
rgre anonicorn

Nov 20th, 2019
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  1. //Recap\\
  2. >In his heart of hearts Anon doesn't resent Twilight because she's rude and patronizing
  3. >at least entirely
  4. >lots of ponies are rude and patronizing, and it did become apparent after a while that she wasn't trying to be
  5. >Anon has always been secretly afraid that Twilight was his replacement
  6. >A lively talented filly to swap out for the shambling retard
  7. >he had recurring nightmares where the wings were plucked from his back and given to the child Celestia always wished she had and the impostor is sent away
  8. >Twilight's ascension brought them back with the added humiliation that no one even wanted his horn and wings anymore
  9. _
  10. >>Twilight's ascension brought them back with the added humiliation that no one even wanted his horn and wings anymore
  11. >Before, Anon at least had the comfort that Twilight was only a unicorn
  12. >Celestia had many students in the past and doted on many ponies, but she had never had a proper alicorn offspring to call her own
  13. >A pony who looked just like she did and was undeniably her's
  14. >And then, Twilight ascended
  15. >Now look at her
  16. >The perfect heir
  17. >Wings, horn; an alicorn, just like Celestia
  18. >Eager to help out, devours books, and has magical powers that rival Celestia
  19. >And then there's Anon, who now has a proper young alicorn to compare himself to
  20. >Insecurities he thought he had gotten over come rushing back, and child-like shame overtakes him like a crashing wave
  21. >"Mom deserved someone like Twilight. Instead, she got me."
  22. _
  23. >Anonicorn starts hiding away.
  24. >Trying to improve himself on his own, learn to control his magic better.
  25. >It doesn't work too well.
  26. >A torn book and a blown out wall later and he's being told off by a stressed out Celestia who's been listening to whining nobles who want to be alicorns.
  27. >Things are said in anger while she's not thinking about it.
  28. >Things like "You should know better, you know you can't control your magic, you're not like a normal unicorn, you're dangerous! Now look, you've destroyed a wall and Twilight's favorite book!".
  29. >She forgets the book's main design is teaching ponies to control their magic.
  30. >Anon still thinking about him getting replaced by Twilight, and Celestia's stress induced rant, Anon leaves the castle without a trace, and heading to a far away town.
  31. >Celestia panics and sends guards to find her colt, he can't make it on his own of course.
  32. >But Anon found a town he can fit in.
  33. >A town everypony can fit in, lead by a smart purple unicorn, who just wants him to join their town.
  34. >No cutiemark? No problem.
  35. _
  36. >is Cadance a bad enough mare to save the Princess' son?
  37. _
  38. //Recap\\
  39. >Cadence had done a thorough search for her cousin.
  40. >The crystal Empire had more guards to spare as they don't have to deal with weekly big bads.
  41. >She doesn't tell Celestia, but tells Luna and has a battalion of guards as a fail safe for this unknown town.
  42. >She didn't tell Celestia because she felt like she'd be too emotional, and Anon left for a reason, the only ponies to interact with him were Twilight and Celestia, if she brought them then convincing him could be difficult.
  43. >Be Cadence.
  44. >You relax yourself as you fly to the town.
  45. >Once you touch down you're quickly greeted, by a few ponies with creepy smiles.
  46. >"Hello! Welcome to our town!"
  47. >You take a deep inhale and grit your teeth before putting on a diplomatic smile.
  48. >You've dealt with ponies like this.
  49. >Brain washed freaks.
  50. "Hello, I'm looking for a friend of mine h-"
  51. >"We're all friends here!" One interrupts.
  52. >You nod.
  53. "Good for you dear. Now, he's a green alicorn named Anon. I-"
  54. >"Hello!" A purple unicorn again interrupts making you want to zap her already. "My name is Starlight Glimmer! The leader of our town!"
  55. "I didn't ask."
  56. >You let slip.
  57. "Look, I'm just here to talk to Anon and see if he'd come home an-"
  58. >"Why would he want to leave?" Again you're interrupted by the weirdo, probably lieing leader with a god complex. "Our town is wonderful! We don't let ourselves be held back by our cutiemarks like others! He's free to do as he wants and not be held to a specific field like other! Why, you shoul-"
  59. "Nope."
  60. >You have had enough and burst out a nerve lock area spell, freezing all the weirdos.
  61. "Okay, now. My name is princess Cadence of the crystal Empire. I'm looking for my young cousin Anon. I know he came here, he leaves a faint mana trail as he goes. I know he's been here for at least a four or so days. I know you've probably tried brainwashing him. I don't care about your freaky little town, and your freaky little smiles, or your freaky little life where you'll drink your freaky death juice. What I'm going to ask, is: Where. Is. He!"
  62. >You say putting a venomous tone in the last three words.
  63. >The purple unicorn motions her eyes to the biggest house.
  64. >Oh buck no.
  65. "Is that your house? Blink once for yes, twice for no."
  66. >Once.
  67. "Now you listen closely. If I find out your freaky little hoofs even grazed his private parts, your freaky town will have a new statue!"
  68. >You say as you go to walk away but stop as you go to pass her.
  69. >You spit in your hoof and rub her equal mark, it fades away to reveal her real mark.
  70. "Tsk, new it. He better not be in your bedroom either cunt licker."
  71. >You say as you trot towards the house.
  72. >Coming inside you call out.
  73. "Anon? Anon, are you in here?"
  74. >"Cadence?" A familiar voice calls from upstairs.
  75. >You speed upstairs to find him infact in a mares room sitting on her bed.
  76. >Luckily he doesn't have that creepy smile.
  77. >He has a equal mark on his flank.
  78. "Anon, what are you doing in here!?"
  79. >Anon tilts his head confused.
  80. >"Oh, Glimmer said she knew a kind of magic I could learn, and she was gonna teach me in private."
  81. >...
  82. >The mare's dead.
  83. >But for now you have a colt to talk to.
  84. "Anon, why'd you run away? Your mother's been worried."
  85. >You say gently as you trot up and hop onto the bed to sit next to him.
  86. >Anon looks at the floor and doesn't answer.
  87. "Anon, if something's going on you could at least come stay with me and Shining. Not go to some freaky out of the way town."
  88. >"And show no matter what I'm useless?"
  89. "Oh... Anon, you're not useless. You just... don't work like other pon-"
  90. >"I'm not retarded!" He yells wings flaring out. "I'm not! I'm just a limited learner, I still know things and can learn things! I can learn to do magic! I can be as good as-"
  91. >His anger dies down and his wings slump.
  92. >Tears well up in his eyes.
  93. >You put a hoof against his own, and look at him.
  94. "Anon, you're not retarded, I know that. When you were younger that no filly or colt could, you excelled in your nonmagic classes. You're right, you are a slow learner in certain things, but you're not retarded or useless. One day if you keep trying you'll be just as good as any other pony, given the time, if not better, especially since you're a alicorn, time is something you've got to spare, and that's something no pony else can say."
  95. >"No pony but Twilight." He mumbles.
  96. >Twilight?
  97. "Did Twilight do something Anon?"
  98. >"What hasn't she done! She's the perfect unicorn turned alicorn! She's trained under mom! Defeated Nightmare Moon, the lord of chaos, and the changeling queen!" He says as the tears start to fall. "She's befriended everypony! She's the ultimate powerhouse that could help everypony she meets and can do any spell she reads! She earned her wings and my mother's admiration! Everything I haven't!"
  99. >Stray sparks shoot from his horn.
  100. >You grab hold and hug him close.
  101. "It's okay."
  102. >You hum as you pat him on the back.
  103. "I'm sorry I didn't recognize it sooner, and I'm sorry I didn't stop it sooner. I know Twilight has been doing some note worthy stuff, and I should have know with all the time Celestia spent with Twilight since she was a filly it must have come at a cost for you."
  104. >You feel his hoof hug onto you as you talk.
  105. "But Celestia still loves you, she just gets so caught up with the work of a nation, and the school, and everything, she forgets her main job, and that's a mother. I'm not saying forgive her for all the time she took, but don't blame Twilight or your mother, Twilight doesn't want to replace you, and Celestia would never replace you. You're her flesh and blood, and that's something Twilight will never be."
  106. >The words seem to stick, if only somewhat.
  107. >You normally leave this kind of thing to Shining, but you think you did a somewhat good job.
  108. >Soon the hug breaks, and Anon wipes away the tears.
  109. "Heh, besides, with all the mana you got you'll give Twilight a run for her bits if you ever study hard enough."
  110. >Anon chuckles a bit, even if it is forced.
  111. >"Yeah. Guess I should come back to Canterlot huh. Mom's already gotta be worried huh?"
  112. >You think for a bit.
  113. "Nah, she kind of deserves to worry for a bit longer. How's about you come back to the Crystal Empire with me and Shining for a bit? We'll help you with your magic, we've got a fireing range where you can missfire as much as you want while you train."
  114. >"What about aunt Luna?"
  115. "We'll make a private message for her to let her know what's going on. If anypony should know what it feels like to be shunned by Celestia, it's her."
  116. >Anon smiles a bit and hugs you again.
  117. >"Thanks Cadence."
  118. >You two separate and head outside.
  119. >You try to get rid of the equal mark and it works.
  120. "How you feeling?"
  121. >"Still a bit drained. I think she keeps the cutiemarks and power in some cave wall over there." He says pointing over to a artificial looking cave.
  122. >A quick teleportation spell later and you're inside.
  123. >The wall is massive.
  124. >Looking around you see a bright green glow in one of the cubes.
  125. >A quick lazer spell later and the glass shatters and cutiemarks go flying.
  126. >And so does Anon as he gets flung back by his own magic hitting him.
  127. >You rush over and check on him to see him rubbing his head.
  128. "Told you, you had a big storage space."
  129. >You say jokingly.
  130. >But then you notice something off.
  131. "Anon, what's that on your flank?"
  132. >He quits rubbing his head and looks.
  133. >There on his flank is a big '?'.
  134. >"Is that my... cutiemark?"
  135. >You give it a quick check with your magic.
  136. >Nothing anomalous.
  137. >"It feels... right? Is that the word."
  138. >You chuckle.
  139. "Well Anon. Looks like you got your cutiemark, congratulations!"
  140. >You quickly lift him up and hold him to your side as you ruffle his mane.
  141. >"AGH! Hahaha! Thanks Cadence!" He says pushing you off with a smile.
  142. "Shining is gonna flip when he sees that colt."
  143. >Anon chuckles and looks at his mark.
  144. >"Yeah, he will. Let's get out of here." He says as you both leave the cave.
  145. >Once outside you teleport to the town again and point south.
  146. "Alright, just fly south for a bit and you'll meet up with Shining and the battalion."
  147. >"You're not coming?"
  148. "I will in a bit. I gotta do something real quick."
  149. >Anon looks confused but nods anyway and makes his rather slow flight to the south.
  150. >As he gets out of sight you walk to the purple unicorn.
  151. "What did I tell you would happen bitch?"
  152. >Be Shining.
  153. >You see a small green form on the horizon slowly making it's way towards you and the battalion.
  154. >You turn to see no pegasus moving.
  155. "Well!? What are you fillies waiting for, a personal bucking invitation from Celestia herself!?"
  156. >They still stand there but now looking at you with surprise and confusion.
  157. "A prince is flying around a unknown area alone."
  158. >They still just stand there.
  159. >How did they even pass training?
  160. "Go assist the prince!"
  161. >You yell and finally the pidgeon that call themselves guard take off.
  162. >You place a hoof to your head as you watch them flop into one another, a couple falling to the ground in a puff of dirt.
  163. "Ugh, medics. Get those mares on some pulleys."
  164. >"Yes my prince!" They call back quickly rushing to the crash sites.
  165. >At least there's some competition ponies in this battalion.
  166. >You watch as the pegasus who are still active flank on either side of the prince.
  167. >You notice there's a high intensity of mares covering the rear.
  168. >Not a one of them actually looking behind.
  169. >You make note of them for PT.
  170. >Nasty little hellions, you don't think he's even legal yet, and these mares are trying to sneak a peek.
  171. >Anon doesn't go very fast with his wings yet still, but you don't blame him.
  172. >The poor colt is... damaged if what you hear is right.
  173. >Doesn't make him any less of a pony.
  174. >But you and the others know to treat him with more ca-
  175. >A message in Cadence's magic appears before you.
  176. >"Hey honey, I'm gonna be a bit, wrapping something up in this town. Anon's going through some stuff right now. Try and talk to him about it, I got him to open up, so it should be easy for you."
  177. >Oh, that puts a new look on this.
  178. >You're good at these situations, but it still never makes it easier.
  179. >You really wish Cadence would clarify more but at least you know he needs a friend right now.
  180. >Eventually Anon touches down with a bit of trouble and the guards land with him.
  181. >The mares behind him seem zoned in on something and don't move.
  182. >Anon seems to take notice and shuffles around a bit.
  183. "Any mare who is still behind the prince is to have a eight page report on why we respect the royal family and keep ourselves to a higher standard of respect to those around us by tomorrow."
  184. >That seems to snap them out of their trance and they quickly move to get back into the formation.
  185. >"Thanks." Anon says low enough for only you to hear, seemingly feeling a bit more easy. "Not that I don't like the attention, it just gets... weird after awhile."
  186. >What?
  187. >You really need to have Cadence talk to Anon on some things.
  188. >For now focus on the task at hoo-
  189. >Is that?
  190. "A cutiemark!? Oh my goodness Anon that's amazing! You got your cutiemark! We should have a celebration! I can't believe it! We got to-"
  191. >You stop yourself as you remember the battalion behind you.
  192. >You straighten your fur.
  193. >Focus Shining.
  194. "How about we talk for a bit, a little colt talk?"
  195. >He looks a bit confused but nods.
  196. >"Sure. What about them?" He ask nodding to the battalion.
  197. >You put up a sight and noise suppression dome.
  198. >Anon looks in amazement, making you swell a bit with pride.
  199. >"I totally need to learn this." He says before looking at you. "What was it you wanted to talk about Shining?"
  200. >You think on your words for a bit.
  201. "Your mom's been pretty worried you know."
  202. >Anon sighs.
  203. >"Yeah, me and Cadence already talked about that." He says inspecting the dome.
  204. >Alright, at least she went through that.
  205. "So, why'd you leave?"
  206. >"I just felt, felt like mom was trying to replace me." He says meeting your eyes. "Get rid of the old junky green carriage for the fresh new purple one. I guess replace isn't the right word, especially since she was around before me."
  207. "Replaced? By wh-"
  208. >You stop mid sentence as you realize it.
  209. "Twilight?"
  210. >Anon looks surprised.
  211. >"How did you-"
  212. "I went through the same thing brother."
  213. >You interrupt him with a hoof.
  214. "Still kinda am. Not that I don't love my sister to death, it's just, you feel like you're in the shadow of somepony so much better than you. Everything you do she'll do better given the time. Buck, I married Cadence and became royalty, then she pops out wings. Even when I was a kid, I mastered defensive and offensive spells, I worked hard every day to be the best I could, fought against the gender roles given to stallions, and tore my way up the ranks. Then Twilight is way younger than me and already stronger and Celestia's personal student."
  215. >Anon chuckles.
  216. >"About the same time I started feeling less was when she started that almost a year after I came" He says with a sad smile. "I mean, granted I was way younger, she was still levitating stuff with perscesion at that age, and I could barely stand up, and as she kept speeding through and-"
  217. "You felt like you were standing still."
  218. >You nod.
  219. "Exactly the same. But at least you had your mom right?"
  220. >He rolls his eyes.
  221. >"When she wasn't teaching or praising Twilight." He kicks a rock at the dome. "Most of the stuff I learned came from maids. Mom was always too busy with Twilight or Equestria to really focus on me."
  222. >Wow, that's gotta suck.
  223. >At least you always had mom or dad.
  224. >A colt definitely needs his parents growing up, and the onlynone he had was too busy.
  225. "Yeah, that could hurt."
  226. >Anon waves his hooves in a dismissive motion.
  227. >"I don't blame them though! Twilight was a filly and Mom is a princess. The nation is more important than some dumb col-"
  228. "DON'T call yourself dumb!"
  229. >Anon looks shocked.
  230. "You're not, and you deserved just as much love as anypony else! Celestia bucked up, not you. Celestia was the one that had you, not the other way around. I'm not saying she should have dropped everything and just ran to your beckoned whim, but she should have made time, and if those nobles couldn't handle that they could shove it!"
  231. >Anon shakes his head.
  232. >"Shining, it's okay. She still loved me, she just had more important thi-"
  233. "No Anon, when a mare has a foal that is what becomes important! Nothing else comes before it, nothing!"
  234. >"Shining I really don't know why you're so worked up like this. I mean it's not like you have a-" Anon's eyes go wide. "Wait... is Cadence?"
  235. >Oh buck.
  236. "Whaaaat? Nooo, of course not. I don't even think she can-"
  237. >Anon just looks at you unbelieving.
  238. "Please don't tell anypony! It's a secret! Cadence and I wanted to announce it later and- and... wait, how do you know about that kind of stuff? Aren't you a bit young?"
  239. >"Mom told me. One of the few things she did." He says with a shrug.
  240. "So you know about-"
  241. >"The magic creature that makes a magic baby when a mare is really happy. Yep." He says with a nod. "At least that's how she said I was made."
  242. >Alright, that makes more sense.
  243. "Yeah, that. Anyway, you shouldn't feel like you're less because of Twilight."
  244. >He nods.
  245. >"I know, me and Cadence talked about it already."
  246. >The dome is quiet for a bit.
  247. "It's okay if you want to cry you know?"
  248. >"I already did." He says as this starts to get awkward.
  249. "Want a hug?"
  250. >You say spreading your hooves.
  251. >He smiles at you.
  252. >"Sure."
  253. >The two of you hug for a bit and separate.
  254. "You're like a little brother to me, you know that?"
  255. >"Yeah, thanks bro."
  256. >You sock him in the front hoof.
  257. "Then don't you disappear on me like that again! You had me flipping out colt!"
  258. >"Owww" He whines rubbing the spot and you raise a hoof and he puts his out defensively. "Okay, okay, I won't."
  259. >You blow air through your nose.
  260. "Good."
  261. >Again the dome is silent.
  262. "Okay, well let me lower the dome."
  263. >"Wait!" He yelps and you stop the lowering spell "Wait. Could I ask you for something bro?"
  264. >You tilt your head curiously.
  265. "Sure, what's up?"
  266. >"Could, could you help me learn to use my magic better?" He says with a hopeful glow in his green eyes.
  267. >You feel more joy in your heart than you did when he was amazed by the dome.
  268. >You tug him to your side and squeeze him tight.
  269. >He really sees you as worthy to be his teacher!
  270. >You're a colt teaching a alicorn to use magic!
  271. >You feel like Starswirl the bearded!
  272. "Of course I'll help you!"
  273. >"C-Can't breath!" He whines causing you to let go.
  274. >You rub the back of your head in embarrassment.
  275. "Heh, sorry bro. This just means alot to me!"
  276. >"I-I can tell." He says catching his breath.
  277. >You let him finish before finally lowering the dome.
  278. >"Wait, I think I see something, are they kiss- woah!" A bunch of mares fall onto the floor who were pressed against the dome.
  279. >You look down disappointed as they groan.
  280. >Other mares with self control are doing the same.
  281. >It's at this point Cadence finally arrives.
  282. >"Sorry that took so long. What's going on?" She says looking at the mares laying before you and Anon.
  283. "These mares just earned a jog around the castle fifty times."
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