

Oct 29th, 2017
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  1. --
  2. -- QuickType - A small mini-game.
  3. -- Made by UseTheForce Productions
  4. --
  5. -- Credits:
  6. -- Luke M.
  7. --
  9. if not fs.exists("CCQT/UTFPro") then
  10. fs.makeDir("CCQT")
  11. local UTFPro ="CCQT/UTFPro", "w")
  12. UTFPro.writeLine("bbbbbbbbbbbbb9")
  13. UTFPro.writeLine("b7bb88888777b9")
  14. UTFPro.writeLine("b7bb7b8b7bbbb9")
  15. UTFPro.writeLine("b7bb7b8b77bbb9")
  16. UTFPro.writeLine("b7bb7b8b7bbbb9")
  17. UTFPro.writeLine("b7777b8b7bbbb9")
  18. UTFPro.writeLine("bbbbbbbbbbbbb9")
  19. UTFPro.writeLine("99999999999999")
  20. UTFPro.close()
  21. end
  23. img = paintutils.loadImage("CCQT/UTFPro")
  24. local score = 0
  25. local dgtime = 5
  27. function clear()
  28. term.clear()
  29. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  30. end
  32. clear()
  34. function saveScore(value)
  35. file ="CCQT/highscore.txt", "w")
  36. file.writeLine(value)
  37. file.close()
  38. end
  40. function getScore()
  41. if not fs.exists("CCQT/highscore.txt") then
  42. file ="CCQT/highscore.txt", "w")
  43. file.writeLine("0")
  44. file.close()
  45. getScore()
  46. else
  47. file ="CCQT/highscore.txt", "r")
  48. highscore = file.readAll()
  49. file.close()
  50. return tonumber(highscore)
  51. end
  52. end
  54. function gsleep()
  55. sleep(tonumber(gtime))
  56. return "HI"
  57. end
  59. function easyQuestion()
  60. local letters = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"}
  61. local question = {letters[math.random(1, #letters)], letters[math.random(1, #letters)], letters[math.random(1, #letters)], letters[math.random(1, #letters)], letters[math.random(1, #letters)], letters[math.random(1, #letters)]}
  62. return question[1]..question[2]..question[3]..question[4]..question[5]..question[6]
  63. end
  65. function hardQuestion()
  66. local letters = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z"}
  67. local question = {letters[math.random(1, #letters)], letters[math.random(1, #letters)], letters[math.random(1, #letters)], letters[math.random(1, #letters)], letters[math.random(1, #letters)], letters[math.random(1, #letters)]}
  68. return question[1]..question[2]..question[3]..question[4]..question[5]..question[6]
  69. end
  71. function insaneQuestion()
  72. local letters = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", ":", "{", "}", "[", "]", "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "%", "^", "&", "*", "(", ")", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "/", "\\"}
  73. local question = {letters[math.random(1, #letters)], letters[math.random(1, #letters)], letters[math.random(1, #letters)], letters[math.random(1, #letters)], letters[math.random(1, #letters)], letters[math.random(1, #letters)]}
  74. return question[1]..question[2]..question[3]..question[4]..question[5]..question[6]
  75. end
  77. function easy()
  78. clear()
  79. eword = easyQuestion()
  80. print("Score: "..score)
  81. print("")
  82. print(eword)
  83. io.write("> ")
  84. einput =
  85. if string.lower(einput) == string.lower(eword) then
  86. print("Correct!")
  87. isCorrect = true
  88. elseif string.lower(einput) ~= string.lower(eword) then
  89. print("Incorrect! You have lost.")
  90. isCorrect = false
  91. hs = getScore()
  92. if tonumber(score) > tonumber(hs) then
  93. print("New High Score!!!")
  94. saveScore(score)
  95. end
  96. sleep(1)
  97. return false
  98. end
  99. end
  101. function hard()
  102. clear()
  103. hword = hardQuestion()
  104. print("Score: "..score)
  105. print("")
  106. print(hword)
  107. io.write("> ")
  108. hinput =
  109. if hinput == hword then
  110. print("Correct!")
  111. isCorrect = true
  112. elseif einput ~= eword then
  113. print("Incorrect! You have lost.")
  114. isCorrect = false
  115. hs = getScore()
  116. if tonumber(score) > tonumber(hs) then
  117. print("New High Score!!!")
  118. saveScore(score)
  119. end
  120. sleep(1)
  121. return false
  122. end
  123. end
  125. function insane()
  126. clear()
  127. iword = insaneQuestion()
  128. print("Score: "..score)
  129. print("")
  130. print(iword)
  131. io.write("> ")
  132. iinput =
  133. if iinput == iword then
  134. print("Correct!")
  135. isCorrect = true
  136. elseif einput ~= eword then
  137. print("Incorrect! You have lost.")
  138. isCorrect = false
  139. hs = getScore()
  140. if tonumber(score) > tonumber(hs) then
  141. print("New High Score!!!")
  142. saveScore(score)
  143. end
  144. sleep(1)
  145. return false
  146. end
  147. end
  149. function moreInfo()
  150. clear()
  151. print(" <[[[QuickType]]]>")
  152. print("Info")
  153. print("")
  154. print("Copy what comes up on the screen as fast as you can. The time you typed in the beginning was how long you have to type the word in.\n")
  155. print("Easy: Not case-sensitive. Only Letters. Just copy!")
  156. print("")
  157. print("Hard: Case-sensitive. Only letters.")
  158. print("")
  159. print("Insane: Case-sensitive. Letters, numbers, symbols.")
  160. print("")
  161. print("Press any key to continue...")
  162. while true do
  163. event = os.pullEvent()
  164. if event == "key" then
  165. parallel.waitForAll(unosleep, hi)
  166. start()
  167. end
  168. end
  169. end
  171. function unosleep()
  172. sleep(0.5)
  173. end
  175. function hi()
  176. print("")
  177. print(" ...")
  178. end
  180. function start()
  181. score = 0
  182. gtime = htime
  183. hs = getScore()
  184. repeat
  185. clear()
  186. print(" <[[[QuickType]]]> High Score: "..hs)
  187. print(" Choose your Gamemode:")
  188. print("")
  189. print(" Easy (e)")
  190. print(" Hard (h)")
  191. print(" Insane (i)")
  192. print(" More Info (m)")
  193. print(" Exit (ex)")
  194. print("")
  195. io.write(" > ")
  196. gamemode = string.lower(
  198. if gamemode == "e" then
  199. gtype = "easy"
  201. elseif gamemode == "h" then
  202. gtype = "hard"
  204. elseif gamemode == "i" then
  205. gtype = "insane"
  207. elseif gamemode == "ex" then
  208. print("Goodbye!")
  209. sleep(2)
  210. os.reboot()
  211. clear()
  212. error()
  214. elseif gamemode == "m" then
  215. moreInfo()
  217. else
  218. print("Invalid Answer")
  219. sleep(1)
  220. end
  221. until gtype ~= nil
  222. clear()
  223. print("Are you ready? (y/n)")
  224. io.write("> ")
  225. local input = string.lower(
  226. if input == "y" then
  227. clear()
  228. if gtype == "easy" then
  229. geasy()
  230. start()
  231. elseif gtype == "hard" then
  232. ghard()
  233. start()
  234. elseif gtype == "insane" then
  235. ginsane()
  236. start()
  237. else
  238. print("An Unknown Error Occurred...")
  239. sleep(2)
  240. error()
  241. end
  242. else
  243. start()
  244. end
  245. end
  247. function geasy()
  248. x = parallel.waitForAny(gsleep, easy)
  249. if x == 2 then
  250. if isCorrect == false then
  251. start()
  252. else
  253. score = score + 1
  254. gtime = gtime - 0.2
  255. sleep(1)
  256. geasy()
  257. end
  258. end
  259. if x == 1 then
  260. print("\nTime is up! You lose!")
  261. if score > hs then
  262. print("New High Score!")
  263. saveScore(score)
  264. end
  265. sleep(2)
  266. return "HI"
  267. end
  268. end
  270. function ghard()
  271. x = parallel.waitForAny(hard, gsleep)
  272. if x == 1 then
  273. if isCorrect == false then
  274. start()
  275. else
  276. score = score + 1
  277. gtime = gtime - 0.2
  278. sleep(1)
  279. geasy()
  280. end
  281. end
  282. if x == 2 then
  283. print("\nTime is up! You lose!")
  284. if score > hs then
  285. print("New High Score!")
  286. saveScore(score)
  287. end
  288. sleep(2)
  289. return "HI"
  290. end
  291. end
  293. function ginsane()
  294. x = parallel.waitForAny(insane, gsleep)
  295. if x == 1 then
  296. if isCorrect == false then
  297. start()
  298. else
  299. score = score + 1
  300. gtime = gtime - 0.2
  301. sleep(1)
  302. geasy()
  303. end end
  304. if x == 2 then
  305. print("\nTime is up! You lose!")
  306. if score > hs then
  307. print("New High Score!")
  308. saveScore(score)
  309. end
  310. sleep(2)
  311. return "HI"
  312. end
  313. end
  315. print("Getting highscore...")
  316. hs = getScore()
  317. function timew()
  318. io.write("Enter time > ")
  319. htime = tonumber(
  320. if htime == nil then
  321. print("Must be a number")
  322. timew()
  323. elseif htime < 0 then
  324. print("Must be greater than 0")
  325. timew()
  326. elseif htime > 10 then
  327. print("Must be less than or equal to 10")
  328. timew()
  329. else
  330. gtime = htime
  331. end
  332. end
  333. timew()
  334. print("Initializing...")
  335. sleep(0.82946)
  336. clear()
  337. sleep(1)
  338. if term.isColor() then
  339. paintutils.drawImage(img, 9, 4)
  340. term.setCursorPos(11, 13)
  341. term.setBackgroundColor(
  342. write("UseTheForce Productions Presents")
  343. else
  344. term.setCursorPos(11, 10)
  345. write("UseTheForce Productions Presents")
  346. end
  347. sleep(3)
  348. term.setBackgroundColor(
  349. clear()
  350. start()
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