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Nov 27th, 2014
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  1. - chatuser joined
  2. <chatuser>hi
  3. <chatuser>hello
  4. <chatuser>is anyone alive
  5. <chatuser>ashix
  6. <ashix>oh sup
  7. <chatuser>hellooooo
  8. <chatuser>oh
  9. <ashix>how you doin'
  10. <chatuser>im good
  11. <ashix>That's good. C:
  12. <chatuser>im here to tell you that i love ur work
  13. <chatuser>its awesome (Y)
  14. <ashix>Well thank you. :)
  15. <chatuser>aren't you a part of aeria?
  16. <ashix>I am not. I talk to the producers there and even Jun himself, but I'm not part of the team.
  17. <ashix>We're just good friends.
  18. <chatuser>ohh i see
  19. <ashix>If I'm lucky, I'll get to work with them soon.
  20. <chatuser>that would be great
  21. <chatuser>when are you releasing full versions of your remixes?
  22. <chatuser>Here is my favorite so far!
  23. <ashix>Ah, the recreation project of that song... I've lost interest due to the fact I can't replicate the chorus as well as I wish.
  24. <ashix>The remix on the other hand, I sent over to an Areia Creations producer, i5cream
  25. <ashix>he's busy working on other things, but I'll message him asking if he'll work on it soon.
  26. <chatuser>okay :D
  27. <ashix>My last 2 current remixes, Nicole's "MAMA" and 4Minute's "Whatcha Doin' Today", I'm currently working on. They're my current prime focuses.
  28. <chatuser>omg
  29. <chatuser>Nicole's MAMA
  30. <ashix>I don't know if it's public knowledge yet, but Areia producers are working on the MAMA remix also.
  31. <chatuser>Have you collaborated with them yet?
  32. <ashix>I am currently collaborating, as I said, with i5cream on the If I Had You remix. Not kpop currently.
  33. <ashix>You won't see my name on the Areia brand for a while.
  34. <ashix>I uploaded a second teaser for the MAMA remix, but I left it Private for the time being.
  35. <ashix>
  36. <chatuser>:O sweet
  37. <ashix>I'm having a bit of creative trouble for the verse, but I'll soon get over it so I'll be able to focus on providing an exciting enough drop. :)
  38. <chatuser>o
  39. <chatuser>I have to go
  40. <chatuser>being called back for work
  41. <ashix>Alright, have a great day/afternoon/evening!
  42. <chatuser>Goodbye! and good luck with your remixes :)
  43. <ashix>Thank you very much.
  44. - chatuser quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
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