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Jul 19th, 2010
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  1. Postaljanje Sifre za kanal /mode #my_channel +k <password>
  2. Skidanje Sifre za kanal /mode #my_channel -k
  4. Permisije
  11. 1.REGISTRACIJA - registraciju nadimka obavljate komandom /ns REGISTER zeljenasifra email . Stavite vas pravi email Sifra mora da se sastoji od najmanje 5 karaktera i ne sme da bude ista kao vash nadimak. Kad to ukucate, onda proverite email. Dobicete email sa uputstvima sta da radite dalje.Takodje,ne preporucuje se da koristite isti email niti sifru koju ste koristili za erepublik.
  13. 2.INFORMACIJE U VEZI NICKA - informacije o nadimku se dobijaju komandom /ns info NADIMAK
  15. 3.IDENTIFIKACIJA - identifikacija za nadimak se vrsi komandom /identify SHIFRA
  17. 4.DROP - registraciju svog nick-a mozete ponistiti komandom: /ns drop
  19. 5.STATUS LISTA - listu svojih statusa mozete videti komandom: /ns alist
  21. 6.GHOST - u slucaju da vam pukne veza pa se vratite na server, ili vas nick iz drugih razloga ostane da "visi" na serveru, mozete ga "ubiti" komandom: /ns GHOST nick password
  23. 7.PROMENA SIFRE - promena sifre za nick, vrsi se komandom /NS SET PASSWORD novasifra . Morate biti identifikovani za nick da biste koristili ovu komandu.
  32. 1.KICK - da bi nekoga izbacili sa kanala kucajte: /kick #ime-kanala nick razlog
  34. 2.BAN - da banujete nekog korisnika, kucajte /mode #imekanala +b nick. Ban skidate komandom /mode #imekanala -b nick
  36. 3.VOICE - + (voice) dajete komandom /mode #imekanala +v nick. + (voice) oduzimate komandom /mode #imekanala -v nick
  38. 4.HALFOP -% (halfop) dajete komandom /mode #imekanala +h nick. % (halfop) oduzimate komandom /mode #imekanala -h nick
  40. 5.OP - @ (op) dajete komandom /mode #imekanala +o nick. @ (op) oduzimate komandom /mode #imekanala -o nick
  42. 6.BAN-KICK - da banujete i kikujete istovremeno, kucajte /ban -k #imekanala nick razlog
  44. 7.AUTO VOICE - autovoice na kanalu namestate, tako sto prvo kucate /cs set #imekanala xop off , posle toga /cs levels #imekanala set autovoice 0 , i na kraju /cs set #imekanala secure off . Ovo ce dozvoliti botu da automatski daje + (voice) svakom user-u koji udje na kanal. Iskljucuje se komandom /cs set #imekanala xop on .
  46. 8.REGISTRACIJA - registracija kanala se obavlja komandom /cs REGISTER #imekanala sifrazakanal opiskanala . Naravno prethodno morate otvoriti kanal komandom /join #imekanala .
  48. 9.IDENTIFIKACIJA - da bi ste se identifikovali kao founder kanala, kucajte /cs identify #imekanala shifrakanala
  50. 10.INFO - informacije o nekom kanalu mozete videti komandom /cs info #imekanala
  52. 11.DROP - registraciju kanala mozete ponistiti komandom /cs drop #imekanala
  54. 12.KEY - KEY kanala mozete dobiti komandom /cs getkey #imekanala . Da bi ste koristili ovu komandu, morate imati barem AOP status.
  56. 13.INVITE - da sebe pozovete na neki kanal, kucajte /cs invite #imekanala . Ovu komandu mozete koristiti ako imate barem AOP status.
  58. 14.UNBAN - da sebi skinete ban na nekom kanalu, kucajte /cs unban #imekanala . Da bi ste koristili ovu komandu, morate imati barem AOP status.
  60. 15.VOP -VOicePeople- VOP dajete komandom /cs vop #imekanala add nick. VOP brisete komandom /cs vop #imekanala del nick
  62. 16.HOP -auto-halfopped-dajete komandom /cs hop #imekanala add nick. HOP brisete komandom /cs hop #imekanala del nick
  64. 17.AOP -auto-opped- AOP dajete komandom /cs aop #imekanala add nick. AOP brisete komandom /cs aop #imekanala del nick
  66. 18.SOP -SuperOP- SOP dajete komandom /cs sop #imekanala add nick. SOP brisete komandom /cs sop #imekanala del nick
  68. 19.ACCESS LIST - , listu statusa nekog kanala mozete videti komandom /cs access #imekanala list . Morate imati barem % (halfop) status da bi ste koristili ovu komandu.
  70. 20.AKICK - akick dajete komandom /cs akick #imekanala add nick razlog. Akick skidate komandom /cs akick #imekanala del nick|maska. Akick listu mozete videti komandom /cs akick #imekanala list
  72. 21.FOUNDER - novog foundera kanala mozete postaviti komandom /cs set #imekanala founder NICK
  74. 22.DESCRIPTION - opis kanala mozete promeniti komandom /cs set #imekanala desc OPIS
  76. 23.ENTRYMSG - entrymsg na kanalu mozete postaviti komandom /cs set #imekanala entrymsg TEXT
  78. 24.RESTRICTED - restricted opciju (na kanal mogu uci samo osobe koje su na access listi) mozete ukljuciti komandom /cs set #imekanala restricted on
  80. 25.TOPIK - topic kozete zakljucati komandom /cs set #imekanala topiclock on
  82. 26.PROMENA SIFRE - shifru kanala mozete promeniti komandom /cs set #imekanala password NOVI-PASS
  86. 1.SEND - memo saljete komandom: /ms send nick text (da bi ste poslali memo, vas nadimak mora biti registrovan, kao i osobi kojoj saljete memo)
  88. 2.CANCEL - ako zelite za otkazete vasu poslednju poslatu memo poruku, kucajte /ms cancel nick
  90. 3.LIST - ako zelite da izlistate vase memo poruke, kucajte /ms list
  92. 4.READ - da procitate memo poruku, kucajte /ms read BROJ-PORUKE
  94. 5.DELETE - memo poruku brisete komandom /ms del BROJ-PORUKE
  96. 6.INFO - informacije o svojim memo porukama mozete videti komandom /ms info
  98. 7.LIMIT - da postavite limit koliko memo poruka mozete da primite, kucajte /ms set limit BROJ
  102. 1.ASSIGN - bot-a ubacujes na kanal komandom /bs assign #imekanala bot . Kanal mora biti registrovan, takodje morate biti vlasnik kanala.
  104. 2.UN ASSIGN - bot-a sklanjate sa kanala komandom /bs unassign #imekanala (morate biti vlasnik kanala da biste izvrsili ovu komandu)
  106. 3.LIST - listu botova na raspolaganju mozete videti komandom /bs botlist
  108. 4.INFO - info nekog bot-a mozete videti komandom /bs info IMEBOTA. Info bot opcija nekog kanala mozete videti komandom /bs info #imekanala
  110. 5.SAY - preko bot-a mozete pricati komandom /bs say #imekanala text ili /bs act #imekanala text
  112. 6.DON`T KICK OPS - ako ne zelite da bot kikuje opove, kucajte /bs set #imekanala dontkickops on . Da iskljucite ovu opciju kucajte /bs set #imekanala dontkickops off
  114. 7.DON`T KICK VOICE - ako ne zelite da bot kikuje voice korisnike, kucajte /bs set #imekanala dontkickvoices on . Da iskljucite ovu opciju kucajte /bs set #imekanala dontkickvoices off
  116. 8.GREET - greet opciju mozete ukljuciti ili iskljuciti komandom /bs set #imekanala greet on/off
  118. 9.FANTASY - ako zelite da na kanalu mozete da koristite komande !op !deop !voice i slicne, kucajte /bs set #imekanala fantasy on . Ovu opciju iskljucujete komandom /bs set #imekanala fantasy off
  120. 10.SYMBIOSiS - ako zelite da bot radi sve sto bi inace radio chanserv (da opuje, deopuje, kikuje itd..), kucajte /bs set #imekanala symbiosis on . Ovu opciju iskljucujete komandom /bs set #imekanala symbiosis off
  122. 11.KICK BOLD - ako zelite da bot izbacuje za bold slova, kucajte /bs kick #imekanala bolds on . Ovu opciju iskljucujete komandom /bs kick #imekanala bolds off
  124. 12.KICK BAD WORDS - ako zelite da bot izbacuje za ruzne rechi, kucajte /bs kick #imekanala badwords on . Ovu opciju iskljucujete komandom /bs kick #imekanala badwords off .Ne dozvoljene rechi mozete dodati komandom /bs badwords #imekanala add RECH , a listu vec dodatih ne dozvoljenih rechi, mozete videti komandom /bs badwords #imekanala list
  126. 13.KICK CAPS - ako zelite da bot izbacuje za velika slova, kucajte /bs kick #imekanala caps on . Ovu opciju iskljucujete komandom /bs kick #imekanala caps off
  128. 14.KICK COLORS - ako zelite da bot izbacuje za boje, kucajte /bs kick #imekanala colors on . Ovu opciju iskljucujete komandom /bs kick #imekanala colors off
  130. 15.KICK FLOOD - ako zelite da bot izbacuje za flood, kucajte /bs kick #imekanala flood on . Ovu opciju iskljucujete komandom /bs kick #imekanala flood off
  132. 16.KICK REPEAT - ako zelite da bot izbacuje za ponavljanje, kucajte /bs kick #imekanala repeat on . Ovu opciju iskljucujete komandom /bs kick #imekanala repeat off
  134. RAZNO.
  136. 1.IGNORE - da bi ignorisali nekog korisnika, kucajte /ignore NADIMAK . Da skinete nekog sa ignore, kucajte /ignore -r NADIMAK
  138. 2.OBJASNJIVANJE STATUSA - voice: ili + tehnicki oznacava osobe koje imaju mogucnost chatovanja i kada je
  139. kanal moderisan ( samo @ i + mogu da pricaju).
  140. Sa druge strane, + cesto nema tu 'tehnicku' osobinu, nego oznacava da je korisnik na neki nacin prijatelj kanala i rado vidjen gost.
  141. Op ili @ tehnicki oznacava osobe koje imaju mogucnost izbacivanja korisnika sa kanala.
  142. Op takodje moze dodeljivati + (voice) % (halfop) i @ (op) status.
  145. +c = Bez boja
  146. +i = Na kanal mozete uci samo ukoliko imate status ili ste pozvani
  147. +M = Samo registrovani korisnici mogu da pricaju
  148. +n = Poruke nemogu slati korisnici koji nisu na kanalu.
  149. +p = Private
  150. +s = Secret
  151. +R = Samo registrovani mogu uci na kanal
  152. +t = Samo opovi mogu da menjaju topik
  153. +l = limit ljudi na kanalu
  154. +k = kljuc
  157. /j /join $1- Smaller command to join a channel
  158. /cs /msg ChanServ $1- Message ChanServ with only two letters.
  159. /ns /msg NickServ $1- Message NickServ with only two letters.
  160. /bs /msg BotServ $1- Message BotServ with only two letters.
  161. /ms /msg MemoServ $1- Message MemoServ with only two letters.
  162. /os /msg OperServ $1- Message OperServ with only two letters.
  163. /voice /mode # +v $1 Voice a user/nick
  164. /devoice /mode # -v $1 Remove voice from a user/nick (/unvoice is the same)
  165. /ban /mode # +b $1 Ban a user/hostmask (/ban<space> = show list with unban buttons)
  166. /unban /mode # -b $1 Remove a ban from a user/hostmask (/deban is the same)
  167. /op /mode # +o $1 Give operator status to a user/nick.
  168. /deop /mode # -o $1 Remove operator status from a user/nick (/unop is the same)
  169. /halfop /mode # +h $1 Give half-operator status to a user/nick.
  170. /dehalfop /mode # -h $1 Remove half-operator status from a user/nick (/unhalfop is the same)
  171. /admin /mode # +a $1 Give super-operator status to a user/nick (called Admin on Mibbit)
  172. /deadmin /mode # -a $1 Remove super-operator status from a user/nick (/unadmin is the same)
  173. /owner /mode # +q $1 Give owner status to the user/nick
  174. /deowner /mode # -q $1 Remove owner status from the user/nick (/unowner is the same)
  180. / Recalls the previous line entered in the current window.
  181. /! Recalls the last command typed in any window.
  182. /action {action text} Sends the specifed action to the active channel or query window.
  183. /add [-apuce] {filename.ini} Loads aliases, popups, users, commands, and events.
  184. /ame {action text} Sends the specifed action to all channels which you are currently on.
  185. /amsg {text} Sends the specifed message to all channels which you are currently on.
  186. /auser {level} {nick|address} Adds a user with the specified access level to the remote users list.
  187. /auto [on|off|nickname|address] Toggles auto-opping of a nick or address or sets it on or off totally.
  188. /away {away message} Sets you away leave a message explaining that you are not currently paying attention to IRC.
  189. /away Sets you being back.
  190. /ban [#channel] {nickname} [type] Bans the specified nick from the curent or given channel.
  191. /beep {number} {delay} Locally beeps 'number' times with 'delay' inbetween the beeps. /channel Pops up the channel central window (only works in a channel).
  192. /clear Clears the entire scrollback buffer of the current window.
  193. /clearall Clears all text in all open windows.
  194. /ctcp {nickname} {ping|finger|version|time|userinfo|clientinfo} Does the given ctcp request on nickname.
  195. /closemsg {nickname} Closes the query window you have open to the specified nick.
  196. /commands [on|off] Sets the Tools/Remote/Commands setion on or off or checks its status.
  197. /creq [ask | auto | ignore] Sets your DCC 'On Chat request' settings in DCC/Options.
  198. /dcc send {nickname} {file1} {file2} {file3} ... {fileN} Sends the specified files to nick.
  199. /dcc chat {nickname} Opens a dcc window and sends a dcc chat request to nickname.
  200. /dde [-r] {service} {topic} {item} [data] Allows DDE control between mIRC and other applications.
  201. /ddeserver [[on [service name] | off] To turn on the DDE server mode, eventually with a givem service name.
  202. /describe {#channel} {action text} Sends the specifed action to the specified channel window.
  203. /disable {#groupname} De-activates a group of commands or events.
  204. /disconnect Forces a hard and immediate disconnect from your IRC server. Use it with care.
  205. /dlevel {level} Changes the default user level in the remote section.
  206. /dns {nickname | IP address | IP name} Uses your providers DNS to resolve an IP address.
  207. /echo [nickname|#channel|status] {text} Displays the given text only to YOU on the given place in color N.
  208. /enable {#groupname} Activates a group of commands or events.
  209. /events [on|off] Shows the remote events status or sets it to listening or not.
  210. /exit Forces mIRC to closedown and exit.
  211. /finger Does a finger on a users address.
  212. /flood [{numberoflines} {seconds} {pausetime}] Sets a crude flood control method.
  213. /flush [levels] Clears all nicknames from the Remote/users list that are currently not on your channels.
  214. /font Activates the font selection dialog.
  215. /fsend [on|off] Shows fsends status and allows you to turn dcc fast send on or off.
  216. /fserve {nickname} {maxgets} {homedirectory} [welcome text file] Opens a fileserver.
  217. /groups [-e|d] Shows all (enabled or disabled) groups defined in the remote sections.
  218. /guser {level} {nick} [type] Adds the user to the user list with the specified level and address type.
  219. /help {keyword} Brings up the Basic IRC Commands section in the mIRC help file.
  220. /ignore [on|off|nickname|address] Toggles ignoring of a nick or address or sets it on or off totally.
  221. /invite {nickname} {#channel} Invites another user to a channel.
  222. /join {#channel} Makes you join the specified channel.
  223. /kick {#channel} {nickname} Kicks nickname off a given channel.
  224. /list [#string] [-min #] [-max #] Lists all currently available channels, evt. filtering for parameters.
  225. /load {-apuce} {filename.ini} Loads Aliases, Popups or Remote items into mIRC.
  226. /log [on|off] Shows the logging status or sets it on or off for the current window.
  227. /me {action text} Sends the specifed action to the active channel or query window.
  228. /mode {#channel|nickname} [[+|-]modechars [parameters]] Sets channel or user modes.
  229. /msg {nickname} {message} Send a private message to this user without opening a query window.
  230. /names {#channel} Shows the nicks of all people on the given channel.
  231. /nick {new nickname} Changes your nickname to whatever you like.
  232. /notice {nick} {message} Send the specified notice message to the nick.
  233. /notify [on|off|nickname] Toggles notifying you of a nick on IRC or sets it on or off totally.
  234. /onotice [#channel] {message} Send the specified notice message to all channel ops.
  235. /omsg [#channel] {message} Send the specified message to all ops on a channel.
  236. /part {#channel} Makes you leave the specified channel.
  237. /partall Makes you leave all channels you are on.
  238. /ping {server address} Pings the given server. NOT a nickname.
  239. /play [-cpqmrlt] [channel/nick] {filename} [delay/linenumber] Allows you to play text files.
  240. /pop {delay} [#channel] {nickname} Performs a randomly delayed +o on a not already opped nick.
  241. /protect [on|off|nickname|address] Toggles protection of a nick or address or sets it on or off totally.
  242. /query {nickname} {message} Open a query window to this user and send them the private message.
  243. /quit [reason] Disconnect you from IRC with the optional byebye message.
  244. /raw {raw command} Sends any raw command you supply directly to the server. Use it with care !
  245. /remote [on|off] Shows the remote commands status or sets it to listening or not.
  246. /rlevel {access level} Removes all users from the remote users list with the specified access level.
  247. /run {c:\path\program.exe} [parameters] Runs the specified program, evt. with parameters.
  248. /ruser {nick[!]|address} [type] Removes the user from the remote users list.
  249. /save [-apuce] {filename.ini} Saves remote sections into a specified INI file.
  250. /say {text} Says whatever you want to the active window.
  251. /server [server address [port] [password]] Reconnects to the previous server or a newly specified one.
  252. /sound [nickname|#channel] {filename.wav} {action text} Sends an action and a fitting sound request.
  253. /speak {text} Uses the external text to speech program Monologue to speak up the text.
  254. /sreq [ask | auto | ignore] Sets your DCC 'On Send request' settings in DCC/Options.
  255. /time Tells you the time on the server you use.
  256. /timer[N] {repetitions} {interval in seconds} {command} [| {more commands}] Activates a timer.
  257. /timestamp [on | off] Sets timestamping on or off for all your conversations.
  258. /topic {#channel} {newtopic} Changes the topic for the specified channel.
  259. /ulist {level} Lists all users in the remote list with the specified access levels.
  260. /url [-d] Opens the URL windows that allows you to surf the www parallel to IRC.
  261. /uwho [nick] Pops up the user central with information about the specified user.
  262. /wavplay {c:\path\sound.wav} Locally plays the specified wave file.
  263. /who {#channel} Shows the nicks of all people on the given channel.
  264. /who {*address.string*} Shows all people on IRC with a matching address.
  265. /whois {nickname} Shows information about someone in the status window.
  266. /whowas {nickname} Shows information about someone who -just- left IRC.
  267. /write [-cidl] {filename} [text] To write the specified text to a .txt file.
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