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Jun 28th, 2012
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  1. 1. Look
  2. Become aware of what you see: notice the richly varied and vivid impressions—shapes, colors, movement, di- mensionality, the entire visible world.
  4. 2. Listen
  5. Become aware of what you hear: register the various sounds taken in by your ears—a diverse range of inten- sities, pitches, and tonal qualities, perhaps including the commonplace miracle of speech or the wonder of music.
  7. 3. Feel
  8. Become aware of what you touch: texture (smooth, rough, dry, sticky, or wet), weight (heavy, light, solid, or empty), pleasure, pain, heat and cold, and the rest. Also note how your body feels right now and compare that to the many other ways it feels at other times, tired or energetic, stiff or limber, painful or pleasant, and so on.
  10. 4. Taste
  11. Become aware of what it is like to taste: taste a number of different foods and substances, or remember and viv- idly imagine their tastes.
  13. 5. Smell
  14. Become aware of what you smell: the odor of warm bodies, earth, incense, smoke, perfume, coffee, onions, alcohol, and the sea. Remember and imagine as many of them as you can.
  16. 6. Breathing
  17. Attend to your breathing. A moment ago you probably were not consciously aware of your breathing even though you have inhaled and exhaled fifty times while doing this exercise. Hold your breath for a few seconds. Let it out. Now take a deep breath. Notice that being conscious of your breathing allows you to alter it delib-erately.
  19. 7. Emotions
  20. Become aware of your feelings. Remember the difference between anger and joy, serenity and excitement, and as many other emotions as you care to feel. How real do emotions feel?
  22. 8. Thoughts
  23. Become aware of your thoughts. What have you been thinking while doing this exercise? What are you think-ing right now? How real do thoughts seem?
  25. 9. “I”
  26. Become aware of the fact that your world always in-cludes you. As William James noted, it is I see, I hear, I feel, I think that is the basic fact of experience. You are not what you see, hear, think, or feel; you have these experiences. Perhaps most essentially, you are who is aware. You are always at the center of your multidimen- sional universe of experience, but you are not always consciously aware of yourself. Briefly repeat the exercise with the following difference: At the same time you at-tend to each of the various aspects of your experience, be aware that it is you who is noticing these things (“I see the light...”).
  28. 10. Awareness of awareness
  29. Finally, become aware of your awareness. Normally, awareness focuses on objects outside ourselves, but it can itself be an object of awareness. In the light of or-dinary experience, we seem to be distinct and limited centers of awareness, each alone in our inner worlds. In the light of eternity, mystics tell us, we are ultimately all one—the unlimited awareness that is the source of being. Here, experience cannot be adequately expressed by language.
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