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Aug 24th, 2019
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  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  4. import sys
  5. import base64
  6. import json
  7. import urllib.request
  8. import io
  9. import csv
  10. import time
  11. import operator
  12. import os
  13. import subprocess
  15. # server example:
  16. # {"battlEye":true,"firstPersonOnly":false,"shard":"private","timeAcceleration":4,"time":"2019-08-24T10:17:00","mods":[{"name":"Summer_Chernarus","steamWorkshopId":1644467354},{"name":"BuildAnywhere","steamWorkshopId":1574054508},{"name":"SIX-DayZ-Auto-Run","steamWorkshopId":1781132597}],"sponsor":false,"profile":false,"nameOverride":false,"endpoint":{"ip":"","port":27900},"name":"Dystopia |Event/Dev Server| ","map":"chernarusplus","players":0,"maxPlayers":60,"environment":"w","password":true,"version":"1.04.152166","vac":true,"gamePort":2402}
  18. #=== Configuration ===
  19. cfg_dzsaServerListUrl = ""
  20. cfg_dzsaServerUrl = "{ip}/{steamQueryPort}" # eg.
  21. # Alternative servers source: Absolute path to dzsa launcher's dayz-servers.json file
  22. cfg_dzsaServersFile = "C:/Users/lukas_000/Documents/dzsalauncher/dayz-servers.json"
  23. # Relative path to servers file (cached results):
  24. cfg_serversFile = "servers.json"
  25. cfg_modsFile = "mods.json"
  26. cfg_cacheExpireSeconds = 60 * 20 # Fetch freshly if local data is outdated (20 min)
  27. # Relative path to the log file:
  28. cfg_logFile = "log.txt"
  29. # Relative path to the filtered and ranked serverlist file:
  30. cfg_rankedServersFile = "ranked-servers.txt"
  31. cfg_pingMaxRetries = 1
  32. #--- Reduce spam in output
  33. cfg_serverOutputHiddenKeys = ["sponsor", "profile", "nameOverride", "environment"]
  34. cgf_serverOutputSimpleModlist = True
  35. cfg_printServersLimit = 20
  36. #--- Filters ---
  37. cfg_filter_minMaxPlayers = 60
  38. cfg_filter_minPlayers = 1
  39. cfg_filter_serverName = "" # contains, ignore case
  40. cfg_filter_match = {"battlEye": True, "vac": True, "password": False, "map": "chernarusplus"}
  41. # each entry is a list of aliases for that mod (eg. list of mods that are equally valid to fulfill that entry)
  42. cfg_filter_requiredMods = [["DisableBaseDestruction"],["PartyMe"],["Base Furniture Mods"],["VanillaPlusPlusMap"],["Unlimited Stamina","UnlimitedStamina"],["Code Lock"],["Trader"]]
  43. # Blacklisted mods
  44. cfg_filter_blacklistedMods = ["C4BaseRaid", "Base-Raiding Breachingcharge", "Breachingcharge", "BaseRaidToolsV2", "BaseRaidTools"]
  45. # mod name : sorting weight (negative also possible) TODO unused currently
  46. cfg_filter_optionalMods = {"NoVehicleDamage":1, "DayZ-Auto-Run":1, "SIX-DayZ-Auto-Run":1, "SQUAD MSF-C":1, "Banking":1, "OP_BaseItems":1, "BaseBuildingPlus":1, "BaseBuildingLogs":1, "Server_Information_Panel":1, "MoreGuns":1, "BulletStacksPlusPlus":1, "MasssManyItemOverhaul":1, "Fast Access - Code Lock":1, "BuildAnywhere":1, "GoreZ":1}
  47. cfg_filter_max_ping = 1000 # in ms TODO unused currently
  48. #=== End of configuration ===
  50. # Mirror program output to log file:
  51. class Logger(object):
  52. def __init__(self):
  53. self.terminal = sys.stdout
  54. self.log = open(cfg_logFile, "w", encoding="utf-8")
  56. def write(self, message):
  57. self.terminal.write(message)
  58. self.log.write(message)
  59. def flush(self):
  60. self.terminal.flush();
  61. self.log.flush()
  63. # Replace stdout to support unicode strings
  64. sys.stdout = open(1, 'w', encoding='utf-8', closefd=False); # fd 1 is stdout
  65. sys.stdout = Logger() # mirror to log file
  67. def openUrl(method, url, data = None):
  68. if data:
  69. dataEnc = data.encode()
  70. else:
  71. dataEnc = data
  72. request = urllib.request.Request(url, dataEnc)
  74. request.add_header("Content-Type", "application/json")
  75. request.add_header("Accept", "application/json")
  76. request.add_header("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0") # dummy
  78. request.get_method = lambda: method
  80. try:
  81. response = urllib.request.urlopen(request)
  82. respData ="utf-8")
  83. except urllib.error.HTTPError as error:
  84. error_details =;
  85. error_message = "HTTP ERROR: %s %s" % (error.code, error.reason)
  86. print("%s" % error_message, flush=True)
  88. sys.exit(error_message)
  90. if respData:
  91. result = json.load(io.StringIO(respData))
  92. else:
  93. result = []
  94. return result
  96. def fetchDZSAServers():
  97. print("Fetching serverlist from '" + cfg_dzsaServerListUrl + "' ...", flush=True)
  98. start = time.perf_counter()
  99. response = openUrl("GET", cfg_dzsaServerListUrl)
  100. servers = response["result"]
  101. duration = time.perf_counter() - start
  102. print("Fetched " + str(len(servers)) + " servers in %.2f seconds." % duration, flush=True)
  103. return servers
  105. def loadJsonFile(filePath):
  106. start = time.perf_counter()
  107. with open(filePath, encoding="utf-8") as jsonFile:
  108. jsonData = json.load(jsonFile);
  109. duration = time.perf_counter() - start
  110. return jsonData, duration
  112. def writeJsonFile(filePath, jsonData, pretty=False):
  113. start = time.perf_counter()
  114. with open(filePath, "w", encoding="utf-8") as jsonFile:
  115. if pretty:
  116. json.dump(jsonData, jsonFile, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
  117. else:
  118. json.dump(jsonData, jsonFile, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False)
  119. duration = time.perf_counter() - start
  120. return duration
  122. # Loads from dzsa launcher's file
  123. def loadDZSAServers():
  124. print("Loading serverlist from file '" + cfg_dzsaServersFile + "' ...", flush=True)
  125. servers, duration = loadJsonFile(cfg_dzsaServersFile)
  126. print("Loaded " + str(len(servers)) + " servers in %.2f seconds." % duration, flush=True)
  127. return servers
  129. def loadServers():
  130. print("Loading serverlist from file '" + cfg_serversFile + "' ...", flush=True)
  131. servers, duration = loadJsonFile(cfg_serversFile)
  132. print("Loaded " + str(len(servers)) + " servers in %.2f seconds." % duration, flush=True)
  133. return servers
  135. def writeServers(servers):
  136. print("Writing serverlist to file '" + cfg_serversFile + "' ...", flush=True)
  137. duration = writeJsonFile(cfg_serversFile, servers, pretty=True)
  138. print("Serverlist written to file in %.2f seconds." % duration, flush=True)
  140. def loadOrFetchServers():
  141. # Check local cache:
  142. if os.path.isfile(cfg_serversFile):
  143. localServerlistAge = time.time() - os.path.getmtime(cfg_serversFile)
  144. print("Age of local serverlist: %.2f seconds, Expiration: %.2f seconds" % (localServerlistAge, cfg_cacheExpireSeconds), flush=True)
  145. if abs(localServerlistAge) < cfg_cacheExpireSeconds:
  146. return loadServers(), False # still valid
  147. else:
  148. print(" Local serverlist is expired.", flush=True)
  150. # Else: Fetch from DZSA API and save for later re-use
  151. servers = fetchDZSAServers()
  152. writeServers(servers)
  153. return servers, True # freshly fetched
  155. def writeRankedServers(rankedServers):
  156. print("Writing ranked serverlist to file '" + cfg_rankedServersFile + "' ...", flush=True)
  157. duration = writeJsonFile(cfg_rankedServersFile, rankedServers, pretty=True)
  158. print("Ranked serverlist written to file in %.2f seconds." % duration, flush=True)
  160. def loadMods():
  161. print("Loading modlist from file '" + cfg_modsFile + "' ...", flush=True)
  162. mods, duration = loadJsonFile(cfg_modsFile)
  163. print("Loaded " + str(len(mods)) + " mods in %.2f seconds." % duration, flush=True)
  164. return mods
  166. def writeMods(mods):
  167. print("Writing mods to file '" + cfg_modsFile + "' ...", flush=True)
  168. duration = writeJsonFile(cfg_modsFile, mods, pretty=True)
  169. print("Mods written to file in %.2f seconds." % duration, flush=True)
  171. def parseMods(servers):
  172. print("Parsing mods ...", flush=True)
  173. start = time.perf_counter()
  174. # Each key (mod name) is mapped to a list of workshop ids (usually of size 1)
  175. mods = {} # each
  176. for server in servers:
  177. serverMods = server["mods"]
  178. for serverMod in serverMods:
  179. modName = serverMod["name"]
  180. workshopId = serverMod["steamWorkshopId"]
  181. if modName not in mods:
  182. mods[modName] = [workshopId]
  183. else:
  184. workshopIds = mods[modName]
  185. if workshopId not in workshopIds:
  186. workshopIds.append(workshopId)
  187. print("Found different workshop ids for mod: " + modName)
  188. duration = time.perf_counter() - start
  189. print("Parsed " + str(len(mods)) + " mods in %.2f seconds." % duration, flush=True)
  190. return mods
  192. def loadOrParseMods(servers, forceParse=False):
  193. # Freshly parse mods if forced (eg. after the servers got refreshed) or if the local modlist is missing
  194. if forceParse or not os.path.isfile(cfg_modsFile):
  195. # Parse and save mod list:
  196. mods = parseMods(servers)
  197. writeMods(mods)
  198. return mods, True # freshly parsed
  199. else:
  200. return loadMods(), False # Loaded from cache
  202. # server example:
  203. # {"battlEye":true,"firstPersonOnly":false,"shard":"private","timeAcceleration":4,"time":"2019-08-24T10:17:00","mods":[{"name":"Summer_Chernarus","steamWorkshopId":1644467354},{"name":"BuildAnywhere","steamWorkshopId":1574054508},{"name":"SIX-DayZ-Auto-Run","steamWorkshopId":1781132597}],"sponsor":false,"profile":false,"nameOverride":false,"endpoint":{"ip":"","port":27900},"name":"Dystopia |Event/Dev Server| ","map":"chernarusplus","players":0,"maxPlayers":60,"environment":"w","password":true,"version":"1.04.152166","vac":true,"gamePort":2402}
  204. def serverFilter(server):
  205. # Min max players:
  206. maxPlayers = server["maxPlayers"]
  207. if maxPlayers < cfg_filter_minMaxPlayers: return False
  208. # Min players:
  209. players = server["players"]
  210. if players < cfg_filter_minPlayers: return False
  211. # Server name filter:
  212. serverName = server["name"]
  213. if cfg_filter_serverName not in serverName.lower(): return False
  214. # Data matching:
  215. for key, value in cfg_filter_match.items():
  216. if not (server[key] == value): return False
  217. # Required mods:
  218. mods = [mod["name"] for mod in server["mods"]]
  219. for requiredModAliases in cfg_filter_requiredMods:
  220. found = False
  221. for requiredMod in requiredModAliases:
  222. if requiredMod in mods:
  223. found = True
  224. break
  225. if not found: return False # Missing required mod
  226. # Blacklisted mods:
  227. for blacklistedMods in cfg_filter_blacklistedMods:
  228. if blacklistedMods in mods: return False
  230. return True # Passed all filters
  233. def filterServers(servers):
  234. print("Filtering " + str(len(servers)) + " servers ...", flush=True)
  235. filteredServers = list(filter(serverFilter, servers))
  236. print("Found " + str(len(filteredServers)) + " matching servers.", flush=True)
  237. return filteredServers
  239. def serverRank(server):
  240. serverValue = 0
  241. mods = [mod["name"] for mod in server["mods"]]
  242. for optionalMod, modValue in cfg_filter_optionalMods.items():
  243. if optionalMod in mods:
  244. serverValue+=modValue
  245. return serverValue
  247. def rankServers(filteredServers):
  248. print("Ranking servers ...", flush=True)
  249. rankedServers = [{"server": server, "ranking-value": serverRank(server)} for server in filteredServers]
  250. rankedServers.sort(key=lambda x: x["ranking-value"], reverse=True)
  251. print("Servers ranked.", flush=True)
  252. return rankedServers
  254. # Note: This is very slow! Limit number of calls
  255. # Latency parsed from ping command in ms, or 9999 if unreachable
  256. # TODO inaccurate? Result latency is usually slightly better (~30ms) than what is displayed inside the launcher
  257. def ping(host):
  258. return _ping(host)
  260. def _ping(host, attempt=1):
  261. # TODO ugly
  262. output = subprocess.Popen(["ping", "-n", "1", host], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].decode("utf-8", "ignore") # ignore decoding errors
  263. try:
  264. return int(output.split("ms")[0].split("=")[-1])
  265. except Exception as e:
  266. if attempt < cfg_pingMaxRetries:
  267. # retry:
  268. return _ping(host, attempt=attempt+1)
  269. else:
  270. return 9999 # eg. unreachable
  272. def formatServer(server):
  273. formattedServer = server.copy() # shallow copy
  274. # Replace mod entries with simple list of mods names:
  275. if cgf_serverOutputSimpleModlist:
  276. formattedServer["mods"] = [mod["name"] for mod in server["mods"]]
  277. # Removed hidden details:
  278. for hiddenKey in cfg_serverOutputHiddenKeys:
  279. del formattedServer[hiddenKey]
  280. return formattedServer
  282. def toJsonString(jsonObject, pretty=True):
  283. if pretty:
  284. return json.dumps(jsonObject, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
  285. else:
  286. return json.dumps(jsonObject, sort_keys=True, ensure_ascii=False)
  288. def printRankedServers(rankedServers, number=cfg_printServersLimit):
  289. for i in range(number):
  290. if i >= len(rankedServers): break
  291. rankedServer = rankedServers[i]
  292. server = rankedServer["server"]
  293. rankingValue = rankedServer["ranking-value"]
  294. serverPing = ping(server["endpoint"]["ip"])
  295. print(str(i + 1) + ") ranking-value=" + str(rankingValue) + " , ping: " + str(serverPing) + " ms")
  296. print(toJsonString(formatServer(server), pretty=True), flush=True)
  297. if len(rankedServers) > number:
  298. print("... (there are more servers fulfilling the filter rules)", flush=True)
  300. def main():
  301. servers, serversFetched = loadOrFetchServers()
  302. mods, modsParsed = loadOrParseMods(servers, forceParse=serversFetched)
  303. # TODO print info about the configured filters
  304. filteredServers = filterServers(servers)
  305. rankedServers = rankServers(filteredServers)
  306. #writeRankedServers(rankedServers)
  307. printRankedServers(rankedServers, number=cfg_printServersLimit)
  308. #latency = pingLatency("")
  309. #print(str(latency))
  310. print("Done.", flush=True)
  312. if __name__ == '__main__':
  313. main()
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