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Aug 25th, 2013
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  1. 6:02 PM - chronicdiscord: If I were a rich man
  2. 6:02 PM - chronicdiscord: I'd have all the money in the world
  3. 6:02 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: NA NA NA NA NA NA trivia pls
  4. 6:02 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★:
  5. 6:02 PM - chronicdiscord: if I were a wealthy man
  6. 6:02 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Shobo: Especially an untranslateable mumble-rap from a random soundtrack album from Kodocha, lol.
  7. 6:02 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: NA NA NA NA NA NA
  8. 6:02 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: trivia pls
  9. 6:02 PM - QETC™Crimson: ^
  10. 6:02 PM - chronicdiscord: gentlefolks
  11. 6:02 PM - QETC™Crimson: tribia when
  12. 6:03 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★: I wanted to take a shower before trivia.
  13. 6:03 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★: D:
  14. 6:03 PM - chronicdiscord: around now
  15. 6:03 PM - 4evra: nanana
  16. 6:03 PM - chronicdiscord: I ask you
  17. 6:03 PM - Shobo: I know a bit of kodocha from my sister-in-laws manga collection
  18. 6:03 PM - chronicdiscord: would you like the horde
  19. 6:03 PM - Shobo: but hell if I'd know the song
  20. 6:03 PM - chronicdiscord: or are we to begin now?
  21. 6:03 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: no horde
  22. 6:03 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: trivia pls
  23. 6:03 PM - Bali505 disconnected.
  24. 6:03 PM - Compass: horde
  25. 6:03 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: rare candy pls
  26. 6:03 PM - SIR ANAL OF CHEEZY FRIES: There's 73 in here already. What would the hordes dop
  27. 6:03 PM - SIR ANAL OF CHEEZY FRIES: do*
  28. 6:03 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: ekans would like a rare candy
  29. 6:03 PM - _motorkar_: gnight all
  30. 6:03 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: rare candy pls
  31. 6:03 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★: Give a rare candy to a magikarp.
  32. 6:04 PM - chronicdiscord: sobey's it
  33. 6:04 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★: dem OP magikarps.
  34. 6:04 PM - nosef: lawl, does anyone even use Arbok?
  35. 6:04 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Shobo: funniest thing I saw was Kodocha with "English" subtitles.
  36. 6:04 PM - Bali505 entered chat.
  37. 6:04 PM - NSANE: 10 evolved pets \o/
  38. 6:04 PM - Zak left chat.
  39. 6:04 PM - NSANE: 22 to go ;_;
  40. 6:04 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★: English?
  41. 6:04 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★: Or Engrish?
  42. 6:04 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: The subs had been translated blindly from Chinese subs without any time spent looking at the episode.
  43. 6:05 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  44. 6:05 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  45. 6:05 PM - chronicdiscord: Which all class TeamFortress 2 hat is made for a team leader?
  46. 6:05 PM - QETC™Crimson: team captain
  47. 6:05 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★: Team Captain
  48. 6:05 PM - chronicdiscord: crimson
  49. 6:05 PM - tr4656: Soldier
  50. 6:05 PM - NSANE: captain of the guys
  51. 6:05 PM - tr4656: wait
  52. 6:05 PM - Shobo: oh we started
  53. 6:05 PM - Mr. Fishy is now playing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Click here to join.
  54. 6:05 PM - tr4656: oh
  55. 6:05 PM - tr4656: oosp
  56. 6:05 PM - QETC™Crimson: yes, yes
  57. 6:05 PM - Shobo: what is the game?
  58. 6:05 PM - SashOK1993ukr entered chat.
  59. 6:05 PM - tr4656: read that wrong
  60. 6:05 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★: chronicdiscord: Which all class TeamFortress 2 hat is made for a team leader?
  61. ★Mr. SakataKun★: Team Captain
  62. QETC™Crimson: team captain
  63. 6:05 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★: ;_;
  64. 6:05 PM - QETC™Crimson: xcom enemy unkown
  65. 6:05 PM - Shobo: darn
  66. 6:05 PM - Shobo: ill sit out then
  67. 6:05 PM - QETC™Crimson: i think
  68. 6:05 PM - MMRhino: wait is this shit trivia?
  69. 6:05 PM - QETC™Crimson: yeah rhino
  70. 6:05 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Yes, Rhiny.
  71. 6:05 PM - SIR ANAL OF CHEEZY FRIES: Gaming trivia?
  72. 6:05 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★: Wait, is trivia about TF2?
  73. 6:05 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Rhino, too.
  74. 6:05 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  75. 6:06 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  76. 6:06 PM - chronicdiscord: Complete the quote, properly, "A good plan, violently executed now,"
  77. 6:06 PM - NSANE: maybe about hats
  78. 6:06 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★: Little maggot.
  79. 6:06 PM - QETC™Crimson: better than a perfect plan executed next week.
  80. 6:06 PM - MMRhino: If it's just TF2 I'm useless
  81. 6:06 PM - NSANE: "i'll have a sandwich"?
  82. 6:06 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  83. 6:06 PM - chronicdiscord: crimson again
  84. 6:06 PM - Shobo: gah
  85. 6:06 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  86. 6:06 PM - Shobo: I was typing but I had "until later"
  87. 6:06 PM - Shobo: not next week :(
  88. 6:06 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★: I can't do bad on a TF2 Trivia.
  89. 6:06 PM - MMRhino: Too slow as well as wrong <3
  90. 6:06 PM - Shobo: well imma go make some dinner
  91. 6:06 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  92. 6:07 PM - Shobo: be back later
  93. 6:07 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  94. 6:07 PM - chronicdiscord: Who is responsible for the afore mentioned quotation?
  95. 6:07 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Me.
  96. 6:07 PM - MMRhino: spy
  97. 6:07 PM - QETC™Crimson: george patton
  98. 6:07 PM - Compass: Thedore Rosevelt
  99. 6:07 PM - chronicdiscord: crimson again
  100. 6:07 PM - NSANE: chronicdiscord
  101. 6:07 PM - cxiong93: George S. Patton
  102. 6:07 PM - Compass: ;_;
  103. 6:07 PM - chronicdiscord: NSANE?
  104. 6:07 PM - NSANE: I was answeing
  105. 6:07 PM - Shobo: I like nsanes answer
  106. 6:07 PM - 4evra: creativity +1
  107. 6:07 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  108. 6:07 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  109. 6:07 PM - chronicdiscord: What five star American general said, "plans are nothing; planning is everything?"
  110. 6:08 PM - Compass: George Washington
  111. 6:08 PM - Shobo: eisenhower
  113. 6:08 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★: Oh, it's a US trivia.
  114. 6:08 PM - cxiong93: Dwight D. Eisenhower
  115. 6:08 PM - QETC™Crimson: dwight d eisenhower
  116. 6:08 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★: fack
  117. 6:08 PM - QETC™Crimson: murica trivia
  118. 6:08 PM - Compass: Captain =/= General
  119. 6:08 PM - chronicdiscord: Shobo for one, cxiong for the second
  120. 6:08 PM - 4evra: Dwight D. Eisenhower
  121. 6:08 PM - Shobo: and I got one, I'm out
  122. 6:08 PM - Xuang101: shobo
  123. 6:08 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  124. 6:08 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  125. 6:08 PM - chronicdiscord: What Roman historian is responsible for the document called Histories which details the year of Four Emperors?
  126. 6:09 PM - [Friend] Monukai: cicero
  127. 6:09 PM - Compass: Ceasar
  128. 6:09 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Sak, it is not a US trivia, or a TF2 trivia
  129. 6:09 PM - QETC™Crimson: tacticus
  130. 6:09 PM - QETC™Crimson: tacitus
  131. 6:09 PM - NSANE: homer
  132. 6:09 PM - Shobo: biggus dickus
  133. 6:09 PM - chronicdiscord: it's general trivia
  134. 6:09 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Heroditous
  135. 6:09 PM - [Friend] Monukai: lol shobo
  136. 6:09 PM - cxiong93: plato
  137. 6:09 PM - chronicdiscord: and 3
  138. 6:09 PM - chronicdiscord: 2
  139. 6:09 PM - chronicdiscord: 1
  140. 6:09 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Plato was Greek, wasn't he?
  141. 6:09 PM - [Friend] Monukai: >Roman
  142. 6:09 PM - [Friend] Monukai: yeah he was blitz
  143. 6:09 PM - cxiong93: i don't know
  144. 6:09 PM - chronicdiscord: Crimson gets the only point
  145. 6:09 PM - QETC™Crimson: nero
  146. 6:09 PM - NSANE: plato wasn't a general, besides =P
  147. 6:09 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Actually, lol, I think Heroditous was, too.
  148. 6:09 PM - chronicdiscord: another would have been available for the full name
  149. 6:09 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: NSANE: 'historian'
  150. 6:09 PM - PTG: Aelianus Tacticus
  151. 6:09 PM - chronicdiscord: Publius (or Gaius) Cornelius Tacitus
  152. 6:09 PM - NSANE: ah
  153. 6:10 PM - NSANE: well, back to my faeries
  154. 6:11 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  155. 6:11 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  156. 6:11 PM - chronicdiscord: Emperor Nero of Rome was the final member of what Dynasty in Rome's rule?
  157. 6:11 PM - QETC™Crimson: julio claudian dynasty
  158. 6:11 PM - PTG: Julio-Claudian
  159. 6:11 PM - chronicdiscord: crimson
  160. 6:11 PM - chronicdiscord: quick on the draw
  161. 6:11 PM - QETC™Crimson: i gotta answer all the questions
  162. 6:11 PM - tr4656: Good
  163. 6:11 PM - QETC™Crimson: those are the only times i win
  164. 6:11 PM - tr4656: That means we all need to just get one point
  165. 6:11 PM - tr4656: hue
  166. 6:11 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: How many questions are there in total, chronic?
  167. 6:11 PM - Shobo:
  168. 6:11 PM - Assix: elix?
  169. 6:11 PM - tr4656: I'm just aiming for 1
  170. 6:12 PM - Assix: evasion wisdom or force?
  171. 6:12 PM - chronicdiscord: elix, I have some 35 questions, and I plan to throw in extras
  172. 6:12 PM - chronicdiscord: where and when I can
  173. 6:12 PM - Assix: wisdom=precision sorry
  174. 6:12 PM - chronicdiscord: to pad it out
  175. 6:12 PM - tr4656: chronic: Whats the prize?
  176. 6:12 PM - chronicdiscord: this week Veliar is putting up Xcom Enemy Uknown
  177. 6:12 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Assix: Evasion would probably help you more right now.
  178. 6:12 PM - tr4656: Ah I see
  179. 6:12 PM - tr4656: Okay
  180. 6:12 PM - chronicdiscord: er, unknown
  181. 6:12 PM - Assix: thanks!
  182. 6:12 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Hope for three random events to get them all.
  183. 6:12 PM - Assix: alright :)
  184. 6:12 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  185. 6:13 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  186. 6:13 PM - chronicdiscord: What is Emporer Nero famously said to have done?
  187. 6:13 PM - [Friend] Monukai: burn rome
  188. 6:13 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Fiddled while Rome burned.
  189. 6:13 PM - Trx: Burt rome
  190. 6:13 PM - PTG: Burned down rome
  191. 6:13 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Fiddled #while rome baunr
  192. 6:13 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: fuck you
  193. 6:13 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  194. 6:13 PM - chronicdiscord: elix
  195. 6:13 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  196. 6:13 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Fuck you addressed to my keyboard, BTW
  197. 6:13 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: not blitz
  198. 6:13 PM - QETC™Crimson: D:
  199. 6:13 PM - Kurgan entered chat.
  200. 6:13 PM - tr4656: What the fuck are you using
  201. 6:13 PM - tr4656: Thats so bad
  202. 6:13 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Shitty laptop one
  203. 6:13 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Yeah, something very bad happened there, Deiru.
  204. 6:13 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: It's the same keyboard I always use, just that I gotta get used to this new typing position
  205. 6:14 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: As in, on a desk
  206. 6:14 PM - tr4656: Do you not type on a desk?
  207. 6:14 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: I do now
  208. 6:14 PM - PTG: Not sure I can do Trivia. I have an exam I have to leave for in 45 mins. xD
  209. 6:14 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Do I get a bonus point for pointing out that fiddles didn't exist then?
  210. 6:14 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Before, It was all on a tray on my lap
  211. 6:14 PM - tr4656: I want to get a standing desk though
  212. 6:14 PM - PTG: I probably should study for it quickly.
  213. 6:14 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Blitz, no
  214. 6:14 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: They meant fiddle as in, mindlessly play with
  215. 6:14 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: He was wanking while rome burned
  216. 6:14 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  217. 6:14 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  218. 6:14 PM - chronicdiscord: The era of the Three Kingdoms of China saw war between three major factions, and several lesser ones, and one event is largely considered to be the beginning of it, what was that event?
  219. 6:15 PM - Compass: Romance
  220. 6:15 PM - [Friend] Monukai: the yellow rebellion
  221. 6:15 PM - Kurgan: yellow turban rebellion
  222. 6:15 PM - [Friend] Monukai: fk
  223. 6:15 PM - [Friend] Monukai: I knew I was missing something
  224. 6:15 PM - chronicdiscord: I will hive Monu a point, and kurgan the second
  225. 6:15 PM - Compass: ;_;
  226. 6:15 PM - tr4656: 黃巾之亂
  227. 6:15 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Deiru: There's evidence that he tried to put it out, in fact.
  228. 6:15 PM - tr4656: chronic: can i answer thse in chinese?
  229. 6:15 PM - chronicdiscord: no
  230. 6:15 PM - chronicdiscord: cause I cannot read it
  231. 6:15 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Blitz, by wanking?
  232. 6:15 PM - chronicdiscord: it would be unhelpful
  233. 6:15 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: That'd take FOREVER
  234. 6:15 PM - tr4656: Fuck, thats how I learned them
  235. 6:15 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Roman emperors, man. Who knows.
  236. 6:16 PM - tr4656: Well, Chinese history
  237. 6:16 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Nero's last words were "What an artist dies in me."
  238. 6:16 PM - Law is now playing Dota 2. Click here to join.
  239. 6:16 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  240. 6:16 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  241. 6:16 PM - chronicdiscord: Wei, Shu and which dynasty were at war during the Three Kingdoms?
  242. 6:16 PM - [Friend] Monukai: han
  243. 6:16 PM - Trx: wen
  244. 6:16 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Ming
  245. 6:16 PM - QETC™Crimson: wu
  246. 6:16 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: cho
  247. 6:16 PM - Kurgan: wu
  248. 6:16 PM - tr4656: Han, Wu
  249. 6:16 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  250. 6:16 PM - chronicdiscord: Crimson
  251. 6:16 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  252. 6:17 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Next?
  253. 6:17 PM - Shobo disconnected.
  254. 6:17 PM - chronicdiscord: jesus, I'm typing man
  255. 6:17 PM - cxiong93: it seems like we all have played dynasty warriors
  256. 6:17 PM - Kurgan: he he, that is what I was thinking
  257. 6:18 PM - Spock entered chat.
  258. 6:18 PM - KillShot entered chat.
  259. 6:18 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  260. 6:18 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  261. 6:18 PM - chronicdiscord: The Wei faction in the Three Kingdoms was lead primarily by what man of one name?
  262. 6:18 PM - [Friend] Monukai: cao cao
  263. 6:18 PM - cxiong93: cao cao
  264. 6:18 PM - tr4656: Cao cao
  265. 6:18 PM - Kurgan: cao cao
  266. 6:18 PM - chronicdiscord: Monukai
  267. 6:18 PM - [Friend] Monukai: tsao tsao, alternatively
  268. 6:18 PM - Trx: cao wei
  269. 6:18 PM - [Friend] Monukai: (I think..)
  270. 6:18 PM - tr4656: 曹操
  271. 6:18 PM - tr4656: Monukai: If you are just writing in pinyin, its just cao cao
  272. 6:18 PM - Law is now playing Dota 2. Click here to join.
  273. 6:18 PM - Xuang101: should I get an android tablet or ipad?
  274. 6:19 PM - Trx: Andro
  275. 6:19 PM - QETC™Crimson: neither
  276. 6:19 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Depends on a lot, Xuang.
  277. 6:19 PM - tr4656: Xuang: iPad for 10", Nexus 7 for 7"
  278. 6:19 PM - Trx: Or Surface
  279. 6:19 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Do you have an Android or iOS device already?
  280. 6:19 PM - tr4656: elix; Eh, I don't really see that as too big of an issue
  281. 6:19 PM - tr4656: I got an iPad when I only had an Android phone
  282. 6:19 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: tr: It's not the /only/ consideration, naturally.
  283. 6:19 PM - tr4656: Trx: Surface is awful
  284. 6:19 PM - Xuang101: well there is an ipad but it's not mine and I don't touch it
  285. 6:19 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  286. 6:19 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  287. 6:19 PM - Xuang101: e
  288. 6:19 PM - chronicdiscord: When Shu fought in the Three Kingdoms Era, who lead their faction with his two, "brothers?"
  289. 6:20 PM - Xuang101: I have an android phone
  290. 6:20 PM - [Friend] Monukai: liu bei
  291. 6:20 PM - Kurgan: liu bei
  292. 6:20 PM - [Friend] Monukai: (gaun yu and zhang li?)
  293. 6:20 PM - cxiong93: lui bei guan yu
  294. 6:20 PM - PTG left chat.
  295. 6:20 PM - [Friend] Monukai: are the brothers
  296. 6:20 PM - chronicdiscord: Monukai
  297. 6:20 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: How big a screen do you want, Xuang?
  298. 6:20 PM - Xuang101: hmm doesn't matter I suppose
  299. 6:20 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Try a Nexus 7.
  300. 6:20 PM - buuny1 entered chat.
  301. 6:20 PM - tr4656: Xuang: Do you want a 7" or 10"
  302. 6:20 PM - Trx: Surface is best tablet for work, though
  303. 6:20 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Surface Pro, surely.
  304. 6:20 PM - tr4656: Surface: How is it any good for work?
  305. 6:20 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  306. 6:20 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  307. 6:20 PM - chronicdiscord: Who were the two adoptive brothers of Lui Bei?
  308. 6:21 PM - Xuang101: is that nexus one cheaper?
  309. 6:21 PM - Kurgan: guan yu zhang fei
  310. 6:21 PM - QETC™Crimson: gaun yu and zhang li
  311. 6:21 PM - cxiong93: gaun yu and zhang li?
  312. 6:21 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Bill and Ben
  313. 6:21 PM - [Friend] Monukai: ;-;
  314. 6:21 PM - tr4656: Dam it
  315. 6:21 PM - chronicdiscord: I debated still asking that
  316. 6:21 PM - [Friend] Monukai: tabbed out
  317. 6:21 PM - [Friend] Monukai: fml
  318. 6:21 PM - Xuang101: it's funny because the names are different in chinease :D
  319. 6:21 PM - chronicdiscord: cause you kinda gave it away
  320. 6:21 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Nexus 7 is under $300 for the larger-storage model.
  321. 6:21 PM - tr4656: Xuang: Spell chinese correctly
  322. 6:21 PM - tr4656: And the names aren't different in CHinese
  323. 6:21 PM - chronicdiscord: kurgan got it
  324. 6:21 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: tr: Because you've never fat-fingered a key.
  325. 6:22 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: LOL
  326. 6:22 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Spell Chinese correctly, tr.
  327. 6:22 PM - tr4656: Gah, I have that problem with shift, especially with this keyboard.
  328. 6:22 PM - buuny1 left chat.
  329. 6:22 PM - Xuang101: I was going to spell it correctly o_o
  330. 6:22 PM - Soüp: at least it's not like mine randomly inserting spaces in
  331. 6:22 PM - Xuang101: I knew I spelt it incorrectly
  332. 6:22 PM - tr4656: Xuang: Figure out screen size you want.
  333. 6:22 PM - Xuang101: lol
  334. 6:22 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Xuang's profile even says he's a chubby asian. Why you gotta hate on fat fingers, tr4656?
  335. 6:23 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie:
  336. 6:23 PM - Zak entered chat.
  337. 6:23 PM - tr4656: I don't look at people's profile
  338. 6:23 PM - tr4656: Well, not normally
  339. 6:23 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Go to a Best Buy, look at a Nexus 7 and an iPad, Xuang. See which works better for you.
  340. 6:23 PM - Sorainzas entered chat.
  341. 6:23 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: I have a Nexus 7, and the iPad seems like it'd just be too huge.
  342. 6:23 PM - Shobo entered chat.
  343. 6:23 PM - chronicdiscord: sorry about that, I had someone sho up at the door
  344. 6:23 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: It's like carrying a tray around, not a book.
  345. 6:23 PM - Sorainzas: Lol
  346. 6:23 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: But for some people, 10" is the right size.
  347. 6:23 PM - Kurgan: no problem
  348. 6:23 PM - Sorainzas: What I find funny are NOOBS who ask for 15 keys for a $30 game
  349. 6:24 PM - tr4656: elix: What makes it feel too huge? Sure, you can't put it in your pockets but its still moderately sized
  350. 6:24 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Sorain...
  351. 6:24 PM - Sorainzas: Little do they know that it's not a literal calculation of the current price, but the apporximate price of a game's lowest sale.
  352. 6:24 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: that's about right
  353. 6:24 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: One-handed, it's too heavy.
  354. 6:24 PM - Sorainzas: Depends on the game
  355. 6:24 PM - Sorainzas: Nothing is uniform
  356. 6:24 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: And I tend to hold my Nexus 7, not set it in my lap or on a surface, if I'm using it.
  357. 6:25 PM - tr4656: elix: Thats what I do with my iPad and Nexus 7 too
  358. 6:25 PM - ✥HCG Pegasi entered chat.
  359. 6:25 PM - Sorainzas: heavy?
  360. 6:25 PM - Sorainzas: or cumbersome to hold?
  361. 6:25 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: tr: If I need a screen the size of the iPad, I'm as likely to need a keyboard and etc, in which case a desktop or laptop/netbook is more appropriate.
  362. 6:25 PM - Sorainzas: two different things
  363. 6:25 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: But, that's /my/ particular use cases.
  364. 6:25 PM - Sorainzas: ipad 4 is large, but no way heavy
  365. 6:25 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: In one hand?
  366. 6:26 PM - Sorainzas: yup
  367. 6:26 PM - Sorainzas: not heavy at all
  368. 6:26 PM - tr4656: elix: You would be surprised.
  369. 6:26 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  370. 6:26 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  371. 6:26 PM - Sorainzas: ?
  372. 6:26 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: It's trivia night, Sora.
  373. 6:26 PM - Sorainzas: oh
  374. 6:26 PM - chronicdiscord: The great hordes of the ancient times came in waves, forging several nations in blood and pain and massacres of local populations, what is the first documented of those hordes, which took land from the declining Roman empire in the 9th century?
  375. 6:26 PM - 4evra: huns
  376. 6:26 PM - Trx: huns?
  377. 6:26 PM - NSANE: emos
  378. 6:26 PM - chronicdiscord: 4evra
  379. 6:26 PM - cxiong93: vikings
  380. 6:26 PM - Crazedanimal™: zombies
  381. 6:26 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: The Mongols?
  382. 6:26 PM - Kurgan: 9th?
  383. 6:26 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Nah, lol.
  384. 6:26 PM - imadous disconnected.
  385. 6:26 PM - Kurgan: visagoths?
  386. 6:26 PM - Trx: But 9th is way too late for huns
  387. 6:26 PM - QETC™Crimson: gauls
  388. 6:26 PM - tr4656: Turks
  389. 6:26 PM - cxiong93: persians
  390. 6:27 PM - chronicdiscord: the Huns made their nation in the 9th
  391. 6:27 PM - Crazedanimal™: the orcs?
  392. 6:27 PM - chronicdiscord: before that they were just ravaging the land for like, 6 centuries
  393. 6:27 PM - Trx: But roman empir fell in 476, 5th century...
  394. 6:27 PM - Kurgan: magyar?
  395. 6:27 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Uhhh
  396. 6:27 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Guys
  397. 6:27 PM - tr4656: Did anyone get it?
  398. 6:27 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: The Amazons
  399. 6:27 PM - QETC™Crimson: 4evra did
  400. 6:27 PM - chronicdiscord: I called it 4evra
  401. 6:27 PM - QETC™Crimson: early on
  402. 6:27 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie:
  403. 6:28 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: I may have linked it him on twitter
  404. 6:28 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: And broken him
  405. 6:28 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: I haven't held an iPad 4, so I don't know what its weight is.
  406. 6:28 PM - tr4656: elix: I have the iPad 3 which is basically the same as the 4
  407. 6:28 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  408. 6:28 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  409. 6:28 PM - chronicdiscord: Which of the great Khanates was led by a man who was so totally lame?
  410. 6:28 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: sgshgwthwthe36yh
  411. 6:28 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Genghis Khan
  412. 6:28 PM - Kurgan: timurids
  413. 6:28 PM - Kurgan: led by timur the lame
  414. 6:28 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: god damnit I hate how that destroys what you type.
  415. 6:28 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  416. 6:28 PM - chronicdiscord: Kurgan
  417. 6:28 PM - chronicdiscord: foir two
  418. 6:28 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  419. 6:29 PM - NSANE: khan rulz
  420. 6:29 PM - Celdiruen: Oh shit the trivia
  421. 6:29 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: chronic, is there seriously not just some all-caps thing you can spam instead?
  422. 6:29 PM - Trx: tamerlan technically :P
  423. 6:29 PM - chronicdiscord: though please keep it on one line if you're going to keep answering
  424. 6:29 PM - John the Epoch of Epic is now playing Dota 2. Click here to join.
  425. 6:29 PM - Kurgan: sorry
  426. 6:29 PM - Celdiruen: I'm gonna miss it again :(
  427. 6:29 PM - Rabbidking left chat.
  428. 6:29 PM - chronicdiscord: you would rather me say
  429. 6:29 PM - Kurgan: stuff pops in my head after one line, but I'll try to keep it up
  430. 6:29 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: penis
  431. 6:29 PM - chronicdiscord: THIS FUCKER -> kurgan
  432. 6:29 PM - chronicdiscord: than block chat?
  433. 6:29 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: I would much rather that TBH
  434. 6:30 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: More the block cycling before every question.
  435. 6:30 PM - chronicdiscord: sure, we can try it
  436. 6:30 PM - Trx: ?
  437. 6:30 PM - chronicdiscord: I had done the blocking because it stops the spew of text
  438. 6:30 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Because us plebian users, anything we happen to be typing is suddenly erased and our text input boxes disabled.
  439. 6:30 PM - 4evra: both?
  440. 6:30 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: I lost the same sentence TWICE.
  441. 6:30 PM - tr4656: elix: I don't know how much the old nexus 7 weights, but the iPad is only 1.4 lbs which is twice as heavy as the 2013 Nexus 7
  442. 6:30 PM - chronicdiscord: sure, we can do that for ya elix, if it doesn't work out, we can swing back to blocking
  443. 6:30 PM - stuky entered chat.
  444. 6:31 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Thank you, chronic.
  445. 6:31 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: I vote we should block it with a wall of cocks.
  446. 6:31 PM - 4evra: chat block announces the question
  447. 6:31 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: tr: The original Nexus 7 is half the weight of the original iPad, almost exactly.
  448. 6:31 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: And I've held an iPad 1.
  449. 6:32 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Not comfortable to hold one-handed freely in the air for any length of time, that thing.
  450. 6:32 PM - tr4656: The new one is somewhat lighter
  451. 6:32 PM - CheesyBull entered chat.
  452. 6:32 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: But, again, /my/ personal use cases dictate that the Nexus 7 is more appropriate.
  453. 6:32 PM - tr4656: Also, Trx: You didn't answer
  454. 6:32 PM - Trx: ?
  455. 6:32 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: iPads have perfectly valid uses.
  456. 6:32 PM - tr4656: Why would the Surface be any good for work
  457. 6:33 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Surface Pro, surely.
  458. 6:33 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Although, if you're in sales or something, a Surface RT would do the job unless you had some sort of x86-native in-house app you needed to run.
  459. 6:33 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  460. 6:33 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  461. 6:33 PM - chronicdiscord: The region known once as Carpathia has held several petty kingdoms, please name any one for a point, I can do 3.
  462. 6:33 PM - Trx: great moravia
  463. 6:34 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: lESSER Moravia
  464. 6:34 PM - 4evra: ottomans
  465. 6:34 PM - Kurgan: hungary, wallachia, moldavia?
  466. 6:34 PM - Trx: That was before hungary
  467. 6:34 PM - KhAn RuLz: its the Night again :O
  468. 6:34 PM - Trx: Which was founded on ex-great moravian lands
  469. 6:34 PM - tr4656: Habsburg
  470. 6:34 PM - chronicdiscord: THESE FUCKERS -> Trx got it with moravia, 4evra for ottomans, and Kurgan got a final point
  471. 6:34 PM - Kurgan: ah
  472. 6:34 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: \o/
  473. 6:35 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns entered chat.
  474. 6:35 PM - Trx: Ottomans? When??
  475. 6:35 PM - tr4656: elix: The thing is, why wouldn't I just buy a chromebook instead of an RT
  476. 6:35 PM - chronicdiscord: I was just letting any three of the many overlapping powers who have held it get a point
  477. 6:35 PM - tr4656: Or even pro
  478. 6:35 PM - Trx: Ah
  479. 6:35 PM - chronicdiscord: ottomans took over much of bulgaria
  480. 6:35 PM - Kurgan: ah, ok
  481. 6:35 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: sap maets
  482. 6:35 PM - Trx: But the thing is, ottomans were empire, not petty kingdom
  483. 6:35 PM - Kurgan: I tend to not think of them as a petty kingdom =P
  484. 6:35 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: tr: Because you're a big corp and you don't want to have to train people to use Google Docs and manage a round-trip workflow?
  485. 6:35 PM - 4evra: i thought the same thing
  486. 6:35 PM - chronicdiscord: I should have worded that better
  487. 6:35 PM - Kurgan: but not a huge deal really
  488. 6:35 PM - chronicdiscord: good point
  489. 6:35 PM - Trx: And carpathia refers to mountains, close to my home incidentally
  490. 6:36 PM - tr4656: elix: Okay, maybe
  491. 6:36 PM - Trx: Bulgaria is like 300 km away from carpathian basin? :<
  492. 6:36 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Between your existing Office deployments and something like Google Drive, or even having to fuss with Office 365, if it even works on Chromebooks.
  493. 6:36 PM - tr4656: It makes more sense for me
  494. 6:36 PM - 4evra: nvm,scratch that one
  495. 6:36 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: I like sandwich
  496. 6:36 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: With cheese
  497. 6:36 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: tr: We all have our use cases.
  498. 6:36 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: Tomato, bacon
  499. 6:36 PM - chronicdiscord: Ukraine, Kiev
  500. 6:36 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: For most tech-savvy people, Surface is a cute toy.
  501. 6:36 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: And green olive
  502. 6:36 PM - chronicdiscord: a whole bunch of duchies, petty kingdoms, legit kingdoms, and empires have held it
  503. 6:36 PM - chronicdiscord: Rome would have been acceptable actually
  504. 6:37 PM - Trx: In fact, I live in carpathian region, it seems :<
  505. 6:37 PM - 4evra: in that case it stands
  506. 6:37 PM - matrix_omega entered chat.
  507. 6:37 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: Some people need sandwich
  508. 6:37 PM - tr4656: Also, why the fuck does it have such a shitty screen
  509. 6:37 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Because Microsoft designed it.
  510. 6:38 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: Microsoft build the first sandwich
  511. 6:38 PM - tr4656: The surface Pro would make sense somewhat for me if I didn't already have a Wacom
  512. 6:38 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: They're trying to walk a delicate line between making hardware no OEM will risk making and.. not pissing off their OEM partners.
  513. 6:38 PM - Trx:
  514. 6:38 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: LINK
  515. 6:38 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: PHISING
  516. 6:38 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: PSHIGIN!
  517. 6:38 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: omgomgomg
  518. 6:38 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: ...
  519. 6:38 PM - Trx: I believe this was review that convinced me surface was better than ipads
  520. 6:38 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: lol joke
  521. 6:38 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: What the flying fuck are you on about you total dipshit
  522. 6:38 PM - Trx: Eh
  523. 6:38 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: lol so randum
  524. 6:38 PM - Trx: Dont want to read, don't click :<
  525. 6:38 PM - Trx: I was asked twice
  526. 6:39 PM - Trx: So I obliged :E
  527. 6:39 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: Don't want to move your hand
  528. 6:39 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: fap
  529. 6:39 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Trx: He is clearly full-retard.
  530. 6:39 PM - tr4656: Trx: I've read that artcile
  531. 6:39 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: He has gone to that point.
  532. 6:39 PM - tr4656: *article
  533. 6:39 PM - Kurgan: but you never go full retard
  534. 6:39 PM - tr4656: It doesn't convince me of anyhting
  535. 6:39 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: I would get a Surface if I had the disposable cash on hand.
  536. 6:39 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: But I don't, so...
  537. 6:39 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  538. 6:39 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  539. 6:39 PM - chronicdiscord: During the many great Crusades that the European powers waged against, well, everyone, there have been many strange actions which caused more harm than good for Christianity, which Crusade saw Catholics killing other Christians en masse in the fall of Constantinople?
  540. 6:39 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: wa
  541. 6:39 PM - Trx: 4th
  542. 6:40 PM - tr4656: 3rd
  543. 6:40 PM - Kurgan: was it the 4th?
  544. 6:40 PM - SIR ANAL OF CHEEZY FRIES: 2nd
  545. 6:40 PM - chronicdiscord: THIS FUCKER -> Trx
  546. 6:40 PM - cxiong93: 1st
  547. 6:40 PM - tr4656: Really?
  548. 6:40 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: no
  549. 6:40 PM - tr4656: Oh, it was the 4th
  550. 6:40 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: y
  551. 6:40 PM - Kurgan: the crusade of "lets invade the eastern roman empire!"
  552. 6:40 PM - Trx: Then there was this crusade which was called 'child crusade' but it ended with children sold into slavery :<
  553. 6:41 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: Child crusade
  554. 6:41 PM - tr4656: elix: If you had a surface, what would you do with it?
  555. 6:41 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: fap
  556. 6:41 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: oh srry
  557. 6:41 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: elix: fap
  558. 6:41 PM - QETC™Crimson: fap: fap
  559. 6:41 PM - chronicdiscord: children are pure, surely they will travel all the way across europe unmolested
  560. 6:41 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: fap: fap: fap
  561. 6:41 PM - chronicdiscord: and defeat armies of people
  562. 6:41 PM - Trx: Yes
  563. 6:41 PM - Caerbannog entered chat.
  564. 6:41 PM - 4evra: death by cuteness
  565. 6:42 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: lol gg
  566. 6:42 PM - Trx: Until you get to corporation that agrees to transport them for free :{
  567. 6:42 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: ups i mean
  568. 6:42 PM - Trx: City-corporation of Venice :<
  569. 6:42 PM - QETC™Crimson: death by kawaii
  570. 6:42 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: tr: I'd probably pair it with a BT keyboard and use it where I'd use a netbook now.
  571. 6:42 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: But considering the cost difference between a Surface (RT or Pro) and a netbook...
  572. 6:42 PM - tr4656: Not going to use the surface typing keyboard/cover?
  573. 6:42 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: BT is Bluetooth?
  574. 6:42 PM - Poland Spring water bottle entered chat.
  575. 6:42 PM - tr4656: elix: Yeah, which is why I think a Chromebook makes more sense
  576. 6:43 PM - tr4656: You can use Chrome OS if you want or just install Linux
  577. 6:43 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: tr: But, again, it's all about use cases.
  578. 6:43 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: You and I have the chops to do everything we need in ChromeOS, or as you say, we can fire up Linux on it. We can tackle that easily.
  579. 6:43 PM - Trx: Can you call him 465? All the tr and I think you talk to me :<
  580. 6:43 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  581. 6:43 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  582. 6:43 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★ disconnected.
  583. 6:43 PM - chronicdiscord: Which island state when taken from the Byzantian Empire in one of several wars between Orthodox and Catholic factions was promptly sold off rather than put into the hands of an aristocrat?
  584. 6:43 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: Spain
  585. 6:44 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Trx: You are Trx, not Tr.
  586. 6:44 PM - Trx: Venice?
  587. 6:44 PM - Kurgan: crete?
  588. 6:44 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: SPAIN. ISLAND.
  589. 6:44 PM - QETC™Crimson: malta
  590. 6:44 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: LOL
  591. 6:44 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: xDDDD
  592. 6:44 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Sicily?
  593. 6:44 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: Mexico
  594. 6:44 PM - Soüp: Sicily
  595. 6:44 PM - Trx: Rhodos?
  596. 6:44 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Crete? /random
  597. 6:44 PM - tr4656: Monemvasia
  598. 6:44 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: Germany?
  599. 6:44 PM - chronicdiscord: 3
  600. 6:44 PM - chronicdiscord: 2
  601. 6:44 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: lol i win
  602. 6:44 PM - chronicdiscord: 1
  603. 6:44 PM - 4evra: cyprus
  604. 6:44 PM - chronicdiscord: Cyprus
  605. 6:44 PM - Soüp: Cyprus
  606. 6:44 PM - 4evra: damn
  607. 6:44 PM - chronicdiscord: 4evra
  608. 6:44 PM - chronicdiscord: you just beat me
  609. 6:44 PM - Soüp: damnit
  610. 6:44 PM - 4evra: ye :D
  611. 6:44 PM - chronicdiscord: I will count that
  612. 6:45 PM - Kurgan: damn it, was trying to remember that name
  613. 6:45 PM - Soüp: that was my next guess but I had to wait :/
  614. 6:45 PM - Kurgan: kept going cypr....CORSICA in my head
  615. 6:45 PM - 4evra: i thought it might show otherwise at your timestamp
  616. 6:45 PM - truncat: sigh forgot about triviA =\
  617. 6:45 PM - chronicdiscord: corsica?
  618. 6:45 PM - chronicdiscord: ha
  619. 6:45 PM - chronicdiscord: that's way on the other side of italy
  620. 6:45 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: cowboy
  621. 6:45 PM - Trx: Corsica is kinda other direction :<
  622. 6:45 PM - Kurgan: yeah, is why I was like, no, not that, not that at all
  623. 6:45 PM - 4evra: i feel proud,all 3 answers were googleless
  624. 6:45 PM - Kurgan: nice fun mindblock moment
  625. 6:45 PM - Poland Spring water bottle left chat.
  626. 6:46 PM - QETC™Crimson: can still make it cattrun
  627. 6:46 PM - tr4656: elix: I think a lot more people know how to use cloud services (and Google Docs) than you think
  628. 6:46 PM - QETC™Crimson: probably only one point for low
  629. 6:46 PM - wieh left chat.
  630. 6:46 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: tr4: Yes, but you underestimate how lazy and stupid some people can get.
  631. 6:46 PM - Kurgan: it was like 'oh god, that nation that just had the big EU bailout stuff going down by Turkey....CORSICA!"
  632. 6:46 PM - Trx: That's greece silly :<
  633. 6:46 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: And those people tend to be employed en masse in large corporations, and such.
  634. 6:46 PM - tr4656: elix; Maybe
  635. 6:46 PM - Kurgan: cyprus had its drama too
  636. 6:47 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  637. 6:47 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  638. 6:47 PM - chronicdiscord: How many centuries had Constantinople stood, untaken, before the 4th crusade broke it and set the stage for it's fall to Muslims later on?
  639. 6:47 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: One
  640. 6:47 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: 3
  641. 6:47 PM - Soüp: 5
  642. 6:47 PM - Trx: 850?
  643. 6:47 PM - 4evra: 4
  644. 6:47 PM - QETC™Crimson: 4
  645. 6:47 PM - tr4656: 4
  646. 6:47 PM - Kurgan: this include roman empire period?
  647. 6:47 PM - Kurgan: or just eastern rome?
  648. 6:47 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: Over nein thousand
  649. 6:47 PM - truncat: 6
  650. 6:47 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Trx, 850,000 years?
  651. 6:47 PM - QETC™Crimson: seven centuries
  652. 6:47 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: No, sorry
  653. 6:47 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: 85,000
  654. 6:47 PM - Kurgan: 900 years then?
  655. 6:47 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: tr4: I mean, yeah. People are learning how to use Google services and cloud services in general, yes.
  656. 6:47 PM - Kurgan: so 9 centuries in that
  657. 6:47 PM - Trx: Technically, that is counted since neanderthal period :P
  658. 6:47 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: But that's still a minority. The momentum is still only just building.
  659. 6:47 PM - tr4656: I suppose
  660. 6:47 PM - chronicdiscord: 3
  661. 6:48 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: Hey guys, what is the differance between a black person and a pizza?
  662. 6:48 PM - chronicdiscord: 2
  663. 6:48 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: I said 3!
  664. 6:48 PM - truncat: 11]
  665. 6:48 PM - tr4656: 8
  666. 6:48 PM - QETC™Crimson: two centuries
  667. 6:48 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: 7?
  668. 6:48 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: the pizza can feed the whole family
  669. 6:48 PM - chronicdiscord: tr4656
  670. 6:48 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: hueheuhe
  671. 6:48 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Chronic, ban that racist fucker
  672. 6:48 PM - tr4656: Thats my one point
  673. 6:48 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: lol
  674. 6:48 PM - chronicdiscord: Deiru
  675. 6:48 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: Chronic, ban the cookie
  676. 6:48 PM - tr4656: Deiru: I blocked that guy
  677. 6:48 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns: She don't like me
  678. 6:48 PM - 4evra: tr4656: 4
  679. 6:48 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: The Chromebook makes sense if you are not already entrenched in the Windows ecosystem for your workflow
  680. 6:48 PM - The Cräzy of Clowns was banned by chronicdiscord.
  681. 6:48 PM - chronicdiscord: your wish is my command
  682. 6:48 PM - 4evra: so u cant take multiple guesses?
  683. 6:48 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Thank you
  684. 6:49 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Wasn't sure if you saw it TBH
  685. 6:49 PM - tr4656: 4evra: I did 8 a minute later
  686. 6:49 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Or too dumb to adapt to not-Windows or not-Mac.
  687. 6:49 PM - Assix disconnected.
  688. 6:49 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: I wasn't ordering you around, just..making sure
  689. 6:49 PM - Jexel left chat.
  690. 6:49 PM - 4evra: fair then
  691. 6:49 PM - Chack: wtf just happened
  692. 6:49 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Rather, not too dumb to adapt
  693. 6:49 PM - 4evra: it seems shorter
  694. 6:49 PM - tr4656: elix: I'm just super happy that it has vim built in
  695. 6:49 PM - Trx: My 850 years were more precise than 8 centuries, oh well :<
  696. 6:49 PM - 4evra: when u dont know
  697. 6:49 PM - 4evra: the anwer
  698. 6:49 PM - 4evra: :)
  699. 6:49 PM - tr4656: Although I still would prefer Mac.
  700. 6:49 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: I was waiting for that guy to do something to get him banned
  701. 6:49 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: tr4656: What /doesn't/ make sense is the Chromebook Pixel.
  702. 6:49 PM - tr4656: elix: Actually, it does
  703. 6:50 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Well, it's an extremely high-end laptop, in the ultrabook range.
  704. 6:50 PM - tr4656: Well, for a very limited amount of people
  705. 6:50 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: ...running ChromeOS.
  706. 6:50 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  707. 6:50 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  708. 6:50 PM - chronicdiscord: When the 4th Crusade began, it's goal was stated to be the reclaimation of what Muslim controlled state?
  709. 6:50 PM - QETC™Crimson: jerusalem
  710. 6:50 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Spain?
  711. 6:50 PM - Trx: Antioch?
  712. 6:50 PM - chronicdiscord: THIS FUCKER ->Crimson
  713. 6:50 PM - 4evra: israel
  714. 6:50 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: (I have no clue in all of this.)
  715. 6:50 PM - 4evra: :D
  716. 6:50 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: I like this new system :D
  717. 6:50 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: tr4: Yeah, you can put Linux on it, but again, a very small subgroup of a subgroup of a subgroup is the target market here.
  718. 6:50 PM - tr4656: elix: I know someone with one and they somewhat convinced me in that it was useful for them.
  719. 6:51 PM - tr4656: They are a web dev for context.
  720. 6:51 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: From everything I've seen, the Pixel is a /gorgeous/ machine.
  721. 6:51 PM - Cyk disconnected.
  722. 6:51 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Can't wait until we're done with questions Chronic got from playing CK2 though
  723. 6:51 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: But Google's saying, here's this Ultrabook, we've got a web browser booting on it.
  724. 6:51 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: :P
  725. 6:51 PM - tr4656: elix: I'd imagine its mainly for devs
  726. 6:52 PM - truncat: so did veliar have to leave?
  727. 6:52 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: No
  728. 6:52 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Devs that can afford to spend that kind of cash.
  729. 6:52 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Veliar is there right now
  730. 6:52 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Samsung, of course, is trying to market it to the general public.
  731. 6:52 PM - MMRhino: Alice Cooper is a man
  732. 6:52 PM - tr4656: elix: Oh, most web devs I know /do/ spend that much on their work machines
  733. 6:52 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Rhino, yeah?
  734. 6:53 PM - Crazedanimal™: Alice Cooper is a stage nam
  735. 6:53 PM - Crazedanimal™: name*
  736. 6:53 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Vincent Furnier
  737. 6:53 PM - MMRhino: Wrong chat
  738. 6:53 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Again, it's individual use case situations.
  739. 6:53 PM - MMRhino: But yes it is crazed
  740. 6:53 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: ohlol
  741. 6:53 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  742. 6:53 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  743. 6:53 PM - chronicdiscord: The region known as Al-Andalus was an Iberian portion controlled by Muslim, the region was largely fractured however, and was easily conquered by the northerers and outsider Catholics, the final of the Andalusian powers to fall did so in the 15th century, taken by what other nation?
  744. 6:54 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Germany
  745. 6:54 PM - QETC™Crimson: france
  746. 6:54 PM - Kurgan: granada
  747. 6:54 PM - Trx: Castille
  748. 6:54 PM - truncat: aragon!
  749. 6:54 PM - Kurgan: oh, taken by, dur
  750. 6:54 PM - Soüp: Spain
  751. 6:54 PM - 4evra: portugese
  752. 6:54 PM - MMRhino: Is this normal trivia or is there teams?
  753. 6:54 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: tr4: From the perspective of the average consumer (which is where I'm coming from unless otherwise stated), the Pixel is way overpriced for what it's able to do without tinkering.
  754. 6:54 PM - tr4656: elix; Yeah, it is all use case but I'm just saying that I'd imagine thats what who Google is targetting the Pixel at.
  755. 6:54 PM - Kurgan: thought it was Castille myself
  756. 6:54 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: It's free-for-all.
  757. 6:54 PM - chronicdiscord: THIS FUCKER -> Trx
  758. 6:54 PM - MMRhino: are there*
  759. 6:54 PM - Veliar disconnected.
  760. 6:55 PM - tr4656: elix; I don't think its for consumers
  761. 6:55 PM - chronicdiscord: sorry, internet went wibbly there
  762. 6:55 PM - tr4656: Thats the thing.
  763. 6:55 PM - Sorainzas disconnected.
  764. 6:55 PM - chronicdiscord: there are no teams Rhino
  765. 6:55 PM - Trx: Spain was created from union of castille, navarra, leon, and aragon crowns :<
  766. 6:55 PM - chronicdiscord: Spain did not exist at the time Soup
  767. 6:55 PM - MMRhino: I was under the impression it was just TF2 so I didn't bother reading chat haha
  768. 6:55 PM - Soüp: I'm only half paying attention here
  769. 6:55 PM - chronicdiscord: when Aragon and Castille joined
  770. 6:55 PM - Veliar entered chat.
  771. 6:55 PM - Soüp: I'm not even sure what the prize is
  772. 6:55 PM - chronicdiscord: they set the stage for Spain
  773. 6:55 PM - tr4656: Soup; XCOM
  774. 6:55 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: XCOM Enemy Unknown
  775. 6:56 PM - Soüp: ah good times
  776. 6:56 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: BTW, chronic, I should be considered low-hanging fruit to be trimmed. I already own Enemy Unknown.
  777. 6:56 PM - NSANE: I would have played if it were the xcom collection =P
  778. 6:56 PM - chronicdiscord: I'm generally sticking to wars and such today
  779. 6:56 PM - NSANE: *x-com
  780. 6:56 PM - [Friend] Monukai: same, I'm just playing for fun (sue me)
  781. 6:56 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: That's not the point of a low hanging fruit
  782. 6:56 PM - Sorainzas entered chat.
  783. 6:56 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: You're floorfruit
  784. 6:56 PM - Tsundere Kanojo entered chat.
  785. 6:56 PM - tr4656: elix: Google is trying to get people who want a high end Chrome OS device or just developers
  786. 6:56 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Which is a good thing, because holy fuck I've never played CK2 and all of this is hieroglyphics to me.
  787. 6:57 PM - Trx: Elix - 3/4 of that wasn't in CK :<
  788. 6:57 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Well, that period of history is completely foreign to me.
  789. 6:57 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: tr4656: Why not just get a Macbook Air and hax it to run ChromeOS/Linux?
  790. 6:57 PM - matrix_omega left chat.
  791. 6:57 PM - likwitsnake: damn
  792. 6:58 PM - Trx: why not fed evil corp? :E
  793. 6:58 PM - likwitsnake: napped through trivia
  794. 6:58 PM - tr4656: You don't need to hack a Macbook to dual boot.
  795. 6:58 PM - tr4656: Trx: Don't be like that
  796. 6:58 PM - 4evra: there's still time lik
  797. 6:58 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Well, you know what I mean. Not /literally/ 'hack'.
  798. 6:58 PM - Trx: Like what? :<
  799. 6:58 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  800. 6:58 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  801. 6:58 PM - chronicdiscord: World War 1, initially called, "The Great War," was fought between many of the nations of Europe and involved others outside of it, setting the stage for the second Great War, the largest reason for this being the end result, what did the first World War do to set the stage for it's sequel?
  802. 6:58 PM - DerangedBoar: o
  803. 6:58 PM - cxiong93: treaty of versia
  804. 6:58 PM - DerangedBoar: trivia
  805. 6:58 PM - QETC™Crimson: bankrupting germany
  806. 6:58 PM - truncat: great depression
  807. 6:58 PM - MMRhino: Versailles idk
  808. 6:58 PM - tr4656: Cause trouble in Germany
  809. 6:59 PM - likwitsnake: More technology
  810. 6:59 PM - cxiong93: i don't know how to spell
  811. 6:59 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Germany was set under massive reparation costs, causing its economy to sink.
  812. 6:59 PM - truncat: god I fail
  813. 6:59 PM - Kurgan: harsh peace terms, as already answered with versailles
  814. 6:59 PM - chronicdiscord: THIS FUCKER -> cxiong for two points
  815. 6:59 PM - Trx: ??
  816. 6:59 PM - truncat: versailles*
  817. 6:59 PM - tr4656: elix: The people who would consider the Pixel would probably get the rMBP
  818. 6:59 PM - tr4656: Because of the screen
  819. 6:59 PM - chronicdiscord: he had the name, even if spelt so awfully that it makes me cry
  820. 6:59 PM - truncat: lol
  821. 6:59 PM - 4evra: :)
  822. 6:59 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Wow Chronic
  823. 6:59 PM - chronicdiscord: Crimson would have gotten it otherwise
  824. 6:59 PM - 4evra: wait,was that the part
  825. 6:59 PM - tr4656: Yeah, that was pretty terrible spelling
  826. 6:59 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: I hate to say it, but that question had so so so many different answers
  827. 7:00 PM - Trx: Yeah
  828. 7:00 PM - chronicdiscord: the treaty was The Right One
  829. 7:00 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Chronic, and?
  830. 7:00 PM - chronicdiscord: others would have counted
  831. 7:00 PM - Trx: For one, big reason was ignoring china as ally
  832. 7:00 PM - 4evra: where hitler made the france write the surender thingy
  833. 7:00 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: - best first post ever
  834. 7:00 PM - 4evra: in that train vagon
  835. 7:00 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: There are TONNES of reasons
  836. 7:00 PM - 4evra: ?
  837. 7:00 PM - Trx: And giving ex-german territory to japan
  838. 7:00 PM - tr4656: 4evra: What
  839. 7:00 PM - likwitsnake: dat liebenschraum
  840. 7:01 PM - chronicdiscord: the treaty is what did it all Deiru, or much of it
  841. 7:01 PM - chronicdiscord: that's why it was the 2pointer
  842. 7:01 PM - Trx: First post doesn't contain catgirls, so not best :E
  843. 7:01 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: League of Nations?
  844. 7:01 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: The big three?
  845. 7:01 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: The military restrictions placed on Germany?
  846. 7:01 PM - chronicdiscord: Deiru
  847. 7:01 PM - Trx: Discord, but treaty of versailles didn't end WWI
  848. 7:01 PM - MMRhino: weren't the restrictions part of the trearty?
  849. 7:01 PM - MMRhino: idk history
  850. 7:01 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Rhino, true
  851. 7:01 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Trx: He copy-pasted the article on 9/11 from Wikipedia into a new thread in the "current news events" subforum.
  852. 7:01 PM - Trx: It was Treaty of Lausanne
  853. 7:02 PM - 4evra: Second Armistice at Compiègne
  854. 7:02 PM - 4evra: that was it
  855. 7:02 PM - 4evra: where my thoughts wondered
  856. 7:02 PM - chronicdiscord: actually it did not end until Versailles
  857. 7:02 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Chronic
  858. 7:02 PM - chronicdiscord: that was the final nail on the war
  859. 7:02 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Can we just skip agead?
  860. 7:02 PM - tr4656: elix: But yeah, your argument makes sense. They can easily buy the 13" rMBP instead
  861. 7:02 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Ahead?
  862. 7:02 PM - chronicdiscord: ahead?
  863. 7:02 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: And admit it wasn't a very well put question?
  864. 7:02 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: I mean, to the next question
  865. 7:03 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Rather than debating on htis
  866. 7:03 PM - Trx: Lausanne was after Versailles, and it ended WW I :<
  867. 7:03 PM - Trx: And sure
  868. 7:03 PM - chronicdiscord: sure enough
  869. 7:03 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Just...try to avoid ambiguity in the questions
  870. 7:03 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★ entered chat.
  871. 7:04 PM - chronicdiscord: I do try, I only seem to have one or two of these pop up in a week
  872. 7:04 PM - 4evra: go specific
  873. 7:04 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: tr4: So, I mean, I guess Google and Samsung are providing choice to the market, and choice is good.
  874. 7:04 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: But is it a sensible choice? :P
  875. 7:05 PM - tr4656: What does samsung have to do with this
  876. 7:05 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Manufactured the Pixel.
  877. 7:05 PM - Trx: They pirated rectangle patent by apple :P
  878. 7:05 PM - tr4656: i dont think they did actually
  879. 7:06 PM - Trx: Didn't they lost in court?
  880. 7:06 PM - tr4656: @elix
  881. 7:06 PM - redshift left chat.
  882. 7:06 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Let's not start the Samsung-Apple patent war discussion, please.
  883. 7:06 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  884. 7:06 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  885. 7:06 PM - chronicdiscord: During the First World War, which chemical weapon was mass produced in order to break a defending line, which would often have to either fall back or risk falling to it's horrible effects?
  886. 7:06 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Mustard gas
  887. 7:06 PM - QETC™Crimson: mustard gas
  888. 7:06 PM - likwitsnake: mustard gas
  889. 7:06 PM - Trx: mustard gas
  890. 7:06 PM - chronicdiscord: there, nice and specific
  891. 7:06 PM - 4evra: :D
  892. 7:06 PM - Kurgan: chlorine?
  893. 7:07 PM - Trx: Or yperite?
  894. 7:07 PM - chronicdiscord: THIS FUCKER RIGHT HERE -> Deiru
  895. 7:07 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Thank you
  896. 7:07 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: <- "Samsung Chromebook"
  897. 7:07 PM - likwitsnake: Sulfur mustard
  898. 7:07 PM - zelghadis | MechaPilot EA fanboy: nn
  899. 7:07 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Oh, wait
  900. 7:07 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: We've moved dangerously into my area of expertise, I'm afraid
  901. 7:07 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Gnnurr
  902. 7:07 PM - truncat: tear gas
  903. 7:07 PM - zelghadis | MechaPilot EA fanboy left chat.
  904. 7:08 PM - Kurgan: and we are moving away from mine
  905. 7:08 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Oh, it's an unnamed Taiwan-based OEM.
  906. 7:08 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  907. 7:08 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  908. 7:08 PM - chronicdiscord: Mustard gas, as it was euphemistically referred to, was so called because of what distinct characteristic?
  909. 7:08 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: yellow
  910. 7:08 PM - QETC™Crimson: smell
  911. 7:08 PM - likwitsnake: yellow color
  912. 7:08 PM - Trx: smell
  913. 7:08 PM - 4evra: smelled like mustard
  914. 7:08 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: The smell of mustard.
  915. 7:09 PM - truncat: tasted nice
  916. 7:09 PM - chronicdiscord: THIS FUCTKER -> Deiru
  917. 7:09 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: IT DID NOT TASTE NICE, LOL
  918. 7:09 PM - truncat: have you tried it?
  919. 7:09 PM - Kurgan: tastes just like....mustard
  920. 7:09 PM - Trx: yellow-brown in color and have an odor resembling mustard plants, garlic, or horseradish, hence the name
  921. 7:09 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Did it not smell of mustard as well, chronic?
  922. 7:09 PM - chronicdiscord: but you are also right elix
  923. 7:09 PM - Caerbannog: tastes just like nerve agent
  924. 7:09 PM - Depressed Pony left chat.
  925. 7:09 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Mustard Gas is mostly sulphuric, right?
  926. 7:09 PM - chronicdiscord: the colour is what prompted the name, but both are right
  927. 7:09 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Which smells like rotten eggs
  928. 7:10 PM - chronicdiscord: it is known to smell of mustard and horse radish
  929. 7:10 PM - Trx: Also, it's skin agent, not nerve agent, caer ^^
  930. 7:10 PM - chronicdiscord: and is coloured yellow
  931. 7:10 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: tr4: My message got eaten, but I was saying that I was confused about that due to Google not naming the OEM
  932. 7:10 PM - chronicdiscord: causing blisters
  933. 7:10 PM - chronicdiscord: and melting lungs
  934. 7:10 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: And Google and Samsung usually being discussed together when hardware's involved.
  935. 7:10 PM - Caerbannog: oops thanks for the correction Trx
  936. 7:10 PM - KhAn RuLz left chat.
  937. 7:10 PM - tr4656: elix: Not necessarily
  938. 7:10 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Mustard gas is terrible shit, basically.
  939. 7:10 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Not as bad as Sarin, but still
  940. 7:10 PM - chronicdiscord: so, elix got a secondary point for it
  941. 7:10 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Terrible shit
  942. 7:11 PM - chronicdiscord: honestly though, who smells mustard and horseradish
  943. 7:11 PM - cxiong93:
  944. 7:11 PM - chronicdiscord: just use one condiment at a time
  945. 7:11 PM - cxiong93: in case you haven't seen it yet
  946. 7:11 PM - tr4656: Just look at your Neuxs 7
  947. 7:11 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Chronic, honestly, I think the smell is a misconception of sarcasm
  948. 7:11 PM - Trx: *facepalm*
  949. 7:12 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Presumably, the survivors would be pretty fucking pissed off
  950. 7:12 PM - Nicktim ◢◤ #TRUE entered chat.
  951. 7:12 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: so I imagine someone coming up to them in hopsital
  952. 7:12 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: "Hey...know that mustard gas? did it smell mustardy?"
  953. 7:12 PM - Trx: No no no
  954. 7:12 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: And they go "Oh yeah yeah yeah, sureeeeee"
  955. 7:12 PM - Kurgan: only one way to find out for certain
  956. 7:12 PM - tr4656: Also, what
  957. 7:12 PM - tr4656:
  958. 7:12 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: tr4656: I meant specifically for the Pixel, and the fact that Samsung is a major OEM partner.
  959. 7:12 PM - Trx: They would be asked to fill customer appreciation form :<
  960. 7:13 PM - 4evra: is there more? :)
  961. 7:13 PM - Trx: 'does this all natural fragrance smell nice, like home'? :<
  962. 7:13 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: tr4: That "Prsm" thing sounds like satire.
  963. 7:14 PM - tr4656: It is
  964. 7:14 PM - MMRhino: Or when they described the smell/incident they said it smelled like mustard?
  965. 7:14 PM - tr4656: Just a weird way to approach it
  966. 7:14 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  967. 7:14 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  968. 7:14 PM - chronicdiscord: During the Vietnam War, American troops fought in a distant land for vague and poorly explained reasons, the set up for this war was the end of the colonialist powers in the region, what colonial power left a giant mess that American tried to clean up?
  969. 7:14 PM - QETC™Crimson: france
  970. 7:14 PM - Trx: france
  971. 7:14 PM - likwitsnake: korea
  972. 7:14 PM - Kurgan: france
  973. 7:14 PM - chronicdiscord: THIS FUCKER -> Crimson
  974. 7:14 PM - Kurgan: wow you guys read fast =P
  975. 7:14 PM - likwitsnake: indochine
  976. 7:14 PM - likwitsnake: bah
  977. 7:14 PM - chronicdiscord: probably read the last bit first
  978. 7:15 PM - Kurgan: fair enough there
  979. 7:15 PM - Kurgan: though I am also just a slow reader
  980. 7:15 PM - Trx: I read all :<
  981. 7:15 PM - Trx: Anyway!
  982. 7:15 PM - Sorainzas: chronic
  983. 7:15 PM - Sorainzas: ?
  984. 7:15 PM - 4evra: yeah.there was quite a bit of 'intro text' at the space trivia
  985. 7:15 PM - [Friend] Monukai: i missed a space trivia? D:
  986. 7:15 PM - Trx: D:
  987. 7:15 PM - 4evra: was a blast :)
  988. 7:15 PM - Kurgan: space trivia? damn, that one I'd have liked to see
  989. 7:16 PM - [Friend] Monukai: same :<
  990. 7:16 PM - Caerbannog: i'm 2 slow, but i would've got the answer thanks to the movie "We Were Soldiers"
  991. 7:16 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  992. 7:16 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  993. 7:16 PM - chronicdiscord: The Korean War was fought largely as a proxy war between what major powers? Name any 2 to get a point
  994. 7:16 PM - likwitsnake: usa
  995. 7:16 PM - Trx: ussr and usa
  996. 7:16 PM - 4evra: south korea
  997. 7:16 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: China
  998. 7:16 PM - truncat: china, usa
  999. 7:16 PM - QETC™Crimson: northkorea
  1000. 7:16 PM - cxiong93: china
  1001. 7:16 PM - Kurgan: soviet union and usa
  1002. 7:16 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: And USA
  1003. 7:16 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: But my finger slipped
  1004. 7:17 PM - likwitsnake: usa and russia
  1005. 7:17 PM - chronicdiscord: THIS FUCKER -> Trx
  1006. 7:17 PM - chronicdiscord: China Russia on one side UK USA on the other
  1007. 7:17 PM - Trx: China wasn't major power then yet :<
  1008. 7:17 PM - [Friend] Monukai: chronic: is there a chat log for the space trivia?
  1009. 7:17 PM - Trx: Technically ^^
  1010. 7:17 PM - chronicdiscord: bringing in Canadians, Australians and even Italians for some reason
  1011. 7:17 PM - Trx: I'd like to see it too
  1012. 7:17 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: "Italians for some reason"
  1013. 7:18 PM - chronicdiscord: I can pull it up, yes
  1014. 7:18 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Well someone had to cook
  1015. 7:18 PM - 4evra: log was kept earlier in trivia threads
  1016. 7:18 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: An army crawls on it's stomach
  1017. 7:18 PM - 4evra: but none opened them for last 2 trivias
  1018. 7:18 PM - Trx: True
  1019. 7:18 PM - [Friend] Monukai: that'd be awesome, thanks :>
  1020. 7:18 PM - Trx: Sometimes it had to eat its boots :P
  1021. 7:18 PM - chronicdiscord: dunno if it was 20 or 21 that was space
  1022. 7:18 PM - chronicdiscord:
  1023. 7:18 PM - [Friend] Monukai: twenty one I think
  1024. 7:18 PM - chronicdiscord: that one
  1025. 7:18 PM - chronicdiscord: 21
  1026. 7:19 PM - chronicdiscord: even though noone has asked, I wish to post this
  1027. 7:19 PM - chronicdiscord: QETC Crimson x8
  1028. Kurgan x4
  1029. Trx x4
  1030. Monukai x3
  1031. 4evra x3
  1032. cxiong93 x3
  1033. elix x2
  1034. Deiru x2
  1035. Shobo
  1036. tr4656
  1037. 7:19 PM - chronicdiscord: scoredump
  1038. 7:19 PM - 4evra: was about to ask for it
  1039. 7:20 PM - cxiong93: crimson burned us
  1040. 7:20 PM - 4evra: felt like prep time for q's got longer
  1041. 7:20 PM - 4evra: :)(
  1042. 7:20 PM - tr4656: How many more questions?
  1043. 7:20 PM - chronicdiscord: oh, plenty of scribbled notes tr, at least a page and a half
  1044. 7:20 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★: I just noticed.
  1045. 7:20 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: And, boooom. All perks unlocked in Cookie Clicker.
  1046. 7:20 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: 40mil CPS
  1047. 7:20 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★: Trivia it's still going on.
  1048. 7:21 PM - tr4656: Oh, you type the questions
  1049. 7:21 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Yeah tr
  1050. 7:21 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: He does it to avoid me getting all the hitler questions
  1051. 7:21 PM - Mr. Fishy disconnected.
  1052. 7:22 PM - Nicktim ◢◤ #TRUE left chat.
  1053. 7:22 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: The 2 world wars are my specialty...
  1054. 7:22 PM - tr4656: I mean he writes down notes and then types up the question now
  1055. 7:22 PM - 4evra: yes
  1056. 7:22 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  1057. 7:22 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  1058. 7:22 PM - chronicdiscord: In military terms, a neutral territory which parties have agreed upon in a treaty to not fight with in, this region forbids military installations or activities, is called what?
  1059. 7:22 PM - likwitsnake: ceasefire
  1060. 7:22 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: DMZ
  1061. 7:22 PM - truncat: demilitarized zone
  1062. 7:22 PM - Trx: no man land
  1063. 7:22 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★: A white zone.
  1064. 7:22 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: DMZ
  1065. 7:22 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Such as The Rhineland
  1066. 7:22 PM - likwitsnake: no mans land
  1067. 7:22 PM - chronicdiscord: THESE FUCKERS HERE -> elix and truncat for the second
  1068. 7:22 PM - truncat: I even americanized the spelling :p
  1069. 7:23 PM - tr4656: likwitsnake: Please learn what you are saying first
  1070. 7:23 PM - likwitsnake: nope
  1071. 7:23 PM - tr4656: Oh no, truncat has a point now
  1072. 7:23 PM - BoboFatt: oh shit
  1073. 7:23 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Oh, man. I just realized that I should dig deep for my questions.
  1074. 7:23 PM - BoboFatt: it's trivia
  1075. 7:23 PM - BoboFatt: fuck i completely forgot
  1076. 7:23 PM - truncat: I have xcom anyway
  1077. 7:23 PM - BoboFatt: what's the game?
  1078. 7:23 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Bobo can have my points if he wants
  1079. 7:24 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: XCOM Enemy Unknown
  1080. 7:24 PM - Kurgan: xcom I believe
  1081. 7:24 PM - BoboFatt: oh, own it
  1082. 7:24 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★: Oh.
  1083. 7:24 PM - BoboFatt: *whew*
  1084. 7:24 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Bobo dont want my points
  1085. 7:24 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★: I don't own it, yet.
  1086. 7:24 PM - 4evra: now bobo goes on a anwering spree
  1087. 7:24 PM - 4evra: damn
  1088. 7:24 PM - Caerbannog: i forget about it as well bobo,l unless a topic is posted on the forums
  1089. 7:24 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★: But, i got it for free on PS+.
  1090. 7:24 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Sakata can have my points
  1091. 7:24 PM - BoboFatt: Yeah, might as well get in the top 10 anyway :P
  1092. 7:24 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★: Yet, again.
  1093. 7:24 PM - 4evra: :D
  1094. 7:24 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: ...Xcom is on consoles?
  1095. 7:24 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★: I barely touch my PS3.
  1096. 7:24 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★: And won't play XCOM on console.
  1097. 7:24 PM - tr4656: I play it all the time on my iPad
  1098. 7:24 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★: And i won't*
  1099. 7:24 PM - tr4656: Its pretty good there
  1100. 7:24 PM - Caerbannog: xcom is also on tablets
  1101. 7:25 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: I should try The Bureau tonight and see if it's as horrible as metacritic indicates.
  1102. 7:25 PM - Trx: How watered down is it? :<
  1103. 7:25 PM - Caerbannog: tr beat me to it
  1104. 7:25 PM - tr4656: Trx: Not at all?
  1105. 7:25 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★: I actually rather have XCOM for PC, TIME TO ANWSER SOME QUESTIONS.
  1106. 7:25 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Then I can know if I should warn the ~7 people on my friends list who have it wishlisted.
  1107. 7:25 PM - tr4656: You bought it?
  1108. 7:25 PM - Trx: And I have funny movie on Bureau
  1109. 7:25 PM - Azelka entered chat.
  1110. 7:25 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  1111. 7:26 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  1112. 7:26 PM - chronicdiscord: Technically there is no border between North and South Korea, because there is no peace between them, internationally there is a region that is considered the line between the two, but while it is treated as one, it is not a border, what is it?
  1113. 7:26 PM - likwitsnake: alsace loraine
  1114. 7:26 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: There is a DMZ
  1115. 7:26 PM - Trx: 49 parallel
  1116. 7:26 PM - ★Mr. SakataKun★: No idea.
  1117. 7:26 PM - Kurgan: 41 parallel?
  1118. 7:26 PM - BoboFatt: disputed zone
  1119. 7:26 PM - Kurgan: oh damn, trx has it
  1120. 7:26 PM - Trx: Or was it 53?
  1121. 7:26 PM - QETC™Crimson: The Amnok River and the Tumen River
  1122. 7:26 PM - likwitsnake: bah reading just the end is not working this week
  1123. 7:26 PM - chronicdiscord: 3
  1124. 7:26 PM - chronicdiscord: 2
  1125. 7:26 PM - 4evra: strip of land
  1126. 7:26 PM - chronicdiscord: 1
  1127. 7:26 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: A bridge
  1128. 7:26 PM - chronicdiscord: THIS FUCKER -> elix
  1129. 7:26 PM - Sorainzas: WOW
  1130. 7:26 PM - Trx: O_o
  1131. 7:26 PM - chronicdiscord: the second point would have been for 38th parallel
  1132. 7:27 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: You were just teasing everyone there, lol.
  1133. 7:27 PM - Lady Jade: "19:59 - SIR DEIRU OF HAM SANDWICHES: but 159 Cursors producing 259,329 cookies per second doesn't add up, even with upgrades"
  1134. And yet, I wasn't believed earlier. :P
  1135. 7:27 PM - Xuang101: hmm in cookie clicker I have 40 out of 41 upgrades
  1136. 7:27 PM - chronicdiscord: I would take both
  1137. 7:27 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Oh, tehre was a bonus.
  1138. 7:27 PM - Sorainzas: Just traded CSGO for 4 keys and 2 Portal 2 90% coupons
  1139. 7:27 PM - Xuang101: what's that last upgrade
  1140. 7:27 PM - Sorainzas: Good deal?
  1141. 7:27 PM - chronicdiscord: as seperate but equal
  1142. 7:27 PM - Zak disconnected.
  1143. 7:27 PM - tr4656: Xuang: 160 cursors
  1144. 7:27 PM - Bali505 left chat.
  1145. 7:27 PM - Lady Jade: "20:02 - SIR DEIRU OF HAM SANDWICHES: So that figure is way too high, yet extremely close to being 10 times as high"
  1146. *coughs*
  1147. 7:27 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Jade, hrm?
  1148. 7:27 PM - chronicdiscord: elix bumps up to the big boys with 4 points
  1149. 7:27 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: I said extermely close to
  1150. 7:27 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Not is
  1151. 7:27 PM - likwitsnake: joint security area
  1152. 7:27 PM - likwitsnake: good movie about the border
  1153. 7:27 PM - Sorainzas: yea
  1154. 7:27 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Jade: BTW, Clicker has been updated.
  1155. 7:28 PM - likwitsnake: fiction that is
  1156. 7:28 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Blitz, he knows
  1157. 7:28 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: He already played it.
  1158. 7:28 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Jade, I own all the things now
  1159. 7:28 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: I'm kind of amused that I basically scored two points by repeating three letters.
  1160. 7:28 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Let's see if I'm lucky.
  1161. 7:28 PM - Kurgan: hey, it was 6 by then
  1162. 7:28 PM - Kurgan: dmzdmz
  1163. 7:29 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: DMZ, repeated a second time
  1164. 7:29 PM - Kurgan: mix it up a bit, try zmd
  1165. 7:29 PM - stuky disconnected.
  1166. 7:29 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: ZDM
  1167. 7:29 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  1168. 7:29 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  1169. 7:29 PM - chronicdiscord: In 1941 the largest Theatre of War in history began, it was instigated when what alliance attacked what power?
  1170. 7:29 PM - Trx: axis to ussr
  1171. 7:29 PM - 4evra: poland
  1172. 7:29 PM - QETC™Crimson: axis attacked usa
  1173. 7:29 PM - likwitsnake: germany attacked poland
  1174. 7:29 PM - Kurgan: azis attacked soviet union
  1175. 7:29 PM - Caerbannog: german attacked poland
  1176. 7:29 PM - SIR ANAL OF CHEEZY FRIES: Austria-Hungary?
  1177. 7:29 PM - truncat: germany atacked ussr
  1178. 7:29 PM - Kurgan: axis...
  1179. 7:30 PM - chronicdiscord: THIS FUCKER -> Trx
  1180. 7:30 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  1181. 7:30 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  1182. 7:30 PM - chronicdiscord: What was the conflict in this great Theatre of War referred to as?
  1183. 7:30 PM - Kurgan: eastern front/operation barbarossa
  1184. 7:30 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: War.
  1185. 7:30 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: HUH
  1186. 7:30 PM - Trx: great motherland war?
  1187. 7:30 PM - Caerbannog: WWII
  1188. 7:30 PM - chronicdiscord: there are multiple answers
  1189. 7:30 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: The Battle for Stalingrad?
  1190. 7:31 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: No, that came later.
  1191. 7:31 PM - likwitsnake: Eastern Front
  1192. 7:31 PM - chronicdiscord: 3
  1193. 7:31 PM - chronicdiscord: 2
  1194. 7:31 PM - chronicdiscord: 1
  1195. 7:31 PM - truncat: great patriotic war
  1196. 7:31 PM - chronicdiscord: THIS FUCKER -> Kurgan
  1197. 7:31 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Prussian Russian just ebcause it rhymes
  1198. 7:31 PM - chronicdiscord: truncat gets one too
  1199. 7:31 PM - Caerbannog: what was the full answer? i'm curious
  1200. 7:31 PM - chronicdiscord: cause he beat the zero hour
  1201. 7:31 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: also
  1202. 7:31 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: WHAT IS IT GOOD FOR?
  1203. 7:31 PM - truncat: that question caught me early :p
  1204. 7:31 PM - chronicdiscord: multiple names for the theatre
  1205. 7:32 PM - Trx: Um
  1206. 7:32 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: *huhn* absolutely nothin'
  1207. 7:32 PM - chronicdiscord: depending on which side it was
  1208. 7:32 PM - Kurgan: absolutely nothing
  1209. 7:32 PM - Xuang101 left chat.
  1210. 7:32 PM - chronicdiscord: Eastern Front was one
  1211. 7:32 PM - Trx: But correct translation from russian is grat motherland war
  1212. 7:32 PM - Trx: Which I said :<
  1213. 7:32 PM - Trx: Oh well
  1214. 7:32 PM - chronicdiscord: is it?
  1215. 7:32 PM - chronicdiscord: I always saw it called patriotic
  1216. 7:32 PM - truncat: likewise
  1217. 7:32 PM - chronicdiscord: and I don't speak russian to know
  1218. 7:32 PM - Trx: Вели́кая Оте́чественная война́
  1219. 7:33 PM - Trx: Otéchestvennaya = motherland
  1220. 7:33 PM - chronicdiscord: so if you speak russian and say so, you get it instead of truncat
  1221. 7:33 PM - Trx: You can check in google translate
  1222. 7:33 PM - 4evra: hmm
  1223. 7:33 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: chronic, give Trx one of my points, since I already own XCOM.
  1224. 7:33 PM - 4evra: wiki>google transl
  1225. 7:33 PM - 4evra: as far as EN goes
  1226. 7:33 PM - 4evra: ?
  1227. 7:33 PM - The Falling Flame entered chat.
  1228. 7:33 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Instead of penalizing truncat.
  1229. 7:33 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: They were all right TBH
  1230. 7:33 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Truncat, Elix and Trx were all correct
  1231. 7:34 PM - 4evra: motherland
  1232. 7:34 PM - 4evra: is a term for country u are from
  1233. 7:34 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: I actually was referring to one particular siege, Deiru, not the theatre.
  1234. 7:34 PM - chronicdiscord: trx
  1235. 7:34 PM - 4evra: adjective is patriotic,not motherlandish?
  1236. 7:34 PM - chronicdiscord: translator doesn't even recognise the word
  1237. 7:34 PM - chronicdiscord: but I will accept it, you seem russian enough
  1238. 7:34 PM - Trx: I wrote phonetically
  1239. 7:34 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Russian ENOUGH
  1240. 7:35 PM - 4evra: :D
  1241. 7:35 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Lmfao
  1242. 7:35 PM - 4evra: harasho
  1243. 7:35 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: What's considered "Not quite russian enough"?
  1244. 7:35 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Ukrainean?
  1245. 7:35 PM - chronicdiscord: never call a ukrainian a russian
  1246. 7:35 PM - chronicdiscord: they'll fucking stab you
  1247. 7:35 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: I know Chronic
  1248. 7:35 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: I know
  1249. 7:35 PM - Celdiruen: Depends
  1250. 7:35 PM - likwitsnake: ukraine is joke to you?
  1251. 7:35 PM - likwitsnake:
  1252. 7:36 PM - Celdiruen: Half of Ukraine is very pro-Ukrainian (language, culture, etc)
  1253. 7:36 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: It's like 10 times worse than calling a Canadian an American
  1254. 7:36 PM - Celdiruen: Rest just speak Russian cause fuck it
  1255. 7:36 PM - Trx:
  1256. 7:36 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: But 10 times BETTER than calling a Scot/Ire an Englishmen
  1257. 7:36 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: You would get stabbed then
  1258. 7:36 PM - Trx: Have proof in wiktionary
  1259. 7:37 PM - Trx: I wont dispute it, though, might learned wrong :(
  1260. 7:37 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  1261. 7:37 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  1262. 7:37 PM - chronicdiscord: What 1928 novel told the story of some of the men in the trenches of the German/English front as they went through hell together, up until the end of the war?
  1263. 7:37 PM - likwitsnake: all quiet on the western front
  1264. 7:37 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: All Quiet on the We-
  1265. 7:37 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Fuck
  1266. 7:37 PM - Trx: ...
  1267. 7:37 PM - chronicdiscord: THIS FUCKER -> likwitsanke
  1268. 7:37 PM - 4evra: Rezultati pretrage
  1270. The Well of Loneliness
  1271. 7:37 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: The Red Badge of Courage, because why not
  1272. 7:37 PM - 4evra: ajaj :D
  1273. 7:37 PM - chronicdiscord: how the hell you typed that so fast is beyond me
  1274. 7:37 PM - Trx: We were owned :<
  1275. 7:37 PM - 4evra: "lesbian novel "
  1276. 7:37 PM - 4evra: :D
  1277. 7:37 PM - likwitsnake: saw 1928 and novel
  1278. 7:37 PM - likwitsnake: bom
  1279. 7:38 PM - likwitsnake: boom*
  1280. 7:38 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: lmfao
  1281. 7:38 PM - likwitsnake: flashbacks of high school
  1282. 7:38 PM - likwitsnake: lit
  1283. 7:38 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Am I allowed to laugh at you seeing 1928, and going
  1284. 7:38 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: BOMB
  1285. 7:38 PM - Kurgan: nope, he is a wizard
  1286. 7:38 PM - Darthmoor entered chat.
  1287. 7:38 PM - Wallstreet Ninja entered chat.
  1288. 7:38 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: I hope it's Donkey Kong/Mario explosions. >BOMB<
  1289. 7:38 PM - Darthmoor left chat.
  1290. 7:38 PM - Wallstreet Ninja left chat.
  1291. 7:38 PM - Kurgan: ba bomb
  1292. 7:38 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz:
  1293. 7:38 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: ...
  1294. 7:38 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: I chased them out
  1295. 7:38 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Were those 2 together?!
  1296. 7:38 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by chronicdiscord.
  1297. 7:39 PM - The chat room has been set to all-users chat by chronicdiscord.
  1298. 7:39 PM - chronicdiscord: What nation banned All Quiet on the Western Front and it's sequel which detailed the horrors of living after the war?
  1299. 7:39 PM - The Falling Flame: All Quiet on the Western Front?
  1300. 7:39 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: England
  1301. 7:39 PM - Trx: france?
  1302. 7:39 PM - likwitsnake: germany
  1303. 7:39 PM - QETC™Crimson: germany
  1304. 7:39 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: The UK
  1305. 7:39 PM - Kurgan: austria?
  1306. 7:39 PM - chronicdiscord: THIS FUCKER -> likwitsnake
  1307. 7:39 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Eh, it was either us or them
  1308. 7:39 PM - Chack: Oh crap I missed trivia night
  1309. 7:39 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: And the way our government is right now, I'd have bet us for "Censorship"
  1310. 7:39 PM - chronicdiscord: the nazi's hated the book
  1311. 7:39 PM - likwitsnake: burned it
  1312. 7:40 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Chronic, how did they ban it then?
  1313. 7:40 PM - The Falling Flame: Yeah, Nazi Germany
  1314. 7:40 PM - Trx: Yeah, every right wing regime hates truth about wars
  1315. 7:40 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Nazis didn't have any power until like 8 years after, surely
  1316. 7:40 PM - 4evra: /ban
  1317. 7:40 PM - Szászke: good night Trivia Knights!
  1318. 7:40 PM - ⚠ ɛғяɛaĸ: Al Qaeda on the Western Front
  1319. 7:40 PM - ⚠ ɛғяɛaĸ:
  1320. 7:40 PM - Szászke disconnected.
  1321. 7:40 PM - chronicdiscord: it spoke of war as if it was morally bankrupt
  1322. 7:40 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: It wasn't necessarily banned immediately after publication, Deiru.
  1323. 7:40 PM - Kurgan: um, it didn't need to be an immediate ban
  1324. 7:40 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: My mistake, 5 years
  1325. 7:40 PM - chronicdiscord: as if fighting was a horror
  1326. 7:40 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Yeah, but 5 years after a book is released?
  1327. 7:40 PM - Kurgan: I mean, people burn the bible or harry potter or whatnot still
  1328. 7:40 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Surely most fuckers who wanted to own it, would own it
  1329. 7:40 PM - chronicdiscord: it was banned pretty much right after they had power
  1330. 7:41 PM - Trx: There was no internet then :<
  1331. 7:41 PM - chronicdiscord: the sequel only came out in 31
  1332. 7:41 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Trx, there didn't need to be
  1333. 7:41 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Marginalize and silence the opposition, problem solved.
  1334. 7:41 PM - dbolt disconnected.
  1335. 7:41 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Call them the traitors.
  1336. 7:41 PM - chronicdiscord: exactly elix
  1337. 7:41 PM - Trx: Eh, book piracy is harder than game one? :<
  1338. 7:42 PM - Lady Jade: ... fuck, it was trivia tonight. >.<
  1339. 7:42 PM - chronicdiscord: ok, I think we've run our course
  1340. 7:42 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Jade, yeah
  1341. 7:42 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Aw Chronic, go on
  1342. 7:42 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Let's go for another inter-war period question
  1343. 7:42 PM - Chack: Is it over?
  1344. 7:42 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: *glares*
  1345. 7:42 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: I can add a few.
  1346. 7:42 PM - chronicdiscord: QETC Crimson x8
  1347. Trx x6
  1348. Kurgan x5
  1349. elix x4
  1350. Monukai x3
  1351. 4evra x3
  1352. cxiong93 x3
  1353. Deiru x2
  1354. likwitsnake x2
  1355. Shobo
  1356. tr4656
  1357. truncat
  1358. 7:42 PM - Kurgan: sad, but I need to hit work soon anyways
  1359. 7:42 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Just so Chronic can better sort people out?
  1360. 7:42 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: I'm out
  1361. 7:42 PM - chronicdiscord: we have three fruit
  1362. 7:42 PM - [Friend] Monukai: I own xcom count me out
  1363. 7:42 PM - MegaGiga disconnected.
  1364. 7:42 PM - truncat: same
  1365. 7:42 PM - chronicdiscord: two jumpers?
  1366. 7:42 PM - chronicdiscord: thre?
  1367. 7:42 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Yup
  1368. 7:42 PM - chronicdiscord: so, everyone wins
  1369. 7:43 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: More than that even
  1370. 7:43 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: chronic, count me out, too.
  1371. 7:43 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: You're not even gonna have 10 entries, I'm afraid
  1372. 7:43 PM - chronicdiscord: cause they are so nice
  1373. 7:43 PM - Celdiruen: Wish I had been here for this, seemed like a good topic
  1374. 7:43 PM - Sorainzas: chronic
  1375. 7:43 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Because I own it.
  1376. 7:43 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: I can put up bonus questions to round out the roster.
  1377. 7:43 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Oh shit Jade
  1378. 7:43 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Jade, the prize was XCOM...
  1379. 7:43 PM - 4evra: i can throw in a question or two
  1380. 7:43 PM - 4evra: too
  1381. 7:43 PM - [Friend] Monukai: XCOM Enemy Unknown*
  1382. 7:43 PM - 4evra: if needed
  1383. 7:44 PM - chronicdiscord: oh no you don't, we're done triviaing
  1384. 7:44 PM - 4evra: :)
  1385. 7:44 PM - 4evra: then everybody enters
  1386. 7:44 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Chronic, Am I allowed to sign off my place to Jade, to make it 10?
  1387. 7:44 PM - The Falling Flame disconnected.
  1388. 7:44 PM - dbolt entered chat.
  1389. 7:44 PM - chronicdiscord: no tradsies
  1390. 7:44 PM - Caerbannog: @Monukai, I know this is coming out of the blue, but would you happen to still have Orcs Must Die 2 installed? I wanted to try and get the Six Degrees achievement if you had the time.
  1391. 7:44 PM - chronicdiscord: er, tradesies
  1392. 7:44 PM - elix ¦ вlϊтz: Not an official trivia question: In the 12th century, the Danish army consisted of how many men?
  1393. 7:44 PM - likwitsnake: 12
  1394. 7:44 PM - [Friend] Monukai: yeah I leave it installed
  1395. 7:44 PM - Trx: 8000?
  1396. 7:44 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: The entire population
  1397. 7:44 PM - [Friend] Monukai: I only have time for the first map though
  1398. 7:44 PM - chronicdiscord: that's why you guys are able to cock-block in the first place Deiru
  1399. 7:45 PM - Caerbannog: oh so we need to finish a map to get it?
  1400. 7:45 PM - Deiru I'mAFuckingCookie: Chronic, eh, true enough
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