
Pixie Race 5e(Still Broken)

Nov 17th, 2019
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  1. Pixie
  2. Ability Scores: Str maximum of 3, Dex +2, Wis +1, Cha +1
  3. Size:  Tiny
  4. Speed: 10ft, Fly 30ft
  6. Age: Pixie mature far more quickly than humans, usually at around age 2.  However, as a fey race they are quite long lived.  Most Pixie that become adventurers do so between ages 100-150 when they become bored with a more sedentary life.  Most pixie choose the time of their departure from the world, becoming a dense cloud of fairy dust that enriches and protects their home eventually giving rise to a newly born pixie that is their offspring.  It's unknown if a pixie can die of old age.
  8. Alignment: Pixie are naturally curious, but cautious, and are less likely to prank or torment mortal beings.  Rarely evil, they tend to be good or neutral.  As a fey creature, they have a stronger pull toward chaos than law though most are neutral; they would rather watch the world unfold around them than attempt to shape it toward or from entropy.  Depending on your clan(or Aes) you may be more or less likely to tend to certain alignments.  
  10. Size: Pixie are quite diminutive, most standing barely a foot high.  Men and Woman are about the same height and build, most weighing no more than a few pounds.  
  12. Language: You can speak, read, and write common and sylvan.
  14. Flight: You have a flight speed of 30ft.  You cannot fly if you are wearing armour or encumbered.
  16. Magical Resistance: Pixie have advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects.
  18. Tiny Weapons: As a member of a tiny race, your combat potential is limited.  Attacks with tiny sized weapons deal only 1 point of damage.  Additionally, when using ranged weapons your effective ranges are divided by 5(minimum of 5ft).  Most Pixie defend themselves with their exceptional magic.
  20. Natural Invisibility: You may use your action to magically turn invisible.  Any equipment you wear or carry is invisible with you. You must use an action each round to maintain this effect or it ends at the end of the round.  Once this ability ends you must complete a short rest before using it again.
  22. Innate Spellcasting: Depending on your clan(chosen below), you have the ability to cast certain spells using your own pixie dust as the material component. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for all spells.  All pixie know and may cast the Druidcraft cantrip.   Additionally, you gain the following spells based on clan:
  24. Aes Sidhe: The highborn Pixies of the tales of adventures and legend.  Most likely to dress themselves in regal appearance, flowing gowns, high fashion, tiny crowns and other finery.  You can cast dancing lights and detect good and evil as 1st-level spells; you must finish a long rest in order to cast these spells again using this trait. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the phatasmal force spell as a 2nd-level spell; you must finish a long rest in order to cast the spell again using this trait. Once you reach 5th level, you can also cast the fly spell as a 3rd-level spell; you must finish a long rest in order to cast the spell again using this trait.
  26. Leanan Sidhe: Pixie who are aburst with emotion, who revel in and are enthralled by the day to day lives of the moral folk. They are more likely than others to be chaotic as they embrace the explosively short lives of those around them.  They have a history of falling in love deeply with mortals, loving them fiercely all their lives, and then pinning with equal ferocity their deaths for decades. You can cast dancing lights and sleep as 1st level spells; you must finish a long rest in order to cast these spells again using this trait. Once you reach 3rd level, you can cast the detect thoughts spell as a 2nd-level spell; you must finish a long rest in order to cast the spell again using this trait. Once you reach 7th level, you can also cast the confusion spell as a 4th-level spell; you must finish a long rest in order to cast the spell again using this trait.
  28. Dannan Sidhe: Pixie who dwell in darkness.  Believed to be descendants of a race who were fooled into giving up life on the surface, the Dannan Sidhe live almost exclusively in caves, caverns, and dungeons, though they are not bound to the darkness.  Appearing pale, gaunt, and ferocious with red eyes and thin, oiled hair, they are more likely to be evil, but most are merely fiercely territorial.  That territorial nature can become ironclad loyalty for those mortals who demonstrate the same to them.  You can cast dancing lights and entangle as 1st level spells; you must finish a long rest in order to cast these spells again using this trait. Once you reach 5th level, you can cast the dispel magic spell as a 3rd-level spell; you must finish a long rest in order to cast the spell again using this trait. Once you reach 7th level, you can also cast the polymorph spell as a 4th level spell; you must finish a long rest in order to cast the spell again using this trait.
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