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Jul 17th, 2018
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  1. documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{article}
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  14. begin{document}
  16. begin{figure}[p]
  17. centering
  18. begin{tikzpicture}
  19. begin{groupplot}[
  20. width=textwidth,
  21. height=19cm,
  22. symbolic x coords={brainfuck,queens,sha512,sha512Int},
  23. xtick=data,
  24. x tick label style={rotate=45,anchor=east},
  25. ytick distance=1,
  26. ymin=0, ymax=50,
  27. ymajorgrids=true,
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  29. at={(0.5,-1.7cm)},
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  31. legend columns=4,
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  48. enlarge x limits=0.15,
  49. ]
  50. addplot[fill=lightgray] table [x=Benchmark,y=es5.1 dev no-opt no-gcc Node.js,col sep=comma] {final-performance-results-slow-ones.csv};
  51. addplot[fill=lightgray,postaction={pattern=north east lines}] table [x=Benchmark,y=es5.1 dev yes-opt no-gcc Node.js,col sep=comma] {final-performance-results-slow-ones.csv};
  52. addplot[] table [x=Benchmark,y=es5.1 prod no-opt no-gcc Node.js,col sep=comma] {final-performance-results-slow-ones.csv};
  53. addplot[pattern=north west lines] table [x=Benchmark,y=es5.1 prod no-opt yes-gcc Node.js,col sep=comma] {final-performance-results-slow-ones.csv};
  54. addplot[pattern=north east lines] table [x=Benchmark,y=es5.1 prod yes-opt no-gcc Node.js,col sep=comma] {final-performance-results-slow-ones.csv};
  55. addplot[pattern=crosshatch] table [x=Benchmark,y=es5.1 prod yes-opt yes-gcc Node.js,col sep=comma] {final-performance-results-slow-ones.csv};
  57. nextgroupplot[
  58. ymin=0,ymax=20.5,
  59. ytick distance=3,
  60. axis x line*=bottom,
  61. height=14.5cm,
  62. bar width=7pt,
  63. enlarge x limits=0.15,
  64. ylabel=Normalized running time (lower is better),
  65. ]
  66. addlegendimage{fill=lightgray}
  67. addlegendentry{Dev mode}
  68. addlegendimage{fill=white}
  69. addlegendentry{Prod mode}
  70. addlegendimage{pattern=north east lines}
  71. addlegendentry{with Scala.js optimizer}
  72. addlegendimage{pattern=north west lines}
  73. addlegendentry{with GCC}
  75. addplot[fill=lightgray] table [x=Benchmark,y=es5.1 dev no-opt no-gcc Node.js,col sep=comma] {final-performance-results-slow-ones.csv};
  76. addplot[fill=lightgray,postaction={pattern=north east lines}] table [x=Benchmark,y=es5.1 dev yes-opt no-gcc Node.js,col sep=comma] {final-performance-results-slow-ones.csv};
  77. addplot[] table [x=Benchmark,y=es5.1 prod no-opt no-gcc Node.js,col sep=comma] {final-performance-results-slow-ones.csv};
  78. addplot[pattern=north west lines] table [x=Benchmark,y=es5.1 prod no-opt yes-gcc Node.js,col sep=comma] {final-performance-results-slow-ones.csv};
  79. addplot[pattern=north east lines] table [x=Benchmark,y=es5.1 prod yes-opt no-gcc Node.js,col sep=comma] {final-performance-results-slow-ones.csv};
  80. addplot[pattern=crosshatch] table [x=Benchmark,y=es5.1 prod yes-opt yes-gcc Node.js,col sep=comma] {final-performance-results-slow-ones.csv};
  81. end{groupplot}
  82. end{tikzpicture}
  83. caption{The effects of several optimization options on Node.js (part 2: the slow ones)}
  84. label{fig:opts-options-on-nodejs-slow-ones}
  85. end{figure}
  87. end{document}
  89. Benchmark,es2015 prod yes-opt no-gcc Chrome,es2015 prod yes-opt no-gcc Firefox,es2015 prod yes-opt no-gcc Node.js,es5.1 dev no-opt no-gcc Chrome,es5.1 dev no-opt no-gcc Firefox,es5.1 dev no-opt no-gcc Node.js,es5.1 dev yes-opt no-gcc Chrome,es5.1 dev yes-opt no-gcc Firefox,es5.1 dev yes-opt no-gcc Node.js,es5.1 prod no-opt no-gcc Chrome,es5.1 prod no-opt no-gcc Firefox,es5.1 prod no-opt no-gcc Node.js,es5.1 prod no-opt yes-gcc Chrome,es5.1 prod no-opt yes-gcc Firefox,es5.1 prod no-opt yes-gcc Node.js,es5.1 prod yes-opt no-gcc Chrome,es5.1 prod yes-opt no-gcc Firefox,es5.1 prod yes-opt no-gcc Node.js,es5.1 prod yes-opt yes-gcc Chrome,es5.1 prod yes-opt yes-gcc Firefox,es5.1 prod yes-opt yes-gcc Node.js
  90. brainfuck,3.86,7.69,3.46,9.27,17.79,8.92,6.08,7.08,5.73,6.65,15.21,6.31,6.24,11.17,5.99,3.80,4.93,3.41,3.42,4.22,3.26
  91. queens,14.06,24.95,18.30,13.72,33.58,14.10,3.94,16.42,4.38,12.63,31.42,13.54,11.36,26.33,11.17,3.76,16.87,3.92,3.78,15.39,3.94
  92. sha512,11.08,159.16,10.27,91.23,102.92,87.97,16.59,17.77,15.64,74.94,99.72,69.34,81.23,87.01,75.85,11.29,15.68,10.02,11.06,11.44,10.23
  93. sha512Int,4.83,8.45,4.14,19.98,13.16,18.88,9.36,10.72,8.56,12.15,11.80,11.48,10.47,9.73,10.00,4.54,3.50,4.01,4.59,3.30,4.04
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