
Potion project improved

Apr 11th, 2020
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  1. Key: Akiyamashi
  2. Character: Osari
  3. Skill(or transformation): Project - Creating a potion that will allow Alien racials to be changed/swapped out/modified
  4. Reasoning: Recently, while watching fights, Osari noticed that some people are struggling more than others in fighting, and not always due to lack of skill or practice. So, she has decided to try and make a potion that would help. As her husband is one of the ones struggling, she enlists him to be her test dummy for the potion, with some rather hilarious, but ultimately failed, results. However, those failures made her realize something. She'd been trying to be too broad, and that perhaps magic couldn't just do it alone. So, she instead focuses in.
  6. Instead of trying to modify all at once, Osari focuses on trying to change one aspect at a time, with multiple potions being able to change multiple things. This of course leads her to try mutagens as a base, with healing herbs to help mitigate damage that would probably come from trying to change a beings biology. On top of that, she actually starts looking into medical science. It's not her specialty, but it could help when messing with Genes. She also plans to go ask either Berl or the Cups head for a bit of help in that field.
  8. Finally, she plans to continue testing the potions and if she can get it right, perhaps it can be used by others who are not as flexible as aliens, such as Monsters or Saiyans. Though she's a tad skeptical such a thing will help saiyans, but wouldn't hurt to try.
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