
Setting for CMFRP

Dec 14th, 2014
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  1. World of CMFRP
  3. In this Pastebin, I'll try to outline important features of this world and then describe the continent that most of the roleplay will be taking place in.
  5. In this world, mages have been around since recorded history and have played various (mostly major) roles in the turning points of different civilizations. During the most recent turning point on this planet which came with the more widespread use of firearms and the near extinction of pestilence mages, it's become almost universally accepted that mages and the magic they are utilizing are divine in nature and therefor unexplainable to mere mortal men. By this time, there would have already been several religions around the world that each tailored to the worshiping people's ideas of how magic is distributed and how it works.
  7. There's 6 major continents on this planet and they usually stay pretty independent from each other, instead relying on trade with surrounding islands. None of the continents have united people and instead all but the continent of Braeter have perpetual wars going on within their borders and between their people. Occasionally, the inhabitants of these other continents will branch out and try to absorb islands or raid each other in desperation but most tend to shy away from messing with Braeter.
  9. Far out islands in this world sort of hold an unexplained magical element. It's in these more remote islands that dragite, an extremely rare, durable, and resistant to magic ore that can only be forged using dragon fire, was first found and later turned into a privilege that is mostly reserved for mages. It's also on these islands where the world's more terrifying uber-beast lay. Most of the world's dragon nests reside out of reach from the majority of man-kind and there are still islands un touched and un-explored due to the high number of uber sea beasts that make their home around them and out into the far ocean depths.
  10. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  12. Braeter: Braeter is the third largest continent on the planet and is named after the first documented and longest-surviving civilization of the Braeterians. These people had during an earlier point of the world, lived across the continent during an early ice-age and have since died off/been pushed back up towards the northern border of Braeter where they live behind a continent spanning wall of mountains in frigidly cold conditions. In their wake, they left groups of their decedents who would go on to populate the no-longer freezing continent along with nearby islanders and foreign people from other continents. In modern times, the continent has a pretty wide-ranged climates and a diverse set of inhabitants. While the various countries and feudal states in the continent don't always get along, Braeter is at a much better state than the rest of the world mainly thanks to the efforts of the Council and the Mages in the CouncilLand.
  14. Northern Mountain-lands: This area of the continent spans across the entire north coast and due to the continent's size it's a pretty big stretch of land. Being close towards the north pole, it's in a perpetual winter and is blocked off from the rest of Braeter due to the rigorous mountain ridge that spans just below it. While this land is often identified as a country, it is actually made up of 12 different Braeterian tribes who convene once a year to make large standing decisions for the best of the remaining Braeterian people. This country is easily the largest on the continent, and the people that live here are massive, strong-willed, and hardy people and the mages born in this country are often enslaved at birth and made the property of whatever chief of the tribe they were born in. With little to no contact with the countries in the rest of the continent, the 12 Braeterian instead hold an uneasy truce with the three large countries that lie on the other-side of the mountain ridge.
  16. Kingdom of Ten Gardens: This, being the second largest country in the land is also the second most prosperous besides the CouncilLand. Situated just below the mountains bordering it and the Braeterians, The Kingdom of the Ten Gardens is made up of the Braeterian's late descendants and their offspring with nearby islanders. When the Braeterian people had pulled back into the remaining winterlands, they had left the people of the Ten Gardens to adopt their religion of the 10 Deities that each represented one of the disciplines that mages are born under. Originally, three times as large as it currently is, due to differing religious beliefs it had broken off from the Kingdom of ____ and the Kingdom of ____ who it shares an east and west border respectively which also left it landlocked. This in turn would prove to be in the Kingdom's favor due to the fact that it now had no need to fear invasions from foreign people as well as engage in trade with the multitude of feudal states below it who all mostly share the 10 deity religion as well. This country's name comes from the original founders setting up cities in ten gardens found in it's forested regions. These ten gardens then came to symbolize each of the ten deities and a great city was constructed around each.
  18. Kingdom of Goldcrest: The Kingdom of Goldcrest lies to the West of The Kingdom of Ten Gardens and is the result of difference in religion. While originally, the strip of land directly below the Northern Mountain-Lands was all the Kingdom of Ten Gardens, a sudden rush of foreign people from far-out islands and other continents had arrived at the separate coast of this area and had brought their different religions with them. Two of these foreign religions caught on and eventually spread into the belief that there's only one god who is the culmination of each of the ten magic disciplines and had simply broken himself apart to let the different parts of his magic seep into humans on earth. These beliefs led to the secession and establishment of the Goldcrest monarchy who lead the church and state in the Kingdom of Goldcrest. Unlike the Kingdom of Ten Garderns, the Kingdom of Goldcrest is on uneasy terms with the smaller countries below it on the West coast and is often engaged in small skirmishes over it's ever-changing border as well as the feudal states further west.
  20. Kingdom of Luciendale: The country to the East of the Kingdom of 10 Gardens is unique in that despite being a large and unified country, it offers it's people the opportunity to worship whatever religion it would like and has the most varied population. Along with the other three major powers of Braeter, the Kingdom of Luciendale has a ruling monarchy and has a pretty open mage policy regarding mages born in their borders and mages who excommunicate into their land. Along with the second largest college on the continent, Luciendale is however at constant odds with the surrounding smaller coastal countries and the feudal states below it mainly due to a desire for more land and resources that neither are quite willing to share due to Luciendale's undefined religious status.
  22. Smaller Countries: Lying on both sides of Braeter under the three major powers and on either coast are a collection of smaller countries who are seperate from the feudal states in the center of the country due to them having more definite and long-lasting monarchies or council, a unified army, and actually get it's people to not abide by feudal laws anymore. Most of these countries are newly made out of feudal states that had been conquered and united under a single army, some countries even lead by mercenaries who accomplished this feat. One of the better rewards and motivation for leaving the feudal states and becomming a coastal country is increased trading opportunities and no longer having to worry about accepting challenges from any mage that decides they want to become a feudal lord. Downside to these smaller countries is that they are often on bad terms with each other, the bordering feudal states, and the kingdoms of Luciendale and Goldcrest. A country is usually comprised of two or three great cities and lots of rural areas and farming grounds.
  24. Feudal FuckPit: The center of Braeter is comprised of a large number of small, feudal states which are mainly made up of farms, a town or two, and a fort or castle. The people in these lands abide by a sort of chivalry/feudal code that basically calls for the leader of a state to mark his boundries by flags and banners and accept any challenge to his right of leadership. This basically ensures that control of these states shift rapidly and that few actually become unified countries. Soldiers and mages in these parts are usually mercenaries or local men so they are always willing to trade loyalty to whoever defeats the current leader of a state.
  26. CouncilLand: In the dead center of the continent is a country much smaller than either of the three major kingdoms or the Northern Mountain Lands but still a bit larger then the average size of a coastal country. This Land's borders are determined by several towers and border towns that separate it from the surrounding feudal states who happen to be the most peaceful in the country. Taken over by a group of 10 mages several generations ago, each a master in his respective magic tree, it has long since become the beacon of order in Braeter and is operated by that still-living council and run primarily by mages. It has three main cities which are dedicated to govern the rest of Braeter and prevent the collapse of society and the rest of the country is made up of rural grasslands and farms where mages can live out their days in peace after retiring from work. The CouncilLand holds mages in the highest regards and is on a look out throughout the Feudal Fuckpit and the coastal cities for newborn mages who would be better off in the mage country to be put to work later on in life.
  28. Southern Slopes: Near the bottom of the continent closer towards the equator, the grass stops and the sands begin. The Southern Slopes is the collective term for the large desert that takes up the bottom of the continent and is known for being a very hostile place to be due to extreme and unpredictable weather, dangerous desert beasts, bands of illegal mages and mercenary guilds, and un-governed desert cities that are often hard to find by anyone other than experts of the region. Cities in this region don't make much contact with the rest of Braeter and instead do trade with islands to the south of the continent.
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