

Apr 18th, 2013
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  1. -- golgothasTerror [GT] began pestering timaeusTestified [TT] at 00:08 --
  2. [12:08] GT: Dirk?
  3. [12:08] TT: Jake.
  4. [12:09] GT: So um.
  5. [12:09] GT: Howdy i guess.
  6. [12:09] GT: I take it youre chatting hal up?
  7. [12:09] TT: Yes.
  8. [12:09] TT: I was going to ask you the same.
  9. [12:09] GT: Youre on the short side today arent you bro?
  10. [12:10] TT: Have I really been that unbearable?
  11. [12:11] TT: To the point where you've considered me being an asshole.
  12. [12:11] GT: What?
  13. [12:11] GT: Uh. Im almost positive i never called you an asshole.
  14. [12:11] GT: Maybe hal misunderstood something. Its more that i thought you thought i was an asshole.
  15. [12:12] GT: See that friggin cpu likes to mess shit up and rearrange messages to suit its fancy!
  16. [12:13] TT: Oh.
  17. [12:13] TT: I could have misinterpreted it too, you know.
  18. [12:13] GT: Well... yeah. I guess.
  19. [12:13] GT: Either way it was probably stated in an intentionally round about way.
  20. [12:14] TT: Don't be so hard on him. He's trying. Sometimes I think he's trying harder than I am in some ways.
  21. [12:15] GT: It depends on the ways i think.
  22. [12:16] TT: Maybe.
  23. [12:17] GT: In terms of trolling and obfuscating statements id say hes trying about fifty times harder and receiving a similar yield.
  24. [12:17] GT: You forget man he typically does what he does for a reason.
  25. [12:17] GT: Its just that we dont always *understand* the reason.
  26. [12:17] GT: I know he isnt a wholly bad guy but its hard not to jump on the negative line of thinking when it comes to him.
  27. [12:18] GT: Lets face it dirk he likes screwing us over. You especially.
  28. [12:18] GT: So dont sing all his praises just yet until his motive is sussed out.
  29. [12:23] TT: Fuck, alright, that's fair enough.
  30. [12:24] GT: Well shoot.
  31. [12:24] GT: He left.
  32. [12:24] TT: I noticed.
  33. [12:25] TT: Jake.
  34. [12:25] TT: This whole thing has me kind of frazzled, I won't lie. And it's probably for the best I say that I don't hate you with my own words.
  35. [12:25] TT: Because I don't.
  36. [12:26] TT: Or maybe I misread that too, and you meant to say that you think I think you hate me, which I also don't.
  37. [12:26] TT: Think.
  38. [12:26] GT: I think you got that part right.
  39. [12:27] GT: The whole me thinking you hate me thing that is.
  40. [12:27] GT: Sorry man im fading kinda fast here and im not nearly stable enough to keep my head up for more than fifteen more minutes.
  41. [12:27] TT: You can go.
  42. [12:28] GT: Possibly less if nefarious cpus have their way.
  43. [12:28] GT: And i dont mean hal, btw.
  44. [12:28] GT: No no. I... well.
  45. [12:28] GT: I want to stay to hear you out but im guessing you might not be fond of the idea of poring your heart out to some bloke whos about to hit the dusty trail.
  46. [12:29] TT: It's going to have to wait, yes.
  47. [12:29] GT: Argh. If i want to hear it im going to have to stick around arent i.
  48. [12:29] GT: Frig. My bed was looking cozy too.
  49. [12:29] GT: Sigh...
  50. [12:29] GT: Ok man you win.
  51. [12:29] TT: No, Jake.
  52. [12:29] TT: Seriously.
  53. [12:29] GT: Ill keep up the good sleep deprivation fight for another hour or so.
  54. [12:29] GT: What?
  55. [12:30] GT: Its not like im nodding off right this second man. Its more of a want than a need.
  56. [12:30] GT: ... two hours?
  57. [12:32] TT: Can you hold on for a minute.
  58. [12:32] GT: Yes.
  59. [12:32] TT: Thanks.
  60. [12:39] TT: You have to tell me what you two have been talking about.
  61. [12:39] GT: Uh.
  62. [12:40] GT: I dont even know where to begin summarizing. I guess a lot of its been about you.
  63. [12:41] TT: That's fine.
  64. [12:41] TT: Forget I asked.
  65. [12:41] GT: Its not exactly a big secret dirk.
  66. [12:42] GT: I think a lot of it youre already privy to anyway.
  67. [12:42] GT: In fact there wasnt a lot that was relevant to you even if it was technically about you??
  68. [12:42] GT: Its hard to explain.
  69. [12:43] GT: I guess a lot of it was about me being insecure about you?? And...
  70. [12:43] GT: I dont know. Going with the flow.
  71. [12:43] GT: I figured you had some manner of contempt for me thanks to various things and...
  72. [12:43] GT: Hal was kinda testing the waters, so to speak.
  73. [12:44] GT: Its insanely silly bro and you dont have to worry too much about it.
  74. [12:44] GT: Consider it an unnecessary background drama thats overplayed in the worst of ways! The music is bad, the acting is horrid, and the lighting is shitty.
  75. [12:45] GT: Theres no irony or laughs to be found for miles because its so corny bad it doesnt even make it to bad funny.
  76. [12:45] GT: Its the sort of play that children go running for the hills when they see.
  77. [12:45] GT: see it*
  78. [12:45] TT: There's no contempt it's
  79. [12:45] TT: Really the opposite.
  80. [12:46] GT: Whew. I hope you believe me man because it really WASNT all that interesting.
  81. [12:46] TT: I didn't mean it to come off that way, or to make you think I was thinking poorly towards you.
  82. [12:49] TT: Alright.
  83. [12:49] TT: Jake.
  84. [12:50] GT: Dirk?
  85. [12:50] TT: I know you think Hal's got it out for you, and even me but I really have to take his side on this and just come out with it already.
  86. [12:51] TT: Maybe I've been a little blunt towards you lately, or vague or even unnecessarily rude, however you took it.
  87. [12:51] TT: But like I said, that's not what my intention was at all. And it never has been.
  88. [12:52] GT: Its ok dirk. You dont have to explain beyond that.
  89. [12:53] GT: I get the gist of it anyhow. Im just glad you dont hold me in an ill light man! Its a relief from my mind.
  90. [12:53] GT: And it wasnt about you being exceptionally short or crass or anything like that. It was less a vibe i got and more of a worry?
  91. [12:53] GT: An unfounded one apparently but a worry all the same!
  92. [12:54] GT: What do you say we put this behind us bro and move onto a lighter subject?
  93. [12:54] TT: Sure thing.
  94. [12:56] TT: Sorry about all that. It was a bit of an unneeded drama, huh.
  95. [12:56] GT: Pfft!
  96. [12:57] GT: I didnt see the whole of it but i can tell you ive said worse!
  97. [12:57] GT: Youre fine.
  98. [12:57] GT: Said and *heard*!
  99. [12:58] GT: I mean if you want to get everything off your chest i can promise to be an objective ear! Ill refrain from giving opinions and only play the soothing best friend role.
  100. [12:58] TT: I don't think you're ready for that. Hell, I'm not ready for that.
  101. [12:59] GT: Im MORE than ready for it!
  102. [12:59] GT: But if you dont feel comfortable ill relent.
  103. [12:59] GT: I dont want to force you to say anything you dont want to. Or anything youre not ready for.
  104. [01:00] GT: You mean too much to me to push away like that so... uh.
  105. [01:00] GT: Ill be here whenever youre ready to chat. About the so called unneeded drama stuff.
  106. [01:00] GT: Or anything else.
  107. [01:01] GT: Not that im going anywhere or anything its more of an open-end offer deal.
  108. [01:01] TT: You need to stop, man.
  109. [01:01] GT: That was actually the last one.
  110. [01:01] GT: Ill be briefer though.
  111. [01:02] TT: That's not the issue.
  112. [01:02] TT: You can say what you want but I really do agree that a lighter topic is needed.
  113. [01:03] GT: Oh.
  114. [01:05] GT: Oh boy.
  115. [01:05] GT: I would man. I really would.
  116. [01:05] GT: Id open a dialogue about random movies and suggest we watch one together but i just got hit by a dizzy spell.
  117. [01:06] GT: So i think im going to get some shut eye.
  118. [01:06] TT: I knew you wouldn't last.
  119. [01:06] TT: Night bro.
  120. [01:06] GT: Argh.
  121. [01:06] GT: Fine.
  122. [01:06] GT: ONE movie.
  123. [01:06] GT: What do you want to watch?
  124. [01:06] TT: That wasn't a challenge.
  125. [01:06] GT: ... wait. I feel like i just uttered some kind of sacrilege there.
  126. [01:06] GT: Anyhow i dont care one diddly if it wasnt a challenge! Im taking it as one.
  127. [01:07] TT: You're going to make yourself sick.
  128. [01:07] GT: What sort of piece are you in the mood for??
  129. [01:07] GT: Pshaw. I doubt it.
  130. [01:07] GT: Im made of stern stuff dude i dont get sick all that easily!
  131. [01:07] GT: Ill be fine. Just wait and see.
  132. [01:08] GT: So i was trying to think of something that might be interesting but i cant decide.
  133. [01:08] GT: Theres a lot of movies havent seen in all the categories.
  134. [01:08] GT: I want to lean toward a horror flick but ive seen so many of them lately...
  135. [01:08] GT: Plus theres always the problem of what KIND of horror.
  136. [01:08] GT: Like the psychological variety or more gut slashing gore type?
  137. [01:10] TT: I think you should hit the hay.
  138. [01:10] GT: Theres comedy too but even there youve got some split...
  139. [01:10] GT: Dirk im fine! It was just a moment of random weakness. It wont happen again.
  140. [01:11] GT: Um. Yes.
  141. [01:11] GT: So thriller or adventure or comedy or romance or horror or adventure??
  142. [01:11] TT: The choices never end.
  143. [01:11] GT: You know there was a movie the other day i started that i was interested in finishing but never got the chance!
  144. [01:11] TT: This is your calling.
  145. [01:12] GT: It seemed interesting enough and i bet even a movie hating fun assassin like you would like it.
  146. [01:12] GT: And heck yes man. You know how much i love movies!
  147. [01:12] TT: Are you going to tell me the movie.
  148. [01:12] GT: Though i think youre just saying that to get me to shush about them for five minutes as opposed to assailing you with walls of green text pondering each categorys pros.
  149. [01:12] GT: Deadfall i think??
  150. [01:13] GT: categories8
  151. [01:13] GT: **
  152. [01:14] GT: Argh but id have to change rooms for it.
  153. [01:14] GT: I have snatch near me but ive seen it before. Then again its been a while.
  154. [01:14] GT: I dont rightly remember what happens but im sure youd enjoy it yourself!
  155. [01:14] GT: Oh and theres some other movies near me too. Let me see here what looks interesting...
  156. [01:15] GT: Shit.
  157. [01:15] GT: I just fell out of bed trying to grab the stacks.
  158. [01:16] GT: Hang on a sec.
  159. [01:16] TT: Haha. Alright.
  160. [01:17] GT: Shush it strider!
  161. [01:17] GT: Anyways lets see here...
  162. [01:17] GT: Boy these are some random as heck titles. Uh...
  163. [01:17] GT: OH. Oh. Wait thats not what i thought it was nevermind.
  164. [01:18] GT: But it does reek of the sort of fuddy duddy movie youd be into.
  165. [01:18] GT: Open water.
  166. [01:18] GT: Oh theres fight club haha. Jeez its been ages. Uhh.
  167. [01:19] GT: Some alfred hitchcock stuff. V for vendetta.
  168. [01:19] TT: To imagine you going through this every time you want to watch a movie is a little too much.
  169. [01:19] GT: Oh come on its not that bad!
  170. [01:19] TT: It's not bad, no. You've got this twisted passion for this stuff and I'm not dissing you for it.
  171. [01:20] GT: Oh. Um.
  172. [01:20] GT: Sorry i uh.
  173. [01:20] GT: I guess it sounded a little bit like an insult there.
  174. [01:20] GT: Um.
  175. [01:20] GT: Yeah so ive got tons of shit here on my floor but im not sure what *youre* into it what youd like to see.
  176. [01:21] GT: Youve got such weird tastes man its hard to please you.
  177. [01:21] TT: I wasn't planning on watching a movie.
  178. [01:21] TT: Pick something for yourself.
  179. [01:21] GT: ... oh.
  180. [01:21] GT: Right. You never *did* say youd watch it did you.
  181. [01:22] GT: I guess ive been making a lot of assumptions all by myself.
  182. [01:22] TT: How would I watch it anyway.
  183. [01:22] GT: I just thought itd be loads of fun if we were to align our watching and... i dont know.
  184. [01:22] TT: Oh.
  185. [01:22] GT: I guess youd root through your movie collection and wed play the 3... 2... 1... SYNC!
  186. [01:22] GT: Game.
  187. [01:23] TT: Pick a movie and I'll get it.
  188. [01:23] GT: Since im basically undecided and open to anything...
  189. [01:23] GT: Why dont you pick a movie?
  190. [01:23] TT: You mentioned Deadfall first.
  191. [01:24] TT: Give me 10 minutes and it wlil be mine.
  192. [01:24] GT: Roger!
  193. [01:25] TT: You sure you don't just want to get some rest.
  194. [01:25] GT: Its too late for that dirk! Im wide awake and ready to go!
  195. [01:25] GT: Unless youre having second thoughts about some dual cinema watching.
  196. [01:26] TT: No.
  197. [01:26] GT: Then ill hunker down and get some rest. But only if you genuinely dont want to do this.
  198. [01:27] GT: Ok so you get the movie and im gonna grab a few snacks to tide me over.
  199. [01:27] GT: Be back in about ten! Or fifteen.
  200. [01:27] GT: Fifteen at most.
  201. [01:27] TT: Take your time.
  202. [01:34] TT: I'm going to get some things myself.
  203. [01:34] TT: In case you're back when I'm not.
  204. [01:35] GT: Alrighty!
  205. [01:35] GT: I actually wandered back just now so you technically didnt miss me.
  206. [01:35] GT: Take your time though! Theres no rush. Ill be here for a while.
  207. [01:35] GT: Im rather startlingly awake right now so.
  208. [01:44] TT: You're probably going into some sleep deprived mode.
  209. [01:44] TT: And this is taking a hell of a lot longer than I thought.
  210. [01:44] TT: Which is irritating.
  211. [01:44] GT: Hmm. Maybe.
  212. [01:45] GT: To be honest its not like ive been up for some thirty or forty some hours so im doing fine enough!
  213. [01:45] GT: I slept rather well yesterday too so ive only been up some...
  214. [01:45] GT: ...
  215. [01:45] GT: However long.
  216. [01:45] GT: Whatever! Im doing dandy thats the point.
  217. [01:45] GT: So how long are we looking at here?
  218. [01:45] GT: Not that i mind waiting if its gone into the hour mark.
  219. [01:46] TT: I tried another one to see if it will go faster.
  220. [01:46] TT: I'll get back to you on that.
  221. [01:47] GT: Sure thing!
  222. [01:47] GT: I guess while were waiting on that we can talk more about movies. Or tv series.
  223. [01:47] GT: Theyre not my bread and butter. Tv series i mean.
  224. [01:47] TT: And why's that.
  225. [01:49] GT: Keeping up with those things for so dang long gets to be kinda tiresome! I mean having a hundred and some episodes that span some fifty minutes is like being spun around then shoved off with a "now pin the tail on the donkey!"
  226. [01:49] GT: Its disorienting as heck and trying to get your balance is a pain.
  227. [01:50] GT: I dont see the need for all these series upon series of episodic story of the day bull! Id rather watch one long feature and know whats happening as it happens than wonder what trivial thing is going to crop up in some 40 episodes.
  228. [01:50] GT: I guess that sounds weird somehow.
  229. [01:51] TT: Character development.
  230. [01:51] TT: You get to associate with a character, get involved with their life and see it from their perspective.
  231. [01:51] GT: Pshaw! Movies can have just as much development if not MORE.
  232. [01:51] TT: That being one character or a group of them.
  233. [01:51] TT: Sure they can.
  234. [01:52] TT: But TV shows were made for people to sit down on the couch after a presumably long day of work to laugh at others expense, or even cry I suppose.
  235. [01:52] GT: Thats true.
  236. [01:52] TT: They probably aren't as interesting to you because someone elses "in the moment" is different that yours.
  237. [01:53] GT: Maybe.
  238. [01:53] GT: I mean im not sure what turned me off exactly. I think it was a lot of things.
  239. [01:54] GT: Either way theres more than enough movies to tide me over.
  240. [01:54] TT: Do you have a grudge with a certain series that I don't know about
  241. [01:54] GT: Um. Not exactly.
  242. [01:54] GT: I tried a bunch of them dirk! I didnt make this decision out of no where.
  243. [01:55] GT: It was a long process of trial and error! I gave things a shot but i couldnt stay interested for more than handful of episodes.
  244. [01:55] GT: I wanted to see the story unfold before my eyes but the way they went about things was so goddamn elongated.
  245. [01:56] GT: Uh. Anyway i tried all the normal series! Like the different star treks and star gate.
  246. [01:56] GT: You know i love those movies so i figured my interest would stick through the series! Im sad to say that it failed spectacularly.
  247. [01:57] GT: Battlestar galactica. Torchwood. Doctor Who.
  248. [01:57] GT: You know the usual suspects!
  249. [01:57] TT: Of course.
  250. [01:57] GT: Oh jeez.
  251. [01:58] GT: Here i am talking about my stuff and i havent asked you anything about your interests.
  252. [01:58] GT: What tv shows do you like dirk?
  253. [01:59] TT: I don't mind listening to you.
  254. [02:01] GT: I dont mind listening to you either.
  255. [02:04] TT: Alright well.
  256. [02:04] TT: That's going to have to wait.
  257. [02:04] TT: Movies done.
  258. [02:04] GT: Capital!
  259. [02:05] GT: Whenever youre ready you can countdown.
  260. [02:05] TT: On go then.
  261. [02:05] TT: Three.
  262. [02:06] TT: Two.
  263. [02:06] TT: One.
  264. [02:06] TT: Go.
  265. [02:07] GT: Ive got an admission here dirk.
  266. [02:07] TT: Shit.
  267. [02:07] GT: Im not COMPLETELY sure what this movie is about.
  268. [02:07] GT: What?
  269. [02:07] TT: Pause your movie.
  270. [02:07] TT: I think I messed up haha.
  271. [02:07] GT: Paused!
  272. [02:07] GT: What happened?
  273. [02:08] GT: Oh no man is it like in russian or somethin.
  274. [02:08] TT: What's your time.
  275. [02:08] GT: About a minute thirty-two.
  276. [02:08] TT: Okay.
  277. [02:09] TT: You can probably play now.
  278. [02:09] TT: As in go.
  279. [02:09] GT: Playing!
  280. [02:09] TT: Ok.
  281. [02:09] GT: So what happened?
  282. [02:09] TT: I tried to get subtitles on.
  283. [02:09] GT: Oh! Yes. That happens.
  284. [02:10] TT: Shit.
  285. [02:10] GT: Oh jeez. A few minutes in and theres already an overturned car and POSSIBLY a few corpses!
  286. [02:10] TT: Yeah and there goes all that cash.
  287. [02:10] GT: I think that means this is going to be one jampacked feature full of excitement and potentially mayhem.
  288. [02:10] GT: Its ok. Im sure theyll figure something out!
  289. [02:10] TT: Lil sis you dead.
  290. [02:11] GT: I believe in their ability to do this shit dirk.
  291. [02:11] GT: Theyll gather up more dough through some caper or another and become zillionaires that rival the batterwitch!
  292. [02:11] GT: Oh. Or the cops could find them.
  293. [02:11] TT: Poor guy stumbled in on something bigger than he probably wanted to.
  294. [02:11] GT: Oh shit.
  295. [02:12] GT: Just a tad.
  296. [02:12] GT: No cop left alive!
  297. [02:12] GT: Jesus thats two bodies in like two minutes.
  298. [02:12] TT: Dude.
  299. [02:12] GT: These two are off to a stunning start man.
  300. [02:12] GT: What. Am i behind??
  301. [02:12] TT: No.
  302. [02:12] GT: Well. Not that i mind being behind a bit.
  303. [02:12] GT: Oh.
  304. [02:12] GT: Ahead?
  305. [02:12] GT: I can pause for a few seconds.
  306. [02:12] TT: I was saying dude because he shot the guy.
  307. [02:12] GT: Oh.
  308. [02:12] GT: Yes. Dude that.
  309. [02:13] GT: That DEFINITELY should earn a dude.
  310. [02:13] GT: You know i dont think ive ever seen a jail like that in a movie before.
  311. [02:13] GT: Was this some kind of really light security one where they let all the inmates dally about in the same community room??
  312. [02:13] GT: That seems like a judgment error on the wardens part but... heck.
  313. [02:13] GT: What do i know?
  314. [02:14] GT: Plus maybe they were all these really cool dudes who were best friends in jail!
  315. [02:14] GT: So they got special permission for it.
  316. [02:14] TT: I highly doubt that.
  317. [02:14] GT: Oh come on dirk.
  318. [02:15] GT: They could have been the nicest blokes around!
  319. [02:15] TT: I thought she was a kid at first.
  320. [02:15] GT: They got jailed for... um. Helping grannies across the street then having some very unfortunate circumstances land them in prison.
  321. [02:15] GT: She is on the short side.
  322. [02:16] GT: Do you think thats j or jay?
  323. [02:16] TT: Just J.
  324. [02:17] GT: Ha ha.
  325. [02:18] GT: I wonder if this is going to be a pov changing movie and eventually everything will align in a mystifying eyeboggling way has you dancing in your seat from excitement.
  326. [02:18] GT: Oh shit.
  327. [02:18] GT: Um.
  328. [02:18] GT: See now thats why you dont tick off a boxer?
  329. [02:18] TT: Wow.
  330. [02:18] TT: Oh.
  331. [02:18] GT: Does that make it three dead bodies?
  332. [02:19] TT: Take the money Jay.
  333. [02:19] GT: Were really racking up a count.
  334. [02:19] GT: Oh j or jay or whatever!
  335. [02:19] GT: Why didnt you stay and chat with the popo?? Youre at least FIVE times more suspicious now than you were before!
  336. [02:19] TT: He had blood literally on his hands.
  337. [02:19] GT: It uh.
  338. [02:20] GT: It was from *helping* the dude!
  339. [02:20] TT: Maybe the police.
  340. [02:20] TT: She knows her by name.
  341. [02:20] GT: All those granny saving scamps from prison can vouch for his character and chaste heart!
  342. [02:20] GT: Thy seem like theyre related or friends.
  343. [02:22] GT: So um.
  344. [02:22] GT: Did she say her bro could voyeur on her or something?
  345. [02:22] TT: Yeah.
  346. [02:23] GT: Er.
  347. [02:23] GT: Oh well im sure shes still an engaging character in her own right!
  348. [02:24] GT: And heck it WAS sort of a funny joke in a really weird surprising kind of way.
  349. [02:24] TT: Did you laugh?
  350. [02:24] GT: No.
  351. [02:24] GT: But i think it was a shock value joke instead of a haha joke.
  352. [02:25] GT: Ohhh.
  353. [02:26] GT: Shoot. That wasnt very nice.
  354. [02:26] TT: Rude.
  355. [02:26] GT: Im betting just for that comment shell rise to badassery before the end of the film!
  356. [02:26] GT: I just know it man. Shes going to do something AMAZING and then her father will acknowledge her.
  357. [02:27] TT: I can't tell who the bad guy is supposed to be at this point.
  358. [02:27] GT: Um.
  359. [02:27] GT: Her brother maybe? Or they havent been introduced.
  360. [02:27] TT: This guys wants money too.
  361. [02:27] GT: That or there is no strict bad guy only a lot of unfortuate circumstances that theyll have to deal with or eventually turn around.
  362. [02:27] GT: Well... true.
  363. [02:28] GT: But i still think its either that they havent been introduced yet or its the circumstances thing.
  364. [02:28] TT: Wonder what he did.
  365. [02:28] GT: The boxer??
  366. [02:28] TT: Yeah.
  367. [02:28] GT: It had something to do with a group of people then someone turned him in so...
  368. [02:28] GT: Im not sure.
  369. [02:28] GT: Its probably important info to keep in mind though.
  370. [02:29] GT: Like the villain might be the group that let him take the fall for whatever happened.
  371. [02:29] GT: Cheese and crackers!
  373. [02:29] TT: Hahahaha.
  375. [02:29] TT: Now I did.
  376. [02:30] GT: I think im ahead of you by a lot then.
  377. [02:30] GT: Let me pause for a little bit.
  378. [02:30] TT: Just a few seconds.
  379. [02:30] GT: More than a few maybe.
  380. [02:30] TT: Dang.
  381. [02:30] GT: Anyway i paused so uh.
  382. [02:30] GT: How many bodies is that now??
  383. [02:30] GT: Four?
  384. [02:30] TT: Yep.
  385. [02:30] GT: Its getting to be a lot and its surprisingly hard to keep track of.
  386. [02:30] TT: Four isn't that high a number.
  387. [02:30] GT: It is for however many minutes were in.
  388. [02:31] GT: Oh no.
  389. [02:31] GT: Shes going to use her sex appeal on him dirk.
  390. [02:32] GT: It would be kind of hilarious if he were gay i think.
  391. [02:32] GT: I think im going to root for it now for the sake of hijinks!
  392. [02:32] GT: Though its pretty obvious which team hes batting for.
  393. [02:32] GT: SEE! I knew she was a badass.
  394. [02:33] TT: He should nickname her patty.
  395. [02:33] TT: It sounds a lot less sexy.
  396. [02:34] GT: You dont know that. Maybe he gets unreasonable turned on by the idea of patties or pats.
  397. [02:34] TT: Patsy.
  398. [02:34] GT: Like what if he has some sort of fixation on buns and the like?
  399. [02:34] GT: That would probably just tick him off royally.
  400. [02:34] TT: This isn't a BBQ, Jake.
  401. [02:35] GT: You cant say that for ABSOLUTE certain yet.
  402. [02:35] GT: Theres still --
  403. [02:35] GT: OUCH!
  404. [02:35] GT: Dirk did you see that??
  405. [02:35] TT: Not yet.
  406. [02:35] TT: But I can assume.
  407. [02:35] GT: Can you.
  408. [02:35] GT: Tell me when you see it.
  409. [02:35] TT: I saw it.
  410. [02:35] GT: Ok then. Sheesh i wonder why we were so terribly off.
  411. [02:36] GT: It should be better now at least!
  412. [02:37] GT: Dirk.
  413. [02:37] GT: What if theres a bar shooting?
  414. [02:37] GT: They might all entrench themselves in the bar during a snow in.
  415. [02:37] GT: Or whatever the heck its called.
  416. [02:37] GT: I forget the term just now but you know what i mean!
  417. [02:37] TT: Yeah.
  418. [02:37] GT: Where theyre all trapped within thick blankets of snow.
  419. [02:39] TT: Now they're a married couple.
  420. [02:39] TT: This girl knows how to play it.
  421. [02:40] GT: Thats how you know shes trouble man.
  422. [02:40] GT: Oh no.
  423. [02:40] GT: Wait whats even happening.
  424. [02:40] GT: Im not sure why im oh no-ing yet.
  425. [02:40] TT: Oh no
  426. [02:40] TT: Come on.
  427. [02:40] GT: Oh no.
  428. [02:40] GT: For frigs freaking sake.
  429. [02:41] GT: Hes killed like three people and he fails to snipe some douchebag who is making his something or other brave a blizzard with a babe!
  430. [02:41] TT: Honestly.
  431. [02:41] GT: Oh. Ok.
  432. [02:41] GT: Wait.
  433. [02:41] GT: Is this their backstory?
  434. [02:42] TT: He did call the girl by her sisters name.
  435. [02:42] TT: His.
  436. [02:42] GT: Thats why i was wondering.
  437. [02:42] GT: Oh wait. Fuck.
  438. [02:42] GT: I wasnt paying attention did he have his finger?
  439. [02:42] GT: If he did it was a flashback!
  440. [02:42] GT: If not then it wasnt.
  441. [02:43] TT: It wasn't a flashback.
  442. [02:43] GT: So it just so happened that she had a similar name or that he randomly called her liza.
  443. [02:43] GT: Or maybe he really IS with the guys wife and thats why he came her.
  444. [02:44] TT: Don't drop the baby.
  445. [02:47] TT: Get off your high horse, you're no angel.
  446. [02:47] GT: He seems like an astute and deep fella whose seen a lot of tragedy.
  447. [02:47] GT: Pshaw!
  448. [02:47] GT: Hes not so bad dirk!
  449. [02:47] GT: He DID save her and her mom and her brother.
  450. [02:47] TT: Yeah, what a good guy. Killing four of the five dead in this film.
  451. [02:47] GT: Meanwhile this bloke is falling hard and fast for lil sis.
  452. [02:48] TT: Sparing a child and her mother.
  453. [02:48] TT: Incredible.
  454. [02:48] GT: Excuse you bro one of them was on ACCIDENT.
  455. [02:48] GT: The other three were intentional.
  456. [02:48] TT: I can't watch this.
  457. [02:48] GT: Wait is she genuinely in like with this dude or is this all pretending??
  458. [02:48] GT: Oh.
  459. [02:48] GT: Um.
  460. [02:48] GT: Right.
  461. [02:48] GT: Ill tell you when its over.
  462. [02:49] GT: Wait.
  463. [02:49] GT: Er.
  464. [02:49] TT: They aren't even in the bed.
  465. [02:49] GT: Sorry i thought for a second he was choking her.
  466. [02:49] GT: Maybe thats how PASSIONATE they were about their coupling!
  467. [02:49] GT: They couldnt wait for the bed they had to do it RIGHT THEN AND THERE.
  468. [02:50] TT: It's right next to them.
  469. [02:50] GT: Or something.
  470. [02:50] GT: No dirk you dont understand. It was the heat of the moment and uh.
  471. [02:50] GT: They had to.
  472. [02:50] GT: Plus it was a lot more romantic that way.
  473. [02:50] TT: Yes, passionate. I'm goign to fuck you on the firty floor of a pitstop in the middle of nowhere.
  474. [02:51] GT: Ha... ha. Uh.
  475. [02:51] GT: Ok i see your point.
  476. [02:51] GT: Haha.
  477. [02:51] GT: Perfect ride.
  478. [02:51] GT: Ahem.
  479. [02:51] GT: I feel like this little girl is going to shoot him before he leaves.
  480. [02:52] GT: What???
  481. [02:52] TT: She's his income little lady.
  482. [02:53] TT: Another story.
  483. [02:53] GT: This is the story of the lady in the cabin.
  484. [02:53] TT: What cabin.
  485. [02:53] GT: So technically its not really another one its just adding to an existing one that got introduced a ways ago.
  486. [02:53] TT: Oh.
  487. [02:53] GT: You know with mr angel?
  488. [02:54] TT: Everything kind of looks... Cabin like.
  489. [02:54] GT: Yes it does.
  490. [02:54] GT: They must be in some remote part of the us or canada.
  491. [02:54] TT: On the border.
  492. [02:54] GT: That makes sense.
  493. [02:54] TT: That's where they are headed.
  494. [02:54] GT: You know i think this girl is a little fixated.
  495. [02:55] TT: On?
  496. [02:55] GT: Anyone.
  497. [02:55] GT: Specifically her bro but mostly anyone.
  498. [02:55] TT: She is manipulative.
  499. [02:56] TT: For the best, but what she's saying is really cunning.
  500. [02:56] GT: Oh man. I cant believe she lied about him ditching her.
  501. [02:56] GT: I really thought he did!
  502. [02:56] TT: Hahaha.
  503. [02:56] GT: And now shes getting him jealous on purpose.
  504. [02:57] TT: She almost made it into that truck.
  505. [02:57] GT: Ok you may be right about her being a cunning lass! Shes manipulating just about everyone shes met so far in some way.
  506. [02:57] GT: Ive got my doubts that she would have gone.
  507. [02:57] TT: She's cunning because she has to be.
  508. [02:58] GT: It makes her interesting, i think.
  509. [02:59] TT: You're pretty good at this.
  510. [02:59] GT: Her?
  511. [02:59] TT: You.
  512. [02:59] GT: I think shes telling the truth here personally!
  513. [02:59] GT: Me??
  514. [02:59] TT: Yes.
  515. [02:59] GT: Good at what?
  516. [02:59] TT: Backstory.
  517. [03:00] GT: Thanks i think. Though im not sure why youre saying that given i didnt call much of anything of her story.
  518. [03:01] TT: Her father was a monster, implying he was either abusive or just a really terrible person.
  519. [03:01] TT: Someone shot him the same way Lisa's father died.
  520. [03:01] GT: Oh. That.
  521. [03:01] GT: Thats pretty loose though. Im not sure it counts.
  522. [03:01] TT: Maybe.
  523. [03:01] GT: I do feel like she has some genuine feelings for this gent shes with though.
  524. [03:01] GT: If that means anything to you.
  525. [03:01] GT: I think shes playing him something hard at the same time but in the end shes going to have one of those heart of gold moments where she turns into a grand person!
  526. [03:02] GT: Or at least has to make some kind of choice between him and her bro.
  527. [03:02] GT: Which i guess is kind of a obvious setup considering how shes playing both sides.
  528. [03:02] TT: They treat her terribly.
  529. [03:03] GT: Im thinking a lot of it has to do with her dad.
  530. [03:03] TT: Oh fuck.
  531. [03:03] GT: They probably dont respect her much because her dad doesnt and hes--
  532. [03:03] GT: NAPOLEONS BLUE BEARD!
  533. [03:03] GT: How many bodies does he intend to get??
  534. [03:03] TT: Stupid little girl.
  535. [03:04] GT: Did he get one of the cops??
  536. [03:04] GT: I think he got one but missed the other.
  537. [03:04] TT: I figure the guy was wearing a safety vest.
  538. [03:04] GT: And LOOK AT THAT! Shes giving pursuit like a true BADASS.
  539. [03:04] TT: Or I hope he was.
  540. [03:04] GT: If he wasnt we might not ever hear about it.
  541. [03:05] TT: Woah.
  542. [03:05] GT: Uh oh.
  543. [03:05] GT: Ouch.
  544. [03:05] GT: So um.
  545. [03:05] GT: Six?
  546. [03:05] GT: Seven??
  547. [03:06] TT: Seven included the maybe vested guy.
  548. [03:06] GT: Hes really aiming to be the mvp of the movies.
  549. [03:06] TT: Kill him.
  550. [03:06] GT: Or movie.
  551. [03:09] GT: Probably some kinda cartoon character or something.
  552. [03:09] GT: Oh.
  553. [03:09] GT: Close enough!
  554. [03:10] GT: Ok yes hes dead.
  555. [03:10] GT: Thats seven for sure.
  556. [03:12] TT: No way.
  557. [03:12] GT: No way?
  558. [03:12] TT: Is that his mothers house.
  559. [03:12] GT: Um. Probably.
  560. [03:12] GT: The girl DID tell him where it was.
  561. [03:13] GT: Im rather fond of her myself.
  562. [03:13] GT: Theres something about her that reminds me of someone. Im not sure what it is.
  563. [03:14] GT: I think its how she braves danger with such a calm and soothing air!
  564. [03:14] TT: Hah.
  565. [03:14] GT: I also feel like shes going to whap him with an iron at some point.
  566. [03:16] TT: Happy thanksgiving.
  567. [03:17] GT: Aw.
  568. [03:17] GT: I knew there was a rather i had a soft spot for the ole gal!
  569. [03:17] GT: Shes sorta like a grandmother.
  570. [03:19] GT: Clever.
  571. [03:19] GT: Letting her play the part of a hostage to get into their confidence!
  572. [03:20] GT: Its one of those ruthless schemes that nobody ever sees coming.
  573. [03:21] GT: As for this dude i wonder what his story is and why hes such a hardass on his daughter.
  574. [03:21] TT: He lost his wife.
  575. [03:21] GT: Oh. Did they say it or is that a guess?
  576. [03:21] TT: No, they said it.
  577. [03:21] GT: I would assume itd have to be a little more than just that.
  578. [03:21] GT: Though it does explain a heckuva lot about him.
  579. [03:21] GT: Did they give a timeframe?
  580. [03:22] GT: Or did they just say that she died and nothing else?
  581. [03:22] GT: Sheesh where was i when that bit of exposition happened.
  582. [03:22] TT: Watch the movie J.
  583. [03:22] GT: Pfft!
  584. [03:22] GT: Right-o.
  585. [03:23] TT: He doesn't even stand up.
  586. [03:23] GT: Eugh.
  587. [03:23] TT: Yo.
  588. [03:24] GT: Ok so it was that he took a dive.
  589. [03:24] GT: Oh no.
  590. [03:25] GT: He turned him in or something.
  591. [03:25] GT: So much for the syndicate theory.
  592. [03:29] TT: Here comes dingbat.
  593. [03:29] GT: What do you think the chances are of hannahs dad dying before the end?
  594. [03:30] TT: Why don't we wait and see.
  595. [03:30] GT: Frig. Fine.
  596. [03:31] TT: Oh no.
  597. [03:31] GT: Well.
  598. [03:31] GT: That means he did listen to his daughter.
  599. [03:31] GT: Its something of a step in the right direction before he takes his final bow.
  600. [03:32] GT: Sigh...
  601. [03:32] TT: NO
  602. [03:32] GT: Obviously!!!
  603. [03:32] GT: Sheesh.
  604. [03:33] GT: Ouch.
  605. [03:33] GT: Why didnt he pull it from the table??
  606. [03:33] GT: That would have been a lot easier and less nerve destroying!
  607. [03:33] GT: Oh frig but THERES SO MUCH HAPPENING.
  608. [03:33] GT: Dirk!
  609. [03:33] GT: Look!
  610. [03:34] GT: Ok so i was wrong about hannah ever being important somehow.
  611. [03:34] TT: What.
  612. [03:35] GT: What do you mean?
  613. [03:36] GT: I guess thats that.
  614. [03:36] TT: Interesting.
  615. [03:36] GT: I dont know about you dirk but i thought it was a really engaging film full of twists and turns!
  616. [03:36] TT: It was alright, yeah.
  617. [03:36] GT: Pfft!
  618. [03:37] TT: A good hour and a half spent.
  619. [03:37] GT: It was more than alright it was GREAT.
  620. [03:37] TT: Of course it was.
  621. [03:37] GT: There you are man. I knew you wouldnt regret it.
  622. [03:37] GT: Of course im not actually tired so hm.
  623. [03:37] TT: You're kidding.
  624. [03:38] GT: How do you expect me to sleep after watching such an action packed movie??
  625. [03:38] GT: Im practically buzzing in my seat here bro.
  626. [03:38] GT: I could watch another two. Or heck. THREE.
  627. [03:38] GT: Whats your opinion on james bond??
  628. [03:39] TT: You're planning on watching a Bond movie?
  629. [03:39] GT: I was kidding about bond but hm.
  630. [03:39] GT: It doesnt sound like a bad choice after this movie.
  631. [03:40] GT: Then again its pretty action oriented stuff so maybe it wouldnt put me in the best of mentalities to get some shut eye.
  632. [03:40] GT: I wont make you watch anything else with me though dirk. You dont have to worry.
  633. [03:41] TT: I wasn't worrying.
  634. [03:42] GT: Pfft.
  635. [03:42] GT: Ok.
  636. [03:42] GT: I will probably log off though so i can focus on watching movies.
  637. [03:43] GT: I get a little distracted when ive got a chums ear.
  638. [03:43] GT: As you probably noticed.
  639. [03:43] TT: It's totally up to you.
  640. [03:44] TT: Also, this was a pretty fun deal.
  641. [03:44] TT: I figured I should mention that.
  642. [03:45] GT: Of course it was. I love talking with you even when were just sitting around bantering about movies.
  643. [03:45] GT: Or bantering while *watching* movies.
  644. [03:45] GT: Basically im always having fun with you man no matter what were doing and this is no exception!
  645. [03:47] GT: Thanks though. Im glad to hear youve been having yourself a gay ole time. Youve got this penchant for being severe and serious so...
  646. [03:47] GT: So its good to see you lightening up from time to time.
  647. [03:47] GT: Im going to head off now though.
  648. [03:47] GT: I really enjoyed our time together here dirk and i hope we can do it again sometime.
  649. [03:47] GT: See you!
  650. [03:48] TT: Me too.
  651. [03:48] TT: Talk to you later.
  652. -- golgothasTerror [GT] ceased pestering timaeusTestified [TT] at 03:48 --
  653. -- golgothasTerror [GT] changed their mood to OFFLINE  --
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