legs to add more force looking at him with confidence. "Never judge an opponent by how they begin to move, not every attack is for the purpose of harm, some are more for positioning."
  22. WadeAltair: -he quickly grabs hold of her digging his claws into her flesh then jumps high in the air "im well aware" as they fell back to the earth quickly gaining speed and momentum just before impact he would be sure to land on her left side after noticing she avoided using her shoulder and decided to capitalize on that exploit-
  23. EmeliaBowers: ((Isn't that an autohit?))
  24. WadeAltair: (rereads....oopies...srry im talking and babysitting as well)
  25. WadeAltair: (i'll repost)
  26. EmeliaBowers: ((Tyt~))
  27. WadeAltair: -he stumbles backwards as she shifts her body around him. as he falls he attempts to roll over with him over top of her. if successfull he would then follow up with clawing deep into her sides-
  28. EmeliaBowers: Feeling him roll beneath her chuckled as she was standing now ontop of him, simply walking with his roll at a slight angle she let her feet reach him stomach, pusshing her weight into a jump. She launched herself off him, which would put force into his stomach as she jumped, landing easily to the left of him, brushing herself off chuckling for a moment. "I think I'm getting the hang of it now."
  29. EmeliaBowers: ((I straightened my legs as I pushed you, my feet were against your chest, which would put me at standing wouldn't it?))
  30. WadeAltair: (mhm)
  31. WadeAltair: -he would get up rubbing the area where she pushed off "thats good" he would then quickly dash leaving an afterimage and appears behind her attempting and powerful palm strike to her spine using his energy he would then relase it in a quick burst. if it connects she would fly forward and he would attempt to quickly dash in front of her and attempt to follow up with a powerful kick to her stomach-
  32. EmeliaBowers: She blinked slightly before realizing he was behind her, she attempted to lurch forward but the hit landed, it wasn't direct but most of the energy still hit her, twisting her body she flew forward in a spiral motion, her limbs tucked tightly against her as she concentraited on keeping her focus despite the pain in her back. Moving her kees so they were knee over knee would aid in her spin, this was to attempt to leave herself less vulerable to attack as her body was essetially a projectile now. As she drew nearer to him infront of her she curled her body more of a ball, going for a more blunt impact leaving most of her vital organs unavailable to be hit.
  33. WadeAltair: -he laughs as she flies towards him "oh joy i love volley ball" he would then attempt a double overhanded fist to spike her into the ground. if sucssful she would create a small crater in the earth. he would then jump back a few feet and await her next move-
  34. EmeliaBowers: She unrolled at the last second with her head twoards the ground, locking his hands into her still knee over knee legs she began to spin on her hands attempting to throw him away form herself. If she succeded it would cause minor damage to his shoulder and harsher damage to his wrists. She giggled enjoying the pain in her body, it has been awhile since she had fought, and though her back throbbed in pain she was determined to push her body to it's very limits. Tilting her head back slightly she watched his feet to attempt and anticipate his next move, though as she was spinning there were blind spots in her vision.
  35. WadeAltair: -as he is thrown he reaches out and drags his claws into the ground slowing him down and allowing him to regain his posture- "good...but i know you can do more than least make this a bit more fun for me" -he would wait for her next move-
  36. EmeliaBowers: She let her body roll easily onto her feet, as she streached for a moment she observed him. This time she grinned before sprinting twoards him, lowering her shoulders just slightly to aid in her speed but not as steeply as before. Just before reaching him She dropped her body to her behind, letting the leather scrape across the floor as she bent her torso to slide under him, she just barely fit but just as she started to emerge from under him she stopped herself with her hands and feet, using her antire body to bend her legs upwards twoards his head, attempting to place both feet against his lower back to shove him forwardpointing her toes to create a more preasure pointed attack.
  37. WadeAltair: -he would watch her as she slid between his legs then he suddenly feels her on his back. he would quickly attempt to grab one of her ankles with his tail then spin around at high speed. if successful he would continue to spin even faster as he makes his way towards the cliff wall then suddenly let her go sending her flying into the wall leaving her slightly dizzy as she suffered slight damage from the impact-
  38. EmeliaBowers: She felt hit tail wrap around her ankle. Puching off with her hands she wrapped her arms and free leg around his tail. As he spun she used bher body as counter weight to drive him off balance begind she dug her nails into his tail, wether into the furr or the skin at the base of his tail she didn't care. All of a sudden as she began to get dizzy she began pulling down on his tail, jerking her body harshly to pull harder and harder twoards the ground. Realizing in what position she was and how close her head was to his body she let go with one hand and began reached out to attempt and dig her nails into his flesh harsly. This completely depended on the attention he was paying, but she was betting on the fact he wouldn't be able to see her as she was behind him.
  39. WadeAltair: -he continued to spin around feeling her pull down on his tail. he abruptly starts spinning the other way then jumps into the air.....he would attempt a front flip and if he is successful he would slam his tail and her into the ground hard as she would hit the ground she would feel a burst of energy flow through her as impact is made dealing internal damage-
  40. EmeliaBowers: She Felt the force being pushed against her and used this to her advantage, as he fell back to the ground she abruptly let go of him, using her weight to swing her body forward and as he still held onto her ankle she latched herself back to his back, driging her nails in for better grip. If she was going down she would drag him down to the ground with her. Her arms were now positioned over his shoulders, her nails against his chest as she craned her head forward to look at him, "If I'm going down, you're going down with me."
  41. WadeAltair: -as she dug her nails into his back he would then reach for her neck digging his own nails into her neck hopefully causing enough pain to let go. if successful as he catches himself from falling back he would then use that momentum to swing her over him but instead of hitting the ground he would then lift his leg up to send a kick deep to her spine as if trying to kick right through her. "hmph...if you go down you go by yourself"
  42. EmeliaBowers: She chuckled and let the blood trail down her neck, not once letting her grip even faulter. The spinning had made her dizzy, which helped her ignore the pain his nails into her neck. SHe dug her nails in deeper into his skin before streatching her body to place her feet against his back, pushing with her legs an ripping her own flesh in the process. This if it lasted would put immense preassure on his spine at a downward angle. "Nah, I don't really think so."
  43. WadeAltair: "it wasnt for you to think about" -his energy would quickly build up as he quickly attempts to wrap his hans around her neck squeezing tighter and tighter. as this would happen he would flex his muscles attempting to break her grip.-
  44. WadeAltair: hands*
  45. EmeliaBowers: She kept putting preasure on his spine, Letting her arms drop her body fell and the presure on him dropped, she curled her body so when she landed she rolled, landing back up on her feet. She only unrolled to where she was crouched down close to the ground, spinning her body she Leg one leg extende with ease, Her foot pointed and aiming straight for his ankles now that the dizziness had faded slightly she was in higher focus that before.
  46. WadeAltair: -he would see her attack coming then jumps back just out of reach. his energy would then build up greatly as a black and white aura would swirl around him with great force. he would then attempt to throw a flurry of punches and kicks at a distance. if successful shadows in the shape of fists and feet would strike her at various places with great impact.-
  47. EmeliaBowers: She raised an eyebrow slightly at his ranged attack and simply pivot her body about 5 spaces to the left with two fluid movements. She posed herself in a relaxed stance and smiles to him for a moment. "This spar is going to go on for awhile it seems."
  48. WadeAltair: "we can stop whenever you want"
  49. EmeliaBowers: "I feel as if that's as far as I'm going to get today, the later it gets the more I feel my lack of sleep."
  50. WadeAltair: -he stands upright- alrite then
  51. EmeliaBowers: How did I do?
  52. WadeAltair: very well
  53. WadeAltair: perhaps next time i can turn it up a notch
  54. EmeliaBowers: I hope so, I look forward to improving more and more.
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