

Jun 29th, 2016
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  1. CTG: /afk
  2. ?AO: You march toward the edge.
  3. ?AO: As you do so, the number of fallen robots, shattered gems, and gigantic artillery units increases exponentially, all pointing in one direction.
  4. ?AO: Said direction is almost right on the edge. Shall you head toward it, or dig through the remnants of war?
  5. CAU: Investigate the remnants. There may be something we can make use of.
  6. ?AO: You manage to wholly scavenge a small amount of main phase artillery cannons, and every shattered gem you can see.
  7. CTG ceased responding to memo.
  8. ?AO: Now what?
  9. CAA ceased responding to memo.
  10. CAU: Continue forth in the direction all the wreckage is ominously pointing towards.
  11. CURRENT absoluteCoolness [CAC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  12. CAC: Yeah, I don't think this one file is uploadable???
  13. ?AO: You head forth.
  14. ?AO: At one point, the masses of corpses and shards seem to part, leaving a path toward your destination. How kind.
  15. ?AO: You can now see it. There is some sort of hill on the edge, with an oddly-colored acacia tree on the top.
  16. ?AO: Hideous burn marks have been carved into the sides of the hill, along with blast craters.
  17. ?AO: AU.
  18. CAU: Ah. Continue forth to the odd acacia tree to investigate.
  19. ?AO: You reach the top of the hill. There are a number of things scattered about. The place seems almost homely, devoid of any marks of war itself.
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