
Why am I hated?

Feb 19th, 2015
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  1. Every once in a while, a "stranger" asks me this - why all the hate directed towards me?
  2. They say it just like that. Why hate me? Those people looked at my Photoshopped pictures and said "I find them kinda cute. I can't comprehend why would anyone hate them". Someone else said "While your pics may not be my cup of tea, reporting and hating you for them is childish". Are we even scratching the surface here? Yes? Good.
  3. Unfortunately however, there is more to this hate than my Photoshopped pictures, so here is a list of reasons I think people hate me for:
  4. - My opposition to the ultra-Orthodox Touhou fans (and their arrogant elitism) and the fact that quite a number of people (nanely, more liberal Touhou fans) agree with me makes them see me as a threat of sorts. These ultra-orthodox elitists view me as the prime "heretic". These are the same people who hated me for playing a Fanon Reimu (who had a daughter from Sakuya) in 2013, these are the same people who want to have me tried for heresy and burned on a stake for being an OC who goes to Gensokyo. Why do they even care?
  5. - No offense to any Americans, most of you are good guys, but several of the people who lashed out at me are short-tempered Americans who misunderstood me when I declared that the Touhou RPing community on Facebook is in decline, and couldn't help but be assholes about it. I was accused of spreading false information, of being self-centered and disregarding others point of view, etc. So I will address it once more: while closed RP'ing circles on Facebook might be still thriving, there are fewer and fewer roleplayers who publicly bear the name and picture of a Touhou character, or are OCs who live in Gensokyo. This is not just my self-centered point of view, this is a fact. Facebook's policies against RPers are harsher than ever, and more people are purged by each day - the division and personal vendettas within the Touhou community does not help at all.
  6. - My real-life political views: even though thus should have nothing to do with Touhou, and should be irrelevant, yes, people bring this up when attacking my personality. My political views are right-winged, I oppose gay marriage, I oppose abortion, I oppose feminism, I have a negative view on non-European immigration to Europe (especially African), and last but not least, I am a practising Christian. And this apparently makes me some sort of evil demon, and these are often brought up when a hater lashes out at me.
  7. - Apparently, tagging people on my pictures is a valid reason to hate me. I won't even say anything. Just wtf?
  8. - Last but not least, my photoshopped pictures. It's one thing not to understand my humour, but it's an entirely different thing to report me and develop a hatedom around me for my pictures. It's pathetic, really. I have three guesses on why people may hate me for the pictures. a) they are weeaboos who take waifuism too seriously, "Yu dung touch my waifu!". I used to be like them at one point, I used to rage every time I saw Reimu shipped with Rinnosuke, Marisa, Sanae or Yukari, but I matured over it. Your waifu is not yours alone: your precious waifu is public property. Deal with it. b) They are ultra-Orthodox elitist Touhou fans, and consider these pictures a heresy that warrants a burning on the stake. Nothing to see, let's move on. c) They are short-tempered people who get offended very easily by random shit. I suggest them to leave the Internet, because there are a lot more things more offensive than my pictures. Grow a thicker skin, or leave the Internet.
  10. That is all I can say.
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