
dany pms

May 8th, 2015
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  1. DanyalAngelWarrior
  2. tell lyall and all her lil friends to leave me alone i not flagged her for squat idc bout her no more just as she never cared for me im to busy dying to care
  3. DanyalAngelWarrior
  4. for pple that hate drama you all sure like causing it
  6. how the hell am i causing drama i aint sponken to u since u unfriened me
  8. DanyalAngelWarrior
  9. lets see here i said lyall
  10. DanyalAngelWarrior
  11. and this is exactly why i unfriended you you choose these drama mongers over us and here im doing nothing but dying and seriously considering disabling
  13. there was just as much drama around you too
  15. DanyalAngelWarrior
  16. accually no been very peaceful sense you all left ty peacful enough to just die
  18. mines been quite and peacefull too ty
  20. DanyalAngelWarrior
  21. good for you now you all including lyall just leave me the heck alone and forget i ever existed dont look at my pf or my rooms nothing just as you always wanted it sense you all still not gotten over me following shimmer into llavish
  23. wot the hell u on about shimmer and lavish? and i have looked on ur pf unlike u looking at mine yesterday and last week
  25. DanyalAngelWarrior
  26. as they say you know who your rwal family n freinds are when it hits the fan and you i see werent one of em ever i wasted my time and love and care on you like i did all of you there
  28. ur the one that turned ur back on me when u took twitch back
  30. DanyalAngelWarrior
  31. not looked at you till you finally took me off it and stoped lying bout how much you cared and loved me and claimed me as family
  32. DanyalAngelWarrior
  33. oh here we go twitch huh he was trying to change srry i believe in chances unlike you
  35. i always claimed u as family till u unfriened me, that told me u didnt love or care for me coz even if familys do go through rough patches they still care but looks like u dont
  37. DanyalAngelWarrior
  38. really want to be technicall you turned your back on us siding with a sexual bigot over our freedom to be wut we are that far worse
  40. believe in chances that a joke and twitch never changed and he proved that to u didnt he, u are far from perfect on the whole thing staying faithful and im sure u can remember wot im on about
  42. DanyalAngelWarrior
  43. never claimed to be perfect and oh waite how many chances have i given that sexual bigot...oh yea more than he deserved
  45. no but ur sitting up on ur high horse and judging everyone that doesnt do it ur way, i never ask u to forgive him just tolarate him for me but i guess that was to much to ask concidering i never ask u for anything else
  47. DanyalAngelWarrior
  48. and yes ik wut your talking bout but oh waite she wasnt faithful to me then either she was MARRIED
  50. DanyalAngelWarrior
  51. oh i tolerated him for as long as i could till he disrespected my room and my daughter when im supposed to respect his rofl that a joke
  53. yea well shit happens dont it, ohh and u know ur preaching about cyber bullying wot ur doing here is also cyber bulling and wot u have done in the past to mum is also cyber bulling, so againg sitting on ur high horse judging if ur gonna preach it try listening to wot u preach too
  55. DanyalAngelWarrior
  56. and when exactly was standing up for wut you believe in and defending those you love a high horse? its more than i can say he does
  57. DanyalAngelWarrior
  58. accually no its arguing cause all oi did was ask you to tell lyall and them to back off on flagging me and well you wanted to argue
  60. lol im defending myself not arguing u turned it in to a argument by involing me in something that doesnt invovle me
  62. DanyalAngelWarrior
  63. so defending myself against your arguing is cyber bullying you is it? block me
  65. lol have a nice life dany and leave me the hell alone coz ur showing that u cant say anything nice
  67. DanyalAngelWarrior
  68. no i asked you to tell someone i blocked to stop and you thought i meant you
  70. u included me in that message by sending it to me then u turned it on to me
  72. DanyalAngelWarrior
  73. no was not including you cause i know you wouldnt flag me for anything
  75. no cause i dont see the point
  77. DanyalAngelWarrior
  78. cause i blocked her so i cant talk to her andall i want is to be left to die alone bad enough tutu and lulu and sassy wont let me i dont need harrassment ant bullying onntop of it from lyal or neko or shimmer or wab or tazz or alden
  80. alden hasnt sent or done nothing to u since the shit with ur daughter that night but cant speak for others
  82. DanyalAngelWarrior
  83. see i know i failed i know i fucked up following shimmer into lavish but you all refused to let me go when i begged for it i knew this was all comming long ago..not how but i knew i was never forgiven or seen why i did things only lulu and tutu saw and forgave no one else did and should have let me go then after i failed instead of forcing me on in a fake beliefe of forgive and forget and make me suffer
  85. see thats where ur wrong i did forgive u for doing that
  87. DanyalAngelWarrior
  88. that a fib on alden cause it was 2 days later he threatened to report me cause i was being caring and concerned when heart said i was more a dad than he was to her and thought maybe it was something you needed to know to talk to her bout
  90. ok i refrase it he hasnt done anything since u two fellout over the stuff about ur daughter and eden
  92. DanyalAngelWarrior
  93. my concern is whos flagging me for stupid crap twice in one day now and hmmm its a repeatative flagger ik that from imvu itself
  94. DanyalAngelWarrior
  95. i doubt you had forgiven or forgotten at this point cause im a constant f up and failure in your eyes sense and all i ever do is ask for advice from family and so i took back twitch ummm my wife had no one left and this family wasnt very receptive or kind to her during that time wut was i supposed to do deny her that as well as denying her kids you all had issues with wow that make me an great hubby to her huh
  97. but thats the thing i had excepted her as mt sissy so dont say she didnt have anyone and yea u made mistakes we all have but shit happens u have to learn from them and move on and i didnt care about u asking for advice coz i knew i could ask the same from u but it hurt me with the twitch shit coz i knew for a fact he was playing u
  99. DanyalAngelWarrior
  100. and deny her more family...when she already lost hers for us and this family denying her kids then letting her and tearing them apart in front of her hurting her more...and im to deny her a chance to see twitch and make her choice?
  101. DanyalAngelWarrior
  102. i got a beautiful loving caring wife but she deserves her choices and to learn as well instead of remaining ignorant as you all seem to have wanted her to be
  104. i never denied her the chance of having kids we just saw them for who their where b4 they showed their true colours to u, i wanted her to be happy with kids the same as i am and some times its better to be ignorant coz then u dont get hurt
  106. DanyalAngelWarrior
  107. you also dont learn squat if you remain ignorant and her kids her choice isnt it? just as yours are yours even though i have a diff opinion
  109. and wot would that opinion be?
  111. DanyalAngelWarrior
  112. dont matter not my kids to have a say now is it
  114. im lost wot kids aint ur anymore
  116. DanyalAngelWarrior
  117. i was saying sassy has a right to learn on her own with her own choices on kids just as you all have your own rights to picking your kids cause tbh no one ever asks me if im ok with their kids when they choose them even if i do have my own opinions on their kids its not mine to decide who they take in but sassy and i have to get permission from the family on any kids we want
  119. the only one of ur kids i ever really disagreed on was angel
  121. DanyalAngelWarrior
  122. i said family not just you for your fyi implying all of you emma tutu lulu you everyone had to have a damn opinion on what kids we had and no one let sassy make her own damn judgements on em
  124. she always ask for our opinions and didnt always let up untill she got an answer
  126. DanyalAngelWarrior
  127. i guess you forgot emma and tutu asking for no more kids then cause i havent i had to deal with my wifes tears for that and i guess you forgotten how it was for her when you stopped comming round cause you had alden no guess not cause im the one that wiped her tears and told her she was a great sissy to you and i guess you forgotten her tears when tazz forced her to decide us or him and his cheating ways and how he used this family cause i didnt i still cant i still deal with that loss she feeling
  129. no i never forgot those things and is it a crime to want to spend time with my bf and it wasnt always coz i was with alden that i wasnt there sometime i had to work and hell even sometimes i was asleep,
  131. DanyalAngelWarrior
  132. but you made lil effort to see your sissy how you think that made her feel? think bout it sometime
  134. aye but the effort works both ways dany
  136. DanyalAngelWarrior
  137. and we tried did we not we went to your rooms and aldens and even ellys and yet here we are unwelcomed in any cause of alden and tazz and lyall and you still choose to see them and not come see us
  138. DanyalAngelWarrior
  139. cause you failed to make any attempts to see us when we were unwelcome by them is another reason i defriended you cause it damn hurts to see you online binging on and off on n off waiting for you to stop in and say hi sense we werre no longer welcome where you went to
  140. DanyalAngelWarrior
  141. just like your mother staying in your rooms or hers and never comming to ours sequesttering herself with those that did not welcome us were rude to us disrespected us and you following her coat tails on it
  143. when i did come and see u after ur last fight with alden u made me uncomfortable the first time was in ur broken doll room when all u did was throw shit at me it felt like i was walking on egg shells. it felt like u didnt want me around and then u unfriend me so it said even more u didnt want me around and im nothing like my mother and wot other rooms was i ment to go in apart from my own?
  145. DanyalAngelWarrior
  146. how do you think i felt? i was just as uncomfortable after aldens threat to disale me i feel like i cant even freely talk in my own damn rooms anymore with you heart or tiff there cause you all feed him our chat especially after i told you you should talk to hert not him cause hell even lulu knew he take that shit bad
  148. but thats the thing it was just a threat if he was gonna go through with it he would have.
  150. DanyalAngelWarrior
  151. i seen his threats with others im far from stupid many times he said he drop something and never did
  153. yea but b4 he never had the threat of losing lulu over it
  155. DanyalAngelWarrior
  156. how is lulu involved in this may i ask? she still sees you n that mother of yours dont she and she was at the wedding i was not welcome to in my own wedding room i paid for
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