
Woodfall, Part 3? - A Vacuum Story

Jul 7th, 2020
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  1. <DM> -=QUEST RESUME=-
  2. * Nolyghots wakes up
  3. <DM> *Dex, and his new army of the republ- errr, has fully named everyone in his army.*
  4. <DM> (no really, he did -
  5. <Dex> I really did.
  6. * Red_Enrics looks at this list that Dex wrote
  7. <Red_Enrics> ...oh my
  8. <Dex> Bob is my second in command.
  9. <Dex> He's not on the list cause everyone knows Bob.
  10. <DM> [BobExample]: Wot? Don'tcha know 'ow ah speak ye fool?
  11. <Nolyghots> Haven't I seen the name "Gonzo" somewhere before?
  12. <DM> *The fire from the ignited river seems to have settled down, though it still doesn't seem safe to step in it.*
  13. <DM> (A note, you could ask any of your men what they were doing or what they know about the area.)
  14. <Dex> Ok boys whos got intel for me?
  15. * DM picks a random name.
  16. <Dex> What was going on here and whats the layout of the area?
  17. <SneakyPete> Me's knows, me knows alls theres ises tos s'es- ah mean dis areas!
  18. * DM gets rid of the extra s'es from SneakyPete.
  19. <SneakyPete> Huh, I feel loik some'un jes lifted a curses on me.
  20. <DM> *To the south is upriver, where Vincent party split his way to a victory earlier.*
  21. <DM> *And to the east is where you found the bandit camp, though you only went partway down this river.*
  22. <SneakyPete> Eh, errr
  23. * SneakyPete pokes to the east.
  24. <SneakyPete> Dat ways, dere's just some birds and alls, dey hurt.
  25. * SneakyPete pokes- wow, I was saying pokes. Just....
  26. * SneakyPete points to the south.
  27. <SneakyPete> And dat way, well, dere's uhh... a fortress.
  28. <SneakyPete> Some fortress in da watah.
  29. <Dex> Probably the mad scientist dudes place?
  30. <Nolyghots> A fortress probably has cash!
  31. * Nolyghots 's eyes gleam
  32. <SneakyPete> Ya man, though we never founds him dere. We don't know where da guy is.
  33. <Dex> So an empty fort.
  34. <SneakyPete> But ya wanna know somethin, boss?
  35. <Dex> Do tell.
  37. <Nolyghots> Well, if he's not gonna bother us, let's go loot the place!
  38. <SneakyPete> Dere was at least one guy there. ONE GUY... and I snuck past him!
  39. <Red_Enrics> Metal Gear Style?
  40. <Dex> Good work Sneaky Pete. Keep this up and you'll be on the fast track to a promotion.
  41. <SneakyPete> Hmm... I don't know that. ... but it sounds cool!
  42. <SneakyPete> Mr. Dex-sama, may I change my name?
  43. <Dex> To?
  44. <Dex> I approve
  45. <MetalGearPete> IT DA COOOOOL.
  46. <MetalGearPete> Okay... METAL GEAR.
  47. <DM> *God dangit Nappa.*
  48. <DM> *Actually, Nolyghots would be the closest thing to Nappa......... fascinating.*
  49. <DM> *ANYHOW...
  50. <Red_Enrics> I know the perfect name for MetalGearPete
  51. <DM> *Do you head south?*
  52. <Red_Enrics> SolidPete, perhaps?
  53. * Kirran takes a couple of swigs from his milk jar to replenish his flagging energy and health after the hellish battle.
  54. <Dex> Well who wants to go where?
  55. <Nolyghots> I wanna loot a fortress!
  56. <Dex> I'm down for going south.
  57. * DM returns milk to Kirran's jar of.... milk... cause uhhh... gimme a tick.
  58. <Red_Enrics> Eh, I don't see why south isn't a good way to go
  59. * DM loots his stash of life from heaven and pours it over the party + the army.
  60. <Kirran> (O-O)
  61. <DM> party army
  62. <DM> army party
  63. <DM> fascinating
  64. <DM> *Everyone is restored to full Hearts/Magic.*
  65. <DM> (Yeah, I completely forgot about everyone's status and meant to take care of that earlier, so... there.*
  66. <Dex> Ok. Let's head south then.
  68. <Bob> Youse guys heard mista dex. Get ta rallyin'.
  69. <DM> *que Imperial March theme*
  70. <DM> *You all head south. You find a few looted corpses along the way. They don't seem to be your men.*
  71. * Red_Enrics follows Dex
  72. * Nolyghots follows Red
  73. * Kirran tags along with the army
  74. <DM> *Actually, one of them is your men. His name was.... nothing, cause he wasn't with Dex before Dex named everyone.*
  75. <MetalGearPete> I REMEMBER DAT GUY, 'E WAS... HE WAS UHHHH... who was 'e?
  76. <Red_Enrics> *Stretches* Oh man, it feels so good to not be drunk!
  77. <DM> *Note to self - Find way to get Red_Enrics drunk again this quest.*
  78. * Nolyghots bonks the DM in the head
  79. <Kirran> I have the strangest feeling that divine providence is feeling plucky today.
  80. <Dex> Sooooo.... is there anything on the dead guy?
  81. <DM> *You eventually reach a fortress, annnnd there would be someone to meet you here, except he's totally afk, soooooooo..... he'll join you later.*
  82. <DM> *The fortress is surrounded by the deadly waters, though there are two bridges leading to it. Both bridges have a few more corpses on them.*
  83. <Kirran> I wonder what killed these guys?
  84. <DM> *Multiple stab wounds, it would seem.*
  85. <Nolyghots> Probably Bandits! RAWR!
  86. <Dex> Well it's not my handiwork.
  87. <Red_Enrics> Do lizards even have hands? Or is it all feet?
  88. <DM> *From here, there appears to be a path leading east, further up the river.*
  89. <Dex> Claws if you wanna be technical.
  90. <Red_Enrics> Good to know
  91. <Dex> Any way to get into the fort?
  92. <DM> *The fortress doors appear to be open, actually.*
  93. <Nolyghots> LOOT! LOTS OF LOOT!
  94. * Nolyghots flies inside the fortress
  95. <Dex> Sounds like the place might have been cleaned out.
  96. <DM> *Nolyghots is met by an interesting man, with Vincent on auto-follow along with 5 other men.*
  97. <Nolyghots> Eh?
  98. <DM> [???]: My my, is that a ghost? Hmm... they defy the laws of science. I'm not fond of that.
  99. <DM> [???]: But no matter, do you talk, little fellow?
  100. <Nolyghots> Not to chumps like you! *Snicker*
  101. <DM> [???]: Indeed!
  102. * DM looks out the front door of the fortress to see Dex and his army across the bridge.*
  103. <DM> wait
  104. <DM> wrong guy
  105. <Dex> wargle
  106. <Nolyghots> Now if you'll excuse me before I was so rudely interupted
  107. <DM> *The man looks out the front door of the fortress to see Dex and his army across the bridge.*
  108. * Nolyghots flies around, looking for loot
  109. <Kirran> Hey guys, there's someone in the castle with our Poe friend.
  110. <Kirran> And I think I saw God in there too, but that might have been the milk.
  111. * DM hides behind the 4th wall.
  112. <Dex> No more milk for you.
  113. <Dex> Also if that's God that explains a lot.
  114. <Dex> Anyway let's go see this mystery man.
  115. <DM> *The man laughs voraciously- hang on, different word....
  116. <Dex> I'm getting tired of the ??? every time he speaks.
  117. <Red_Enrics> I think some of our army should stay behind
  118. <Red_Enrics> If we all go, then we might spook the man
  119. <Kirran> Or break the bridge.
  120. <DM> [???]: Ah, if it isn't the bandit felloooo- *notices there's no longer Da Big Boss* ... wait, who's that?
  121. <Bob> Good point. Just us and Bob then?
  122. <Bob> I'm Da Big Boss.
  123. <Bob> wait
  124. <Bob> frig wrong window
  126. * DM casts WINDOW SWITCH on Bob!
  127. <Dex> i knew that was going to happen at some point
  128. <Nolyghots> I possessed that guy once, he's too muscular for my tastes
  129. <Dex> And that ladies and gentlemen is my Bob impression.
  130. <DM> [???]: Shh, wasn't asking you- wait... yes I was.
  131. <Bob> Dat was a good one boss.
  132. <Nolyghots> Well, he's no longer the boss.
  133. <Dex> ANYWAY
  134. <Dex> The point is I'm in charge of the bandits now.
  135. <Dex> And they aren't bandits any more they are now part of a mercenary company.
  136. <Red_Enrics> (Are we already there? >.>)
  137. * DM observes as Dex and Bob magically move close enough to speak to the mysterious man as they speak.
  138. <Kirran> Bandits don't have names, mercs do.
  139. <DM> *... along with Kirran and Red.*
  140. <Red_Enrics> (I haven't spoken yet. But okay :P)
  141. <DM> [???]: My, I think I overheard you say something about.... not liking question marks? What's that mean? What do you mean you don't like questions? Aren't I asking questions here?
  142. <Dex> I dunno? ARE YOU?
  143. <Dex> Who are you?
  144. <Dex> What are you?
  145. <Dex> Why are you?
  146. <Kirran> Why are we here?
  147. <Dex> How are you? We never really get to talk any more.
  148. <DM> [???]: Hoh... you ask my name. Very well, I shall answer your question... *laughs evil-ly*
  149. <Nolyghots> Stop laughing like that, it's creepy, laugh normally!
  150. <Dex> That would go a long way towards getting rid of the ???.
  151. <DM> [???]: I am the mad scientist, HOUEN KYOMU! And uhh... oh, that's right, those guys *your army* were hunting me before. ... could I be given one minute to explain things before you kill me?
  152. <Nolyghots> Woah, who said we were gonna kill you?
  153. <Red_Enrics> My thoughts exactly.
  154. <DM> *Your army seems to be rather angry with him, Dex.*
  155. <Kirran> Your name sounds like an anagram, if you don't mind my saying so.
  156. <DM> *A good number of them are drawing their weapons.*
  157. <Dex> Whats the matter boys?
  158. <LeadpipeSteve> Well, dats him. Dats da guy dats been poisonin' da water and alls.
  159. <Red_Enrics> What?!
  160. <Leadpiper> Dat mad scientisgtrseg fella.
  161. <Dex> Ohhhhh.
  162. * Leadpiper points at HouenKyomu.
  163. <Dex> THAT Houen Kyomu.
  164. <Dex> OK Kyomu explain yourself. And make it quick. And make it good otherwise my boys are gunna have to stomp ya.
  165. <Dex> Also I'm pretty sure the DM has a speech he wants to use.
  166. <DM> (I do?)
  167. <Dex> Well you went to all the trouble of writing dialogue for this nerd.
  168. <Dex> ANYWAY
  169. <Dex> Get to it.
  170. <Kirran> Dex, you're talking to thin air again
  171. * Kirran raises a Spock level eyebrow.
  172. <Dex> Shhh.
  173. <HouenKyomu> Ahh, ahhh... uhhh... quickly, you say, uhhhh
  174. <HouenKyomu> ... first off.
  175. * HouenKyomu points to the auto-following Vincent behind him.
  176. <HouenKyomu> This guy, yes, uhh... wasn't he with you folks?
  177. <Dex> He is.
  178. <Kirran> Whoa. Where's he been hiding this whole time?
  179. <Nolyghots> That guy who obliterated me. :O
  180. <HouenKyomu> My, he's sided with me.
  181. <Dex> Why?
  182. <DM> (No really, he did. He's not controlling Vincent, they're actually sided together.)
  183. <Kirran> Oh shi...
  184. <HouenKyomu> Alright, so uhh... I didn't cause the river to go all poisony.
  185. <HouenKyomu> There is someone else who did, and he threw all of the blame on me.
  186. * HouenKyomu points east.
  187. <HouenKyomu> There's another fortress of doom in this swamp, some of you know it as the Deku Fortress... anyhow, this guy calling himself the Greed King.
  188. <HouenKyomu> He's a greedy fellow alright, and quite frankly, he's annoying. Veeeerrrry annoying.
  189. <Kirran> That have anything to do with the Decadents we fought earlier?
  190. <HouenKyomu> Decadents- noooo, no, you mean these fools?
  191. * HouenKyomu points to the 5 DecadentFools behind him.
  192. <HouenKyomu> They're just some followers.
  193. <Dex> Wait why are Decadents with you?
  194. <HouenKyomu> Huh... I have no idea. They just.... follow me.
  195. <DM> [Fools]: SCIENCE IS COOL, BRO!
  196. <HouenKyomu> Yeah, like that.
  197. <Dex> So the real problem is east then.
  198. <HouenKyomu> Nevermind them. This greed guy, yes... *clacks his hands together* yeeeeeeesssssss..........
  199. <HouenKyomu> Hmm, I thought we'd be able to sneak our way through-
  201. <HouenKyomu> ...
  203. <MetalGearPete> METAL GEAR
  204. <HouenKyomu> But with this army of yours, we might be able to, oh, let's see... take over his fortress, I presume?
  205. <HouenKyomu> Err, actually, return it to the Dekus.
  206. <Dex> And by we you mean me.
  207. <HouenKyomu> Yes. ... you.
  208. <HouenKyomu> I just thought I might be able to... tag along.
  209. <Dex> And by take it over you mean go and see if the Greed King is actually at fault.
  210. <DM> (Fyi, his stats are posted here -
  211. <DM> (And they pwn)
  212. <Red_Enrics> :P
  213. <Dex> Because if there's one thing I hate it's being played.
  214. * Sephiroth just became aware of a poke.
  215. <HouenKyomu> Why, of course he's at fault, what makes you think I'm main boss level material?
  216. * DM converts Sephirothism to Vincentism.
  217. <Dex> Well it says "Boss Ally" Right there.
  218. * Sephiroth now has a bruise the size of africa.
  219. <HouenKyomu> Psh, please, I couldn't take more than 2 or 3 of you!
  220. <Dex> Anyway my point is: if I find out you're lying to us I'm going to do my special thing.
  221. <HouenKyomu> Oh? A special thing? Is it... SCIENCE?
  222. * Nolyghots looks at Vincent
  223. <Dex> Yes.
  224. <Dex> Yes it most certainly is science.
  225. * Nolyghots waves her hand in front of Vincent's face
  226. <HouenKyomu> Good. Goooooooooooood. I look FORWARD to this.
  227. <Dex> TO THE EAST
  228. <Sephiroth> (Care for a recap?)
  229. <DM> *Nutshell - Dex named everyone in his army, and they've proceeded south to the fortress of HouenKyomu, where you lot have met up with them.*
  230. <Nolyghots> Do soooooomethiiiing
  231. <DM> *And now you're heading east.*
  233. <Bob> Uh.. We ain't got a war horn Boss.
  234. <DM> oh, if you could bring Navi in instead, that'd be great so I can run a third shell
  235. <Dex> Just make a trumpet sound with your lips then.
  236. <Dex> could i stop being bob then?
  237. <Dex> its hard
  238. <DM> Nice Bob impression, Dex!
  239. <Bob> i forgot how to emote
  240. * Bob makes a trumpet sound.
  241. <Bob> FIGURED IT OUT
  242. * Nolyghots stares at Vincent_Valantine's eyes
  243. <Nolyghots> Why won't you say something?
  244. <DM> (Holy crap, including NPC allies (Bob/Houen), you have a 6 man party.)
  245. <Nolyghots> (:O)
  246. <-- Vincent_Valentine has kicked Bob from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed on a sprinkler head! «14,240»)
  247. <-- Vincent_Valentine has kicked Dex from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed in a pile of dead skunks! «14,241»)
  248. <-- Vincent_Valentine has kicked HouenKyomu from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed in Link's Bad Hair Day- The Malonia Adventure and you become one of the drunkards in front of the pub! «14,242»)
  249. <-- Vincent_Valentine has kicked Kirran from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed on a businessman! Is that your dad? «14,243»)
  250. <-- Vincent_Valentine has kicked X_X from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed on an antenna, where you get struck by a bolt of lightning! «14,244»)
  251. <-- Vincent_Valentine has kicked Nolyghots from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed in a pile of shit! «14,245»)
  252. <-- Vincent_Valentine has kicked Red_Enrics from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed on the Publisher's Clearing House Prize Patrol™! «14,246»)
  253. <-- Vincent_Valentine has kicked X___X from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed on Bill Gates! Quick, shoot him while you can! «14,247»)
  254. <DM> hoooooly crap
  255. <Nolyghots> :O
  256. <Nolyghots> WAH!
  257. <DM> I think you miiiiiiight have overloaded it a bit.
  258. <Nolyghots> He moved finally!
  259. <Nolyghots> I knew I could do it!
  260. <DM> *So, you all head east?*
  261. <Red_Enrics> (Is anyone staying?)
  262. <Dex> well im obviously going
  263. * Vincent_Valentine didn't get enough information from the nutshell and wants a more through bit of detail.
  264. <Bob> an im obfivelessy goin wit da boss
  265. <Nolyghots> I couldn't find any treasure here, so I'm going east. ;~:
  266. <Dex> indeed you are bob
  267. <Kirran> Why would anyone stay here?
  268. <Dex> Well aside from the poisoned water the location is pretty good.
  269. <Red_Enrics> Well, Noly has to go everywhere I go, so I'll go east.
  270. <DM> *Okay. Dex and co. headed upriver. He was about to raid the fortress when HouenKyomu and co. (including you, Vincent (on auto-follow)) came out of it. You met each other, had a little conversation, found out HouenKyomu isn't the actual culprit; the Greed King to the east is, and now you're heading there.*
  271. <Dex> i still dont trust houen though
  272. <Dex> and i am waiting for his sudden but totally expected betrayal
  273. <DM> *isn't the actual culprit to the river poisoning*
  274. <Dex> and subsequent boss fight
  275. <Vincent_Valentine> Ahh, kay.
  276. <Nolyghots> *Whisper to Red* That Evil Laugh still makes me feel uneasy.
  277. <DM> *You head east. The stink from the river seems to be getting worse, to the point where it's starting to feel toxic. Not quite enough to cause poison damage though.*
  278. * Vincent_Valentine heads east.
  279. <DM> *A flock of birds seems to be gathered around a few corpses. They lift their murderous eyes to meet yours.*
  280. <Nolyghots> Ah, I love the smell of murder~.
  281. <Dex> Ooooh corpses!
  282. <Kirran> Birds. Why did it have to be villainous birds?
  283. <Dex> Checkem for loot.
  284. <DM> *There seem to be 3 flocks of them. Two Octoroks pop up out of the river.*
  285. <Nolyghots> Remember, a Murderous Bird just makes it easier to catch, and then rip out it's heart!~
  286. <DM> *They seem to be intent on causing your untimely death.*
  287. <DM> (Note - if your army fights it, you don't get the experience.)
  288. <Dex> CHOICES
  289. <Red_Enrics> I say run
  290. <Nolyghots> I say let em kill you!~
  291. <DM> (Likewise, considering your already huge party of doom, one of them being boss level, if any of your army joins the fight, it'll reduce the total experience given to everyone at the end.)
  292. <DM> (Err, if you battle and some of your army joins you)
  293. <DM> (also, cause I did it for Dex/co. earlier....
  294. <Dex> what kind of loot would we get
  295. * DM fully restores HouenKyomu and Vincent_Valentine to full hearts/magic.
  296. <DM> Random item drops, doesn't appear to be any actual loot.
  297. <DM> and Rupees of course
  298. * Kirran twangs his bow string.
  299. <Nolyghots> Octorock hearts, they're a nice delacacy!~
  300. <Kirran> Stupid bircs.
  301. <Kirran> birds*
  302. <Dex> Eh I say we just autowin. This probably isn't worth the time.
  303. * HouenKyomu grabs some dice from the 4th wall.
  304. <DM> WHAT
  305. * HouenKyomu throws one of them.
  306. <HouenKyomu> $init 1d10
  307. <Navi> HouenKyomu: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 7.
  309. <Dex> do i get to pick who fights?
  310. <DM> (If part of your army joins, yes, and do know that it'd reduce the total experience amount if they do help you.)
  311. <Dex> ok well since bob is an NPC does he help anyway?
  312. <Dex> or would i have to select him
  313. <Dex> $init 1d10
  314. <Navi> Dex: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 6.
  315. <DM> (Bob is part of the party, he doesn't count as part of the army.)
  316. <Red_Enrics> $init 1d10
  317. <Navi> Red_Enrics: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 10.
  318. <DM> woah, nice
  319. <Bob> $init 1d10
  320. <Navi> Bob: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 8.
  321. <Red_Enrics> BAM
  322. <Octorok1> $init 1d10
  323. <Navi> Octorok1: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 5.
  324. <Octorok2> $init 1d10
  325. <Navi> Octorok2: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 2.
  326. <Kirran> $init 1d11
  327. * Nolyghots puts a cheerleader outfit on
  328. <Navi> Kirran: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 9.
  329. <Vincent_Valentine> $init 1d11
  330. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 11.
  331. <Nolyghots> $init 1d10
  332. <Dex> uhh you got a stats page for bob?
  333. <Navi> Nolyghots: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 5.
  334. <GuaySwarmA> $1d10
  335. <Navi> GuaySwarmA: You rolled 1 Die with 10 Sides. Result: 7. Total: 7. Successes: 1.
  336. <GuaySwarmA> $init 1d10
  337. <Navi> GuaySwarmA: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 1.
  338. <DM> - Bob should be in that post.
  339. <Nolyghots> Nolyghots will be like an Earthbound guest
  340. <Dex> you wanna give him full hp and mana?
  341. <DM> need two more guayswarms
  342. <Dex> hes at 4 / 10 and 1 / 4
  343. <DM> oh, he's not full
  344. * DM fixes that.
  345. <DM> actually, I got a better idea for the enemies
  346. * Vincent_Valentine can only do one shell due to the bots
  347. * DM can actually run all of them himself, observe.
  348. <DM> $init s
  349. <Navi> The Battle has started! Turn Order: Vincent_Valentine (11), Red_Enrics (10), Kirran (9), Bob (8), HouenKyomu (7), Dex (6), Octorok1 (5), Nolyghots (5), Octorok2 (2) and GuaySwarmA (1).
  350. <DM> Bonus Turns: Vincent_Valentine, Red_Enrics
  351. <Red_Enrics> (Oh god, all those people in the battle
  352. <GuaySwarmA> so do you need this shell then
  353. <Octoroks> ??h, ?m | ??m, ?m
  354. <DM> nope
  355. <GuaySwarmA> $removeme
  356. <Navi> GuaySwarmA has removed theirself from the battle. Turn Order: Vincent_Valentine (11), Red_Enrics (10), Kirran (9), Bob (8), HouenKyomu (7), Dex (6), Nolyghots (5), Octorok1 (5) and Octorok2 (2).
  357. <GuaySwarms> ?h, ?m | ?h, ?m | ?h, ?m
  358. <-- Fireblast124 has quit (Ping timeout)
  359. <GuaySwarms> $init j
  360. <Navi> GuaySwarms: You have entered the fray!
  361. * Vincent_Valentine grabs his Axe of Jealousy and charges at a GuaySwam! (Roll Courage!)
  362. <Vincent_Valentine> $18d10
  363. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine: You rolled 18 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 4, 3, 5, 8, 6, 6, 4, 6, 1, 4, 5, 4, 4, 9, 6, 7 and 8. Total: 98. Successes: 11.
  364. <GuaySwarms> $16d10
  365. <Navi> GuaySwarms: You rolled 16 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 2, 10, 5, 3, 7, 9, 1, 4, 9, 7, 1, 3, 2, 3 and 4. Total: 77. Successes: 8.
  366. * GuaySwarms is hit!
  367. <DM> 11 - 8 = 3 - 2 = 1 damage, bleeding
  368. * Vincent_Valentine ends his bonus turn.
  369. <GuaySwarms> 7h, ?m, bleeding | 8h, ?m | 8h, ?m
  370. <DM> Red_Enrics, your bonus turn is up!
  371. * Red_Enrics strikes at the firest Guay with his Mini Scythe. *Roll Courage*
  372. <Red_Enrics> $14d10
  373. <Navi> Red_Enrics: You rolled 14 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 5, 2, 4, 10, 6, 10, 6, 10, 9, 8, 9, 5 and 9. Total: 100. Successes: 15.
  374. <GuaySwarms> $16d10
  375. <Navi> GuaySwarms: You rolled 16 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 8, 7, 10, 9, 4, 9, 10, 9, 9, 7, 3, 8, 4, 8 and 5. Total: 116. Successes: 15.
  376. <DM> ROLLOFF
  377. <Red_Enrics> $14d10
  378. <Navi> Red_Enrics: You rolled 14 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 8, 3, 3, 4, 9, 7, 8, 7, 6, 9, 10, 3 and 10. Total: 89. Successes: 11.
  379. <GuaySwarms> $16d10
  380. <Navi> GuaySwarms: You rolled 16 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 1, 9, 5, 8, 3, 9, 9, 8, 3, 4, 8, 9, 4, 8 and 6. Total: 101. Successes: 11.
  381. <DM> ROLLOFF 2
  382. <Red_Enrics> (fucking)
  383. <Red_Enrics> $14d10
  384. <Navi> Red_Enrics: You rolled 14 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 3, 8, 9, 10, 6, 9, 1, 5, 4, 6, 1, 3 and 1. Total: 75. Successes: 9.
  385. <GuaySwarms> $16d10
  386. <Navi> GuaySwarms: You rolled 16 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 3, 9, 3, 4, 8, 9, 9, 3, 2, 3, 2, 6, 4, 7 and 7. Total: 81. Successes: 7.
  387. <Red_Enrics> inb4 9
  388. * GuaySwarms is hit!
  389. <Red_Enrics> OR THAT
  390. <GuaySwarms> 9 - 7 = 2 damage
  391. <GuaySwarms> 5h, ?m, bleeding, -1 Guay | 8h, ?m | 8h, ?m
  392. <Nolyghots> WOOHOO!~
  393. <DM> Vincent_Valentine, your move!
  394. <Red_Enrics> (FUCK, 2.1 second lag)
  395. * Vincent_Valentine grabs his Axe of Jealousy and charges at a GuaySwam again! (Roll Courage!)
  396. <Vincent_Valentine> $18d10
  397. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine: You rolled 18 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 1, 2, 5, 5, 3, 1, 8, 5, 2, 3, 7, 9, 8, 1, 1, 6 and 7. Total: 80. Successes: 10.
  398. <GuaySwarms> $16d10
  399. <Navi> GuaySwarms: You rolled 16 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 3, 4, 1, 9, 3, 8, 6, 5, 10, 8, 1, 6, 3, 1 and 2. Total: 77. Successes: 9.
  400. <GuaySwarms> wait
  401. <GuaySwarms> $4d10
  402. <Navi> GuaySwarms: You rolled 4 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 5, 10 and 2. Total: 23. Successes: 4.
  403. * DM invokes the power of a jealous death on the first GuaySwarm!
  404. <GuaySwarms> 8h, ?m | 8h, ?m
  405. <DM> and Red_Enrics, your move again
  406. <Vincent_Valentine> $endturn
  407. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine has ended their turn. Red_Enrics: It is your turn now.
  408. <Navi> Turn Order: Vincent_Valentine (11), Red_Enrics (10), Kirran (9), Bob (8), HouenKyomu (7), Dex (6), Nolyghots (5), Octorok1 (5), Octorok2 (2) and GuaySwarms (0).
  409. * Red_Enrics strikes one of the Guays
  410. <Red_Enrics> *Rolls Courage again*
  411. <Red_Enrics> $14d10
  412. <Navi> Red_Enrics: You rolled 14 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 6, 10, 9, 3, 9, 4, 4, 3, 4, 7, 6, 10 and 10. Total: 91. Successes: 12.
  413. <DM> (I love how all of you are attacking its high stat.)
  414. <GuaySwarms> $16d10
  415. <Navi> GuaySwarms: You rolled 16 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 3, 5, 9, 2, 7, 10, 4, 10, 1, 6, 8, 10, 5, 5 and 7. Total: 98. Successes: 15.
  416. * GuaySwarms barrel rolls outta the way.
  417. <Red_Enrics> Well damn
  418. <Red_Enrics> 16h 1m
  419. <Red_Enrics> $endturn
  420. <Navi> Red_Enrics has ended their turn. Kirran: It is your turn now.
  421. <Navi> Turn Order: Vincent_Valentine (11), Red_Enrics (10), Kirran (9), Bob (8), HouenKyomu (7), Dex (6), Nolyghots (5), Octorok1 (5), Octorok2 (2) and GuaySwarms (0).
  422. * Kirran nocks an arrow and fires at the octorocks (roll courage)
  423. <Kirran> $17d10
  424. <Navi> Kirran: You rolled 17 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 9, 6, 8, 5, 1, 7, 2, 6, 1, 7, 6, 4, 3, 8, 10 and 8. Total: 99. Successes: 13.
  425. <Octoroks> $9d10
  426. <Navi> Octoroks: You rolled 9 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 10, 2, 1, 8, 1, 7, 7 and 3. Total: 45. Successes: 6.
  427. * Octoroks used to be a Hentai Rapist like Japan, but then it took an arrow to the tentacle.
  428. * DM runs far far away.
  429. <Octoroks> 13 - 6 = 7 - 2 = 5 damage
  430. * Nolyghots sees that message and shivers
  431. <Octoroks> 3h, ?m | 8h, ?m
  432. <Kirran> 8h 5m
  433. <Kirran> $endturn
  434. <Navi> Kirran has ended their turn. Bob: It is your turn now.
  435. <Navi> Turn Order: Vincent_Valentine (11), Red_Enrics (10), Kirran (9), Bob (8), HouenKyomu (7), Dex (6), Nolyghots (5), Octorok1 (5), Octorok2 (2) and GuaySwarms (0).
  436. <DM> (Wow, one thunderspark would actually one-shot that Octorok, lol)
  437. <Dex> BOB I CHOSE YOU
  438. <Bob> bob bo bob bob
  440. <DM> oh god, not bobobo bobo- yeah, that thing
  441. <Bob> so just roll normal?
  442. <Bob> then add together?
  443. <DM> uhh, which two swords?
  444. <DM> he's got 3
  445. <Bob> dorans blade and white sword
  446. <Bob> i guess
  447. <DM> Courage +3
  448. <DM> (+2 +3 = +5/2 = +2.5 rounded = +3)
  449. <DM> so yeah, Courage +3 vs. target's Courage
  450. <Bob> on the weakened guay
  451. <Bob> $19d10
  452. <Navi> Bob: You rolled 19 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 1, 4, 7, 6, 3, 1, 9, 1, 7, 10, 6, 4, 5, 10, 4, 3, 9 and 1. Total: 97. Successes: 12.
  453. <Octoroks> MEEP!
  454. <Octoroks> $9d10
  455. <Navi> Octoroks: You rolled 9 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 6, 10, 7, 2, 10, 10, 4 and 6. Total: 64. Successes: 10.
  456. <Bob> I'll take dat.
  457. <Bob> Slash'em up good.
  458. <Kirran> Wait, the octorocks are birds too?
  459. <DM> (Fire affinity is weak to Water affinity, based on target's affinity, so....)
  460. <DM> (Doran's blade is Fire Affinity)
  461. <DM> -2 successes, ROLLOFF
  462. <Bob> oh wait
  463. <Bob> i said the birds
  464. <Bob> not the octrorocks
  465. <DM> oooooooh
  466. * DM redirects.
  467. * Kirran cowers in fear at the thought of flying tentacle monsters.
  468. <DM> oh, I red "weakened Guy", not guay
  469. <DM> both remaining guays are full health
  470. <Bob> $1d2
  471. <Navi> Bob: You flipped 1 coin. Values: Tails (2). Results: 0 Heads (1) - 1 Tail (2).
  472. <Bob> then the second one
  473. <Bob> i attack
  474. <Nolyghots> Flying Tentacle monster? *gulp*
  475. <GuaySwarms> $16d10
  476. <Navi> GuaySwarms: You rolled 16 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 2, 9, 1, 10, 10, 2, 7, 7, 10, 7, 10, 2, 5, 5 and 6. Total: 100. Successes: 16.
  477. <Kirran> Wow
  478. * GuaySwarms does another barrel roll as Bob swings high, he swings low, but he misses.
  479. <Bob> Nuts I wiff'd it Boss.
  480. <Dex> Aint no thang.
  481. <Bob> $endturn
  482. <Navi> Bob has ended their turn. HouenKyomu: It is your turn now.
  483. <Navi> Turn Order: Vincent_Valentine (11), Red_Enrics (10), Kirran (9), Bob (8), HouenKyomu (7), Dex (6), Nolyghots (5), Octorok1 (5), Octorok2 (2) and GuaySwarms (0).
  484. <DM> (Wow, your Bob speak is even harder to hear than my bob speak.)
  485. * HouenKyomu laughs evil-ly again.
  486. <Dex> is that good or bad
  487. <HouenKyomu> Hoh..... might I entertain you all today?
  488. * Nolyghots throws a rupee at HouenKyomu
  489. <Nolyghots> GET TO THE POINT
  490. * Vincent_Valentine kicks Nolyghots out the window.
  491. <-- Vincent_Valentine has kicked Nolyghots from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed in Zero Wing! ALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US! «14,249»)
  492. * HouenKyomu juggles a few elements around and throws two together.
  493. * HouenKyomu casts Steam Explosion, hitting everyone! (Roll Wisdom, everyone)
  494. <Red_Enrics> Oh shi-
  495. * Red_Enrics blocks
  496. <DM> (Good news, this does 4 damage, not the difference in successes)
  497. <Vincent_Valentine> $5d10
  498. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine: You rolled 5 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 9, 2, 10 and 4. Total: 33. Successes: 4.
  499. <HouenKyomu> $26d10
  500. <Navi> HouenKyomu: You rolled 26 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 5, 8, 9, 2, 8, 6, 4, 4, 5, 3, 6, 7, 1, 7, 4, 3, 8, 4, 3, 4, 3, 2, 10, 6 and 1. Total: 130. Successes: 14.
  501. <Red_Enrics> $9d10
  502. <Navi> Red_Enrics: You rolled 9 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 8, 10, 5, 1, 9, 10, 4 and 6. Total: 61. Successes: 9.
  503. <GuaySwarms> $4d10
  504. <Navi> GuaySwarms: You rolled 4 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 4, 1, 4 and 9. Total: 18. Successes: 1.
  505. <Dex> $11d10
  506. <Navi> Dex: You rolled 11 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 10, 2, 9, 9, 6, 5, 2, 3, 5 and 5. Total: 64. Successes: 9.
  507. <Octoroks> $9d10
  508. <Navi> Octoroks: You rolled 9 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 6, 4, 3, 9, 2, 9, 10 and 7. Total: 52. Successes: 6.
  509. <HouenKyomu> 17h, 8m
  510. <Kirran> $11d10
  511. <Navi> Kirran: You rolled 11 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 1, 1, 1, 5, 2, 4, 4, 2, 5 and 3. Total: 36. Successes: 3.
  512. <Bob> $7d10
  513. <HouenKyomu> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! BURN IN THE STEAM, YOU FOOLS- *turns around*
  514. <Navi> Bob: You rolled 7 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 4, 5, 7, 3, 3 and 9. Total: 39. Successes: 4.
  515. <Red_Enrics> (How much damage did I take?)
  516. <HouenKyomu> Oh. ... I forgot about you lot. My bad.
  517. <Dex> 4 damage all around?
  518. <Kirran> (Holy ones Batman)
  519. <DM> *Everyone hit takes 4 burn damage (neutral).*
  520. <Nolyghots> I'm immune to damage! HAHA!
  521. <Kirran> (Oh wait, I forgot to add 2)
  522. * Vincent_Valentine kicks Nolyghots out the window.
  523. <-- Vincent_Valentine has kicked Nolyghots from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed inside your own Zelda Classic game! O_O «14,250»)
  524. <Kirran> (Can I reroll that one, or do I just roll two more die?)
  525. * HouenKyomu needs to roll against himself, apparently.
  526. <DM> (sure)
  527. <DM> (oh uhh
  528. <DM> (just add $2d10)
  529. <HouenKyomu> $23d10
  530. <Navi> HouenKyomu: You rolled 23 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 3, 9, 4, 8, 2, 6, 5, 9, 1, 10, 10, 7, 2, 6, 2, 5, 9, 3, 8, 1, 9 and 9. Total: 133. Successes: 17.
  531. <Kirran> $2d10
  532. <Navi> Kirran: You rolled 2 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6 and 1. Total: 7. Successes: 1.
  533. <Red_Enrics> 12h
  534. <Dex> you wanna do bobs health?
  535. <Nolyghots> "Adorable"h
  536. * Kirran is so afraid of the birds he can't even think to defend properly.
  537. * HouenKyomu avoids his own attack and gains another magic, not to mention the magic from hitting everyone...
  538. <Vincent_Valentine> 6h, 3m.
  539. <HouenKyomu> 17, 12m
  540. <HouenKyomu> 17h, 12m
  541. <Kirran> 4h 5m
  542. <Dex> 8/12
  543. * HouenKyomu drops Status Protection and Spread Shock.
  544. <Red_Enrics> 12h 1m
  545. <HouenKyomu> Alright, my little friends, finish off the rest of the weaklings, mwahahahahahah!
  546. <Bob> 6 / 10
  547. <HouenKyomu> $endturn
  548. <Navi> HouenKyomu has ended their turn. Dex: It is your turn now.
  549. <Navi> Turn Order: Vincent_Valentine (11), Red_Enrics (10), Kirran (9), Bob (8), HouenKyomu (7), Dex (6), Nolyghots (5), Octorok1 (5), Octorok2 (2) and GuaySwarms (0).
  550. <Dex> hup
  551. <Dex> whats alive
  552. <GuaySwarms> 4h, ?m, -2 Guay | 4h, ?m, -2 Guay
  553. <Dex> sounds good
  554. <Dex> the first one
  555. <DM> *The steam explosion appears to have engulfed one of the Octoroks, reducing it to a Steam internet outage.*
  556. <Octorok1> $removeme
  557. <Navi> Octorok1 has removed theirself from the battle. Turn Order: Vincent_Valentine (11), Red_Enrics (10), Kirran (9), Bob (8), HouenKyomu (7), Dex (6), Nolyghots (5), Octorok2 (2) and GuaySwarms (0).
  558. <Kirran> (Must be a sale on)
  559. <Octorok2> 4h, ?m
  561. <Dex> Jagged Edge Sword vs Guay ROLL COURAGE
  562. <Dex> $17d10
  563. <Navi> Dex: You rolled 17 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 10, 4, 6, 1, 10, 1, 8, 3, 2, 3, 4, 10, 4, 1, 2 and 8. Total: 84. Successes: 10.
  564. <GuaySwarms> $8d10
  565. <Navi> GuaySwarms: You rolled 8 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 3, 9, 5, 9, 7, 4 and 8. Total: 51. Successes: 6.
  566. * GuaySwarms takes a nasty blow from the sword, killing off another Guay.
  567. <GuaySwarms> 2h, ?m, -3 Guay, bleeding x1 | 4h, ?m, -2 Guay
  568. <Dex> Wham! Bam! Thank you ma'am!
  569. <Dex> $endturn
  570. <Navi> Dex has ended their turn. Nolyghots: It is your turn now.
  571. <Navi> Turn Order: Vincent_Valentine (11), Red_Enrics (10), Kirran (9), Bob (8), HouenKyomu (7), Dex (6), Nolyghots (5), Octorok2 (2) and GuaySwarms (0).
  572. <Dex> also
  573. <Dex> +1 heart
  574. <Dex> shit i forgot to roll crit chacne
  575. <DM> go ahead and roll it
  576. * Nolyghots does a Cheering dance
  577. * Nolyghots sees an Octorock glaring at her
  578. <Nolyghots> EEK!
  579. * Nolyghots hides
  580. <Nolyghots> $endturn
  581. <Navi> Nolyghots has ended their turn. Octorok2: It is your turn now.
  582. <Navi> Turn Order: Vincent_Valentine (11), Red_Enrics (10), Kirran (9), Bob (8), HouenKyomu (7), Dex (6), Nolyghots (5), Octorok2 (2) and GuaySwarms (0).
  583. <Dex> $1d5
  584. <Navi> Dex: You rolled 1 Die with 5 Sides. Result: 2. Total: 2.
  585. <Dex> boo
  586. * Octorok2 has no interest in tentacle raping a ghost.
  587. <Octorok2> (even if it's female)
  588. <Nolyghots> (lol)
  589. * Octorok2 does, however, fire a rock at the leader of the army. (Roll Power, Dex)
  590. * DM completely forgot about a certain field effect, so he's not gonna bother remembering it. Maybe next time.
  591. <Octorok2> $18d10
  592. <Navi> Octorok2: You rolled 18 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 8, 2, 4, 10, 4, 3, 7, 9, 8, 6, 5, 6, 6, 9, 1, 6 and 8. Total: 108. Successes: 14.
  593. <Dex> 12d10
  594. <Dex> er
  595. <Dex> $12d10
  596. <Dex> woops
  597. <Navi> Dex: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 1, 5, 9, 10, 1, 2, 9, 8, 9, 5 and 10. Total: 77. Successes: 11.
  598. <Dex> damn
  599. <DM> 14 - 11 = 3 - 2 = 1 damage
  600. <Dex> there goes my leech heart
  601. * Octorok2 rocks Dex a little, but is unsucessful in sending him to a rock concert.
  602. <Octorok2> 4h, ?m
  603. <Octorok2> $endturn
  604. <Navi> Octorok2 has ended their turn. GuaySwarms: It is your turn now.
  605. <Navi> Turn Order: Vincent_Valentine (11), Red_Enrics (10), Kirran (9), Bob (8), HouenKyomu (7), Dex (6), Nolyghots (5), Octorok2 (2) and GuaySwarms (0).
  606. <Dex> also i totally forgot to add +1 to the defense against steam
  607. <Dex> a durr
  608. * GuaySwarms join together to form a x3 Flock.
  609. * GuaySwarms tries to Dive Bomb Red_Enrics! (Roll Courage)
  610. <GuaySwarms> $12d10
  611. <Navi> GuaySwarms: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 9, 7, 10, 9, 4, 9, 6, 6, 3, 10 and 6. Total: 81. Successes: 11.
  612. * Red_Enrics attempts to block
  613. <GuaySwarms> -1
  614. <Red_Enrics> $14
  615. <Red_Enrics> $14d10
  616. <Navi> Red_Enrics: You rolled 14 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 4, 8, 9, 10, 5, 9, 1, 7, 8, 1, 4, 6, 4 and 9. Total: 85. Successes: 10.
  617. <DM> ROLLOFF
  618. <Red_Enrics> $14d10
  619. <Navi> Red_Enrics: You rolled 14 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 1, 1, 6, 9, 1, 10, 8, 3, 4, 7, 7, 7 and 10. Total: 76. Successes: 10.
  620. <GuaySwarms> $12d10
  621. <Navi> GuaySwarms: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 6, 6, 6, 4, 1, 1, 8, 3, 4, 10 and 6. Total: 57. Successes: 7.
  622. <Dex> does the bleed carry over?
  623. * GuaySwarms misses and hits a rock, knocking off a heart.
  624. <DM> yes
  625. <DM> (... why does it even have a magic stat... lol)
  626. <GuaySwarms> 5h, ?m, bleeding, (-1 Guay)
  627. <GuaySwarms> $endturn
  628. <Navi> GuaySwarms has ended their turn. Vincent_Valentine: It is your turn now.
  629. <Navi> Turn Order: Vincent_Valentine (11), Red_Enrics (10), Kirran (9), Bob (8), HouenKyomu (7), Dex (6), Nolyghots (5), Octorok2 (2) and GuaySwarms (0).
  630. * GuaySwarms takes a bleed damage.
  631. <GuaySwarms> 4h, ?m, bleeding (-2 Guay)
  632. * Vincent_Valentine grabs his Spiked Boomerang and hurls it at a GuaySwam! (Roll Power!)
  633. <Vincent_Valentine> $16d10
  634. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine: You rolled 16 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 4, 6, 3, 7, 7, 1, 8, 7, 2, 9, 1, 1, 2, 8, 5 and 7. Total: 78. Successes: 9.
  635. <GuaySwarms> $4d10
  636. <Navi> GuaySwarms: You rolled 4 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 2, 6 and 7. Total: 16. Successes: 2.
  637. * GuaySwarms becomes a rebound shield for the Spiked Boomerang as it explodes on contact.
  638. <GuaySwarms> $removeme
  639. <Navi> GuaySwarms has removed theirself from the battle. Turn Order: Vincent_Valentine (11), Red_Enrics (10), Kirran (9), Bob (8), HouenKyomu (7), Dex (6), Nolyghots (5) and Octorok2 (2).
  640. * Vincent_Valentine 's boomerang redirects itself at an OP octorock. (Roll Power!)
  641. <Vincent_Valentine> $12d10
  642. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 10, 6, 7, 1, 4, 2, 5, 4, 10, 10 and 5. Total: 71. Successes: 11.
  643. <Octorok2> $15d10
  644. <Navi> Octorok2: You rolled 15 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 7, 1, 2, 8, 6, 9, 10, 4, 1, 5, 8, 2, 9 and 2. Total: 75. Successes: 9.
  645. * Octorok2 is hit, but the boomerang bounces off its skin.
  646. <DM> (OP octorock?)
  647. <Vincent_Valentine> :p
  648. <Red_Enrics> lol
  649. <Vincent_Valentine> $endturn
  650. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine has ended their turn. Red_Enrics: It is your turn now.
  651. <Navi> Turn Order: Vincent_Valentine (11), Red_Enrics (10), Kirran (9), Bob (8), HouenKyomu (7), Dex (6), Nolyghots (5) and Octorok2 (2).
  652. <Kirran> (Optorock?)
  653. <Octorok2> 4h, ?m
  654. <DM> (That's officially gonna be a need enemy.)
  655. <DM> *be a new enemy
  656. * Red_Enrics Attempts to kill the Octorock that way he's been doing this
  657. <Red_Enrics> $14d10
  658. <Navi> Red_Enrics: You rolled 14 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 10, 6, 4, 4, 7, 4, 7, 7, 8, 2, 6, 3 and 6. Total: 75. Successes: 9.
  659. <Octorok2> $9d10
  660. <Navi> Octorok2: You rolled 9 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 7, 5, 9, 2, 10, 1, 3 and 7. Total: 49. Successes: 7.
  661. * Octorok2 is hit, but once again, your pitiful attack bounces off its skin. Try again next time!
  662. <Octorok2> 4h, ?m
  663. * DM pokes Red_Enrics with $endturn?
  664. <Red_Enrics> Oh right
  665. <Red_Enrics> 12h 1m
  666. <Red_Enrics> $endturn
  667. <Navi> Red_Enrics has ended their turn. Kirran: It is your turn now.
  668. <Navi> Turn Order: Vincent_Valentine (11), Red_Enrics (10), Kirran (9), Bob (8), HouenKyomu (7), Dex (6), Nolyghots (5) and Octorok2 (2).
  669. * Kirran nocks an arrow and fires it at the Octorock (roll courage)
  670. <Kirran> $18d10
  671. <Navi> Kirran: You rolled 18 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 6, 8, 6, 3, 8, 10, 2, 8, 10, 10, 2, 6, 2, 8, 9, 4 and 10. Total: 117. Successes: 17.
  672. * Octorok2 pre-emptively submits to death, but rolls anyways.
  673. * Kirran is no longer afraid since the birds are dead.
  674. <Octorok2> $9d10
  675. <Navi> Octorok2: You rolled 9 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 3, 5, 5, 7, 7, 6, 5 and 10. Total: 54. Successes: 9.
  676. <Octorok2> 17 - 9 = 8 - 2= 6 damage
  677. * Octorok2 is torn to pieces as the basic arrow explodes inside of its flesh, turning it inside out.
  678. <Octorok2> $removeme
  679. <Navi> Octorok2 has removed theirself from the battle. Turn Order: Vincent_Valentine (11), Red_Enrics (10), Kirran (9), Bob (8), HouenKyomu (7), Dex (6) and Nolyghots (5).
  680. <DM> $init r
  681. <Navi> DM: The bot has been reset.
  682. <DM> +42 EXP
  683. <DM> +$42d8 Rupees
  684. <Dex> $42d8
  685. <Navi> Dex: You rolled 42 Dice with 8 Sides. Result: 5, 8, 3, 8, 5, 8, 5, 7, 6, 6, 5, 3, 6, 8, 8, 3, 6, 4, 8, 2, 7, 7, 7, 2, 4, 5, 7, 5, 7, 5, 3, 8, 3, 4, 1, 4, 7, 8, 1, 5, 5 and 4. Total: 223.
  686. <DM> Random Item Drops for GuaySwarms....
  687. <DM> $3d12
  688. <Navi> DM: You rolled 3 Dice with 12 Sides. Result: 7, 2 and 6. Total: 15.
  689. <Red_Enrics> $12d8
  690. <Navi> Red_Enrics: You rolled 12 Dice with 8 Sides. Result: 3, 3, 2, 3, 5, 6, 4, 6, 4, 3, 7 and 3. Total: 49.
  691. <Vincent_Valentine> $calc 21+42
  692. <Kefka> 21+42 = 63
  693. <Kirran> $42d8
  694. <Navi> Kirran: You rolled 42 Dice with 8 Sides. Result: 8, 3, 6, 3, 3, 8, 3, 3, 8, 1, 8, 3, 6, 7, 3, 1, 4, 5, 1, 6, 1, 4, 8, 7, 8, 5, 2, 1, 1, 3, 2, 7, 7, 7, 7, 8, 5, 4, 3, 4, 7 and 5. Total: 196.
  695. <DM> Random item drops for Octoroks....
  696. <DM> $2d12
  697. <Navi> DM: You rolled 2 Dice with 12 Sides. Result: 12 and 10. Total: 22.
  698. <Vincent_Valentine> $calc 63-35
  699. <Kefka> 63-35 = 28
  700. <Red_Enrics> $42d8
  701. <Navi> Red_Enrics: You rolled 42 Dice with 8 Sides. Result: 6, 5, 7, 4, 8, 6, 1, 3, 7, 5, 4, 6, 8, 8, 2, 7, 8, 5, 4, 1, 5, 3, 2, 4, 7, 7, 3, 6, 3, 4, 7, 6, 4, 3, 8, 8, 4, 8, 2, 4, 4 and 3. Total: 210.
  702. <DM> *A Heart Container, a bomb, a Water Scroll #1, and a Water Scroll #2 drop*
  703. * Red_Enrics yoinks the HC
  704. * Vincent_Valentine yoinks the bomb.
  705. <DM> (Annnnd no one is water, you're all lame.)
  706. * Dex shrugs.
  707. * HouenKyomu picks up both of them.
  708. * Kirran is shaky from the encounter.
  709. * Vincent_Valentine blames your systems.
  710. <HouenKyomu> Ooh, these look nice and shiny....
  711. * HouenKyomu can't use any of them and drops them on the gruond. I suppose someone could attempt to sell them later.
  712. <Kirran> I hope there's not more of those avian bastards where we're going.
  713. <DM> - scrolls, if anyone wants them
  714. <Red_Enrics> I have finished upgrading my chracter
  715. <Vincent_Valentine> $42d8
  716. <HouenKyomu> Hmm, let's see, if my memory serves me correctly, which it always does IN THE NAME OF SCIENCE..
  717. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine: You rolled 42 Dice with 8 Sides. Result: 2, 1, 1, 4, 6, 7, 7, 2, 5, 4, 1, 7, 2, 3, 1, 4, 4, 8, 2, 2, 3, 1, 3, 1, 5, 6, 4, 7, 8, 6, 3, 1, 3, 1, 7, 2, 2, 5, 7, 2, 3 and 7. Total: 160.
  718. <Vincent_Valentine> $calc 160+954
  719. <Kefka> 160+954 = 1,114
  720. <HouenKyomu> We'd have to head back to find the bird nest.
  721. * Kirran blanches at even the thought.
  722. <Kirran> Count me out of that one...
  723. <Dex> Guess I'll take the scrolls.
  724. <Red_Enrics> (Eating cereal)
  725. <HouenKyomu> Hmm, Deku Fortress should be just ahead.
  726. * Kirran drinks some milk and sits on a rock to calm down.
  727. <HouenKyomu> Now then, shall we head onwards?
  728. * HouenKyomu juggles some more elements around to pass the time.
  729. <Dex> Sure.
  730. * Nolyghots eats both of the Octorock's hearts
  731. <DM> (Careful Dex. You let the scientist lead ya around like that making the decisions for ya and the army might follow him.*
  732. <Dex> Well I'm tryin to eat the octorock eyeballs.
  733. <IndestructibleCarl> Whatcha doin' boss, we da gots to takes down dat greed pig, don'ts we?
  734. <Dex> Just having a snack IC.
  735. <Dex> You want an eyeball?
  736. <IndestructibleCarl> Uhh... sure... boss.
  737. * IndestructibleCarl takes the eyeball and eats it.
  738. <DM> $1d4
  739. <Navi> DM: You rolled 1 Die with 4 Sides. Result: 4. Total: 4.
  740. <Nolyghots> oooooh, Eyeballs, can I have one?!~
  741. * IndestructibleCarl enjoys the eyeball.
  742. <IndestructibleCarl> Ah, now DIS is good!
  743. * HouenKyomu waltzes on ahead without you lot.
  744. <Dex> Awright. I'm good to go.
  745. * Vincent_Valentine follows.
  746. <Dex> You boys ready?
  747. <IndestructibleCarl> Don't worry boss, dey can't kill me, I'm invicilbneareale.
  748. <Dex> Good cause you're most likely going to have to smash stuff.
  749. <Nolyghots> Dexy, can I have an eyeball?
  750. <IndestructibleCarl> Sweet!
  751. <Dex> Did we get a horn yet?
  752. <IndestructibleCarl> Dah... uhhhh.....
  753. * IndestructibleCarl just follows Dex with the rest of the army.
  754. <Dex> You can have an eyeball next time we murder something. Carl ate the last octorock eyeball.
  755. <Dex> LETS GO PEOPLE
  756. <Nolyghots> Aww!
  757. <DM> *You all continue to head east.*
  758. <Kirran> (I picture our scientist friend looking like this with the whole element juggling thing:
  759. <DM> (Fyi, HouenKyomu is based off of the main character of Steins;Gate, a really awesome anime)
  760. <DM> *After a few more minutes of walking, you find yourselves in front of bridge (made of large lilypads) leading up to a much larger fortress. A line of 6 guards with bow/arrows lines the top of the wall.*
  761. * Vincent_Valentine kicks Nolyghots out the window.
  762. <-- Vincent_Valentine has kicked Nolyghots from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed in front of a crashing jet! «14,251»)
  763. <DM> [Guard]: Halt! Who stands before the mighty great wall of our great king?
  764. <DM> *The gate on the other end of the bridge of lily pads appears to be open.*
  765. <Dex> Door to door vaccuum salesmen!
  766. <Dex> Need a vaccuum cleaner?
  767. <DM> [Guard]: A what?!
  768. <Dex> Sir don't tell me you don't have a vaccuum cleaner!
  769. <Blobby> Errm, boss, wot's a hackuum bleeder?
  770. <Dex> Why with a place this big you'd need 2 or 3 vaccuums at least!
  771. * Dex whispers to Blobby
  772. <DM> [Guard]: ... is it expensive?
  773. <Dex> Don't worry I'm trying to trick them.
  774. <Blobby> Oh. Ah, dat's our boss!
  775. * Blobby snaps his blobby fingers.
  776. <Dex> Well sir I can't tell a lie. It will cost a bit but don't worry. It won't burn a hole in your pocket!
  777. <Dex> In fact it practically PAYS FOR ITSELF after just a few cleanings!
  778. <Dex> It saves you a lot of work and, more importantly, a lot of time!
  779. <DM> [Guard]: Then... by our great lord, you are to rightfully bring it in and give it to him. You alone may cross; the others must stay.
  780. * Dex whispers to Bob.
  781. <Dex> If I'm not back in 5 minutes consider murderizing things.
  782. <Bob> Whuteva you says Boss.
  783. <Dex> Just let me get my sample case good sir and I will be right in!
  784. <DM> [Guard]: Do not delay! Everything of value belongs to the great lord. Bring it in at once!
  785. <Dex> Ok. Kirran Red and Vince you guys follow me.
  786. <Dex> Try to act like you're carrying something really really heavy.
  787. * HouenKyomu pokes a lily pad with his wand. It sinks slightly.
  788. <HouenKyomu> Hmm, you may want to be careful. Me thinks each pad won't hold more than one person at a time.
  789. * Vincent_Valentine does so. o.O'
  790. * Kirran plays along.
  791. <Dex> So we go in single file. Big whoop.
  792. <Red_Enrics> (Still on Autofollow)
  793. <DM> [Guard]: Man, whatever that vacuum is must be really heavy. Surely, a treat for the great lord!
  794. <Dex> Indeed this is why I need my associates to help me carry it in.
  795. <DM> *You all head across the bridge of lily pads, acting like you're carrying something heavy (THE WEIGHT OF MY 4TH WALL! ... ignore that).*
  796. * Vincent_Valentine kicks DM out the window.
  797. <-- Vincent_Valentine has kicked DM from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed in a sumo wrestling arena! «14,252»)
  798. <DM> touche
  799. <DM> *You all reach the other side fine. Huh, it's not a gate, just a really large open door.*
  800. <DM> *Inside is a wooden palace (just remembered, this place is the Deku Palace, not the Deku Fortress, derp), with well over 30 guards lined up before you.*
  801. <Kirran> (are the guards dekus or humans?)
  802. <DM> *Each guard is barely even carrying anything. Leather armor, some light clothing, and some very crude weapons.*
  803. <DM> (Humans)
  804. <DM> *Some bound-up Dekus are around as well, being prodded for the entertainment of the guards.*
  805. <DM> *Seems each guard isn't actually that strong, but there's definitely a lot of them.*
  806. <DM> *Ahead of you is a large hallway. Even more guards line the way, armed with spears, some half-broken swords, and not much else.*
  807. <DM> *One of the guards speak to you.*
  808. <DM> [Guard]: Right this, down to the end of the hallway. Our lord awaits.
  809. <DM> *He notices some of your extravagant gear.*
  810. <Dex> Excellent. Thank you my good fellow.
  811. <DM> [Guard]: Ooh, you've brought a lot for the lord. He will be most pleased!
  812. <Dex> Come gentlemen let's not keep his lordship waiting.
  813. <DM> *You reach a door at the end of the hallway. The handle seems cold to the touch.*
  814. <Dex> Could someone get this door for us. Our hands are full.
  815. <DM> *One of the guards shivers walking to it, quickly pulls it open and heads away.*
  816. <Kirran> You know Dex, if you played you cards right, I think you could easily add these guys to your ranks. They look terrible.
  817. <Dex> We'll see. They might be too fanatical.
  818. <DM> *Before you is a grand, blank room that feels like a freezer. A large, burly man clad in the frozen hide of a Lynel sits in a grand chair, atop of a small staircase. He seems bored out of his mind as he swings a massive curved sword around in the air.*
  819. <Dex> Hello sir. I take it you are the Man of the House?
  820. <DM> *He notices you lot at the door to his chamber and turns towards you.*
  821. <Red_Enrics> I blacked out for a second there, what happened?
  822. <GreedKing> Yes. I am the Greed King. Bow before me and hand over your items. They rightfully belong to me. You have simply been carrying them around for me.
  823. <Dex> Now hold on a minute sir, I'd like to show you a revolutionary new item.
  824. <Dex> It's called the vaccuum cleaner.
  825. <Nolyghots> Greed King, you say?
  826. <DM> (My god, you're actually doing this.)
  827. * Dex sets his vaccuum cleaner down.
  828. <Dex> Ok boys just set them down here next to mine.
  829. * Vincent_Valentine places his down next to Dex's.
  830. <GreedKing> Everything in this world belongs to me.
  831. <DM> (Don't actually remove the items from your profile.)
  832. <Dex> Ah yes indeed!
  833. <Nolyghots> Except me. :3
  834. <Dex> And what better way to accumulate the wealth than through this fine piece of technomagic?
  835. <GreedKing> A ghost? Also mine. It shall keep me company when I'm bored.
  836. <GreedKing> Techno... magic?
  837. <GreedKing> Please, demonstrate its... power... before my eyes.
  838. <Dex> Yes sir Technology meets Magic!
  839. <Dex> Ah you wish for a demonstration?
  840. <Dex> Well I'm afraid these are just the show models they don't actually work.
  841. <Nolyghots> Sorry, but my life belongs to someone else.
  842. <Dex> HOWEVER
  843. <Dex> As it just so happens we have a few working models outside!
  844. <GreedKing> Then bring them in.
  845. <GreedKing> Do not waste my time with these pitiful imitations.
  846. <Dex> Right away sir. Would you care to see the deulux version in action or just the standard model?
  847. <GreedKing> All of them. They all belong to me, after all.
  848. * GrammarNazi eats Dex's typo!
  849. * GrammarNazi spits out the typoes at Dex1
  850. <Dex> Hmmm. Well in that case I might need to recruit all of my sales associates in order to bring them all inside.
  851. <GrammarNazi> (Deluxe*)
  852. <Dex> Is this ok Sir?
  853. <Dex> dex1?
  854. <GreedKing> Hmm... that is acceptable.
  855. <Kirran> (Dex Bluffmaster)
  856. <Dex> We'll be right back sir.
  857. <DM> (Somehow, that actually worked.)
  858. <GreedKing> Be quick. I do not have time to triffle with slow pokes.
  859. <Kirran> (He really is the Greed King)
  860. <Dex> Let's go gentlemen.
  861. <Dex> are we outside yet?
  862. <GreedKing> Waste my time and I'll waste your life.
  863. <DM> *You head back outside, where you see Bob ready to give the order to attack.*
  864. <Dex> Ok guys everyone has to act like they are carrying something heavy
  865. <Dex> Invisible and heavy.
  866. <Dex> Got it?
  867. <Bob> Yeah Boss I got it.
  868. * Red_Enrics pulls out hius THumda Hamma
  869. <Red_Enrics> *Thunda
  870. <Dex> The rest of you understand?
  871. <Red_Enrics> Oh, them
  872. <DM> *They all nod.*
  873. * Red_Enrics puts the Thunda Hamma away
  874. <Dex> Ok single file across the bridge now. Don't fight till you hear the signal.
  876. <DM> *You head back across the bridge. Slowly..... scene transition granted.*
  877. <DM> *All of you are inside the grand hallway, surrounded by the guards. They all seem a bit.... agitated.*
  878. <Dex> Could someone get the door for us again. These vaccuum cleaners are heavy.
  879. * Nolyghots gets it
  880. <Dex> Thanks.
  881. <Nolyghots> This means next time you owe me TWO Eyeballs
  882. <DM> *You're met by the GreedKing's sword hovering about a foot in front of your face (Dex).*
  883. <Dex> Hi. We're back.
  884. <GreedKing> Did you really think you could just sneak your way in here with those fakes?
  885. <Dex> What fakes?
  886. <GreedKing> We looked at the model. It fell apart the moment we touched it.
  887. <Dex> Sir the display models are just for show.
  888. <Dex> THESE are the real models.
  889. <Dex> OK boys put them down in front of the throne so His Lordship can take a look at them.
  890. * GreedKing continues to block the door.
  891. * Vincent_Valentine kicks GreedKing out the window.
  892. <-- Vincent_Valentine has kicked GreedKing from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed in the Arctic Ocean «14,254»)
  893. * Nolyghots phases through GreedKing
  894. <DM> *If his room is that cold, does that count as the Arctic Ocean?*
  895. * DM runs.
  896. <Nolyghots> Hmm.
  897. * Vincent_Valentine kicks DM out the window.
  898. <-- Vincent_Valentine has kicked DM from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed on the net of a tennis match! Uhoh, this could get ugly. «14,255»)
  899. <DM> touche
  900. <GreedKing> Hmm... very well.
  901. * GreedKing stands to the side, sword still drawn.
  902. <Dex> Now then. You seem to be a man who likes the finer things in life am I right?
  903. <GreedKing> Likes? Nay, they are mine.
  904. <Dex> But you do enjoy things of a higher quality correct?
  905. <GreedKing> Of course. It's the best a man can get.
  906. <DM> GILETTE
  907. * DM ruuuuuuuuuns.
  908. * Vincent_Valentine kicks DM out the window.
  909. <-- Vincent_Valentine has kicked DM from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed on Yoshi's tongue! Whoa! «14,256»)
  910. <Kirran> (saw that one coming)
  911. <Dex> Yes sir I could tell at a glance.
  912. <Dex> Now how would you like in on a little secret?
  913. <GreedKing> It's a secret no more. Spit it out. Knowledge belongs to me as well.
  914. <GreedKing> All secrets are known to me.
  915. <Dex> Well. One of these is the best vaccuum cleaner we make.
  916. <Nolyghots> Like this secret?
  917. * Nolyghots presses a switch, revealing a treasure
  918. <Dex> But a man such as yourself probably doesn't want the common rabble to see it.
  919. * Nolyghots 's eyes gleam
  920. <GreedKing> On the contrary, the fools need to see me in all my greatest glory.
  921. <Nolyghots> *Treasure room
  922. <Dex> Ah but if they see THIS vaccuum they might try to steal it from you.
  923. <DM> (Fyi, this is ending sometime withint he next 10 minutes, twill continue (and probably finish) tomorrow at 7:30pm CST)
  924. <GreedKing> Fools!
  925. <GreedKing> I am the King of Greed. Those that try to steal from me shall fall to my blade.
  926. <Vincent_Valentine> (Might I ask why the super-early start time today)
  927. <DM> (cause I'm running the session for high level players after this one)
  928. <Vincent_Valentine> (ahh)
  929. <Nolyghots> You might wanna look at your treasure room then, big monster man!
  930. <Nolyghots> Everything is gooooooone~
  931. <Vincent_Valentine> (Well then, intermission needed, I NEED FOOD.)
  932. * Nolyghots flees with his treasure
  933. * Kirran engages Sheikah stealh mode while Dex bluffs.
  934. * Nolyghots phases through a wall
  935. <GreedKing> I have no treasure room. I myself am the greatest treasure of all.
  936. <Dex> Tell you what sir. You send your guards away and take a look at this vaccuum first. Then you can decide if its worth the risk of showing it off to the commoners.
  937. <Nolyghots> Eh?
  938. <Dex> I mean you don't want to have to kill your minions do you?
  939. <DM> (Kirran, roll Wisdom)
  940. <Nolyghots> Then what'd I just steal?
  941. <Dex> Less minions means less people to bask in your glory.
  942. <Kirran> $12d10
  943. <Navi> Kirran: You rolled 12 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 3, 2, 7, 8, 4, 6, 3, 3, 9, 10 and 3. Total: 63. Successes: 7.
  944. <DM> Air. Air in its finest.
  945. <DM> *Kirran hides away undetected against the chaos that is suspense.*
  946. <GreedKing> These here are the most loyal of my servants. They will not steal from me.
  947. <GreedKing> Now, show it to me!
  948. * Kirran sneaks away to see if there's anything he can do to free the bound dekus he saw earlier.
  949. <Dex> Well sir if you're sure...
  950. <Dex> but...
  951. <Dex> what about them outside?
  952. <Dex> Can you trust them too?
  953. <DM> *The Dekus are bound just by ropes. You can cut them free just fine.*
  954. <GreedKing> Of course. They're mine. My own loyal servants.
  955. <GreedKing> Now get to it and show me!
  956. <Dex> But how can you be sure sir?
  957. <Dex> What if, even now, they plot to overthrow you?
  958. <GreedKing> Their plot to overthrow me would be my property.
  959. <GreedKing> ........
  960. * Kirran proceeds to free them as quickly as he can, whispering for them to be quiet and asking if they'd join the group to get their palaca back.
  961. <GreedKing> ... wait, let me think that through real fast.
  962. <Kirran> palace*
  963. <DM> $1d3
  964. <Navi> DM: You rolled 1 Die with 3 Sides. Result: 2. Total: 2.
  965. <DM> *You untie two groups when a guard notices you.*
  967. <Kirran> (thinking quickly) He asked for them to be present for the vacuum unveiling.
  968. <DM> *More guards notice you and surround you, though Dex's army helps confront them.*
  969. <Nolyghots> You know what?
  970. <Nolyghots> It's time for me to help!
  971. * Nolyghots possesses one of the guards
  972. <DM> (Roll Wis- nevermind, they have no wisdom, all yours)
  973. <Nolyghots> (Preferably a Female Guard. :3)
  974. <DM> (Uhh, sure why not.)
  975. <DM> *The sound of the commotion reaches the throne room.*
  976. <GreedKing> What's that?!
  977. <Dex> did the king think it through yet?
  978. <GreedKing> I demand to know what's causing that racket outside!
  979. <Dex> Well you wanted a demonstration yes?
  980. <GreedKing> SHOW ME NOW!
  981. <Dex> I need some deku scrubs to power the machinery.
  982. * GreedKing grows tired of this madness.
  983. <Nolyghots> MAdness?!
  984. <Nolyghots> THIS
  985. <Nolyghots> IS
  986. * Vincent_Valentine kicks Nolyghots out the window.
  988. <Nolyghots> NOLY!
  989. <-- Vincent_Valentine has kicked Nolyghots from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed in a Billy Ronald quest! «14,257»)
  990. <Dex> Welp I guess the jig is up.
  991. * Nolyghots kicks GreedKing in the face
  992. <Dex> It was a good run
  993. <Dex> ATTACK BOYS!
  994. <HouenKyomu> Let's make this a bit confusing.
  995. <GreedKing> WHAT, WHERE'D YOU COME FRO-
  997. <Red_Enrics> SHAZAM!
  998. <Red_Enrics> SCYTHE POWER
  999. * HouenKyomu envelops the fortress in a vision-blocking mist.
  1000. * Red_Enrics runs into battle
  1002. <DM> *palace
  1003. <Nolyghots> MWAHAHAHAHAHA!
  1004. <Nolyghots> MWAHAHAHAHAHA!~<3
  1005. * GrammarNazi eats HouenKyomu's misused words.
  1006. * Nolyghots laughs alongside Kyomo
  1007. * GrammarNazi spits the typoes out at HouenKyomu!
  1008. <DM> -=QUEST PAUSE=-
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