

Feb 26th, 2017
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  1. TEI: Hi! Welcome on our server Lemon! You've already read the rules, as you said. If you have any questions about this gamemode, hit me up! It will take a bit before you fully understand the gamemode, but it's awesome. Believe me ;D
  2. Lemon: Your grammar is impecable :D
  3. TEI: I'm Dutch. I'll make grammar mistakes. Please tell me if I make mistakes. I'll learn from them :D
  4. Lemon: lmao you have better grammar than most people that are native speakers. :D
  5. TEI: That's great to hear! Thanks!
  6. Lemon: What did it mean on the rules where it said "dont use hldj" unless you have a whitelist
  7. TEI: Hldj = half life DJ. It's a programm which allows you to play .mp3 files on CS:GO, Half life, and more games. It's not allowed on this server to prevent spam.
  8. Lemon: Yes i know what it is :D
  9. Lemon: I have SLAM though xD
  10. Lemon: But it said unless you have a whitelist.
  11. TEI: That's almost the same thing. Slam is neither allowed. A (high) staff member can put you on the whitelist, if you have a good reason to use it of course.
  12. Lemon: Can i get a gun and just shoot all of them?
  13. TEI: If you're a prisoner, yes! If you're a guard, no.
  14. Lemon: Ok, cause they are annoying already xd
  15. TEI: Haha, go ahead killing the guards :)
  16. Lemon: Is there anywhere where I could get a list of commands?
  17. Lemon: E.g freetime etc. Cause I don't have a clue what they mean.
  18. Lemon: LOL
  19. TEI: If you go to the rules, there's a definitions list. There are not many definitions, though. But you can ask me, if you don't know what anything means
  20. Lemon: Is there any other way to get guns other than armory and drops from the wardens?
  21. TEI: You can find guns in secrets, it will take some time to learn all the secrets, because we play on lots of maps and most of them are huge. And you can also craft guns, by typing /craft or !craft in chat. The crafting system is hard to learn in a few minutes, though.
  22. Lemon: How long have you been learning/speaking english for ?
  23. TEI: 3 Years
  24. TEI: Learned it at school and by gaming
  25. Lemon: Nice :d
  26. Lemon: :D
  27. Lemon: if i nade can they see that its me?#
  28. TEI: Yes, if you damage a guard, you'll turn red. Abnd if a guard sees you being red. They will kill you
  29. TEI: And*
  30. Lemon: ty
  31. Lemon: How did he do that?
  32. TEI: He threw his bomb towards the guards. 1 random prisoner gets a bomb at the start of the round. If you throw it, by pressing "g", it will explode, and if you're close enough to guard, the explosion will kill the guards
  33. Lemon: He says "crouch walk to my marker" and i did and he shot me im so confused
  34. TEI: Im going to ask him why he killed you. Give me a second.
  35. Lemon: You said crough walk to your marker.
  36. Lemon: he*
  37. TEI: The warden gave you a cell freetime. If you have a freetime, you don' t have to listen to the warden his commands, till he says: I revoke your freetime. If you listen to his commands if you have a freetime, he will kill you
  38. Lemon: oh
  39. Lemon: bhop is so easy on this why?
  40. TEI: That's because this server is >100 tick.
  41. Lemon: Ah ok :D Also how much dp do wardans have?
  42. Lemon: do*
  43. TEI: Do you mean health?
  44. Lemon: Yes xd
  45. TEI: Normally 100 hp, but you can also buy permanent 10 hp upgrades. So guards can also have 110 or 120 hp.
  46. TEI: !upgrades --> permanent upgrades
  47. Lemon: Ah ok :D Also why was i taking damage even though i was around a corner from all wardens xD
  48. TEI: I think you walked into the molotov of a guard. The guard wasn't allowed to throw his molotov to you, therefore we slayed him.
  49. Lemon: i was loosing 1 hp at a time though xD
  50. TEI: 1 Hp? I don't know what damaged you in that case. Didn't see it :/
  51. Lemon: Thats why i ran back into some warden that then killed me with ssg xd
  52. Lemon: or cop i don't know the term for them.
  53. TEI: Guards? I think he killed you because he claimed last guard. If you're the last guard alive, you'll get the option to claim last guard. If you do, you're allowed to kill any non trapped prisoner.
  54. TEI: Respawned you!
  55. Lemon: <3
  56. Lemon: I'm so confused haha.
  57. TEI: The warden said: "The first one to complete hard climb gets to choose 4 non rebelling prisoners to die". Ninja won and he choose you and 3 others to die :(
  58. Lemon: Ah ok :(]
  59. Lemon: They speak so fast l'm not used to it xD
  60. TEI: Yes that's true. If you type "repeat" in chat, the warden will get a notification, he has to repeat his command at least one.
  61. TEI: once*
  62. Lemon: ok :D
  63. Lemon: Found you :D
  64. TEI: Nice!
  65. Lemon: Some have over 300 hp xD wow
  66. TEI: That's because he claimed last guard. The last guard get wallhacks and many hp.
  67. Lemon: Ah ok xd
  68. TEI: [info] CLWO Original Watermelon is claiming last guard! [info] Last guard can kill any non trapped prisoner. [info] Last guard health got boosted to 350HP [info] Last guard got 50.00 seconds of WALL HACK [info] Last guard has 50.00 seconds to kill the remaining prisoners.
  69. TEI: This is what you'll see in the chat if a guard claims last guard
  70. Lemon: Avenge me and kill alex :DDD
  71. TEI: Ill try!
  72. Lemon: :) I see that
  73. Lemon: <3
  74. Lemon: :D
  75. Lemon: i was moved for afk bind xD
  76. TEI: I'm going offline now, going to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a homework day :/.
  77. Lemon: :(
  78. Lemon: lmao they banned me for killing them
  79. Lemon: I can record me playing if you want
  80. Lemon:
  81. Lemon: Anyway thanks for the help at the start :)
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