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Metro Holografix Description

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Jun 25th, 2018
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  1. The album title " Metro Holografix " comes from a shop in " Night City " , a city depicted in great detail by William Gibson in his book " Neuromancer " , the man who coined the term "
  2. cyberspace " . " Metro Holografix " is a modest Junk Shop with an old metal door and a faded grey neon .As I look in today's cyberpunk all I see is " neuromancer " , not in a schizophrenic
  3. way of course , it's just I can see how the book influenced the cyberpunk world ....even what you call synthwave aesthetics can be found in " Neuromancer " , even Blade Runner is
  4. " Neuromancer " . The city covered in darkness with diverse shops with neon signs , the constant rain , the high technology mixed with poverty , the gangsters , the rich , the poor ,
  5. the corruption , the evil corporation , hackers , it's all there ! and it's all in my album as well ....For about 2 years I have immersed myself in this aesthetic and have tried to offer my own
  6. expression of it through music . " A world within " is a track that speaks of the people who are searching for fake gold , instead of looking for the gold that is within themselves , there is a
  7. whole world , a priceless world within you , and that is where the lyrics " I see a world within your eyes " came from and that world is something worth fighting for ! which brings me to the
  8. next song " In Zbor " which is a track written in my own language " romanian " because it's a very personal track and since we are in the synthwave culture where we get all nostalgic what
  9. better way to celebrate that than with a song that brings up lyrics about an authentic childhood that we the 90s kids had ...that's when I actually played cassettes and watched movies of the
  10. 80s with Arnold ! the lyrics are not specifically about that but they capture the atmosphere that we can all relate to ...but since I am addressing this album to an international english speaking
  11. language I guess it's up to the harmonies and instruments used to trarnsmit that feeling of adventure ! Adventure is also a place where me and Donbor travelled when we created track
  12. number 5 " Trails Of Freedom " but this time in a place of rebellion against the system , as we know Donbor's success hit is called " Against The Law " so that is also a place I like to
  13. explore and express from a sound design perspective , the people of Night City are fed up with the corruption and they rise against it by following the trails of freedom ! On this fight for
  14. freedom the people are also joined by the " nano fire flies " , track no. 8 , which are self aware nano technology fire flies that move as a swarm . They attack in a very graceful and delicate
  15. formation and are no match for the slow machines of the corporation , their delicate moves had to be represented by something the same as delicate and that is Kashmir 11's voice which was
  16. a pleasure to work with on this track .The nano fire flies have become self aware in the middle of their creation and so broke free and saught their own freedom , they found it amongst the
  17. " Forgotten Robots " which is a camp of obsolete robots outside of Night City . The nano fire flies were initially created as a super weapon for the protection of the system but it turns out
  18. that plan didn't work out so well and now they just live along the outcast machines which is another reason why the absolete robot camp is not destroyed , because the nano fire flies protect
  19. them and you just simply can't mess with them ...not to mention that when under threat they can self replicate and become a giant blob of absolute destruction . When at peace these creatures
  20. are very peaceful and I would say adorable . A cyberpunk influenced album would not be that much of a cyberpunk if we didn't have the cyberspace . In Night City there is quite an impressive
  21. cyberspace which you can connect to and be a part of by having your consciousness " jacked in " , track 10 , a short track but very to the point ! hack the system or simply hang out and
  22. experience what your physical real life world limitations cannot achieve . In the landscape of which Night City is part of there are also other cities but unfortunately many are the same
  23. as corrupt so therefore " cities of corruption " part 1 and 2 .These tracks emanate that dystopian vibe at its fullest along with the track " night drive wanderers " . Just think of night riders
  24. ...the romantic warriors of the night that do not comply with the system and are also skilled at hiding their traces . Overall " Night City " is a place where everything exists , from the most bad
  25. to the most good , all the contrasts are there , and this is how the album ends , which part of that contrast will you find yourself in ?
  26. close your eyes , listen to the album and fly through your imagination ! This is Metro Holografix !
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