
CC Ultimate Solar gegen Quantum gen Tauscher

Feb 13th, 2017
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  1. p=peripheral.wrap("top") --PIM
  2. me=peripheral.wrap("bottom")
  3. inv={}
  4. while true do
  5. if p.getSizeInventory() then
  6. for i=0,39 do
  7. inv[i]=p.getStackInSlot(i)
  8. if inv[i]==nil then
  9. inv[i]={}
  10. end
  11. end
  12. i=0
  13. while inv[i]["id"]~=194 and inv[i]["dmg"]~=2 and inv[i]["qty"]~=64 and i<39 do
  14. i=i+1
  15. end
  16. print(i)
  17. if inv[i]["id"]==194 and inv[i]["dmg"]==2 and inv[i]["qty"]==64 and i<39 then
  18. print("Solars erkannt")
  19. end
  21. end
  22. sleep(0.5)
  23. end
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