
Paying the Rent

Oct 17th, 2013
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  1. [3:21:04 AM] Kitten: Orange light filtered through the shuttered windows of the small penthouse, casting a sort of honey glow over its decent furniture as the curly-horned succubus showed her new tenant around. "This is the kitchenette," she was in the middle of saying, "and the icebox will keep things cold and timeless for you. There's a summoning circle in the corner if you want to get delivery."
  2. [3:29:12 AM] Dei: The clicking of heels came after the succubus as the smartly dressed demoness followed behind her. She wore an expression of grim seriousness, carrying a briefcase in one hand. Her attire was business like but her white shirt was deliberately unbuttoned around her neck, leaving her darkish red skin on display under the pinstripe jacket. A short, matching skirt and long black stockings with garter-straps pulled tight across her thighs sealed the deal.
  4. "It will do."
  5. [3:33:00 AM] Kitten: "Oh, and this--" She made an expansive gesture toward an apparently empty hallway. "--is the foreboding hallway, just in case you have any interdimensional doors you want to put down there. That's a special feature, that is. At 50 gold pieces or ten handjobs a month, I think it's pretty reasonably priced, too. Especially for this space. I mean, some people don't like being above the Luxuria district and all, but I figured you being the way you were, you might like to look down on all the plebeians from your superior housing, and all that." She looked hopeful, toying with the tiny leather straps that served as a poor excuse for clothing.
  6. [3:41:29 AM] Dei: "For how many months would that be?" She stepped over to the window and looked down upon the metropolis. She was dignified enough to be able to look down on anyone she should choose, even those in penthouses higher than hers. Well, not yet hers, but that was just a minor detail.
  7. [3:44:23 AM] Kitten: The penthouse directly overlooked the jam-packed Luxuria district, its twisting, narrow alleys not unlike the Chinatowns of above, and many red-skinned forms could be seen moving around, going about their business and also having casual sex. The penthouse was, however, quite attractively situated to take advantage of the lovely view offered by the sloping hill on which the district sat, allowing a picturesque image of the towering spires in the distance and the many districts that led up to them, as well as the ever-looming palace only vaguely visible in the pervasive red haze. "As many months as you like. I don't mind at all!"
  8. [3:49:31 AM] Dei: "And I can move in straight away? Why don't I just lick you out now as my deposit?" She kept her gaze firmly upon the denizens below her so that the succubus could not see her grimacing at her own crude, sarcastic joke. Not that the girl would treat it as a joke, she was already regretting it.
  9. [3:51:42 AM] Kitten: "Yeah, yeah, you can move in right now! If you use your tongue that's worth at least 3 handjobs and 15 gold pieces." Quick with the math, this one. Her eyes were a cool blue that contrasted attractively with her sizzling red skin, but she seemed quite cheerful.
  10. [4:00:33 AM] Dei: She allowed her briefcase to drop to the floor, the locks snapping loudly as they clicked open one by one. She turned 180 degrees on her heels, her serious expression resumed and looked the scantily clad girl up and down. Glaring through black-rimmed specks, her long black hair was glossy and perfectly trimmed. Her two long horns the same colour, rising from just above her forehead and adding a good half a metre to her height.
  12. The briefcase finally slammed open to reveal just a slab. The whole thing was solid inside so that once opened, it became a flat, portable board for a teleportation circle. "It would be a sin in itself if my head were to ever be lower than yours, so gold it will just have to be."
  13. [4:03:25 AM] Kitten: "Awwwwww." She'd clearly been looking forward to it, and her tail quite emotively expressed as much. But she took it in stride regardless. "Gold is fine. You can pay it now or at the end of the month, and you can pay for as many months as you like all at once." Despite her relatively collected demeanor, it was clear that the prospect had already gotten her going. The spade of her tail was rubbing and stroking her inner thigh. "...Oooh, that's fancy..."
  14. [4:09:32 AM] Dei: "Also... it would not do for others to know I am here, do you understand?" She walked back over to the demon and tugged roughly on one of her leather straps. She really had to try her best to stoop down to such levels. It would look bad to even be seen conversing with someone lower than herself. "How good are you at keeping your mouth shut?"
  15. [4:12:21 AM | Edited 4:20:20 AM] Kitten: Her eyes widened in surprise. "V-Very good! Very very good! Even better when it's full of a cock or a ball-gag!" She hadn't expected someone of this daemon's bearing to actually come so close to touching her. Though it was true that the superbius was very attractive, with the shirt unbuttoned like that...
  16. [4:18:30 AM] Dei: "Goooood. You bow your head when you're talking to me, do you understand?" She couldn't help but smirk. Seeing someone react to her overwhelming power like this finally gave her the first sense of comfort she'd had in a long while. "You luxuriae, you're so easy to control. I thought you were meant to be the masters of seduction. How pathetic..." Her fingers had been steadily teasing up her body, drifitng up the side of her neck before resting in front of her lips. "Lick, then I might give you something to satisfy that urge with."
  17. [4:20:10 AM] Kitten: (i said superbiae when i should've said superbius)
  18. [4:20:26 AM | Edited 4:20:43 AM] Kitten: (i just love my ae's too much)
  19. [4:20:49 AM] Dei: (they have consumed you~)
  20. [4:21:14 AM] Kitten: (good job by the way, i forgot to mention that the superbiae are very into formal designations and always call them luxuriae, not succubae)
  21. [4:21:19 AM] Kitten: (you've got this down instantly)
  22. [4:23:06 AM] Kitten: She stared down at the fingers before her, and the superbius could easily sense the surge of lustful energy within her. It was almost palpable. Slowly, slowly, her tail tracing little circles in the air, she lowered her head, almost covering her eyes with her emerald bangs. Her forked tongue slipped out of her lips, and she licked. Obediently.
  23. [4:32:00 AM] Dei: She turned her fingers as slowly and carefully as a spitroast upon the tongue, chuckling throatily to herself. "Disgusting. Every month you will come to collect your payment. You will never look me in the eyes, you will be polite, you will thank me for it too. You will treat me as if you were just pathetic dirt and I your God. Does a worthless, little luxuriae understand that?"
  25. There was perhaps only one odd thing about the demon who smiled so menacingly now. She had all the usual demon features, except for wings. She lacked them, completely. What was supposed to be the prized possession of the superbiae just wasn't there.
  26. [4:36:52 AM] Kitten: She noticed. A perceptive succubus like her would never skip over such a detail. Even without wings, though... this one's aura was powerful. It was hard to resist, especially coming from the tongue of a Superbius. She didn't stop her licking, only nodding slightly, keeping her head bowed. She'd been subdued in seconds flat.
  27. [4:38:46 AM] Kitten: (the singular is always -us, so it'd be 'luxurius')
  28. [4:38:51 AM] Kitten: (much like succubus and succubae)
  29. [4:39:35 AM] Dei: (Okay, got it~)
  30. [4:42:40 AM] Dei: She whipped her hand back and laughed more. With her heel she caught the briefcase's handle and dragged it closer. "Kneel. And tell me, how is a near-naked, useless little girl going to carry 50 gold coins away?"
  31. [4:43:40 AM] Dei: (Unless they are use circles to transport stuff, in which case whoops...)
  32. [4:45:18 AM] Kitten: (they often do)
  33. [4:47:46 AM] Kitten: She fell to her knees near-instantly. Truthfully, luxuriae were the easiest for the tenant's kind fo dominate. With such a slew of fetishes, it was easy to pull them to the surface. And this one was already more or less completely under her control. "...I was... ahh... a check... or 10-gold coins... or something... o-or however you want... to do it..."
  34. [4:53:30 AM] Dei: "However I want, hmmm? Can I have that in writing? That you will allow me to make my monthly payments however I so desire?" She whispered a few words, waving her hand over the briefcase and the circle started to glow a brighter red. The whole room seemingly darkening.
  35. [4:56:03 AM] Kitten: "I-I'll... wr-write up... a contract..." This one was clearly not used to this kind of treatment. She was a succubus who lived with succubae. She'd never felt the true power of a Superbius and their aura. She didn't even know what it was-- if it was some magic, something about their voice, or their energy, or simply their demeanor. She didn't know what it was. But it was powerful.
  36. [4:59:38 AM] Dei: "A contract that states that you and this property now completely belong to me. Do you have any close friends? Any close family? Any other properties you are trying to sell?" Black tendrils were rising out of the circle. Slowly, as if testing the unfamiliar air.
  37. [5:02:29 AM] Kitten: Her eyes widened. She wanted to object, to protest-- but her lips wouldn't move to do so. She couldn't even bring herself to raise her head. She found herself only able to answer. "...I have... a few friends... not selling... anything else..."
  38. [5:09:48 AM] Dei: "Perfect. My little friend here will see to the rest. Of course, the moment you saw it you weren't going to be let free. Let's just say that the some of the... 'toys' I keep aren't exactly legal." The tendrils hissed as they snaked through the air. They let out a warm, damp smell. It was sickly sweet, making the succubus feel so dizzy all of a sudden, her body feeling so heavy as the sticky tentacles warmly embraced her. "Not that a luxurius has to worry about such things. She should just be worrying about filling as many of her holes as possible. Disgusting."
  40. The demon went back to the window to look over the cesspit of sex and lust. It revolted her as much as it thrilled her. It wasn't her ideal place to live, but it was still going to be very, very fun.
  41. [5:15:22 AM] Kitten: "Nnnnffff... aaahhhhhhh..." She didn't resist. She didn't even want to resist. She didn't want to look the Superbius in the eyes. In one transcendent moment she realized the purity and truth of the daemon's every word and command, fuelled by her own fetishes and by the demeanor, the aura, the -whatever- it was of the woman before her. She didn't want to resist. Who would want to resist such an attractive and powerful voice like that? She hadn't even sensed any magic, any trickery, any mind-altering or gimmicks. Just this daemon. Perfect and composed, so powerful and dominant. It was only natural for someone like her to kneel to a voice like that. Nothing else in her life could be more important or valuable or satisfying. And so she knelt there, head bowed, moaning slightly, and let the tentacles do what they may.
  42. [5:23:14 AM] Dei: "Once you're done with that you will do my shopping. The housework too, you will be as obedient and efficient as a socordius. You will worship me, adore me, you are just an object which I own now." She was clenching her fists, Staring down into the metropolis, growling softly to herself. The tendrils were discovering quite happily how convenient the succubi's fashion sense is. Coating her skin in the strong smelling aphrodisiac.
  44. "Those few friends, you'll bring them here later. I require lots of servants."
  45. [5:26:02 AM] Kitten: "Nnnnnhhh... aaa-aahhhh... y-yes... I will..." As if someone like her even needed an aphrodisiac. It only coincided with her own skyrocketing lust, pulling it higher, submerging her mind in it. "....aaaaahnnhhh... I... understand..."
  46. [5:33:55 AM] Dei: She yet again paced back to her, calling out an enchanment as she stepped over her briefcase, her clothes vanishing in a firey glow. She stood nude over the demon, a lot of her body covered in black tattoos in the same style as the usual one every demon has just above their sex. Though it was from that specific marking that her large cock emerged from, to which she immediately grabbed the girl before her by her horns and thrusted into her mouth. "Hmmmph, it's crude and beneath me, but this is how good girls are rewarded. You get that, don't you slave?"
  47. [5:34:53 AM | Edited 5:35:09 AM] Kitten: (every succubus has those, but other daemons easily can)
  48. [5:35:08 AM] Dei: (Ah, whoops...)
  49. [5:35:22 AM] Kitten: (not an issue. still totally works out)
  50. [5:35:36 AM] Kitten: (just letting you know that it's primarily succubae and not a standard daemon feature)
  51. [5:38:23 AM] Kitten: "Mmmmpphhh!?" She hadn't expected it at all, and she was so incredibly flattered. She took the cock expertly though unexpectedly, already starting to suckle and swirl her tongue around the precious object. She wanted more, more, more of this superbius. If she'd thought herself worthy of dominance at any point, she clearly hadn't seen this one... she was nothing in comparison.
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