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Jan 19th, 2020
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  1. # Thanks to @AvinashReddy3108 for this plugin
  3. """
  4. Audio and video downloader using Youtube-dl
  5. .playlista To Download in mp3 format
  6. .playlistv To Download in mp4 format
  7. """
  9. import os
  10. import time
  11. import math
  12. import asyncio
  13. from youtube_dl import YoutubeDL
  14. from youtube_dl.utils import (DownloadError, ContentTooShortError,
  15. ExtractorError, GeoRestrictedError,
  16. MaxDownloadsReached, PostProcessingError,
  17. UnavailableVideoError, XAttrMetadataError)
  18. from asyncio import sleep
  19. from import DocumentAttributeAudio, DocumentAttributeVideo
  21. from userbot.util import admin_cmd, humanbytes, progress, time_formatter
  22. from PIL import Image
  23. from hachoir.metadata import extractMetadata
  24. from hachoir.parser import createParser
  25. from import DocumentAttributeAudio
  26. from uniborg.util import admin_cmd
  27. from sample_config import Config
  28. import shutil
  29. import wget
  36. async def progress(current, total, event, start, type_of_ps, file_name=None):
  37. """Generic progress_callback for uploads and downloads."""
  38. now = time.time()
  39. diff = now - start
  40. if round(diff % 10.00) == 0 or current == total:
  41. percentage = current * 100 / total
  42. speed = current / diff
  43. elapsed_time = round(diff) * 1000
  44. time_to_completion = round((total - current) / speed) * 1000
  45. estimated_total_time = elapsed_time + time_to_completion
  46. progress_str = "{0}{1} {2}%\n".format(
  47. ''.join(["█" for i in range(math.floor(percentage / 10))]),
  48. ''.join(["░" for i in range(10 - math.floor(percentage / 10))]),
  49. round(percentage, 2))
  50. tmp = progress_str + \
  51. "{0} of {1}\nETA: {2}".format(
  52. humanbytes(current),
  53. humanbytes(total),
  54. time_formatter(estimated_total_time)
  55. )
  56. if file_name:
  57. await event.edit("{}\nFile Name: `{}`\n{}".format(
  58. type_of_ps, file_name, tmp))
  59. else:
  60. await event.edit("{}\n{}".format(type_of_ps, tmp))
  63. def humanbytes(size):
  64. """Input size in bytes,
  65. outputs in a human readable format"""
  66. #
  67. if not size:
  68. return ""
  69. # 2 ** 10 = 1024
  70. power = 2**10
  71. raised_to_pow = 0
  72. dict_power_n = {0: "", 1: "Ki", 2: "Mi", 3: "Gi", 4: "Ti"}
  73. while size > power:
  74. size /= power
  75. raised_to_pow += 1
  76. return str(round(size, 2)) + " " + dict_power_n[raised_to_pow] + "B"
  79. def time_formatter(milliseconds: int) -> str:
  80. """Inputs time in milliseconds, to get beautified time,
  81. as string"""
  82. seconds, milliseconds = divmod(int(milliseconds), 1000)
  83. minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60)
  84. hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
  85. days, hours = divmod(hours, 24)
  86. tmp = ((str(days) + " day(s), ") if days else "") + \
  87. ((str(hours) + " hour(s), ") if hours else "") + \
  88. ((str(minutes) + " minute(s), ") if minutes else "") + \
  89. ((str(seconds) + " second(s), ") if seconds else "") + \
  90. ((str(milliseconds) + " millisecond(s), ") if milliseconds else "")
  91. return tmp[:-2]
  93. @borg.on(admin_cmd(pattern="playlist(a|v) ?(.*)"))
  94. async def download_video(v_url):
  95. """ For .ytdl command, download media from YouTube and many other sites. """
  96. reply = await v_url.get_reply_message()
  97. if != "":
  98. url =
  99. elif reply is not None:
  100. url = reply.message
  101. else:
  102. return
  103. type = if is not None else "a"
  105. await v_url.edit("`Preparing to download...`")
  106. out_folder = Config.TMP_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY + "youtubedl/"
  107. thumb_image_path = Config.TMP_DOWNLOAD_DIRECTORY + "/thumb_image.jpg"
  108. if not os.path.isdir(out_folder):
  109. os.makedirs(out_folder)
  111. if type == "a":
  112. opts = {
  113. 'format':'bestaudio',
  114. 'addmetadata':True,
  115. 'noplaylist': False,
  116. 'key':'FFmpegMetadata',
  117. 'writethumbnail':True,
  118. 'embedthumbnail':True,
  119. 'prefer_ffmpeg':True,
  120. 'geo_bypass':True,
  121. 'nocheckcertificate':True,
  122. 'postprocessors': [{
  123. 'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio',
  124. 'preferredcodec': 'mp3',
  125. 'preferredquality': '320',
  126. }],
  127. 'outtmpl':out_folder + '%(title)s.%(ext)s',
  128. 'quiet':True,
  129. 'logtostderr':False
  130. }
  131. video = False
  132. song = True
  134. elif type == "v":
  135. opts = {
  136. 'format':'best',
  137. 'addmetadata': True,
  138. 'noplaylist': False,
  139. 'getthumbnail':True,
  140. 'embedthumbnail': True,
  141. 'xattrs':True,
  142. 'writethumbnail': True,
  143. 'key':'FFmpegMetadata',
  144. 'prefer_ffmpeg':True,
  145. 'geo_bypass':True,
  146. 'nocheckcertificate':True,
  147. 'postprocessors':
  148. [{
  149. 'key': 'FFmpegVideoConvertor',
  150. 'preferedformat': 'mp4'},
  151. ],
  152. 'outtmpl':out_folder + '%(title)s.%(ext)s',
  153. 'logtostderr':False,
  154. 'quiet':True
  155. }
  156. song = False
  157. video = True
  159. try:
  160. await v_url.edit("`Fetching playlist data, please wait..`")
  161. with YoutubeDL(opts) as ytdl:
  162. ytdl_data = ytdl.extract_info(url)
  163. # print(ytdl_data['thumbnail'])
  164. filename = sorted(get_lst_of_files(out_folder, []))
  165. except DownloadError as DE:
  166. await v_url.edit(f"`{str(DE)}`")
  167. return
  168. except ContentTooShortError:
  169. await v_url.edit("`The download content was too short.`")
  170. return
  171. except GeoRestrictedError:
  172. await v_url.edit(
  173. "`Video is not available from your geographic location due to geographic restrictions imposed by a website.`"
  174. )
  175. return
  176. except MaxDownloadsReached:
  177. await v_url.edit("`Max-downloads limit has been reached.`")
  178. return
  179. except PostProcessingError:
  180. await v_url.edit("`There was an error during post processing.`")
  181. return
  182. except UnavailableVideoError:
  183. await v_url.edit("`Media is not available in the requested format.`")
  184. return
  185. except XAttrMetadataError as XAME:
  186. await v_url.edit(f"`{XAME.code}: {XAME.msg}\n{XAME.reason}`")
  187. return
  188. except ExtractorError:
  189. await v_url.edit("`There was an error during info extraction.`")
  190. return
  191. except Exception as e:
  192. await v_url.edit(f"{str(type(e)): {str(e)}}")
  193. return
  194. c_time = time.time()
  195. await v_url.edit("`YouTube Playlist Downloading Processing Now.\nPlease Wait!`")
  196. if song:
  197. for single_file in filename:
  198. if os.path.exists(single_file):
  199. caption_rts = os.path.basename(single_file)
  200. force_document = True
  201. supports_streaming = False
  202. document_attributes = []
  203. if single_file.endswith((".mp4", ".mp3", ".flac", ".webm")):
  204. metadata = extractMetadata(createParser(single_file))
  205. duration = 0
  206. width = 0
  207. height = 180
  208. if metadata.has("duration"):
  209. duration = metadata.get('duration').seconds
  210. document_attributes = [
  211. DocumentAttributeVideo(
  212. duration=duration,
  213. w=width,
  214. h=height,
  215. round_message=False,
  216. supports_streaming=True,
  217. )
  218. ]
  219. try:
  220. ytdl_data_name_audio = os.path.basename(single_file)
  221. print(ytdl_data_name_audio)
  222. file_path = single_file
  223. song_size = file_size(file_path)
  224. await v_url.client.send_file(
  225. v_url.chat_id,
  226. single_file,
  227. caption=f"`{ytdl_data_name_audio}`" + "\n" + f"`{song_size}`",
  228. force_document=force_document,
  229. supports_streaming=supports_streaming,
  230. allow_cache=False,
  232. attributes=document_attributes,
  233. progress_callback=lambda d, t: asyncio.get_event_loop(
  234. ).create_task(
  235. progress(d, t, v_url, c_time, "Uploading..",
  236. f"👉 {ytdl_data_name_audio}")))
  237. # os.remove(thumb)
  238. except Exception as e:
  239. await v_url.client.send_message(
  240. v_url.chat_id,
  241. "{} caused `{}`".format(caption_rts, str(e)),
  242. )
  243. continue
  244. os.remove(single_file)
  245. await asyncio.sleep(DELETE_TIMEOUT)
  246. await v_url.delete()
  247. shutil.rmtree(out_folder)
  248. if video:
  249. for single_file in filename:
  250. if os.path.exists(single_file):
  251. caption_rts = os.path.basename(single_file)
  252. force_document = False
  253. supports_streaming = True
  254. document_attributes = []
  255. if single_file.endswith((".mp4", ".mp3", ".flac", ".webm")):
  256. metadata = extractMetadata(createParser(single_file))
  257. duration = 0
  258. width = 0
  259. height = 0
  260. if metadata.has("duration"):
  261. duration = metadata.get('duration').seconds
  262. document_attributes = [
  263. DocumentAttributeVideo(
  264. duration=duration,
  265. w=width,
  266. h=height,
  267. round_message=False,
  268. supports_streaming=True,
  269. )
  270. ]
  271. image_link = ytdl_data['thumbnail']
  272. downloaded_image =,out_folder)
  273. thumb = downloaded_image
  274. file_path = single_file
  275. video_size = file_size(file_path)
  276. try:
  277. ytdl_data_name_video = os.path.basename(single_file)
  278. await v_url.client.send_file(
  279. v_url.chat_id,
  280. single_file,
  281. caption=f"`{ytdl_data_name_video}`" + "\n" + f"`{video_size}`",
  282. force_document=force_document,
  283. supports_streaming=supports_streaming,
  284. thumb = thumb,
  285. allow_cache=False,
  287. attributes=document_attributes,
  288. progress_callback=lambda d, t: asyncio.get_event_loop(
  289. ).create_task(
  290. progress(d, t, v_url, c_time, "Uploading..",
  291. f"💦 {ytdl_data_name_video}")))
  292. # os.remove(thumb)
  293. except Exception as e:
  294. await v_url.client.send_message(
  295. v_url.chat_id,
  296. "{} caused `{}`".format(caption_rts, str(e)),
  297. )
  298. continue
  299. os.remove(single_file)
  300. await asyncio.sleep(DELETE_TIMEOUT)
  301. await v_url.delete()
  302. shutil.rmtree(out_folder)
  308. def get_lst_of_files(input_directory, output_lst):
  309. filesinfolder = os.listdir(input_directory)
  310. for file_name in filesinfolder:
  311. current_file_name = os.path.join(input_directory, file_name)
  312. if os.path.isdir(current_file_name):
  313. return get_lst_of_files(current_file_name, output_lst)
  314. output_lst.append(current_file_name)
  315. return output_lst
  317. async def progress(current, total, event, start, type_of_ps, file_name=None):
  318. """Generic progress_callback for uploads and downloads."""
  319. now = time.time()
  320. diff = now - start
  321. if round(diff % 10.00) == 0 or current == total:
  322. percentage = current * 100 / total
  323. speed = current / diff
  324. elapsed_time = round(diff) * 1000
  325. time_to_completion = round((total - current) / speed) * 1000
  326. estimated_total_time = elapsed_time + time_to_completion
  327. progress_str = "{0}{1} {2}%\n".format(
  328. ''.join(["█" for i in range(math.floor(percentage / 10))]),
  329. ''.join(["░" for i in range(10 - math.floor(percentage / 10))]),
  330. round(percentage, 2))
  331. tmp = progress_str + \
  332. "{0} of {1}\nETA: {2}".format(
  333. humanbytes(current),
  334. humanbytes(total),
  335. time_formatter(estimated_total_time)
  336. )
  337. if file_name:
  338. await event.edit("{}\nFile Name: `{}`\n{}".format(
  339. type_of_ps, file_name, tmp))
  340. else:
  341. await event.edit("{}\n{}".format(type_of_ps, tmp))
  344. def humanbytes(size):
  345. """Input size in bytes,
  346. outputs in a human readable format"""
  347. #
  348. if not size:
  349. return ""
  350. # 2 ** 10 = 1024
  351. power = 2**10
  352. raised_to_pow = 0
  353. dict_power_n = {0: "", 1: "Ki", 2: "Mi", 3: "Gi", 4: "Ti"}
  354. while size > power:
  355. size /= power
  356. raised_to_pow += 1
  357. return str(round(size, 2)) + " " + dict_power_n[raised_to_pow] + "B"
  360. def time_formatter(milliseconds: int) -> str:
  361. """Inputs time in milliseconds, to get beautified time,
  362. as string"""
  363. seconds, milliseconds = divmod(int(milliseconds), 1000)
  364. minutes, seconds = divmod(seconds, 60)
  365. hours, minutes = divmod(minutes, 60)
  366. days, hours = divmod(hours, 24)
  367. tmp = ((str(days) + " day(s), ") if days else "") + \
  368. ((str(hours) + " hour(s), ") if hours else "") + \
  369. ((str(minutes) + " minute(s), ") if minutes else "") + \
  370. ((str(seconds) + " second(s), ") if seconds else "") + \
  371. ((str(milliseconds) + " millisecond(s), ") if milliseconds else "")
  372. return tmp[:-2]
  374. def convert_bytes(num):
  375. """
  376. this function will convert bytes to MB.... GB... etc
  377. """
  378. for x in ['bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB']:
  379. if num < 1024.0:
  380. return "%3.1f %s" % (num, x)
  381. num /= 1024.0
  384. def file_size(file_path):
  385. """
  386. this function will return the file size
  387. """
  388. if os.path.isfile(file_path):
  389. file_info = os.stat(file_path)
  390. return convert_bytes(file_info.st_size)
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